unstabledreamparty · 1 year
Hi!!!😛😛😛 my name is Angsty Anon😛 and I am a very angsty soul 🧐
I was wondering if I could request a Alcina x masc reader YN who is very stubborn and has an “I don’t need anyone to take care of me”attitude that gets sick? Reeder wakes up and feels really sick, but doesn’t want to bother Alcina’s because they know she’s busy with work so they go to do their daily tasks with a fever of 103, shakes and chills, and they pass out while working as like the groundskeeper, landscaper, or custodian, whatever.
Basically, just Alsina, taking care of a reader, who feels very bad that they are sick and doesn’t want to burden in Alcina, but Alcina is very protective of them.
Ooh 😮 I love it!
“Darling, your sick. You should stay in bed for the time being, until you get better.” You looked at Alcina and scoffed “I should be ok, I can still walk. If I can still walk, then I can still work.” Alcina knew you were going to be stubborn, it’s how you were. “Darling, you have a fever of 103! You are going to overwork yourself and make your fever worse!” Alcina tried everything to get you to stay in bed, but you still ended up doing your chores. “Cassandra!” Alcina was a little bit upset with you working with a fever, so she had to take extra precaution. “Yes, mother?” Cassandra knew something was wrong, she saw you working the grounds shaking like a leaf, and your heartbeat was a little bit to fast for her liking. “I want you to watch [name], they are incredibly sick and they refuse to lay down!” ‘Ooh… so that’s what it was!’ Cassandra nodded “I will tell the others. Is that all you needed to tell me, mother?” Alcina shook her head “no, dear, you may go back to your chores.” Cassandra left in a hurry to go find you, she was afraid of you over working yourself.
The three girls watched you very closely, scared something may happen. “They don’t look that sick.” Bela said while picking up a rose and tearing off the petals “I mean, they are shaking.” Cassandra said while watching you, almost intrigued “and their heartbeat is quite fast.” The final one said while listening to your heartbeat, scared it’s going to stop at any moment.
You were starting to feel tired, but you kept going. You had to get these chores done! You only have 2 more to do, you can’t give up now! But… it’s hard to resist the urge to fall asleep now… you couldn’t help but notice how everything was spinning, the roses were spinning, the castle was spinning, hell, even your hands were spinning! What’s going on..? Your legs started giving out on you, and before you know it, your on the floor. Possibly lifeless. That’s how it looked to the three girls anyway…
“Holy shit!” Daniela yelled as she ran over to you “oh my god, what happened?!” Cassandra said as she turned around from whatever she occupied herself with “I’m going to go get mother! I will be right back, and make sure they are not dead!” Bela said while teleporting away and coming back with the lady of the castle. “[name]? Darling?!” Once alcina got outside she blew a fuse, “darling, I told you! Why don’t you ever listen to me?” She said while she picked you up and took you to the bedroom
You woke up hours later to a wet cloth on your forehead and with a cup of water on your bedside table. “Wha?-“ you tried to get up, but was pushed down gently “sweetheart, lay back down. You need rest.” You looked at her confused “I was working the grounds…. What happened?” Alcina looked at you “you passed out, darling and your going to take medicine and stay in bed unless you need to go to the bathroom, but other than that your are not getting out of this bed!” You looked at her, what was her problem? “I don’t need you taking care of me, I can handle it myself!” You protested, even though you knew that you couldn’t do it all by yourself, you hated getting sick. “Well it sure doesn’t look like it, you looked dead when I walked onto the grounds! Now take the medicine and go to bed.” You didn’t want to argue with her so you took the medicine and feel asleep, hoping you would get better.
I’m so sorry for the delay! I got really busy! Anyway, please request anything, and I mean, anything! And please tell me if there is any mistakes! I will gladly fix them!
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unstabledreamparty · 1 year
Resident evil: Village characters with a S/O with powers like Rose
Gifs not mine!
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Lady Dimitrescu
Once she finds out you have those type of powers she is thrilled!
But, wait until she finds out that you, her darling S/O, is the ‘perfect’ vessel for Eva.
She also learns that Mother Miranda is looking for you.
Time to go on lock down. Im not kidding. She will lock you in her room when Mother Miranda visits, and you can’t go anywhere outside.
She was always a little clingy, but now? You are always near her. You are never leaving her side.
Her daughters are guard dogs when the mistress of the house is gone. No one is allowed near you except for the Dimitrescu daughters, not even the maids can be near you.
If you beg to go outside, she will put up a huge fight. Good luck, your never going outside again.
Donna & Angie
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Donna found your powers out when you and Angie were playing. One of the dolls jumped up and scared you and you put your hands up and shrieked, causing your powers to activate and push away the doll.
Angie looked at you and squealed “[Name]! H-how did you do that? That was so cool! Do it again, please!”
You started crying, scared that Donna was mad at you for doing what you did.
Donna ran over to you and hugged you, promising you that she could never get mad at you. And that what you did was an accident, and you didn’t mean it.
But, Donna is scared, she knows that Mother Miranda is looking for someone with a similar power. And her fears were confirmed a week later.
She was at a ‘family meeting’ when Mother Miranda showed a picture of her S/O on the screen, claiming that you were the perfect vessel for Eva.
Angie and Donna nearly had a heart attack. “What?!” Angie says while looking at Donna scared, “what happens if Mother Miranda finds her?! We have to lock her in her room! Or in the basement where our friends can keep her safe!” Angie was freaking out and wanted to go home immediately but they had to wait.
Once the meeting was over the two raced to the house, scared that Mother Miranda has already found you. Even though Mother Miranda didn’t know you were Donna’s S/O, they still were scared.
Once they get there they ushered you into Donna’s room and quickly locked the door, saying they will give you an explanation later.
A week later they let you out of the bedroom (don’t worry, you got fed and you got to use the bathroom, with Donna or Angie watching you) once your out of the bedroom, you notice how heavily guarded the house is and asked Donna.
She told you everything and almost broke down, just like Lady Dimitrescu, you are not allowed to leave the house, never
And when you and Donna go to bed, Angie is now beside you and Donna holds you a lot more tighter then what she used to.
Good luck getting out of her grasp!
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Honestly, I didn’t want to write him 😭 I’m sorry! 😭
He would cry, he would actually cry when he finds out the Mother Miranda is looking for you.
When Miranda comes to visit, he literally shoves you in a closet and locks you in there until she leaves.
You are always by his side
Your never leaving his side, he is too scared. And he would cry if he lost you.
He is so scared, he is always holding your hand and demanding cuddles to help him feel better.
Karl H.
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“Oh. Hell. No” he would be damned if he let that feathery fuck take you away from him.
All he wants to do is keep you safe, he doesn’t want to lose you, your the only one that cares for him, he just cant lose you.
He would have nightmares about it. Bad ones. To the point where he is actually SOBBING and you have to cuddle and kiss him to sleep. He will hold you TIGHT
Just like everyone else your not allowed alone or outside. But Karl is even more protective.
Omg you are never allowed out of his sight, the only time your allowed out of his sight, is when he is doing his more…gruesome projects, he just knows that your going to have to see it eventually, but he is not going to allow you to see it right now.
There is always a Lycan around you, even when Karl is there to watch you, they are still there. If that power seeking bitch comes around unexpectedly, the Lycan’s will report it immediately, no matter what, so Karl always knows!
He puts you in the biggest part of the factory so there is a slim chance that bitch doesn’t see you but if she does, he has a backup plan, and there is a backup plan for his backup plan for his backup plan and….you get the point.
He is all about your safety and happiness, seeing you happy makes him happy!
Please, never leave him. He can’t live without you, he loves you with all his heart!
Oh did I mention that there are cameras and radio’s everywhere?? No? Ok, well now you know! You are fully protected, yay!
Just, don’t leave him, please! :)
That’s it! Please request, I’m desperate! 😭
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unstabledreamparty · 1 year
Hi! This is my first post, call me Alex or clown!! This is the fandoms I will be writing for ( x reader, no OCs)
Resident evil
Any resident evil game
Any resident evil character (if I don’t know the character I will do research which will take a few days)
Obey me
I don’t know much abt Nightbringer btw
I will write for anyone (except Luke, he’s a child)
Twisted wonderland
I will write for anyone (the only smuts I will do are for the staff, no grim)
Horror movies/slashers
Honestly, any horror movie character you find hot, I will write them (if I don’t know the character I will research which will take a few days)
I will do fluff, angst and smut!
Any other fandoms? Please suggest!
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