who-knows-not-i · 6 years
Controlling control?
So, here’s the deal; what if in trying to control how much you can control a situation actually means that you have no control - like at all. In trying to control the thing that gives you anxiety, are you actually controlling the situation and managing well or are you just making things worse without realising and yet you have this weird feeling in the pit of your stomach that something is missing or is about to be very wrong but you don’t know what yet because it hasn’t happened and then it just gives you more anxiety and yeah - you see the loop I’m talking about. So I guess my question is, how much should you control a situation - obviously largely depending on what that situation is of course, but is it better to go with the flow, which in itself brings anxiety or down the other route and try to control every minute factor which potentially brings more anxiety because it’s always likely that there will be one thing you can’t control or forget to control and then you’re in the moment like woah - hold up - how did this happen. Where’s the balance in it all and how do you find it without spontaneously combusting? Totally asking for a friend 🙃
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