valdayamembers · 9 years
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Majestic Ocean Wave Vases By Hawaiian Artist Duo
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valdayamembers · 10 years
Blog Name:Twentysevenyearsyoung
Name: Joy :D Age: 21 Birthday: 3/17/93 Where you live country or state: U.S.A (‘Merica), Philly PA
Picture of you: Muuurrrggh I have pretty exaggerated features, ergo, weird ass pictures (so, to circumvent my embarrassment I make a lot of purposefully weird faces). I’ve been working on both taking better pics and just liking the ones I take, but yeah, I’ll put a smiley one too.
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When did you start shipping Valdaya?: The exact moment was when I watched the week 8 package. But I joined tag Last May. Around the time the season was coming to a close I had caught up with all valdaya dances and confessionals and interviews and had watched week 9 live by my lonesome, but I joined the tag for the most epic FAIL we ever did see when valdaya lost in the finale. :( 
Fav Valdaya dance?: Hmmmm, this is tough. Imma have to go with Week 6 the Cha Cha Cha. It was the first thing that popped into my mind, so it must be my favorite! lol I LOVE how flirty it was. How relaxed and fun. It was new for Z so it still showed her technical excellence. And the newer, stronger connection and energy that was there between Z and V was just….sigh. Week six was a really good week.
Fav moment during their season?: *tears* Everyone knows that it’s the growly moment in Week 8 by the fence, when Val laughs and it sounds like falling. I just…..THEY FELL IN LOVE ON THE TV, I don’t know what else to tell you. 
Fav moment after season e.g Reunion?: Ohhhh, another toughy, I’m going to have to go with the unconfirmed, but pretty fucking confirmed NJ visit. Because it was after she’d JUST seen him, and no one really knows or will ever know why she made that trip and saw him clandestinely, but after that trip Val’s posts got a lot less angsty and their interaction got a lot more free, and it just seemed like a turning point to me, like something was recognized in that short trip to NJ. I love it for all that we don’t know about it, because I think it was a very real and important moment in their relationship, tbh. 
Do you make GIFs, Videos, Graphics or Write Fanfics?: I used to make shitty graphics, and I might again! lol But mostly I write fic. ….and talk. It’s what I do. I talk about conspiracy and suspicions. I make masterposts, and reclists, and compilations of things, and I talk. Then I write fic about it all. ;) lol
If Yes do you take requests or prompts? I DO take prompts. I’d prefer that requests for certain fic actually not go through me, however, but through the valdayafanficfinder. If I see a request that strikes my fancy, I will write it, But prompts, yes. I do take those. How are they different? prompts (as they merely prompt writing) allow wiggle room for creativity, and generally require shorter fic and shorter wait time. >___<
Do you have a link (If yes provide link): like to my fic? SURE.twentysevenyearsyoungfic.tumblr.com
Anything else you want to add?: I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! This fandom is so amazing. I’m so happy to be here! <3 
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valdayamembers · 10 years
Blog Name: missnewvillage
Name: Anneliese Age: 22 Birthday: November 5th Where you live country or state: Queens, NY
When did you start shipping Valdaya? I didn't watch Season 16 when it aired but I heard about the controversy surrounding Valdaya's loss. Around the time Z's album came out I gave it a listen and loved it. So I watched the YT videos of Valdaya's dances and fell in love with their chemstry and connection. I've shipped them ever since. Fav Valdaya dance? Jive (all of them), Argentine Tango, and cha-cha. Fav moment during their season? There's a clip of them backstage during Stevie Wonder week after they performed their cha-cha and they're walking and talking and Val's just all bright eyed, wide smile that it nearly melted me.  Fav moment after season e.g Reunion? Val's birthday and most recently the Sway video. #dead
Do you make GIFs, Videos, Graphics or Write Fanfics? I write fanfics
If Yes do you take requests or prompts? Yes, and the more specific the better.
Do you have a link (If yes provide link) I guess click here for a direct link to my drabbles Anything else you want to add? I also write glee fanfiction (although not that much recently) that you can find a link to on my sidebar. 
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valdayamembers · 10 years
Blog name: IceGirl2772
Name: Cazna
Age: 17
Birthday: January 23
Where do you live country or state: Australia
Picture of you:
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(sorry for how small it is, I'm at school and on my school laptop so I had to copy and paste my avatar)
When did you start shipping Valdaya: When I first saw The Morning Show mention Dancing With the Stars in the US (mostly because of Shana Burgess) and I decided to watch their contemporary. Afterwards, I was hooked.
Favourite Valdaya dance: I'm torn between the Argentine Tango and Paso Doble
Favourite moment during the season: Val having to learn hip-hop!
Favourite reunion after season e.g. Reunion: Val at Zendaya's concert!
Do you make GIFs, Videos, Graphics or write fanfics: I write fanfics
If yes do you take requests or prompts: I'm always open! But NO SMUTS INVOLVING BONDAGE OR S&M!
Do you have a link: Wattpad: http://www.wattpad.com/user/CaznaBurton
Anything else you wanna add: I'm gonna write a Valdaya fic on Wattpad soon! I'll post in the Valdaya tag when I upload it!
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valdayamembers · 10 years
Hey :D
Blog Name:debow's world
Name:Debow Age:18 Where you live country or state:Cornwall,UK (for those who live outside the uk cornwall is in england but there is an ongoing joke that cornwall is its own country and if out county was to seperate from the uk the goverenment would not care lol:)  )
When did you start shipping Valdaya?as soon as I discovered the chmerkovskiy brothers!!!!  Fav Valdaya dance?Argentine tango Fav moment during their season?when val tell zendaya he dosen't want her to be great he wants her to be incredible..everytime Fav moment after season e.g Reunion?Val's birthday surprise :P
Do you make GIFs, Videos, Graphics or Write Fanfics?Not at the moment but i am thinking about giving some fanfic drabbles ago in the near future......
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valdayamembers · 10 years
Blog Name: darling-valdaya
Name: Jess or Jessica Age: 20 Birthday: 25th of June Where you live, country or state: Currently reside in Portland, OR, but was born in the Bay Area, CA (like Zendaya!). 
Picture of you:
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EEEK, look away.
When did you start shipping Valdaya? Here's an unnecessarily long answer to a question that could be easily answered in a few sentences but NONETHELESS: Alrighty, well, I've been watching DWTS since like season 4 - I mean, I even shipped Apolianne when I was 13. But, you know, the show kind of lost its luster and I started to only watch it periodically. When season 16 started, I wasn't watching. My mom was, though. And she voted like crazy for Valdaya. Months after their season ended, I was casually scrolling through my dash on my personal blog and BOOM, someone posts the audio to Replay. I fell in love with the song. I recognized Zendaya's name by the girl my mom would talk about that was a phenomenal dancer. I watched the music video to Replay. Then I youtubed her dance from week 1 AND WELL HERE I AM.
Favorite Valdaya dance? Man oh man, I love 'em all. Particularly their argentine tango, jive from week two, their foxtrot, and second samba.
Favorite moment during their season? Like I could possibly choose. Lets see:
"Talk in your New Jersey accent for a sec... yeah just talk like that."
"You guys are the perfect couple: you're a very good follower and he's a great leader."
"Half the steps in that routine, pro dancers would've really attempt even, you know what I mean."
"I'm very proud of you."
"I'm really trying to ignite Zendaya's competitive spirit but when she smiles at me, I realize that that's when Zendaya is at her best."
"I'm supposed to make you laugh, you're supposed to be the grumpy-pants like grr-ahh." "Yes, pretty much."
"I think she brings out the best out of everyone that's around her."
"She's my priority, she's my everything."
"Zendaya not only inspires kids, but also adults. She's made me dream bigger again, made me believe in myself again, given me purpose, and purpose is everything."
"Every time he looks in the mirror and sees that scar, he's going to think of me."
Favorite moment after season e.g Reunion? Well, now, the prank! Disneyland! Z’s LA County Fair Concert! "Even if it's a New York minute."
Do you make GIFs, Videos, Graphics or Write Fanfics? Nope. Just reblog stuff like a madman.
Do you have a link (If yes provide link): https://twitter.com/JessRose93
Anything else you want to add? Come say hi! Don't be shy to talk me! I'm always here if anyone needs to vent or talk.
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valdayamembers · 10 years
Blog Name: acceptmeorleave
Name: Vasuki Age: 17 Birthday: 26th of March :) Where you live country or state: I live in London, England (but was born in Germany)
Picture of you
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or you can find some here
When did you start shipping Valdaya? Oohh, well I found out about them by coming across a gifset of their first meeting, and I think I started shipping them in Week 2. I just loved how comfortable they seemed around each other.. and you could see that Val enjoyed her company :)
Fav Valdaya dance? Hmm, it has to be between the Jive (which was just flawless) and the second Samba..
Fav moment during their season? I absolutely loved the rehearsal footage for the foxtrot where Z makes Val smile :) that was so adorable! And also when Val says that she inspires him and stuff. "Purpose is everything"
Fav moment after season e.g Reunion? Has to be Disneyland, with Val attending Z's LA County Fair Concert being a close second.
Do you make GIFs, Videos, Graphics or Write Fanfics? Pahahaa no. I'm not talented, unlike the rest of the Valdaya-ers :D
Do you have a link (If yes provide link) I mean, I'm on twitter.. follow me there?
Anything else you want to add? UM, no, not really? Not sure what to put here.. I can't believe we're still here, nearly a year later on, and they keep on giving us a reason to fangirl.
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valdayamembers · 10 years
Blog Name: live-love-valdaya
Name: Xheneta but everyone calls me Xheni Age: 18 Birthday: 18th December Where you live country or state: Switzerland Picture of you look at my avi :)
When did you start shipping Valdaya?
In August…after I randomly clicked on their Contemporary on YouTube. I immediately fell in love with them… Fav Valdaya dance? Cha Cha Cha Fav moment during their season? the hug after their Final Dance. the way they take each other into their arms…*sobs quietly* Fav moment after season e.g Reunion? Val goin to her LA county fair concert and “DISNEYLAND” *.*
Do you make GIFs, Videos, Graphics or Write Fanfics? No…I’m not as talented as a lot of you are. :/ Anything else you want to add? I am a Belieber. I love the Hunger Games. I love books. I love food and sleep. I love music….I love a lot of things actually but those are the most important things. I guess :D
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valdayamembers · 10 years
Blog Name: MissTeachingsblr
Name: Jo Age: 33 Birthday: March 5th Where you live country or state: Norway
Picture of you Go here: https://twitter.com/JorBjoer When did you start shipping Valdaya? My senile brain can’t remember when, but I think it was right after the finale. Fav Valdaya dance? Argentine Tango Fav moment during their season? Foxtrot rehearsal & the week 5 confessional. Fav moment after season e.g Reunion? All of them!
Do you make GIFs, Videos, Graphics or Write Fanfics? Regretfully, no. I’ll leave that up to the many talents in this fandom.
Anything else you want to add? I’m a soccer fanatic, student, a substitute teacher/assistant, and heightwise very close to the ground…
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valdayamembers · 10 years
Blog Name: Entireoranges
Name: Tabetha Age: 31 Birthday: December 24th Where you live country or state: Cincinnati Ohio
Picture of you Maybe later When did you start shipping Valdaya? I found myself going mmmm I wonder, but didn’t jump fully onto the train until week 8. Fav Valdaya dance? Argentine Tango Fav moment during their season? Rehearsing for the foxtrot Fav moment after season e.g Reunion? Live with Kelly And Michael (the mic malfunction)
Do you make GIFs, Videos, Graphics or Write Fanfics? I do graphics and fics
If Yes do you take requests or prompts? Sure I don’t get a lot, but when I do I try my hardest to fulfill them
Do you have a link? Yes I do right here Anything else you want to add? I often post thoughts from my husband as well to give a male point of view. I tend to stay out of drama. I usually keep anon to avoid drama.
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valdayamembers · 10 years
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valdayamembers · 10 years
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valdayamembers · 10 years
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valdayamembers · 10 years
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valdayamembers · 10 years
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valdayamembers · 10 years
Name: Genevieve :)
Age: 15
Birthday: March 2nd
Where you live country or state: Canada
Picture of you: Just check out my avi (too lazy and also I don’t know how to upload one? Is this another ‘you cant do that on your phone’ thing? cause I’m getting real sick of that shit js) 
When did you start shipping Valdaya? During this season of DWTS I already had tumblr and I was looking up Val and somehow came across the tag, I did watch their season though but I had never even heard of shipping, otherwise I’d be a veteran, trust my sister thought I was so crazy. 
Fav Valdaya dance? Hip Hop omg 
Fav moment during their rehearsal? Do the confessionals count? If so, the week 5 one 
Fav moment after season e.g Reunion? The Two To Tango video Val is so cocky and I cry because he knows her so well
Do you make GIFs, Videos, Graphics or Write Fanfics? I dabble in drabbles (I actually don’t I just wanted people to think I’m funny)
Anything else you want to add? I can be extremely sarcastic, and overdramatic, a little fanatic and I also have herpes.
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valdayamembers · 10 years
ayyy why not
Blog Name: 58kisses
Name: Avery/Ave (i always get questions about this, it’s my middle name. i don’t always give out my first ja feel.)
Age: 20
Birthday: 3/9/1993
Where you live country or state: Texas, USA
Picture of you: 
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When did you start shipping Valdaya? lol like a week aGO when i fell into their dwts videos. i think it was pretty immediate after i got halfway through the first week videos. 
Fav Valdaya dance? A. Tango, Foxtrot, Jive. and Contemporary. shit i love them all. 
Fav moment during their season? omf i have so many? can i say the entire season. when they first meet and val’s all “i take it back” because that’s what first got me into it. when he boops her nose. saying he was jealous of jacoby during the prom episode. z calling him her grumpy pants. literally every handshake moment. ALL OF THE REHEARSAL FOR THE FOXTROT. that one interview where the lady was like do you tell him how hot he is and ;htey wer eboth like “nOOO”
Fav moment after season e.g Reunion? jfc probably this disney one and i’m just consolidating the entire week under that name. andprobably because it’s the only one i’ve actually gone through. but when val went to z’s concert and she brought him out on stage? that shit was so cute i
Do you make GIFs, Videos, Graphics or Write Fanfics? yes to everything except videos. i’ve never actually shipped something so hard that i’ve written fics but there’s a first for everything right? i’m a writer so i probs will.
If Yes do you take requests or prompts? yes of course!
Do you have a link (If yes provide link): all my graphics/gifs/edits will be here and (when i get around to it) my fics will be here. 
Anything else you want to add? um um um, i don’t know? i’m super addicted to television and watch a crap ton of stuff. i’m currently studying criminology/pre-law. i want to be president lol. or some type of politics. i love philosophy and other crap like that. i curse too much but i try to put a cap on it sometimes. i’m in the process of writing a book atm. i roleplay! and have an rph and stuff. i’m going to marry dylan o’brien one day and i’m literally obsessed with food. I TALK A LOT AND LOVE CAPS. ok bye. 
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