wosohermoso · 4 days
Get Her Back (Lucy Bronze x Reader)
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A/n Requested
Warning(s): SMUT 18+ MDNI, Suggestive (duh), mild jealousy (squint a lil, its fine).
The sweat was starting to feel a little grosser today.
With the heat wave ripping through England perfectly on time with your international break, it seems that training became more the stuff of nightmares with the sun unbearable on your already tanned skin.
It seems that brought out the more interesting behaviours of your teammates because they were looking for ways to distract themselves from melting into the pitch or tile flooring of the changerooms.
Even with air conditioning, the room was ridiculously stuffy, twenty-three sweat dripped female football players crammed into a single ten metre by ten metre room.
That being said, the topic of exes came up amongst the lot of you.
Even worse, your ex.
Specifically, the one alotted to the cubby next to yours as they ribbed both of you.
"Weren't you and Lucy together, Y/n?"
Your cheeks flush and you roll your eyes good naturedly.
"Yeah, and?"
The girls ooo at you, and ever the shitstirrer, you poke said girl in the leg with your sock covered foot.
"Not much to talk about."
She raises a brow, a small smirk challenging you almost, knowing well you're only poking fun at her.
"Oh, come on now, there has to be something to talk about. You were together for so long."
Scoffing, you wave them away, getting ready for a shower finally.
You'd both previously taken it in stride, having dealt with their teasing while you were dating.
The fact your relationship hadn't ended all that badly, being blamed on the fact that you were just both separate for far too long, playing on different sides of the continent, was never really your strong suit.
So, it doesn't surprise you when the cocky behaviour comes out too.
Lucy, ever the flirt, jokes quietly in your ear when the attention shifts from you to Alessia at the quiet mention of a possible new relationship.
"Not much, eh? And here I was under the impression that I was the best you've ever had."
You snort, elbowing the older woman with a small glare.
"Please, far from it, Bronze."
You had half a mind to laugh at the offended look on her face.
There was no way she believed that, but now you had to stick to your guns because you'd never hear the end of it if you'd actually told her the truth.
It does something to her because the moment you're all returning to the bus, she's planted herself directly next to you, sitting in the aisle seat.
Raising a brow at her sudden insistence on being in your presence, which, if she even notices the look, she doesn't acknowledge it.
Settling in for the two hour or so long bus ride back to camp, your earphones go in, and your head leans back to rest your eyes for a minute.
It seems you don't get very far, though, because a hand on your knee stops you on your nap voyage.
Glancing down, you confirm your assumption in saying that said hand is connected to your seat buddy.
Though it seems she's not actually even looking at you, she's talking animatedly with Millie and Rachel (*a/n I am aware shes R worded from internationals but I'm not accepting that just yet y'all*), who are sat across the aisle and one seat behind, and shes turned in a way that blocks their view of you.
Replacing your earbuds, you think she's just being overtly touchy today and you don't bother her with it, not minding too much, the warmth a nice contrast to how the last year or so being single had gone.
You wake up about an hour or so later, removing your earbuds and notice the chatter has died down a little, Daly Brightness now chatting between themselves and Lucy turned back to face the front, eyes glued to the laptop in front of her, watching a rerun of House M.D. (idk it fit)
Her hand hasn't removed itself. It seems it's a little higher than it was, thumb moving of its own accord, gently stroking the bare skin below your shorts.
With the air con blasting through the bus, her hand feels almost scaulding against you, your skin burning underneath the gentle caresses.
Whether she noticed you're awake or not, you're not sure, but if she did, she doesn't do or say anything other than leave her hand right where it is.
You can't find it in you to mind.
That doesn't last very long.
It's almost three days later into the training camp and nothing more than simple touches besides what happened on the bus has happened between you.
Although, it's like there's these little touches constantly. You know they aren't accidental. If the five years you spent with Lucy were anything to go by, you know her well enough to know there isn't ever a touch that's accidental.
She's always on alert, head swivelling when she's walking, always cautious of her hands and who's around her.
With you, there's supposed absent-minded brushes of your lower back. Her fingertips occasionally grip your arms during training rondos. A squeeze of the shoulder here and there.
She doesn't let you sit on your own like you usually do, as someone who prefers to nap quietly in the front of the bus, her hand always finding it's place on your knee once more for every day of camp.
Nothing else changes, though.
It starts to drive you a little crazy because you'd gone every training camp for a year without dealing with this.
You hadn't minded initially, but it’s getting on your nerves now.
Not because you're uncomfortable or anything.
You, reluctantly, admit to yourself that you just aren't all that over the brunette, and her touching you like this isn't helping your cause.
You're rather annoyed it's only taken three days before she's got you wrapped around her finger again, heart racing at that damn smirk on her face when you guys talk or you even just so much as glance her way.
It takes all of three days before you confront her about it.
"Okay, what the hell is with you?"
Lucy had been in the middle of her rec gym session. Particularly in the middle of doing her core workout, so she'd been in a plank stance when you'd stormed into the empty gym, half startling the defender.
Still, she looks up at you from her position on the mat, half confusion, half focused frown.
"Don't you 'eh' me, you know what I'm talking about."
"Kind of busy, princess, I have no idea-"
"That! Princess! When was the last time you ever called me that? Not just that, the touching, the thigh grabs, the-"
"Look, I'm a little preoccupied, as much as I'd love to have this-"
"No, I want an explanation, Lucy."
She groans as she drops the plank, mildly annoyed she'd have to have another crack at her record later.
"Okay, you want an explanation."
She stands, stepping towards you with determination.
"You said I wasn't the best, right?"
"Now you're the one pretending, y/n. You have every idea of what I'm talking about here."
Of course you do. You're not telling her that willingly, though.
"I really-
Her hands find your waist, backing you into the mirrored wall behind you.
"You said I wasn't the best you've ever had. Who else could've loved you the way I did? Who else made you shiver and writhe underneath me the way I did?"
Her voice lowers as she tilts your head to look up at her.
"Who else could make you cum the way I did? Tell me, Princess."
The way your cheeks redden only serves to egg her on. Her gym attire today was only futhering that though, sports bra and shorts, sweat sheening her abdomen, one you had once unabashedly stared at for all of your relationship.
Now, though, you fought every instinct and craving in you to glance down.
It doesn't matter because her lips curl up into a knowing smirk at your internal battle.
Spitefully, you snap back.
"What makes you think you're the only one to do any of that?"
For a second, you see her confident demeanour faulter, but it returns but a second later.
"Because you wouldn't still be so affected by everything I'm doing. Nor would you let me keep doing it. I know you, Y/n. If you'd been even mildly uncomfortable with anything I was doing, you would have bitch-slapped me back to Belford."
She's right.
You'd never tolerated anyone doing anything you didn't want or ask for, always the first to call someone out on their bullshit.
She continues.
"The fact that you're in here, yelling at me about how much I'm driving you crazy-"
"I did not say-"
"You don't have to, Princess. I know your tells, I know when you're flustered, frustrated, angry, upset, sad, elated. I know you. And you know that. The fact you're in here, now, tells me everything I need to know."
For once, you don't know how to respond.
So you don't.
You just tug her down by the nape of her neck.
Damn Lucy and her sexy ass cocky smirk and her back-of-her-own-hand knowledge of everything about you.
Damn the way her lips meet yours halfway, anticipating the move.
Damn her fingers, digging into your hips, lifting you into her arms and settling under your thighs to press you into the wall.
Damn Lucy and her ability to make you fall right back into her like she'd never left you back in Manchester.
Despite your best efforts, you never really could get one step ahead of her.
She pulls away, much to your whines.
"So are you gonna answer me honestly, or do I have to do something about it."
You play coy, a small eyebrow raise, despite the mild heaving in your chest.
"I am the best you've had, no doubt."
"Prove it."
Despite your stubbornness earlier, you'd have no qualms telling the whole world you were truly and wholly Lucy's.
You'd scream it from the rooftops.
That she was the best and only one who could fuck like she does.
Especially right now.
"Such a good girl for me, Princess. You always have been."
It's a little stuttered between thrusts, hips meeting yours with every utter of the words of the sentence.
Her hand around your throat, gently squeezing, makes your head spin as she thrusts the strap into you deliciously.
Your eyes squeeze shut, ears zoning in on her panting, the way the bed squeaks under her ministrations, the far too obscene sound of skin on skin.
The wet sounds of your own cum and arousal on the silicone toy strapped to her hips.
It's all overwhelming and only serves to send you further into the oblivion that she's got you in right now.
Your moans are loud, biting your lip to hide them from bouncing off the walls of the hotel room.
Lucy, it seems, has made it her mission to put an end to that, because her hips snap a little harder against you, and her other hand moves to play with your clit, thumb pressing into it leaving you helplessly canting your hips to meet hers.
"Bet no one else could make you cum as hard as I do."
It throws you closer to the edge faster than you expect, and your mouth drops open fully.
"Look at me."
It's a single statement from her that makes your eyes snap open to look at her above you.
She's leant over you, just about bracing herself by your throat, and the constriction just pulls you further into her.
"Good girl, I want you to watch as you cum on my cock, pretty girl."
You don't even have to ask because she's got you over the edge before you can say "Please let me cum."
Trying your hardest to focus on the rapid way her strap disappears inside you, the feeling of the head rubbing your insides and pressing into every sensitive spot inside you.
One final breathless moan leaves you digging your nails into the sheets below you, thighs quivering around her, and she lets you pull her down onto you.
There's a gentle rock to her hips, letting you come down finally, a slow to the pace she'd set hours earlier, making you orgasm over and over until now.
When she goes to pull out, you stop her.
"Don't move yet."
She chuckles softly, pressing kisses to your collarbone and neck.
"I'm not going anywhere, baby."
She settles back on her haunches, though, pulling back with a small groan of appreciation of where your hips are joined.
"God, you're so sexy, taken me so well, haven't you?"
You whine softly, cheeks flushing somehow further under the praise.
She slowly withdraws, dropping the strap off the side of the bed, settling between your legs once more, head level with your hips now.
"I'm not sure if I can anymore, Lucy."
"You can, baby. One more for me."
Her mouth lowers to your cunt, the sensitivity making you buck a little in overstimulation.
Her tongue laps at you, taking in every drop of you with a small breathy groan. It dips insidd you, pressing you open again before moving back to wrap around your clit and suck.
She'd missed this.
She'd missed you.
And she tells you as such once you cum on her tongue again moments later.
You're shaking around her head, hair firmly grasped between your fingers, which finally manage to pull her away from your far from overstimulated clit as she kisses her way back up your stomach, chest and finally meets your lips.
It's soft, slow, and loving, and the taste of yourself on her lips makes you whine into her.
When you pull away, she steps up off the bed, leaving you shivering under the air conditioning, sweaty, sticky, and slightly embarrassed at how quickly you'd jumped back into bed with the woman, even after a whole year gone of not touching her.
That all disappears when she reappears from around the corner with a water bottle and a damp cloth, letting her wipe you down, letting out a small wince when she bumps your clit again.
"Sorry, Princess, I'm trying to be gentle."
Your words are starting to slur as a wave of exhaustion hits you.
She's coming back from cleaning off the toy and disposing of the cloth when she spots your knocked out form on the bed, splayed out on your stomach, still naked as the day you were born, snoring softly into her pillow.
A soft chuckle leaves her, and she settles back into the mattress beside you, to which you immediately cling to her form, and her arms wrap around you, head tucked under her chin.
Lucy knows she's not over you.
Truthfully, she knew the whole time.
She'd tried.
Tried going on dates.
Tried finding solace in other women but none of them were you.
All she could think about in Barcelona was how much she missed you.
Being with you, touching you, kissing you, feeling you.
Everything about you.
Even your soft, scolding tone every time she left her boots by the door in the walkway or when she accidentally left your new toy out on the bedside table for your nosy nephews to find and turn into a rocket ship. (It was still clean, fresh out of the packaging.)
That day, you'd been especially red in the face when you spotted what little Jonathan was holding and had smacked a muffled laughing girlfriend of yours upside the head.
She'd missed the days you'd drag her out on evening walks along the streets. On long drives to the water's edge in Southport.
To walk along the pier and just talk about anything and everything. Or to just enjoy the silence away from the chaos of your lives.
The way you'd always have your arms open and ready when you'd both gotten home from a particularly rough game or training session.
The warmth of your hugs after freezing games in the night, despite having been out on that pitch yourself.
She might be Lucia Roberta Tough Bronze to everyone else, but she could let her guard down around you.
That was the best thing about you, she reckons.
How easily you crumbled her tough façade.
How soft she was with you.
She always loved you for that.
She still does.
The thought unsettles her a little.
Despite the fact you're naked in her hotel room bed, cuddle into her. She’s not entirely sure what this means for both of you.
Just that she wants you back more than anything.
She'd move back to England if you asked.
She knows you would never ask her of that, but she would anyway, she decides.
You meant everything to her. You mean everything to her. Still.
When you awake hours later, still curled into her sleeping form, pressing small lazy kisses to the underside of her jaw, they're pressed with soft loving words of affirmation, knowing it's what she needs to hear, even if you hadn't declared your relationship resumed just yet.
Though, you do that a couple hours after that, with your fingers curled inside her, asking her to be yours again.
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wosohermoso · 21 days
rugby girl || lucy bronze x reader ||
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lucy introduces you to her teammates, and they all very quickly come to the same conclusion.
minors dni, 18+, smut ahead.
you really did hate seeing lucy so worked up. the woman was rarely ever nervous about anything, and yet, she was a wreck over the idea of you meeting her teammates. the two of you had been together for a long time, far too long for neither of your friends nor families to have been introduced. you had accidentally run into a couple of her teammates before, but that was really it.
"luce," you whined as you pulled her onto your lap. it was easy to manuever her to straddle your thigh as you sat on the couch. lucy grumbled a little about getting the apartment ready, but she made no moves to stop you as you pulled her down to grind against you. "relax. i am more than happy to help if you can't."
"i am relaxed, i swear," lucy told you. you nearly laughed at the way that she had said it. her jaw was clenched and her teeth were grit together so close that you swore it had to hurt a little. still, lucy was insistent that she was fine up until the moment that your hands ran over her thighs.
lucy melted into your touch in the same way she had at least a hundred times before. you let your hands inch up further and further until they had slipped beneath the bottom hem of her shorts. lucy spread her legs a little wider and lifted her hips up to let you tug her shorts down.
"i thought you had to get the apartment ready," you teased. "isn't there so much to do?"
"i need to change, this is helping," lucy mumbled against your lips. you smiled into another kiss. lucy was always a little pushy with her kisses, but the teasing remarks died as soon as you felt her arousal against your fingers.
sex on the couch right before company wasn't an ideal situation, so you kicked lucy's shorts and underwear under the couch as you lifted her up. lucy let out a little squeal as she sank down onto your fingers. a rush of arousal was shot through lucy's body as she thought about the position that you had her in. your strength was nothing short of a turn-on for the english defender.
"fuck me, please," lucy began to beg as she started to bounce on your fingers. you let her use you to get off as you carried her back into the bedroom. lucy was quickly getting lost in her own pleasure. "(y/n)!"
"shh, it's okay." you sank down onto your knees in front of the bed that you had just laid lucy down on. her complaints were quickly quieted as your mouth replaced your fingers. you knew that it wouldn't be enough for long, and the next time that lucy opened her mouth, you slipped your fingers back inside of her.
your name fell from lucy's lips like a prayer as she grabbed your head and forced a little more pressure on her clit. you kept lucy on the edge, not giving her enough to cum until she asked for permission first. you got to sit back and watch her cum, two fingers working in and out of her at a relentless pace as your thumb toyed with her clit.
"come on now, we've got just enough time for a shower if you don't dawdle," you told her. lucy didn't want to move, so you helped her up onto her feet. the two of you were a bit rushed in getting ready, but lucy was out of the bedroom just in time to greet the first few of her teammates who were arriving.
the voices made you nervous, worse than lucy had been earlier. fucking lucy usually worked both ways, but now you were suddenly afraid of what they'd think of you. you were sure that they were all perfectly nice women, but you had always had a bit of trouble getting along with those of your own gender. you weren't exactly the most feminine of women, and growing up, it had been hard having to hear all of the backhanded compliments and straight insults about your appearance and body.
"i'm sure that (y/n) is on her way out. she usually doesn't take this long after a shower," lucy told her teammates. they were all very eager to meet you. there had been an obvious change in lucy's demeanor, and keira was especially interested of what could have caused it. she knew that it was definitely sex related, if only for the little extra swagger in lucy's normally cocky walk.
"where did the two of you meet?" ingrid asked.
"sport award show," lucy answered. she glanced back at the bedroom, relieved when she finally saw you begin to walk out. "oh, here she is. come on in babe. it's just alexia, mapi, ingrid, irene, keira, and sandra right now."
"hello," you greeted the group. you gave a small wave, unsure of what to think when mapi's jaw dropped. everybody sort of looked over at the tattooed defender in confusion until she spoke up.
"you, you're (y/n)," mapi said. you nodded slowly, unsure of how to proceed. "i, um, i am a fan. you are a badass, way too cool to be dating lucy."
"excuse me!" lucy exclaimed with a huff. you laughed as you pulled lucy into your arms for a kiss. she shrunk back a bit, which was when mapi seemed to notice something else. unfortuantely for lucy, keira also noticed it, but she was nice enough not to say anything.
"she's got you wrapped around her finger," mapi laughed. she had no room to talk, infamously whipped beyond recognition for ingrid. lucy was about to say something, but you stopped her with a small squeeze of your arms around her waist. "i like how you play, it's aggressive. lucy, is she so ag-,"
"mapi!" ingrid scolded with a sharp slap to mapi's chest.
"only when she's been bad," you answered. lucy's cheeks were burning bright red as her teammates dissolved into fits of laughter. "i'm going to get a drink. do you have something yet?"
"can you get my gatorade from the fridge?" lucy asked you. you nodded and ran off to go get it. you stayed in the kitchen for a little longer than you needed to just to let lucy's teammates give their first impressions of you.
"a rugby player? that's definitely not what i expected," ingrid said politely. you smirked a little to yourself, knowing exactly what they meant. lucy gave the impression to most people that she was effortlessly dominant. she had never been that way with you, not that you were complaining at all.
"i wasn't really either, but i'm happy that we're together. she's good for me," lucy said as she glanced over towards the kitchen.
"yeah, i can tell." lucy's gaze flicked over to keira, who was sitting on the couch with a warm smile on her face. their relationship had been long, far too long for them to just give everything up. their romantic feelings were long gone, but the trust and care in each other would never fade. lucy hoped that she could build that with you, but that she could do things differently.
eventually, you did make your way back to the living room again. more of lucy's teammates began to fill the apartment, and it felt like a party. they all seemed to have stories about lucy to tell, and you even offered a few of your own to everybody. with each of your own stories, you noticed the look in mapi's eyes as she stared intently and listened.
much to lucy's dismay, it was obvious that the two of you were going to become fast friends. in your eyes, mapi was just a physically smaller version of you. the two of you shared a lot of interests, and your spanish was much better than lucy's, so the two of you had quite a few little jokes going early. you were saddest to see her go at the end of the night, but only until lucy was pulling you back to the bedroom for some cuddling and drunken kisses.
"they all love you," lucy said happily. her tone quickly switched however as she mumbled the next part much louder than she had intended to, "but they all think i'm a bottom."
"you kind of are babe, but that's okay. i wouldn't want it any other way," you reassured her. lucy looked at you with completely lovestruck eyes before you pressed a kiss to her lips. it was crazy sometimes how easily you could wind her up or calm her down. "get some rest, okay? i'll make you breakfast in the morning."
"i love it when you cook for me," lucy mumbled into the side of your neck.
"i love you, luce."
"i love you too, ya big teddy bear." as if for emphasis, lucy gave you a big squeeze as she tugged you closer towards her.
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wosohermoso · 28 days
Perhaps some lucy inspo:
Lucy x (reader or ona) are on a spa trip, they haven’t done anything sexual in a couple of days for x reason, so now they can’t keep their hands off each other
extra inspo for if you write jealousy fics:
But there is someone (a worker or fellow visitor) who also cannot keep their hands off lucy (or ona) and eventually the mixture of jealousy, good looking gf, no sexual activities became to much and I think we can all imagine what happened either at the hotel (or at home)😌
just some inspo, you don’t have to use this storyline and can also rewrite it however, perhaps private jacuzzi on vacay instead of spa day etc etc
also cannot wait for the next chapters of the fics you’re currently writing. Massive fan of your work!!
The Big O
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Thank you to the beautiful anon for this idea. Here you go. Its very quick and rushed, sorry.
Warning - Smut - angry sex
“I can’t wait for this. We needed a break.” Ona smiled over at Lucy as she opened the balcony doors of the hotel room. The taller girl lugged their shared suitcase into the room. Smiling at her girlfriend's excitement.
It had been a while since the couple had a break together, the last real holiday they had was after the World Cup. Yeah, they had breaks in between but they hadn’t been on a summer holiday. They had both been so busy with their own schedules, not to mention the champions league. They became passing ships in the night, hardly really spending time together. That also meant that they hadn’t been able to be intimate with each other in a while. 3 weeks to be exact. 
So, yeah, they needed this. They made a promise to shut off their phones, no emails, no calls, nothing that could distract them. 
“Yeah. I just can’t wait to see you in that bikini you brought.” The older brunette smiled playfully at Ona. 
“Oh, what one?” Ona smiled innocently.
The older brunette stepped into Onas space, smiling down at the doe-eyed girl. “The one that shows off your arse perfectly.”
Ona bit her lip. Something she knew that drove Lucy crazy. The pair had been flirting the whole way here, both wanting each other desperately. Lucy was finding it hard to keep her hands to herself on the flight, her fingers had found themselves between Ona’s legs, teasingly stroking Ona’s bare thighs the whole plain journey. The younger girl didn’t mind at first but when Lucy's fingers got higher and higher to her core she couldn't stop the heat burning between her legs. She was close to dragging Lucy into the plains toilet just to get some kind of release. 
“I love it when you look at me like that.” Lucy purred. She put her finger under Ona’s chin, making the girl look up at her. 
“Like what?” Ona whispered. She knew what she was doing. 
A lot of people would mistake Ona’s innocent look for being the softer one in the bedroom, the more submissive one. And yeah, she definitely was but she could also be very dominating when she wanted to be. She could play Lucy so easily, and Lucy loved it. She would fall for those beautiful brown Disney like eyes everytime, doing anything Ona would ask of her. 
“You know exactly what I'm talking about.” Lucy cupped the shorter girl's face and slowly brought her lips to her own. It was slow at first, both feeling the other girl's mouth, tasting the other's lips. Ona’s watermelon gloss tingled the tip of Lucy's tongue, making her mouth water. Lucy grabbed the back of Ona's neck, pushing her tongue into her mouth. Ona whimpered on feeling her girlfriend's smooth tongue push past her lips and into her mouth.
“Ergh, I love when you make those noises.” 
The Spaniard giggled, but it was cut off when Lucy pushed her on her back, hitting the soft mattress below her. She quickly climbed on top of the smaller girl, reattaching her lips to Ona’s own. It was quick messy kisses, the sounds of their wet lips smacking hard against the other. It was when Lucy started to roll her hips into Ona’s core that the Spaniard started to moan.
Ona was cut off from Lucy sucking on her neck.
Ona could feel her underwear becoming wetter, she wanted Lucy so badly. Her next words were going to be difficult.
“Lucy, we have to st- aaa.”
Lucy quickly slipped her hand into Ona’s shorts, touching her clothed sex.
“So wet already.” Lucy hummed cockily.
Ona gritted her teeth. It had been too long since she felt Lucy between her legs. So long since she felt those talented fingers inside her. She wanted nothing more then for Lucy to fuck her right here, right now, but she had to stop her.
“Lucy, w-we have to s-stop.”
Lucy stopped, looking down at her girlfriend, who was now panting hard. Her lips swollen from Lucy's relentless sucking.
“Stop? Why?” Her confused horny face made Ona’s pussy clench.
“I booked us a spa treatment. We have to be there in 10 minutes.” 
“Are you saying I can’t have you screaming my name in 2 minutes? Because I take that as a challenge.” Lucy smirked down at Ona, capturing her lips once more.
Ona let herself get lost in Lucy's kisses once more. It was when Lucy started to push Ona’s t-shirt up, her short nails scratching against her tight skin, bringing Ona back into the presence.
“We can’t. Come. I’ll make it up to you later.” Ona gave a quick kiss to Lucy's lips before pushing her off. 
Lucy let out a sigh and smiled. “You will definitely make it up to me.” She slapped Ona’s arse playfully, making the younger girl yelp.
Never one to be outdone, Ona stepped in front of Lucy, giving her best doe eye impression. “I’ll let you do whatever you want to me.” 
The northerner's jaw clenched, her eyes closed as she let out a frustrated sigh.
“You better get us to the spa before I throw you on that bed.” 
Ona giggled, she loved to rile up Lucy, she had found in the past that it would always make the sex just a little more fiery, more passionate, a lot more dirty.
The girls quickly got ready for the appointment. They changed into their bikinis and headed to the spa. They checked in and waited in the seating area for their masseuse. Lucy leaned into Ona. “I definitely would have had you screaming my name in that time.” 
Ona chuckled. “Stop. Try and calm down, you’re going to have someone touching you, I don’t want you all worked up for them.” 
Lucy ignored that, and continued.
“I just hope you know that I brought the big one, the one that you beg me to go slow with.”
Ona felt the chills go up her back from Lucy's words. She felt her cunt tighten, thinking about that exact strap Lucy was referring to. 
“Fuck, Lucy.” Ona whispeared.
Before Ona could respond, with a full sentence, not that she really could have, her mind had turned to mush, two women came into the waiting room.
“Hi, I’m Sarah, I’m here for Lucy.” A blonde woman smiled at the pair. 
“That's me.” Lucy smiled.
“And you must be Ona. I’m Sam.” The tall brunette masseuse smiled at the younger girl. 
Lucy didn’t miss the way the masseuse eyed up Ona. 
“That's me.” Ona smiled.
“Perfect.” Sam's grin was devilish. Lucy didn’t like it one bit.
The women sat next to each of the girls, talking about the session and what it would involve. Even though Lucy was trying to listen, her eyes kept wandering over to Ona and the tall brunette. They were speaking Catalan. The women had heard Ona’s accent and of course she happened to also be Catalonian too. So even though Lucy knew a lot of Spanish, she wasn't able to pick up the conversation. Especially at the rate they were speaking. Whatever they were talking about must have been funny because Ona was constantly laughing at the pretty brunette. And for some particular reason Sam had to constantly keep touching Ona’s bare thigh. 
“So does that sound good, Lucy?” Sarah asked.
Lucy was pulled out of her stare off, with the back of Sam's head. “Hmm? Oh yeah, that's great.” She nodded. 
“Great. I’m just going to grab some bits and we’ll head over.” 
Lucy nodded and smiled, she wasn't even sure what treatment she had agreed on.
“Grcias Sam.” Ona smiled. Sam walked out of the room, possibly doing the same thing Sarah was doing. Ona looked over at Lucy, who looked a bit flustered. 
“Hey, what are you getting?” Ona asked.
“Oh erm, the Swedish rock salt, tissue massage.” Lucy was sure that's what Sarah said. “You?”
“Sam suggested I get a full body deep tissue massage. She said it's the best type for what we do.”
“Hmm, so she knows who you are?” 
“Yeah, she's actually not far from my town.”
“Hmm, small world.” Lucy smiled, but it was her weird smile. Ona knew that smile.
The women came back, holding white robes. They followed each woman to their own rooms. The pair smiled as they separated. Lucy noticing once more how Sam’s eyes roamed over Ona. Even though this was meant to be a relaxing moment, Lucy was far from relaxed. She couldn't stop thinking about Ona in the other room, being touched by the other woman. 
“Okay, so you’re very tight on your shoulders, I’m going to work on that for a bit. Just try to relax, you feel very tense.” Sarah said.
Lucy hummed. Even though Sarah had no clue about why Lucy was currently very tense right now, she knew she was right, she needed to relax. She tried. Though she couldn't stop the thoughts of Sam’s hands going an inch too high up Ona’s towel, or an inch too low down her back. Or if she made Ona moan from her touches, what if she made those cute sexy noises that only Lucy pulled from her. Lucy may have regretted teasing Ona before the session.
The 45 minutes had passed. Lucy got dressed and thanked Sarah, though the girl was only more tense. Lucy waited in the waiting room for Ona, even though they both had a 45 minute treatment, Lucy waited another 15 minutes before she saw Ona. The girl had a giant dopey smile on her face. Her cheeks had a pink flush to it. Her hair had been in her neat classic bun before she went in the room with Sam, but now it was down and messy. The girl literally looked like she had just been fucked. And Lucy would know, she had made her look like that plenty of times.
“How was it?” Ona asked, her voice sounded rough.
“Good, you?” 
“Soooo good, I don’t think I’ve ever had it like that before. She knew what she was doing.” Ona smiled.
“Hmm, good, good. Why so long?” 
“Ohh, it was her last session, she gave me head,- a head massage.” Ona started to bun her hair back up.
Lucy raised her brows at Ona’s words. “Ohhh, nice of her.” 
Ona nodded, not noticing Lucy's clear annoyance, or if she did she was ignoring it. 
“Yeah. I’m hungry. Shall we grab something to eat? 
The girls grabbed lunch in the hotel. Lucy had calmed down after Ona snaked her hand in hers, mindlessly stroking her knuckles, something that Lucy loved. She knew she was just being jealous, not having sex for so long probably made it worse. Her body was ready to combust and the quick make out session they had in the hotel room before really didn't help.
They sat at the hotel's beach, soaking in the sun, finally relaxing. She looked over at Ona laying on her front, her beautiful arse cheeks swallowing the bikini. Lucy had to lick her lips, making sure she wasn't actually dribbling.
“Do you want a drink? I’ll go to the bar.”
Ona smiled, pushing her glasses down. “Can I get a strawberry daiquiri, please?” 
Lucy kissed Ona deeply, holding the back of her head. “Of course you can.” 
Lucy made her way to the bar, she ordered the drinks then noticed the TV. The bar was playing the football, it was Chelsea vs Man City, a game she was hoping to watch. She took a seat at the bar, waiting for the cocktail to be made, but also wanting to get comfy as she watched on. 
Lucy had a few favourite things in this world, and watching football was one of them. Fucking Ona until she couldnt feel her legs no more was another. Playing football was another. Ona probably couldn't tell you in what order that went from top to bottom. 
It had been 10 minutes Ona looked towards the bar, wondering where her girlfriend was, she wasn't worried, they were still at the hotel. She knew when Lucy was in a good mood the girl could make friends with anyone, so she imagined she was maybe talking to a fan or something. Another 10 minutes and still nothing, that’s when Ona heard that very familiar roar of a bar that she realised why Lucy had not returned. Of course. 
“How's your head?” Ona looked up to see Sam the masseuse. With the way Sam was smiling at Ona, she couldn’t help but think Sam was trying to have a double meaning with that question. 
“A lot better thank you. I definitely feel more relaxed.” Ona smiled.
“Good, I’m glad to hear it, I've been told by many girls that my hands have relieved a lot of tension. My fingers know just where to hit those spots.” Sam’s smile was dangerous. 
She was coming on strong. Ona would normally politely turn down a girl who was flirting with her. But, Ona was annoyed with Lucy right now. They were meant to be on holiday, relaxing together, no phones, no screens, no interruptions. Ona also wouldn't have minded if she had watched it for 5 minutes and came back. But she had been gone for 30 minutes, Lucy had clearly got lost in the game. ��
That's when Ona decided to make things interesting. She carried on speaking to Sam. She knew half time would have to be any minute now. And just like clock work, she did, just in perfect timing, she could see Lucy getting up from the bar. Putting her plan in motion. 
“Sam. Could you get my back, please. I can feel it getting red.” 
Sam couldn't have moved quick enough. She took the bottle of sun cream from Ona’s hand and began to rub her back. Ona even undid her bikini straps at her neck, making a show of it. And that show had finally caught the attention of green eyes. Lucy's green eyes. 
Ona closed her eyes and stretched her neck as Sam pressed her fingers deeply into her muscles. She could hear Lucy was close. So she moaned. She didn’t even have to put it on too much, as Sam did genuinely have magic fingers. Ona let out another groan, but this time it turned into a small whimper. 
Lucy wasn't a violent person, but she wanted nothing more than to rugby tackle Sam to the floor. She watched as her fingers slowly rubbed against Ona’s skin, she even made Ona arch as she hit spots that not even Lucy could hit, because she didn’t know what muscle even did that. As she got closer she even heard Ona moan, then she heard her whimper. That was the whimper that only Lucy made her do. Now here she was watching her girlfriend moan for another woman right in front of her.
“I didn’t realise the hotel offered massages outside the spa.” Lucy almost growled. 
“Oh, hey babe, Sam was passing by so I asked her to top up my cream.” Ona smiled.
Lucy knew that smile, she knew what Ona was doing. She continued.
“You were gone for a while. Did you get my drink?” Ona asked.
“Oh, yeah sorry. They’re playing the game, I just wanted to catch the last bit of it.” Lucy looked guilty. 
“Hmm. I see.” Ona nodded. 
“Here's your drink.” Lucy passed over Ona a warm, cocktail, even as she passed it she realised how stupid this looked. 
Sam decided to involve herself in the conversation. “Aye, that drink is no good. I can make a better cocktail than this. Give me 5 minutes, I’ll be right back.” 
Ona smiled widely up at Sam. “Oh thank you. You don’t have to do that.” 
Sam laughed, responding in their mother tongue, making Ona giggle.
Lucy had to hold her fists by her side. Her anger for Sam growing all the more. She sat down in her deck chair. Looking at the younger girl. “Sorry Ona. I was gone for too long. 
“You were.” She only confirmed. 
“I’m sorry. I know we said no screens, I just got carried away.” She grabbed Ona’s hand kissing the back of it, making Ona smile at her. 
“It's okay. You can make it up to me.” She smirked, not looking at Lucy.
Lucy was relieved to see Ona wasn't actually angry. She moved in close to her girlfriend, kissing her neck, she could taste the salt from her sweat, she sucked on her skin, relishing in the way Ona gasped. 
“I’d do anything to make you smile.”
Just like Sam promised she was back in 5 minutes, much to Lucy's dismay.. 
“Here you go, this my own personal cocktail. I call it ‘The big O.”  She winked.
Even though Sam was rude enough to flirt openly with Ona, she had also made a cocktail for Lucy. Ona sat up taking the glass from Sam.
“Ohh it looks amazing. Thank you Sam.” Ona smiled. She wrapped her lips around the pink straw and hummed. “Wow, that's really good. Try it Luce.” 
Lucy rolled her eyes behind her sunglasses. She imagined Ona was just being polite, she took her own sip. Wow, yeah, no, that was good. It was maybe the best cocktail she had ever had. But Sam didn't need to know that.
“Bit sweet for me. Thank you though.” 
Sam smiled. “That's okay, everyone has a type, no? Anyways, enjoy the sun. Intenta no cremar, nena bonica.” She winked at Ona as she walked off.
Lucy was seething, she might not be an expert at the language but she knew enough to know she had just called Ona. 
“I don’t like her.” Lucy grunted.
Ona chuckled, she loved Lucy like this. “Oh stop. She's just doing her job.” 
Lucy folded her arms like a sulking toddler. Ona could only smile at her girlfriends cute, jealous antics as she drank the delicious cocktails.
The evening arrived, the girls rushed up to their rooms to get ready for another reservation Ona had made, it was only for dinner but it was a balcony view that you had to book in advance. If Ona knew how worked up the pair was going to be she would have just ordered room service. Lucy of course couldn't keep her hands off of the younger girl as she came out of the shower, slapping Ona’s arse cheeks as she walked past her. 
They arrived for their dinner reservation, and Ona was grateful she had the willpower to stop Lucy’s hand creeping into her underwear just before they left the hotel room. The view was breathtaking, it overlooked the sea and the other islands. The sun was halfway to setting, making the sky a beautiful pink and orange colour. The girls had their dinner, happy to be in one another's company. They had needed this, just them, nothing in their way. Even though they both had wanted to tear each other's clothes off every waking minute, this was something they needed. Catching up with certain bits of their lives that they hadn't been able to in a while. 
The girls finished their dinner and headed to the beach. The hotel had an event each night for the guests. Tonight was salsa dancing. Lucy and Ona sat at a table waiting for the entertainment. A pretty waitress came over to take their order.
“Hey, what can I get for you?” She looked at Lucy, a shy smile on her face.
“Hi, can I please get a beer. Ona?” Lucy looked over.
“A strawberry daiquiri please.” 
The waitress smiled at Lucy. “No, problem.” She walked off to get their drinks.
“Someones a fan.” Ona rolled her eyes.
“She’s just being friendly.” Lucy chuckled.
The girl returned with their orders. “Here you go Miss Bronze.” 
Lucy didn't stop the grin on her face. “Thank you.” 
“And your martini.” She handed Ona the drink.
“Oh erm, I didn't order this.” 
“No? Oh, I’m sorry. I must have gotten a bit flustered, I’m a really big fan.” She eyed Lucy up with absolutely no shame. “What was it you ordered?” 
Ona stared at the waitress. Her normally soft eyes turned angry.
“A strawberry daiquiri.” 
“That’s right, sorry. I'll grab that for you now.”
“Thank you. Don’t stress, we all make mistakes.” Lucy smiled. 
The waitress put her hand on Lucy's naked muscle. “Thank you.”
Ona rolled her eyes, seething in her seat. Out of the two Ona was definitely the more jealous one. 
This time it wasnt the waitress that came over, it was Sam, again. Did she not take a break?
“Hola, I saw the mix up. Sorry about that, I took the liberty of making my ‘Big O’ you look like you need it.”
“Sam! Thank you! I wanted to ask if they served it but you mentioned it was your own cocktail.” She sucked on her straw.
Lucy cleared her throat. “Do you work on every section or?”
Ona nudged Lucy under the table.
Sam chuckled. “I do work a lot of the hotel, si. I’m actually working in the entertainment tonight.”
“Of course you are.” Lucy muttered under her breath, Sam nor Ona heard her.
“So, Ona did you want to take up my offer for the message session?”
“What's this?” Lucy asked.
“Sam said I needed more work done to my upper thighs and lower back. She said I had a lot of tension there.”
“Si, I offered for her to have another treatment. Her body needs some extra attention in those areas. She's very tight. I could release her from that tension.” Sam smiled at Ona.
“I’ll definitely let you know. We have a few days planned.” Ona smiled, sipping on Sam's cocktail.
“Please do, it would be my pleasure.” Sam smirked as she walked away. 
Lucy could see the newspapers already. ‘Bronze turned boxer.’ or ‘Lucy Ali’ 
“She couldn't be any more obvious if she tried.” Lucy sneered.
Ona grabbed her hand, and kissed her knuckles. “It doesn't matter. It's you who I want. It's you who will be fucking me later. It's you who I love.”
Lucy couldn't hold back the shiver that kissed her skin. She leaned into Ona’s face, kissing the girl with a passion Ona hadn't felt in a while. Just as they pulled apart the lights dimmed, and the stage lit up. Music boomed in from the speakers, salsa dancers came onto the stage. 
The entertainment was amazing, the girls were enjoying themselves. The first show finished and the audience clapped for the dancers. 
It wasn't until a familiar face came on stage that Lucy felt her shoulders drop. Sam came on stage in traditional salsa wear. It was a very different sight for the uniform she wore before. She had a beautiful body, her curves sat in the black dress perfectly. The music began, her and the male partner danced the tango, it was undeniably one of the sexiest dancers two people could do. 
The dance came to an end, the crowd clapped loudly for Sam and her partner. They bowed and the male dancer walked off stage. 
“Thank you, now it is your turn. I need a partner. I'm going to pick two volunteers, and I don’t take no for an answer.” Sam’s eyes landed on the shorter brunette.
Lucy's stomach dropped.
Sam stepped down off the stage, she pointed at one man who stood up quickly, making his way on the stage. She didn't have to walk very far as she put her hand out for Ona to take.
Lucy could tell Ona wasn't sure what to do, her big brown doe eyes looked almost worried. Lucy didn't want that. Yes, she could be jealous and possessive but she wouldn't actually want Ona to feel like she couldn't do something because of her jealousy. That’s not how she wanted this relationship. 
Ona stared at her, needing some kind of confirmation, she wouldn’t do it if Lucy would genuinely be hurt. She saw the small smile and nod that Lucy gave her, giving her the green light. She took Sam’s hand, allowing her to be led to the stage. 
“Can I please have a round of applause for my volunteers. Please tell us your names.” 
“I’m Craig.” The guy smiled.
“I’m Ona.” 
Lucy did the loudest wolf whistle she could muster, causing Ona to giggle. 
“Okay, the challenge is to dance. Whoever can keep up with me wins. If you forget or falter you are out. The winner wins a bottle of champagne.” Sam said. 
Now, it doesn’t matter what the prize is. Ona and Lucy will want to win everytime, even if the prize is just to gloat. So, yeah, Lucy was going to cheer Ona on. Even if Sam was very obvious and wanted her girl. They needed to win. 
Sam went through some steps with the pair. Very basic at first, just a one, two step, dip kind of thing. Ona and Craig stayed on count. Lucy couldn’t help but watch as Ona’s hips made an easy step look so sexy. Sam gave them more steps, getting more technical and faster, the audience cheered as they kept up with her. 
“Well done, now we put it to the test. You will dance the steps. I will jump in with you, whoever can keep with me the longest, wins.” 
It would be impossible for either of them to keep up with her, she was a professional dancer, but that was probably the point. Sam pointed to the guy to go first. The music started and he began to dance, he kept up with the basic steps. The crowd cheered him on, he wasn't too bad. Sam then stepped closer taking his hands to dance with him. As soon as she made it faster he messed up. 
The audience clapped for his efforts. Sam strode up to Ona. The music started to play again and Ona did the steps. Lucy knew Ona could dance, she always looked so easy and free when she did, her body could move like a snake. So, she looked very natural with these steps. Sam then took Onas hands and began to dance with her, Lucy noticed Sam's hand placements straight away, one on her hip verging on her arse, the other clasped with her hand.
She made the steps quicker but Ona kept up easily, Sam pushed herself closer to the shorter girl, looking down at her. The girl was taller than Lucy, so Ona looked even tinier next to her. 
Sam smirked down at Ona, realising she could actually dance. She began to twirl Ona’s smaller body, bringing her back into her chest, faces inches from her own. If Lucy didn't hate Sam she would have thought it was actually quite sexy. Ona and Sam were wearing very samilair dresses, making the dance even more in sync. Sam spun Ona again and dipped her backwards. Ona must have hid this talent from Lucy because she was keeping up with Sam no problem, she looked like a professional dancer. Her face was as focused as it was on a football pitch. 
Sam brought her to her body again, Ona’s thigh slipped between Sams as they danced closely, Sam's hands slipped into Ona’s hair and made a circular motion. Ona’s eyes closed as she was moved around easily. Okay, yeah, Lucy was horny, and jealous?
Sam twirled the petite girl once more and brought Ona’s back to her chest. She brought her face close to Ona’s neck, her lips barely just touching Ona’s skin, then twirled her again. She began to slowly dip Ona backwards, her hand gliding up the girl's thigh, revealing her muscular leg. She pushed her thigh high, against her own body, it looked so sexual, it almost felt like you were interrupting something. Her face came close to Ona’s lips then, down her neck, then down her chest. 
Lucy was feeling many different feelings right now, and horny was the biggest one, but she was also so proud of Ona. She didn’t know the girl could dance like that. The music ended and Sam slowly brought Ona back up to her feet, both smiling and out of breath. 
The hotel guest jumped to their feet and cheered, including Lucy. Ona looked straight at her girlfriend, happy to see her smiling. 
Sam lifted Ona’s hand and bowled, she then took a step back to let Ona have the moment. Lucy looked at her girlfriend, she was slightly out of breath, her face was flushed, her once neat hair tousled. Lucy needed her. 
Sam whispered something in Ona’s ear but that girl was paying her no attention, she could feel the way Lucy was looking at her. In this very moment it was just her and Lucy, her green eyes were undressing her body. 
Sam brought over the cold champagne. “Ona, everybody!” The crowd clapped once more. Ona thanked Sam while taking her prize. She made quick steps towards Lucy. 
“Room. Now” 
That's all Ona needed to say and Lucy was up.
Ona gasped as her back hit the wall of their hotel room. Lucy’s mouth was all over her neck. Her tongue sucked, and licked at her bare skin. She was leaving marks. Ona could tell. She couldn't stop her even if she wanted to. Lucy was lost in a haze, biting and sucking her skin in between her lips. She wanted to mark the girl. Make a point that she was hers. No one else's. 
“Fuck, Luce.” Ona struggled to see straight. 
“You liked it didn't you? All day. Making me jealous? Hmm?” Lucy asked. 
Ona smirked. “Sí, I did.” 
Lucy hummed. “I guess I’ll have to remind you who you belong to.” She gave Ona a particularly sharp bite to the neck. Making the girl cry out. 
She grabbed the shorter brunette by the waist, her lips attached to hers. She kissed Ona deeply, almost roughly. She cradled the back of her head as she moved them to the foot of the bed. Ona moaned at the sheer strength of Lucy's tongue, pushing its way into her mouth, taking full control of the kiss. She pulled back.
“Strip. Get on the bed.” Lucy commanded. 
Ona nodded, striping herself of her clothes. 
The older brunette made her way to their suitcase, looking for her strap. Lucy removed her clothes, leaving her completely naked. She pulled the harness up her strong thighs, adjusting the thick strap between her legs. She heard a small gasp behind her. She turned around to see Ona on her back, her head on the pillows with her hand between her legs. Lucy smirked, she loved watching Ona pleasure herself, she would watch her all day if she could, but she would always end up replacing Ona’s hand with her own, or her mouth. 
She slowly walked over to the bed, Ona’s fingers were glistening with her juices, her eyes closed tightly as she circled her sensitive clit. Lucy watched as her girlfriend started to lose herself in her own pleasure, her small whimpers and whines making Lucy lose her calm resolve. She wanted to be inside her. She kneeled on the bed and slowly crawled to the petite women, trying not to make too much movement. She was like a moth to the flame, mesmerised by Ona, she couldn't take her eyes away from her glistening lips, her own mouth watering at the sight in front of her. 
The taller brunette brought her lips to Ona’s thigh, kissing the sensitive flesh. Ona smiled, feeling her girlfriends lips on her, she opened her eyes watching Lucy crawl closer to her.
“Kiss me.” Ona whispered. 
Lucy moved higher up Ona’s thighs, closer to her sex, Lucy could smell how wet Ona was, the buds on her tongue watering at the thought of tasting her. She couldn't wait any longer, she would normally tease Ona a lot more, kiss her all over her petite body, make her beg for her, but she had waited too long. She dipped her head to Ona’s core, causing Ona to move her hand away. She took one long lick up her folds onto the sensitive bud. 
“No, Luce kiss me, please.” 
Lucy lifted her head up, Ona was looking down at her, pleading for her. She could never deny Ona anything, especially like this. She crawled up to the shorter brunette, her body was so small under hers. She made sure to let the dick rub against Ona’s body as she moved, reminding her exactly what she was going to do to her. Reminding her exactly who Ona belonged to.
Ona squirmed as she felt the thick rubber press against her. She grabbed Lucy's face and brought their lips together. Ona tried to take control but Lucy didn't allow it, she roughly pushed her tongue into Ona’s making her gasp. The older brunette was losing patience, and Ona could tell. Her strong hips started to move against Ona’s body, she wanted to fuck her, she wanted to here Ona scream her name.
But so did Ona. She wasn't the only one who got riled up by jealousy tonight. Yeah, Lucy maybe had to endure it a lot more, but Ona also knew Lucy was about to wreck her. And she knew she could go for hours if she wanted to. And Ona needed to come now, not in a couple of hours, while Lucy made her beg. The petite girl wrapped her leg around Lucy's body and easily flipped them. Lucy was on her back with Ona on top, smiling down proudly at her own strength.
“You’re so easy Luce.” The shorter brunette whispered into her ear, making Lucy shiver.
“I’m going to ride your face until I’m satisfied, then you can do what you want with me. Does that sound good, baby?”
Lucy nodded quickly. This was the Ona people didn't get to see, (for obvious reasons.) The sweet doe eye Spaniard could be just as dominating as the brunette beneath her. Maybe even more.
She quickly crawled up Lucy's body, ready to take what she wanted from her. She planted her thighs next to Lucy's head and lowered her wet pussy onto Lucy's hot mouth. 
“Fuck.” Ona’s eyes closed as she dropped her head back. As soon as she felt Lucy's soft mouth on her painfully throbbing clit she couldn't wait. She moved her hips into Lucy's mouth, she snaked her fingers into the dark roots of Lucy's hair, and grinded her hips. Lucy wrapped her hands around Ona's hips, helping her guide her movements. She lapped at Ona’s cunt, her thick juices covered her tongue, the girl was wet. Lucy swallowed the mouthful of fluids, moaning as she felt the wetness glide down her throat.  
Ona had one hand in Lucy's hair the other on the head board, giving her full control in how she moved her body against Lucy's skillful tongue. She was dominating the situation, and Lucy was happy enough to be used for Ona’s pleasure. She loved when Ona took charge, the dominant energy in her would switch off so easily, and allow the normally softer lover to take what she wanted. 
Lucy wrapped her lips around Ona’s soft bundle of nerves, making the girl groan loudly, her hips becoming more rough. She knew Lucy could take it. She could feel the swell in her stomach grow. She grabbed Lucy's head with both hands and began to fuck her face, she could hear how wet she was as Lucy slurped on her velvety folds. 
“Hmm, Lucy, your mouth. Are you swallowing?” 
Lucy hummed. Ona had a kink for Lucy swallowing her essence, she loved to hear the girl's throat drinking her down. Especially when she came, she would hold Lucy's head down to make sure she cleaned and swallowed every bit of her up. Not letting her move until she was happy. 
Ona felt the tickling vibration from Lucy's mouth. She smiled down at the girl as she fucked her face. “Good girl. Make sure you swallow when I come.”
Lucy hummed again. Sending sweet vibrations into the petite girl. “Fuck, Lucy, Just like that, Dont stop.”
Ona grinded her hips deep into Lucy's mouth. Her thighs started to shake. The grip in Lucy's hair was almost painful. She let out a cry as she felt Lucy suck perfectly on her clit. She came hard against the girl's tongue. Lucy groaned as she felt Onas wetness slowly drip into her mouth. Swallowing it as loudly as she could. Ona slowed her movements, trying to catch her breath. She looked down at her beautiful girlfriend, licking and cleaning her up. She gently stroked Lucy's hair back. 
“You’re so good. So good.” 
Lucy hummed as she continued licking and swallowing, catching every drop she could. Ona didn't move, she stayed on Lucy's face, enjoying the feeling of her tongue stroking her sensitive folds. They stayed like this for a while, until Ona decided she wanted more. She began to move her hips again, gently this time. Allowing Lucy to move at the pace she wanted. 
Lucy looked up at Ona, she watched as her girlfriend's body gently rocked against her mouth. She looked breathtaking. Her long brown chestnut hair dripped down her chest and back, her eyes were closed as she was lost in the pleasure of Lucy's mouth. She began to make small whimpers as she approached her second orgasm. She came again, crying as she flung her head back in pleasure. Lucy swallowed and suckled just the way the Spaniard liked. Ona gasped as Lucy caressed her with her tongue, finally not able to take anymore, she lifted herself off the older girl and dropped on the bed beside her.
“Your mouth’s amazing.” Ona breathed out. 
Lucy chuckled, she sat up looking at Ona’s body next to her, she could see the bruises forming on her neck from her earlier assault. Her cunt was aching looking at her.
Lucy wasn't a rough lover, she definitely liked to take control and be in charge but she wasnt rough. But with all the emotions of jealousy running through her, seeing Sam's hands all over her girlfriend's body woke something up in her. She moved to the end of the bed, she leaned forward and grabbed Ona by her waist, easily moving the girl. Ona yelped.
“On your knees.”
Ona looked shocked by the sudden change in Lucy's mood. She dropped to her knees in front of Lucy. Ona saw the huge appendage between Lucy's legs, it was their biggest toy, Ona enjoyed using it now and again but a lot of the time Lucy had to go slow. So it wasn't their most used item.
Ona didn’t feel as cocky as she did before, staring down Lucy’s huge strap.
Ona nodded her head, she opened her mouth and took in the tip of the dick. Lucy's hands snaked into her lose her, guiding her head down the dick. She stopped before she got half way, the girth of the toy was already stretching out her lips.
“That’s it baby.” Lucy started to move her hips forward, pushing Ona’s head back against the mattress. Ona’s hands were on the older brunette's thighs. Lucy removed her hands and pushed them above her head, onto the mattress. Making her press deeper into Ona’s mouth. The spaniard gagged as Lucy began to slowly fuck her face against the bed. 
“You look so good Ona, you're taking it so well. Don’t stop baby.” 
Ona felt the thick plastic slide its way down her throat. Ona could tell Lucy was definitely about to take out some pent up anger on her throat. And that was exactly what the Spaniard wanted, she knew she pushed Lucy today. 
Lucy’s hip started to pick up pace, she held Ona’s wrist in one hand the other gripping at her head. Ona moaned at the new speed, she could feel herself dripping, being used like this from Lucy was a rarity, Lucy looked down at Ona, her doe like eyes were prickling with tears. Her lips sliding up and down the appendage. 
“You drive me crazy Ona.” Lucy pushed deeper. 
Ona’s head was basically trapped between Lucy and the mattress, she could feel her breathing getting more difficult as the dick took up most of the space in her throat, restricting her of air. Tears were streaming down her cheeks now, she started to choke around Lucy's dick. Lucy pulled back, Ona gasped as air hit her lungs again. Her spit was attached to the tip of the strap. Lucy smiled down at her. 
“Take some more.” Lucy pushed her dick back to Ona’s swollen lips. 
Ona opened her mouth, ready for what Lucy would want to give her. 
“So, you enjoy making me jealous?” Lucy snapped.
Ona’s eyes squeezed shut as Lucy pushed herself deeper into her mouth. 
“You liked making me angry? Liked flirting with your little girlfriend?”
Ona moaned, angry Lucy was a sexy Lucy. Spit started to dribble from her mouth at Lucy's pace.
“Look at you, you love it don't you, Ona? You love being a little brat.” 
Lucy finally slid the whole strap down Ona’s throat, pushing the base perfectly against her clit. She rocked her hips into Ona’s face, thoroughly face fucking the girl. Ona began to choke on the thick plastic, tears rolled down her face.
Lucy pulled out of Ona’s mouth, not wanting to actually hurt the girl. Ona coughed and sputtered as she was able to breathe again. Lucy grabbed Ona by her arms and threw her on the bed like she was nothing, another thing Ona went wild for, Lucy's strength, the girl could carry her around like she was nothing, and when she was angry, like she was now, it would always came into play.
Lucy didn't wait around, she sunk two fingers into Ona’s core. The girl gasped at the new intrusion between her legs, Lucy couldn't help but smile at the beautiful noise that escaped Ona’s mouth. 
“So tight Ona, you need to open up for me.” Lucy purred in the girl's ear.
“Fuck, Luce.” Ona groaned, Lucy picked up the pace quickly, the obscene noise that came between Ona’s legs was pornagraphic. She was so wet from Lucy fucking her face, and Lucy knew it. Ona loved rough sex, Lucy did too, but she was always the one to make sure Ona was okay with everything they did. They had their colours, they knew the limits, and Lucy knew Ona would stop her if she ever needed to, the same went for Lucy.
Lucy removed her fingers from Ona and rubbed her wetness over the strap, covering the dick in Ona’s natural lube. The girl had a lot of it. She lined herself up, looking down at Ona’s pussy. 
“You ready baby?”
“Please Lucy, I need you.” 
Lucy pushed the head off the very girthy dick into Ona’s dripping cunt. She would normally let Ona get used to the thickness but today she didn't have the composure. She pushed her hips until she bottomed out into Ona, causing the girl to whimper with each inch that pushed past her tight walls. 
“Fuck Ona.” Lucy knew she couldn't actually feel it, but the noises Ona made alone drove her crazy. She started to grind her hips into Ona, the shorter girl whimpered in her ears as she took what Luct gave her.
“L-Lu- cy!” Ona groaned out as she felt Lucy speed up, the pain quickly turned into pleasure as her pusy swallowed her. 
“You’re mine, Ona.”  Lucy grunted.
“Si. Si. Yours.”
“Don’t ever forget that.” Lucy started to suck on Ona’s skin. Making more marks. 
Ona couldn't talk, the pace of Lucy's hips was unforgiving. Lucy was lost in her own world, fucking the girl beneath her. She grabbed Onas leg and lifted it over her shoulder, pushing herself ever deeper into the petite girl. She groaned at the tightness of the girl. Ona groaned deeply, swearing and muttering between English and Catalan. Lucy was working her body hard, all that pent up anger being used on her body, it only made Ona more wet, building up another orgasm.
Lucy could feel the base of the strap hitting her perfectly. 
“You’re taking it so well baby. You didn't even make me go slow, you’re so good. So good for me.” 
Lucy's words pushed Ona further to her climax. Her body was sweating underneath Lucys, the girl's stamina was a curse and a blessing.
“I’m going to come Lucy.” 
“No, just a little more baby. Wait for me, just a little more.” 
Ona gritted her teeth as Lucy used her body to chase her climax, her own knot in her stomach was stepping dangerously close to the edge. She knew if she came Lucy wouldn't stop, and she didn't think she could take that kind of work on her body right now. So she tried her best to hold on. 
Lucy's hips moved a fraction deeper inside the Spaniard, getting herself closer to her end goal. But it only made it harder for Ona. 
“Shhh baby.” Lucy brought her hand up to stroke Ona’s sweaty head. “You can take it. Just a little more. Give me a little more.” She grunted, closing her eyes, as her clit started to throb. She looked down at the beautiful girl below. Her big brown eyes looked up at Lucy, there was so much love in those eyes, so much trust. Pushing Lucy closer.
Ona sucked in her breath, she closed her eyes, her head was throbbing from the pressure of it all. Until she heard that unmistakable groan from the girl above. 
“Fuck, I’m coming.” 
Lucys hips pushed deeper into Ona, the girl let out a high pitched cry as she was finally allowed to come. Lucy let out a deep groan, her hips never stopping, until her body reached that perfect release, pushing the girl deeper into the mattress. 
“Fuck.” Lucy panted into Ona’s sweaty neck. She gently pulled out of the younger girl, flopping beside her.
“You okay?” Lucy looked over at Ona.
Ona smiled. “So good.” 
The girls caught their breath. Lucy slipped off the harness. Ona rolled over to her girlfriend, and began to kiss her neck, sucking and biting her sweaty skin. Lucy gathered Ona’s hair in one hand and guided her down her stomach. 
“Give me your mouth baby.” 
Ona happily did what she was told, and made her way down Lucy's body, kissing her abs on the way down. She slowly kissed her hips, then slowly made her way down to the crease of Lucys lips. But she didn't touch her where she needed her. She slowly kissed over her wet lips instead, and began to kiss her thighs. She knew Lucy didn't have the patience for her teasing. The older brunette grabbed her chin.
“Keep teasing me, and I’ll fuck you over that balcony and let your little girlfriend see how loud you can be.” 
Ona chuckled. “I love you.” She smirked.
Lucy groaned. This girl was such a fucking tease. She smiled and stroked Ona’s face lovingly. “I love you baby. Now let me come in that pretty mouth.”
Ona wrapped her lips around Lucy's swollen clit. Lucy hissed at the first touch, she wasn't going to last long at all. Ona moaned as her girlfriend's arousal soaked her tongue, she began to suckle on the bundle of nerves just the way she knew Lucy loved. The older brunette, entangled her fingers into Ona’s long hair and started to fuck her face. Ona moaned at the grip on her hair as Lucy used her body once more to get off. 
“Just like that. You look so beautiful like this.” 
Ona moaned at Lucy's words. The girl grinded her hips into her mouth as Ona’s tongue hit her clit over and over again. 
“I’m coming. Don’t stop.” She pulled Ona closer into her core, keeping the girl where she needed her. Ona felt Lucy’s juices cover her tongue, she groaned at the amount of sheer wetness that flowed into her mouth. 
“Onaaa.” Lucy looked down at the girl, her tongue lapped up at her soaking cunt. 
She let Ona stay there for a little while, until it got too much. She moved her head away, laughing at Ona’s pout when the girl didnt want to move. Ona laid next to Lucy kissing her neck and snuggling next to her girlfriend.
“Best holiday ever.” Ona whispered.
“Hmm and it's only the first day.”
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wosohermoso · 2 months
most likely to || lucy bronze x reader ||
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you and lucy do a couples' interview for the media team.
media days had always been some of your favorites. it was generally a lighter training for you, unless they wanted some footage that day. today was a special media day, something that jona had asked you about after you and lucy came forward with your relationship. it had been a bit of a process for you to convince lucy to do the interview with you, but you knew that she was starting to get excited as the day drew closer throughout the week.
"ready to go?" lucy asked as she stood in front of your cubby. the interview had been arranged for post-practice, but you doubted that they had taken into account how long it took you in the shower. lucy had been ready for at least 20 minutes, not that she could ever mind waiting for you.
"tie my shoes for me?" you asked, since lucy was already in front of you. she rolled her eyes at your request, but knelt down to do it anyway. you knew that the eye roll was just because your teammates were around. lucy generally did all sorts of little things for you throughout the day, claiming that she always wanted you to feel like a true royal. "thank you, luce."
"you know, actions speak louder than words," lucy said. you didn't even have to wait for her to tap her cheek before you were leaning in to give her a kiss. lucy was absolutely beaming as she stood up completely, a light pink blush on her cheeks now.
"wait!" you called out as lucy started to move. you stood up and pressed a kiss to her other cheek. "you did both shoes."
"i double knotted both shoes, actually." you put your arm around the back of lucy's neck and pressed a kiss to her lips this time. behind the two of you, jana was gagging while pina and patri pretended to make out. it felt sort of wild that at the beginning of the season, you had been in their group making fun of the other couples on the team before lucy asked you out.
"one day maybe you'll all get girlfriends too and know what it's like for someone other than your mothers to love you," lucy teased. you swatted at her arm as you mumbled for her to be nice. pina and jana both grumbled as they sat back, but patri started to launch into a full blown rant about how she was more than happy being the "barcelona stallion" and sleeping around for the time being.
"do you see what you've started?" you asked, but lucy showed absolutely no remorse. she just grabbed your hand and walked you out of the locker room to get properly ready for the interview.
"alright, we're just going to play a simple game of 'most likely to' today. i'll ask a question, and you just point to whoever it most likely to do that thing." both you and lucy nodded, having a good understanding of the game. "first question, who is most likely to accidentally sleep in?"
"pssh, this is an easy one," lucy said as she pointed at you. admittedly, you had overslept quite a few times over the course of the season, resulting in both you and lucy being late to training. lucy was a lot worse at getting you up than alexia had been, the other woman often resorting to literally dragging you out of bed in your first senior season at barcelona.
"hey, my brain needs the sleep. it's still developing!" you tried to argue. lucy just laughed, knowing that you usually overslept because you stayed up way too late the night before. although, she did know that you could sleep absolutely anywhere, which she was slightly jealous of.
"who is most likely to burn dinner?" this time, your hand shot straight over to lucy. you had several legitimate examples of her doing this while trying to make sense of a spanish recipe. it was less that she was a bad cook and more that lucy was too stubborn to ask you for a translation.
"it was one time," lucy grumbled. you smiled and pressed a kiss to her cheek, which had her swatting you away from her with a pout.
"who is most likely to get a little too wild on a night out?" this question was a plant and you knew it. someone had to have told them to put this in to embarrass you, probably patri or mapi. they had been the two who had fed you shot after shot on a yacht just a few months ago, resulting in a unique combination of seasickness and drunken puking.
"life of the party this one," lucy teased. she reached over to pinch at your cheeks, earning herself a sharp slap to the knee. "and a bit mean. i don't know how i put up with her."
"whatever," you huffed as you crossed your arms.
"who is most likely to have an extra cheat day?"
"she actually has more in her meal plan than me," lucy answered. you couldn't argue with her there, thankful for the fact that you burned through calories more due to your extra strength training. jona and the other coaches had agreed to let you bulk up a bit, and it was definitely paying off on the field.
"i mean, look at these muscles." you flexed for the camera, knowing that it would end up in endless thirst edits later on. you reached for the bottom of your shirt, but lucy stopped you. she didn't mind you being a bit goofy, but she tended to get jealous when you actively showed off.
"who is most likely to get a little hotheaded?" your hand shot over to point at lucy, who had definitely snapped at some of your friends and teammates for getting a little too close to you. lucy shrank back in her seat, embarrassed from being called out.
"i can't help it. look at her!" lucy shouted as she threw her arms up.
"who is most likely to be considered whipped?"
"oh without a doubt lucy."
"(y/n)." both you and lucy looked at each other for a couple of moments before lucy recanted her answer. "from the outside, it may look like i do a lot for her, so maybe it is me."
"alright ladies, we are almost finished. just one more question, who is most likely to be the little spoon?" this time, you knew exactly who had asked this question. surprisingly, it wasn't any of your friends, but rather alexia. she had walked into your bedroom to wake you up for training only to find lucy bronze fast asleep in your arms while you watched her. lucy claimed to have not felt good, but alexia knew better.
"someone's taking the piss out of me with these questions," lucy grumbled as both of your hands pointed towards her. "in my defense, sometimes i just turn away because she clings worse than a koala. she just kind of grabs at my back."
"that's almost as good as the excuse you gave alexia," you laughed. the production team called cut on the video, allowing for you and lucy to finally go home. "wow, if i knew that it was that easy for you to admit that you were whipped, i would have just asked to do one of those earlier."
"people didn't know about us earlier," lucy muttered as she pressed a kiss to your lips.
"not officially, but we were the worst kept secret in the league. you did feel me up on the pitch the first game after we got together," you reminded her. lucy huffed as she rolled her eyes, knowing that wasn't the entire truth. you were giving out hugs to everybody, and lucy's hand had simply slipped a little when you jumped into her arms.
you knew immediately the day that the video dropped. the locker room was quiet, but not in a focused way. it was like they were waiting for someone, and once you and lucy were both sitting in there, chaos broke. cata was the first one to sit next to you, putting her arm around your shoulders as she pulled you tightly into her side.
"careful, lucy might get mad. she's a bit of a hothead." if those words had come out of anybody's mouth other than vicky's, lucy would have flipped a little. the fact that it came from the kid's mouth meant that an outburst was narrowly avoided.
"she doesn't seem very clingy to me. are you sure that you don't just like being the little spoon bronzey?" cata asked as she tried to get you to hug her back.
"i think that's enough," lucy said sharply. she walked over and tugged you out of cata's arms. she wrapped her arms around your waist and pressed her face against the side of your neck. "i won't lay a finger on her, but i'll kick your ass coll."
"lucy," you warned. she huffed from behind you and tried to find something to distract herself with. unfortunately for you, the team was intent on riling lucy up for the rest of the practice. it was to the point where you weren't sure that she'd be happy with you when you got home. the interview had been your idea in the first place.
"that lot is due for an ass kicking," lucy groaned and grumbled. you hadn't seen her so grumpy in a long time. she flopped back against the couch and let her head fall back as she closed her eyes. you didn't notice the way that she was waiting for you to come crawl into her lap, not until she cleared her throat. "are you coming over here or not?"
"you want me to sit by you?" you asked her.
"no, i want you on my lap. i want to hold you for a little while, please." lucy pouted up at you. your lips curled up as a wide grin broke out onto your face. you kicked your shoes off and scrambled into lucy's lap, content to let her hold you. you didn't like being the little spoon, but you absolutely loved to curl into your girlfriend's lap at the end of a long practice. "that's better, isn't it?"
"much. te amo, lucy," you mumbled as you pulled her in for a kiss. lucy surprised you by keeping the kiss innocent. she broke it after a few seconds to press her forehead against yours.
"te amo, lovely." lucy brushed her hand through your hair, smirking to herself as you relaxed against her. she may be whipped by everybody else's standards, but you absolutely melted any time that lucy touched you. it was a true testament to just how much you loved her.
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wosohermoso · 2 months
Lucy Bronze
Jealousy - 18+
Warnings: smut (fingering), fluff, angst
Reader gets jealous when a waitress tries to hit on Lucy. (Do i make a pt.2 where Lucy gets jealous?)
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Myself and Lucy hadn’t been dating long, our relationship still a secret from most people besides our close friends and family. We hadn’t actually planned on telling anyone so soon considering it had only been a few months, but with being around Lucy’s friendship circle and teammates, word of us being together kind of just - spread - although we were in no means trying to hide it.
We had been on holiday in Spain with a few of Lucy’s teammates for just over a few days now, all just enjoying the few days we had together after the World Cup, but me and her had decided to go for dinner away from the others just to spend some quality time together.
As we sit at the table waiting to be served, Lucy reaches over from opposite me, intertwining our fingers in a subtle but romantic way.
“You look gorgeous” She smiles, her thumb delicately brushing over my fingers.
“You don’t look too bad yourself” I giggle, her eyes burning into mine as she lets out a small chuckle.
“Y’know y-” Lucy begins to speak before she’s cut off by the waitress.
“Are you ready to order?” She smiles at me, and i peer down at the menu. My Spanish isn’t the best, so I order in English, letting her know what food I wanted. The waitress jots down my order with a small smile before turning to Lucy.
“-and for the pretty lady?” She says, watching Lucy carefully as her hand subconsciously leaves mine to pick up the menu. I giggle, Lucy is a pretty lady, there is no denying that. I don’t mind when others compliment her, especially knowing that shes mine. She deserves to know that she’s beautiful.
“What would you recommend?” Lucy asks as she looks back up at the waitress.
The waitress grins, placing her hand on the table besides my girlfriend as she leans over at the menu. She tucks a stray hair behind her ear before speaking.
“For you? I mean you cant go wrong with pasta. We have this-” she points “this tastes amazing, and its cooked specially by the head chef”
Lucy nods, “I’ll take your word for it”
The waitress takes note of our order before leaving and Lucy’s attention falls back on me.
“We’ve only got a few days left here and I want to make the most out of it, I was thinking tomorrow we could go to the beach- without the others obviously, I wanna spend as much time with y-”
“Wine- for you, hermosa” Lucy is cut off abruptly by the waitress placing one glass of white wine down on the table in front of Lucy. “Did you want a drink?” She then asks me.
My eyes narrow slightly, but still I keep my composure. Neither of us had ordered our drinks yet but she had come over with a glass for only my girlfriend. “Uh- yeah could I get a wine too please?” I ask with a small smile.
“One wine, is that all?” She asks and I nod.
After a short while our food arrives, “Pasta, for you-” she says, placing Lucys dish in front of her, “alllmost as beautiful as you” She says, earning a slightly awkward chuckle from Lucy. “And a pepperoni pizza for you” She states, placing my naff pizza in front of me. “Enjoy” She says, her hand resting briefly on Lucys shoulder before she leaves.
“What is her issue?” I blurt out earning a small look from Lucy.
“The waitress?” She asks, raising her brow slightly.
“Yeah. I don’t know. She’s acting strange.” I say as a shake my head a little.
Lucy shrugs, “no idea but this pasta looks incredible”
I roll my eyes. I was hardly ever the jealous type, but when tall, pretty, blonde waitress with a figure to die for very obviously has a thing for my girlfriend, its hard to not feel slightly annoyed. And when I look up to see her sat by the kitchen blatantly trying to catch Lucys eye, it only angers me even more.
“Shes staring at you” I state.
“Who?” Lucy frowns a little glancing round at the waitress.
“Don’t turn around, what the fuck?” I grab her hand, diverting her attention back to me.
Lucy looks at me with a small smirk.
“She probably just knows who I am” She chuckles. God her ego is so high, but i love it.
We finish our food in a comfortable silence, a few conversations about life together springing up between mouthfuls. Once we’re done, Lucy places my empty plate on top of hers and scoots them to the edge of the table and after a short while, the waitress returns.
“I see you’re helping me out” She grins at Lucy, motioning towards the plates that she had neatly stacked up to be taken. Lucy smiles at her “I try” she shrugs.
“Would you help me out in finding your instagram?” The waitress very confidently asks. Lucy looks up at her, her mouth open ever so slightly.
“Mine?” She asks in disbelief. The waitress nods.
“I- I mean yeah? Lucy replies, taking the waitresses phone. I watch her search for her own instagram before handing it back. I don’t think it meant anything, Lucy was just a people pleaser, but there’s a time and a place and that most definitely was not the right place - or time.
I sit back in my chair, my arms crossed as the waitress thanks Lucy. I had never been one to not stand my ground and so fighting the urge to say something was a fight I most definitely had lost.
“Do you wanna ask her to shag while you’re at it too?” I say under my breath, my eyes burning into the Blonde.
“Y/n?!” Lucy frowns at me in confusion. The waitress hadn’t heard it but Lucy definitely did. My eyes avert to Lucy with a cold glare, why on earth had she just given her her instagram right in front of my face. The waitress then thanks Lucy, giving her another small rub on the shoulder before leaving.
We were in the car in a not so comfortable silence. I must admit we were only in silence because I was in the worst mood known to man.
“You gonna speak or…?” Lucy strains out, her right hand rested on the steering wheel while her left placed comfortably on her thigh.
I stay silent.
“Y’know, jealousy looks quite nice on you” She states, earning a cold glare.
“What do you mean?” I frown, looking at her in complete disbelief.
“Jealousy. It looks good on you.” She states again before giving me a quick glance.
“If you think im jealous you can think again Lucy” I roll my eyes, shuffling slightly in my seat.
“Mkay” Lucy simply replies.
Once we arrive back at the villa we were renting, I take my shoes off, heading straight to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, Lucy following shortly behind. I feel her presence behind me as I lean over the sink.
“Whats wrong?” She asks softly, placing a small peck on my shoulder. I say nothing.
“Are you still jealous about that gir-”
“Lucy I told you, I’m not jealous.” I state before turning around. Lucy places her hands either side of me, resting comfortably on the counter behind me. She scans my face with a small smirk.
“I’ll take your word for it” She shrugs.
“Like you took her insta” I roll my eyes, earning a small chuckle.
“No. She took mine..”
“Luce?! You need to stop being so cocky about it because honestly it’s not a good look. We were on a date.. and she was all over you like a weeping back boil” I frown, attempting to cross my arm with my water still in my hand.
“So you are jealous” She grins at me, delicately taking my water from my hands and placing it behind me. “Why are you jealous?” She says lowly, her lips feathering against my neck. She cannot serious right now. The stubbornness in me heightened.
“Im not.” I state. Before giving her shoulders a small pat and worming out of the embrace she had me in.
I make my way to our bedroom and sit in defeat on the bed. I was kinda hoping she’d follow and maybe give me a cuddle, make me aware that there was absolutely nothing to worry about, but Lucy was so carefree. She probably didn’t mean anything by the whole interaction with the waitress, I just found it slightly disrespectful, but I knew I was being silly.
It takes Lucy a good half hour before she joins me, giving me a small light tipped smile as she slouches onto the bed besides me above the covers, before leaning over and giving me a quick peck on the lips. She could tell I still wasn’t in the best of moods, but I was slowly starting to get over the uncomfortable date we had had. That was until I saw her scroll through her insta notifications and hover over the new follow she had gotten. It was the waitress. Dont click on it. She clicked on it. She gave the waitresses insta a small skim over before swiping off. I was glad she didn’t follow back, but still I was annoyed. Not at Lucy, just the blonde.
I reach over, taking Lucys phone and locking it before placing it on the bedside table and very abruptly repositioning myself so that I was straddling my girlfriend. Lucy looks up at me in disbelief before opening her mouth to speak, “What are you doi-”
“Shut up.” I cut her off before smashing my lips onto hers.
It doesn’t take her long to widen her mouth, letting my tongue brush against hers, her hands instantly trailing along my thighs before resting on my ass. My tongue roamed her mouth as I took out almost all of my frustration out on her lips while the frustration in other places only grows. Lucy’s breath hitches as my lips trail down her neck, sucking harshly at the sensitive spot just below her ear as my hand creeps up under her shirt to squeeze at her breast. “Jesus christ, y/n” She groans out, her fingertips roaming my thighs and ass as I continue to make out with her neck, sucking and licking every one of her sweet spots. Her hands graze up my back, creeping their way under my shirt where her nails dig into my skin ever so seductively before coming back down to rest on my waist. Our lips meet again, more passionately than before, earning another small groan.
I felt her shuffle underneath me, her knees bending as she raises her hips slightly to try and get just a little bit of friction where she needed it most.
I reposition my legs so that I’m in between hers, before training my kisses down once more. Placing seductive but soft kisses back down her neck to her collarbone as I pull up her top, revealing her braless breasts. I try my hardest not to moan out at the sight of her as I dip my head down to suck delicately on her right nipple, my left hand working its magic on the other. Lucy’s nipples were always sensitive, and I knew that with just a small touch she’d be a complete and utter moaning mess. Her breath begins to shake as I caress her breasts, my tongue flicking against her nipple before my mouth moves on to the other. I feel her hand leave my hip and drag up my back before her fingers tangle in my hair, pulling at the roots sensually. Her hips buck slightly and I knew exactly where she needed me most.
My hands glide down her body as my lips find their way back to hers, my hand very swiftly slipping into her panties. She was wet. So wet. Just how I liked her.
I start to rub slow circles against her clit as her breath shakes and her eyes tighten shut. Her hands finding her way under the waistband of my shorts where they grip onto my ass tightly.
“Get your hands off me” I say, Lucy’s eyes widening in confusion. I smirk down at her. “Hands. Off”
She removes her hands from my shorts, holding them up by her head in defeat as my fingers pick up pace, earning the most leg clenching moan from my girlfriend. “What has gotten into you?!” She breathes out, before moaning against my lips. I pull my head away slightly.
“Jealousy.” I state, before my fingers plunge inside her.
Her back arches in pleasure, and at that moment she had no care for what I had to say, and to be honest, neither did I. I watch her squirm underneath me as my fingers curl inside her, hitting the spot she needed it most. “God, y/n” she moans out.
My fingers leave her as I kneel between her legs, pulling her shorts down her thighs and off her legs in a quick and swift motion. I gaze down at her slightly swollen clit, and oh how I wished my tongue against it right now.
She watches me in frustration as I tease her pussy. My fingers delicately grazing over her hole. “Y/n please..” She groans out as I stare at her.
I was hardly ever dominant with Lucy. But today was different. Today all I wanted to do was claim her as my own, make her know that shes mine and only mine.
My fingers slowly slip back inside her, moving slowly but harshly against her gspot. Soft moans escape her lips as I work my magic.
My other hand caressing her nipples, pinching, squeezing and rolling them in all the right ways as she squirms underneath me before it trails down between the valley of her breasts, down her stomach, and find their way to her clit. And with that I do everything I can to send her completely over the edge. “Y/n” She moans out, louder than before, the tension between my own legs only growing. “Let me touch you” She whimpers, her hands entering my shorts yet again.
“No” I say, as I slow down the pace of my fingers, briefly taking my fingers out of her to remove her hands from me. Lucy lets a small huff of defeat out as my fingers re enter her.
I curl my fingers inside her feeling her tighten around me, her back arching in pleasure. She was close, so close, but I could tell she was holding back. She wanted to touch me so bad, she’s a people pleaser - like I said. But she should have thought about that when she gave the flirty waitress her instagram earlier.
Her eyes tighten as I feel her clench around me and I quicken the pase of my fingers against her clit. Her body almost rolls over as she comes undone, moaning out my name in pleasure as she cums around my fingers, dripping down a little to my knuckles. She pants aggressively, small moans still escaping her lips as she comes down from her high and my fingers leave her body.
“Y/n, let me-” She quivers as her hands try to roam my body yet again.
“No, you’re not done yet” I cut her off, grabbing her wrists to lift her up, “get in the shower” I state, getting up off of the bed and dragging her with me.
I hear her let out a short giggle as she holds on to my hand and follows me into the bathroom, before spinning me round and pushing me up against the sink.
“Told you jealousy looks good on you” She grins down at me. I frown slightly.
“Knees. Now” I state, guiding her down by her shoulders.
She was in for it tonight.
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wosohermoso · 2 months
Lucy bronze smut. Reader gives Lucy lapdance. Dom Lucy
𝙨𝙚𝙭𝙮 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙣𝙪𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧 - 𝙡.𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙯𝙚
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warnings: smut. 18+ under the cut
“shots, shots, shots!”
a half drunk mapi yelled from her position on the couch with ingrid.
barely three hours ago, barcelona femeni had won the champions league for the second time in a row. the girls were all in various places throughout the rented hotel, but the majority were all gathered in the living space.
alexia walked over with a bottle of tequila and a couple of shot glasses, placing them down along with a box. it was a small rectangle shape, looked like a card game.
she opened it up and pulled out a deck of cards, separating them into two piles on the coffee table.
“truth or dare, chicas. if you can’t answer or don’t want to do it, you take a shot.”
it sounded fun and clearly everyone was on board with the idea so we got started. mapi was eager to go first and no one was arguing so she reached for a card.
“mapi you have to ask someone truth or dare first.”
ingrid corrected her tipsy girlfriend. mapi stopped in her tracks, paused then muttered.
“oh right.
um, ona, truth or dare.”
the young defender was sitting, perched on the corner of a different couch. she was almost completely sober, unlike most players in the hotel.
“truth, maría.”
she knowingly grinned at mapi, a drunk mapi choosing a silly dare for you was like signing your soul away.
while mapi grumbled about ona being ‘no fun’, i watched on. it took a whole round before lucy looked directly at me and asked me,
“truth or dare, y/n?”
she had a devilish look in her eyes, one that i knew all too well. while neither of us were dating anyone, we’d always had a thing for flirting with each other. that light flirting had quickly turned into a full-blown situationship.
none of the team knew, they suspected but we just brushed it off.
“dare, lucía.”
“give someone a lap dance.”
lucy didn’t miss a beat with her request, which she paired with a competitive expression. she was daring me to give her a lap dance or take a shot.
however, i was never one to back down from a challenge, so i stood up and promptly walked over to lucy. clearly she wasn’t expecting me to actually follow through, so she was slightly surprised by my movements.
i was well aware of the teams’ eyes on me, but my need to prove to lucy that i could do it outweighed the fear of being judged.
i started out slow, placing a hand on her shoulder, then grazing my fingertips along her collarbone.
i could see the tension that lucy’s body had taken on when i started touching her. she looked like a statue, frozen in time. like she was too scared to move. but i continued, eventually grinding myself down on her thigh. it was a struggle for me not to groan out like i would if it were just me and her.
i leaned in near the end and whispered in her ear,
“happy i took that dare, lucía?”
before i gracefully slid off of her and resumed my position on a corner of one of the couches. it was only then that i noticed the whole team staring at me and lucy, their eyes bouncing between the two of us.
i suddenly felt really small, and shrunk back down into a ball, just curled in the corner.
“y/n, your turn to ask someone.”
alexia’s voice broke through my thoughts, she smiled gently at me when i looked up. i probably looked like a deer in the headlights, or at least i felt like it.
“um, mapi. truth or dare?”
mapi took a bit to answer, ingrid having to help her, but she eventually got there.
“prank call someone.”
i’d never been good with thinking of fun dares, so i just said the first thing that i could think of, hoping it was okay.
in hindsight, asking a drunk mapi to prank call someone probably wasn’t the best thing to do. that would explain why ingrid convinced her to take a shot instead.
it was getting late then, so most of the girls had retired to their rooms. i slipped away from them all and went to the kitchen to grab a drink.
“what was that little party trick before, huh?”
i whipped around to find a slightly pissed off lucy. her eyes had gone darker, she looked ready to throw me over her shoulder and march me to the bedroom.
“i was just doing the dare.”
my voice was small, quiet, very unlike me.
“oh yea? what if i dared you to go lie on my bed, naked?”
my mouth went dry as soon as the words left her mouth. she was inching closer as we spoke, and i could feel the wetness pooling in between my legs.
“i’d say yes.”
a grin that could only be described as devilish grew on lucy’s face, and she whispered is my ear.
“meet you in my room in five.”
she left first, leaving me alone in the kitchen. i put my glass down, suddenly not needing the water anymore. quickly and quietly i made my way to lucy’s room, trying not to cause any noises.
the door was ajar when i got there and i slipped in silently.
lucy was standing by her closet, just hanging something up, when i walked in.
“you remember the traffic lights?.”
“you know what to do.”
she spared me little energy, going to shut the door behind me, even going as far as to lock it. i slipped my hoodie and sweats off, leaving me in just my bra and underwear.
i unclipped my bra and let that fall to the floor, leaving my underwear on until i’d climbed onto the bed.
lucy was watching my every move, waiting until i’d finished until she came over.
“underwear off, legs spread.”
i followed her instructions, baring my pussy to the cold air. i could feel the arousal between my legs, i needed some sort of friction.
lucy had knelt down, hands clasped around my thighs.
“you make one sound, and you are not coming tonight, sí?”
i nodded down at her.
she took that as her sign to go ahead, head dipping down and tongue licking up my arousal. not making a sound was easier said than done, the swirl of her tongue and pressure of her lips made every second a mix of pleasure and torture.
i could feel every time she moved her mouth, every time she pulled away, only to dive back in.
i had resorted to shifting my hips every so often, attempting to gain more friction. lucy’s strong hands limited how much to could move, however, they kept me in place.
“keep moving and see what happens.”
it was a simple sentence, but one that made me question whether i wanted to risk it.
i was desperate, so desperate.
“lucy, lucy please.”
i whispered to the woman between my thighs. she glanced up at me, raising an eyebrow. it was at that moment that she brought her fingers up and pushed one in.
my mouth dropped open at the intrusion, but she wasn’t giving me much time then she was pushing another in. she stopped at two, letting me adjust to the stretch and thrusting her long disgust in and out, a steady pace.
i could feel the coil tightening in my belly, the small amount of pressure that i needed a real ease for so badly.
“luce, im gonna-”
“-cum? i don’t know if you deserve to.”
“please, lucy, i’ve been good. please let me cum.”
“i don’t know, have you?”
i was nodding vigorously at this point, begging her to let me have the release i so desperately needed.
“once you cum, you won’t stop until i say so. are you sure you want to?”
“yes, please lucy. please?”
“okay, colour?”
“green, so green.”
she smirked down at me. and with a single thrust and a harsh suck of her mouth on my clit, i was tumbling over the edge of ecstasy.
lucy was true to her word, she pulled five orgasms from me that evening. safe to say i wasn’t walking for the next day.
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wosohermoso · 2 months
Lucy Bronze
Mi Casa Es Su Casa
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Warnings: Implied homophobia, FLUFF, none?
Lucy shows a level of affection that she has been holding back on for a while
“You ready?” I give Lucy a light tipped smile as she does the zipper up on her coat.
“Mhm” She nods, picking up the leash as my family dog Bessie follows her out of our home.
Lucy had been staying with my family for the past few days. It was the first time in a good while that we had been able to spend some quality time together. Despite having been together for over a year, the time we spent together in person was always hindered by however many days Lucy had away from training, which wasn’t as many as we liked, so we’d soak up as much time together when we could - for however long we could.
My family adored Lucy. My parents treated her like their own as soon as she stepped foot in our home for the first time, just as Lucy’s family did with me, and it was such a breath of fresh air knowing that our families adored us just the same. Being completely openly affectionate in front of them, though - was something Lucy struggled with - having been in past relationships in which her partners family were not okay with their daughter dating another girl.
Winter had hit with a vengeance, the misty air making the end of the walkways almost indecipherable. It was safe to say the pair of us were freezing.
I pull my scarf over my nose and mouth as we walk along the frosted path of the woodland park, Lucy’s hand intertwines with mine.
“I think I’m gonna help your mum prepare the roast when we get back” She states, her thumb brushing delicately over mine.
“Yeah?” I grin behind my scarf.
“M-yeah.” She nods. “Gotta show her I care, right?” She chuckles.
I giggle at the gesture, giving her hand a small squeeze as we continue on our walk.
Bessie trotted beside Lucy, still attached to her leash, while she sniffed around in the leaves.
“Alsooo-” Lucy drags out, stopping us in her tracks as she very carefully pulls me towards her.
“What?” I giggle as my hand glides effortlessly around my girlfriends waist.
Lucy pulls down my scarf as she leans down ever so slightly, placing her lips delicately against mine.
“I feel like I haven’t actually given you a proper kiss since being home” She breathes out, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear.
In that moment - I realised that although Lucy had been staying with us for just under a week, we hadn’t really shown each other that much affection away from my closed bedroom door. I hadn’t really thought about it, because I respected Lucy’s wishes of taking things slow while family were around, it’s something she was wary about and for valid reasons. With the both of us being one of, if not, the only members of our families that considered ourselves to be part of the lgbtq+ community, it was always going to be complex to navigate, even if our families didn’t care. Having people pretend that they don’t mind, but then bringing it up in unnecessary situations was something the both of us had had to deal with in the past. It was just something that played on her mind quite a bit, and that was completely okay.
“Home?” I tilt my head, admiring how the faint white hue of the crisp air made her eyes look all the more greener. I was in absolute awe of her.
“My home is your home” She tilts her head to mimic me.
“Mi casa es su casa” I state, before her lips once again, press against mine.
The kiss was deeper, all the more meaningful, as she brings my chin closer with her thumb and finger, before her hand slips behind my neck.
Her head tilts slightly as I feel her tongue brush against my lower lip, a small giggle leaving my mouth as I feel her grin against me. The brisk air against my face was very quickly masked by Lucy’s lips, as well as her embrace. Not only did she make me warm on the outside, but so warm inside without even realising.
I open my mouth just a little wider, allowing Lucy to deepen the kiss, our tongues slowly brushing against each other in passion and unison.
This kiss meant more to us than any other. It was soft, slow, and it felt like we were the only two people in the entire world.
That was until I felt Lucy jolt against me.
“M- what the fuck” She gasps as her lips leave mine.
Bessie jumps up at Lucy repeatedly, her muddy paws leaving almost perfect prints on her grey joggers.
Lucy cackles, giving me a short peck on the lips.
“Okay Bessie!” She laughs at my extra impatient dog. “Come on!” She grins as she begins to be dragged along by Bessie, her hand latching on to mine as we are unwilling lead away from our intimate situation.
“Wait.” Lucy turns to me. “One more” She pleads, giving me a soft peck on the lips.
“One more” She kisses me again, chuckling as Bessie drags her further and further away from me.
“Wait!” She pouts, attempting to give me one last peck before reluctantly continuing to walk.
“She’s a jealous lady, aren’t you Bess!” I laugh as I watch Bessie pull Lucy along the crystallised path.
“She doesn’t like her mama showing affection to others, she’s the one you have to watch out for!” I snort.
Lucy flashes me a playful eye roll.
“Mama? Sounds good” Lucy glances at me, a soft smile sweeping across her face before her eyes avert down to her feet.
The thought of - one day - having children with Lucy made my heart burst, and I could tell by the way that Lucy looked at me in that moment, that that was what was going through her mind.
“One day, Lucia” I give her hand a soft, reassuring squeeze.
“One day” She nods.
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wosohermoso · 2 months
Leah Williamson - Lets Go
Warnings: Smut (fingering, FxF sex) Fluff
Leah Williamson persuades reader to come back home mid way through a night out
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Theres not many people who I’d enjoy taking home after a night out. Casual sex isn’t really my forte. But when it came to Leah, my faux prude personality would always fly completely out of the window. Anything Leah wanted from me, Leah got - and this was never really something that I planned on bringing to light, but after a drunken kiss one night, a drunken mistake - that very quickly turned into drunken sex - we couldn’t quite deter ourselves from it happening again. And again. And again.
As the music blared through the speakers of the private nightclub, Leah’s hands gripped my waist in ways only the pair of us could translate.
“Lets go” She mutters.
I glance around the room through the drunken bodies until my eyes meet the door. We were only half way through the night but in truth, nothing was stopping us from leaving early.
Just as her fingers press down firmly on my hips I shuffle forward a little, pulling my body away from her grip before turning round to face the blonde.
“You’ll have to wait” I state, knowing that if we did leave, our un-attendance would strike up a few questions amongst our friends.
She cocks her head at me, something she did often when she knew that I knew what she wanted, her eyes dark with lust. I flash her a grin before heading off to speak to one of her teammates - Katie.
Leah follows, the both of us indulging in conversation with Katie, although my mind was elsewhere when Leah’s hand very smoothly slips from my lower back down to my ass.
There was no denying that her actions always caused an arousal, but right now - in front of her teammate - was the wrong time, and so I step aside slightly to let her hand fall from my body. I watch her tongue swipe her bottom lip as she watches me place the straw from my drink in my mouth to take a small sip, our eyes meeting for just a second before her attention is diverted back to Katie.
“I’m gonna to to the bathroom” I say to the both of them, handing Leah my cup which she takes willingly before I slip round her, my hand ever so discreetly sliding across her back as I leave.
As I stand in front of the mirror to sort out my hair the door of the empty bathroom opens. Leah slips in, her face almost flustered in neediness as she places both of our cups by the sink.
“We need to leave.” She states, creeping up behind me as she watches me through the mirror. Her hands finding themselves back on my hips, just as they were outside.
“Leah, I told you, you’re gonna have to wait” I speak, watching her hands glide up my sides as I tuck away the stray strands of my fringe behind my ears.
She doesn’t reply, ducking her head down slightly to leave a small, sensual kiss on the side of my neck, her eyes not once leaving mine through the mirror. She knew exactly what she was doing - She knew exactly how to make my knees buckle.
I turn around and scan her light features as her hands rest comfortably behind me, blocking me in between herself and the sink.
“You need to control yours-” I begin before she presses her lips against mine.
“No. I need you.” She breathes out, slipping her hand up between us to cup my jaw, bringing my face up towards hers to capture my lips once more. I could sense her neediness, and it was awfully amusing, having the England captain practically begging me to take her home to fuck, if only her peers knew she had this side to her.
Her lips attach to my neck, sucking softly at my sweet spot, the spot she knew would turn me into a complete mess. I tried not to crumble, but Leah had a way in making me completely uncontrollable. I huff.
“Come on then, Miss Williamson” I giggle as I take her hand, leading her back out to the sweaty crowd.
As we barge our way through the surge of bodies in the direction of the door, we’re stopped again by Katie.
“Where are you going?” She asks, confusion plastered on her face.
“Y/n doesn’t feel too good” Leah lies, “clearly too much to drink” She chuckles as Katie nods.
“Shit, are you ok?!” She asks me as I look up from the floor.
“I think I just need to get back home” I reply, Katie placing her hand on my cheek in a caring and friendly manner.
“Take care of her” She chuckles to Leah, completely falling for Leah’s stupid little lie.
“I will, don’t worry” Leah states as she places her hand on my back to lead me out of the club.
We both knew what ‘taking care of me’ would involve.
After a short taxi ride back to Leah’s apartment, I watch Leah fumble to put the key in the door, my hands creeping up from behind her to carefully graze up her torso as I begin to unbutton her shirt.
“What is it with you and pretending to not want to fuck me?” She chuckles as she swings open the door.
I giggle as I watch her kick her shoes off, me doing the same, before I push her up against the door. She lets out a quiet squeak as it slams behind her and my lips attack her neck.
As I undo her last button, my hands roam her uncovered torso, slipping her shirt off of her shoulders to reveal her breasts.
“No bra?” I raise a brow, feeling her hands roam up my thighs and under my skirt.
“No underwear?” She smirks as she lifts my skirt to reveal my ass.
Not wearing any underwear was risky, and although I had told Leah that she had to wait until the end of the night, I knew deep down that leaving early was what we were going to do - it always happened - and what more would she want than to know that for the entire time we were at the club, I had had nothing on underneath.
Leah’s lips crash onto mine, our mouths moving in sync as her tongue plays with mine.
I grab her breast, giving it a small squeeze before toying with her nipple and earning a small, but leg clenching moan.
Leah then takes my hand, dragging me through the apartment to her bedroom - one I was very familiar with - before slapping my ass harshly and bending me over her bed. She tugs down my skirt, my lower half completely on show.
“Jesus christ” I hear her mutter as I feel her hand graze up my inner thigh, stopping just at my heat where her fingers very delicately slide along my slit.
“You never answered my question about pretending to not want to fuck me” She breathes out as she feels how aroused I really was. The only thing she got, and would have ever gotten, is a moan in reply.
“Turn around” She demands, and I comply.
She slips off my top. It was not one that I needed to wear a bra with, but still, the look on her face when her eyes met my breasts was one that you could hang in a gallery.
She takes no time in dipping her head to attach her lips onto my nipple, her fingers squeezing at the other as I fall back onto the bed and she crawls on top of me.
Her tongue worked wonders on my nipples - they were always sensitive and she knew that - taking her time to pay attention to both of them fairly as my legs wrap around her waist.
“Le-” I moan out, my nails dragging up her toned back as she leaves sloppy kisses along my chest, trailing up my neck before kissing me once more.
“Leah please” I mutter as she uses her knee to grind against my heat. I was most definitely ruining her pants, but I was completely sure that she didn’t care in the slightest, groaning against my mouth.
Her lips trail back down my neck, down to my torso where she leaves a few painfully seductive marks before I watch her head very swiftly disappear between my legs.
She began to work her magic on my lower half, licking a frustratingly slow stripe between my folds as her eyes lock on to mine. I moan out in satisfaction as she picks up the pace, her tongue lapping against my clit, almost as if it was her last meal on death row. Her voice vibrates through me as she groans against me, sucking delicately, yet so ruthlessly on my bud as I feel her fingers toying with my hole.
“Leah please” I groan out.
“Please what?” She cocks her head - the way she always does as she slips a finger into me, manoeuvring her hand to curl the digit upwards against my gspot.
“Please-” I gasp as she teases me menacingly.
She slips in another finger as I hear her chuckle, her mouth toying with my clit again. She knew exactly how to please me.
Her fingers begin to move inside me, curling against the soft spot inside me - exactly where I needed them - as her tongue laps against me. She picks up the pace and in no time I am a complete and utter moaning mess.
My back arches against her as my fingers tangle in her hair. I prop myself up on my elbow as I watch her at her best, her eyes gazing up at me in complete lust. She smirks against me as she feels me coming undone her eyes not once leaving mine - until my elbow collapses out from underneath me and I release, moaning her name out in pleasure as I grind my heat against her mouth and fingers.
She continues to eat me out until im completely ridden of my high, panting aggressively as she laps up the mess shes made before she climbs back on top of me.
I was completely and utterly cum-drunk, my body completely limp as I fumble to undo the zip of her trousers.
“You-” She looks at me in amusement “-are a mess.” She chuckles as she kneels above me, undoing her zipper before ridding of the rest of her clothes.
“Your fault” I manage to breathe out as she climbs back on top of me, lifting one of my legs over her shoulder as she slots herself between them.
“No. Your fault for not leaving the club earlier.” She states as she begins to grind against me, her swollen clit - as well as her warm, slick arousal - gliding against mine.
Her cocky demeanour leaves her almost instantly as she rolls her hips into mine, her mouth parting in pleasure as I bring her head down to kiss her.
“Not so cocky now, huh?” I cock my head to mimic her seductive self as she collapses against me and moans out against my neck, using my body, my used and swollen parts, to get herself off.
I feel her actions get sloppy as she chases her own orgasm against me.
“Keep going baby” I usher, feeling her heat against mine as I buck my hips in unison against hers, catching a solid duetted rhythm as she moans out my name.
It doesn’t take her long before she comes undone, her body giving way on top of me as I feel her thighs shake against me. I hold her head against my shoulder, whispering sweet nothings in her ear before she peels herself off of me, her face red and sweaty in satisfaction.
“You’re gonna be the death of me y/n” She groans as she lifts herself off of me, the both of us extremely messy between the thighs.
I giggle, getting up from the bed as I take her hand and guide her to the bathroom, turning on the shower before getting in, the shaking blonde following suit.
As the water hits us, Leah’s kisses me hungrily. Our hands roaming each others bodies as we shower off. She groans into my mouth as my fingers graze along her overstimulated clit, rubbing circles gently against her as her hips buck into my hand.
“Fuck me..” She breathes out.
“Was that a statement? Or an request?” I smirk, watching her head roll back as my fingers slip inside her.
Its safe to say the night ended on a fair few more orgasms, and as we lay in bed, completely satisfied sexually, a text flashes up on Leah’s phone.
She lifts her head from my chest with a small grunt, her eyes squinting at the bright device as she reads out a text from Katie.
“Is Y/n feeling any better?” She snorts as she gazes up at me. I giggle, knowing that Katie was completely oblivious to the fact that her friend had actually taken me home to have sex with me.
I watch her text back.
To Katie: Yeah! Shes in safe hands :) how was the rest of the night?
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wosohermoso · 2 months
Lucy Bronze - Live Stream
Warnings: Fluff?, none
Lucy and readers relationship becomes known after Lucy accidentally shows affection during a live stream.
This one is really short I am sorryyyy
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It was five thirty in the evening and I had just propped up my phone ready for an instagram live. Being a content creator meant that I could indulge in my job - sometimes - from the comfort of my own home. I gathered all my ingredients on the counter as I kept a close eye on all of the followers and comments popping up on the screen.
“Hello everyone” I smile, half of my attention directed at trying to find the herbs in the cupboard above me. I was planning on cooking whilst live streaming, something I did quite often. Cooking brought me joy, and evidently brought joy to my viewers too.
Once I had gathered my ingredients, I sit myself down on the barstool - that I had taken from the other side of the kitchen - in front of the counter, to give the viewers a proper welcoming.
“Hey guys” I grin, my eyes flicking between the fair few comments that were already flying down the chat box.
[ Are you cooking?!
How are you y/n
Where is Lucy
What are you cooking?
Ily ]
“I’m cooking chicken wraps” I chuckle. “Quick and easy”
I scan the screen for more comments.
“Lucy should be on her way home I think. Shes been at training” I reply to the increasing amount of fans that were asking about her.
Myself and Lucy lived together. We had been living together for the past year as well as dating, but the public didn’t officially know that, although a lot of Lucy’s fans had suspicions. Being a content creator and advocate for women’s football meant that I was constantly online, and had very much noticed the edits that fans had made of the pair of us. A lot of the time I’d show Lucy and we’d giggle at them knowing that although our relationship was supposed to be private, the fans just knew.
I turn on the cooker and heat up a pan whilst chuckling at all the comments.
“Chicken, yes” I reply to someone who had re-asked what I was cooking, a lot of people answering for me in the chat box.
“I’m gonna get straight into it because I’m starving, but we can chat whilst I’m at it. Have you guys had your dinner yet?” I ask to engage with my viewers.
I begin cutting up the chicken, seasoning it with the herbs and spices that I had gathered from the cupboards before chucking it in the pan to fry off.
What have you done today
“Today-” I reply as I watch the chicken cook in the pan and recall my day. “I helped out with some promotion with the lionesses.. which will be up in a few days. And then I went to lunch with a few friends which was nice.. and now I’m just cooking dinner with you guys”
“So a busy day, but not too strenuous which is great” I laugh.
Once the chicken was cooked I throw in some peppers, add a tiny bit more seasoning and stir them all together. After a short while of speaking with my viewers I take everything out of the pan, reaching for the tortillas.
Just as I was spooning the mixture into a tortilla I hear the front door slam and a familiar pair of keys jingle through the house. I grin at the screen knowing that my viewers would be thrilled to know that Lucy was home.
[ Is that Lucy?
Where is Lucy
Dinner is served miss Bronze
“Hello” Lucy mumbles as her feet pad through the kitchen towards me.
“Tired?” I raise a brow and she pouts at me.
“Yeah” She huffs as she approaches me swiftly, heading straight into shot as she wraps her arms around me and gives me a small kiss on the side of the mouth. I panic slightly knowing that we were live, but not enough to show, as I carefully prize myself off of her.
“I’m live” I smile innocently, watching her head bolt in the direction of my phone.
“Oh-” She strains out, sitting down on the bar stool to look at the phone to try her very best to divert any attention on us away.
“Whats for dinner” She grins, looking knowingly at the comments as she tries to compose herself.
“Fajitas” I state, pursing my lips together at the flood of comments flying through my phone.
I continue to wrap up the fajita, handing one to Lucy as the pair of us watch the screen in bewilderment before Lucy gasps in excitement, grabbing the Fajita from my hands.
“The best thing-” She takes a bite, “about living with Y/n-” She swallows, “is that I am always fed well” She grins like a child at the screen, trying to completely ignore the comments.
The both of us look at each other. It was a knowing look. Neither of us had to say anything to know that the both of us were thinking the exact same thing. They know, no point hiding it.
Lucy places her hand on the small of my back to bring me in closer to her, my arm subconsciously draping over her seated shoulders as she brings the half eaten fajita to my mouth to let me have a bite.
“Yum.” She states placing a small peck on my jaw before lifting herself up from the stool.
I knew it🤭
We were right….
Oh.. my.. god ]
“I’m gonna go take a shower, i’ll leave you to deal with all of this” She laughs as she holds onto my waist to stable herself. “Save me some” She pleads with a small smile before peering down at the live stream.
“I will see you all in a sec” She says before heading off to shower.
I sit down on the stool, reading all the comments with an embarrassed, but relived smile. Maybe people knowing about us wasn’t too bad after all, even if it did come out in ways we didn’t plan.
“She’s gone to shower” I wince at all the comments.
“Yes, she’ll be back”
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wosohermoso · 2 months
Lucy Bronze
Jealousy pt. 2 - 18+
Warnings: smut, fluff, angst (they almost get caught)
Lucy gets jealous when reader is flirted with by another teammate on a night out.
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Me and Lucy were at the club with the rest of the lionesses, the music blaring through the speaker. We’d been seeing each other for the past few months but still weren’t official yet, no one else knew about our relationship and we had decided to keep it that way until it was completely obvious. Lucy enjoyed the privacy, but with nobody suspecting a thing, there wasn’t much I could do when others were slightly flirty.
We were sat at a booth with Lucy’s teammates, Leah and G, Lucy’s hand resting on my knee just under the table. We were in a risky position, but no one could see.
“Lets go dance” Leah beams at me from the other side of the booth, getting up swiftly from the table as Lucy’s hand leaves my leg.
“In a bit” I chuckle at the very visibly drunk footballer.
“Nooo, now” She pouts, heading for my side of the table and she grabs my wrists in attempt to drag me up.
“Shes not gonna take no for an answer Y/n” G laughs as im forced up out of the booth.
“Come on” Leah chuckles, “I won’t get too frisky”
I look back at Lucy who was looking up at me before heading off to the dance floor.
I was dancing with Leah. There was nothing more to it, just a friendly dance with one of Lucy’s best friends. I placed my hands respectfully on her hips as we swayed in unison to the music before she turns around to wrap her arms around my neck as we continue to dance away. Although to me it was nothing, I couldn’t help but notice Lucy watching me carefully, her teeth subconsciously chewing onto her straw before she takes a sip and continues with whatever conversation she was having with G.
“I need another drink, come on” Leah giggles, leading me away to the bar.
“Did I tell you.. that YOU- look amazing” Leah slurs out as she pokes me in the chest.
I chuckle, “You did, multiple times”
“Well- I’ll tell you again. You look amazing” Leah repeats herself, earning an amused laugh.
She places her hands on my shoulders to steady herself and I subconsciously hold onto her wrists.
“Why are you holding me like tha- are you flirting with me?” She giggles.
“No Leah, I’m trying to hold you up-”
“You are, you’re flirtin-”
“I’m not!” I chuckle as she frees herself from my grip to grab onto my hands before turning to a complete randomer at the bar.
“Shes flirting-” she nods towards me “You’re flirting with me” She giggles as our hands fight for playful dominance, “Don’t get too confid-”
Just as soon as whatever mishap between myself and Leah had started, it had very abruptly been finished as a pair of hands land on my hips.
“Lucy!” Leah beams, “shes been flirting all night”
Lucy doesn’t reply, giving my hips a small squeeze before speaking, “I’m going to the toilet, can you come?” she asks. With us all being girls, there was nothing necessarily wild about any of us heading to the bathroom together, so both me and Leah nod.
“I’ll come, lets all go” Leah replies for me and I just about hear Lucy huff from behind me over the music.
“You need to sit down, Leah, is what you need to do” Lucy chuckles before pointing over at G who waves from the booth, “Go see G” She says before guiding Leah away.
I turn to look at Lucy with a smile, she doesn’t smile back. “You okay?” I ask before she takes my hand and drags me through the crowd. I latch onto her left arm from behind her with my left hand, my right placed on her lower back as we fight our way through the sea of dancing people. Lucy doesn’t say a word, leading me to the empty bathroom before opening the door and shoving me up against it.
“Do you know how much I hate-” She mumbles as her lips attach to my neck, “-seeing you flirting with others?” She finishes, her teeth dragging across my skin as she begins to leave sloppy kisses along my throat, her fingers holding my chin in place as I breathe out.
“What do you mean?” I squeak turning my head slightly to the door, conscious that someone would walk in.
“You and Leah- flirting all night.” She states, “it drives me fucking crazy”
Her lips latch onto mine and theres no way in hell I’d ever want her to stop. I ease into the kiss as her hand leaves my chin, now resting comfortably on the back of my neck. Her tongue swipes at my lower lip, begging for entrance and I comply, opening my mouth and letting it slip in to fight with my own. Her hand trails up my stomach to my boob as she gives it a rough squeeze, pinching my nipple through the material of my top before her lips reattach themselves to my neck.
With the amount of alcohol we had both drank, as well as not being able to kiss or touch each other for the entire night, the both of us instantly turn into completely moaning and groaning messes.
Lucy drags her nails down my thigh, stopping at my knee before lifting it up against her hip, giving her enough leeway to push her hips into mine against the door as she grinds against me in frustration. Her other hand grabbing onto my breast before pulling my top down to reveal my nipple. I breathe out,
“Lucy, we’re gonna get caught”
“I don’t give a fuck” She mumbles as her tongue glides across my nipple, taking it in her mouth as she sucks lustfully. My eyes subconsciously roll back, grabbing at her top to try and pull it up before we hear the faint booming coming from behind the door, someone was coming in.
Lucy detaches herself from me and drags me to a stall, locking the door behind us and instantly closing the toilet lit to sit herself down. Her hands trail up my leg and under my skirt as the voices from both Leah and G enter the bathroom.
“Y/n?” G calls out. “Lucccyyyy” Leah slurs as I hear them opening the toilet doors in search for us.
Just as I was about to call out, I feel Lucy pull my panties to the side, her fingers gliding effortlessly along my slit and my voice gets caught in my throat. I look down at Lucy in disbelief as I watch her delicately caress me, the frustration in her eyes only growing.
“Y/n?” Leah calls out just as Lucy slips a finger into me. My mouth opens in pleasure as I watch Lucy gaze up at me, placing a kiss on my lower stomach as she watches me in awe. Her eyes follow mine carefully as she slips in another finger. She raises a brow, waiting for me to respond to Leah. She cannot be serious. She waits a small moment for me to speak before I shake my head in defeat, earning a small smirk as her fingers begin to move inside me.
“They’re not in here” I hear G mumble before I hear the taps turn on. “I need to redo my face” She then says and I watch Lucy frown.
Lucy gathers my skirt up at my stomach as she watches herself play with me. She takes a swipe at her lower lip before pulling me towards her just a little bit more and softly sucks on my clit.
I squeeze my eyes shut, the sensations of her tongue against me almost all too much, especially with two of her best friends just outside the door. Lucy lets out a small groan, not nearly loud enough for the others to hear, but loud enough for the vibrations of her voice to buzz against me. She curls her fingers slightly, looking up at me as she works her magic, her tongue lapping against my heat as she does the upmost to pleasure me. It was definitely working.
I feel my orgasm approaching and I do everything to not make any noise, although if I did, I don’t think Lucy would care in the slightest. I wasn’t ready to be caught being eaten out by her teammates though.
Lucys fingers brush against my gspot repeatedly as I feel myself clench around them. Lucy could tell I was close, grabbing me and spinning me round before placing me on her lap, her fingers leaving me briefly. How the other two couldn’t hear the shuffling about was beyond me, but then again they were both pretty drunk.
Lucy holds me against her as she lifts my skirt again, rubbing rough circles against my clit. My head rolls back to rest on her shoulder as my breathing gets heavy. “If they open the door you’ll be completely on show” she whispers in my ear as her fingers plunge back into me. My walls clench around her and after a few more strokes against my gspot i come undone, shaking uncontrollably against her. She leaves sloppy kisses against my neck as she lets me come down from my high in her lap.
Her fingers leave my body and we sit in silence fore a few moments, my breathing still slightly uncontrollable, G and Leah leaving the bathroom just as I had come undone. Lucy brings her fingers up to my mouth, letting me taste her achievement as I sit against her in complete defeat.
“Maybe think about your actions next time you flirt with my friends” She breathes in my ear, her hands softly caressing my thighs.
“Well if this is what I get for flirting with your friends then maybe I should do it more often” I chuckle as I lift myself off of her.
“Absolutely not.” Lucy warns before giving me a quick peck on the lips, unlocking the toilet door and following me to the sinks.
“You’re gonna have to return the favour when we get home though, look what you’ve done to me” She states as she guides my hand into her trousers, letting me feel how wet she was after pleasuring me. I audibly moan at the thought, before someone else enters the bathroom and my hand slips out from her underwear.
“C’mon” She chuckles as she leads me back outside.
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wosohermoso · 2 months
Lucy Bronze
Jealousy - 18+
Warnings: smut (fingering), fluff, angst
Reader gets jealous when a waitress tries to hit on Lucy. (Do i make a pt.2 where Lucy gets jealous?)
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Myself and Lucy hadn’t been dating long, our relationship still a secret from most people besides our close friends and family. We hadn’t actually planned on telling anyone so soon considering it had only been a few months, but with being around Lucy’s friendship circle and teammates, word of us being together kind of just - spread - although we were in no means trying to hide it.
We had been on holiday in Spain with a few of Lucy’s teammates for just over a few days now, all just enjoying the few days we had together after the World Cup, but me and her had decided to go for dinner away from the others just to spend some quality time together.
As we sit at the table waiting to be served, Lucy reaches over from opposite me, intertwining our fingers in a subtle but romantic way.
“You look gorgeous” She smiles, her thumb delicately brushing over my fingers.
“You don’t look too bad yourself” I giggle, her eyes burning into mine as she lets out a small chuckle.
“Y’know y-” Lucy begins to speak before she’s cut off by the waitress.
“Are you ready to order?” She smiles at me, and i peer down at the menu. My Spanish isn’t the best, so I order in English, letting her know what food I wanted. The waitress jots down my order with a small smile before turning to Lucy.
“-and for the pretty lady?” She says, watching Lucy carefully as her hand subconsciously leaves mine to pick up the menu. I giggle, Lucy is a pretty lady, there is no denying that. I don’t mind when others compliment her, especially knowing that shes mine. She deserves to know that she’s beautiful.
“What would you recommend?” Lucy asks as she looks back up at the waitress.
The waitress grins, placing her hand on the table besides my girlfriend as she leans over at the menu. She tucks a stray hair behind her ear before speaking.
“For you? I mean you cant go wrong with pasta. We have this-” she points “this tastes amazing, and its cooked specially by the head chef”
Lucy nods, “I’ll take your word for it”
The waitress takes note of our order before leaving and Lucy’s attention falls back on me.
“We’ve only got a few days left here and I want to make the most out of it, I was thinking tomorrow we could go to the beach- without the others obviously, I wanna spend as much time with y-”
“Wine- for you, hermosa” Lucy is cut off abruptly by the waitress placing one glass of white wine down on the table in front of Lucy. “Did you want a drink?” She then asks me.
My eyes narrow slightly, but still I keep my composure. Neither of us had ordered our drinks yet but she had come over with a glass for only my girlfriend. “Uh- yeah could I get a wine too please?” I ask with a small smile.
“One wine, is that all?” She asks and I nod.
After a short while our food arrives, “Pasta, for you-” she says, placing Lucys dish in front of her, “alllmost as beautiful as you” She says, earning a slightly awkward chuckle from Lucy. “And a pepperoni pizza for you” She states, placing my naff pizza in front of me. “Enjoy” She says, her hand resting briefly on Lucys shoulder before she leaves.
“What is her issue?” I blurt out earning a small look from Lucy.
“The waitress?” She asks, raising her brow slightly.
“Yeah. I don’t know. She’s acting strange.” I say as a shake my head a little.
Lucy shrugs, “no idea but this pasta looks incredible”
I roll my eyes. I was hardly ever the jealous type, but when tall, pretty, blonde waitress with a figure to die for very obviously has a thing for my girlfriend, its hard to not feel slightly annoyed. And when I look up to see her sat by the kitchen blatantly trying to catch Lucys eye, it only angers me even more.
“Shes staring at you” I state.
“Who?” Lucy frowns a little glancing round at the waitress.
“Don’t turn around, what the fuck?” I grab her hand, diverting her attention back to me.
Lucy looks at me with a small smirk.
“She probably just knows who I am” She chuckles. God her ego is so high, but i love it.
We finish our food in a comfortable silence, a few conversations about life together springing up between mouthfuls. Once we’re done, Lucy places my empty plate on top of hers and scoots them to the edge of the table and after a short while, the waitress returns.
“I see you’re helping me out” She grins at Lucy, motioning towards the plates that she had neatly stacked up to be taken. Lucy smiles at her “I try” she shrugs.
“Would you help me out in finding your instagram?” The waitress very confidently asks. Lucy looks up at her, her mouth open ever so slightly.
“Mine?” She asks in disbelief. The waitress nods.
“I- I mean yeah? Lucy replies, taking the waitresses phone. I watch her search for her own instagram before handing it back. I don’t think it meant anything, Lucy was just a people pleaser, but there’s a time and a place and that most definitely was not the right place - or time.
I sit back in my chair, my arms crossed as the waitress thanks Lucy. I had never been one to not stand my ground and so fighting the urge to say something was a fight I most definitely had lost.
“Do you wanna ask her to shag while you’re at it too?” I say under my breath, my eyes burning into the Blonde.
“Y/n?!” Lucy frowns at me in confusion. The waitress hadn’t heard it but Lucy definitely did. My eyes avert to Lucy with a cold glare, why on earth had she just given her her instagram right in front of my face. The waitress then thanks Lucy, giving her another small rub on the shoulder before leaving.
We were in the car in a not so comfortable silence. I must admit we were only in silence because I was in the worst mood known to man.
“You gonna speak or…?” Lucy strains out, her right hand rested on the steering wheel while her left placed comfortably on her thigh.
I stay silent.
“Y’know, jealousy looks quite nice on you” She states, earning a cold glare.
“What do you mean?” I frown, looking at her in complete disbelief.
“Jealousy. It looks good on you.” She states again before giving me a quick glance.
“If you think im jealous you can think again Lucy” I roll my eyes, shuffling slightly in my seat.
“Mkay” Lucy simply replies.
Once we arrive back at the villa we were renting, I take my shoes off, heading straight to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, Lucy following shortly behind. I feel her presence behind me as I lean over the sink.
“Whats wrong?” She asks softly, placing a small peck on my shoulder. I say nothing.
“Are you still jealous about that gir-”
“Lucy I told you, I’m not jealous.” I state before turning around. Lucy places her hands either side of me, resting comfortably on the counter behind me. She scans my face with a small smirk.
“I’ll take your word for it” She shrugs.
“Like you took her insta” I roll my eyes, earning a small chuckle.
“No. She took mine..”
“Luce?! You need to stop being so cocky about it because honestly it’s not a good look. We were on a date.. and she was all over you like a weeping back boil” I frown, attempting to cross my arm with my water still in my hand.
“So you are jealous” She grins at me, delicately taking my water from my hands and placing it behind me. “Why are you jealous?” She says lowly, her lips feathering against my neck. She cannot serious right now. The stubbornness in me heightened.
“Im not.” I state. Before giving her shoulders a small pat and worming out of the embrace she had me in.
I make my way to our bedroom and sit in defeat on the bed. I was kinda hoping she’d follow and maybe give me a cuddle, make me aware that there was absolutely nothing to worry about, but Lucy was so carefree. She probably didn’t mean anything by the whole interaction with the waitress, I just found it slightly disrespectful, but I knew I was being silly.
It takes Lucy a good half hour before she joins me, giving me a small light tipped smile as she slouches onto the bed besides me above the covers, before leaning over and giving me a quick peck on the lips. She could tell I still wasn’t in the best of moods, but I was slowly starting to get over the uncomfortable date we had had. That was until I saw her scroll through her insta notifications and hover over the new follow she had gotten. It was the waitress. Dont click on it. She clicked on it. She gave the waitresses insta a small skim over before swiping off. I was glad she didn’t follow back, but still I was annoyed. Not at Lucy, just the blonde.
I reach over, taking Lucys phone and locking it before placing it on the bedside table and very abruptly repositioning myself so that I was straddling my girlfriend. Lucy looks up at me in disbelief before opening her mouth to speak, “What are you doi-”
“Shut up.” I cut her off before smashing my lips onto hers.
It doesn’t take her long to widen her mouth, letting my tongue brush against hers, her hands instantly trailing along my thighs before resting on my ass. My tongue roamed her mouth as I took out almost all of my frustration out on her lips while the frustration in other places only grows. Lucy’s breath hitches as my lips trail down her neck, sucking harshly at the sensitive spot just below her ear as my hand creeps up under her shirt to squeeze at her breast. “Jesus christ, y/n” She groans out, her fingertips roaming my thighs and ass as I continue to make out with her neck, sucking and licking every one of her sweet spots. Her hands graze up my back, creeping their way under my shirt where her nails dig into my skin ever so seductively before coming back down to rest on my waist. Our lips meet again, more passionately than before, earning another small groan.
I felt her shuffle underneath me, her knees bending as she raises her hips slightly to try and get just a little bit of friction where she needed it most.
I reposition my legs so that I’m in between hers, before training my kisses down once more. Placing seductive but soft kisses back down her neck to her collarbone as I pull up her top, revealing her braless breasts. I try my hardest not to moan out at the sight of her as I dip my head down to suck delicately on her right nipple, my left hand working its magic on the other. Lucy’s nipples were always sensitive, and I knew that with just a small touch she’d be a complete and utter moaning mess. Her breath begins to shake as I caress her breasts, my tongue flicking against her nipple before my mouth moves on to the other. I feel her hand leave my hip and drag up my back before her fingers tangle in my hair, pulling at the roots sensually. Her hips buck slightly and I knew exactly where she needed me most.
My hands glide down her body as my lips find their way back to hers, my hand very swiftly slipping into her panties. She was wet. So wet. Just how I liked her.
I start to rub slow circles against her clit as her breath shakes and her eyes tighten shut. Her hands finding her way under the waistband of my shorts where they grip onto my ass tightly.
“Get your hands off me” I say, Lucy’s eyes widening in confusion. I smirk down at her. “Hands. Off”
She removes her hands from my shorts, holding them up by her head in defeat as my fingers pick up pace, earning the most leg clenching moan from my girlfriend. “What has gotten into you?!” She breathes out, before moaning against my lips. I pull my head away slightly.
“Jealousy.” I state, before my fingers plunge inside her.
Her back arches in pleasure, and at that moment she had no care for what I had to say, and to be honest, neither did I. I watch her squirm underneath me as my fingers curl inside her, hitting the spot she needed it most. “God, y/n” she moans out.
My fingers leave her as I kneel between her legs, pulling her shorts down her thighs and off her legs in a quick and swift motion. I gaze down at her slightly swollen clit, and oh how I wished my tongue against it right now.
She watches me in frustration as I tease her pussy. My fingers delicately grazing over her hole. “Y/n please..” She groans out as I stare at her.
I was hardly ever dominant with Lucy. But today was different. Today all I wanted to do was claim her as my own, make her know that shes mine and only mine.
My fingers slowly slip back inside her, moving slowly but harshly against her gspot. Soft moans escape her lips as I work my magic.
My other hand caressing her nipples, pinching, squeezing and rolling them in all the right ways as she squirms underneath me before it trails down between the valley of her breasts, down her stomach, and find their way to her clit. And with that I do everything I can to send her completely over the edge. “Y/n” She moans out, louder than before, the tension between my own legs only growing. “Let me touch you” She whimpers, her hands entering my shorts yet again.
“No” I say, as I slow down the pace of my fingers, briefly taking my fingers out of her to remove her hands from me. Lucy lets a small huff of defeat out as my fingers re enter her.
I curl my fingers inside her feeling her tighten around me, her back arching in pleasure. She was close, so close, but I could tell she was holding back. She wanted to touch me so bad, she’s a people pleaser - like I said. But she should have thought about that when she gave the flirty waitress her instagram earlier.
Her eyes tighten as I feel her clench around me and I quicken the pase of my fingers against her clit. Her body almost rolls over as she comes undone, moaning out my name in pleasure as she cums around my fingers, dripping down a little to my knuckles. She pants aggressively, small moans still escaping her lips as she comes down from her high and my fingers leave her body.
“Y/n, let me-” She quivers as her hands try to roam my body yet again.
“No, you’re not done yet” I cut her off, grabbing her wrists to lift her up, “get in the shower” I state, getting up off of the bed and dragging her with me.
I hear her let out a short giggle as she holds on to my hand and follows me into the bathroom, before spinning me round and pushing me up against the sink.
“Told you jealousy looks good on you” She grins down at me. I frown slightly.
“Knees. Now” I state, guiding her down by her shoulders.
She was in for it tonight.
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wosohermoso · 2 months
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Muscles | Lucy Bronze
Warning smut 18+, dom!Lucy, sub!reader, fingering, ab-riding, cunnilingus
You hated gym days. With a passion.
It wasn’t that you hated the exercise, it was the fact that Lucy would show off her muscles and you couldn’t do anything.
Since you started dating Lucy them three years ago, you shared the facet you loved her muscles.
So when in the gym, lucy would wear a short sleeved shirt, the sleeves rolled up on her arms, showing her biceps and would constantly wipe her face with her shirt, showing off her abs.
Everyone knew it was to wind you up, it was a well known fact around the team.
You were stretching with Niamh whilst Lucy was doing weights.
You and Niamh were deep in conversation but as Lucy lifted her shirt for the first time that day, you couldn’t help but stare at her abs.
You’d seen them plenty of times before, but every time you saw them, you were amazed.
“Y/N? Did you hear me? Or are you too busy staring at Lucy?” Niamh teased you, knowing she’d caught you out.
“She does it on purpose.” You whined as you clearly saw Lucy smirking at your reaction.
“Just ignore her.” Niamh shrugged, not knowing just how hard it is for you to ignore it.
“You don’t understand, Niamh. She does it on purpose knowing that we can’t exactly do anything on camp.” You admitted, Niamh’s eyes widening as the realisation hit.
“Ohh. Thats why it’s so hard for you. You’re a naughty girl, Y/N.” Niamh teased you, purposefully trying to wind you up.
“Go away, Niamh.” You complained and walked away from her, leaving Niamh in a fit of laughter.
“Luce, please stop it.” You begged as you approached Lucy.
“Stop what, darling?” She asked, trying to act all innocent.
“You know what. It’s unfair.” You continued to complain as you rested your head on her shoulder, your whole body just wanting her touch. “I need you, Luce, and you can’t do anything so please stop it.”
“Who said we can’t do anything?” Lucy mumbled into your ear, a smirk appearing on her face.
“It’s obvious why we can’t.” You replied, looking around at all your teammates.
“Our rooms on the very top floor, everyone’s down here. If we slip out now, no one will know we’ve gone.” Lucy explained and took a hold of your hand, beginning to walk you both out of the gym.
“Luce, are you sure no one will know?” You asked her, escaping the smell of sweat and your teammates in the gym.
“I promise, babe. No one will know.” Lucy responded, pushing you to the wall and placing her lips on yours. “Jump.” You obeyed, jumping and placing your legs round her waist as she carried you towards the elevator.
“We can do this but you have to be quiet. I know everyone is downstairs but just in case someone walks by.” Lucy said, out of breath, as the elevator door closed.
“I’ll be quiet.” You agreed before connecting your lips with hers.
You moaned into the kiss as Lucy bit down on your bottom lip, entering her tongue.
The door opened and fortunately, no one was there waiting.
Lucy expertly made her way to your room without looking and disconnecting your lips.
Your breaths were heavy as Lucy searched for the key card, quickly finding it before walking into the room.
“Luce, please.” You begged for her to hurry up, desperate for her to do something, anything.
“Patience, babe.”
Lucy pushed you onto the bed, her climbing on top of you before leaning down to attack your neck.
You moaned as you watched her muscles harden.
Reaching out to wrap a hand around her biceps, Lucy reached for the bottom of your shirt, pulling it over your head.
Lucy groaned as you squeezed her bicep, the feeling of your hand on her muscles sending pleasure through her body.
She reached for your back, unclipping your bra with one hand and it fell of you.
At the same time, you reached for the bottom of Lucy’s shirt, pulling it off her to reveal her toned abs.
Lucy made her way to your breasts, your nipples hardening as Lucy’s tongue swiped over them.
Her name fell from your mouth as a whimper, desperate for her to hurry up.
Lucy left marks all down your body as she took your shorts and underwear off.
“My pretty girl.” Lucy mumbled as she planted a kiss on the inside of your thighs. “Remember, you have to be quite okay. I know it’s going to be hard but you can do it.”
You nodded your head in response, unable to form a sentence. The only thing on your mind was the thought of pleasure running through your body.
You let out a scream of pleasure, quickly wrapping your hand over your mouth, as Lucy made contact with your core.
“That’s it, pretty girl. Keep quiet, okay?” Lucy mumbled into your pussy, the vibrations sending waves of pleasure through every part of your body.
Your moans were muffled as Lucy continued to eat you out.
Lucy was an expert when it came to eating you out.
Her tongue knew exactly where to go, she knew exactly how much pressure you needed in order to cum.
As Lucy’s mouth wrapped around your clit, gently sucking on it, you let a cry, desperately wanting her to know how she was making you feel.
“Luce, I’m close. ‘m gonna cum, baby.” You managed to get out, your body starting to shake with pleasure.
“Be a good girl and make a mess for me.” Lucy murmured, before adding extra pressure on your clit to make you tumble over the edge.
With a small cry of Lucy’s name, you let go, coming all over Lucy’s face.
“Good girl.” Lucy praised, coming face to face with you and leaning down to kiss you.
You moaned into the kiss, tasting your self on her lips and tongue.
Somehow, without separating your lips, Lucy flipped you both so you were now straddling her legs.
Your hands made their way to her abs, outlining them as they tensed up.
“You love them, don’t you?” Lucy smirked, her hands landing on the back of yours.
You nodded, openly sharing the fact you did.
“Good, cause I want you to ride them.” Lucy revealed, and leant back in the pillows.
You nodded, obeying Lucy’s command, placing yourself on top of her abdomen.
Lucy rested her hands on either side of your waist, squeezing them as she helped you begin.
You started rocking your hips gently, your arousal spreading all over her abs making it easy for you to slide over them.
Your clit rubbed perfectly against her abs.
You threw your head back in pleasure and Lucy took that as an advantage to wrap her hand around your neck.
Her other hand tightened on your waist, increasing the speed of your movements.
“You’re doing so good for me, love.” She praised as you felt yourself getting closer and closer.
Lucy felt it too, she could feel your pussy clench as you continued to ride on her abs.
She let go of your neck and placed her hand back on its original spot on your hip, lifting you up from her abs.
“Luce, no! I was so close.” You whined, your breath uneven and erratic.
“I know, babe, but I’m going to make you feel better. I promise.” Lucy said, and you nodded your head, just wanting to feel pleasured.
Lucy flipped you so you were below her.
Her arms tensed up as she used it to support it.
Her fingers traced down the side of your body before they made their way to your pussy.
She entered one finger, kissing you as she inhaled the moans that left your mouth.
Your head was thrown all the way back as soon as she entered a second.
“You’re such a good girl. Taking my fingers.”
Lucy’s thrusts became quicker and harder as she made it her mission to throw you off the edge.
“Luce… I…” You tried to get out but failed.
“I can feel, love. Go on. Cum.” She commanded and with that, your whole body trembled, your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
“Fuck, Luce. That was incredible.” You told her, out of breath, as she rested her head on your chest.
“You’re incredible, baby.” She said, and a smile arose on both got our faces.
“Dinners ready! But from the sounds of it, I think Lucy’s already had her dinner.” You heard Millie shout from behind the door and the laughs of Millie and Rachel filled the corridor.
“Shit.” You said as you looked down at Lucy.
“Shit indeed.”
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wosohermoso · 3 months
Embarrassing Moments
Hi. So this is my first real fic I've written but yeh. This is inspired by mine and @lyak12 's ramblings and daydreamings hehe.
Anyways, I don't think there are any warnings - it gets a little suggestive but no outright smut (if you get me) anyways here it is
TW: Suggestive (no outright smut - lead up to it)
Word count: 3357
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You had done it. Champions of Europe. You felt bodies land on you, causing you to stagger forwards. It hadn’t sunk in yet, and you weren’t quite sure you wanted to. This daze, this elation. You finally understood was Lucy was talking about, you wanted it again. She had always said as soon as she won something it was onto the next thing. And she was right. You had missed out on the Euros through injury, but you knew you wanted this feeling to never stop and to replicated it in a few months with the 3 Lions on your chest. Missing out on the Euros was saddening but getting to watch the entire tournament as a fan was an experience you hadn’t been able to do for a long time. But this joy was something else. Knowing that it was you that helped drag your team over the finish line. Knowing that you contributed to this win.
‘Oh, my fucking god!’ Keira screamed, arms wrapping round your shoulders.
‘Oh, my fucking god!’ You laughed, finally coming down to earth a little bit – at least enough to soak up the moment.
You were passed around from person to person. Sweaty hugs, sloppy kisses planted on cheeks, laughter and shouts coming from all directions. It wasn’t until familiar strong arms gripped you tightly that your head finally came out of the clouds.
‘Campeones de Europa,’ you said softly as you grinned up at her. ‘What’s this title? Number 4?’ She laughed
‘Eh. This one’s the most special.’ She replied. You furrowed your eyebrows at her, cocking your head to the side. ‘I’ve got you to celebrate with me’.
‘Oh, dear lord, Luce. So bloody cheesy’.
‘What can I say? I’ve got a trophy. And another champions league medal’. You rolled your eyes. She was always joking that out of all the medals and titles she’d won, you were her best prize.
You stood side by side as you clapped for Wolfsburg. Despite not knowing many of them personally, you knew how hard this would be for them. You didn’t doubt they would be back with a vengeance next year. Suddenly, it was your turn. Aitana was in front of you, beaming away and prattling something in Catalan. You couldn’t understand it, but you didn’t care. She was happy and that’s all that mattered.
Lucy was behind you – a hand dangerously low on your waist as she gently pushed you towards the officials. ‘Gracias,’ you murmured as a medal was slipped round your neck. You felt so much pride as you stepped up to kiss the trophy. Barcelona’s trophy. Your trophy. You took your place on the podium and pressed yourself into Lucy’s side. More shouts and cheers rang out as confetti rained down.
‘Hey.’ Lucy called to get your attention. You were trying to find your family – you had seen them briefly yesterday but, like all match days didn’t look for them in the crowd before the game. You turned, smiling when you realised just how close you were to her body. Hard muscles, soft skin, and that unique Lucy scent – a little sweaty, floral undertones from her shampoo and body wash and something undeniably Lucy. It was intoxicating. ‘I’m going to kiss you now. Okay?’ You think it was a question but the way she said it was a statement. Her hands threaded through you hair. The slightest nod was all she allowed before her lips were on yours. You heard cheers from the crowd and teammates alike and fervent camera clicks.
‘That’s…’ you breathed out when you parted. ‘That’s ... we're gonna break the internet.’ You weren’t really concerned. You had never hidden your 3-year relationship, but you had never been a fan of PDA, especially during a game.
 ‘Good.’ She smiled that breath-taking grin, pressing another kiss to your lips, before whisking you off to find your families.
‘You know …’ Lucy trailed off a little while later. You were back in the hotel lobby. Her arms wrapped around you as her fingers dipped below the waistband of your shorts. ‘I’ve been thinking’. You could tell exactly what she was thinking about. Her eyes had been slowly darkening since the dressing room. You had taken off your shirt (the sweaty material was sticking to you in a way that was slowly becoming too much) and danced around with Patri and Pina, screaming Spanish lyrics you only half understood – alcohol working wonders to slowly take away your inhibitions and reservations.
‘Oh no, that’s never good.’ You joked. You had eased up on the alcohol after the changing rooms. You didn’t want to be too drunk that you couldn’t experience the celebrations. Lucy was still nursing a beer, but you knew she was nowhere near drunk.
‘Ha ha,’ She said sarcastically. She readjusted the pair of you, your hands moving to fiddle with the loose hairs at the nape of her neck. ‘I was thinking we should set a new record…’ She waited for you to get what she meant. You looked confused for a moment, her eyebrow raising in response. It clicked. She wanted to beat your previous orgasm record. After the Euros you had gone, round after round, until you finally tapped out at 5 am. ‘It was seven for you after the Euros, right? Combined total of 11? I don’t think we’ve beaten that since then. But I have a feeling… tonight is the night. We’re going for 8… maybe even 9.’ The way she was talking so casually about your previous sex-capades had you blushing scarlet. You weren’t a prude per say but you weren’t as open as Lucy - never really spilling your secrets to your friends, often sporting a bright blush on your cheeks as stories were swapped across the changing rooms. You looked around, but no one was paying attention. Alexia had already dragged Olga off, and it looked like Mapi and Ingrid weren’t too far away either. You could see a hint of lime green disappearing around a corner, so you assumed Jill and Jana were making themselves scarce.
You couldn’t wait any longer. You pushed yourself up onto your toes and smashed your lips into Lucy’s. It wasn’t a pretty kiss. It was intense. Tongues and teeth clashing. Incredibly indecent and not at all appropriate for a public space. But you couldn’t find it in you to care.
‘Take me to bed’. You whispered. You were surprised she heard you – the music was loud and the conversations even louder.
‘Your wish is my command, princess’. The honorific had you clenching you thighs in anticipation of what was to come. The lift was torturous, the walk back to your room agonising, the wait as she fiddled with the key card was unbearable. But finally … finally, you were in your room.
You saw the intensity in Lucy’s eyes as you made your way passed her. It was a little overwhelming you, so to avoid her gaze, you played with the medal that was still swinging around your neck. ‘Your first Champions League title.’ You smiled, quietly proud of the achievement. You had come to Barcelona from your childhood club, Man City, as part of the exodus of players that left the club in the summer. You had never been the receiver of individual awards – not like Lucy who had probably hundreds of accolades to her name. But this felt special. Yes, it was a team award, but you were coming off of an injury that had prevented you from having the euro call up. The Spanish media had started calling you ‘la creadora de juego. ‘The playmaker’. You had been instrumental in most goals this season, either direct assists or making initial runs and occasionally tapping them in yourself. This felt like your medal.
‘I am so proud of you’. Lucy snapped you out of your daze with a gentle hand on your cheek. Whilst you were zoning out, she had stripped out of her top and shorts. It was a sight to see. It had you dizzy at the thought out what that body would do to you and what you could do to it. Thick thighs you could get yourself off on. Defined abs that would clench as you sent her flying over the edge. Strong arms that would hold you to her as she caught her breath again. Rough but soft hands that could have you teetering on the precipice in mere moments.
‘Te voy a follar hasta que veas estrellas.’ That had your head spinning even more. She was well aware of what her use of Spanish did to you and frequently used it to her advantage. I’m going to fuck you until you see stars. God, you hoped so. You let out a shaky breath. ‘Traffic lights?’ She asked, an eyebrow raised in expectation. You cleared your throat. You knew you had to be confident when you told her what the system meant.
‘Green means I’m good. Yellow means slow down. Red means stop’. Your voice was a little shaky.
‘Good girl’. Your heart fluttered as she leant down.
‘I’m not going to hold back.’ She reminded you. Her lips working on your neck leaving dark marks in their wake.
‘I don’t want you too’ You replied as you settle against the pillows. You could feel a smile against your naval as she descended down your body.
The sun is what awoke you the next morning. You were on your front, arms thrown over Lucy as your head rested on her outstretched arm. Her face was turned away from you, but you could already see the damage you had done to her neck. The crisp white sheet contrasted greatly against her tanned skin, but even though it covered her from her waist, you could still see the darkening splotches that you had bitten and sucked into her skin. You doubt you looked much better. You tried to shift so you could shower away the stickiness on your skin, but you couldn’t move. Lucy was facing away from you, her other hand resting on her stomach, so she couldn’t be blamed for whatever was keeping you hostage.
It was then, when you had become more aware of your body, just had much you ached. You had beaten you previous record last night. In fact, you had absolutely demolished your score. She had pulled 10 from you last night. And you had given her 6. You couldn’t imagine what it would take for you to beat this record – maybe the winning World Cup? ‘Luce,’ you called out. Your voice was raspy and deep. This was new – you knew you were loud in bed – you could no longer look at some of your City ex-teammates without being reminded of the amount of teasing you had received after an away win and Lucy’s return to games following an injury – but you’ve never lost your voice from sex before. You cleared your throat at tried again. ‘Luce?’ It was a little better – still undeniably overused but hopefully you could pass it off as from the match and pitch-side celebrations. It was clear that Lucy was still dead to the world, she always had been a deep sleeper, so with a monumental effort, you peeled yourself away from the warmth of her body and shuffled to the edge of the bed. It took more effort and a lot longer than you anticipated but you managed it. You could feel how weak you were, and you knew you couldn’t stand up without help.
‘Hmm, no. Come back.’ A deep, sleep-laced voiced complained from behind you.
‘I need help’. That got Lucy sitting up.
‘What’s wrong?’ She asked quickly, the panic evident in her voice.
‘I can’t stand up’
‘What do you mean you can’t stand …’ she trailed off. ‘Ohhhhh. Fucked you that good, did I?’ You could hear the smugness in her voice. ‘Did such a good job you can’t stand up’.
‘Please, Luce. We need to shower and get breakfast. It’s already past 10’.
‘Alright, alright. I’m here.’ You felt the bed moving before Lucy appeared in front of you. She offered you a hand which you took gratefully. You went to stand again but it was clear that Lucy would need to give more than just a hand. She chuckled a little at your gentle blush but hooked an arm under your elbow and helped you to the shower. You eyed her sceptically as she moved to get in with you.
‘You can barely stand,’ She protested, ‘I’m not about to let you try and shower alone’.
‘Ok but no funny business,’ you warned. She chucked and pressed a sweet kiss to your hairline.
The walk down to breakfast was a slight struggle. After showering you did feel a lot better. Lucy had rubbed the soap into your skin, giving a light a light massage as she went. But you still couldn’t stand up without assistance – once you were standing you were fine, when you were sitting you were fine, the moving in between was the issue. You also had a slight limp in your step and your voice was still raspy. Even after drinking 2 full bottles of water.
‘Hola Y/N. Hola Lucy’. Vicky called from where she was sat. Fuck! You had forgotten the B team had come to watch the match yesterday.
‘H – Hey Vicky’ You cleared your throat and smiled at the 16-year-old as Lucy deposited you next to her. You watched as her face furrowed in confusion and concern – the site of you limping and sounding so rough was not nice for her.
‘What’s wrong? Did you hurt yourself in the match?’ Oh, she was so innocent.
‘Yeah, Y/N, did you get hurt last night?’ Mapi looked with faux concern as she sat down at your table. Your jaw tightened as you glared at her.
‘No, no. I’m alright Vicky. I probably just celebrated a little too hard’. You tried to reassure her. Martina looked a little suspicious of you, but the rest of the B team nodded, seeming to accept your answer.
‘Is that right? Partied too hard, did you?’ Alexia sniggered. ‘Or was it another type of celebration that’s got you like this?’ She whispered as she took a seat on your left. You shot her a look.
A plate with a selection of breakfast foods was put in front of you as Lucy slotted in on your right. ‘Thanks, darling’ you said as a kiss was dropped on your head. ‘I don’t think that’s the only name you go by, is it Lucy?’ Patri laughed. You could feel your cheeks beginning to flare pink. Lucy just laughed along, not really minding the light-hearted teasing.
‘Also, Y/N you owe me several coffees. Because of you, I’d didn’t get any sleep,’ Pina added on. Your eyes widened at her comment.
‘Hey. We were celebrating what, can I say?’ Lucy shrugs as she sips on her coffee
‘There’s celebrating and then there’s whatever you guys were doing’ Ana giggled
‘Hey it’s perfectly natural. We’re all human and every human has needs,’ Lucy commented, nonchalantly.
‘Not everyone needs to know what happens behind closed doors, Luce’ You tried to sound joking and confident, but you knew you failed
‘You made it our business by being so loud,’ Salma chuckles.
‘Ok but surely your needs were met by round 3 or 4?’ Laia added in. Lucy just smiled in response and kissed your cheek, throwing an arm around your shoulders.
With every comment thrown your way about your evening with Lucy your cheeks got more and more scarlet. If you could stand up on your own, you would have left to go back to your room by now. It’s not that you necessarily minded the comments thrown your way, it was more that you didn’t like to have all the jokes be at your expense. Due to Lucy’s lack of reaction are your significant and obvious one, you were an easy target. It wasn’t until a comment by Mapi that Lucy intervenes.
‘Hey, Lucy. Do you mind giving me tips? Ingrid’s record is 4 but our anniversary is coming up and based what we all heard last night, I think you might have some.’ That set everyone off on another round of loud laughter. Even Paños and Marta joined in this time– usually they don’t entertain childish comments from some members of the squad.
‘Guys…’ you said weakly. Sure, Lucy liked having a joke around, a little giggle at her, or your, expense was ok every now and then. But she could see this was really beginning to affect you. Your head was bowed down, attempting to hide the worst of the blush. You looked seconds away from crying.
‘Alright, alright. Sorry, I kept you guys up. But let’s move it along, shall we?’ Lucy tried to steer the conversation away from your sex lives without disrupting the joking atmosphere.
‘It’s not you that kept us up.’ Bruna responded.
‘Suficiente’. Lucy said, firmer this time, in that voice that does things to you but everyone else knows she means business. And in Spanish. She knew that would get everyone’s attention – including yours. How could you still be horny after last night? You didn’t have an answer, but you knew it was all down to the woman sitting next you, her hand splayed wide, rubbing comforting circles on your lower back.
‘So, what’s everyone’s plans before the international break or pre-season?’ Ingrid asked. It was an obvious subject change, but you were grateful, nonetheless.
‘Hey, I’m sorry we took it too far,’ Alexia murmured as the attention shifted onto holiday plans. ‘We’re not judging you or anything. Personally, I’m very impressed. My record with Olga is 6 and even then, we have to spend the day in bed afterwards. How many was it?’
’10, I think. Lucy had 6’ You whispered back; voice barely audible as the volume in the breakfast room picked up.
’10. Ay dios mío. No wonder you’re barely walking.’ Alexia seemed incredulous. ‘I’m definitely going to need tips’. She laughed, as did you. Your laughter caught Lucy’s attention. You were still sporting a slight blush, but she could tell you were much more relaxed.
Eventually, breakfast came to an end. People slowly began drifting back to their rooms to get ready for the official celebrations this afternoon. As Lucy helped you stand, you could see Mapi shaking her head, laughing. She was clearly about to say something when Ingrid, the ever-perceptive woman that she was, wrapped an arm around her and pulled her away before anything was said. You winced slightly as you started moving, but you were definitely more mobile than this morning.
‘I really don’t like you right now,’ you grumbled, pouting to emphasise your point – the sounds muffled but still perceptible to Lucy, having been long acquainted with your dramatics.
Lucy laughed loudly at your comment as she sat on the bed. Despite your words, you stepped into her embrace, her fingers gently tracing lines up the back of your thighs.
‘No, you don’t’
‘Yes, I do’ Your actions betraying your words as you pushed her to lie back against the pillows.
Lucy’s laugh must have been loud enough for it to be heard from outside as Mapi shouts drifted through the wood ‘Don’t be too loud. There are children prese-’. A harsh smack cut her off. ‘Ay! Tan violenta, Jesus’ She complained.
‘Sorry, Y/N’, Ingrid’s much softer voice floated passed the door. You groaned in response. But Lucy only laughed more.
‘Come here,’ she commanded gently. You allowed yourself to fall into her warmth.
‘Mmmm, you owe me, Bronze. That was humiliating,’ you mumbled; the events of the last 24 hours catching up with you quickly.
‘Ok…’ Lucy snickered, knowing you didn’t really mind what had happened at breakfast and you definitely wanted a repeat of the night before. As she went to speak again, she noticed your breaths evening out – light puffs of air reaching her neck as you buried your head in her shoulder. ‘Never change, Y/N. Never change’.
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wosohermoso · 3 months
Lucy bronze x reader. They just had a tough game and reader had a lot of back pain and Lucy helps her and massages her and takes care of her. Some fluff :)
I have your back
A/N: This was just so cute. Again it's not very long, only about 1k words, and I'm honestly half asleep right now so I don't know if this is any good but I couldn't help but see how Lucy would see right through readers facade at this req. Not proofread, and again, I'm a bit rusty, but still, I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: None I can think of, if you see something lmk:)
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It's your first season playing for Barça and you love it. Especially since you're reunited with your girlfriend again. Lucy and you play both for the English national team and have been dating for over two years now.
As Lucy had moved to Barcelona about a year into your relationship, you had been scared that your relationship wouldn't last, but you quickly realized that your love had known no distance.
Nevertheless, as the opportunity arose for you to join her in Barcelona, you had jumped on it, and it's been the best decision you made.
Life with Lucy in Barcelona is great. The weather is unbelievable and the food to die for.
It's is your second time starting for Barça and since you were one of the best teams in the league, you hadn't expected the game to be so rough. Not rough in the team is super strong, but rough in you felt like you're playing rugby.
It's around the 70th minute, Barcelona is in the lead with 6:0 as you jump up for the header. It's a beautiful pass from Lucy and it finds you perfectly. However, before you can even head the ball in, you feel a player from the other team jumping in your back.
You fall to the ground without being able to really catch yourself, landing mostly on your back, which causes the wind to get knocked out of you.
You groan as you try to catch your breath. For a moment, everything is black. As you open your eyes again a moment later, the first thing you see are your girlfriend's worried eyes.
"Are you okay y/n/n? That was an ugly fall", Lucy asks, worried, her northern accent coming out thickly when she's worried. "Yeah, I think so", you say and try to sit up. Your back is killing you.
The medics come running towards you to make sure you're alright and didn't get injured in the fall. They notice you're still breathing a bit shallow, but from what they can tell, nothing is seriously wrong. They help you up, and you stretch your back slightly.
You stay on the field, partly because you are too stubborn to admit you are in pain and partly because you feel like you need to prove yourself on the new team. "Are you sure?", Lucy asks, worried but you just nod.
Your back is in agony the rest of the game, but you push through. As the game is over and you win 7:0, you can't help but celebrate with the others on the team. However, Lucy can look right through your facade.
She keeps a hand on your back gently and makes sure you take it easy without causing much attention. After a nice hot shower, all of you get dressed and get back on the bus to drive back.
You wince slightly as you sit down, the bus seat certainly not helping your back. Lucy just smiles sadly before patting her lap. Normally, she's a bit more reserved in front of the team, but right now, her whole focus is on getting you as comfortable as possible until you're home.
You curl up on her and end up dozing off a little. The drive back luckily wasn't that long back to the headquarters. Once you all got off, Alexia and a few others asked, "Do you guys wanna get some food with us?".
Lucy knows you'd never tell your new captain no, so she's quick to answer, "Not tonight, I think we'll call it an early night and get some well needed recovery done. Thank you, though. You guys have fun." Alexia just nods with a smile, knowing how important recovery is for Lucy's knee.
That Lucy is feeling completely fine is beside the point.
"Why did you turn them down?", you ask softly, trying to appear tough, but Lucy sees right through you. "Because you're in pain, love. And I'd rather spend the rest of the night to make you feel better than going out to eat", Lucy says as she kisses your forehead, and you just smile softly.
The way home is not far, thankfully, and once you're in the privacy of your apartment, you can no longer keep the facade up. "Bloody hell, this hurts", you say as you lean on the kitchen counter. "Yeah, that was a pretty rough fall. I can't believe you kept playing after that", Lucy says, gently rubbing over your shoulder.
"Don't act like you wouldn't have", you say with a raised eyebrow as you look at your girlfriend. "Guilty, but we both know I would've gotten an earful from you as soon as we were home", Lucy says with a chuckle, and you just laugh slightly before you wince. Laughing hurts.
"Come on. Let's get you on the bed so I can massage your back", Lucy says, gently ushering you to the bedroom. "Luce, you don't have to. You must be tired and.. ", you try to argue, but Lucy interrupts, "Close that cute mouth and lay down on the bed, take off your shirt. This is not up for debate."
You know that tone, so you do as you're told and lay down on the bed on your stomach, top less. Before you know it, you feel Lucy straddle your thighs as she spreads some oil on your back and starts massaging.
You normally love Lucy's hands on you, but at the beginning, with your muscles being so tense, it's just painful. You can't help but groan a few times, and Lucy says gently, "I know, I'm sorry. Try to relax, baby."
Eventually, you do relax, and your tense muscles are starting to loosen up. By the time Lucy feels accomplished with her massage, you were fast asleep. This game took it out of you, and Lucy can't help but smile at you.
Kissing your head a few times, she gets ready for bed herself before crawling in with you and tucking you both in. You instinctively cuddle into her chest, and she just pulls you close, pressing a kiss on your forehead before mumbling, "I love you, sleep well, Baby."
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wosohermoso · 3 months
everlong || lucy bronze x reader ||
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you and lucy spend some time together after a few months apart.
minors dni, 18+, smut ahead
it felt nice to be back in europe after so long. your american club teammates liked teasing you that you'd been over there so long you were eligible for their national team. being away from home had been hard at first, but that wasn't the part that bothered you. you had played all over the world, but you had never left a girl back home before.
your relationship with lucy had been a bit like a whirlwind. one moment, the two of you were screaming at each other outside of a nightclub. the next, she was pinning you against the wall kissing you more intently than you'd ever been kissed before. after that, the two of you had spent the rest of your time at the world cup sneaking around with each other.
lucy had been a bit apprehensive about entering a relationship with you. of all her reasons, the distance hadn't been a factor for her. she had tried to give you a million stupid reasons as to why it was a bad idea for the two of you to date each other. however, as you walked over towards her through the airport, you knew that she had just been afraid then.
"hi," you greeted lucy with a soft kiss and smile. lucy immediately reached to take your your suitcase from you. it was rare for lucy to be able to sneak away and pick you up like this. usually ella or alessia would have come running alongside her to see you. it was hard being away from your best friends, but that was a big part of what made international breaks your favorite part of the year.
"hi lovely." lucy put her free arm around your shoulder. a part of you would have liked to hold her hand, but having lucy that close was even better. "how was your trip?"
"decent. i got a good nap in," you answered. lucy smirked as she glanced down at you. the look in her eyes was unmistakable. lucy wanted you, and now that she had you in her arms, she was going to have you in every other way that she'd been thinking about since you left her three months ago.
"good, we've got a long night ahead of us." there was a reason that you had flown in on the earliest possible flight. the team would fly in at the end of the week, giving you and lucy a few days to just spend some time together. you knew that lucy would keep you in her bedroom for as long as she could, doubtful that the two of you would get to room together for camp. usually, you ended up in georgia's room for camps, and your best friend was not the type to give up a moment of her time with you for anybody, including lucy.
you had expected feverent kisses and lucy's hands clawing at your clothes in a desperate attempt to get you out of them. instead, she moved slowly with you, like she was trying to savor every second. it was you who ended up pushing kisses further, more than a little desperate to taste her on your tongue.
"can we take this slow?" lucy asked you. she seemed almost nervous to ask, so you were quick to reassure her. you cradled lucy's face in your hands as you leaned in and placed a feather-light kiss to her lips.
"as slow as you'd like," you said. lucy pushed forward until she was laying on top of you. she was careful with her kisses, savoring every little sigh and moan that she pulled from you. lucy spent a lot of time kissing up and down your neck, but you knew from the feeling that there wouldn't be marks everywhere. lucy was simply enjoying the feeling of your skin against her lips.
"can i take this off?" lucy asked as she reached towards your shirt. you nodded as you lifted your arms up to help her get it off of you. lucy's head dropped down again to pepper your skin in kisses. "i don't ever want this to stop. can i stay with you like this forever?"
"as much as i'd love that, we have lives to lead outside of your bedroom," you sighed. lucy chuckled as she shook her head. it wasn't like her to get so lost in her head like that, and even less like you to pull her out of it. being around you again after so long was making her sappy. if it was anybody else, lucy would have tried to run away, but there was something about you that kept lucy stuck in place.
you placed your hand in her hair, softly combing your fingers through as she trailed kisses all along your ribcage. she worked around your bra until you decided that it was too close to teasing for your liking. lucy didn't say anything when you unclasped your bra and flung it across her bedroom. there wouldn't be much need of it for a little while anyway.
"god, you're so beautiful. you're like a work of art, or something." you noticed the sheepish look in lucy's face. it was endearing, how she still got awkward giving you genuine compliments like that. you tugged her head up gently to give her a kiss, one that had lucy pushing her hips against yours just enough to make your jaw drop.
"lucy, please," you whined. the last thing that you had needed was the reminder of how badly you'd been wanting her. lucy seemed to understand and moved down your body a little quicker. she took your pants off, but left your underwear on as she focused her hands and mouth on your breasts. her fingers teased and tweaked your nipples while she pressed kisses and a couple of little bites elsewhere.
lucy could feel your wetness pressing against her thigh as you ground against her. the feeling of it made her head spin a little, nearly distracting her from her goal of going slowly with you. still, she persisted slowly with a trail of kisses moving down your stomach and across your hip bones. the feeling of her hands settling on your thighs made the muscles flutter with excitement.
"can i take these off?" lucy asked as her fingers hooked into the waistband of your underwear.
"please do." you sounded breathier than you had originally thought you were. lucy's touches had always been methodical, apparently even at a snail's pace. you were certain that she could have secrectly had you coming undone if she had wanted to. instead, she drew out the entire experience so that by the time that she took your underwear off, you were absolutely glistening.
"oh you're such a pretty little thing when you're soaked like this," lucy said. that sounded more like the woman that you were used to. the dirty words mixed well with the extra husk to her voice. the only thing that seemed to be missing was the look that lucy was going to blow your back out. you noted that she hadn't given you that look once, instead choosing to look at you with complete love and adoration. "my pretty little babe."
lucy rubbed her hands along the insides of your thighs as she licked her lips. you sat up on your elbows to watch as lucy moved one of her hands in between your legs. she cupped her hand over your center, fingers just barely pressing against your entrance. she could feel a little bit of your wetness drip down just from that. she rubbed her fingers back and forth, slowly pulling little whines from your lips.
"do you want me to beg because i'll do just about anything to feel you inside of me." you were usually too proud to admit whenever you needed lucy like this. lucy shook her head before she dipped it down to lick between your folds. her fingers kept teasing at your entrance as she continued with the languid strokes of her tongue.
her name was on the tip of your tongue, spilling out each time that she pressed a little harder or let her tongue venture a little further. lucy's fingers pushed inside of you slowly, going all of the way in before she pulled them out of you almost completely. lucy pumped them in and out of you at an almost maddening pace. the saving grace for you seemed to be the way that her lips wrapped around your clit as she gently sucked it into her mouth.
"shit, luce, don't stop!" you cried out loudly, uncaring of the way that your voice echoed around her room. lucy seemed to double down on her efforts a little as she began curling her fingers inside of you. she still moved them slowly, but the added sensation was more than enough to have you crying out as your body began to shake.
"shh, it's okay. it's okay," lucy repeated again and again as she worked you down from your orgasm. it wasn't violent or anything, but the trembling continued far longer than what you were used to. lucy managed to calm you down enough for you to catch your breath and pull her up to lay beside you. usually, she would have moved to hold you, but all you wanted to do was hold her instead. you peppered her face in kisses before capturing her lips in a searing kiss. you were exhausted, but the energy from feeling relief after so long was starting to kick in.
"where did that come from?" you asked her. lucy shrugged as she pulled your thigh over her body. she started to trace little patterns on the outside of your thigh as you ran your fingers through her hair.
"was it something that you enjoyed?" lucy seemed a little nervous, like she was still out of her element. "because we don't have to do stuff like that if you don't like it."
"i liked it, i promise. i don't know how to explain this, but that made me feel really loved, luce. it was nice, not that everything else you do isn't," you said quickly. lucy smiled as she tilted her head to press a kiss over your heart. "i love you."
"i love you too." lucy said it with much more confidence than she had ever told you that she loved you before. the distance was hard, but if it helped lucy come to terms with how she felt about you, you'd endure it for a bit longer.
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wosohermoso · 4 months
star girl
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- based off the request ‘Maybe one with Lucy, that the r scores in the euros final like the winning goal’. let’s imagine it’s the 23’ world cup final again and leah + beth never tore their acl’s xx
pairings - lucy bronze x reader
It’s safe to say tensions were high in the locker room as you and your fellow England teammates prepared for one of the biggest matches of your careers. Sarina had opted for the same line-up that secured your team the european championship a year prior, just a few changes here and there.
Yourself was on the bench as a substitute, however, it didn’t make the experience any less nerve-wracking. Double knotting the laces on your boot, you walked over to a familiar brunette.
“it’s totally normal to feel sick to my stomach right?” She chuckles, as if she isn’t about to go out to a crowd of 75,000+ people. “The life of a footballer love.”
“How have you played three world cups? I feel like a heart attack is going to hit me any minute.” Sitting next to her, she squeezes your hand and kisses your temple. “Calmer?” The older girl asks. “Calmer.” You confirm, leaning your head on her shoulder for a brief minute.
You would describe your relationship with Lucy very much black cat x golden retriever; while you was often energetic and switching through emotions like tv channels, lucy was the opposite. While she liked to have fun and be sarcastic and all, she was actually a very chill person who would just go with the flow.
Lucy and you had been dating for just over a year and a half with only close friends and family knowing. You’d be lying if you had your doubts if the both of you would even last - with Lucy playing in Barcelona and you for your childhood club Manchester United, but you stuck it out and recently just bought your first place together.
It was 7:45pm over in Sydney Australia, both opposing teams beginning to line up next to each other in the tunnel. You and the other substitutes were to come out after the starting players. You prayed to God you could come away with a win tonight - you knew how hard each and everyone of you worked and to win the world cup would just be the cherry on top to an undeated championship run youse had going.
Walking out, it all suddenly got very real. The cheers from the crowd made you smile as you took your seat.
The referee blew her whistle; it was go time. You watched the game intensely, weighing up the stats of your team and the opposing team. Spain was playing good and the nerves in your stomach were intensifying with each passing second.
“Oh shit look!” Ella pointed over at James who was now running down a practically free pitch. “Come on, come on.” You muttered under your breath as you see Spain’s goalkeeper take her stance. James went to hit the ball, it travelling at a good speed. Unlucky for you and your team, it just narrowly missed the goal and instead hit the crossbar - the goalkeeper catching it as it fell back down, opting to roll it to one of her Spanish teammates.
Ten minutes had passed and your team was yet to make another chance, Spain players literally tackling left and right. It all came crashing down however when Carmona scored twenty-nine minutes in, managing to slot the ball into the corner of the net. As the opposing team celebrated you couldn’t help but feel bad for your girlfriend who you know would be blaming herself for the goal after she gave away the ball taking on three players at once.
The game carried on with a profound feeling of desperation. While Beth, both Laurens and even Keira had a shot at goal, none of the attempts made it into the net. You was happy to hear the half-time whistle blow, running down the steps and back through the tunnel.
“It’s not your fault, don’t even think it.” Knowing exactly the thoughts going on in your girlfriend’s head, you rubbed her back supportively. “I got too bloody cocky, I should’ve just passed it back.” Lucy ran her slim fingers through her tied back hair.
“Hey hey, we still have another forty five minutes to show them what we’ve got. And I don’t know about you, but I think Bronze over here shouldn’t stop aiming for gold.” Her lips tugged at a grin over your partially lame joke. “You’re right, as always. Don’t know what I’d do without my woman.” She quickly pecked your lips.
“Okay lovebirds, keep it in your pants - we have a game to win.” Keira piped up, giving both you and lucy a little smack on the back of the head.
It’s safe to say after the pep talks the squad received in the locker room, England was on top form. It also helped that Spain had let go of the reigns a little, clearly thinking they were safe with the one nil advantage.
The 68th minute. That’s when the crowd started to get a whole lot louder and players were charging down one side of the pitch. Hemp had control of the ball, slowing just before the box and passing it to Beth. The blonde hit the ball with her left foot sending it straight into the back of the goal. Cheers roared through the stadium as you celebrated with the other girls on the bench. The scoreline now 1-1, you was still in this.
Your time had come to make a debut in the game, walking onto the outskirts of the pitch, Sarina going through the plan with you. James was the girl who was making way for your appearance, giving you a double high-five and pat on the back.
Running onto the pitch, adrenaline rushed through you as you made eye contact with a certain someone and sent her a wink. You hadn’t even managed to get three passes before you were caught with studs pressing into your ankle, sending you down onto the ground “What the fuck was that for?” It’s not like you was massive threat to the Spanish team at that moment considering you was about to pass the ball back up your end.
Luckily you were awarded a free kick, having alex take it. The match was getting more tense the longer you played, both teams creating good chances. Spain was even awarded a penalty which thank god Mary saved.
91 minutes. The game had entered extra time. Scores still level.
You watched as Keira dribbled with the ball, passing to Leah who kicked it up the pitch. Weighing up where the ball was in the sky and where you was near the goal you saw your chance; jumping up in the air you threw your body back, your left foot getting a hit on the ball which sent it flying into the net. Getting up off the grass, you look at one of the assistant referee’s to make sure it wasn’t offside.
His flag staying down, you dropped to your knees in disbelief. The girls ran over to you cheering and shouting your name while practically assaulting you with hugs.
The final whistle was blown about thirty seconds later with your whole squad now coming into the pitch. Familiar hands wrapped around your torso and lifted you into the air, carrying you bridal style. “You’re fucking incredible you know that?” The brunette spun you around grinning like a little child.
Once put down you cupped her face in your hands, overcome with emotion and smashed your lips onto hers. Although the defender was taken back, she gave into the moment and kissed you back passionately. It wasn’t the way either of you was planning to make the relationship public but hey, you just won the biggest tournament of your lives and wanted to celebrate with your special lady.
it wasn't long before you was ambushed by your team shouting compliments left right and centre. the crowd was also off on one, the volume making your ears ring.
walking back through the tunnel and into the locker room you felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when a voice whispered into your ear "follow me."
obliging by the command and plodding behind the brunette, she dragged you into what appeared to be a storage room, miscellaneous sports equipment scattered around.
pushing you up against the cold wall which made you audibly gasp she planted a searing kiss onto your lips, hands having a firm hold of your waist. you reacted almost immediately, placing you hand on the back of her neck and bringing the two of you even closer.
"god i love you." the older woman breathed out as she moved from your lips to your neck, biting and sucking the skin to the point you was squirming in effort to not make any noise.
"i should score goals more often if this is how i get rewarded." forcing her to look at you, you reconnected your lips wasting no time in biting her bottom lip and snaking your tongue inside.
just as she slid her hand under your shirt there was a bang on the door. "lucia bronze and y/n y/l/n! if youse two are not out of there in ten seconds i will kick this door down myself!" tooney shouted.
you placed one last peck on lucy's cheek "i think we've been caught."
the right-back rolled her eyes. "we're continuing this later." she smirked, hitting your butt before unlocking and opening the door for you.
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lucybronze Won the world cup and the girlfriend jackpot. On top of the world right now.
youruser 🤍
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wosohermoso · 4 months
I'm All Yours Tonight (Ona Batlle x Lucy Bronze) | Part 1
Rating: E
Tags: first meetings, sexual tension, kissing, explicit sexual content, smut, vaginal fingering, cunnilingus
Summary: Lucy attends a friend's wedding and can't take her eyes off a certain Manchester United player. Ona can't quite believe THE Lucy Bronze wants her.
AO3 link
Dedicated to @onabat11e and @bvtlle for inspiring me with their works to step out of my comfort zone and actually write this thing. Please follow them and show them some love!
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