wiccawrites Ā· 5 months
not enough, not enough
post-canon - kinnporsche / bathroom sex
rated E, 730 words
ā€œMore,ā€ Porsche gasps, the single word raw and weighted as it settles between them.Ā 
Theyā€™re in a bathroom, tucked away at the back of the restaurant they decided to visit for dinner. Their night was only supposed to consist of a meal, maybe a few drinks, and dessert if they were feeling like something sweeter, but instead -Ā 
The tip of Kinnā€™s cock presses harder against Porscheā€™s hole, making him scrunch his face up in pain. They have no condom, no lube, only his spit-slick hole and whatever was left on Kinn after he briefly sucked him off. He was desperate to feel Kinn inside him right now, regardless of anything else.Ā 
Porsche didnā€™t care if it hurt because he knows how good itā€™ll feel once Kinn is inside him, filling him up, fucking in and out, driving him harder and harder until all he can see is stars from the pleasure threatening to take over him.Ā 
Even with those thoughts alone, Porsche moans, shuddering as he feels his cock jerk and weep with more precum. Heā€™s so wet, his briefs ruined and caught somewhere around his knees after being shoved down, trapping his legs. His heart thunders in his chest, pulse racing, and he arches his back, whining when Kinnā€™s cock only barely catches on his tight hole, sliding down his taint and leaving a damp trail behind.Ā 
ā€œPorsche, you need to calm down,ā€ Kinn pants, his hands like iron clamps on his hips, fingertips leaving deep bruises on his skin.Ā 
ā€œNeed you now,ā€ Porsche replies, dizzy. His words slur together, barely making sense to him as he speaks, the only thing he can remember to do is beg.
The air in the bathroom is so hot itā€™s sweltering, sweat dripping down his temples and forming above his top lip, framing how swollen they are from the way Kinn shoved him against the wall not minutes before and kissed him like it was their last day on earth. He doesnā€™t want to think about when theyā€™re finished. How ruined heā€™ll look, how heā€™ll limp back to their table and carry on as if nothing happened, relishing in the phantom feeling of Kinnā€™s hands and cum on his skin.
Theyā€™d lost their suit jackets along the way, and the top buttons of their shirts, and then their belts and zips had been torn open, leaving them to palm at each other until Porsche dropped to his knees, not caring if the tiled floor was disgusting or not. All Porsche cared about was getting his mouth on Kinnā€™s cock, licking him clean, tasting the musk and feeling the weight of it on his tongue, testing to see how much he could force into his mouth until he needed to pull back for air.Ā 
Kinn has been training him so well recently, keeping Porscheā€™s mouth on his cock for hours while he worked, letting him adjust and get used to the feeling of it until it was second nature to have it all the way in, the hinges of his jaw aching and sore, his mind floaty and caught in a dreamlike state.
Itā€™d taken Kinn pulling at his hair once - gently - twice - harshly - and then a third time, hard enough to pull him straight off. It left Porscheā€™s mouth gaping, drool spilling over, sliding down his chin and neck, whining and sobbing to go back to what he was doing. He wasnā€™t done yet, hadnā€™t properly felt his throat contract and tighten around Kinnā€™s length, nowhere near long enough for Kinn to tell him how good he was doing, how perfect he was for him, but then he was being hauled him up again and bullied against the wall, shutting him up.Ā 
ā€œYou need to calm down,ā€ Kinn repeats, this time more firmly. The tone sends sparks skittering down Porscheā€™s back, his eyelashes fluttering with the authority and dominance coating the words.Ā 
He relents then, relaxing his posture, unclenching each muscle and letting himself go lax the best he can. All for Kinn, all so he can finally work his cock in, so he can fuck Porsche against the wall when theyā€™re supposed to be eating their dinner and talking business, so he can help satiate this never-ending need that burns between them.
When Kinn finally slides in, the friction of their skin dragging and blazing, scorching and addicting, he feels like heā€™s finally whole again.Ā 
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wiccawrites Ā· 5 months
happy new year, death to america and its puppet states and i love you all so so much its unbelievable
7K notes Ā· View notes
wiccawrites Ā· 5 months
the gaze of the angels
guild hunter au - kinnporsche / archangel!kinn, hunter!porsche
rated G, 2.7k words
based on a scene from the first book in the guild hunter series, angels' blood. for context, angel's create and handle vampires as they work under them. porsche as a hunter tracks any unruly vamp who has escaped and brings them back to their 'owners', in this case, the arch/angels.
ā€œGive me one good reason I should be talking to you on my day off.ā€
ā€œWell, hello to you too, Porsche,ā€ Arm, the director of the Hunterā€™s Guild, says, his voice no less sarcastic even through the phone line.
Porsche snorts, kicking off his boots into a heap by his front door. Heā€™ll fix that later; right now, he has one thing on his mind: to relax.
ā€œIā€™m waiting,ā€ Porsche replies, clicking his tongue in annoyance. Heā€™d never hang up on his best friend-cum-boss, but the temptation grows as he wanders into his apartment - his haven, his sanctuary - and feels in his gut that whatever Arm is about to tell him wonā€™t be anything good.
ā€œWell,ā€ Arm begins and then goes so quiet Porsche has to check to make sure theyā€™re still connected. ā€œYour holiday is being cut sh-"
ā€œNo fucking way!ā€ Porsche cuts him off, coming to stand in the middle of his kitchen.
The marble top island is more cluttered than heā€™d like it to be, but heā€™s been nonstop working for the past 3 weeks on one of the hardest hunts of his life. A rogue vampire had gone insane, slaughtering more people than he could count on his fingers. Despite being a crazy lunatic, the bastard had been smart, and led Porsche on a wild chase until he finally caught up and sent him back to his angel owner for her to deal with. Heā€™d barely had time to sleep, let alone clean.
ā€œPorsche,ā€ Armā€™s voice is hard - stoic and with no room to argue, taking the tone that the director of the Guild should have. This wasnā€™t a friendly chat - this was a business one through and through. ā€œYouā€™ve been requested.ā€
Porsche scoffs, ā€œThatā€™s nice, but -ā€
ā€œBy an archangel.ā€
Porsche feels his whole world go quiet. ā€œItā€™s not April Foolā€™s Day, Arm,ā€ He says shakily.
ā€œI know, and Iā€™d never joke about this, butā€¦ā€ Arm sighs, and itā€™s a frustrated one. ā€œWeā€™re between a rock and a hard place. I tried to deny his request and said youā€™re off duty for the foreseeable future, but he wouldnā€™t take no for an answer.ā€
Fucking archangels, Porsche thought, the voice inside his head spiteful. Heā€™d never be able to say it out loud without dire consequences, but in the privacy of his own brain, heā€™ll curse them out as much as he wants. Theyā€™re selfish creatures, living in their high-rises to look down upon all mortals, ruling over the cities they claim as their own without a care in the world. As long as theyā€™re happy, nothing else matters.
ā€œWhat does he want?ā€
ā€œThey wouldnā€™t say. His lackeys who called up were very secretive, even with me,ā€ Arm grumbles something under his breath with the same amount of disdain Porsche feels. The archangels are famously hard to work with. ā€œIā€™m really sorry, and I will do all I can to make this up to you - but you have to meet him tomorrow.ā€
ā€œWhich one?ā€ Porsche asks, mind going a hundred miles an hour. He went through all the ones he knew - the ones heā€™d already worked for. Heā€™s had to clean up more of their messes than he can count, but of course, they do nothing but deposit a grand sum of money in his bank account and go about their day without even a simple thanks.
ā€œArchangel Anakinn.ā€
The name cut off all of Porscheā€™s internal ramblings. That name had fear instilled into it, each letter dripping with the promise of death if you defied him. The archangel of Bangkok wasnā€™t exactly known for his niceties; even Porsche, who had fought rogue vampires twisted with bloodlust beyond any form of rationality, who stood up against anyone or anything not caring about the consequences, starts to feel anxiety creeping in.
ā€œFuck me,ā€ Porsche let out, leaning against the counter to keep him up. His knees felt weak. ā€œLet me guess, Iā€™ve gotta go on my own, too?ā€
He could feel the wince through the phone as Arm answered, ā€œYep.ā€
Double fuck, Porsche curses. ā€œPing me the time and location.ā€
ā€œPorsche -ā€ Arm began, but Porsche hung up before he could finish, not in the mood to talk anymore.
He glances around his apartment, at the warm woods and white accents, at the trinkets and paintings spread around that heā€™d collected in his travels, and breathes in the scent of incense to try and ground himself. Thereā€™s no use in avoiding the inevitable, so he looks outside his window at the hotel situated opposite his apartment building. It towers above him, each window lit with shadows of activity behind them. Itā€™s a building that never sleeps, with all sorts of goings on happening in the secrecy only immortals had the pleasure of knowing.
Porscheā€™s phone pinged with the details of his meeting for tomorrow.
Director Arm:
Tomorrow, Theerapanyakulā€™s Hotel, 09:00 am sharp.
Memorising the information immediately, Porsche knows that if he takes a few steps forward, heā€™ll be able to see the rooftop of the hotel - the Theerapanyakulā€™s Hotel. It doesnā€™t have any railing or safety bordering it, as there would be no point. Itā€™s a landing and takeoff point for angels, and they could fly, their giant wings sprawling outwards so wide that even to this day, Porsche finds himself pausing whatever he was doing to stop and watch. Heā€™d spent countless hours since heā€™d moved into this apartment spying on them, watching them come and go, equally fascinated as he was repulsed by their royalty in society.
Each angel had their own set of wings, and no two were the same. One pair had caught his attention the most out of all heā€™d seen, and heā€™d seen plenty at this point. Porsche recalls ones that were so wide that they had almost blocked out the entire sky, so dark in colour that it seemed as if a black hole had opened up in their place, if not for the red tips of the feathers that were visible even from so far away. Porsche has never met Archangel Anakinn - but he knows him. Heā€™s seen him, watched him, studied him the best he could from afar as he admired each descent and take-off from flight, the beauty of his wings too tempting to look away from even for a second.
Porsche walks forward, eyes rising upwards until he can finally see the rooftop, hoping to catch a glimpse of them. To his dismay, the rooftop is empty, so instead he imagines what itā€™ll be like when he is up there tomorrow, and if heā€™d survive the meeting long enough to continue admiring the view of the angels he so frequently indulged in
ā€œAlright, alright! I get it, no need to push,ā€ Porsche says, wrenching his shoulder away from a heavy-handed vampire.Ā 
The impudent thing just glares at him, his fangs poking out, just begging for the hunter to act up within the hotel. Everyone knows that you behave when in a general radius of an archangel, let alone when youā€™re in oneā€™s territory. The vampire looks young, but the smell radiating off of him could only mean age - and Porsche doesnā€™t mean a few years, but hundreds. He looks overly serious, with his perfect ponytail and miserable atmosphere, which only makes Porsche want to prod at him even more to see if he can get a reaction out of him instead.
ā€œGet in.ā€ The vampire orders, shoving Porsche into an open elevator.Ā 
ā€œDoes your boss not teach you any manners?ā€ Porsche mutters under his breath, nose scrunching up in distaste at the vampireā€™s scent now clinging to him.Ā 
Each one smells different, much like each angelā€™s wings - itā€™s part of their DNA, their defining feature. This one smells sour, his scent warped with internal rage and something sad, almost as if heā€™s left it so long that itā€™s gone off, twisted and rotten. Itā€™s clear that he hates Porsche, so much so that itā€™s leaking out of every pore.
ā€œWhat did you say, guild hunter?ā€ The vampire snaps, eyes narrowed in malice.
ā€œI said, did your boss not teach you any manners?ā€ Porsche repeats, enunciating each word clearly, not caring about the consequences.Ā 
ā€œWhy, you -ā€ The vampire begins through gritted teeth until the elevator doors open and let in a gust of wind so strong it threatens to knock him off balance.
Porsche blinks, his eyes drying out immediately as he takes in the scene before him. He hadnā€™t even noticed theyā€™d made it to the top, caught up in the brewing fight. The vampire grabs his arm, dragging him out and practically throwing him forward. Porscheā€™s senses are all going off, each one struggling to acclimate to a slew of incoming smells, sounds, and feelings.Ā 
ā€œKhun Kinn, heā€™s arrived.ā€
ā€œThank you, Big. You may go,ā€ A voice replies, so smooth and luxurious that Porscheā€™s stomach clenches.Ā 
He watches as the vampire - or Big, he supposes - bows and takes his leave, looking like nothing more than a trained puppy in front of his master. Porsche holds back the urge to sneer, but he reigns it in.
Even though heā€™s completely open out here, the wind is strong and loud, itā€™s warmer than he expected, the sun shining directly into his eyes. He squints, trying to gather his bearings as he looks out across the expanse of the roof, focusing on a shadowy figure at the opposite end. Even without fully seeing him - Porsche knows who it is.Ā 
Archangel Anakinn.
Thereā€™s no doubt in his mind, no second guesses, as his mere aura alone is enough to suffice. The great span of his wings flutters, rising and blocking out the harsh glare of the sun, bringing everything back into focus. Porsche blinks, black spots dotting around his vision as he adjusts until he can finally see who he is truly facing.
His breath catches in his throat, eyes widening without his permission as he takes in the archangel. Anakinnā€™s hair is perfectly styled, not a hair out of place except the purposely left-out strand that catches on his eyelashes, even with the harsh winds that are whipping Porscheā€™s clothing and hair around relentlessly. Itā€™s as if the earth has stopped moving, stopped existing, covering Anakinn in an eternal peace where heā€™s untouchable. Porscheā€™s eyes carry on moving, desperate and wanting to take the man in. They follow his masculine brow bone and down the gentle slope of his nose, cataloguing each mole and curve, straight angle and harsh cut of his jawline.Ā 
Even hidden, Porsche can sense the sheer amount of strength hidden within his body. Itā€™s not all physical, although he doesnā€™t doubt that he is just as strong in that sense as he is in any other, but the archangel naturally exudes such a vibe that Porsche feels dizzy. Anakinnā€™s clothes are simple - a white shirt that stands out starkly against his black wings and is open enough to show off the cut of his pecs, along with a pair of tight slacks. He mustnā€™t feel the chill, either, as any sensible person would at least wear a jacket up here.
Porscheā€™s eyes flicker back up to meet Anakinnā€™s, and where they are a natural brown colour, thereā€™s nothing normal about them. It isnā€™t just one shade, but hundreds, maybe even thousands, that meld and entwine amongst each other in his irises, glowing almost golden with how rich they are that Porsche fears if he looks for too long, he will lose himself forever amongst them.Ā 
ā€œDone looking, Hunter Porsche?ā€
Porsche visibly jolts at the address, shuddering back into reality as he snaps out of whatever daze he is in.
ā€œItā€™s not often I find myself face-to-face with an archangel,ā€ Porsche retorts, willing the heat on his cheeks at being caught to fade away.
Anakinn smiles, barely a tilt of his lips, and yet Porsche feels heā€™s being treated like a child. Itā€™s humouring - demeaning - like the angel opposite him sees him as nothing more than a toy to entertain himself with. It wouldnā€™t surprise him if thatā€™s exactly what was happening, but it pisses him off either way.Ā 
ā€œWeā€™re a private bunch,ā€ Anakinn replies simply, gesturing to the table to the side. Porsche follows his hand to the breakfast spread laid out for them. ā€œShall we have something to eat, and then begin?ā€
Porsche shrugs, too stiff to be casual, but it at least forces his muscles to loosen, ā€œSure.ā€
Anakinn waits until Porsche moves first, and even with his back turned, he can feel eyes following him with each step. Before he can drag a seat out for himself, Anakinn asks from right behind him:
ā€œDid Big treat you well on your way up?ā€
Porsche spins around, not having felt or heard anyone creep up on him. His heart is in his throat, his hand on the knife that was hidden in his jacket sleeve, the blade peaking out as heā€™s ready to attack. Itā€™s lucky he just about caught himself from stabbing the archangel, too on edge from nerves.
Anakinn glances down, catching sight of the knife, ā€œI see you werenā€™t checked for weapons.ā€
ā€œI was,ā€ Porsche replies instantly, and even though itā€™s delayed, he finally gets a waft of the archangelā€™s scent. His mouth waters - itā€™s not like anything heā€™s smelled before. Itā€™s sensual, sweet, and musky - cloying and addictive. ā€œYour people just underestimated me.ā€
ā€œOh?ā€ Anakinnā€™s eyebrow raises, and itā€™s so unfairly attractive that Porsche feels a pulse of violence rise in him. ā€œI assure you, no one in this building would dare do such a thing.ā€
ā€œYou donā€™t need to flatter me,ā€ Porsche says cuttingly, sliding the blade back into its rightful place. ā€œI know you chose me for a reason, and Iā€™m damn good at my job, whatever it may be.ā€
Anakinn hums, eyes appraising as they trace over his face and down his body, and back up again. Each bit they cover leaves hot trails behind, burning his skin even through layers of clothes. ā€œWhat if I wanted to flatter you?ā€
Porscheā€™s heart seizes, his throat clicking as he swallows. ā€œJust add a couple thousand onto my pay check, and weā€™d be good.ā€
Anakinn steps closer, boxing Porsche in, pushing his lower back into the chair behind him. It digs in at an uncomfortable angle, precariously balanced on something that could move and leave him unmoored and unstable in his stance. Their chests are almost touching, and Anakinnā€™s scent gets stronger, sweeter, and more enticing. Porsche can see Anakinnā€™s wings out of his peripherals, and the feathers look even softer than he couldā€™ve ever imagined. He wants to reach out and touch, but he doesnā€™t dare.
ā€œOnly a couple thousand, hunter?ā€ Anakinn tilts his head to the side, deceptively innocent, ā€œI think youā€™re worth more than that.ā€
ā€œYou havenā€™t even tried me yet,ā€ Porsche replies, and heā€™s not sure what heā€™s talking about - whether itā€™s the hunt heā€™s about to be debriefed on, or something else. Even worse, heā€™s not sure which one heā€™d rather be discussing.
ā€œWe can change that,ā€ Anakinn says, voice low, words rich and honeyed, as his eyes drop to Porscheā€™s lips.Ā 
They linger, only for a moment, and then theyā€™re gone, along with Anakinnā€™s presence. Porsche gasps in shock, turning back around to face the table, where the archangel is now sitting down, poised as if heā€™s on a throne and not a garden chair.Ā 
ā€œSo, youā€™re not a cheap worker, hm?ā€Ā 
Porsche drags his seat out, watching as the screeching sound of the metal against the concrete doesnā€™t make the man flinch. He flops down onto it, relishing in the plush softness of the cushion beneath him.Ā 
Folding his arms over his chest, Porsche replies: ā€œIā€™ll rinse you dry, but Iā€™m worth every penny.ā€
Anakinnā€™s eyes search him again, this time more intense, not even bothering to hide the roaring desire and attraction in them. ā€œThen I suppose I look forward to working with you, Hunter Porsche.ā€
Porsche smirks, shifting in his seat, leaning into the warm bubbling sensation caressing his skin at such a gaze directed at him, the base of his spine tingling with it. He canā€™t wait to see what Archangel Anakinn has in store for him.
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wiccawrites Ā· 5 months
Merry Christmas, @wiccawrites!
It has been an absolute honor to write this gift for the legendary Wicca. It was more like a Christmas gift for myself, to be able to give something back to the writer who has given me so many hours of reading pleasure already. Please enjoy my first foray into writing an AU!
Blessings big and small
ā€œIt doesnā€™t make any difference.ā€
ā€œIt makes all the difference in the world!ā€
Chay shares an exasperated look with Jom before turning back to Porsche. ā€œYouĀ knowĀ how much Korn kept Kinn confined. He always had to be the perfect little heir, and Korn led the coven with an iron fist. Iā€™m sure that if Kinn had had more freedom, he would have made a move on you years ago. And now heĀ hasĀ , thanks to the passing of the old fart.ā€
Porsche huffs, getting up from the table. ā€œYouā€™re delusional. May I remind you how Kinn was betrothed to Tawan for more than two years?ā€ He starts gathering their empty glasses. ā€œLetā€™s go, guys, or weā€™ll be late.ā€Ā 
Read on AO3
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wiccawrites Ā· 5 months
Trick or treat! šŸ˜ˆšŸ’œ
As a treat, here's a little ficlet of fox Porsche for Halloween or as I put it 'Kinn discovering that Porsche is afraid of ghosts'. I hope you like it!
Kinn looks out of the carā€™s window and sees people are milling about, dressed in Halloween costumes.Ā 
It had been a long day for him. He had gone from one, long wired meeting. He was exhausted. All he wanted was to get back to the compound. Maybe he even could take a nice long bath with Porsche. His boyfriend loved to prepare them for him after a long day.
However, when he enters his room, it is dark. Porsche is nowhere to be seen.
ā€œPorsche?ā€ he calls out.
No one answers.
He takes the elevator to the gym, hoping he will find Porsche there, but it is also dark.
Suddenly his phone vibrates, and he sees he has a message from Tankhun.Ā Come to my room.
Perhaps his brother knows where Porsche is.
He knocks when he arrives, knowing today is Tankhunā€™s spooky movie night and doesnā€™t like to be disturbed.
Pete opens the door and bows before letting Kinn pass.
ā€œKhun, I hope you messaged me for a good reason. Porsche is missing,ā€ Kinn says to his brother.
ā€œHeā€™s not, we invited him to join movie night. He didnā€™t seem to like it very much.ā€ Tankhunā€™s gaze stays fixed on the movie.
ā€œThen where is he?ā€ Kinn looks around but doesnā€™t see Porsche anywhere.
Tankhun looks away from the movie on tv for just a few seconds to point at his pile of animal plushies. ā€œHeā€™s there,ā€ he just says.
Kinn walks to the pile of plushies in the corner and notices a barely visible fox head in the dim light of the television. He realizes itā€™s Porsche in his fox form, surrounded by the plushies.
ā€œPorsche?ā€ Kinn says softly.
At the mention of his name, the fox lets out a whine and moves, getting out of the pile. Kinn kneels and opens his arms to pick him up. He knows Porsche is seeking his comfort.
He stands and leaves to go to his own room, carrying fox Porsche in his arms, whispering ā€œYouā€™re safe,ā€ in his ears.
Porsche, still in his fox form, soon falls asleep on the bed with Kinnā€™s arms wrapped around him.
'Happy Halloween"
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wiccawrites Ā· 6 months
i'm perfection (when it comes to indiscretion) - 2/2
Story Summary:
Itā€™s no coincidence that Porsche is the most tenured employee at The Crossroads. Yok takes care of him well because heā€™s a bartender and bouncer rolled into one.
Any establishment that deals with non-humans runs the risk of people getting hexed or stabbed or, hell, even maimed on a regular basis. On good days, the human clients get a little unruly. On bad days? Well. Letā€™s just say Porsche has a pistol loaded with silver bullets that he keeps by the bar, and he had to put fresh rounds in it just last week.
Relationships:Ā KinnPorsche
Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy, Demons, Incubus!Porsche, Prince of Hell!Kinn, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, tagging this as a pwp so it must be true, surely there is no plot here, if u see a semblance of plot no u dont, shhhhh, Semi-Public Sex, Dirty Talk, One Night Stands, ((but not rly)), Making Out, Size Kink, Mirror Sex, Hybristophilia, listen Kinn is dangerous and has a big dick and Porsche is Really Into That ok, if u have read up until this point then please note the following tags refer to events in chapter 2, Transformation, Intersex Characters, handjobs, Cunnilingus, Multiple Orgasms, life force sharing but make it sexy aha, is it monsterfucking if theyā€™re both technically not human?
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wiccawrites Ā· 6 months
Chapter 2/2 will be out this time tomorrow šŸ„°
(it's looking like it'll be around 8k words long but don't quote me on that lmao)
i'm perfection (when it comes to indiscretion) - 1/2
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Story Summary:
It's no coincidence that Porsche is the most tenured employee at The Crossroads. Yok takes care of him well because he's a bartender and bouncer rolled into one.
Any establishment that deals with non-humans runs the risk of people getting hexed or stabbed or, hell, even maimed on a regular basis. On good days, the human clients get a little unruly. On bad days? Well. Let's just say Porsche has a pistol loaded with silver bullets that he keeps by the bar, and he had to put fresh rounds in it just last week.
Relationships: KinnPorsche
Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy, Demons, Incubus!Porsche, Prince of Hell!Kinn, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, tagging this as a pwp so it must be true, surely there is no plot here, if u see a semblance of plot no u dont, shhhhh, Semi-Public Sex, Dirty Talk, One Night Stands, ((but not rly)), Making Out, Size Kink, Mirror Sex, Hybristophilia, listen Kinn is dangerous and has a big dick and Porsche is Really Into That ok, if u have read up until this point then please note the following tags refer to events in chapter 2, Transformation, Intersex Characters, handjobs, Cunnilingus, Multiple Orgasms, life force sharing but make it sexy aha, is it monsterfucking if they're both technically not human?
15 notes Ā· View notes
wiccawrites Ā· 6 months
i'm perfection (when it comes to indiscretion) - 1/2
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Story Summary:
It's no coincidence that Porsche is the most tenured employee at The Crossroads. Yok takes care of him well because he's a bartender and bouncer rolled into one.
Any establishment that deals with non-humans runs the risk of people getting hexed or stabbed or, hell, even maimed on a regular basis. On good days, the human clients get a little unruly. On bad days? Well. Let's just say Porsche has a pistol loaded with silver bullets that he keeps by the bar, and he had to put fresh rounds in it just last week.
Relationships: KinnPorsche
Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy, Demons, Incubus!Porsche, Prince of Hell!Kinn, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, tagging this as a pwp so it must be true, surely there is no plot here, if u see a semblance of plot no u dont, shhhhh, Semi-Public Sex, Dirty Talk, One Night Stands, ((but not rly)), Making Out, Size Kink, Mirror Sex, Hybristophilia, listen Kinn is dangerous and has a big dick and Porsche is Really Into That ok, if u have read up until this point then please note the following tags refer to events in chapter 2, Transformation, Intersex Characters, handjobs, Cunnilingus, Multiple Orgasms, life force sharing but make it sexy aha, is it monsterfucking if they're both technically not human?
15 notes Ā· View notes
wiccawrites Ā· 6 months
OMG!! Did you see this?
Wouldnā€™t a story (Drabble) to go well with it? Maybe sexy one? Lol šŸ’œ
I have not!!!!! idk what concept fits, my brain pretty much just glitched from this šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“
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wiccawrites Ā· 6 months
i really like looking at google image searches for ā€œfiremen rescuing catsā€ or something because you get super cute pictures like
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wiccawrites Ā· 6 months
u did not hear this from me but au where kimchay meet a few years later in life, when Chay is a rising musician who joins a tv competition in the hopes of making his mainstream break and Wik has made such a huge impact in the music industry that he's invited to mentor and judge said competition!!!!!! Chay's confidence is shaky at the start but HEY GUESS WHO SAVES HIM AND GIVES HIM A CHANCE AT THE LAST MOMENT AND BECOMES HIS MENTOR?
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wiccawrites Ā· 7 months
Hello Wicca! This is your KPTS Secret Santa speaking ;-) I was just wondering what kind of POV you prefer? From one character, or do you prefer POV switches? Lots of love xoxo
Hello anon!!! I'm so sorry for taking ages to reply, work is eating me alive rn T___T
I have no strong preference tbh as long as it's not like...self-insert flskfjslf also POV switches are fine!!
I'm so excited for this !!!!!!!! hehehe <333333
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wiccawrites Ā· 7 months
Mile and Apo sharing too much information with the presenter šŸ¤£šŸŒš
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305 notes Ā· View notes
wiccawrites Ā· 7 months
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23K notes Ā· View notes
wiccawrites Ā· 7 months
Mile Phakphum Big Naturals *hits post*
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thank you to our lord and savior quinze šŸ™
130 notes Ā· View notes
wiccawrites Ā· 7 months
kinn/porsche fic rec vol. 2
Keep reading
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wiccawrites Ā· 8 months
girl who is sitting in a chair quietly with a neutral expression actually screaming very loudly in her head
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