Do you have any fanfiction social media account things? If you don't, you should totally make a Wattpad or ao3. If you wrote OnS fanfics they would kick ass 💯👌🏻
I do have an ao3 account actually. My username is Miyanoai (like my main). I have a few fics and a bunch planned but I’m incredibly slow and not very focused so I apologize in advance. :’)
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Mikaela looked left and right, confirming that the squad was nowhere to be seen. Had they went after Yuuichirou, they would have run into them, but they wouldn’t have needlessly left, would they? He couldn’t see any familiar faces either. Ferid, Crowley, even Lacus and Rene had disappeared. All the remained were a few of the lower ranked vampires guarding the area. Letting go of Yuuchirou’s hand, he walked up to one with a stone hard expression. “Oi, where did the humans that were brought here go?” he demanded. He doubted they would have been easy to miss, being the only humans in the vicinity.  “Lord Ferid led them away inside. He instructed us to keep you here when you returned until he came for you as well.” he responded with a blank expression. Mikaela’s eyes widened in distress. He still didn’t know what Ferid was planning, but after what he had told them on his way here, he had some ideas. Could it be he had expected them to separate all along?
"Hey, Mika..." Yuu started slowly as he wound his arms to hug himself, either from letting his body stop trembling or simply for protection. He seemed to be very uneasy with Ferid addressing him as the First Progenitor at that time. "Do you think what that leech said is... true?"
He stared at his shrinking form as he processed the information in his head, or rather what little of it they had received. Ferid had dropped that bomb and disappeared before they could demand what exactly he had meant. He moved closer to the raven haired and gently placed a hand on his shoulder in comfort.“There’s no way it could be.” he answered in a low voice, though not as confident as he would have preferred. “It doesn’t make any sense.” Ferid was manipulative and he said many things to get his way. But then at the same time, Mikaela hadn’t known him to really be a liar.He twisted words and phrased them in a way to make other misinterpret them. And as much as he hated to admit it, he was clever. There was no point in making up a lie that they would otherwise never believe. 
“I don’t know what he’s planning, but we won’t know until we see him again. Even though I’m not fond of the idea and we can’t trust him, but we have to find out more.” His grip on his shoulder tightened. “No matter what happens though, Yuu-chan, I won’t leave you.”
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 nehez89 replied to your post:"Hey, Mika..." Yuu started slowly as he wound his...
Omg it’s so good! When is the next part out?
It’s an ongoing rp with several replies out already. You can read it here (started from the bottom and every last two replies bc it’s a little unorganized bc you can’t get rid of the initial ask).
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With a nod, he slowly eased off of Yuuichirou to allow him to recover from his panic attack. He looked back to see just how far they had gotten from the others when Yuu ran away and could only vaguely see the other figures in the distance. It would probably take them about an hour to walk back.
The distance made him recall  another strange thing he witnessed which was Yuuichrou’s speed when running away. He had again, written it off as another one of the demon’s skills but now he wondered if that was actually the case.
The rest of the humans wouldn’t have able to keep up but they would have caught up to them by now. Mikaela doubted they wouldn’t have tried to chase after him as well and now he wondered if something may have stopped them from following.
“We’ll go back to them first then.” he said, looking back at Yuuichirou. He hoped they were simply smart enough to stay in the bus as before. “Then we can try to find Krul. Going by what I overheard, I think Ferid may be keeping her in the building somewhere. Although, if we end up finding him first...” He took a deep breath.  “No more games. We’re going to find out what exactly he wants with us, and what’s going on with you.” Taking Yuuichirou’s hand, he nodded once more and started walking back to base. But during that trek, a very ominous feeling began to pool in his gut.
"Hey, Mika..." Yuu started slowly as he wound his arms to hug himself, either from letting his body stop trembling or simply for protection. He seemed to be very uneasy with Ferid addressing him as the First Progenitor at that time. "Do you think what that leech said is... true?"
He stared at his shrinking form as he processed the information in his head, or rather what little of it they had received. Ferid had dropped that bomb and disappeared before they could demand what exactly he had meant. He moved closer to the raven haired and gently placed a hand on his shoulder in comfort.“There’s no way it could be.” he answered in a low voice, though not as confident as he would have preferred. “It doesn’t make any sense.” Ferid was manipulative and he said many things to get his way. But then at the same time, Mikaela hadn’t known him to really be a liar.He twisted words and phrased them in a way to make other misinterpret them. And as much as he hated to admit it, he was clever. There was no point in making up a lie that they would otherwise never believe. 
“I don’t know what he’s planning, but we won’t know until we see him again. Even though I’m not fond of the idea and we can’t trust him, but we have to find out more.” His grip on his shoulder tightened. “No matter what happens though, Yuu-chan, I won’t leave you.”
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Mikaela was at a loss of words. It couldn't have been the demon, unless it found a new way to possess him where he actually remembered things. But even so, none of the features were there.
When Yuuuichirou looked up, the red in his eyes had vanished, as did his fangs. He looked completely the same, aside from the blood staining his face. Reaching up, Mikaela used his thumb to remove a smudge of it from his chin that he had missed.
"I don't know how it could be true. And I don't want to believe it, but staying here won't help up solve anything." He still didn't want to talk to Ferid again though, but he seemed to be the only one with answers. Unless...
"Maybe if could just find Krul. Maybe she'll be able to explain everything." He knew she was in the area, going by what the other vampires had been talking about.
"Until we learn more though, it may be best to stay away from your friends." Who knew how they would react? "And um....if you end up needing more..." he turned away in embarrassment at what he was suggesting. He knew he was being surprisingly calm over the whole thing, but Yuuichirou already enough to deal with. One of them had to keep a clear head.
"Hey, Mika..." Yuu started slowly as he wound his arms to hug himself, either from letting his body stop trembling or simply for protection. He seemed to be very uneasy with Ferid addressing him as the First Progenitor at that time. "Do you think what that leech said is... true?"
He stared at his shrinking form as he processed the information in his head, or rather what little of it they had received. Ferid had dropped that bomb and disappeared before they could demand what exactly he had meant. He moved closer to the raven haired and gently placed a hand on his shoulder in comfort.“There’s no way it could be.” he answered in a low voice, though not as confident as he would have preferred. “It doesn’t make any sense.” Ferid was manipulative and he said many things to get his way. But then at the same time, Mikaela hadn’t known him to really be a liar.He twisted words and phrased them in a way to make other misinterpret them. And as much as he hated to admit it, he was clever. There was no point in making up a lie that they would otherwise never believe. 
“I don’t know what he’s planning, but we won’t know until we see him again. Even though I’m not fond of the idea and we can’t trust him, but we have to find out more.” His grip on his shoulder tightened. “No matter what happens though, Yuu-chan, I won’t leave you.”
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It happened so fast, yet at the same it felt like slow motion when Yuuichirou ripped open his collar. He could have stopped him, but after what he said, Mikaela couldn’t find it in him to push him away. His eyes widened as he felt fangs that he was sure weren’t there before pierce his skin. He hadn’t felt this feeling since he was a child, offering his blood as a sacrifice in order to provide better provisions for his family. It wasn’t a sacrifice this time though. There was nothing that was keeping him from stopping him. But before he could Yuuichirou had already pulled himself off, once again shaking and now crying. His voice was low as he apologized and he refused to look up. Mikaela was only partially afraid of what he would see if he did. He had drunk his blood. Vampire blood. If a human did that, it would change them. But Yuu already had fangs, which he usually did as a demon. Perhaps he had been wrong and he really was possessed. Perhaps that would negate the effects? It didn’t seem as if he was suffering as Mika was when he turned. “Yuu-chan, it’s alright.” he tried to show him he wasn’t upset about the attack, placing his hands on his shoulders once more. “But please tell how you’re feeling? Are you in pain? Do you realize what just happened?”
"Hey, Mika..." Yuu started slowly as he wound his arms to hug himself, either from letting his body stop trembling or simply for protection. He seemed to be very uneasy with Ferid addressing him as the First Progenitor at that time. "Do you think what that leech said is... true?"
He stared at his shrinking form as he processed the information in his head, or rather what little of it they had received. Ferid had dropped that bomb and disappeared before they could demand what exactly he had meant. He moved closer to the raven haired and gently placed a hand on his shoulder in comfort.“There’s no way it could be.” he answered in a low voice, though not as confident as he would have preferred. “It doesn’t make any sense.” Ferid was manipulative and he said many things to get his way. But then at the same time, Mikaela hadn’t known him to really be a liar.He twisted words and phrased them in a way to make other misinterpret them. And as much as he hated to admit it, he was clever. There was no point in making up a lie that they would otherwise never believe. 
“I don’t know what he’s planning, but we won’t know until we see him again. Even though I’m not fond of the idea and we can’t trust him, but we have to find out more.” His grip on his shoulder tightened. “No matter what happens though, Yuu-chan, I won’t leave you.”
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Instead of his releasing him, Mikaela’s grip only tightened on his shoulders. He could feel him shaking but he assumed it to be out of fear or pain rather than the hunger he was feeling. “I can’t do that Yuu-chan. I told you, I refuse to leave you alone.” They had to get out of here. The other progenitors that had been in the area would be returning soon and they couldn’t deal with all this at once. Slightly pulling back while still holding onto him, he looked directly at his face.
“Let’s just go so you can-” he froze when saw his eyes. Yuuichirou with red eyes wasn’t a rare sight. They became that way whenever his demon took over. However they would usually turn red instantly. Now they seemed to only be tinted, and there were no signs of the horns that would pop up at the same time. Mika became distracted by the sudden change, his restraint slightly loosened, allowing Yuuichirou to move.
"Hey, Mika..." Yuu started slowly as he wound his arms to hug himself, either from letting his body stop trembling or simply for protection. He seemed to be very uneasy with Ferid addressing him as the First Progenitor at that time. "Do you think what that leech said is... true?"
He stared at his shrinking form as he processed the information in his head, or rather what little of it they had received. Ferid had dropped that bomb and disappeared before they could demand what exactly he had meant. He moved closer to the raven haired and gently placed a hand on his shoulder in comfort.“There’s no way it could be.” he answered in a low voice, though not as confident as he would have preferred. “It doesn’t make any sense.” Ferid was manipulative and he said many things to get his way. But then at the same time, Mikaela hadn’t known him to really be a liar.He twisted words and phrased them in a way to make other misinterpret them. And as much as he hated to admit it, he was clever. There was no point in making up a lie that they would otherwise never believe. 
“I don’t know what he’s planning, but we won’t know until we see him again. Even though I’m not fond of the idea and we can’t trust him, but we have to find out more.” His grip on his shoulder tightened. “No matter what happens though, Yuu-chan, I won’t leave you.”
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It hurt to be pushed away. But now he could understand how Yuu felt when he did the same, when he had hit his limit and could no longer go without human blood. But just as Yuu had stuck by him despite becoming a monster, he would do the same. He took small step closer, not yet trying to make contact again. “I can’t die that easily, Yuu-chan. You know that.”Hell, he technically tried to kill him twice already. “Even so, I know you woudn’t do that. Whatever it is...if there’s anything there at all...it’s not you. Like your demon, whether you can resist it or not, I know you can come back.” He tried another step forward. “If not...I-I’ll force you back. You never once gave up on me despite you being in the same danger. And after everything we’ve been through, there’s absolutely no way I’m giving you up.” He held out his hand. “We can figure this out together.”  His eyes widened when he saw Yuu clutch his chest and he didn’t hesitate to pull him close again. He was afraid, but not of Yuuichirou. He feared not being able to help him. 
"Hey, Mika..." Yuu started slowly as he wound his arms to hug himself, either from letting his body stop trembling or simply for protection. He seemed to be very uneasy with Ferid addressing him as the First Progenitor at that time. "Do you think what that leech said is... true?"
He stared at his shrinking form as he processed the information in his head, or rather what little of it they had received. Ferid had dropped that bomb and disappeared before they could demand what exactly he had meant. He moved closer to the raven haired and gently placed a hand on his shoulder in comfort.“There’s no way it could be.” he answered in a low voice, though not as confident as he would have preferred. “It doesn’t make any sense.” Ferid was manipulative and he said many things to get his way. But then at the same time, Mikaela hadn’t known him to really be a liar.He twisted words and phrased them in a way to make other misinterpret them. And as much as he hated to admit it, he was clever. There was no point in making up a lie that they would otherwise never believe. 
“I don’t know what he’s planning, but we won’t know until we see him again. Even though I’m not fond of the idea and we can’t trust him, but we have to find out more.” His grip on his shoulder tightened. “No matter what happens though, Yuu-chan, I won’t leave you.”
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"Hey, Mika..." Yuu started slowly as he wound his arms to hug himself, either from letting his body stop trembling or simply for protection. He seemed to be very uneasy with Ferid addressing him as the First Progenitor at that time. "Do you think what that leech said is... true?"
He stared at his shrinking form as he processed the information in his head, or rather what little of it they had received. Ferid had dropped that bomb and disappeared before they could demand what exactly he had meant. He moved closer to the raven haired and gently placed a hand on his shoulder in comfort.“There’s no way it could be.” he answered in a low voice, though not as confident as he would have preferred. “It doesn’t make any sense.” Ferid was manipulative and he said many things to get his way. But then at the same time, Mikaela hadn’t known him to really be a liar.He twisted words and phrased them in a way to make other misinterpret them. And as much as he hated to admit it, he was clever. There was no point in making up a lie that they would otherwise never believe. 
“I don’t know what he’s planning, but we won’t know until we see him again. Even though I’m not fond of the idea and we can’t trust him, but we have to find out more.” His grip on his shoulder tightened. “No matter what happens though, Yuu-chan, I won’t leave you.”
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(I'll be less active this weekend as I'll be at a con. Will get to replies when I come back)
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Go into my inbox and tell me a situation you’d love to see my Muse go through.
Curious how my muse would handle heartbreak? Want an open where my Muse is irrationally upset or in danger? Toss all the ideas at me! I might get inspired!
Anon is optional.
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“So you knew Ferid burned all my boots and replaced them his own and never did anything about that?”
“You knew about this all along, didn’t you?”
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“ Of course I did. I HAVE been alive for 2000 something years now. I just had to keep you out of the loop. ”
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Hearing those put another smile to his face. No matter how bad he would feel, Yuuichirou had always had a way of cheering him up, even with simplest gestures or even unintentionally.  Pulling away, he got up, only to offer his hand to help him up. “Then, allow me to whisk you away to a not so far away land.” he joked with a small chuckle, a glimmer of his former childish side reappearing. Something he would still never show in front of the others.
*walks over and sits behind him, promptly dropping his head to lay his forehead on his back*
“ah..?” Looking up from cleaning his sword, Yuu blinked back at the blonde for a long moment before turning his head away with a small smile pulling at his lips. “Hello to you too.”
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(YES! Along with the Lalalu song. (they seriously need to make another CD of those). Sakurai is actually like my second favorite VA. His range in characters is amazing. I just heard him in 91 Days today and wouldn’t have even recognized him).
(Your last reblog made me imagine Ferid singing "You've got a friend in me" to Crowley. (or really anyone lol))
[Oh man with his voice I WOULD WANT TO HEAR THAT FOR SURE like his VA singing wish upon a star is 10/10 highly recommend if you haven’t heard it yet o: ]
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Akane gasped and began to run towards the familiar blonde-haired boy, who was stood a few metres away. "Mika!"
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He stared at the familiar figure running towards him in utter shock. “A-akane-chan?” he whispered, almost to himself, “I-it can’t be...how...?” 
His mind was a blank as he dropped to his knees in front of her and stared. The idea that this could be a dream or any other kind of trick only barely flew through his mind. “How can you be here?”
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He glanced at their interlocked fingers, rubbing his thumb against Yuu’s palm. “I want to kidnap you,” he spoke softly, afraid that it might be wrong to use such a term as joke considering past events, “just for today.” “The location is a surprise,” he said as he looked back up to determine Yuu’s reaction. “Will you trust me enough to keep it that way for now?” Of course, if not, Mika would easily tell him, but he figured he deserved a nice surprise for once.
*walks over and sits behind him, promptly dropping his head to lay his forehead on his back*
“ah..?” Looking up from cleaning his sword, Yuu blinked back at the blonde for a long moment before turning his head away with a small smile pulling at his lips. “Hello to you too.”
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“Well you can certainly try.” Even if he was fast enough, it wouldn’t hurt him.
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“A swift punch to the face.”
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