ultraanopenmind · 3 years
Retrospective thought no.1
These days I have started to question literally anything and everything about existence and especially on why do I have feelings about certain things or not. Today I asked myself, why don’t I feel patriotic or connected to my homeland anymore. It can’t just be money or opportunities, I just feel it is a distant land and I don’t feel I belong there. I feel sorry for feeling so.
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ultraanopenmind · 4 years
Euphoria in watching it
I could not help but pen how elated I am while I watch the series. Although it deals with depressing subjects like drugs, loss of a loved one and its impact on family members, body shaming, slut shaming, bullying, teenage violence, but it is one of the best written shows from this decade. Each character carries a bag of qualities and infirmities, making them more human and relatable. Each backstory defines a character and discloses the mould that helps the viewer to understand why a certain character behaves in a certain manner. There are no mean girls, because each and every person is a mean girl. This show actually poses a vital question in the age of millennials - how far would you go to feel good? Will it be the death of all niceties, basic human decency, and being good old traditionally good to attain this one moment of euphoria? In the age where internet is forever and where we document each and every moment good and bad, exuberating and embarrassing, we are constantly walking on shards of glasses. Whether we are careful ornot, we are bound to bleed. 
Most importantly thank you the 3 great Ls (Ron Lesham, Dapha Levin and Sam Levinson) for creating such intricate and actual characters. Shout out to Zendaya, Hunter Schafer, Barbie Ferreria, Sydney Sweeney, Alexa Demie and Maude Aptow for their awesome work! 
Love watching this series!
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ultraanopenmind · 4 years
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#tryingtogomacro #photography #summerwildness
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ultraanopenmind · 6 years
J’adore lis live en Français! <3
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ultraanopenmind · 6 years
A truly good political read
<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20821140-world-order" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="World Order" src="https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1400873909m/20821140.jpg" /></a><a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20821140-world-order">World Order</a> by <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/28442.Henry_Kissinger">Henry Kissinger</a><br/> My rating: <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2236579075">5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br /> A truly wonderful book that connects political history of the world that has shaped the politics and the cultural ideology of today. The vicious circle of how acrimonious decisions in one country instigates world tension has never been better deciphered. <br />One of the aspects that has perplexed me is how the winning allies are considered to be "balancers of power" in the world. Probably that is because the author belongs to the generation of Americans, who believe, "We're the greatest! And our friends (the Brits) are the best!". To me the part of the world wars showed the two countries to be heroic and destined to save the world from the clutches of the crazy guy, which sure they did and I am grateful to that. But, the mentioning of Poland falling into the repressive hands, the deprivation of British colonies were left unspoken of. Also, there were no notes to political Africa. Sure, most countries of the naturally rich, dark continent has no stable political altars, but I was surely looking for how consumerism in other parts of the world influences African politics, and vice versa.<br />One of the most enjoyable parts of the book is when you come to how technology reshapes our life and mindset. And, I know, some people may disagree, but humankind has never been so kind, accepting, intelligent, and this is also because of advancements in science and technology. The author pens down the achievements of man in science and describes its effect on world culture and politics in an undeniably good way.<br />Read it and it will be one of the best books that you have ever red! <br/><br/> <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/21953718-chaitali-chakraborty">View all my reviews</a>
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ultraanopenmind · 6 years
One of the best things that happen to you when you learn other languages, is that you get exposed to the ideology of the culture and the basic character of the population. For example : Deutsch- sehr logisch und ehrlich, Polski- piękny i proty and Français- beau, compliqué est sexy! :D
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ultraanopenmind · 6 years
Standing Abs Exercises - 10 Minute Standing Abs Workout to Lose Belly Fat
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ultraanopenmind · 6 years
When Cousins Marry (Family Documentary) - Real Stories
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ultraanopenmind · 6 years
Lou (2017) short film-Something every child should see (also adults) 
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ultraanopenmind · 6 years
The Weight of the Nation: Poverty and Obesity (HBO Docs)- “For 2$ you can get products of 1300 cal. For less than 3$ you can get calories more than sufficient for a day”- the doctor in the series.
It is haunting and sad to see how economic disparity and less accessibility to fresh vegetables and fruits and especially the time to cook the food (because they work to to three jobs to survive). 
It is not a picture of USA alone, but for any poor community in any developed or under- developed country. It is high time that as a part of the humanity we think,contrive and contribute to help economically challenged neighborhoods  with means to consume healthier. A healthier population  with mental sanity would be alike pillars of success for not only a country but also for the humanity.
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ultraanopenmind · 6 years
Girliyapa's Ladies Room Bakchodi E01 | 'To Stick or Not to Stick'-The double statements are soooooooo coooolllllll!!!
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ultraanopenmind · 6 years
The Struggle Of Being Mixed Race- Well this race should be called-Multirace! 
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ultraanopenmind · 6 years
Can A Man Be A Feminist?-Feminism is not about detaching masculinity from men. It is more about giving the sexes in the human race a slack to ascribe their feelings, to be compassionate, and to accept themselves the way they are. I loved the Buzzfeed  men who described feminism in such a wonderful way. Kudos!!!
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ultraanopenmind · 6 years
Guys Guess The Price Of Period Products
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ultraanopenmind · 6 years
Feeding disorders
Rare disorders regarding feeding
I am a fan of medical documentaries. I watch plenty of them online, read about them on a medical blog or on NCBI pubmed. And my personal feelings after each one of it, is that I am extremely lucky to be born normal. The sheer chance that made have a pair of working hands, legs, mouth, vocal chords, and a brain that can process information and make my body work in a controlled fashion is a gift. A gift that we all take for granted. In today’s world, we are in a race to topple people on the basis of intelligence, physical attributes, wealth and so on. But, we are lucky to be participants of that race. We enjoy food, eat out at expensive restaurants, cook our favorite meals. If we put on weight, we hit the gym to lose it. This idea alone of enjoying our meals, or the conscious decision alone that we should work out because we are bloating is a gift. A gift that our brains and our body coordinates us to make our decision. But what if this coordination is lost?
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I am going to describe two diseases that affects a minority population and has devastating affects on the individual, the family, friends, and the social contact between the patient and other people.
Prader-Willi Syndrome: It is a disease that affects 1 in 10,000-30,0000 individuals. Its a genetic disorder, where there is  loss of gene expression from the paternally derived chromosome 15q11.2-q13. This happens because this region is deleted or the maternal uniparental disomy. These patients have growth hormone deficiency, therefore their muscles do not develop like normal children. As an infant they are excessively small and do not like eating. But when the disease kicks in, they devour so much that they develop obesity, heart disease, Type II diabetes. They need constant monitoring on what they can eat and how much they can eat. Since their brain is incapable of informing that they are full, they are always hungry. It affects, parents and family members, because they do not know whether their child would be able tolive a completely independent life ever. Also, what accompanies this disease is obsessive-compulsive disorder, tantrums  and anger. To make matters worse the only good remedy is providing growth hormone to the patient and this applies to children below a certain age. Growth hormone does not cure Prader-Willi, it just helps them to develop the muscles needed to sustain. For adults, they have to consciously control themselves. I am adding few documentaries’ and article links below for you to learn more about this disorder.
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Documentary- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80kuDPQTHCs
Esophagal atresia- It is the condition when, usually  the esophagus (food pipe), is not connected with the stomach. It affects, 1 in 2500 new born babies. Especially when the baby is born prematurely. Its a developmental disorder when the sonic hedgehog gene expression is defective in the embryo. This gene and other genes in the same pathway are responsible for separating the wind pipe (trachea) and the food pipe. Defective expression means that there is no separation. So the child cannot swallow. Although, it can be cured surgically, but the parents might have to suffer frustration and fear for a couple of years before they could finally see the child bite french fries. In case of an English patient Tia McCarthy, it took 10 years. All these years the child is fed by a tube which connects food directly to the digestive system. So the sad part is the child does not know about the gift of taste. Something that we are used to. Also, if the patient has defective heart conditions, it makes the treatment take longer.  I am proving the links below for you to watch and learn about this disorder.
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Documentary- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHB4eylBEwU
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ultraanopenmind · 6 years
People Talk About How They Dealt With Their Mental Health Issues- I completely agree that expressing your emotions and talking out loud to your close peers will help. But, I guess there should be more research onto what physiological changes takes place in your body when you undergo depression.
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ultraanopenmind · 6 years
Rare disorders regarding feeding
I am a fan of medical documentaries. I watch plenty of them online, read about them on a medical blog or on NCBI pubmed. And my personal feelings after each one of it, is that I am extremely lucky to be born normal. The sheer chance that made have a pair of working hands, legs, mouth, vocal chords, and a brain that can process information and make my body work in a controlled fashion is a gift. A gift that we all take for granted. In today’s world, we are in a race to topple people on the basis of intelligence, physical attributes, wealth and so on. But, we are lucky to be participants of that race. We enjoy food, eat out at expensive restaurants, cook our favorite meals. If we put on weight, we hit the gym to lose it. This idea alone of enjoying our meals, or the conscious decision alone that we should work out because we are bloating is a gift. A gift that our brains and our body coordinates us to make our decision. But what if this coordination is lost?
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I am going to describe two diseases that affects a minority population and has devastating affects on the individual, the family, friends, and the social contact between the patient and other people.
Prader-Willi Syndrome: It is a disease that affects 1 in 10,000-30,0000 individuals. Its a genetic disorder, where there is  loss of gene expression from the paternally derived chromosome 15q11.2-q13. This happens because this region is deleted or the maternal uniparental disomy. These patients have growth hormone deficiency, therefore their muscles do not develop like normal children. As an infant they are excessively small and do not like eating. But when the disease kicks in, they devour so much that they develop obesity, heart disease, Type II diabetes. They need constant monitoring on what they can eat and how much they can eat. Since their brain is incapable of informing that they are full, they are always hungry. It affects, parents and family members, because they do not know whether their child would be able tolive a completely independent life ever. Also, what accompanies this disease is obsessive-compulsive disorder, tantrums  and anger. To make matters worse the only good remedy is providing growth hormone to the patient and this applies to children below a certain age. Growth hormone does not cure Prader-Willi, it just helps them to develop the muscles needed to sustain. For adults, they have to consciously control themselves. I am adding few documentaries’ and article links below for you to learn more about this disorder.
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Documentary- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80kuDPQTHCs
Esophagal atresia- It is the condition when, usually  the esophagus (food pipe), is not connected with the stomach. It affects, 1 in 2500 new born babies. Especially when the baby is born prematurely. Its a developmental disorder when the sonic hedgehog gene expression is defective in the embryo. This gene and other genes in the same pathway are responsible for separating the wind pipe (trachea) and the food pipe. Defective expression means that there is no separation. So the child cannot swallow. Although, it can be cured surgically, but the parents might have to suffer frustration and fear for a couple of years before they could finally see the child bite french fries. In case of an English patient Tia McCarthy, it took 10 years. All these years the child is fed by a tube which connects food directly to the digestive system. So the sad part is the child does not know about the gift of taste. Something that we are used to. Also, if the patient has defective heart conditions, it makes the treatment take longer.  I am proving the links below for you to watch and learn about this disorder.
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Documentary- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHB4eylBEwU
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