undeadtears66 · 6 months
Of Glass And Stone
A/N: Hi, this is my first ever time posting on here and I'm not fully aware on how to do this. Here is the prologue of a story that I am writing. Let me know if you enjoy it and I will release the next two chapters.
Many centuries ago there was an old temple made out of pure silver that resided in the most sacred forest in all of the realm. The temple was designed to learn about and worship the three moon goddesses. A few lucky students would be chosen each year to reside in the temple and learn about the goddesses and how to abide to their needs. These students would be seen wearing silver robes that would glisten in the light of the moon; as well as adorning a sacred mark bestowed upon them from their chosen sister. Each of the sisters had their own special tie to the rest of the world that would be enhanced in the light of the moon. The oldest sister was named Fala, who controlled the plants in the forest and their growth, those who felt drawn to nature would often become favoured by Fala. The second youngest of the sisters was Morana who spent most of her time caring for and communicating with the night life of the forest, those who had a bubbly personality and a free spirit would often become a favourite of hers. The youngest of the sisters was named Nerezza who was given a severely different gift to her sisters; she was given the gifts of the dark side of the moon, such as ruling over the shadows and controlling the darkest parts of the human mind. The students Nerezza favoured were few, but those that she did would often be found in libraries with their heads stuck in a book, delving into the words on the pages. No matter how different the three sisters were the love they held for one another did not change, they were in harmony and the forest was in peace. However the peace could only last so long, soon enough as the years went by the temple would become bustling with favoured students for both Fala and Morana but little would show for their sister. This began to confuse and frustrate Nerezza as the sisters had always agreed to have an even amount of students each. When Nerezza reached out to her two older sisters about her concerns and her weakening state due to the lack of worship at her shrine they simply laughed in her face and told her that she was delusional. This caused the goddess to anger, to darken and for her heart to harden, so much so that on the night where the moon was at it's fullest she slaughtered her sisters and many of the students with a sacrificial dagger. Nerezza would then strip herself of her clothing and bathe in the blood of her victims. The students that had managed to flee from her wrath claimed to have heard the sounds of her cackling laughter all the way to the edge of the forest; the very sound causing the forest to shake in horror.
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