venusoracle · 4 months
could i request for a mini lisa career reading? thank you love 🤲
2024 career reading for lisa
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hi, i'll do the first 6 months for lisa! standard tarot disclaimer. i'll probably do the last 6 months of this at the end of june :)
the hermit, 5os, aos, 4ow
she's currently quite withdrawn and probably feels a little powerless, she's going through some diasgreements with somebody more powerful than her. however, i think she'll get the mental strength to cut this off cleanly and make an alliance with someone... maybe she'll sign to a company where she'll be the only artist, maybe frederic will be the owner of this company. or it could also be the "perfect" company in her eyes.
the chariot, the sun, strength, 9os, 6ow
okay so this is the month that things definitely start picking up for her! she's taking the lead more and being proactive, she feels like she's in her power and she's definitely in the spotlight way more. she might get paranoid though about keeping up this momentus and start feeling competitive or restless. she needs to make sure to keep her ego and desires in check.
7os, knightofpentacles, aow, 6oc
she has to be careful to not be tricked by financial promises. she has a lot of passion to keep going and to keep shining brightly. i think she should be careful of people from her childhood (maybe a childhood friend? a mentor during her younger years?) taking advantage of her. or maybe this means she should do something that she's always loved as a child, something nostalgic, or doing something in thailand/related to thailand. or that she needs to be careful about who she trusts and what they promise, maybe a company/producer will promise that she'll get to do everything she wants to do if she works with them and that's not the case. i'm not sure, anyways, the main thing is that lisa should be careful about who she trusts.
justice rx, 8op, rx, the star rx, 8os
this month doesn't look too promising for her. it's possible that she might feel betrayed and feel that things are unfair. so yeah, i'm leaning towards that she really needs to be careful of not being taken advantage of. anyways, she might feel hasty and rush announcements/her work, which could potentially not be as good quality as she wanted her work to be...
the lovers rx, 2ow, 7ow, 2oc
this month, she's gonna have to make a choice about either staying in korea or going abroad for work so that she can expand and actually reach the goals she wants to. this might be a really difficult choice for her that she might second guess a lot but she's ready. whatever choice she makes, it's gonna be hard to predict the outcome so yeah, i'm guessing she'll go abroad. she's gonna have to work super hard abroad, the same energy as when she was maybe a trainee, and also will rely on someone for emotional support this time.
king of wands, 4oc, the empress rx
sooo this month, i think this will be great for her career! she's gonna be in her business mode energy - top of everything, feeling secure, confident and ambitious. but she needs to take care of her priorities; the success she might be achieving during this time might not be the style that she truly wants to do, and/or she didn't get to use her creativity and contribute towards it. she should do things that feel real and meaningful for her, instead of focusing on only success.
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venusoracle · 5 months
cab we ask ab somi and the starbucks situation? is that triggering?
yeah sure, i don't think that situation itself is triggering :)
i meant more things like not asking about direct abuse/sa, because i don't wanna trigger anyone with those, especially because there's no mute words option on tumblr.
i'll go clarify in the post i made again!
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venusoracle · 5 months
hii, opening requests for kpop tarot readings, i'd like to do member dynamics and interesting questions like questions about rumours or controversies/scandals (that aren't about triggering topics such as sa) <3 if you want to do an emoji ask, i think i'd be open to that? idk but yeah send emoji asks if you think the ask deserve emojis :)
i don't answer future spouse or nsfw questions, if you ask me these, i block whether you're on anon or not. i'm also bored of doing ideal type readings right now.
i'll probably put most of the readings in a longer post like the quick questions like this
also, i have a zhanghao career reading to post in a few days :)
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venusoracle · 5 months
hii sorry if it’s too much but could u do who is currently dating in IVE if u have time💝
ive love life
disclaimer: take with a grain of salt and i don't take responsibility if my readings start rumours, hurt delusional people, etc. if you spam hate or requests, you will be blocked. reminder: none of these idols know either you or me and will never date you. read my rules before requesting.
yujin: aw, yeah! someone she's liked for a long time, the relationship is going really well.
wonyoung - no, she's completely focused on her career. she's aware that dating someone right now would be a mess.
gaeul - she's dating someone but she's putting in more work than the guy she's dating is - the relationship isn't great and will probably fall apart when gaeul stops putting in more effort than him.
liz - hmm, i think liz isn't dating right now and she's taking time for herself. i think either her last relationship ended quickly without any closure or she tends to get into situationships that don't become relationships.
rei - nope, there isn't really anyone who's caught her eye.
leeseo - not doing as she's a minor
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venusoracle · 5 months
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✿ ۪⋆ pink friday
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5K notes · View notes
venusoracle · 5 months
hello! could you do a reading on nct dream’s jeno and twice’s mina? was there ever anything between them or did he really just accidentally follow her? tysm!
5ow, kow, qoc
nah, i don't think so.
i think they were good friends and jeno thought he was on his spam/priv. i think they got to know each other through a competition (maybe gaming/sports. board games, etc) and mina was really good at whatever it was so he followed her bc of that? like "oh cool, we're becoming friends plus you're good at this". and imo, that was it really.
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venusoracle · 5 months
could i request for a mini lisa career reading? thank you love 🤲
2024 career reading for lisa
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hi, i'll do the first 6 months for lisa! standard tarot disclaimer. i'll probably do the last 6 months of this at the end of june :)
the hermit, 5os, aos, 4ow
she's currently quite withdrawn and probably feels a little powerless, she's going through some diasgreements with somebody more powerful than her. however, i think she'll get the mental strength to cut this off cleanly and make an alliance with someone... maybe she'll sign to a company where she'll be the only artist, maybe frederic will be the owner of this company. or it could also be the "perfect" company in her eyes.
the chariot, the sun, strength, 9os, 6ow
okay so this is the month that things definitely start picking up for her! she's taking the lead more and being proactive, she feels like she's in her power and she's definitely in the spotlight way more. she might get paranoid though about keeping up this momentus and start feeling competitive or restless. she needs to make sure to keep her ego and desires in check.
7os, knightofpentacles, aow, 6oc
she has to be careful to not be tricked by financial promises. she has a lot of passion to keep going and to keep shining brightly. i think she should be careful of people from her childhood (maybe a childhood friend? a mentor during her younger years?) taking advantage of her. or maybe this means she should do something that she's always loved as a child, something nostalgic, or doing something in thailand/related to thailand. or that she needs to be careful about who she trusts and what they promise, maybe a company/producer will promise that she'll get to do everything she wants to do if she works with them and that's not the case. i'm not sure, anyways, the main thing is that lisa should be careful about who she trusts.
justice rx, 8op, rx, the star rx, 8os
this month doesn't look too promising for her. it's possible that she might feel betrayed and feel that things are unfair. so yeah, i'm leaning towards that she really needs to be careful of not being taken advantage of. anyways, she might feel hasty and rush announcements/her work, which could potentially not be as good quality as she wanted her work to be...
the lovers rx, 2ow, 7ow, 2oc
this month, she's gonna have to make a choice about either staying in korea or going abroad for work so that she can expand and actually reach the goals she wants to. this might be a really difficult choice for her that she might second guess a lot but she's ready. whatever choice she makes, it's gonna be hard to predict the outcome so yeah, i'm guessing she'll go abroad. she's gonna have to work super hard abroad, the same energy as when she was maybe a trainee, and also will rely on someone for emotional support this time.
king of wands, 4oc, the empress rx
sooo this month, i think this will be great for her career! she's gonna be in her business mode energy - top of everything, feeling secure, confident and ambitious. but she needs to take care of her priorities; the success she might be achieving during this time might not be the style that she truly wants to do, and/or she didn't get to use her creativity and contribute towards it. she should do things that feel real and meaningful for her, instead of focusing on only success.
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venusoracle · 5 months
happy new years, darlings 🎉 i hope you all get everything you want 💕
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venusoracle · 5 months
hi darlings, i went ia for a while because of college and also being ill.
i won't accept any new tarot asks so i can catch up with my current asks slowly! i'll put it on my ask box so that anyone will know. i'll leave it open though in case anyone wants clarifications on readings, ask stuff about tarot in general, etc :) take care
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venusoracle · 5 months
Hey, don't know much about you/ur blog, but I just wanna say a thing to you
Don't give a shit about these ANON asks(Lmao they cannot even show who they are) hating on you, I've been through it and unfortunately I still go through it, people saying that I'm a jk fs delulu, saying bad things about me and my readings, etc.
These people literally have nothing to do but criticize other people, especially new tarot readers here on tumblr, I've noticed that every new tarot reader(Under kpop tarot tag) are already receiving hate but they've just started their blog..It's insane and I'm sorry you're going through this :(
And you can block out these anons so they cannot disturb you anymore(I think it's important to mention that, in case u don't know it is possible)
Each tarot reader has their own way of interpreting the cards, and ofc guides can give you "wrong" answers, so that person you're reading for won't be harmed in any way.
Also, aren't these people caring so much about those bts fs readings? Those who sends these type of asks probably think they're the fs, so probably they hate on you because your readings didn't resonate with them🥲
Idk what to else to say here so byee💙 Hope you have a good day or night, and again, don't care about these hate asks you're receiving, they just want to destroy the kpop/bts tarot tag and cause endless war between readers, clueless people.
I hope what I said was enough, I might forgot some other things to say but nvm, I can send in another ask later :)
hi omg i'm sorry, i'm so late in answering, i went ia for a little while because of college and being ill
thank u so much for this message, i really appreciate you!! it's really nice of you and thank you for reminding me, i've blocked those anons and hopefully they stay away from other tarot blogs...
and i'm sorry that you receive stuff from them too because you deserve RESPECT and honestly yeah theyre so strange. and you're right, tbh i understand when fans are curious because i myself am curious too haha they're celebrities and their mystery is part of their image etc and who doesn't want to know when attractive people are dating hahaha :P but delulus being delulu themself and accusing others being delulu... it's so weird 😩 and why do they want to cause fights between readers of blogs and blogs themself? seriously 😩...
thank you so much for sending me your message, it's really kind of you and i appreciate it so much!! take care and i hope you have a good day/night too <3 ❤️
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venusoracle · 5 months
hi can you do a reading for zb1's career in 2024? like will they be more successful and popular than 2023 or 2023 is their peak in their career? thank you
will they be more successful in 2024?
page of swords, the high priestess, 3 of cups, queen of swords, the fool, the emperor
yes, for sure! they're gonna try new concepts, maybe something quite mystical or like mysterious vibes? this is gonna be a huge stepping stone for them and i see them celebrating the success of this! maybe a collab with a female artist or group? however, they might receive a lot of hate or constructive criticism so they might keep going for new concepts instead of building on their previous concepts? this will be decided by their management.
is 2023 the peak in their career?
knight of swords reversed, ace of cups, 10 of wands
no... there were too many delays and mistakes caused by management which caused everyone including the staff to feel stressed. although the ace of cups indicates a new fresh beginning, they were too overworked in 2023 and mostly had a hard time handing the stress so they haven't really been able to "shine". like "shine" at their best, when they're feeling good about themself physically and mentally.
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venusoracle · 5 months
Hi, can you do a reading on SVT’s Joshua? He deleted most of his posts on Instagram, is it because of the dating rumours or something else? Thank you
knight of swords, king of wands, page of pentacles
kinda? there was a lot of chatter about the posts so he wanted to delete them before it got worse, "nip it in the bud" and get it over with quickly.
i think he kinda wanted to soothe his fans, like calm them down a little? for my page of pentacles card, i have a person with two animals by their side, the animals are looking up at them. i interpret the animals' look to be admiral and also fondness and the page (joshua) is putting a hand on them to calm them down. so i think, he deleted them because he wants his fans to relax a little. seventeen might have new projects or announcements coming and he just wants to put his fans' focus towards that.
i know this can be interpreted in a "he wants his fans to be happy because he earns money from them" because of the pentacles but that's not really what i'm getting from the reading, based on imagery and energy. here, the pentacles means to me that he simply wants his fans to focus on svt's upcoming activities instead of what's going on right now. i'm struggling to describe it clearly ahh, i hope it makes sense? he's not like "okay calm down, be happy and buy seventeen stuff because i need my bills paid", it's more "okay lets calm down now, lets be happy and focus on seventeen instead of being angry, okay?"
i doubt this reading is satisfactory but that's what i'm getting, he deleted them to get rid of all the gossip, calm his fans down and get their attention to svt's upcoming activities. the king of wands here makes me think he's a very responsible person so he chose the best thing to do in his situation.
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venusoracle · 5 months
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venusoracle · 5 months
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venusoracle · 5 months
Interpreting your Solar return ⭑。༅:*゚:*:✼✿
Use this as a guide. Use at your discretion.
Work of @notanastrologer.
**SR means Solar return.
Don't copy, plagiarise, steal.
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What is a solar return-
It is when sun comes back to it original position (sign and degree) as in your natal chart.
Its like a natal chart for a particular year, it can give you insights of what your year will be like.
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🌬️ First thing first I would l look at the Ascendant sign in SR, house of the sun and SR ascendant lord in your SR chart. This will help you provide insights of what themes will be prominent in that year. Alongside this check your ascendant sign in SR and see which house this sign rules in your natal chart. Theme of that house will be prominent for during that year.
🌬️ Look at planets conjunct your sun in SR chart and which house(s) that planet rules in your SR and NATAL chart.
🌬️ Profection year sign/house will also show which area will be focus for you this year. ( Guidance: Image below shows according to your age what Profection year you have, the outer circle is the house numbers. So as in chart with ages 12,24,36,48,60,72..and so on your Profection year focus will be your first house themes.
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🖤 Themes by house-
1st house- Self, Self care, beauty, changes in mindset, change in perception towards world, focus on physical health , changing surroundings, focus on goals, personality, change in beliefs, confidence, self esteem, expect major changes
2nd house- face, teeth, voice, mouth, beauty, money, material wealth, self teach yourself, family, intermediate family, expenses, possessions, earnings, things a lot valuable to you, Food, comfort, people close to you, your personal space
3rd house - learning, education, extra curricular, hobbies, short term travel, friends, social life, online, siblings, language, starting to learn a new thing, mass communication, Media, things using hands
4th house- family, emotions, surroundings, homeland, ancestors, land, building, property, Well-being, comforts, comfort-zone, familiarity, Mother, Feminine guardians
5th house- Art, music, culture, travel, leisure, sex, love, romance, recreational activities, children, childhood, youth, friends, fun, passion, creativity, early higher education, college, extra-curriculars, sexual life, lovers, crushes
6th house - Health, jobs, co-workers, routine, well-being, mental health, anxiety, stress, material wealth, pets, food, services, diet
7th house - social life, enemies, partnerships, business, career (for some, yes it's 10th from 10th), romantic and sexual partners, marriage, wedding, unions, social service, legalities, contracts, public life
8th house- taboo topics, isolation, Death, spirituality, old age, resources of others, loans, inlaws, sexual health, windfalls, transformations, important for relationships, fears, inheritance, drugs, pharmaceuticals, poison, sexual life
9th house- foreign elements, travel, father, grandparents, higher education, intellectual gains, philosophy, life lessons, spirituality, religion, expansion, morals, beliefs, adventure, international experience, legal matters, dreams
10th house- career, reputation, goals, material wealth, earning, ambition, success, social success, achievements, authority figures, feeling of control, business, commerce, jobs, bosses,
11th house- social circles, friends, peers, extra-curricular activities, technology, social gains, social work and charities, feeling successful, feeling of fulfillment, dreams,
12th house- sleeping, subconscious self, isolation, mental institutions, hospitals, dreaming, spirituality, foreign travels, endings, creativity, imagination
Now you analyse the rest of the planets like you usually do with your natal chart but in the context of this year.
Make sure to check the degrees of all the planets they will provide you good additional insights.
🖤How to read planets-
Sun- it's house will tell about significant theme for the year. Focus of the year. Where you will shine, area of your life people will talk about, your energy for the year, where something significant might happen
Moon- where you are likely to face emotions more or about, can tell about where you face emotional challenges, where you feel at home, how you can derive mental support, where your emotions/heart is for the year
Mercury- where you will think a Lot about, where you can have hands on learning, where your siblings can be helpful, why you would need to travel around, where your friends might be significant, where you might get new friendships, where and/or you will communicate with, what you will talk about
Venus- where you will find love and peace, where you will be blessed or lucky, where you will might encounter love in any form, where will you spend money, where and how you will make relationships,
Mars- where you will have the more energy, where you will be enthusiastic about, where and with who you will have arguments and conflicts, where you will be possessive and protective and ambitious, where you will put the most efforts, where and what gives you confidence, where you can get strength from, drive for the year
Jupiter - where you will be blessed and lucky, where will you will gain most wisdom from or how, where you can encounter people that will being you teachings, what your teachings for the year be, area of life that will expand or area of life you will where you will grow
Saturn - where you will be serious and have to put most effort, where you might feel restricted or lack of, where you will slowly grow, where you might learn lessons, where you might face difficulties, part of life you will take more responsibility
Pluto- where you will experience change that will be significant for you, where you will experience a shift or transformation, area of life you want to take control of but also vulnerable, where you will more powerful, areas of life that will feel more intense or troublesome, where you can attract jealousy
Neptune- which are you might slack on, areas of life you feel like escaping or escaping mechanism for the year, area of life which might be healed, areas of life you can be holistic about, inspiration for the year, where you might be delusional, where you might find Beauty and love, where you might encounter spiritual and occult, area of life you will be confused about.
Uranus - where you will experience shock, sudden change, where you will break traditions or your usual "routine", area of life susceptible to upheaval, where you might be innovative, major change that will happen, where major breakthroughs can happen, area of life where you might feel different
Some random Observations
(Be on the lookout for more Solar return observations. This is just part 1 of many)
I moved abroad when my SR rising was in my natal 9th house.
Venus is 6th in SR can mean having a work crush.
With Venus in 6th in SR you might benefit from having cordial relationships around you.
Mercury in 5th SR, you can a fleeting romance situation or meet someone younger than you.
Mars in 11th in Gemini might have an argument with a childhood friend.
Pluto in 1st/6th more likely to lose weight or gain muscles if aspected by Mars.
Planets in Virgo sign indicates what you will stress over.
Moon aspect sun or rising, expect to have. Relatively stable year emotionally. And look for support in mom or female figures.
When you have your SR rising in natal 12th house and you have planets in 12th house of natal you will work on the themes of those planets. Example- Moon in 12th of natal, you will work on building or finding a home for you, literally and metaphorically. You can find yourself evolving emotionally or dealing with uncharted territory. You might not feel at home or present so you might try to deal with that.
Sun, Pluto, in 1st house will mean that year will be all about you. North node in 1st will mean the year will be more about your goals and what you are aiming for that year
5°,17°,29° Mercury expect a love connection, this may or may not be long term. Can indicate having crushes.
6°,8°,18°,20° Jupiter you can be stressed about studies or college or university stuff.
3°,27°,15° Venus might have romance while short term travel.
9th lord in Solar return ascendant can indicate foreign travel or can show inteyin spiritual activities.
Aries ascendant in Solar return are most likely to have a significant start of something in that year.
Pluto in 6th in SR can be worried about their weight.
Mars in 7th SR can mean confrontations with enemies, break ups.
SR Ascendant lord in 8th house of SR can be a start to new sexual experiences.
Check your degrees on the 9th house cusp, Venus and Jupiter in SR to see how you might be earning the money.
Moon in 12th in SR make sure to pay attention to your mom, it might be a tough for her during that year.
Check for Jupiter's aspect on your Chiron in your SR, you will surely learn from the struggle and are supposed to heal from them.
With Pluto in 2nd or 6th in SR, be careful of what you eat, if afflicted this can cause diseases or allergies especially of at critical degrees.
With sun in 12th or 8th in SR, some stuff might take a hit in your ego, the year will be humbling for you.
Fama(408) square aspect with Neptune can mean negative rumours being spread about you.
Planets in 2nd house of solar return will be your guide and support system for the year. Practice them through the year. Saturn in 2nd in SR can mean practicing patience and maturity. Mercury in 2nd in SR can meaning practicing communication, writing, travelling. Venus in 2nd in SR can mean practicing love and harmony and peace and balance. Jupiter in 2nd in SR can mean practicing wisdom, faith/religion/spirituality and travelling. Mars in 2nd in SR can mean being courageous and bold and passionate. Sun in 2nd in SR can mean being creative and confident. Moon in 2nd in SR can mean practicing intuition and warmth. Neptune in 2nd in SR can mean practicing creativity and intuition. Uranus in 2nd in SR can mean being more innovative and practicing freedom. Pluto in 2nd in SR can mean bringing change and maintaining mystery.
Wherever Saturn is in your SR, you will feel dormant energy in the beginning.
Pluto in SR can be an indication of where you might need to make a change.
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© notanastrologer 2023, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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venusoracle · 5 months
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NGC 7293 Helix Nebula in Aquarious constellation
Credit: Vista Telescope
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venusoracle · 5 months
And what make you think I'm a "delulu" just bc I don't believe in rumours? Your cards or your "intuition"? Lmao I don't even like boys darling, you don't need to force it. Just quit this shyt and stop pretending you are a tarot reader bc you're clearly not. And leave BTS tf alone weirdo
i feel so sorry for you that you care so much about men who'll never know you to the point of denying truth then also being bitter about it. taehyung nor the rest of the bts members will never know you, let alone ever care about you 🤍
i wish you the best in life, one day i hope you can stop being obsessed with bts, my blog and kpop tarot readings 🥹 if that day ever comes, i hope you can try to be brave enough to come off anon so we can laugh together <3
anon, if you put this energy into something more productive and fun, maybe you wouldn't be obsessed with bts or me 🤍
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