vanitylang · 1 year
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Frollo time. 💜❤️🖤🔥
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vanitylang · 1 year
Everett Ross: [just trying to stay fit]
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vanitylang · 1 year
Seeing all these takes about how “Everett Ross was so useless in Black Panther why is he even there?!” And…look, if your definition of “useful” is limited to the action movie lens of “Does this character get to punch people and do car chases,” then yeah, he does come out looking pretty pointless. But that’s not the only lens there is, and it’s a pretty reductive one to insist on. There’s also thematic and symbolic lenses, and that’s where I think Everett Ross’s character actually adds quite a lot in addition to a few plot purposes.
Because yes, he does actually serve a few plot purposes. In the first movie, he’s the reason Klaue goes to South Korea. He’s the American vibranium buyer that Klaue is going to meet with, which helps set up that whole scene with the Wakandans going after him. Then he helps take out the ships carrying vibranium out of Wakanda, so there’s that. In the second movie, Everett is the one who tells them about Riri Williams’ existence, which is information they then act on. It’s true that he doesn’t have as much to do in the second movie, but that’s why he doesn’t get as much screen time, which is as it should be since the focus needs to stay on the Wakandans and Talokans.
But more important are the thematic and symbolic purposes. In the first Black Panther, a major theme is “the wise build bridges, the fools build barriers.” Those are T’Challa’s exact words, and his character arc in this story is to go from being dismissive of bridge building to being open to it to welcoming it. At the start of the movie, he mostly waves off Nakia’s urging to help other nations and clearly isn’t happy to see M’Baku show up to the challenge. Over the course of the movie, he changes on both these counts, and that starts with Everett. He takes a bullet for Nakia and almost dies doing it, which is what opens T’Challa up to the idea that maybe they should use their technology to help someone who helped them, because it could keep alive somebody who clearly cares about them and is willing to take huge risks for them. This is the beginning of the bridge-building, which later extends to include M’Baku and the Jabaris and then the whole world.
Everett Ross and M’Baku are the bridge, Killmonger is the barrier. Building bridges led to friendships and allies; barriers led to war. Everett’s presence serves a symbolic purpose that ties into the movie’s theme.
In Black Panther 2, the symbolism is different. My personal reading is that rather than symbolize the concept of “foreigner,” here Everett is instead meant to represent the idea of a “good cop” or a “good apple.” This is a movie that heavily (and rightfully) criticizes US imperialism and how the CIA helps make that happen, and Everett is the “good cop” within the CIA, which in this movie acts a lot like a police force. We’ve all heard people defend the police with the phrase about how there are just “a few bad apples” and that most cops are good actually. What Black Panther 2 does is respond to that narrative with “Here’s a good cop who genuinely tried to do good or at least reduce harm and look what you did to him. He tried to create positive change within the system and you punished him for that. You actually tried to lock him up for not being horrible ENOUGH.”
And I think that matters. They’re making the point of how there are no good cops, because they either don’t stay good or they don’t stay cops. The system is set up to protect agents like Valentina who think the US should rule the world and punish agents like Everett who dare to think that maybe countries that are not the US matter too. It’s a very powerful critique, and one that I really hate seeing brushed aside as “pointless.”
And the fact that Okoye busts him out proves that the bridge is still there. Wakanda hasn’t given up on the idea of helping others despite everything that’s happened. That matters too.
Anyway please stop with the “Everett Ross is pointless and only there so the movie has a White guy” takes and maybe think a little deeper about what the films are trying to say. Because you’re giving an incredible director like Ryan Coogler far too little credit for some very thoughtful creative choices.
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vanitylang · 1 year
I love this post so much. All of @90soldsoul 's hashtags in fact! Like seriously, I agree. Everett is like a Disney Prince introducing himself. I love it! 🥺❤️
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"My name is Everett."
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vanitylang · 2 years
New lock screen and phone background!
What do yours look like? 😄
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vanitylang · 2 years
Check it out friends! My beautiful Xie'er pillow is finally set up. Can't wait to cuddle with him tonight. Hee hee 🥰
#xie'er #xiewang #scorpionking #lidaikun #wordofhonor
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vanitylang · 2 years
I was too lazy to copy and paste the story tidbits of my ZhaoXie nails from my Twitter, so I created collages.
Hope you enjoy the side-by-sides and pictures of my nails! Haha 😄💅
Also, shoutout to my amazing nail tech! I'm in love with the cranes and little pipa. And she did a great job with the 'Yifu' & 'Xie'er' characters! 💕
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vanitylang · 2 years
Oof it's been a hot minute since I posted on here. >.< I never finished reviewing Word of Honor, but know that I have completed the series and thoroughly enjoyed it!
I also have 1000+ screenshots of Xie'er and Zhao Jing saved to my phone so I can make some gifs/use them for when I finally post songfic threads on Twitter.
And I'm working on a few fanfics too: one Prince Jin×Xie'er and one ShenShen×Xie'er. Eventually I'll get around to writing one of Xie'er and his yifu.
But that aside, check out all these cool rings I got! All for the love of Xie'er! 🦂❤
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vanitylang · 2 years
My precious boy. I love him so much. 🥺🥰
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Li Daikun as Nan Ling Rui in the new drama, “Bright As The Moon (皎若云间月)”
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vanitylang · 2 years
Lol, this is exactly what me and my boyfriend were talking about a couple days ago!
He is the Chinese Elrond but hotter. 😍
is it just me or does Li Daikun look like Elrond in his 皎若云间月 styling
I have no idea who Elrond is.
Brb *google searches*
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OHH well I suppose the headpiece and hairstyle does hold some resemblance yeah.
But Li Daikun is without a doubt far prettier imo
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vanitylang · 2 years
Showing off all my Xie'er goodies! My beautiful sparkly boy. 🦂❤ Hee hee I'm in love with this keychain. And my cute little miniature magnets. They're on a magnetic jewelry holder I have, but I might move them to the fridge where they get more light.🥰
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vanitylang · 2 years
Yum yum. All the good stuffs. 😋
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Get it get it
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vanitylang · 2 years
Wow, we're getting down to the final bits of commentary. Don't worry, I am going to avoid spoilers and only vaguely talk about them (no screenshots).
That said, let's begin!
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My baby is finally getting the recognition he deserves. 😭 Thank you, Ye Baiyi! I was meaning to mention him before in my commentaries, but I figured I'd save it until this moment. He is certainly a fun character and I've enjoyed how much of a savage he can be, harsh with his words sometimes but hella wise. I know some people like to ship him and Xie'er together. It is definitely a much healthier ship than ZJ×Xie'er (though I've still indulged in some ZJ×Xie'er fanfics. #guiltyascharged >.<). I think my overall fave ship is Prince Jin×Xie'er. Was not expecting this third ship at all, but after some fanfics I've read of them, I am hooked! Haha
But anyway, back on track with the commentary.
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Baby is slowly rising to power. Love to see it!
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But tread carefully, my child. Do. Not. Trust. This. Man. Do not fall for it!
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The small upturn of his lips. The look in his eyes. On the surface it's pretty much like, "I wish you much success, Yifu." But beneath the surface, Baby is plotting sweet, sweet revenge. I can sense it. (Given that I already saw his monologue prior to watching this. Lol) But like, this is what I'm saying about Li Daikun. Like I know I'm a total fangirl and I go feral over how handsome/beautiful he is, but like there is so much more to this man. He is so freakin' talented, it's truly admirable. And I love him in interviews. He's just so funny and witty.
Okay, I'm getting off-track again. Sorry. Lol
We continue on with more Xie'er images, but also an image of Beauty Ghost. I love her too, and I have not posted about her at all. I am horrible! >.< I really love the dynamic of their interactions. I didn't realize how much they would end up interacting. It makes sense though.
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I also love how Xie'er is genuinely worried about her, and he shows a soft side that we don't see him showing anyone else. It's like he sees a small part of himself in Beauty Ghost, given how much she's suffered. He wants the best for her and I'm just like baby, I want that for you too. Why can't you try to do that for yourself as well? 😭
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Like why would you want to give him one more chance? He doesn't deserve it. Meanwhile, you deserve the world, baby. 🥺
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Like, look at him though! He is baby, your honor.
Working our way back to plot now before I keep going on about Xie'er.
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Baby girl took a stand and I was so there for it! You go Gao Xiaolian, you seek that justice for your dad!
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Again, what do these bros have to look so darn pretty for? Like why are y'all flaunting like this? Haha
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Lastly, I adored this part! I wish I could make a gif, but screenshots will have to suffice. He's just like nope, nothing to see here. Talk to the hand.
Peace out y'all! Until the next and final WoH commentary. It's really quite bittersweet. 😢
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vanitylang · 2 years
Hi everyone, did ya miss me? Haha It's been a few days since I last posted WoH commentary, but I'm back.
Today we're starting with A-Xiang and Cao Wei Ning. I feel like a hypocrite for complaining about others not hyping up this queen more while I myself am doing the same. >.< But yo, just wanted to check in and say that these two are adorable. Wei Ning is the cutest and sweetest. I'm excited to see his actor (Ma Wenyuan) in Chong Zi as well. I swear everyone is going to be in this new drama!
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Also, the tender hand-holding. Ahh! 😍
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Ahh, yes, this part.
'I am counting down the episodes until I see this scene,' I said.
'I will scream!!' I said.
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But did I scream? No.
It happened like in the blink of an eye and then your homegirl grew sad because bitch ass Zhao Jing slapped my baby. 😭
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This toxic relationship just went one step further into one of abuse. Xie'er deserves so much better! I'm glad he yelled at ZJ and finally stood up for himself.
(But honestly, why does Li Daikun have to be so damn sexy?? Not just that, he is such a talented actor and I look forward to seeing more of his works. Also, super excited for his monologue in episode 34. I actually already saw it, but it'll be nice to see it on my big TV screen rather than my phone.)
Now we transition to this scene. The more I thought about it, the more I thought about Mean Girls. Lol
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When I first saw this scene, I was like, 'Bro, chill, that's your cousin' and it ultimately made me think of Karen. So now I say, 'Karen, calm down, he's your cousin.' And I can just envision Prince Jin replying like so:
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Hahahahaha 😂
Now onto the main bros.
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I heard about this part and I finally saw it for myself. The gentleness Wen KeXing put into placing the hair piece, HIS hair piece, in Zhou Zishu's hair. 🥺 Such a sweet, tender moment for these boys. 💕
More Wen KeXing love. And Xie'er love too.
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My baby boys be plotting. Hee hee 🤭
Alrighty, that's it. Until next time!
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vanitylang · 2 years
Happy Lunar New Year! 🎊🐯 Had a great time celebrating with the boo and friends. Shoutout to my friend's hubby for making us delicious dumplings! They were so good! 😍😋
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vanitylang · 2 years
Pics from earlier today. Random hand pic because I loved the aesthetic between the controller and my dual-colored pants. Haha
Also, pics of my friends' cat. 🐈🥰 A precious boy.
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vanitylang · 2 years
Have some selfies of my failed Xie'er make-up attempt (and my Deng Wei nails too). Haha 😄
Hey, practice makes perfect, so eventually I'll get there. I don't normally use eyeliner and I laid it a wee bit too thick this time. Also need a palette like the one Li Daikun has. Ulta, here I come! Haha
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