venusiastro · 20 days
I love doing readings for you guys it’s so amazing being able to help you guys find clarity or get more in touch with yourself ❤️
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venusiastro · 1 month
Astrology & Tarot Reading Menu
Full astrological reading (sidereal Vedic chart) with nakshatra break down summaries for each planet, atmakaraka, destiny point and key nakshatras, planets and aspects (please allow up to a month til you receive the reading) -$75
Intuitive chart reading (sidereal Vedic chart) a brief overview of your chart with intuitive focus on certain aspects of your chart that may be of important significance. Rahu/ketu analysis, atmakaraka. (Please allow up to a month til you recieve the reading) -$55
Destiny/Career chart reading (sidereal/vedic) we dive into your destiny point, fortune point and atmakaraka, as well as read your d10 chart. Suggestions for best suited careers and answer to any questions about career (please allow up to a month to receive reading) - $55
Please allow a day-week to receive your reading depending on the volume of requests, your patience is greatly appreciated! Thank you <3
3 question tarot reading- delivered through text email with photos of the cards and interpretation. 3 separate spreads for each question -$20
2 question tarot reading- delivered through text email with photos of the cards and interpretation. 2 separate spreads for each question -$20
1 question tarot reading- delivered through text email with photos of the cards and interpretation. 1 spread for question -$10
I accept cashapp, and venmo, any other forms of payment are to be discussed :)
Tips are always appreciated but never mandatory. All services are personal to each of you. I don’t copy and paste my readings as every birth chart and every tarot reading is unique to the individual. <3
You can contact me through email only, I don’t do dms as they can become overwhelming. email is [email protected]
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venusiastro · 2 months
Astrology & Tarot Reading Menu
Full astrological reading (sidereal Vedic chart) with nakshatra break down summaries for each planet, atmakaraka, destiny point and key nakshatras, planets and aspects (please allow up to a month til you receive the reading) -$75
Intuitive chart reading (sidereal Vedic chart) a brief overview of your chart with intuitive focus on certain aspects of your chart that may be of important significance. Rahu/ketu analysis, atmakaraka. (Please allow up to a month til you recieve the reading) -$55
Destiny/Career chart reading (sidereal/vedic) we dive into your destiny point, fortune point and atmakaraka, as well as read your d10 chart. Suggestions for best suited careers and answer to any questions about career (please allow up to a month to receive reading) - $55
Please allow a day-week to receive your reading depending on the volume of requests, your patience is greatly appreciated! Thank you <3
3 question tarot reading- delivered through text email with photos of the cards and interpretation. 3 separate spreads for each question -$25
2 question tarot reading- delivered through text email with photos of the cards and interpretation. 2 separate spreads for each question -$20
1 question tarot reading- delivered through text email with photos of the cards and interpretation. 1 spread for question -$10
I accept cashapp, and venmo, any other forms of payment are to be discussed :)
Tips are always appreciated but never mandatory. All services are personal to each of you. I don’t copy and paste my readings as every birth chart and every tarot reading is unique to the individual. <3
You can contact me through email only, I don’t do dms as they can become overwhelming. email is [email protected]
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venusiastro · 2 months
I’ll be having tarot and astrology chart readings available soon ❤️
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venusiastro · 3 months
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Todays new moon ❤️
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venusiastro · 3 months
Your 6th house can show you your ailments and the routines/habits that can help you balance your body and health. The 12th house can also show you your unconscious self destructive habits, you may possess that can cause you issues in the future. Your 8th house can show you your longevity and the inherited genetic health you acquire from bloodlines. Be sure to focus on the foods you intake as they are the source of life force and energy. It’s also important to look at your ancestral roots for diets, the foods they’d eat and meals they would prepare, the circadian rhythms theyd have. This information can help you connect to your body and wellness in a beautiful way.
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venusiastro · 3 months
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venusiastro · 4 months
Astrology Observations VI.
Shatabhisha does not like being out of control in any way, they thrive on structure and routine in some form and easily feels like they’ll lose grip if they are even slightly out of their comfort zone
Karma is Bharanis boyfriend… they get hit the heaviest with karma, but they also know best what goes around always comes around.
Uttara Phalguni only does what they want to, really if they’re not passionate or interested in something it doesn’t exist to them
6th house rahu is usually the underdog that comes out of top, they tend to achieve fame or recognition despite all odds. They also tend to be their own worst enemy.
7th house Venus tends to hinder their own relationships until their Saturn karma is worked through
Magha is very in tune with their primal nature, they tend to find a lot of comfort in the expression of their sexuality and creativity. Ashwini is very similar in this regard as well.
Ashwini is the most ketu of all ketu signs as it’s the most raw and unrefined of ketuvian energy. They can be felt by others on a psychic level and tend to stir up others dark side on an unconscious level
Rohini hates anything non sensical they are rather rational and strive for harmony in some way or another, they can be notoriously sarcastic and can at times make you feel stupid without realizing (out of playfulness)
Purvashada and purva phalguni are “tortured artists” they tend to put their entire selves into their art and expressions to the point of absolute madness.
Jyestha is very detached emotionally, they seek to maintain their personal power, but they’re very compassionate. They help others through wisdom, insight and practical means. They always seek solutions.
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venusiastro · 4 months
Moon in ashlesha today, work on your solar plexus and throat chakra. Expression and duty are key to guiding this energy in a positive place. Ashlesha has a tendency toward idleness and stirring internal waters without manifesting it into external waves. Make sure you’re walking the walk as much as talking the talk. Writing, journaling, exercise, executing a project and working with divination practices like tarot, prayer, and scrying etc. is also highly beneficial today. Learning something new and applying the knowledge is key. Make sure that the will to do and the thought to begin are aligned.
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venusiastro · 4 months
I’m doing the birth charts of every state and it’s so interesting how each states nakshatras perfectly encapsulate their “stereotypes” in a way…
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venusiastro · 4 months
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Illustration of the BOSS Great Wall, a vast superstructure of 830 galaxies that is a billion light years across
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venusiastro · 4 months
This interview beautifully displays the cutting and profound mind of Ashwini and all Ketuvian individuals. Norm Macdonald (having Ashwini moon) displaying his beautiful and passive nature toward the material world and how he’s made peace with nothingness. Startling and jarring the more material minded interviewers leaving them dumbfounded.
“Having nothing and having something are exactly the same thing”
-Norm Macdonald
“A fraction of infinity is zero”
-Norm Macdonald
(May he rest in peace)
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venusiastro · 5 months
This years numerological number is 8 ruled by Saturn. Here are some insights I’ve uncovered recently in studying this years number.
There is an inherent need to both break and be bound by some structure. Foundations are being rebuilt after last years rift in reality. Jarring us awake to the illusions we’ve been bound by. There is a seemingly grounded quality to world views this year. People are tired of the fake and unrealistic attainments. The striving for simplicity and contentment is amplified and all those considered “subordinate” in social structures are leveled and demoted to just apart of the collective. However because Saturn is challenge and the numerological 8 is about karma we can expect to see quicker karmic cycles and retaliation to wrongs. There is less grace and more accountability being pushed. Creating the new groundwork is essential. Solid routine and commitment is honored this year. It won’t be easy and will come with expected obstacles and challenges that must be faced head on.
We can expect to see a lot of “long time coming” events to unfold either slowly or suddenly. This is the year of retribution, contrite and facing adversity. Heavy handed dealings we must encounter will occur. The longer you put it off the harder the sting. Those who honestly face their challenges head on with humility will be rewarded. The birthing pains of the cyclical coming to a close is nearing until next year (2025, numerological 9) will demolish the weak foundations that are stood upon. Long term planning is essential, creating healthy and solid habits that can stand the sundering to come is crucial. Steadfastness, frugality and humility are to be rewarded this year and holding on til the new and bursting energy of numerological year 1 (2026) is pivotal.
Begin to think two years ahead this year. Plan and structure and organize your life for success to face whatever may be thrown your way. As bleak and dramatic as this may sound, it’s better to be safe and prepared than sorry.
Predictions: the rise of political issues will ensue, world issues will forefront and continue to unveil. World powers and leaders will face retribution publicly, no one is safe. Unseeming public figures will face a possible exposure that is shocking and vile. Social media usage may decrease over the course of the year. There will a rise in more sustainable brands quality over quantity. Communal living will rise. Something about watches or time keeping… (Apple Watch?) housing market will see a big shift due to communal living, marriage will spike for a short while, traditional values may rise as well.. revisiting old concepts of creating quality and craving long lasting connections.
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venusiastro · 5 months
It’s so cool to me that the cancer zodiac sign is a crab and ruled by the moon. because crustaceans have been known to time their molting with the moon cycles and usually feast before a full moon etc. like crabs and the moon are tide together
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venusiastro · 1 year
Cancer Mars: The Bleeding Heart
Cancer mars is debilitated but I’ve come to notice the way they approach any conflict or crisis is usually through connective means. They can be manipulative in a sense but not necessarily in a malicious or bad way. They tend to be highly aware of emotions and disarm others quite easily by approaching heated issues with vulnerability and a ear to listen. This is why mars is debilitated here. Usually planet mars is ready for conflict and war, ready to attack this is why it loves Aries and Capricorn. Cancer mars is defensive and emotionally intelligent but uses their own vulnerability and softness as their defense. They’re simply not meant to attack and draw blood. They’re ready to draw tears and the outpouring of the heart where anger and frustration lie. They usually are the ones to come in with honesty and their emotions on their sleeve in order to tug at the hearts of their opponents or aggressors. To connect and become close instead of declare war. They’re often used for their softness and can be easily taken advantage of which is another reason this mars is debilitated. They want to connect emotionally and use heart instead of fists so it’s often hard for them to see why anyone would hurt them after giving their best. Another side to this debilitation is loss of control and emotion. Though they approach most things with heart and vulnerability, when they’re slighted and feel hurt or used etc. they can easily see red and do some very terrible acts without thinking twice. Mars needs a sense of order, strategy and logic for its action, the lunar cancer becomes flooded with scalding water that it cannot take a step back from the heat and can often times have unthinkable reactions. They can become very violent and unafraid to wreak any havoc or vengeance when they’re filled with anger. In fact they can be downright wicked when they’re in the heat and can cut off any emotion just as quickly. Cancer mars is a double sided coin. It’s not easy to know how they’ll react. Usually it’s the former but their protective nature can take over after many times of being hurt and can become a calloused shell that finds it easier to inflict the same hurt out of spite instead. Or become numb all together. The best course of action for cancer mars is to take a step back and evaluate their emotions and focus on constructive ways to solve the issues instead of using their heart as a pawn so quickly, or reacting out of emotion. They have to slow down when it comes to this (another reason for debilitation) and eventually they can heal this by becoming more proactive, strategic and thoughtful in taking action instead of impulse and bartering their emotional safety.
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venusiastro · 1 year
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— Yevgeny Yevtushenko, People
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venusiastro · 1 year
The houses and their meanings:
First house: your life path, your embodiment, the way your approach the world, your most natural essence, the first impression you give off, self awareness, your primal and instinctual reactions, your subjective filter of the world, energy and vitality, beginnings, raw reactions, foolhardiness, impulsivity
Second house: value of self and objects, your face and visage, your appearance, self esteem, indulgence, ownership and possession, how you’re valued in the world, how you use and utilize your earnings, earnings, monetary wealth, the way others value you, your innate talents, nostalgia, family/childhood values
Third house: siblings and inherited traits from mother and father, natural talents and gifts, communication, how you learned how to communicate in childhood, the family unit, your interests and education, short distance traveling, neighborhoods, mental energy, apprenticeship, logic
Fourth house: homeland, mother and father, memories, comfort and internal child, home making, family secrets, inherited habits from the mother, mothers influence, family ideals, the womb, connection to family, foundation, first basic skills, inner world, peace, your developmental environment
Fifth house: ancestral roots, pedigree, educational pursuits, legacy, bloodline, recreation, reproduction, play and excess of energy, communities, inherited habits from the father, fathers influence, last names, recognition, creativity, stardom, romance, flings, promiscuity, games, creation, mantras
Sixth house: competition, daily tasks, enemies and adversity, dexterity, health and wellness, small habits that lead to compound results, disease and family health issues, crisis, divorce, counseling, analysis, uprooting bad habits, facing reality, pets
Seventh house: partnership, bond and contracts, projection, spirit and earthly plane, messages, social standards, socializing, desire, behavior, ceremony, mutual relationships, abiding by structure, connecting with a community, hidden friendships and hidden adversaries
Eighth house: separation, death, transformation, karma, soul bonds, reincarnation, rebirth and regeneration, generational wealth, inheritance, wills, willpower, vengeance and forgiveness, ego death, self control, destruction, married sex, severances, temptation, seduction, intimacy, ownership, debt
Ninth house: gurus, ascension, mental clarity, abundance, gratitude, spiritual education, foreign travel, gifts, destiny, expanse, gaining knowledge, philosophy, teachers, retention, dogmatism, devotion, understanding, temples and churches, missionaries
Tenth house: prominence, competence, karmic lessons, status, recognition, social esteem, publicity, public persona, hard work, your efforts, legends, folklore and myths, your highest potential, the highest point of your life, midlife
Eleventh house: networking, connections and media, social media, mass communication, aspirations and ideals, unexpected ups and downs, mass group settings, fame, positive karmic gifts, the universes love, prodigies, star qualities, genius, eccentricity, unique characteristics, large societal structures.
Twelfth house: subconscious, surrender, imagination, escapism, addiction, foreign lands, secret helpers and secret enemies, loss, isolation, institutions, bed pleasures, sex in general, spending, hidden places, sleep, dreams, lethargy, fantasy, creativity, the flow state, astral travel, occultism
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