veralovemail · 3 years
uhhhh hi here. mod vera. i kinda disappeared for a REALLY long time because i need a break. writing just sorta comes to me naturally + i hope yall understand. once i get back into the habit of being back at school and shit i'll start posting again! and from here on out, i will be going on a small hiatus and my requests will be closed. thank you for understanding <3
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veralovemail · 3 years
it’s demi’s birthday so ,, headcanons of what demi and her s/o would do for her birthday/valentines day ?
AHHH YES BIRTHDAY GIRL i love her sm!!! here u go anon :D - mod vera
demi birthday hcs + valentine's hcs!
you're getting drunk with her, no excuses.
she probably wakes you up at the crack of dawn like ":>. you know what day it is?"
give her gifts and she will MELT.
you two get to spend the day together, no matches for the two of you.
take a walk with her, let her talk about whatever, hold her and give her kisses. she'll start tearing up.
if you have a whole day planned, she'll follow along blindly and every surprise you have install for her makes her so happy.
you may commission edgar to paint her (to which he reluctantly agrees) and when you give it to her herself at you and holds you tightly.
she's VERY cheeky. the odd "[ name ], my lips hurt, can you kiss them better?" line comes from her when drunk, so you can't help but oblige.
she gets dressed all fancy for you.
if she has a favourite skin for you then you should wear it for her. it'll make her day ten times better, but even if you don't she still thinks you're the prettiest person to ever exist.
at the end of the day, when it's just the two of you... demi may propose (since it is valentine's afterall and this is when people propose the most). if you've been together for a while, she'll get down on one knee in the moonlight and ask you to be hers forever. if she does, you two will have a very romantic night and you HAVE to flex the ring she gives you the next day. you just have to.
if she doesn't, or backs out, she'll whisk you away to your room for some fun party games! expect jose and kevin to join in too.
you may start a rave though. if the party breaks out of the walls of your room then there will be a rave.
everyone but naib and a few others don't attend. andrew and aesop included since andrew's having his midlife crisis and aesop is just being aesop.
at the end of the night, demi will be passed out in your arms, half-dressed (she probably took off all the uncomfy parts of her attire and kept the comfy ones on so she could just go to bed immediately).
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veralovemail · 3 years
Mod Luca here, I understand. I'm not super used to this but I'm going to try my best. I'm sorry.
girl im not sure abt mod luca
sincere apologies if what i'm about to say comes across as strange, but please, message me privately so we can talk abt this. i would like to cater the needs of my readers and their feedback, but also to find out what we can do to improve the blog experience for everyone.
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veralovemail · 3 years
girl im not sure abt mod luca
sincere apologies if what i'm about to say comes across as strange, but please, message me privately so we can talk abt this. i would like to cater the needs of my readers and their feedback, but also to find out what we can do to improve the blog experience for everyone.
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veralovemail · 3 years
"I'll protect you, Naib!"
it all happened so quickly. the mercenary heard your shout and being pulled off of the rocket chair, but after that it was a little hazy.
he looked behind him to see mary take you down, your shouts of "don't rescue me!" making naib feel guilty. why did you go down for him? why, [ name ], why? it was his job to rescue you, his lover - why...
guilty thoughts plagued his mind as he tried to decode, until he saw a familiar shape heading towards him.
you had been rescued.
a look of joy graced naib's features, although it was only a quick one. he looked at you for a moment before pulling you into a hug.
"you shouldn't have gone down for me. i should be the one rescuing you," he chided, giving you a head pat before starting the healing process.
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veralovemail · 3 years
Hello! Can I please get HCs of Hastur and Antonio (separate pls) who is like a father/family figure to an S/O who didn't really have a good relationship with their original family?
of course you can!!! sorry if these are short, i've had a really long day :" - mod vera :D
familial hastur + antonio hcs!
hastur / the feaster:
you kind of see hastur in a match once and you aren't afraid of him, instead attracted. he looked nice, even when chasing down your teammates.
so when it's your turn to kite him, after vaulting a window, you boldly state that you'd like to be his friend. it baffles him enough that hastur has to think for a few moments, allowing you to get away unscathed.
after the match, you have to do a bit of detective work to find him, but you find hastur's room and knock on it.
he doesn't understand why you like being around him. hastur's like... a god... why aren't you scared??
after a while, he gets used to you being around you and you visiting almost everyday.
doesn't knock you down in matches with his own hand, instead his tentacles do that. it makes him feel a little bad if he bonked you himself.
when you open up about not having the best relationship with your family, hastur tries to empathise with you. he never had a family, but he tries to understand the pain of that.
if you don't do your daily visit, he gets a little concerned and actually leaves his room to go out and find you.
if you asked, you could totally sit on his shoulder while he slides about.
sometimes he'll ask you about books you like and you get into very deep philosophical conversations.
if he learns that any survivor or hunter is giving you grief, god bless their poor soul.
nobody really bothers you because of your relationship with hastur though, you two get along very well and it shows.
ms. nightingale let you have matching skins too and now you're always prancing about in your skin like " !!!!!! lookie :D"
hastur will always listen to your troubles. although he won't be able to sympathise, he can definitely try to empathise with you.
antonio / the violinist:
like hastur, he's confused about the fact that you enjoy being around him.
you probably meet him because he does his visit standby motion and you stand up and say " YOUR PLAYING IS SO GOOD... please let me be your friend :D"
you seek him out after your match and ask him whether you could hang out with him.
with that, you're like two peas in a pod.
like hastur, he'll only down you with his music notes.
he'll sample music to you and you normally just jump on his bed and dance along to it.
when you open up about your familial issues, he understands and comforts you the best he can.
if you play an instrument or sing, he'll ask you to do a duet! if you're a dancer, he'll ask you whether his new piece would be suitable for a performance.
he could probably carry you around in his hair.
you're the only one allowed to braid it and brush it for him. he can't really do it himself because of how much hair he has so having a second set of hands to help him is great.
he's a great listener and advice giver i think.
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veralovemail · 3 years
hellooo~ since valentines day is coming up, can I request headcanons for luca and edgar celebrating it with their s/o? 👉👈
of course you can! decided to save these for valentines!! so here you go <3 - mod vera
edgar + luca celebrating valentines hcs!
edgar valden:
edgar goes all out.
it's one of the only days where he doesn't put up a perfectionist front, he just wants to spend the day with you.
there'll be a dozen roses on your bedside table, an outfit already planned out for you hung up on the back of one of your chairs (spoiler alert: it's a matching outfit to the one he'll wear for you).
when you finally see him, edgar hands you a wrapped gift that's quite large. when you unwrap it, it's a painting of the two of you that can go on one of the walls to your shared room.
he also gets you chocolates.
however, edgar tells you that you don't have long since you have an entire day's worth of activities to get on with.
he'll have a picnic with you at lunchtime and takes his sweet time talking to you, holding you and letting you talk about whatever you'd like.
you'll have afternoon tea, but if you mess up on etiquette, edgar doesn't scold you and instead the two of you joke about it.
there's a very fancy dinner at the end, 6 course meal with everything and anything at your disposal.
edgar will then lead you away for a quiet walk in the garden, holding your hand. you two kiss in the moonlight and it's the most romantic thing ever.
before you two go to bed, you hear a rare "i love you [ name ], so much. please, stay with me." from a sleepy edgar who has buried his face into the crook of your neck.
luca balsa:
to be fair, luca doesn't even really notice that it's valentines day until it hits midnight and he's just laying beside you like "...fuck."
luca does let you sleep in though. a. it gives him time to beg someone to make you a really nice breakfast and b. gives him time to ask emma to get you flowers.
so when you wake up, luca's stumbling back into the room, a bouquet of a dozen roses between his teeth and a tray full of breakfast food (courtesy of vera).
he'll place the tray in your lap, place the roses on your table, give you a forehead kiss and whisper "happy valentine's, [ name ]"
you two get a day off of matches since he went around asking everyone to fill your spaces.
after you get ready, you see that luca is... dressed appropriately, in simple yet elegant clothes that fit his frame. he hands you a folded set and tells you that vera wanted to give the [ dress / suit / whatever ] to you.
he takes you into the garden and teaches you how to waltz. it's one of the only things he really remembers from his fancy days, so he doesn't mind taking you into his arms and spinning around the fountain with you.
you two have a quiet dinner in the garden as well, talking about your favourite things about each other.
as a last surprise, luca gives you a watch he made! it's a little rusty, but it's very steampunk-themed and gorgeous that you can't help but tear up a little when he gives it to you.
you end the night with some cuddles, luca listing off everything he loves about you. which is.. well, everything.
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veralovemail · 3 years
Hi!! Can I ask for Antonio x deaf s/o hcs??? (If your requests are closed I'm sorry!)
Sure!!! First mod Luca RQ, I hope you’ll be happy! >He is very sad he cannot play for you >*Sudden realisation* SOUND WAVES >YOU CAN FEEL THE PLAYING >Hums while holding you >It’s very comforting :)))) >He carries you bridal style to your room and just gmdfkmgkfdmd >Italians are just diet french >Will learn sign language for you >Preferably from you >Expect dancing >He will teach you how to schmove :)) >He’s real supportive of what you do and he can only hope but be the best he can ;)
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veralovemail · 3 years
Mod post!!!
Hello there! I’m Vera’s new helper, uhh mod Luca! (Yeah we’re going with that) This is just a little introduction for me. Rules first, more below the cut !
>No NSFW!! Vera doesn’t like it >Characters I won’t write for at all: Percy, Kreacher, Freddy, Joker >Characters I only do platonic for: Robbie, Yhidra’s follower, Burke, Bane, Leo >Things I won’t write for: Y*ndere, Inc*st, Feet >I only do S/OxCharacter ships but I will write things without S/O!! (EG: Mary and Joseph friend hcs) >I only do HCs!! Sorry not enough experience >Please contact mod Vera for your matchups
More about me under this level!
>I’m a student!! >I oftenly write like 3 things at a time and then dissapear off the face of the earth LMAO >Happy Birthday Demi >If any of you ask I’m willing to give you my discord tag so we can play idv
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veralovemail · 3 years
you should prolly open mod applications if the # of requests is stressing you out a bit! sometimes you just need someone to lend you a hand, y’know? :D
with regards to this i!!! have asked someone whether they'd like to help out, if they respond i think i'll be alr but if not! i shall most likely open mod applications :" thank you for the suggestion :]
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veralovemail · 3 years
(Not a rq) Would you mind if I made you a masterlist? a̶n̶d̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶n̶e̶e̶d̶ ̶h̶e̶l̶p̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶o̶s̶e̶ ̶1̶4̶ ̶r̶q̶s̶?̶
oh no not at all!!! ive been meaning to make one but i cant find the time for it and yes please i've been so tired lately and the holidays are coming up so i might be able to get a lot done in the holidays but rn school is messing me up
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veralovemail · 3 years
hello!! could i get relationship hcs for joseph and wu chang (separate) with an optimistic problem magnet s/o (as in like. rlly bad luck, whatever can go wrong will)??? tyty in advance 👉👈 (i know you have a lot of requests backed up rn- pls take care of yourself & take breaks when you need them!!)
i love this for 2 reasons. 1. i am a problem magnet and b. its funny as heck i hope you enjoy these!
wu chang + joseph with a problem magnet s/o!
wu chang:
they both know you're really optimistic and xie appreciates having someone around with such a positive view on things. fan can find it a little annoying and you two contradict eachother but he sorta finds it endearing that you challenge his realist views sometimes.
they didn't really know that you were a problem magnet until you tripped up the manor stairs on the same box twice... in the same day.
other disasters happening, like you toppling over an entire bookshelf in the manor library just by trying to hold onto the shelf while tripping, or breaking the railing of the stairs and falling flat on your face.
xie's concerned at the fact that you smile after almost being squashed by a bookcase and almost breaking every bone in your body in the same day.
fan may find it funny. as in he finds it absolutely hilarious and the peak of entertainment.
there is not a dull day without you because something always goes wrong.
both of them have had to save your backside from near-death experiences.
they kind of decide unanimously that you need 24/7 supervision.
one of them is always around you while you happily skip around the manor, doing your own funky little thing.
xie will hold your hand as you go about, waving at fellow survivors/hunters and doing chores.
fan will just follow you, but if you ask he MAY hold your hand. maybe.
both of them are actually willing to carry you about because have you seen how tall they are. nothing can hurt you from that high u-
...until fan gets too cocky and starts balancing you in his hands while going up the stairs and trips on the same box as you did a few days ago.
you're laughing, he's waging a war against the box, someone is gonna have to close robbie's ears for 5 minutes because there is a LOT of swearing.
you're sandwiched between them on a night so a) you can't get out of bed without one of them knowing and b) you cannot cause chaos.
you're most likely a chaotic good or chaotic neutral because of this
one time you were holding both their hands while walking around the hunter's side and antonio just squashed you. Walked right into you. thought that fan and xie were just walking side by side. didn't even notice you were there until he saw two very angry tree ents making their way towards him.
they've probably also swung you too high up into the air while walking around.
yeaah, you're a problem magnet, but at least you're their problem magnet.
joseph desaulniers:
he's confused. as fuck.
how can one being attract so much chaos.
one moment you're walking next to him, next moment you're looking at a bird in an open window, then said bird flies towards you and starts trying to peck you aggressively.
he loves you to pieces but oh my god. he's confused. how. the fact that you can have the oven and microwave blow up in the same day baffles the poor man
joseph follows you around most of the time to make sure you aren't raising hell.
if not... he's asking fellow hunters to keep an eye on you because joseph feels like if he leaves you be for one second, when he comes back, you'll be dangling out of the nearest window and holding on for dear life.
he babyproofs your shared room. and his cameras. he doesn't want you to break them (no offense).
another thing that baffles him is how you can be so optimistic about things.
" are you okay? that bird just attacked y- " " i think that bird liked me! maybe it was the colour of my shirt :D " " W H A T "
joseph traps you in his arms on a night so you cannot escape. or, at least he tries, since joseph moves around a lot, so he just sorta keeps you ontop of him since he knows that if you move he'll notice.
he keeps a good hold on your hand to make sure you don't somehow defy the laws of physics and start floating off into space.
if he takes you out on a fancy date, he asks that it's babyproofed. therefore, there won't be any problems. he'll clear out an entire store so it's just the two of you to make sure that you don't get lost.
you're very lucky because joseph is kind of short-tempered with this stuff but as soon as he sees you smiling he can't help but not get angry.
sometimes he'll get worried though and you have to reassure him that you have the worst yet the best luck in the world & that you're still kicking.
it kind of puts joseph at ease when you're near him because you're like a little beam of light that's also a good bad luck charm. you're very charming, to say the least.
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veralovemail · 3 years
Robbie with a big sibling reader :))
It's been a while since I've written things like this, but I got inspired so here, take a blog donation.
Prepare for the fluffening
>Tiny child, very huggable
>AdORES being hugged by his big sibling :))))))))))))
>He had a tough match? Goes to you. Want to play? Goes to you.
>Likes to run in the garden
>He's at that age where he thinks he's grown up but then he doesn't know how to handle anything
>TEA PARTIES. Mary's got some influence
>Invites other hunters and survivors
>Rides on your shoulders. ON your shoulders.
>Tries to act scary
>Reader, you got yourself one heck of a little bro
thank you so much to @cinnayanny for sending these in!!!!! they are very cute and honestly? I can see robbie doing this stuff. they are very cute headcanons, so thank you!!!! <3
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veralovemail · 3 years
Please feel free to take a break if it's too much for you!!! Your comfort and health is more important than a buncha simps on the net
thank you :""" i may do so once i finish all the requests i have in right now because there's a lot going on in my life... i just don't want to upset anyone ^^;
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veralovemail · 3 years
this but it's victor and luka as tifa & aerith and andrew is cloud
Tumblr media
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veralovemail · 3 years
hii can i get jealous hcs for luca, andrew, and victor? i love ur writing a lot btw, very cute🥺
aaa thank you!! i'm so sorry requests are taking so long, i'm really tired rn but i'm trying my best :""
jealous hcs for luca, andrew and victor!
luca balsa:
he feels a little dejected if he sees you getting a little too close to another male survivor.
he has his full trust in you, but sometimes he can't help but feel like he doesn't deserve you.
luca may just need some time with you after.
if he sees that person hanging around you again and he's there, luca will just hold your hand or give you a kiss to make the person uncomfortable so they'll leave.
his jealousy roots from a fear of abandonment, so luca needs reassurance in subtle ways to show that you still love him.
hold his gaze more than normal, keep your arms around him when you wake up, show him that you love him and he'll rarely get jealous.
luca's rather laidback, so he never gets "angry jealous", there may be an initial anger there in the first place but it dies down quickly.
he's a bit oblivious though so it takes him a while to realise that there's someone even getting close to you.
may shock the person lightly the next time he sees them and you're not there... maybe... depending...
andrew kreiss:
i don't?? think?? andrew gets jealous??
he probably gets really insecure though.
like, REALLY insecure.
he won't approach you either. you'll come over, chipper as ever and andrew is moping around... bbbut it's sort of for the right reason.
if you ask what's wrong, he'll just sort of stand there, unsure of what to say.
you have to be able to catch on quickly and tell him that you only have eyes for him. or else he's going to start catastrophizing about what could happen.
you kind of have to sit him down and hace a serious conversation about it.
it's not that he doesn't believe in you, it's just that he's scared of you leaving for someone else he deems "better than himself."
kinda becomes more clingy, just a bit. will stand behind you more, just sorta looming there.
he kinda has his faith restored when he sees you walk away and over to him from the person who tried to come up to you.
please? give him lots of affection + talk about how much you love him.
victor grantz:
victor knows you won't leave him + he knows you reject anyone's attempts to get with you.
but he can't help but feel a little jealous when he sees you decoding with someone else after he came looking for you in a match or sees you talking with someone after a match.
victor doesn't hide it, he just comes over and tells you once the person left. and you're glad that he's honest with you because you can easily tell him that they don't mean anything to you romantically.
like andrew, he starts to hang around you a little more and sends you letters in matches more often. victor sees this as his way of telling people that you're off-limits.
gives you more hugs + kisses too. wick also asks to be held more often. why? because wick is wick and wick requires cuddles. tongue twister, i know.
yeah victor's just kinda... he has his faith in you! will pout if he sees the same person walk over to you, but he also makes his way over with wick.
wick barks at the person til they leave. victor doesn't even have to do anything. he just wanted to see what you guys were talking about
just accept his letters and affection & he'll know that you still love him.
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veralovemail · 3 years
Do u have something, in like, waiting list? And what is it? If its possible to know ofc
Uh. No. i'm just trying to catch up because i got a looooooot lately. i've just been doing whatever i can and i didnt even know things like waiting lists existed?$*%?÷*%*$?
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