wolfling-imagines · 6 years
Alright guys, listen. So I wanna keep you all updated on what we are doing so it’s not leaving you in the dark.
Life is stressful. Life is hard. That’s really all I’m gonna say about this, but I throughly believe that this is a punishment world so it’s kinda to be expected.
Commissions are started but slow.
We are also currently revamping all the worlds that we have. And I mean all of them. Rokram, mermer, monsters, zombies, fairies. A lot of them got torn apart during the years, (thanks eakrend)and now we’re going back and we are going to fix them. We wanna make them real stories, with plots and sub plots and all that.
That being said, our characters are still a pool. Meaning EVERY character you know is in EVERY SINGLE WORLD. The only difference being is that the main characters of the main plot change depending upon the world. However everyone has a story in every single world, and that shit takes a lot of time to plan out and flesh out. Mostly we just wanna get the worlds fleshed out, and the species that are inside them to a point they just end up developing themselves, like our wolves are.
I’m working on setting up a page to give you more definitive info about our raises, in particular our wolves. Cause there is SO MUCH, and I wanna share it all with you but I don’t know how.
On that note, if anybody knows a race skeleton outline they would like me to fill out, feel free to tag me in it. Or send it to me in an ask, I would definitely love to fill one out (it’s like one of my favorite things to do, I don’t know why) and it would get information down. Or even a character one, feel free to send a character and a skeleton and I’ll def fill it out.
If your curious or have ever had questions on any of the world, feel free to send in any asks, and I will be sure to answer them. Honestly you would help with world building, and make this process a lot smoother if you did.
We are also doing nanowrimo or however you spell it, we even set the background to our computers to have the calendar word count goals.
However that’s all that we got going on right now, but I can remember off the top my head.
Thank you, wildlings, for putting up with us. You all mean so much to us, and we could never even begin to describe it. So really, thank you.
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wolfling-imagines · 6 years
Is Davy yandere? Does he go crazy over his small boyfriend?
Yes, Absolutely. I think it’s safe to say at this point that ALL our characters are. ah-ha
Like listen, First and foremost Davy is a Avendale. Avendales by themselves naturally controlling. They like big families and they have this sort of sway over it that make people forget that Avendales still have to grow up. He acts much older then his real age,and so he give off the impression of being in control.
Do not let this fool you. Davy is NOT in control.
He is controlling, i’ll give him that. He refuses to allow his boy friend to make friends to to stray t far, because he’s more then sure Tanner is gonna find someone better so hs not gonna give him the chance. he adores having Tanner beside him at all times and he keeps a careful eye on him. Davy knows his boy is cute, Davy KNOWS his man is fated for attention and he’s not afraid to ... Cut the spot light
Davy Is possessive, the sort of possessive that he like to tell Tanner what to do when to do it. He like see him listen, like stop see the obedience. He’s so sweet and caring and doting on him, but god Forbid Tanner ever let another man’s Name slip past his lips if it’s not part of the squad. Davy will not hesitate to rip anything he think Tanner loves more then him away from him, he will not hesitate to rip him from the spotlight he thrives him and remind him who he belongs to.
if It was so needed.
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wolfling-imagines · 6 years
Every one is always obsessing over the wolves and I'm over here like... can I get more of those fairies though.....
Good News!
Every Character we have ever had is in every world.
We have no self control.
You’re welcome
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wolfling-imagines · 6 years
I think Abram is the brawn and the brains of all the operations haha 💯🙏🏻
Tell him it’s not fair, Leave some for the rest of them. haha
I will say that While This is true, Lee’s tend to have a habit of wanting to blow everything up to save themselves time to worry about things they care about.
Like thier girls for example.
however, You are not wrong. Lee’s after Alder become Half Graves, and as such gain the strength of one. Lee’s are BEYOND powerful, BEYOND what you could simply cal smart. Lee’s are monsters, both in thier Dire-wolf dorm and in humanity, as they are not afraid of doing anything they must to take what they what. Abram is bench pressing his dad when he’s like seven, and his strength only grows with age. He’s hell powerful, and Ridiculously smart. 
Dhouti’s Get what they want.
A Lee takes it.
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wolfling-imagines · 6 years
This is a weird question but...., does Abram have any odd kinks
Kinks? I mean considering some of the others, what we know on Abram for his  own sexual preference is slightly Vanilla when you put them on their own.
Control/Domination (Owning her)
...’Tight Fits’
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wolfling-imagines · 6 years
Biggest way to make Abram blush!
Put Ashlin in front of him.
Let her just smile at him.
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wolfling-imagines · 6 years
attention all Officials, all Tumblr users, whoever the fuck you are.
This is severely important.
Ever sit down after a stressful day, watch your favorite youtuber, do commissions, etc.? Well in FOUR DAYS, that can all be taken away very easily. We’re so close yet so *far* from possibly saving the internet, and those who’s lives depend on it. Within this blog, there will be a link to a petition to stop net neutrality from being killed. There are many people who’s jobs are online. online schooling. the internet is extrememly important, and we can’t let the FCC take it away! Instead of just merely liking this post, sign the petition and reblog this post!
>> Here’s the link. <<
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wolfling-imagines · 7 years
How would the boys (Ok Dhouti mains) react to getting betrayed by their friends?
-No Dhouti is going to act okay with their friends betraying them. 
- All Dhouti’s have a thing for friendship. It’s like Fucking Kryptonite to them. Dhouti’s adore their friends and strive at all times to make them happy.
-To betray a Dhouti is to break them, Dhouti’s have such a high dependency on their friends, particularly the Lees, and if they were to betray them, I can guarantee no Dhoti would see it coming.
-They’d try and figure out why. Why they would betray them.
-They are broken. they are hurt. They don't know what to do with themselves now. They lost something they can’t get back.
-The friend that betrayed them (Or if all of them did) Will be hunted down. That much would be certain. A Dhouti stops at nothing to repay a debt. They can be very singularly minded.
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wolfling-imagines · 7 years
Alright. What about Echo, if his friends are in danger is. Is he a protector or a I need to be rational about this type?
Oh, Echo is absolutely a Protector.
 Even without him being Carson’s Bodyguard, Echo is a very emotional guy who runs with his heart more often then he does his mind. Langdons are generally emotional people, generally the ones who react rather then think,and Echo in particular is a impulsive and hyper sensitive boy.
Echo isn’t the kind of guy who waits and thinks of a plan, he’s the kind who would run in and torch a place to the ground if it meant his friends are safe. He’s not afraid to get hurt to save them and it drives everyone insane.
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wolfling-imagines · 7 years
Who is the snappiest character you guys have? Or most obsessed with their love
I’m not sure what you meant by snappiest, but as for who is the most Obsessed to their love, that one is easy.
Any person with the name Langdon as their last name.
The Langdon Family is pretty much known for being Hyper obsessed with their ones. They are absolutely whole heartedly devoted to them to the point it is almost sickening. Everything they do is for for them, and there isn’t anything they won’t do to make them happy.
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wolfling-imagines · 7 years
Hear me out on this. Carson. Right? But. Stalker Carson 👀💦💦💦💦
He wouldn’t call it stalking.
Carson knew he was lying to himself, even as he cut the engine of his car, his hands lingering on the steering wheel as he took in a deep breath. It didn’t matter that he wouldn’t call it stalking, he knew, point plank, what he was doing was well within the confines of stalking and also bordering on ‘Felony’ Territory. He was treading on dangerous ground, because if he was caught the last name tacked onto his own would be tainted, and the Dhouti’s didn’t exactly have a glowing reputation as it was. If he was caught, and there was a rather heavy chance he could get caught if he wasn’t absolutely on his guard….
They would call it stalking. They would call him insane, they would call him obsessed. they would  call him a threat and she would be taken from him, pulled from his hands before he even got the chance to have her.
Carson’s hand clenched, his heart seizing before he forced himself to calm, releasing each one of his tense muscles with sheer force of will.
People just didn’t understand. People couldn’t understand. Requiem DeAngelis wasn’t just the princess of the people, she wasn’t just the pretty face and the broken smile or the dancing light of her eyes. She was more than the perfect girl they had made her to be, that he had, admittedly, made her out to be. She was perfection that could not be obtained, a haunting figment of all you could never be but made you want to be so much more than you were so you might have the chance to earn her attention.
She was so much more than theirs. She was so much more than the people’s idol.
She was his.
All he wanted was to keep her safe. He needed to know where she was, needed to see if she was okay and if she needed help because god knows her brother wasn’t about to protect her. He just needed to keep tabs on her…. needed to know she was safe and sound. It was imperative, to his own mental health, otherwise he would spend the whole night just tossing and turning and worrying. Why do that when he could just…. watch her? Make sure she’s okay? It wasn’t as if she knew, and she most certainly wasn’t getting hurt over it.
She should be home in about three minutes.
That gave him plenty of time to make it up into her room and learn more about the little darkling who had stolen his heart so easily.
Carson pushed open his car door, eyes on the house as the lights flickered out, one by one until the house had fallen completely dark. There was another moment as he listened to the woods around him, the cracks and winds making his ears flicker with each little sound. His heart hammered in his chest, his body moving to quietly shut the door. It made a soft noise he cursed at, but other then that, he managed to make it to the back door with ease.
He pause at the door ears pushed forward as he listened for something, anything to indicate someone was still walking up and and around. His hand drifted closer to the door, until his fingers grazed metal, his eyes never moving off the shadows or the windows on either side.  He twisted the doorknob, and, finally satisfied that no one was behind the door, cursed gently and  reached into his pocket to pull out one of the few tools he had thought to bring.
The pin was hard to grasp, irritation flooding him just as he pulled it out and  kneeled before the lock. It took a moment, his lock picking skills a little rusty as he hadn’t had to break into his dad’s office here recently or really anywhere else for that matter. Getting older had opened up more doors than his little old bobby pin had, but now he struggled to remember how to moved the pin to open the door, he made a half serious note to start picking Zebon and Soren’s locks again, if only for the practice.
Watching them freak about what might have been taken was an added benefit.
The lock popped open with a click, his hand freezing as he watched the door drift open just that tiny bit. Carson moved, pulling closer, gaze flickering to look through the small crack before he dared to push it wider.
The inside of her house was eerily quiet, something he noted even as she moved across the halls and wooden floors. His house was alive with sound and heartbeats, but he could only hear the distant rumble of hearts across the house and the faint hum of the heater as it struggle to fight off a Heaven’s Falls winter. He crept slowly, but it honestly didn’t take long to find Requiem’s room. All he had to do was track her scent, and it led him straight upstairs, straight to her room and luckily, this one was open.
Her room was just as pink as he might have envisioned it, certainly far more vivid than his slight glimpses through her window had been. Everything was dusted with it, her walls, her floors, her bed. Nothing had been spared, Carson’t dark attire sticking out like a sore thumb.He frowned at the thought, and absently shut the door.
This was where she lived.
It was the only thought that ran through him, the only thought that seemed to ring out above all the others. This was her room, her little private space untouched by anyone but her. He had seen her, outside when she had been here just those few days prior, had watched her as she had settled in, his body moving over the tail she had made along her own floor, the path she had taken as she had taken off her jacket near the door and had  placed her bag on the floor.
She stood right here…
Carson’s Hand grazed over the fabric of her lined up jackets, over her painted walls and the bags she had left on the floor. His body moved to followed her ritualistic path, trailing over her desk and computer, tapping along the keys as a slow smile started to creep along his face.
This was her room. This was the place she called sanctuary, the place she called him from when he had to let her come back here for some reason or another that she never usually told him. She stood here, and she took off her jacket and shoes at the side of her bed and she changed into her cute little rompers she loved so much. This was where she  played with Popper and where she danced around to loud music and  polished her pink bat. This was where she moved to her bed and she cuddled in her blankets because she hated to be cold, where she pulled her hair out from the pigtails she loved and she maybe, hopefully, thought of him when her eyes fluttered and the heat kicked on.
His body dropped onto her bed, and he couldn’t help but to turn, leaning slightly into her sheets to take in the scent of her. He was drowning, drowning in the scent of her all around him and the feeling of her blankets, her sheets, her pillows against his skin, imagining what it might be like to have her right there next to him. They Were soft, like the touches of hands, and he pulled his legs up, curling himself into her pillows upon pillows and blankets, the mountain of fabric that settled over her bed.  There was only her, the similar but off scent of her sister just next door. He moved, reaching out to  grab hold of a small pink pair with sewn on angel wings on the pack, eyeing it a moment as his thumbs brushed over the worn fabric. Memory played along his mind, watching her pick of each of her stuffed animals in ter, pressing kisses over them as she laughed or curled up into herself..
Her hands had touched this. Her lips have touched this. Her kiss is right under his fingers.
He pressed the Bear to his lips, pressing soft kisses against it, if only to kiss spots her lips had touched and to have his mark, though invisible, on something she would be sure to kiss again.
She wasn’t wholly fond of him, though she did spend an uneven amount of time with him when you compared it to other peers. She merely tolerated him, and his mission here wasn’t to drown himself in her sheets but rather learn more about her that simple surveillance could not give him.
Come on Carson… Her love Depends on it.
He pushed off her bed, reluctantly pulling himself away from pink sheets that smelled of vanilla and rose wood. He stood up, the bear still in his hands before he placed it down, straightening the sheets and blankets with even hands. He stood, just about to turn when he heard the door knob start to turn.
She’s home early.
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wolfling-imagines · 7 years
What is the extent of their sense's
-In a word : Debilitating
- The sense of the boys has made it so that, even if they would have had a extroverted personality, they do not go out much.
-They spend most of their time with each other... It’s a very close knit group with little to no room to add people.
-Literally nearly everyone smells god awful to them. Like AWFUL.
-People touching them disgusts them. Makes them sick to their stomachs and that’s not an exaggeration.
-They pick apart people’s appearances, seeing little flaws in them until they are hideous to them. 
- There is tolerable people, namely their own friends and family, but it’s not often they find someone like that.
-Don’t count on that though. It’s so very, very rare.
- They basically have not much of a choice but to be introverts. They have parties (Mostly for political gain), but they mostly keep to themselves. They can’t form lasting bonds with anyone outside of the families in the squad, they can’t make new friends, they can’t do much of anything if it involves other people.
-Their senses also make them extremely dangerous predators. 
-Do. Not. Run. Away. From. Them. For your own good.
-The boys are very animistic. Especially when compared to a normal wolf person. They have more fur, sharper nails, longer canines and sharper teeth. They’re made to kill, and most treat them as such.
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wolfling-imagines · 7 years
How would Tristian handle finding his 'one'??????
Not well. Tristan is possessive, and I can not stress that enough to you all. Tristan is a Lee,and they are not known to just allow their ones to just slip past them. Tristan is more then willing to take his one away from everything they know, everyone they know,without a second thought. He’ll deprive them of everything, until there only him left.
He’ll make sure he’s the only desire they have, just he’ll make sure they stay with him. Forever.
The moment eh knows who his one is, It’s over for them. they belong to him, and what a Lee wants... a Lee gets.
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wolfling-imagines · 7 years
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That dang tail.
I always forget it -.-
Listen, We do too. That’s why thier tails are sometimes in really awkward positions. haha
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wolfling-imagines · 7 years
Oh shit
I can’t help but feel possessive over you. You’re mine. Mine to hold, mine to kiss, to take of, to love, to fuck. And I don’t want anyone touching what’s mine. You belong to me.
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wolfling-imagines · 7 years
Some girls are full of heartache and poetry and those are the kind of girls who try to save wolves instead of running away from them.
Nikita Gill (via apiecealisa) @wolfling-imagines (via ohandlyrics)
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wolfling-imagines · 7 years
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