unexact-silver 6 years
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unexact-silver 7 years
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馃摲 Marnie Hawson
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unexact-silver 7 years
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I Don鈥檛 Know, Otter, That Doesn鈥檛 Look Very Tasty to Me
Via kiguru_e_mi
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unexact-silver 7 years
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Classic Chesley Bonestell art on the cover of Collier鈥檚, March 22, 1952.
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unexact-silver 7 years
*arrives at fifth most populous city in france*
me: Nice
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unexact-silver 7 years
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The art of聽 Milan Bauer - Graphic / Art / Etching (Czech Republic)
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unexact-silver 7 years
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Istanbul, Turkey
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unexact-silver 7 years
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unexact-silver 7 years
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I was taking photos of my grandmas cat and !!!! He got the peg!!!!! !!!!!!!!!
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unexact-silver 7 years
I don鈥檛 use this account any more. Which is partly why I鈥檓 using it now. A place of my own- a place to vent.
I met a girl, of the kind who gets under your skin. I met this girl, and it was like setting off a sparkler. In the sense that it was brilliant for roughly ten seconds and then it was a burnt out stick. Well, a month. Another month has gone now, and she鈥檚 still there, in my head.聽
I was riding my bike in the sun this morning, listening to John Mayer. And yeah, I thought, say what you need to say. Except I really can鈥檛 say it to her because I barely know the girl and that would be weird and a little creepy. I鈥檝e always been somebody who doesn鈥檛 fall head over heels very easily, but when I do it鈥檚 the full monty. But here, I鈥檓 allowed to say what I need to say. And here is what I鈥檇 say to her if I had the balls.
I spoke to you first because I knew I鈥檇 like you, there鈥檚 that gut feeling you get, even just from a couple of sentences, that you鈥檒l hit it off with somebody without question. I never speak first, but I broke my own rule, because I knew I鈥檇 like you.聽
And then we went out, the next day. A 17th, as it would happen. You don鈥檛 know about me and 17ths, but they鈥檙e a thing; a something is happening date. Injuries, messages, exams, first times. I didn鈥檛 pay any attention to it when I asked you out, it was only afterwards that I realised. I鈥檓 not superstitious (but I am a little stitious.)聽
Going out with you was like getting coffee with an old friend you haven鈥檛 seen in a while. We talked about everything, anything, and it was so easy. I鈥檓 pretty awkward as a person and a lot of the time I鈥檓 kind of shy, so if I feel totally comfortable talking to somebody then that鈥檚 kind of a big deal. If it had come up, I鈥檇 have answered any question you put to me, I鈥檇 have told you stuff that I probably wouldn鈥檛 tell a lot of my friends, because it seemed natural, like you鈥檇 understand. And then all of a sudden it was five thirty and we鈥檇 been talking three and a half hours, and they were kicking us out to close up.
聽It鈥檚 not the date itself that resonates with me so much. It鈥檚 the feeling I had after we said goodbye.聽
I walk home through Bute Park, because it鈥檚 the nicest way home. The whole time I was walking I felt like skipping. I felt like I was walking down one of those flat escalator things they have in airports where it doesn鈥檛 feel like you鈥檙e walking at all because it鈥檚 such little effort. The best comparison I can make is when you鈥檝e hiked up a massive hill and you finally reach the top. It鈥檚 not specifically you, I suppose, it was the concept of having a date, with a girl, that went well. It was like that weight of being gay, and that fog I鈥檝e had since meeting 8, and all those depressing little voices in the back of my head that tell me I鈥檓 unlovable were all just blown away. When I climbed up to Triund in the Himalayas I looked down at the Kangra Valley and realised how big the world was, how far I could roam, and how much was ahead. I鈥檓 not saying you鈥檙e the Kangra Valley or anything, but that鈥檚 what going out with you represented. Possibility, freedom, perspective. I couldn鈥檛 stop smiling. I couldn鈥檛 wait to see you again.聽
Except I didn鈥檛 see you again. And that sucks, because we could鈥檝e had something nice. Tell me you didn鈥檛 feel those same feelings, tell me it鈥檚 all in my head. Then maybe I can let you go.聽
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unexact-silver 7 years
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unexact-silver 7 years
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unexact-silver 7 years
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Signe Bay | @signebay
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unexact-silver 7 years
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Didier Graffet
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unexact-silver 7 years
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unexact-silver 7 years
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by Carly Watts
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unexact-silver 7 years
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