voidchillz · 6 minutes
Okay so my tablet holding literally all of my procreate stuff has fully shut down and will not turn back on
Dad's iPod did the same thing recently
Fuck you apple or whoever has given me the worst night in a really long time
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voidchillz · 8 days
fnaf redesigns btw
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voidchillz · 9 days
Be careful who you dream about…
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Fun things coming… 👀
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voidchillz · 9 days
I hope everyone seeing this knows they’re loved and appreciated and can always take breaks when they need to.
Me personally, I’m going to write dumb fanfics and hide in my snuggie and play bioshock 2.
Reblog with what you do when you need to take a break, if you’d like
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voidchillz · 10 days
Where’s the jazz hands emoji
OKAy BUT GENUINELY IM JUST CURIOUS WHY R U NOT AGAINST FRANS SHIP😭😭 im sorry ik this gets brought up to ya a lot but am genuinely curious how 😭😭/gen
I'm an old woman, anon. We've been having these same fandom purity arguments for decades now. I'm tired.
Fictional characters are (drumroll) fictional. They don't exist. People can do whatever they want with fiction - because it isn't real. Ship whatever the hell you want then go outside and touch some grass. If the internet went down tomorrow none of this would matter.
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voidchillz · 12 days
The silly 💕
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voidchillz · 12 days
Migraines suck so bad, I hope everyone’s head is doing okay. Drink your water and take your meds 💙
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voidchillz · 12 days
I hope everyone seeing this knows they’re loved and appreciated and can always take breaks when they need to.
Me personally, I’m going to write dumb fanfics and hide in my snuggie and play bioshock 2.
Reblog with what you do when you need to take a break, if you’d like
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voidchillz · 14 days
I’m Your Neighbour
Hm? That’s Not My Neighbour Doppel Sanses X You Au? 🤔
Couldn’t be.
Your booth always smelled damp. Damp, mouldy, and dusty.
Asking the D.D.D. multiple times to clean it properly proved less than useful. The floors and walls were peeling and it wasn’t insulated properly for the colder months. But every day you requested a deep clean, all you got in return was the same salty response that you were only allowed to call the Determination Doppelgänger Defence for emergency cleanup. You knew for a fact that the people there weren’t allowed to ignore your calls, and it was very tempting to just keep bugging them until they fixed your cramped little room, but risking getting fired was not on the table. You were setting aside a portion of your paycheque every month in hopes to do the damn upkeep yourself, but so far, the most you could do was occasionally dust and pass a few surface wipes over the more disgusting areas to keep you sane. You even managed to scrape up the cash to get an inexpensive dehumidifier and some scent defusers… and some colourful stickers to put on the glass. It was miserable enough outside for everyone to come home from gruelling work in a crumbling grey city filled with untrustworthy strangers, only to then have an incredibly tense checkup that put their lives at risk as soon as they got back home. So you had a naive hope that the little heart and cat stickers and slightly less stagnant smells would encourage your neighbours to relax a little more…
It hadn’t really worked.
Except… you did have one person representing the proof that the world wasn’t completely lost out there and in here.
And speak of the devil.
That warm recognisable grin already had your dehydrated discouraged slump rise into a much more relieved state, tucking your hair back and ignoring the faint distain at its distinct greasiness. You really needed a shower. But hey, there was still a glass window between you and your favourite neighbour, and that artificial sweet rose scent was still on the air, so you had little to worry about when it came to smelling nice for him.
Despite his very apparent lack of eloquence, Sans worked as a freelance inventor, and damn was he good. But the poor guy was out almost every day, and though you were a little ashamed to admit the selfishness of it, whenever he came home late, it was the absolute highlight of your day. He was always the last one into the building, and on occasion you did wonder if the sweet little bastard went to the back of the line on purpose just to milk his time with you, but nevertheless, he always made sure you left your post to attend to the city’s curfew with a smile. There were even points that he refused to let you leave until he’d made you snort with laughter.
“that ID all up to scratch, kid?”
“you sure i’m on the list?”
“was that the D.D.D. logo…? maybe…”
He was the only neighbour that ever lingered, the only one that brought more attention to his forms rather than hoping you just let him through without a second glance at the checklist. Hells, at one point he’d even purposefully used an expired ID just to catch you off guard. The ass had given you the real one after, but he got a good earful from you, even when your heart was still thundering with terrified adrenaline, he grinned at you like some petty house cat. He never fidgeted, never twitched, just gave you that big smile and reminded you how good it felt to have a relaxed conversation with someone. Albeit a someone with a taste for pranks. Fake forms with wet ink, approaching the window with those dumb fake eyebrow and nose glasses on, he was so lucky there was something preventing you from smacking him upside the head when he got too silly. Still… he was the only one in the building that remembered your name.
With him sidling up to the glass, you were itching for stress relief. Today had been… long. Thankfully he skipped the pranks and just handed his ID and Entry Request in through the grate. He looked about as tired as you felt.
“evening, y/n, good hustle today?”
You grumbled with a non-committed frown, idly glancing through the letters you’d memorised.
“Mngh… you?”
He leant his weight against the wall and his forehead against the cooling glass after his responding grumble. It made your frown lift just slightly. He never really went into details about his work, but despite his smiles and playful jabs, he always looked strained. Eye bags, bedraggled hair, and dirty slippers, poor guy looked so soft and tired you were always tempted to give in whenever he slyly offered to come into the booth and take a break with you before your governmentally enforced bedtime. You’d gathered with how much he worked during the day that offering some stress and obligation-free drinks back at your place wasn’t really feasible… N-not that it was to begin with. Having your end-of-day chats was always lovely, but you had strong suspicions he just wanted to be friendly about an uncomfortable situation, he had that kind of welcoming air about him, so asking a very handsome very sweet near-stranger for drinks would be weird… right? Yeah…
“that entry request looking pretty interesting today, huh?”
“Wha… Oh!”
Shit. You’d just been zoning out and staring at his picture. Blinking and rubbing your face to clear your eyes you handed the request and identification back through and quickly ticked off the checklist with mechanical efficiency and pressing the button to unlock the apartment complex’s door.
“Right, go on ahead.”
He didn’t move.
Kinda just idly watched the door open before those icy blue eyes dragged back to you.
“damn, you really are zonked out today. already trying to send me to bed, officer? and here i was thinking you liked our talks.”
He teased with a little grin while you busied yourself with signing the checklist with his name and apartment number before tucking it into your desk drawer to ignore how hot your cheeks were.
“You know I do.”
“then what’s the problem?”
Ughh… He was really good at this… Didn’t matter how hard you kept up a smile, Sans had better eyes than you did.
You rubbed your face again, digging the balls of your palms against closed eyelids to try and rub the calling sleep out of them. Double checking behind him through the glass to ensure there was no one else waiting… you sighed and slumped with a drawn out groan.
“i knew it. come on, what’s wrong?”
He refrained from immediate jokes, and… well you appreciated it. Today didn’t feel like one that could be saved with quips.
“…I got three of them today.”
He went silent for a moment, a twisted up sympathetic look souring his pretty smile, his voice growing even softer.
“they’re getting ambitious…”
It wasn’t the first time you’d had an off day, but for months now most all Doppels had backed off your building, no matter how much you triple checked the papers… you didn’t want to think about what was happening at the other housing estates.
“i’m sorry, kid… the D.D.D. shouldn’t have made this stupid system.”
“Bots couldn’t do it. I wouldn’t trust them to be loose enough with the regulations that innocent people not wearing their usual hats wouldn’t get hurt.”
“you don’t know what they do to them during cleanup.”
“It’s implied, Sans…”
Another silence… your throat felt tight.
“about being the kindest person left in this damn city? don’t be. you gotta be the only person left that feels bad for doppels.”
He gave a gentle smile and carefully slid his hand through the grate, which you accepted gratefully. Human contact was so rare nowadays, everyone was terrified of everyone else. Business owners had their own strict rules to ensure they were selling goods to doppels. You knew they were dangerous but… ugh… it was such a complicated situation. But you weren’t about to put this responsibility on anyone else.
Sans squeezed your hand reassuringly, all you could do was pitifully bite back tears.
“I just… hate how bad it’s gotten. No one in the building trusts me and I’m supposed to be protecting them.”
Another gentle grip got your attention back to those heart-achingly sincere eyes.
“how long you been at this, kiddo? eight months? and not a single casualty. i don’t know about you but that’s fucking astounding. and even if you did slip up, a doppel’s sole purpose is to do so, make you fail, make you crumble under the pressure and let them in. not a soul at the D.D.D. could dream of being as gutsy as you.”
He hesitated for a moment before crouching down a little behind the glass, guiding your hand through the grate, and sending a full body quake through you when the last thing you expected was for warm lips to press a very tender kiss to your knuckles. When he looked up again, smiling warm as ever, you had an odd feeling that he was as hot in the face as you were currently.
“you’re doing great…”
You pursed your lips and felt your eyes blur and swim with tears, and if you hadn’t taken a moment to brush them away, you would’ve seen Sans smile dreamily as he stroked the back of your hand with his thumb.
“want me to come in there?”
“You know I’m not allowed…”
“you also ain’t allowed to stop and chat with me, but we’re well past that point.”
That was very true…
Maybe drinks at your place wasn’t impossible after all…
By this point Sans had the tone of how the stairs creaked ingrained into his skull. Walking up and down those death traps everyday was his only workout, and it was still too much.
But damn… who could care about that right now?
When he’d just gotten a solid few minutes cuddled up to his favourite little Human…?
You’d been so warm against him… so soft and delicate, it only made him prouder about his firm decision to make it clear to every other one of his kind that this building was off limits. And if the D.D.D. didn’t get to them first, Sans would be worse.
He would’ve stayed longer. Would’ve curled you up against him, lifted you up into his arms and carry you up these flights like he was lighter than air. But… gah, fuck. He got too excited. You had taken a few minutes to just cry against him, gripping his hoodie with those fragile intricate hands, letting him stroke your hair and soothe you. And then he just made you giggle with his stupid jokes until you were bright again. There had always been a difference between sunny smiles and your smile. Sunny was blinding and almost uncomfortable, it only really worked on the very young Humans, any older and they were either trying to get something from whoever they were smiling at or just wanted to leave the situation entirely. But your smile… it was less like the sun and more like… moon beams through the clouds. Soft and beautiful and natural… which was why he had to reluctantly escape far earlier than he would’ve liked.
Sans had been so absolutely blissed out by your deeply expressed gratitude and appreciation that he had been slipping… He was glad everyone else was already in their apartments, otherwise they’d have seen him shaking to get his key into the door with a grin that would split any Human’s cheeks apart.
He tried to breathe slower, do his regular exercises that had kept him alive for this long, but he just collapsed. As soon as he got the door shut, he stumbled onto his couch and clutched the pillows until they crackled and tore unpleasantly beneath his fingers. Not that he had long nails on anything, but hands were the hardest for him to keep up, it’s why he often stuffed them into his pockets to save a little extra energy. And now, all he could do was grin and claw at the cushions…
You were going to be the death of him…
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voidchillz · 20 days
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HES UP!! Hey, even if you don’t read this, please, at least reblog this post!!! I want people to read my stuff.
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voidchillz · 20 days
The least I could do 🙏💙
Thank you for all your skeleservices to the tumblr gremlins 🫡
Hope all goes well for further donations! 🌸🌸🌸
Anyone wanna give me 600 USD to make a self insert x canon animation? Lol
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voidchillz · 20 days
I’m sorry I can’t do much to donate loads right now, these living situations are terrifying 💙
Here’s their kofi, even if just 600 people just pay for a $1 coffee that would be enough. Please share if you can’t donate.
Anyone wanna give me 600 USD to make a self insert x canon animation? Lol
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voidchillz · 24 days
Did I reblog this? I’m reblogging it. Share and/or donate ❤️🍉
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Undertale Artists for Palestine! CAMPAIGN FOR PCRF.
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Undertale Artists for Palestine!
If you pay a dollar you donate, one of us will draw something for 5 minutes.
The drawing request will only be available until May 31st. Feel free to donate all the funds will go straight to Palestine's Child Relief Funds.
Awesome Artist who are helping:
a cat (Organiser)
Please be patient with your request, this is all volunteer work, be aware most of us don't have much free time or money ourselves!
If there are any questions, or if you want to help volunteer as well. Feel free to leave a message on this account or email [email protected]. Thank you!
If you cannot donate please REBLOG this post OR share it with your friends and family! Let them know what's going on in Rafah! EVERYTHING HELPS!
You are also free to repost these images to spread awareness FOR PALESTINE!
Personal shout out to @/karsyntries for inspiring this campaign with their SepticArtist for Palestine!!!
Thank you for all the artist who agreed to volunteer and help me with this.
Check them all out!
- Anon Cat :3
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voidchillz · 24 days
that other ask made me realize something… I always thought the term “proshipper” meant someone who romanticizes noncon, pedophilia and such? not someone who just enjoys dark topics like that?
it’s strange to me. did the definition itself change over time or did my understanding of it grow?
(Actually a little relieved this is a learning experience rather than just another death threat. Thank you for sending this in.)
TL;DR If the definition was ever ‘endorser’ it’s just been ‘enjoyer’ for a while.
I’m not sure when or if ‘proshipper’ ever meant romanticising those topics, but in my experience it’s rarely been malicious people that have questionable or controversial interests. (Malicious proshippers still exist but it’s not the whole bag)
‼️This doesn’t mean that the internet is any more safe than it already was, I’m not saying that all proshippers will be nice people, just like how all kosher shippers will not be automatically good people just because of convention‼️
But my intent is to make it clear that there’s always diversity in any of these categories, as in most cases. Unless it’s a designed group and gathering of these people who are actually harming real life Humans or animals, there’s very little chance you can say that ‘all proshippers are pedos and non-consenters’ and be correct.
Assuming very angry and very hostile attitudes to complete strangers based on an assumption that if they read/write/draw Dead Dove: Do Not Eat topics, that automatically makes them endorsers of those subjects is deeply annoying to me.
Yes, people deserve to make sure who they’re interacting with is actually safe to interact with
No, I’m not saying that you should give everyone on the internet the benefit of the doubt
Yes, if someone is genuinely uncomfortable with some of a creator’s interests then they are at absolute liberty to just block them, like how you would with blocking a tag that you don’t like to read from
No, I’m not saying that any group of people are completely free of actually crappy behaviour
There’s a cozy grey area that I’ve gotten comfy in where I can dislike a problematic character, prompt, or ship without being horrendously rude or acting like I’m better than this person because of a fictional thing they like to write/draw/talk about.
If the art is pretty and the obsessive character is serving, I’m gonna enjoy it. I’ve learnt to stop being apologetic unless someone’s getting hurt.
Hope this helps or explains in any way. 💙
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voidchillz · 24 days
Don’t mind me just- GRAFSHHSFABSHST- *ahem* excuse me. Sorry, my dog gets a little crazy when- GRAAGH RUFF RUFF RUFF
Back in my SOLYGBM phase 😂
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voidchillz · 24 days
HILDA. 💍💍💍💍💍💍
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Hilda by Duane Bryers
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voidchillz · 24 days
aw… them… 🥹💘
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The most soft and sweet sketch that I’ve ever had
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