whoseblogisitanyways · 21 hours
the coolest people are actually weird and fucked up and strange and peculiar and they just dont care. the coolest people are actually lame as hell and they rock it. this is what ive learned
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happy june! before i must see all The Discourse june brings, let me remind you that in a million different possible timelines of existence, you live within this body at this moment. it is often terrifying, but also wonderful to be alive.
there is no right way to be queer. if you feel a need to gatekeep, let this be a reminder that the same energy could be directed towards something else that deserves your effort and thought more. asking someone to prove, or insisting that they are not, "queer enough" is an endless exercise that uses valuable energy. each person's relationship with their gender and sexuality is infinitely nuanced in a way that is complex, personal and belongs to oneself. your energy is much better spent on outreach and/or protesting and/or acceptance and/or whatever you prefer to do to revel in your queerness joyously, and fight for your comrades' ability to.
as always, remember to write your representatives, shit on corporate pride, and love your fellow queers. xoxo
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*places hands on ouija board*
Can I ask if party rock is in the house tonight?
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hot girl summer but its me taking care of my emotional health, spending time under the sun, reading more, finding new things that make me happy, doing things that bring out good versions of myself
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i had to go to urgent care and have worker's comp paperwork filled out about this
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i hate to report that i got a second degree burn from tea made with a machine with a "CAREFUL!!! HOT LIQUID!!! IT'S REALLY HOT!!! BE CAREFUL!!!" sticker that i have looked at and then rolled my eyes at several times
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me, upon being asked to name the spice girls: baby spice, posh spice, uuuhhhh... spicy spice,,,, cilantro....,, allspice...
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i hate to report that i got a second degree burn from tea made with a machine with a "CAREFUL!!! HOT LIQUID!!! IT'S REALLY HOT!!! BE CAREFUL!!!" sticker that i have looked at and then rolled my eyes at several times
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what have we done to quora
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if you ever have something really incriminating to get rid of, just give it to me and say it is VERY IMPORTANT that i DO NOT lose it and it will immediately disappear
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tumblr is a better social media site than like... most of them however i do find myself yelling "words have MEANINGS" like three times a day because i must see people's Takes
however it is charming to see that even 10 yrs after i left, people will create Discourse at any opportunity
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any ring can be a fidget ring if you believe in yourself
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Hey, friends with poor memory. This is a sign to go ahead and learn anything you want, even if you're afraid you're going to forget it all. Read Wikipedia articles, watch documentaries, take free classes, and delve deep into books and lore. Maybe I'm the only one who has this fear, maybe not. But learning for pleasure is just as much--if not moreso-- about the joy of the experience as it is about memorization.
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game changer finale is the mole
hallways? just like tunnels and MOLES HAVE TUNNELS
there's not a mole emoji so rat is close enough
uhhh duffel bag JUST LIKE THE MOLE
i lost the thread here but i just want it to be the mole ok
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