venusiastro · 3 months
Astrology Observations VI.
Shatabhisha does not like being out of control in any way, they thrive on structure and routine in some form and easily feels like they’ll lose grip if they are even slightly out of their comfort zone
Karma is Bharanis boyfriend… they get hit the heaviest with karma, but they also know best what goes around always comes around.
Uttara Phalguni only does what they want to, really if they’re not passionate or interested in something it doesn’t exist to them
6th house rahu is usually the underdog that comes out of top, they tend to achieve fame or recognition despite all odds. They also tend to be their own worst enemy.
7th house Venus tends to hinder their own relationships until their Saturn karma is worked through
Magha is very in tune with their primal nature, they tend to find a lot of comfort in the expression of their sexuality and creativity. Ashwini is very similar in this regard as well.
Ashwini is the most ketu of all ketu signs as it’s the most raw and unrefined of ketuvian energy. They can be felt by others on a psychic level and tend to stir up others dark side on an unconscious level
Rohini hates anything non sensical they are rather rational and strive for harmony in some way or another, they can be notoriously sarcastic and can at times make you feel stupid without realizing (out of playfulness)
Purvashada and purva phalguni are “tortured artists” they tend to put their entire selves into their art and expressions to the point of absolute madness.
Jyestha is very detached emotionally, they seek to maintain their personal power, but they’re very compassionate. They help others through wisdom, insight and practical means. They always seek solutions.
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youremyheaven · 9 months
The Astrology of Appearance
Every planet is associated with a certain feature in Vedic Astrology and I thought it would be interesting to analyse it!!
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MERCURY (forehead)
these natives tend to have large, prominent foreheads
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(L to R)
Sonakshi Sinha, Ashlesha Moon
Tyra Banks, Jyeshta Sun
Rihanna, Revati Moon
Angelina Jolie, Revati Moon
MARS (eyebrows)
these natives tend to have very little space between their eyes and eyebrows and their eyebrows itself tend to be long and straight, without any arch
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(L to R)
Natalie Portman, Mrigashira Sun
Kim Kardashian, Chitra Sun
Cara Delevingne, Mrigashira Ketu
Adriana Lima, Mrigashira Sun & Chitra Moon
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(L to R)
Sandra Bullock, Dhanishta Moon & Mrigashira stellium
Kate Upton, Mrigashira Sun & stellium, Chitra Moon
Brooke Shields, Mrigashira Moon
Audrey Hepburn, Dhanishta rising
JUPITER (nose)
These natives tend to have a long and tapered nose. Their midface is often kinda long.
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(L to R)
Denise Richards, Vishaka Moon
Kali Uchis, Punarvasu Sun
Shakira, Punarvasu Moon
Sofia Vergara, Punarvasu Sun & Moon
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(L to R)
Evan Rachel Wood, Purvabhadrapada Moon
Katrina Kaif, Punarvasu Sun
Laura Prepon- Vishaka Moon
Carmen Electra- Punarvasu Moon
VENUS (cheeks)
Venusian natives often have prominent cheekbones and really full cheek apples.
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(L to R)
Keri Russell- Purvashada Moon
Christina Ricci- Purvashada Moon
Stella McCartney- Purvaphalguni Sun
Taylor Hill- Purvaphalguni Moon
Bipasha Basu- Bharani Moon
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(L to R)
Iris Apatow- Purvashada Moon
Adele- Bharani Sun
Aishwarya Rai- Purvashada Moon
Uma Thurman- Bharani Sun
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donotaskusername · 1 year
This is my first astrology observation post, so bear with me
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• Uttara Bhadrapada natives can have foot fetish. Quentin Tarantino is the biggest example of it.
• Revati natives can be perceived as mean girls. Example - Rihanna, Ellen DeGeneres
• Moon in 2nd house in D1 is too protective of his/ her things or people. They should never tell the people about how much money then own.
• Moon in 2nd in D1 might enjoy oral sex the most, if moon is the lord of 8th or 12th house.
• Poorva Shada natives can have a widow's peak hairline. Example - Aishwarya Rai.
• Rohini Ascendant girls may prefer tomboyish clothing.
• Ketu in 3rd from Arudha Lagna can give a cut or burn mark on hands.
• Rahu in 9th from Arudha Lagna may give interest in learning new languages.
• Mars in 11th house in D1 chart is good for finance for maternal uncles but bad for their health.
• Mula natives especially lagna can be perceived as perfect students in their school as it is the birth star of Saraswati, the Goddess of Knowledge, Wisdom and creativity.
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uniquestudentsblog · 3 months
Purvashada have beauty that appears like nectar dropped drop by drop from heaven
Bharani have furious beauty vibes
Purvaphalguni have sleeping beauty ,resting beauty , calmed relaxing beauty .
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daskolas · 10 months
Nakshatras are a concept in Vedic astrology that has one deity associated with it.
There are 27 nakshtras in total and each one of them is ruled by one planets.
These nakshtras are:
Ashwini, Magha, Moola: ketu (south node)
Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purvashada: Shukra (venus)
Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttarashada: Surya (sun)
Rohini, Hasta, Shravana: Chandra (moon)
Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta: Mangal (mars)
Ardra, Swati, Shatabisha: Rahu (north node)
Punarvasu, Vishakha, Purvabhadra: Guru (Jupiter)
Pushya, Anuradha, Uttarabhadra: Shani (saturn)
Ashlesha, Jyestha, Revati: Budh (mercury)
Here, the nakshtras and which planet rules them are specified. I will explaining each nakshtra in separate posts.
Nakshatras duration is 24 hours or 1 day. And each month has all of them,
My asks are open. I have experience in Vedic and Western Astrology. And also a little in Tarots (i no longer do them but hopefully will start soon)
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truevedicastrology · 2 years
Story of Nakshatras
As per ancient Hindu mythological story, Lord Daksha had 27 daughters. All of them were married to the Moon. Moon loved only the 4th wife Rohini and spent all his time with her. Because of this, the other wives were jealous and unhappy and complained to their father Lord Daksha about it. Daksha lost temper and cursed the Moon that his glory will wane each day until he disappears completely. Moon begged him to reverse the curse but once the words are said, it cannot be taken back. So he went to the lord of destruction Shiva, who modified the curse on Moon's request.
So now Moon’s glory wanes for a fortnight causing New moon called as Krishan Paksha or Waning moon cycle. And then wax in Shukla pasha until it is brightest at Full Moon. And then Shiva placed the Moon on his head. After this Moon learned his lesson and distributed his time equally with this wives. And hence it's assumed to spend one day in each Nakshatra.
Each Nakshatra is divided into 4 Padas (sub-divisions). Hence, 27x4 = 108 divisions total. Some Nakshtras are split up in 2 zodiacs. Each zodiac contains 2-2.5 Nakshatras.
Each pada has a sound associated with it. So someone born under a specific nakshatra pada should have a name starting with that sound.
The 19th Nakshatra is called Mula as it is the Cantre of the Galaxy. Mula means Root or Source. Different Nakshatras contain different number of stars.
Not all Nakshtras are part of a zodiac constellation. For Example, constellation Orion which is also called Kaalpurush is not part of the 12 zodiac signs. But contains 2 Nakshatra stars Ardra and Mrigshira.
Number of stars in each Nakshatra :
Chitra, Pushya, Shatbhisha, Ardra, Swati, Revati : has 1 star each Mula, Purva-Bhadrapada, Uttarbhadrapada, Ashwini, Punarvasu, Vshakha, Purva phalguni, uttar phalguni - contain 2 stars each Jyestha , bharni shrawana mrigshira - has 3 stars each Anuradha, Purvashada, uttarashda - has 4 stars each Dhanishta, Rohini, Hasta - has 5 stars each Kritika, Ashlesha, Magha - has 6 stars each
The brightest and most prominent star in a Nakshatra is called Yogatara.
Gandanta Nakshatra : The Nakshatras transitioning between Fire and water elements are called Gandanta Nakshatra. People having this as pre-dominant Nakshatra in their chart could find lot of challenges in their lifetime.
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Nakshatra and Planets :
Each of the nice planets has the ownership of 3 Nakshatras. Below is the list of Nakshatra belonging to each planet.
Sun : Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashada
Moon : Rohini, Hasta, Shrawana
Mars : Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishtha
Venus : Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashada
Mercury : Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, Revati
Jupiter : Punarvasu, Vishakha, Purva Bhadrapada
Saturn : Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara Bhadrapada
Rahu / North Node : Ardra, Swati, Shatabhisha
Ketu / South Node : Ashwini, Magha, Mula
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astrophileblogs07 · 2 years
When you're marrying or giving it a thought, check your s/o Moon sign's nakshatra 'Gana'
'Gana' means Clan. Gana matching is very important for a long term commitment or relationships
In Vedic astrology, there are 3 ganas:
Dev gana(divine, godly category)
Manisha/Manushya gana (human, earthly category)
Rakshasa gana (devil category, sort of tamasika)
If any of these are not compatible, its known as 'Gana Dosha'. But one exception is if your sign lord are good /mutual, or if the ppl involved have same Navamsha, this Dosha won't be taken into account.
Dev gana people have good intuition, their spiritual manifestation works faster than the latter two. They won't hesitate to help people. Stubborn. Don't change thier views or themselves easily. Can be prideful.
Manushya gana people are human like, they are people who are obedient to the elders and are ethical. May not help others but are mixed.
Rakshasa gana people are dominating/bossy (in a good way tho) they have a good direction of things and are impulsive too. Go getters. Can easily read energies. Cruel and selfish at times.
Side note: In Hindu epics, even the demons (called 'daityas', 'danav', 'asur' or 'Rakshas') possessed as much powers as the gods and demi-gods. (Or even more, but it depends on the penance)
So here's the thing, compatibility between these are important:
1) Dev gana combos
Dev Gana + Manushya gana= good 👍but the dev gana would be dominating. Unity is nice, lesser conflicts. Harmonious relationship. (5pts are rewarded)
Dev Gana + Dev gana= Very good understanding between both. Unity🎀. Perfect for marriage or any relationship (6pts are rewarded for this combo)
Dev Gana + Rakshasa gana= not compatible. Since the clans are total opposite, there maybe fights, adjustments are only valid till a limit. Don't get along well due to the polarity in their thoughts.
2) Manushya Gana combos.
Manushya + Manushya= again, same thinking, good unity between partners.
Manushya + Rakshasa= this is where the bad news comes, humans can't rule over devils, so this thing is a problem in the relation. The Manushya gana person gets dominated by the Rakshasa gana. The cruelty of the Rakshas gana person starts showing up. Lots of power play (if the other placements in the chart state otherwise). (Idk if true but, my grandma used to believe that in this combo, either of the partner lives, and mostly it is the least dominant party which is taken away, lol) (0pts for this combo)
💙 Dev Gana nakshatras: Ashwini, Mrisgshirsha, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Shravana, Revati.
❤️ Rakshasa Gana nakshatras: Krittika, Ashlesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Dhanista, Satabhisha
🧡 Manushya Gana nakshatras: Bharani, Rohini, Ardra, Purvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni, Purvashada, Uttarashada, Purvabhadrapada, Uttarabhadrapada.
In conclusion, i would say, please don't base your opinion solely on this Gana of Nakshatras, other things in the d9 chart and the natal horoscopes are important and are being taken into account, this thing is just a part of it.
That's all for today, i hope you enjoyed this post ✨🖤
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I'm new to Vedic astrology specifically and I just stumbled across your page, I'd like to learn more about it especially through my chart😊
I have the following placements:
Sun: Purvashada
Moon: Vishakha
Rising: Krittika
If you don't mind I would like you to tell me about Hora, pls briefly explain my appearance I tend to find myself really manly sort of😭
I need more details than just your big 3. See if there is affliction to moon , 5th house. Etc. See if more fire & airy signs are active.
I need your sign wise placement too. Your Venus , mars. Sign , house placement.
So many things are to be seen to understand your why.
Hora means that the specific planetery energies are more active at this time, space. Thus is subtly influencing our energies and the environment around us.
Venus hora implies energies of love , balance , harmony , beauty , marriage creativity, creating , feeling are more active. Thus is auspicious time for such activities. 💌
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pharmanormal · 1 year
Gerhana Bulan 5 Mei 2023
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Bulan Purnama berarti ada pertentangan antara kekuatan kosmik yang menciptakan bentuk fisik. Bulan Baru (Tilem) melambangkan benih karma yang tertanam dalam kesadaran kolektif, mencari ekspresi dari dalam diri kita sendiri ke dunia. Inti dari segala sesuatu dalam ilmu Weda adalah menyelaraskan dengan alam, menggabungkan mikrokosmos dengan makrokosmos.  Niskala dengan Sekala, atas menjadi bawah...
Menurut astrologi Weda/Jyotish, gerhana Bulan Penumbral 5-6 Mei 2023 akan terjadi dengan Bulan bersama Ketu di antara nakshatras (Libra) Swati-Visakha (Libra).
Gerhana Bulan akan muncul di bagian langit yang disebut "Vishaka", yang berarti jalan bercabang (menyiratkan keputusan yang perlu diambil). Terletak di dalam kotak konstelasi Libra, nakshatra ini adalah jembatan antara Libra dan Skorpio, yang diatur oleh dua dewa "Indra" dan "Agni", dua nama Rig Weda yang paling sering dipanggil. Itu satu-satunya nakshatra yang dikuasai oleh dua dewa, menunjukkan perlunya kerja sama dan perasaan intens yang sejalan dengan kodependensi.  Kerja tim benar-benar dapat mewujudkan impian, Indra dan Agni membunuh seekor naga bersama-sama, dua individu berfokus pada tujuan yang sama. Apakah kemitraan kita memiliki tujuan yang sama?  Atau apakah kita bilang "giliranku", "giliranmu", di mana satu orang memberi dan yang lain mengambil?
Gerhana bulan penumbra ini akan terlihat di seluruh Selandia Baru, Australia, Asia, Asia Pasifik,  Afrika, Antartika, dan Eropa (kecuali Norwegia, Swedia barat, Portugal, dan Inggris).
Gerhana bulan dapat dilihat dari semua negara yang termasuk dalam zona berwarna gelap pada gambar di atas.  Karena ini bukan gerhana bulan total atau sebagian, setiap orang dengan langit cerah di wilayahnya, hanya dapat melihat gerhana penumbra.
Gerhana akan mulai pada pukul 22.12 WIB. Puncak gerhana akan berlangsung pada pukul 00.22 WIB. Sedangkan, gerhana akan berakhir pada pukul 02.33 WIB.
Saat gerhana terjadi di Thula Rasi (Libra) bulan bersama Ketu, mereka paling terpengaruh dengan 4 planet, Merkurius (retrogesi), Matahari, Jupiter, Rahu di Aries (Mesha Rasi) di arah berlawanan.
6 planet ini menciptakan situasi yang tidak terkendali dan tidak nyaman di rumah.  Argumen dengan pasangan semakin memperburuk situasi.
Aries (Mesha Rasi) juga dipengaruhi oleh 6 planet ini, bersama dengan aspek dari Saturnus yang membuatnya kesulitan baik di rumah maupun di tempat kerja. Tekanan menyebabkan insomnia.
Taurus (Vrishabha) terpaksa menghabiskan uang seperti air jatuh di daun talas.
Kanser (Karaka Rasi) dan Kaprikornus (Makara) tampaknya tidak ada harapan dalam situasi di rumah dan di tempat kerja.
Leo (Simha Rasi) akan mendapatkan kembali beberapa kontak yang hilang dan segera kembali bekerja.
Virgo (Kanya) hidup di bawah tekanan ekstrim, dikelilingi oleh para penipu.
Skorpio (Vrischika) terjerumus ke dalam pikiran negatif dan kurang percaya diri setelah Gerhana Matahari bulan lalu, tetapi situasi membaik di akhir Mei 2023.
Sagitarius (Dhanus) mengkhawatirkan kekasih dan anak-anak.
Akuarius (Kumbha) merasa frustrasi dengan keterlambatan dan ketidakkomitmenan orang lain di tempat kerja.
Pises terus hidup dalam krisis uang tetapi situasinya membaik dalam 4 hingga 6 minggu setelah gerhana.
Gemini (Mithuna Rasi) menikmati hasil paling positif dari gerhana ini.
Untuk kamu yang lahir dengan Bulan di nakshatra Swati, Visakha, Satabhisha, Purvashada, gerhana ini menyebabkan dampak paling negatif pada hidupmu.
Juga, orang yang menjalani Vimsottari dasa dari Chandra (Bulan) perlu mengendalikan pikiran mereka dan tidak terbawa oleh emosi.
Dampak gerhana terhadap politik dan iklim.
Akan banyak kerusuhan, demo, riots, dan kerusuhan publik. Di beberapa tempat akan terjadi ttopan dan curah hujan yang terlalu cepat. Bangunan, jembatan runtuh dan jalan terbuka dengan retakan. Kecelakaan kebakaran menghancurkan pabrik-pabrik BESAR. Efek resesi dapat dilihat di Asia, Australia dan Eropa. Gempa bumi dan banjir di Cina, Jepang, Korea, kepulauan Asia-Pasifik. Manusia di benua Afrika dipengaruhi oleh penyakit yang mengurangi populasinya.
Selama beberapa minggu ke depan, tuliskan apa pun yang muncul sebagai memori yang "ga akan pernah lagi" atau tahu ketika kita merasa diri kita menjauh dari situasi tertentu tanpa kejelasan alasannya. Tuliskan dan bakar kertas di mana pola perilaku itu didokumentasikan.  Mungkin keengganan itu menghalangi kita dari ekspresi diri kita yang sepenuhnya tanpa batasan. Lepaskan rasa bersalah dan menyerah pada toleransi, untuk diri sendiri dan untuk orang lain. Apa pun yang kita pikirkan, "seharusnya" adalah imajinasi. Bangun dari mimpi itu dan hirup udara segar dan bersih dari apa yang sebenarnya, sedang, dan akan terjadi. Jika itu dimaksudkan untuk kita, itu tidak akan hilang. Apa pun yang pergi sudah selesai.  Bayangkan penyesalan yang mengganggu itu seperti anak anjing yang mencakar pintu belakang, merengek untuk keluar dan bebas. Buka pintunya. Biarkan energinya kembali ke dalam keutuhan yang tak terbatas, abadi. Jika dirasa benar, tepuk tangan dan gunakan kata Sanskerta "Swaha" untuk menyatakan siklus dihentikan dan energi dipersembahkan kembali ke alam semesta.
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astrologyindia · 1 year
Which Nakshatra is Compatible with Uttara Nakshatra?  
Uttarashadha is the 21st nakshatra of all 27 nakshatras. It falls in Sagittarius and Capricorn signs. Uttarashada nakshatra can be seen in the night sky as the stars Sigma, Phi, Tau, and Zeta Sagittarii. These stars are the brightest shining in the sky. The Lord of Uttarashada nakshatra is the Sun, and its deities are ten Vishwa Devas, signifying dharma/righteousness. Thus, a native-born under Uttarashada nakshatra has noble aspirations and an optimistic attitude.
The symbol for Uttarashada Nakshatra is an Elephant's tusk. The Elephant's tusk sometimes hints at its association with the Hindu God Lord Ganesha. People worship Ganpati ji to seek blessings before initiating any auspicious task. He is also the Vighnaharta, i.e., one who removes obstacles in life and tasks. Uttarashada nakshatra thus denotes new beginnings and permanence of the events. When this nakshatra is well placed in the horoscope, it gives various skills and capabilities to the native. The native feels powerful to initiate business projects and other daring tasks. The native has deeper insights. But when it is not well placed, the native may show haste in tasks leading to complete failure.
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The nakshatra also imbibes the qualities of Purvashada Nakshatra, as they both are the former (Purva) and the latter (Uttara) part of the same bigger constellation Ashadha. The Uttarashadha nakshatra shows more introspection and permanence than the Purvashada nakshatra. In comparison, The Purvashada nakshatra is more aggressive than the Uttarashada nakshatra.
The 1st Pada of Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra falls in Sagittarius, and the rest three padas fall in the Capricorn sign. The birth star Uttara Ashadha makes the native obedient, grateful and virtuous. Uttarashada natives will have a larger social circle and always help their friends in need. Hence, the native is the favorite of all. 
Uttarashada nakshatra females
Before understanding Uttarashada Nakshatra's female marriage life, it is important to understand their physical and mental attributes. Their facial features are attractive, but these females are rigid and don't compromise easily. It is difficult to make them realize their mistakes. They always rate themselves superior to others. The females are daring and fearless. Whatever she speaks is always without thinking about it, sometimes hurting others. They are rude and blunt in their speech, making them jump into conflicts with others. These females lead a simple and righteous life with lots of moral values. These females value education and independence. She is financially independent, working as a teacher, bank employee, or religious preacher. If the Moon influences Mercury, she can become a publisher or a writer.
By understanding the core nature of the female born under Uttarashada nakshatra, we can say that they don't enjoy a blissful married life. Her sense of dominance and pride obstruct the way to a happy marriage. She has to face separation or divorce in married life. She has religious inclinations and observes most of traditions and rituals. She can derive marital happiness and satisfaction by marrying a purva bhadrapada nakshatra boy.
Uttarashada nakshatra males
It is equally important to know about the Uttarashada Nakshatra male marriage life. With a gender difference, things appear differently for males and females. The male natives are also under the influence of the Sun, which makes them virtuous, intelligent, religious, arrogant, prideful, and have leadership qualities. They make natives have stronger devotion and values in life. They are orthodox and believe in older systems or traditions. However, they are very less likely to ditch their partners, and their rigidness becomes difficult for the natives to handle.
The male natives have higher goals and are kind. They love to have more knowledge which makes them stand out in the crowd. They love to travel and are also benefitted from it. Taking notice of their personality traits, they portray an ideal husband with few negative qualities. They generally get good life partners. They lead a happy married life, but there should not be affliction to the Moon. If the Moon has an affliction, there is yoga for multiple marriages or love relations. Uttarashada Nakshatra's secrets involve infidelity. The person can have extra-marital affairs. They may expect a lot from their partner, which leads to dissatisfaction in marital life. If under the influence of Jupiter, he adjusts to the need of the partners; else, negative results follow. The native should go for kundli matching before tying the knot. There is a certain nakshatra that shares good compatibility with Uttarashada nakshatra. If married with the person having compatibility, there will be no problem in their marriage.
They are sometimes self-centered, and to gain attention; they tend to help others while ignoring their own family. This personality trait is not desirable for happy family life.
The best and worst nakshatra compatibility with Uttarashada nakshatra
Uttarashada Nakshatra marriage is usually successful with compatible partners. Uttara phalguni nakshatra, Bharni, Hasta, Revati, Rohini, and Uttarabhadra nakshatra are the nakshatras that share good compatibility. The incompatible ones are Moola nakshatra, Shatabhisha nakshatra, Ashlesha nakshatra, and Magha nakshatra.
   Source link : https://vedicastrologynews.blogspot.com/2023/02/Uttarashada-nakshatra.html
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titina-pitriqli · 1 year
Vedic sidereal astrology is fascinating. I'm currently obsessing over nakshatras and learning about my asc, sun and moon nakshatras is mind blowing.
The sings may differ from tropical western astrology, since the sidereal takes the location of the planets astronomically, and does not follow by the equinox/solstice.
For example, in western astrology I am:
Aries ☀️/ Scorpio 🌙/ Capricorn asc.
While in sidereal astrology I'm:
Piscis ☀️/ Libra 🌙/ Sagittarius asc.
My ascendant nakshatra in both, tropical and sidereal, is 'Purvashada', it deals with perfectionism and beauty which makes a lot of sense on how I get to be an utterly perfectionist on the things I do and making everything 'beautiful'. It also takes on issues I have with my own body. Boy, do I suffer for beauty (the lack). This video explains this nakshatra in detail!! 👇
My moon nakshatra is 'Vishaka' and my sun is 'Revati'... should I even share these things about me? lol nobody cares.
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youremyheaven · 9 months
Decoding Venus: A Journey Through the Nakshatras
Cancer rashi is considered the most feminine yet all the naks in Cancer rashi are ruled by masculine planets except Ashlesha ruled by Mercury which is a "eunuch" planet.
Similarly, Venus is the most feminine planet but Venusian nakshatras embody true masculinity.
Sexual polarity is imp because men are drawn to women who may outwardly seem feminine and charming but who embody strength and are emotionally masculine. The same way, women are drawn to men who seem outwardly masculine but who are in tune with femininity inwardly; this is what manifests as gentleness, kindness, appreciation for the fine things etc
The opposite of Cancer/4h is Capricorn/10h, 3 nakshatras fall into Capricorn rashi, Uttarshada, Shravana & Dhanishta. But I'll explain their masculinity later.
Now here are some things to consider,
*all Venusian naks are Ugra nakshatras (known for being fierce and cruel)
*all Venusian naks are Manushya gana
*all Venusian naks belong to a fire sign rashi
*all Venusian naks are assigned the cosmic purpose of 'preservation' (in Hinduism, the 3 cosmic functions, creation/preservation/destruction are personified as the Trimurti and different naks are assigned different functions)
The first Venus nak is Bharani and it is the second nak overall. It is important to understand that the Venusian journey begins in Bharani.
Bharani's deity is Lord Yama, the God of Death. He delivers justice and embodies Kala or time. Bharani is symbolised by the Yoni (which means "vulva" in sanskrit) and the word Bharani itself means "to bear".
Birth and death may seem like polar opposites but there is an element of each in the other. To be born is to experience the death of passivity. To die is to experience the birth of the spirit in another form. Lord Yama is associated with divine punishment and dharma but it would be more accurate to say that Lord Yama metes out the treatment that is the result of our own actions. He rules over time, hence what we do in the present is what we will taste in the future as its consequences.
"Time takes the ugliness and horror out of death and turns it into beauty"- Dodie Smith (Bharani Sun)
In French, orgasm is referred to as "La petite mort" which translates to "little death" and it connotes the "brief loss or weakening of the consciousness". Sex and death have had close associations in many cultures.
Hanya Yanagihara's novel 'A Little Life' has the following book cover:
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its a photograph by Peter Hujar and is called 'Orgasmic Man'. The author insisted on using this image for the novel's cover because of how its difficult to tell whether the man is in pain or pleasure. This ambiguity is a major theme in the book as well, that deals heavily with sex, trauma, abuse, addiction etc
Hanya Yanagihara has Bharani Moon with Purvaphalguni Mercury & Saturn
The book, you could say explores the dark side of Venus in some capacity. one reviewer described it as "There may never have been a cover that better captures the emotional heart of a story — that is to say the agony and the ecstasy of desire."
"It poses this question: How does one navigate desire when all pleasure to be discovered in the sexual act has been forever stripped away and turned into the stuff of nightmares, and yet the deep longing for love remains?" the conflict between lust and love is a theme that's explored in the works of many Venusian natives.
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Ishtar is a Mesopotamian Goddess of love, fertility and war. Like many ancient deities, she was a dualistic deity, associated with life and death, making love and war as well as thunderstorms and food preservation. Ishtar was closely associated with Venus.
Ishtar, though responsible for all life is never considered a Mother goddess. She bore arms as the Goddess of War. She is a paradoxical Goddess figure with many contradictions; sex and violence, fecundity and death, beauty and terror, centrality and marginality, order and chaos. She occupies a liminal space and her influence spans every area of society, she governs all of civilization (think: the preservation aspect of all Venus nakshatras). She was even worshipped as the Goddess of transition between life and death due to her ability to come back from the underworld after she died.
She was widely worshipped in Mesopotamian society as an administrator of justice (see the parallels between Lord Yama and Goddess Ishtar?)
All of this gives us an idea about the highly complex nature of Venus. it amuses me when people think that Venus is some soft uwu nakshatra with bright colored aesthetics and cute lighting when the actual Venusian themes are of violence and war💀💀💀Venusian naks are hardcore af, let me just say that.
“Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs; Being purg'd, a fire sparkling in lovers' eyes; Being vex'd, a sea nourish'd with lovers' tears; What is it else? A madness most discreet, A choking gall, and a preserving sweet.” ― William Shakespeare (Bharani Sun)
Bharani is closely associated with birth and procreation, however its cosmic function is "preservation" and not creation. This is because with other naks assigned the cosmic function of creation (ex: Ashwini & Punarvasu) creation must manifest from nothing. It manifests itself on its own; you are the creator and the creation. It is a spiritual and metaphysical concept, so to speak.
But Bharani is not associated with that sort of cosmic creation where the universe manifests itself from nothing, instead its connected to the most primitive and primal of human acts; copulation and procreation. Its directly associated with sex and reproduction. And this is not something that can happen on its own. by nature, procreation necessitates the union of man and woman. its not a symbolic act or a metaphor, it requires two people to get down and dirty. Creation of this sort is necessary to "maintain" or "preserve" our species; it does not arise out of nothing; certain prerequisite conditions have to be met in order for it to take place. this is why Bharani's purpose is "preservation".
from the minute that one is born, we are all on a journey towards death. Lord Yama embodies time because the actions we perform in the present can only be revealed in their true nature with time, i.e, whatever we sow, we reap but this is something that takes time. everything in life can be said to come down to timing. be it lessons learnt or success achieved.
its important to keep in mind that Bharani's aim is Artha
There are 4 aims, namely and each nakshatra has a specific aim assigned to it.
Dharma: doing what you are supposed to do. Fulfilling your soul in daily activities Artha: generating income and wealth so you can provide shelter and food for your body. Kama: going after your desires. Moksha: liberating your soul.
Venus itself is a planet associated with wealth, luxury, abundance, beauty etc
The first Venusian nakshatra is associated with the material aspect of Venus which is creating income and thereby attaining security. If we look at Maslow's hierarchy of needs and correspond it to the 4 aims, we can say that Artha is at the foundational base and Moksha is at the very top with Kama & Dharma located in between the two.
It is very telling that while Venusian nakshatras are split among Artha, Kama & Moksha aims, there is no nakshatra assigned the aim of Dharma, which is doing one's duty. With Venus there is no duty, no obligation, no decree; whatever one does we do out of love, this is the essence of Venus energy.
Therefore Bharani concerns itself with the most basic of needs, which is creating security for itself. It occupies the sign of Aries, ruled by Mars and we can say Mars represents the 'soldier'; it is raw, primitive and only concerned with survival.
As we progress through the other Venus nakshatras, we see how the aims ascend on the hierarchy, finally reaching its peak with "Moksha" or liberation in the final Venusian nakshatra.
Bharani is concerned with the most raw, primal and primitive of acts and located in the very first fire sign of Aries, it is an outcaste nakshatra and is the ONLY venusian nakshatra that is outcaste which is in itself unusual because Venus is concerned with refinement, grace, elan and elegance but the fact that the Venusian journey begins in a nakshatra that is outcaste with the aim of Artha implies one deep cosmic truth; in order for an individual to truly embody Venus and understand the planet's energies, you must first begin at the very bottom and ascend to the top. in Bharani, represented by the womb, we see the aspect of a human being taking physical form and being born, they are not born to riches or pleasures but in the most dire of circumstances, and they must now create security for themselves before they can even think of pursuing pleasures of any kind.
All Venusian nakshatras perform the cosmic function of "preservation" or "maintenance".
this is because they are all Manushya gana nakshatras, and human nature is one that's primarily best suited for this cosmic function over the functions of Creation or Dissolution (for deva gana and rakshasa gana naks).
Creation itself is the feminine principle but "preservation" is inherently masculine. Destruction or dissolution is a different expression of the same feminine principle.
All Venusian nakshatras are also of Pitta (fire) nadi
In Ayurveda, people with pitta are said to usually have a muscular build, be very athletic, and serve as strong leaders. They're highly motivated, goal-oriented, and competitive. They are said to possess an aggressive and tenacious nature.
The second Venusian nakshatra is Purvaphalguni, presided by the deity Bhaga, God of Marital Bliss. Purvaphalguni is symbolised by the front legs of the bed or a swinging hammock, indicating relaxation and comfort.
while Bharani was concerned with birth and death, in Purvaphalguni the association is with the sexual act itself.
Purvaphalguni's aim is Kama (desire) and this nakshatra is associated with love, romance, wealth, luxury etc.
Bharani's yoni animal was the elephant, a large yoni animal signifies the immense sexual appetite of the native but also the capacity for a certain breadth of experiences👀 with Purvaphalguni, the yoni animal is a rat, which is widely considered to be the most sexual animal as it copulates and reproduces at an immense pace. It makes sense as to why Purvaphalguni is about sexual pleasures and bliss and not about the how or the why; its purely concerned with the process. These natives are freaky af and the most openly and unabashedly sexual of all.
“Beauty is desired in order that it may be befouled; not for its own sake, but for the joy brought by the certainty of profaning it.” ― Georges Bataille (Purvaphalguni Sun)
Purvaphalguni men love the idea of corrupting something that is innocent and pure and making it filthy.many of them perhaps have a virginity kink 👀💀
In addition to this, Purvaphalguni men and Venusian men in general tend to exhibit the "Madonna-Whore Complex"
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Jesse James (Purvaphalguni Sun, Bharani Mars) was married to Sandra Bullock and was outed as a serial cheater.
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Tiger Woods (Purvashada Sun, Ketu in Bharani) was exposed as a chronic cheater (he slept with over 120 women during the course of his marriage) and spent time in rehab for his sex addiction.
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Elvis Presley (Purvashada Sun) met his wife Priscilla Presley when she was 14 and he was 24. He was hell-bent on "preserving her purity" and they had a very "chaste relationship" after she was married and had a baby however he did not want to have sex with her anymore because she was a mother.
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In the 2002 movie Spider, Ralph Fiennes played a man who struggled with the Madonna-Whore complex. He has Mercury in Purvashada as his amatyakaraka.
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the movie Vertigo (1958) has this complex forming a major plotline. it stars James Stewart (Ketu in Purvashada) and Kim Novak (Mars in Purvaphalguni atmakaraka and Ketu in Purvaphalguni) as the lead actors.
The novel Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man features a protagonist who suffers from this complex and its the primary plot of the novel as well. Its written by James Joyce who is Purvashada Rising.
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Madonna (Purvaphalguni Moon) often toyed around with the Madonna-Whore complex early on in her career and even has a song called Like A Virgin, the lyrics go like this:
"Like a virgin Touched for the very first time Like a virgin When your heart beats next to mine
Gonna give you all my love, boy My fear is fading fast Been saving it all for you 'cause only love can last You're so fine and you're mine Make me strong, yeah you make me bold, oh, your love thawed out Yeah, your love thawed out what was scared and cold."
Since Purvaphalguni is symbolised by the marital bed, and the consummation of the marriage was always associated with "losing innocence and virginity" and how sexual experience is linked with "knowing" and maturing from child to adult.
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Black Swan, starring Natalie Portman (Purvaphalguni Moon) and Mila Kunis (Purvaphalguni Mercury & Venus) is a sexually charged movie that explores this dichotomy very well. Nina is a good little girl whereas Lily is highly sexual and wild.
A major theme of this movie is merging these two opposing forces. For good girl Nina to embrace her dark, wild "Black Swan" side. (spoiler alert!!) obviously in this movie, Lily's character is said to be an extension of Nina and not a real person which drives home this point even further.
Losing innocence and corruption/being corrupted are major themes in Purvaphalguni nakshatra and this is not just sexual. An ordinary person losing all sense of morality and submitting to utter debauchery and depravation is a common trope found in the works of many Purvaphalguni natives.
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Take the movie, Taxi Driver, for example, it was written by Paul Schrader who has Bharani Moon, Purvaphalguni Venus & Mars
This movie revolves around Travis (the titular Taxi Driver) who is experiencing an extreme existential crisis and is deeply troubled by the prostitution he witnesses around the city; he is unsettled by the moral bankruptness and urban decay around him. He sets out to rescue a child prostitute and the movie has major elements of sex and violence.
This movie is a good example of Bharani's restrained Venusian expression meeting with Purvaphalguni's excess.
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Hardcore (1979) directed by Paul Schrader (honestly all of the movies he's written and directed are LOADED with Venusian tropes, themes and motifs) is about a father who goes looking for his daughter who went on a church trip to Cali and ended up working as a porn star.
Like I've mentioned before, the dichotomy between innocence and corruption, divine and human, Madonna and Whore are core themes in the works of these natives. Like Taxi Driver, the protagonist has to descend into hell in order to save the person who is lost. The contrast between "polite society" or the prim & proper "morally upright" side of society versus the depraved, sleazy, immoral underworld is depicted in a very stark and raw manner.
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Antichrist (2009) directed by Lars Von Trier (Bharani Sun, Purvashada Moon) and starring Willem Dafoe (Purvaphalguni Moon, Purvashada Rising) is another movie that explores Venus at its most chaotic, unrefined and truthful. Its about a grieving couple who lost their son and go to a cabin in the woods to cope but of course, crazy shit starts happening and is rife with sadomasochistic elements.
Purvaphalguni is the height of Venus, located in the sign of Leo which is ruled by the Sun; here a native loses all sense of ego or pride and gives in completely to their pleasures and desires. Its a very hedonistic nakshatra. Given that its aim is Kama and is a Manushya gana nakshatra, it points to how a native is willing to do anything to attain what he desires; there is no sense of "right" or "wrong" here because Venus is a planet of indulgence.
In Bharani, presided by Lord Yama, the themes were strongly tied to karma, justice, time etc but this is the initiatory stage of Venus, where Venus acts with restraint. In Purvaphalguni, Venus is at its most expansive and wild. Bharani's yoni animal is an elephant; are elephants known for being very sexual? no. they are known for how they protect their herd and how nurturing they are of their young ones. Compare this to the rat (Purvphalguni's yoni animal). Rats have millions of kids and don't stick around to care for them particularly. Since they procreate at such a fast pace, it's every rat for himself. they are associated with filth and dirt.
Its very common for Purvaphalguni men to be involved in sadomasochistic sexual activities; in fact, two of the most famous writers to address these themes, Georges Bataille and Marquis de Sade both have Purvaphalguni Sun & Moon respectively.
“Life has always taken place in a tumult without apparent cohesion, but it only finds its grandeur and its reality in ecstasy and in ecstatic love.”― Georges Bataille (Purvaphalguni Sun)
"Lust is to the other passions what the nervous fluid is to life; it supports them all, lends strength to them all ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust.”― Marquis de Sade(Purvaphalguni Moon with Ketu in Purvashada)
As such, many Purvaphalguni men have been involved in some type of sex scandal at least once in their career.
Nabokov who wrote Lolita had Purvaphalguni Moon and its a book about a old man who falls in love with a child. Like I said previously Purvaphalguni/Venusian men in general tend to have a virgin kink/a thing for innocence and corrupting someone and derive a sense of satisfaction from it.
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in the 90s, Hugh Grant (Purvaphalguni Sun) was caught with a prostitute while he was in a long term relationship with Liz Hurley.
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Freddie Mercury (Purvaphalguni Sun & Rising) was known for his wild and freaky love life, he openly spoke about his "enormous sex drive", he once celebrated his birthday with a 5 day orgy💀💀
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Namjoon (Purvaphalguni Sun) received flak for recommending the book Almost Transparent Blue which featured graphic sexuality and violence including threesomes and rough sex. In his early career, he also received flak for his sexually suggestive songs like "Expensive Girl", "Trouble" and "Joke".
I don't want to go into this because I don't think there can be astrological evidence of someone being an abuser (i.e anyone could be any abuser regardless of their placements) but many Purvaphalguni men have had sexual harassment charges pressed against them.
“One must do violence to the object of one's desire; when it surrenders, the pleasure is greater.”― Marquis De Sade (Purvaphalguni Moon with Ketu in Purvashada)
This nak is the height of Venusian indulgence and as every peak is followed by a valley, Venus after ascending through the aims of Artha and Kama, now finds itself in the concluding Venus nakshatra of Purvashada. The aim of this nak is Moksha. When all else is satisfied, the only thing left to do is seek salvation.
Purvashada's yoni animal is a monkey and Purvashada belongs to the Brahmin caste. It is a Manushya gana nakshatra.
It is symbolised by “a fan/winnowing machine which separates grains from the husk”. It occupies the sign of Sagittarius and thus its sign lord is Jupiter.
The deity of Purvashada is 'Apah', Goddess of Water/Ocean.
In the final Venus nakshatra, the themes of refinement and purification are at their height. There is a relentless desire for expansion and the combined energies of Jupiter & Venus together can make a native simultaneously expansive but still constricted at the same time. Purification is a major theme in this nak. Bharani was concerned with birth and creation, Purvaphalguni with the sexual act in itself but in Purvashada, the Venusian focus shifts beyond either of the two.
Although Magha is most commonly associated with the "Goth" aesthetic, I would say even Purvashada natives have a tendency to lean towards a darker, macabre aesthetic.
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Ozzy Osbourne (Purvashada Moon) was lead vocalist of the heavy metal band Black Sabbath and called himself "Prince of Darkness".
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Johnny Depp (Purvashada Moon) stars as Edward Scissorhands in the movie of the same name. The movie revolves around an artificial humanoid creature who tries and fails to adjust to normal society despite the efforts of those around him. He falls in love with a woman he cannot be with. This is a common trope in the works of many Purvashada natives.
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Lars & the Real Girl (2007) stars Ryan Gosling (Purvashada Moon) as a socially awkward man who begins to have a relationship with a lifelike doll believing her to be real. His family tries really hard to help him and ultimately (in a very Purvashada esque ending; because of Purvashada's connection to water) he believes that the doll is dying and mourns for her while submerged in water.
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Charles Addams who created The Addams Family had Purvashada Sun (he was also Magha Moon), Morticia Addams was played by Carolyn Jones who was Bharani Sun & Moon, in the 90s adaptations she was played by Anjelica Huston who had Purvaphalguni Moon & Ketu
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in the movie City of Angels starring Nicholas Cage (Purvashada Sun) the theme of a human and non-human being uniting is once again repeated, this time, Cage plays an angel who falls in love with a mortal woman. (spoiler alert!!) the movie ends with Cage choosing to be a mortal but his human lover passing away tragically. In true blue Purvashada fashion, the movie ends with Cage near the ocean, accepting his grief and new life as a mortal being.
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in Francois Truffaut (Purvashada Rising) Jules et Jim, we see the tale of two men who both love the same woman, Catherine. The story repeats the same trope of how neither man gets to truly be with her (true union being impossible is a common Purvashada trope) and the movie ends with her driving Jim and herself into a river while Jules watches on. (death in the water or mourning someone in the water etc seems to be a common motif in the works of these natives)
“Love (understood as the desire of good for another) is in fact so unnatural a phenomenon that it can scarcely repeat itself; the soul being unable to become virgin again and not having energy enough to cast itself out again into the ocean of another soul.”― James Joyce (Purvashada Rising)
“The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed.”― Ernest Hemingway (Purvashada Moon, Purvaphalguni Rising)
Hemingway's most famous work is titled The Old Man & the Sea and its set almost entirely on the water/the beach.
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Christina Ricci who is best known for playing several dark edgy characters is a Purvashada Moon (she's also Magha rising)
I've also noticed that certain Purvashada natives have associations with Satanism 💀💀 or star in films that feature violent, gorey rituals etc
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Rosemary's Baby stars Mia Farrow (Purvashada Moon) and Satanism is a major part of the movie's plot 💀
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Zeena Schrek (Purvashada Moon) is the daughter of the founder of the Church of Satan and was the first baby to undergo a Satanic baptism. She's probably best known for conspiracy theories stating Taylor Swift is her clone lmao 💀😭
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While Jennifer's Body's main story can be considered an Ashlesha themed one, there are significant allusions to the occult, virgin sacrifice and demonic possession which makes me believe it can be attributed to Megan Fox's Purvashada Rising
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in the movie Satanic Panic (2019), Rebecca Romijin (Purvashada Rising) stars as the leader of a satanic cult.
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Jane Levy (Purvashada Sun) starred as the protagonist in the 2013 film Evil Dead that features a lot of demons and demonic possession.
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Nina Dobrev (Purvashada Sun) is best known for playing Elena on the show The Vampire Diaries. while i know demons and vampires are not the same, you've got to admit they share a lot of similarities xD
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Dakota Johnson (Purvashada Rising) stars in Suspiria which is about a young woman who accidentally finds herself in a cult/witches' coven.
Some very well known people who could be called evil personified are also Purvashada natives, such as Hitler and Harvey Weinstein (Purvashada Moon)
Purvashada natives love to play the devil's advocate, the quality we most associate with a monkey (this nak's Yoni animal) is its playfulness. Purvashada natives do things simply for the heck of it/thrill of it. There is no sense of purpose or direction to which their Venusian qualities are directed. Thus it represents the dark side of Venus. When all other desires are fulfilled and the only thing left is to seek Moksha, the nakshatra tends to exhibit the Trickster archetype.
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the 2002 movie May, stars Angela Bettis (Purvashada stellium; sun, mercury, jupiter and rahu) and depicts the cruel and sinister side of Venus very well (trigger warning; this movie is VERY gore-y), its about a woman who ritually murders several people who she did not feel loved by (to put it simply).
While Bharani being the initiatory Venus nak is Venus at its most ethical, all sense of "right and wrong" evaporates into thin air as the Venusian journey progresses. In Purvaphalguni, this manifests as a desire for sex itself but in Purvashada, the native is dissatisfied with mere bodily union, it seeks something bigger. This theme of union being impossible/not satisfying can be seen in the works of many Purvashada natives. The desire to delve into the occult arises out of a desire to transcend ordinariness, find something that addresses the darkness and uncover the truth within it.
The Venusian journey passes through the sign lords of Mars, Sun & Jupiter; beginning as a soldier, working out of a sense of duty, reaching its height in the individualistic Sun, seeking pleasure merely for one's own sake and finally concluding itself in the expansive Jupiter where things get unusual. Venus is a complicated planet full of contradictions and combining its energy with that of Jupiter which expands beyond control means the darkness of Venus makes itself seen in ways we don't quite see in the same way in the other naks.
The tattvas of these naks are earth, water and air respectively. It originates in a very grounded fashion, full of practical concerns, then dissolves itself entirely in the formless water before becoming the element that's hardest to narrow down; air.
Bharani with Aries, Purvaphalguni with Leo and Purvashada with Sagittarius and all these signs are traditionally perceived as masculine and the Fire element in general is understood as masculine. The opposite of fire is water, which is feminine (water being related to the Moon, which is a yin planet) whereas fire is related to the Sun which is a yang planet.
it is the combination of masculine with feminine that heightens the effect of the other. a highly masculine man or a highly feminine woman have integrated the opposite energy within them fully; they are internally almost androgynous . they dont lack the influence of the other
in Bharani, we have the womb and creation, in Purvaphalguni we have the bed, in Purvashada, we have the winnowing basket, separating the husk from the grain, depicting the different functions of Venus; as source, hedon, and order.
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subir-astrologer · 3 months
The native wants to know about his chronic stomach issues as per Vedic astrology of his horoscope.
Based on the given birth details DOB 23-08-1999 at 04:45 AM in Bhusawal, Maharashtra, India and the analysis is done as per KP Vedic astrology padhatti / system.
The plotted horoscope show kark lagna / cancer ascendant with rahu n mercury in 1st house, venus n sun in 2nd house, mars in 4th house, moon in 6th house, ketu in 7th house and Jupiter n Saturn in 10th house.
The moon is in purvashada nakshatra in Dhanu rashi / moon in Sagittarius sign and the current ruling mahadasha is moon.
In order to learn about the stomach issue as per the horoscope of the native, one need to study the 5th and 6th cuspal sublord. The study of the current ruling mahadasha will reveal how the dasha lords are going to give their results on the events in the life of the native during their ruling periods.
From the horoscope the 5th cuspal sublord is Jupiter and its signifying 6 and 9th house in the planet level, ketu signifying 1,3,4,5,7,8,10 and 12th house in the nakshatra level and Saturn strongly signifying 7,8 and 10th house as its untenanted in the sublord level.
The 6th cuspal sublord is moon and its signifying 1 and 6th house in the planet level, venus signifying 1,4 and 11th house in the nakshatra level and rahu signifying 1,3,6 and 12th house in the sublord level.
Venus is in conjunction with sun signifying 1 and 2nd house.
The current ruling mahadasha is moon and the analysis of moon is already done and so there is no need to repeat it again.
From the analysis I conclude that the native has to deal with it thru proper medication and astrologically there is no relief in near future and in next mahadasha ruling period.
It will be good to follow the guidance of the expert doctor and take proper medicine. Astrology remedy will have a very slow impact and the native should not depend on it alone.
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krittanjay · 5 months
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jothishis-blog · 1 year
Baby girl names for purvashada nakshatra. It is good to keep these names for a baby born with moon in this nakshatra as it can bring goodness.
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dhvijashree18 · 3 years
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Nakshatra Purvashada
Purvashada Nakshatra is the twentieth of all the nakshatras which range from 13:20 to 26:40 degrees in the Sagittarius sign. Purvashada nakshatra is governed by Apas, the goddess of water. This signifies to people who are good at maintaining their relationship with people especially their friends and spouse.
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