whathelluci · 4 days
Happy pride month to the tiny cowboy and tiny Trojan man from Night at the Museum
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whathelluci · 8 days
oh? if i'm an *evil* wizard then why does the king let me skulk around the throne offering bad advice unimpeded?
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whathelluci · 15 days
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this this this
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whathelluci · 15 days
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whathelluci · 22 days
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whathelluci · 24 days
It's really hard to explain what I mean but yknow that moment in the show where the protagonist realises who is pulling all the strings and it all clicks into place. But it implicates their companion in the process? And they turn around to tell their companion about their revelation and the shot changes and you can just see the companion is already 5 steps ahead of them. They're got this knowing look and a smarmy smile on their face. And before the protagonist even gets to speak they have a silent moment of "we both know what we know." LITERALLY MY FAVOURITE TYPE OF VILLAIN REVEAL.
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whathelluci · 29 days
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From the DVD commentary, episode 3:
Neil: I kind of wound up having to write this as a love story, and part of the joy of writing a love story is the break-up, because you can’t get back together again unless you’ve broken up. So this is the break-up.
Douglas: I think you can say it’s two actors working at peak.
Neil: They really are. I mean they’re so good. And I remember watching this being shot, knowing how good it was.
Douglas: We landed on that location kind of by mistake through scheduling, and I’m so glad we did it that way in the end.
Neil: Oh yeah, it was origially set in-
Douglas: It was set at night, wasn’t it?
Neil: It was set at night in St. James’s Park.
Douglas: But the Queen wouldn’t let us put on lights in St. James’s Park at night.
Neil: Bless.
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whathelluci · 1 month
There’s fanfiction…. And then there’s FANFICTION. The kind of shit you happen upon at like 3am or some other ungodly time because you were trying to find a fix for ur fixation at the time and you are just SUCKED IN and every sentence feels like a line of cocaine and it has quotes and imagery that permeate your brain and it’s the shit that sticks around in your consciousness forever and it never goes away and it’s always going to be one of Those Fics.
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whathelluci · 1 month
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whathelluci · 1 month
The fact people write fics that could very well be award winning novels is insane.
Like—they write this for FREE. FOR FREE.
You beautiful bastards, I love you.
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whathelluci · 2 months
oh my favorite trope? two people who go through something so unique and agonizing and entirely beyond words that they have no choice but to create a bond that transcends all other types of love, thus acting as the sole point of understanding for the other person in a world that cannot fathom what they’ve been through
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whathelluci · 2 months
hi, i love dynamics that r like “we make each other worse” on the surface but when u look deeper it is actually just “we understand each other on a level that no one else does and nudge each other out of our typical comfort zone” which just circles around to “we make each other better”. it’s abt the accidental growth just by being in each other’s lives. idk
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whathelluci · 2 months
I hope you guys like…eventually live the life you want to live and I hope nothing haunts you for too long and I hope you’re all kind to yourselves
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whathelluci · 2 months
Do you guys remember how kidnap fantasies were popular on wattpad because young girls and queer teens were both made to feel shame at the thought of their own sexualities, so the fantasy of being kidnapped totally against their will was a way for them to engage with a romantic or sexual fantasy without feeling morally in the wrong for doing so? Added bonus that the fantasy involved being whisked away from repressive environments like home or school, right?
Finding out that Bram Stoker was in a sexless marriage and that scholars believe that he very likely was closeted gay puts the entire book into perspective as to WHY it reads EXACTLY like a self insert wattpad Dracula kidnap fic:
“I TOTALLY love my wife and would never do anything that an upstanding Good Straight Working Man wouldn’t do but oh nooo, big strong man with broad back and strong enough arms to carry me back to bed like a princess trapped me and claimed me as his, completely against my will 👉👈 But he protects me against the bad evil sexual women (who I assure you, I am TOTALLY sexually attracted to, as any straight man with a choice would be) but trust me, I do NOT want ANY of this. What’s that? The Count is not capable of feeling love? Would be a shame if I had the special ability to change tha-”
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whathelluci · 2 months
i really love it when people here are “not normal” about the things they love. yes!! break down the scene that you’ve been obsessing over for weeks! create incredibly intricate theories based on a few throwaway lines! explain why you love this character so much—458 reasons and counting, and with visual aids! i love to see people putting their heart and soul into not being normal!!!
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whathelluci · 2 months
Too many beds
Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss
Really nice guy who hates only you
Academic rivals except it’s two teachers who compete to have the best class
Divorce of convenience
Too much communication
True hate’s kiss (only kissing your enemy can break a curse)
Dating your enemy’s sibling
Lovers to enemies
Hate at first sight
Love triangle where the two love interests get together instead
Fake amnesia
Soulmates who are fated to kill each other
Strangers to enemies
Instead of fake dating, everyone is convinced that you aren’t actually dating
Too hot to cuddle
Love interest CEO is a himbo/bimbo who runs their company into the ground
Nursing home au
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whathelluci · 2 months
It's utterly magnetic when a character's rage is quiet and precise. When they don't scream and throw things but they just b r e a t h e and very very calmly aim their fury like an arrow shooting inexorably towards the target of their wrath. It captures my attention, I lean in close, I wait for the hit. It never disappoints.
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