vvampyr-blog · 7 years
Something I’ve noticed in the RP community is that we expect our RP partners to be writing machines. We expect them to churn out a reply almost immediately after we post ours, be on when we are, always send us memes, et cetera. Here’s the thing: our RP partners are not machines. They are human beings who need to be respected for more than their ability to write. Other than the usual “your RP partners may not feel like replying at the moment,” here are some things to respect them for, and remember when you’re RPing:
Respect that your RP partner may be in school.
Respect that your RP partner may be employed.
Respect that your RP partner may have at least one physical illness.
Respect that your RP partner may have at least one mental illness.
Respect that your RP partner may have friends outside of tumblr.
Respect that your RP partner may have a family outside of tumblr.
Respect that your RP partner may be a parent.
Respect that your RP partner may have hobbies outside of tumblr.
Respect that your RP partner may have religious obligations.
Respect that your RP partner may not always have internet, or computer access.
Respect that your RP partner may be going through a difficult life situation.
Respect that your RP partner does not have to disclose everything happening in their personal life to you.
Too often, it’s easy to say “no one RPs with me” or “no one ships with me” or “no one sends me anything” without considering any of the above, or even more circumstances your RP partner(s) may be dealing with. Too often, it’s easy to say one of those things, and not consider how the other person feels when reading it. Someone dealing with at least one of these circumstances can feel guilty for not replying right away, sending something, et cetera, or feel like they have to once they see their partner is unhappy. 
I know I do when I see things like that on my dash.
When you start feeling guilty for not doing something that is part of your hobby, or feeling like you have to do something that is supposed to be fun, it stops being fun. It feels like a job. I know when I feel obligated to do a reply for a person, I drag my feet. I do not feel excited about the RP as much anymore. Even if they say, “Sure, I’ll wait,” I see them post elsewhere that no one sends them things, or no one RPs with them. The guilt turns on. I feel like I have to reply. It’s a passive-aggressive tactic that a person may not even be aware that they’re doing. No matter what, though, it needs to stop.
All in all, we need to show more kindness and patience towards our RP partners. The best relationships I have on this website are the ones where we treat each other with not only that, but with mutual respect. We also communicate regularly, and tell each other if we need to hold onto replies. I feel relieved knowing I can go to my RP partners, and tell them to hold onto my replies because I’m not feeling well, and I don’t know when I will be. It is an amazing feeling. We need more of that on this website, and less expecting one another to be robots.
We are all human. Never forget that.
Respect Your RP Partners
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vvampyr-blog · 7 years
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vvampyr-blog · 7 years
take a breath, spit out the blood in your mouth, and get back up on your feet. you still got a couple of motherfuckers to prove wrong.
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vvampyr-blog · 7 years
       This has to be said because personally I am tired of having to establish this again and again. And it has to do with RESPECTING MUSES OF POWER. And this includes and it never limited any official canon stated titles and positions. Be it Ruthless Queens, Hard Kings, Gang Leaders, or Apocalyptic Masterminds with barb wired bats. Somewhere there is always a nice chunk of muses who are always trying to either; 1) Defy, 2) Rebel, or 3) 1 & 2 but with a try at badass snark. This PSA is concerning all of the above, and all that are included within the category of muses of power.
      It is so important that this made clear that when being a MUSE OF POWER there is something that accompanies that and it is exactly that. POWER. Muses of power ACTUALLY hold a fair amount of ACTUAL power over most muses. Especially if it’s in their favored canon timeline. A Queen or King can have a man executed for speaking foul words against them, or the Apocalyptic Mastermind can have someone beat up and locked away because he damn well felt like it. That’s because they hold a certain amount of real power to do so. And it’s so important that with MUSES OF POWER that this is respected. I’m so tired of seeing muses try to be the FORCE OF GOOD or the REBEL OF LAW and the muns get all upset because the MUSE OF POWER in question reacted accordingly.
     This is also me making note that a MUSE OF POWER is not required at all to be nice or friendly toward anyone, not everyone is kind or courteous.  And neither is a MUSE OF POWER required to be so. Do not show up and expect someone to be loving of this or that muse just because sweet words were given.
      If the defiance and rebuttal is plotted; then it is alright. Because both of the muns have a full understanding of what is happening and the consequences of said actions. WHICH THERE IS ALWAYS CONSEQUENCES WHERE MUSES OF POWER ARE CONCERNED. You insult someone or spit in their face- I can personally promise you something bad is going to happen. But again, plotted and planned, are always acceptable because as I said. Everyone is on an understanding and everyone is on the same page.
    all in all:  RESPECT MUSES OF POWER
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vvampyr-blog · 7 years
Writers, bold all of your character’s regular truths & italicize occasional truths
1. Smoking: the action or habit of inhaling and exhaling the smoke of tobacco or a drug. 2. Binge drinking: the consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time.    ( although it does nothing to him, as alcohol cannot affect him in any way ) 3. Drug abuse: the habitual taking of illegal drugs. 4. Nail biting: a common body language sign of anxiety/tension. 5. Lip biting: a common body language sign of anxiety/tension. 6. Night Owl: a person who is habitually active or wakeful at night. 7. Early bird: a person who rises, arrives, or acts before the usual or expected time. 8. Negative attitudes: a philosophy of approaching life with criticism and pessimism. 9. Positive attitudes: a philosophy of approaching life with optimism and confidence. 10. Swearing: the use of offensive language.    ( most times, it’s in russian ) 11. Superstitious: an irrational belief that an object, action, or circumstance not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome. 12. Inspecting fingernails: a common body language sign of boredom. 13. Scratching your neck: a common body language sign of uncertainty. 14. Foot and finger tapping: a common body language sign of stress/impatience. 15. Nose touch: a subtle body language sign of deceit. 16. Flipping hair: a common body language sign of craving attention. 17. Twirling hair: a common body language sign of flirtation. 18. Cracking knuckles: a common body language sign of readiness. 19. Hands behind back: a common body language sign of confidence. 20. Finger pointing: a common body language sign of authority.    ( mostly when angry / asserting any kind of dominance ) 21. Hands on hips: a common body language sign of readiness. 22: Hands in pockets: a common body language sign of mistrust/reluctance. 23. Frequent touch: a common body language sign of warmth/familiarity.    ( only with those he loves or is very very close to ; he does not like to touch many people ) 24. Throat-clearing: a common body language sign of rejection/doubt. 25: Jaw-clenching: a common body language sign of hostility. 26: Eye-rolling: a common body language sign of irritation. 27: Head-tilt: a common body language sign of interest. 28. Whistling: to emit high-pitched sound by forcing breath through a small hole between one’s lips or teeth; usually to a tune. 29. Humming: make a low, steady continuous sound like that of a bee; usually to a tune. 30. Perfectionism: refusal to accept any standard short of perfection. 31. Photographic memory: the ability to remember information or visual images in great detail. 32. Paranoia: a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically worked into an organized system. 33. Exaggeration: a statement that represents something as better or worse than it really is. 34: Intuitive: using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive. 35: Quick-witted: showing or characterized by an ability to think or respond quickly and effectively. 36: Interrupting: breaking the continuity of a conversation with one’s own statements. 37: Doodling: to scribble or make rough drawings, absent-mindedly. 38: Irritable: having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed. 39: Gambling: to play games of chance for money; bet. 40: Travel-sick: suffering from nausea caused by the motion of a moving vehicle, boat, or aircraft. 41: Sensitive: having or displaying a quick and delicate appreciation of others’ feelings. 42: Melancholy: a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause. 43: Chewing gum: the exercise of chewing flavored gum which is not intended for swallowing. 44: Fidgeting: to make small movements, especially of the hands and feet, through nervousness or impatience. 45: Skeptical: not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations. 46: Neat-freak: compulsively obsessed with cleanliness. 47: Gossiping: divulging personal information about others. 48: Prim: feeling or showing disapproval of anything regarded as improper; stiffly correct. 49: Abbreviating: Giving others nicknames/shortening names/giving pet names. 50: Having a catchphrase: having a sentence or phrase typically associated with a specific person.
[all] quirks my muse habitually has.
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vvampyr-blog · 7 years
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vvampyr-blog · 7 years
clowniin replied to your post
I like them! they look great
lougarrou replied to your post
i’m in love
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!!!!!!!  *smushes ur faces*
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vvampyr-blog · 7 years
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vvampyr-blog · 7 years
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vvampyr-blog · 7 years
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       ❛ the truth is this  ,  every monster you meet  ,  you have met  ,  or will ever meet  ,  was once a human being with a soul that was as soft as light and silk.  someone stole the silk from their soul  ,  and turned them into this.  so when you see a monster next  ,  always remember this…  do not fear the thing before you.  fear the thing that created it instead. ❜
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vvampyr-blog · 7 years
throws this poll thing @ all of u
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vvampyr-blog · 7 years
Send some numbers for me to answer ooc! Perfect for people who like to write angst or horror.
1) Do you prefer writing angst threads over fluff threads? 2) Do you like horror plots? 3) What is your favorite thing about writing dark plots? 4) Are there any angsty subjects you won’t write about? 5) What is the darkest or scariest plot you’ve ever written? 6) Do you have or would you consider having a monster muse? 7) What do you prefer, supernatural horror or psychological horror? 8) Have you ever been in a horror fandom? 9) Do you like supernatural plots? 10) Which one of your characters would be the most dangerous if challenged? 11) Has your character ever committed a violent crime? 12) Do you have a go-to angst partner? 13) Do you get scared easily? 14) What do you think is scarier, watching a horror movie or reading a chilling story? 15) Are there any horror or angst tropes you really can’t stand? 16) If you have multiple muses, which one has the most disturbed past? 17) What is the most disturbing aspect of your muse’s storyline? 18) What’s your favorite negative quality about your character? 19) Do you have a favorite dark/angsty RP you’ve done in the past? 20) Do you like writing violent roleplays? 21) Do you get inspiration from dark or dramatic sources in media, like books and movies? 22) Does your character get angry often? 23) Would you consider your character to be evil? 24) What is the most wicked thing you could imagine your character doing? 25) For disturbed characters, does your muse have any redeeming qualities?
Dark Munday Questions
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vvampyr-blog · 7 years
throws this poll thing @ all of u
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vvampyr-blog · 7 years
so i wanna bring back one of my horror - based ocs  i made like , forever ago , but i’m not sure if anyone would be interested in interacting with her anymore.   if any of you lovelies would be willing to give me your opinion , i’ll send you her old blog link in an IM   &.   you can check her out , maybe ??
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vvampyr-blog · 7 years
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vvampyr-blog · 7 years
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a savage a n t i n o u s
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vvampyr-blog · 7 years
i put the bi in bitter
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