worfs-fabulous-hair · 5 months
If you don't use it, why?
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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worfs-fabulous-hair · 9 months
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✨ Happy Birthday, Star Trek ! ✨
(September 8, 1966)
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Through fire and flames I WILL NEVER FORGET to post for threshold day
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worfs-fabulous-hair · 2 years
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(Page 1/?)
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((✨Updates Wednesdays✨))
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worfs-fabulous-hair · 2 years
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taken live from their koon-ut-kal-if-fee!!
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worfs-fabulous-hair · 2 years
I promise I'll watch star trek tomorrow , I've been busy making things for my redbubble and Kofi but I'm gonna take a break and watch star trek becuase I'm sick ( not COVID just a nasal drip) .
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worfs-fabulous-hair · 2 years
A warning: if you get a sponsored post on your dash that starts with 'I have to wait until my 90 days are up' don't read it. Someone paid to blaze their suicide note.
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worfs-fabulous-hair · 2 years
Spock as someone in this pic, if you please (it’s the trombone and oven vine)
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day 80
SURPRISE they're BOTH spock. i think spock prime would be lax enough to rope young spock into this and young spock would do it very begrudgingly because spock prime would bullshit logic his way to victory
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fucking loved this one. i was a huge fan of youtube vine compilations that cured my depression as someone who did not have depression
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worfs-fabulous-hair · 2 years
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the Kirk brothers share a single brain cell and Sam is NOT in possession of it right now 😔
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worfs-fabulous-hair · 2 years
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Hailing frequencies closed. :-(
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worfs-fabulous-hair · 2 years
Rebloging this onto this blog becuase I have actual followers on this one but also because I might make star trek stickers since it is allowed via a contract between cbs and redbubble.
Making another post that's shorter this time.
My family really needs help because prices keep going up and there is a lot of problems with our house that property management refuses to fix so we have to fix them ourselves. I can't work because of medical conditions and SSA is taking forever with my SSI claim.
So I did the only thing I could and I put together a red bubble shop and I'm currently making as much stuff to put on it as I can before my surgery happens. Currently we need money for bills, food and to help my brother get the stuff he needs for school (uniform, school supplies, ect ).
Here's my shop.
I'm gonna add a cut and put what art I currently have below it. They are all created to be stickers and buttons, but there are also like shirts and stuff available too because redbubble keeps telling me to add as much stuff as possible.
I don't have many followers (like 4 followers since I haven't had the ability to make content very often) so I'm kinda just casting this out in hopes that people will want to help.
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Here's the links for the stickers for :
The animal pack
The alien pack
Slenderman poster
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worfs-fabulous-hair · 2 years
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Star Trek: The Original Series || Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Spock draws conclusions on Romulans.
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worfs-fabulous-hair · 2 years
It's time for the famed episodes I've heard alot about and to meet my favorite boy!
Series I'm currently on : the original series
Episodes watched: 02X01-02X02
Episode names:
Amok Time
Who Mourns for Adonais
Amok Time
Ok so right off the bat they get into the fact that Spock's been acting strange , not eating , ect.
Chapel coming in with the plumeek soup ( please I don't know how to spell it it's a made up soup )
I wonder who had to throw that soup across the hall seems fun
Also it's kinda brushed over they Spock threatened to snap bones' neck and McCoy seems very amused by this threat
Screams at you like it's a violent threat (and by all means might be ) " I'M NOT FEELING WELL AND I WANT TO GO HOME"
Slightly new intro , this is the intro that I'm used to from childhood
He's not even getting reprimanded for being violent towards chapel he's just like " you never take a break , that's how I know something is wrong " , really Jim that's how you know something is wrong ?
Also the comment about how a woman shouldn't bring a man who isn't her husband lunch and that is inherently sexual somehow is just brushed over like it's nothing the 60s were wild
Why does he start shaking so bad the second that Jim leaves ?
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also the event that they were supposed to go to and took a detour from is now a week earlier then before
They decided to not detour to Vulcan
Spock changed the course back to Vulcan
Spock is yelling at Kirk to lock him in his room
Spock's getting a physical
Jim's gonna get the pon farr talk
" Spock's not gonna tell anyone what's going on not even you" " I'll make him tell me "
" the birds and the bees are not vulcans captain "
" haven't you wondered , how vulcans choose their mates ?" Jim looks so much like he's trying hide excitement and curiosity at that , like shatner played this man to be so gay
These little tidbits between Sulu and Chekov about the course constantly being changed is so cute
Kirk is really risking everything to keep Spock alive
Chapel's happy little smile when Kirk says they're going to Vulcan
" your face is wet"
Spock is flirting with chapel
Spock asking Kirk and McCoy to be his best men at his wedding
Imagine working with this guy for like years you consider him a close friend and then one day there is like video call in the middle of the conference and this woman comes on the screen and says hey to the guy and you ask him who that was and he just goes "my wife " like you should know that already but he's never once told you he has a wife like this shit is so wild
Marriage or battle to the death
All of those fucking bells
I love Vulcan wedding fashion all of the metallic clothing
T'pao talks like and looks like my grandma
Damn imagine showing up to a wedding and the bride rejects the groom before it starts and tells him he has to fight someone to the death or he'll die
Spock sounds like an edgy teenager while he's saying that Kirk doesn't know what he is getting into
Why is stonn always making that face it makes him look so stupid
Weapons wrapped in purple velvet
" oh so no one was gonna tell me this was a fight to the death ?? Until I already accepted that bullshit "
Oof the way he fell on his arm I know that's gotta hurt
Pulled that medicine out of now where
Kirk being handed different weapons and having the face of what the fuck is this , what is this for ?? Is the best
Kirk's dead
" tell Chekov to find the nearest prison so I can turn myself in "
Man t'pring is kind of a bitch
" I shall do neither "
Jim's alive
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Look at that smile
And then he immediately pretends like he's not happy and excited
Ay ! T'pao coming through with helping the enterprise crew from being reprimanded by star fleet for going to Vulcan
" I don't know what your talking about I didn't have an emotional reaction when I thought I'd killed the captain not at all "
Who Mourns for Adonais?
Scotty's got a crush
Hey it's crazy hand and master hand
The giant hand has grabbed the enterprise
Does the hand belong to a giant phantom space baby ?
What's the name of that movie where they all have the flower crowns ?? Is it midsommer?
This floating head entity looks like he's from that
He's gonna crush the ship because they wouldn't listen to his bible reading
" you and your officers are invited but not the one with the pointy ears he looks like this one guy that I used to know who was sooo boring "
Man this lady hasn't slept in over 24 hours and they brought her along for this shit , I'd be so peeved off
" I am Apollo " " and everyone in Russia thinks I'm incredibly attractive , yeah sure bud"
" Chekov please not right now "
"earth women mmmmm"
Just , just this :
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He's also not letting them leave because he wants to be worshipped
Apollo is doing some Cheshire cat shit
He's also basically throwing a temper tantrum
Chekov and Scotty are ready to shoot a bitch but can't
Damn Scotty just got back handed so hard he was sent flying
Apollo kidnapped Caroline
Wait how do they know that he's Apollo on the ship he only said so to the landing party after they got there
So according to this dude all of the gods left the planet rather through death or in search of new worshippers
" Spock's contaminating this boy jim "
Apollo shocked Scotty with lightning and is force choking Kirk
" like that cat in the Russian story "
"We're gonna sacrifice one of us so the just of us can jump on the off handed chance he doesn't disappear "
The plan has failed because Caroline jumped between them and basically did what those high school couples do when the boy gets into a fight and then the girl jumps in the middle and holds his face going " this isn't you babe , you don't need to do this , look at me babe I'm all you need "
" how old are you ? " " I'm 22 sir" " then I'll handle it by myself "
Like what does that have to do with anything
At this point the lieutenant probably thinks this is all a dream she hasn't slept in over 24 hours and hasn't had any coffee either
" your a human you need to help out your fellow human "
Why do they keep having the women of the ship falling in love with a very obviously terrible person they have known for only a few hours
" Tell me more about yourself " " what more is there to tell I am Apollo " " yeah but like tell me about your childhood , your hobbies there's got to be more to you then just what your name is " " but ... I'm Apollo??"
" I've been studying you this entire time , your nothing more then a test subject" lmao get wrecked
They destroyed his shit and now he's real mad
He became so depressed from rejection that he died
I like how gods just exist in star trek like that's just a thing
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worfs-fabulous-hair · 2 years
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worfs-fabulous-hair · 2 years
I can finally reblog this meme I've been waiting for so long.
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worfs-fabulous-hair · 2 years
Let's finish season one!
Series I'm currently on :TOS
Episodes watched: 01X28-01X30
Episode names:
The Alternative Factor
The City on the Edge of Forever
Operation: Annihilate!
The Alternative Factor
"Captain" giant explosions
" the entire solar system blinked " " what the fuck do you mean it blinked "
This is already starting off to be a great episode
Ole dude in his tiny fucking flying saucer , just fucking dies upon meeting seeing other humans
He's not dead
The entire universe ' blinked ' apparently and everyone is expecting an invasion ?
Ole dude's having a seizure and possibly tripping balls
Also his name is Lazarus??? Oof he's already lived up to his name
I can see the writer sitting around that table giggling to themselves now
He's just screaming "KILL!!" Over and over and the way he's saying it is so funny
" I'm a bright young medic with a magical touch "
" dylithium crystals " turns around in the most dramatic way possible
This one actor is just staring directly into the camera with this look like she really does not want to be here
He's tripping balls again
Sparkly future bandaids
Lazarus is threatening Kirk and the ship but he also keeps looking down at kirk's mouth every 2 seconds
You'd think that starfleet wouldn't let a stranger that they don't trust and has threatened them just walk around a ship unsupervised
Lazarus just killed 2 people
This is why you shouldn't let him wander by himself
" I just tried to kill two people I didn't steal the dylithium crystals what evidence do you have to accuse me "
I wonder which one of the red shirts with the team is gonna die
They kept him wander off by himself again
He fell off a cliff and I know I shouldn't be laughing but the effects are hilarious
Lmao ole dude is a time traveler
" he's not going anywhere this time " he immediately gets up to go somewhere
Oop we're talking multiverse theory now
Their about to kill this man
He went somewhere unsupervised again and now the ship is on fire
Now he killed someone
I understand wanting to make sure he can't go through with his plan but Kirk shouldn't have gone after him alone , like why do the Captain's always go alone ?
Kirk crossed over into parallel universe
So the dude on the ship was the evil version and the dude he was saying was evil is actually the good version
Like every fight between captain Kirk and another man this fight reeks of homo-erotic tension
Portal destroyed
The City on the Edge of Forever
Right off the back alot is going on and Sulu is hurt
Time ripples ?
Bones landed on a hypo needle and is now over dosing
Bones just attacked a man and then beamed himself down to the time disturbance
The red shirts split up in the search of bones
A talking stone
" I am the time guardian , guardian of all time "
The stone just called Spock primitive
They want to go through a time Portal
McCoy went through the time Portal while still ODing
The landing party is stuck on the planet way before space travel was a thing with no way of getting bones or going back to the ship
Man this stone is just fucking with them at this point , you can't just say " oh I'm the guardian of all time, I control all of time " and then say that you can't control what time they have the ability to go into
" he's Chinese and he cut his ears off as a child in an automatic rice picker as a child and they were put back on like that by a plastic surgeon " grade A excuses from the most well known Captain in star fleet
Spock and Kirk really said " fuck the police " huh
Everyone just watching this happen and not doing anything
Kirk mansplaining , manipulating and manwhoring his way through the 1930s
They got jobs after breaking into a woman's business
Oh , she employs and shelters the homeless
Kirk's in love , that means she's going to die
She also predicted the entire future of earth
Sitting in an apartment in the past and putting together a computer or machine that's way to advanced for that time period seems to be a common trope in star trek and this seems to be the first time it showed up
Spock getting made fun of for always saying captain
Kirk your changing the future stop telling the woman about Vulcan
The machine is starting to work
Oh she is gonna die oof
Over dosing McCoy is back ! He has emerged from the shadows screaming and ready to fight
I would run to fam
He thinks he's in some sort of interactive museum
Now he's crying and rolling on the floor
He's passed out and has been mugged
The mugger just like evaporated himself or he teleported himself I'm not sure which
Jesus McCoy is walking around the street and he looks like the girl from the exorcist
He found the soup kitchen while Kirk and Spock watch a war documentary on wwII
McCoy is coherent finally !
And Edith hasn't told Spock or Kirk about McCoy
Spock is mad that Kirk stopped Edith from falling down the stairs becuase he could have stopped her from dying when she was supposed to
Kirk find out McCoy is there and runs off to find Spock and McCoy
"Spock ! SPOOOOCK !!!!!!"
That hug , oh my heart
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Oh no Edith , shit man
This has to be the most wild 72 hours of McCoy's life
McCoy is mad that Jim stopped him from saving Edith
" you were only gone for a few seconds captain " " boy do I have a story to tell you "
Operation: Annihilate!
Last episode of the season here we go
A ship just flew into the sun
No wait this is the episode where we meet sam and he dies from the plague ???
They didn't think to maybe approach this as a biohazard scene even though they know that there is mass hysteria and don't know if it's caused by some sort of disease or not
They get attacked by men with clubs
Jim finds his brother dead
I know that it's sad that he just found his dead brother but it's also funny because it's just shatner in a brown wig and a fake mustache
" the things , those horrible things ! " " What things that not very helpful"
Jim's sister in law has passed away as well
His nephew is a ginger
These things look like chicken breasts with ketchup sprayed on them
They can fly
They can't be killed apparently and one attached itself to Spock
They got it off but now Spock's on the verge of passing out
I wonder who was in charge of making these things fly that would have been my favorite day at work if I were them
Did they change actors for nurse chapel or is it just the fact that she doesn't have a weird wig now
Spock woke up and ran out of sick bay
Just as they go to find him he barrels into the bridge and tries to take the ship
It take 5 people and heavy sedatives to stop Spock
Spock believes he can fight any ailment by continuously telling himself he is a Vulcan and shouldn't feel pain
Spock breaks his restraints and beats up Scotty
Paramount is terrible at ad placement they always play the commercial break scenes before they ad cut
Spock is down on the planet and being attacked
He's gonna stun one of the chicken breasts and and put it in an empty metal lunch box
First time seeing the science bay
The chicken breasts are giant cells
" I understand your affection for Spock " why is this show from the 60s so gay ???
I don't mean that in a bad way , this show is just so so gay lmao
" what other properties does the sun have ?" " It exists physically" that's not helping Spock
Jim's about to use one of those quantum beam flash lights you see the commercials for where you turn it on and it's suddenly as bright as day when it's the middle of the night
It took like a hundred scientist 3 hours of research just for the captain to figure out what they couldn't in 5 minutes while rambling to himself
McCoy is worried about Spock that's a rare occasion
Spock is blind now
Lmao they blinded Spock for nothing because they are killed by light that people can't see
The invisible light causes the chicken breasts to spontaneously catch on fire
McCoy is so mad that he made Spock blind
Spock can see again and vulcans apparently have a second set of eyelids to protect them from bright lights becuase of the Vulcan sun.
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worfs-fabulous-hair · 2 years
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It's been so long , star trek my beloved I'm back.
Another note that I'm making from later on after I started making this post, is that apparently I miss numbered one of my posts a while ago and I'm on episode ahead of where I thought I was so my last post says 01X23-01X24 but should be 01X24-01X25 , sorry I didn't catch that it was the wrong numbers before now.
Series I'm currently on : The original series
Episodes watched: 01X26 - 01X27
Episode names:
The Devil in the Dark
Errand of Mercy
The devil in the Dark
A bunch of men walking around searching for a monster to dramatic music that almost deafened me because my tablets volume was all the way up and I didn't realize.
They left a singular person alone while they investigate some more I wonder what's going to happen /j
He got eaten all he wanted to do was see the enterprise, also these guys have to go how could this happen even though they left him alone knowing that something was killing everyone
Conveniently walks into a room right as your needed for part of the conversation
I love these neon colored jump suits
These monsters are a mafia bosses wet dream a walking version of a barrel of battery acid that destroys and dissolves absolutely everything it touches.
It fucked up the reactor that controls everything on the planet like life support and this has happened so many times that I question why they have no back up systems on these colonies
Scotty throwing shade at how old the reactor is
" we asked for your help and for you to take us off of this planet but now that you're here we don't want your help. And by we I mean I don't want your help but I'm going to make this decision for thousands of people because of my pride as the person in charge "
I love how Spock went " what if it is this theoretical cryptid being" and Kirk immediately went yes absolutely I am 100% behind you
Oop they just sent a bunch of red shirts in the tunnels to look for the creature you know what that means
Red shirt #1 has died , he also has the most 70s christian youth pastor hair cut I have ever seen
That is not how the monster was described as looking earlier on at all
This creature is made out of corrosive materials that have dissolved people alive and your just gonna bare hand pick up part of it that fell off when you shot it with your phaser not 5 minutes before ?
A crime against science ?
" I'm sorry if it makes you sad Spock but we're gonna have to kill the creature even if it is a crime against science"
More red shirts being sent into the tunnels to split up
Nah you can't tell me this isn't flirting like kirk's pulling that face again the one he only ever does with Spock you know
Spock being forced to squat to fit in the tunnel in his high heel channel uniform boots
Spock was about to go full Vulcan strength when he thought jim was hurt
These ball thing are eggs aren't they? I bet this is the trope of accidentally stealing an egg of a unknown creature and then they hunt you down because they want the egg back
Look at this thing :
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Does this look sparkly and glowy like it was described ?
Spock was all for making sure that the creature stayed alive but now that Jim is in danger he's going " kill that bitch , no hesitation just shoot it you have to stay alive"
Jim is like that cat bug meme of " we're friends now we're having soft tacos later"
Spock's gonna mind meld with the creature
It's calls itself the hort
" nonsense Spock, McCoy is a doctor he can heal anything "
No wonder he's always so done with kirk's shit
Oh my God the colonists just murdered the red shirts
They were the hort's eggs and she was killing them because they smashed her eggs and killed her babies
No one is acknowledging that they killed the red shirts
McCoy healed the hort !
What was left of the babies hatched
Mama hort had the hots for Spock
Errand of Mercy
They are mentioning the Klingon , ay !
Now they are being attacked
Sulu is in charge now
" we have no people in charge but we have a council that makes all of the decisions , you may speak with them "
So you do in fact have people in charge
There is no war in ba sing se
Spock and Kirk are now stranded because they made Sulu leave
Also the council members have the ability to see premonitions
Early Klingons look so weird
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This particular Klingon ( the one pictures above ) is almost obsessed with Kirk and it's so funny
Cause like all that Kirk has done is be silent and sassy
Spock has been arrested for being Vulcan
Now he is free after they probed his mind
Kirk and Spock are talking mighty loud in front of the Klingons for two people putting together a secret rebellion plan
I like how literally all of the people on this planet are fine with being taken over but Kirk is just sitting there yelling at them going " fight back, come on , care about this man. I know what's good for you and you don't ."
Kirk has been betrayed by the council
The Klingon dude is still obsessed with Kirk
I like how Kirk and Spock's clothes look like their uniforms
The council betrays the Klingon to help Kirk and Spock
Klingon phasers sound like magic tricks in cartoons
" if you don't let me stop violence then I will harm you "
These actors are so dramatic when there only job is to walk around and pretend to pass out or die , they really had to make sure they were gonna get that money huh ?
Klingons really came a long way development wise from this episode
So the council are alot more powerful than they let on and made everything extremely hot and shut off all of the ships and are trying to end the war
Now Kirk and the Klingon general are arguing like kids that got into a fist fight in elementary school
Is this a planet of Qs ?
Now everything is back to normal
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