Are you going to host another WIP Wipeout Weekend? It was fun the last time and I'd love to do it again.
Hey Nonny!
Thanks for asking. I don't have any plans on doing one right now but never say never. I just don't have the time at the moment, but if that changes, I'll post it here.
Thank you for your interest!
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wip-wipeout-weekend · 2 years
WIP Wipeout Masterlist
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Hello everyone! I want to apologize for the delay in getting this list out; it wasn't my intent to let a full week go by. Alas, it was a very challenging week!
Last weekend was simply lovely! A group of writers scattered around the globe writing together, encouraging one another, and getting to know fellow fandom friends a little better. Really, what could be better? I want to thank all that participated, and we should definitely do things like this again! Perhaps a couple of hours on a day in December for holiday-themed fics?
Here are the things we did last weekend. Guys, my ADHD has been off the charts this week, so if I forgot anyone, please DM me on Tumblr, and I will be happy to update the list! Thanks to each of you again for making it such a memorable weekend!
@aallotarenunelma - WWW Updated | It Lives in the Woods, Connor Green x F!MC
@gutsfics - WWW Progress Update | Hollywood U
@issabees - WIP Weekend Wrap-Up | The Nanny Affair, M!Robin Flores x F!MC, Queen B, Ian Kingsley x MC
@jerzwriter - WIP Weekend Preview | Open Heart, Tobias Carrick x F!MC
@lucy-268 - WIP Weekend Wrap-Up | Open Heart, Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
@peonyblossom - Sunday Six Preview | Open Heart, Ethan Ramsey x F!MC | Hollywood U, Thomas Hunt x F!MC
@phoenixrising0308 - WIP Weekend Wrap-Up | The Royal Romance, Liam Rys x MC
@trappedinfanfiction - WIP Weekend Preview | Open Heart, Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
@twinkleallnight - Sunday Six Preview | The Royal Romance, Kiara Theron, Liam Rys, Rashad
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wip-wipeout-weekend · 2 years
Helloooo Elsa! I just want to say thank you so much for running this account/event and I hope we can do it again in the future! It was seriously so helpful for me to work on my fics and force myself to take a break from my schoolwork. It also really made me feel like part of the community to be able to be participating in an event with others in real time, with all the updates we posted throughout the day. So, thank you again for this - it's seriously so awesome! 💕
Hey Jackie! Thank you so much for this sweet note! I'm so glad the weekend was able to do this for you. That was its intent: to get our creative juices flowing and to build a sense of community.
Thank you so much for participating in it; it was more special because you were there! 💕💕💕
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wip-wipeout-weekend · 2 years
Hey guys, I'm running behind on the masterlist. I'll have it put together by tomorrow - got very sick out of the blue today, and it screwed up my plans.
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wip-wipeout-weekend · 2 years
So, I know I've said 'thank you', like, five times already, but I'm saying it again!! This event was so helpful for all the reasons I've already told you but also because I didn't realize how much I needed to take a step back from school until I did it! It's pretty much been the only thing on my mind all semester and I really needed that reminder that school isn't the be all end all of my existence lol (okay, upping my anxiety meds probably also helped with this - but so did the event!). So thank you, thank you, thank you 💕
Thanks so much for this!
You know, it's so important to realize we need breaks from things at times, no matter what the break is from. I loved college (if I hit the lottery, I will become a professional student), but it was so easy to become fully immersed. Hell, sometimes I had to be.
But I'm really glad the event helped you realize this so you can take the steps you need for your own well-being.
It's funny, it made me realize some things too. I'm still mulling my thoughts, but it was a good experience for me, and I'm glad it was for you too!
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wip-wipeout-weekend · 2 years
You know what I've learned? You have to follow your heart. Like I was just thinking on my way back from the store - I am missing Zoe & Eli, I know it won't be popular or garner a lot of notes, but it brings me happiness, and isn't that why we should be here?
I'm really glad you were able to reconnect. I reconnected with T/C, too. Not that I stopped, but I was a little off on the facts of their beginning. So now, I feel "connected" again, and it's really cool!
I'm so glad this was a good experience for you!
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I finally finished my first draft of Hide-and-Seek and made progress on my Coffee Shop AU and Unplanned! I think (depending on my schoolwork) I'll be able to finish one of them this week or next weekend. Possibly.
I wasn't able to get to Love Drunk or my AME rewrite, but even just planning those helped me feel re-motivated to work on them.
Gonna post some snippets in a Sunday Six post next!
Thank you so much Elsa for hosting this event! It was so much fun and I hope we can do it again in the future!! 💕
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wip-wipeout-weekend · 2 years
Dani! You are such a delight! Even if you couldn't participate, cheering us on from the sidelines means more than you know. Thank you so much!
I'll definitely be doing something like this again, maybe on a smaller scale. Keep an eye out for the blog I'll have details soon. I know it would be AMAZING to do this with you!.
That's a Wrap!
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.... and we're done!
I really hope this weekend has been helpful to you in some way. Whether you were able to progress in your writing, just clear your head and get ideas flowing, or if you made a new friend in the fandom.
Let me know your thoughts about the event. I'd love to hear them.
If you want to share your progress here, please feel free to!
Don't forget!
Share what you worked on this weekend:
Fics you finished
Fics you edited/rewrote
Snippets/sneak peeks of works that are still in progress
I will put together a masterlist to share tomorrow in case people are still working on writing tonight.
I loved having writing buddies and getting to know some of you better! Thank you so much for participating.
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wip-wipeout-weekend · 2 years
Well, if this isn't intriguing! I'm glad this event was able to help you move this along!
As always, you are so delightful, and I was so happy you could join in!
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A small sneak peak to what I have written this weekend, with the hope to finish it soon!
Fast Break - Fourth Quarter
Ethan x f!MC (Celia Moore)
It meant nothing. It had just been for fun. She didn't care about him. No matter how much she repeated it in her mind, Celia still couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal. Why did she even feel like this? She hadn't even known him for that long, hell, she had barely even met him! Still, she did care for him, and the realization that it might have been just for publicity was humiliating.
@wip-wipeout-weekend @choicesficwriterscreations
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wip-wipeout-weekend · 2 years
Issa, you are so sweet, and it was delightful having you on board! I'm so happy that you were able to write again! I'm catching up on the things I should have done this weekend (yeah, the prep wasn't enough! lol) but I will be reading these later and definitely looking forward to it.
Thanks so much for being part of this!
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Hiya! Since we have reached the end of WWW, I want to share a couple of parts from my two current* WIPs, Standing Right Here and Hey, You. You can find them below!
*I decided to table Coming Home to You for now!
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About fic: M!Robin Flores x MC/Marina Acuña; Sequel to Alone Together, set post-Chapter 16; Series: Slow burn, Current chapter: Friendship
Always quick to say something, he opens his mouth to reply, but whatever thought he must have had leaves his mind as my words seep into him. And though it is quite small, I notice his face falling to a frown. Good.
A second passes in silence, then another, and I am just about ready to actually send a discreet text to Jenny and ask her to call me when Robin sighs. “If it makes you feel any better,” he says, his voice suddenly soft, “Sofia doesn’t believe me.”
She never told him anything, it seems. “She clearly does.”
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About fic: Ian Kingsley x MC/Augusta Hughes; Set in the future post-Book 1 (events in Book 2 did not occur); How We Got Here, Closure
I turned around, and true enough, there you were. Standing at the entrance of the garden, and it was though we were meeting for the first time again. It must have been, in a way. Eighteen months were enough, I found, for the whole world to start over. To rewind itself back to the very beginning and press play.
Only now, I didn’t know how to act. A flush of warmth crept all over me. My hands had grown sweaty and shaking. I felt my heart pound against my chest. My legs stood their ground, even when I so wanted them to move. I wished desperately to the stars above that you would not come to notice any of these. That you will never know they were all because of you.
WIEEEEE It's so good to write something again! I'd like to thank @wip-wipeout-weekend again for the event. It really did help me work on my WIPs, and I got to meet new people there who I am super excited for bc they have their own projects too! This was super awesome 💗
If you have any questions about the WIPs, feel free to send an ask or a message! Hope you all have a great day/night!
~ Issa
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wip-wipeout-weekend · 2 years
This is just lovely! I love how you put this together! I see it was Lenox! :) I love it!
Thank you so much for participating this weekend with all of us. It was truly delightful to have you here!
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Tasked worked on:
Editing a 10k WIP
Song inspiration:
Footprints By Sia
Photo inspo:
Elia Beach in Greece
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Story Moodboard:
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Story Title: Building Sandcastles
Books: The Royal Romance 1 - 3 and The Royal Heir 1 - 3
Rating: G (in this snippet)
Pairing: Liam Rys x Jessica Garcia (MC)
Jessica pecked his lips and whispered, “I’ll go get Noah.”
They all sat down and ate. Liam couldn’t help but sigh to himself with a smile as Jessica dabbed some syrup from Lenox’s chin. The image of his Love, already glowing from pregnancy smiling at their, made his heart melt entirely. This could be his life. They talked about abdication before in Italy, but now with a family, surely she would agree. This was the life he wanted: his own slice of heaven on Earth.
“Can we build sandcastles now, Daddy?”
“Oh yes, as many as you want.” He scooted from the table and held his son’s hand as they walked outside.
“Like the one you live in?”
“Is it bigger than our house?”
Liam smiled, “Yes. But it’s too big. I’d rather be here any day.”
@wip-wipeout-weekend @choicesficwriterscreations
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wip-wipeout-weekend · 2 years
You know, I think a lot of us over-shot our expectations (I know I did), but that's not totally bad. Shoot for the moon, and you'll fall on the stars. We still got work done and had fun doing it. Which is exactly what I had hoped for.
Thanks so much for participating, and I'm looking forward to reading Hide-and-Seek tonight!
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I finally finished my first draft of Hide-and-Seek and made progress on my Coffee Shop AU and Unplanned! I think (depending on my schoolwork) I'll be able to finish one of them this week or next weekend. Possibly.
I wasn't able to get to Love Drunk or my AME rewrite, but even just planning those helped me feel re-motivated to work on them.
Gonna post some snippets in a Sunday Six post next!
Thank you so much Elsa for hosting this event! It was so much fun and I hope we can do it again in the future!! 💕
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wip-wipeout-weekend · 2 years
I am so glad this was a good experience for you!
It was lovely having a weekend to just "relax" with people who are as obsessed over little pixelated people as we are! I hope to do something similar in the not-too-distant future. Keep an eye on this blog for details.
Thank you so much for sharing this weekend with us!
That's a Wrap!
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.... and we're done!
I really hope this weekend has been helpful to you in some way. Whether you were able to progress in your writing, just clear your head and get ideas flowing, or if you made a new friend in the fandom.
Let me know your thoughts about the event. I'd love to hear them.
If you want to share your progress here, please feel free to!
Don't forget!
Share what you worked on this weekend:
Fics you finished
Fics you edited/rewrote
Snippets/sneak peeks of works that are still in progress
I will put together a masterlist to share tomorrow in case people are still working on writing tonight.
I loved having writing buddies and getting to know some of you better! Thank you so much for participating.
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wip-wipeout-weekend · 2 years
Your cat is our official mascot for this event. L O L
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I'm 2 hours late bc I was out shopping but shh it's fine
Gonna post a Sunday Six in a minute... so I'll leave my snippets for that
I will however share a pic of my cat who kept me company this weekend!
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wip-wipeout-weekend · 2 years
That's a Wrap!
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.... and we're done!
I really hope this weekend has been helpful to you in some way. Whether you were able to progress in your writing, just clear your head and get ideas flowing, or if you made a new friend in the fandom.
Let me know your thoughts about the event. I'd love to hear them.
If you want to share your progress here, please feel free to!
Don't forget!
Share what you worked on this weekend:
Fics you finished
Fics you edited/rewrote
Snippets/sneak peeks of works that are still in progress
I will put together a masterlist to share tomorrow in case people are still working on writing tonight.
I loved having writing buddies and getting to know some of you better! Thank you so much for participating.
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wip-wipeout-weekend · 2 years
JOBROS! OMG Want some trivia? They grew up in the same town (here in Jersey!) that my lovely Casey FC Katrina grew up in! Another fun fact, my wedding reception was held in that town! lol See, six degrees of separation.
Thanks for sharing this with us!
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WOW! We're almost done!
And this is a reminder that you should be proud of any progress made this weekend! Even if a word wasn't put on paper, but you cleared your mind so that you can better focus in the days ahead. I know we all tend to be hard on ourselves (I have a degree in that! lol) so this is an important reminder for all!
Share a snapshot of your weekend.
It could be a photo ... of anything, your work area, your pet that kept you company, that perfect latte you got to keep you going - literally anything.
It could be a story... fictional or real. Share a snippet of the work you have done, or share a funny story about something that happened while writing.
It could be a song... something that shares your current feelings.
It's all up to you!
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wip-wipeout-weekend · 2 years
Very nice! Thank you for sharing this with us!
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WOW! We're almost done!
And this is a reminder that you should be proud of any progress made this weekend! Even if a word wasn't put on paper, but you cleared your mind so that you can better focus in the days ahead. I know we all tend to be hard on ourselves (I have a degree in that! lol) so this is an important reminder for all!
Share a snapshot of your weekend.
It could be a photo ... of anything, your work area, your pet that kept you company, that perfect latte you got to keep you going - literally anything.
It could be a story... fictional or real. Share a snippet of the work you have done, or share a funny story about something that happened while writing.
It could be a song... something that shares your current feelings.
It's all up to you!
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wip-wipeout-weekend · 2 years
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I apologize for the delay on the 3:00 Post.
Tumblr is being Tumblr again, and the posts I scheduled in advance aren't appearing but are no longer in the queue either. So frustrating.
Anyway, back to the task at hand.
Reblog with a snapshot.
It can be a photo - of your workstation, a pet who was your companion while you wrote, or even a fabulous latte you had along the way.
It can be written - a snippet of work that you've been writing this weekend, a funny anecdote about something that happened, a message to a new friend - whatever you wish.
It can be something else - like a song that has inspired you.
This is all about you and a picture of what this weekend has been like.
We're in the home stretch!
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