writerinloves-blog · 7 months
this love | chapter three [h.c]
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summary: the king and queen are away and the kingdom is yours to explore. you make a trip to town and a stop by a lake that tests your relationship with hazel. the night ends with a moment that will change your life forever.
pairing: hazel callahan x fem!reader
contains: angst, isabel just being the sweetest girl to exist, hazel opens up, mutual pining, it’s begun
word count: 7K
a/n: i love them. that’s all.
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To say you were elated was an understatement.
You felt like your head was above the clouds as you woke up on your own the following morning. Your parents were gone and they would be for the next month. A month without them breathing down your neck about your princess-like duties, criticizing your every move, and comparing you to the one person you truly missed; your sister, Moira.
When your mother and father left the kingdom for tasks such as wasting their time searching for yet another prince for you to despise, they called off a vast majority of the staff to go back to their own homes back in town. A few guards and knights were the only ones other than you, Isabel, and Hazel were staying at the palace.
You knew the palace you lived in was quite big but when the people who took up so much space were gone, it suddenly became clear.
You sat up slowly from your sheets, stretching your arms upwards as you smacked your lips. It was strange to not have Mildred, Vivian and Beth come in to instantly begin to get you ready in the morning before you could even process being awake. You were still in your nightgown when you heard a soft knock come from the other side of the grand doors to your bedroom.
“Yes?” You call from your bed, raising your voice a bit louder so that whoever it was could hear you.
“Is it alright if I come in?” Isabel’s soft voice flows through the wood.
Your smile formed as you shouted for her to come in. You were getting out of the extremely comfortable bed that was tempting to fall back into when the doors opened. Your eyes widened when Hazel followed in after Isabel, somehow surprised that she was there.
“Good morning!” Isabel, sweet as ever, is the first one that speaks, already in one of her daily dresses.
Hazel’s eyes widened at the sight of you in your nightgown— your very see-through nightgown. She turned around as quickly as she had seen you.
“Princess, I’m sorry. I hadn't realized you were still
” She stumbled out an apology.
“Hazel, it's alright, really. I’ll be dressed in just a few minutes.”
Hazel simply nodded, remaining in silence throughout the duration of Isabel getting you ready. She kept glancing at you the entire time with looks that were confusing you. A smirk lingered on her pink lips but again, there were no words. Only glances between you and Hazel.
You and Isabel had landed on this rather beautiful simple white gown with a purple corduroy vest for a pop of color. Isabel had weaved half of your hair into a lengthy French braid while the rest flowed down your back.
You cleared your throat with a smile, staring at Hazel’s backside, and waited patiently for her to turn around. Once she did, she immediately began to apologize once again.
“Princess, again, I had no idea that you were still
” Hazel trailed off, raking her eyes up and down your body.
You flushed at her intense gaze, shaking your head.
“It’s alright. We’re all women.” You state plainly, shrugging your shoulders.
Hazel stared for a moment, a sudden silence and tension falling over the entire room. She nodded curtly before clearing her throat.
“Right. Well, is there anything you’d like to do today, princess?” Hazel spoke as if to distract from what had just happened.
You hadn't really thought about it. This newfound freedom without your parents was so riveting, you couldn’t decide what to do first. There were so many things that you had dreamed of doing without the precious king and queen breathing down your neck.
Now, it was really only Hazel that was on your every move but you didn't mind that much. You actually preferred it.
“I’d like to go into town.” You state with your full chest, staring at Hazel patiently.
Isabel’s head turned to you as her bright green eyes softened. Isabel’s family lived in town and she didn't get to see them as often as she liked so you could knock out two birds with one stone; your closest friend seeing her family and you being able to explore the town for the first time.
Hazel was hesitant. You could tell by the way her eyes widened at your words before she nodded.
“Of course, princess.”
As soon as those words left Hazel’s mouth, Isabel wrapped her arms around your neck, pulling you into a tight hug. You copied her movements as you let out a soft chuckle.
“Thank you,” Isabel breathes out with a relieved sigh that makes your heartache.
“No need to thank me, Bel,” you release her to hold her hands, matching her excitement.
“Princess, I’m sorry to interrupt but if you’re ready, I could bring the horses around for you and Isabel.” Hazel stood still, eyes flickering between you and Isabel.
Isabel simply nodded, her thrilled smile making your morning.
“We’re ready, Hazel. Thank you.” Your smile matches Isabel’s as Hazel walks towards the bedroom doors to tug them open for you both.
You and Isabel interlock arms, the soft fabric of your long and flowy bell sleeves. Hazel nodded curtly at you both then lingered behind you both as Isabel gushed to you about how absolutely thrilled to see her mother and sisters. Once you all had made it outside, Hazel made her way to the stables quickly to grab Peanut and a soft brown horse for Isabel.
Hazel had one hand on each of their bridles as they trotted on either side of her as they crossed the courtyard. You and Isabel stand at the bottom of the steps, waiting patiently for her to approach you both with the horses.
“Peanut, hi!” You beam as his snout bumps into your hand. “You are just the sweetest.”
“He really likes you.” Hazel’s dimple appears from her small grin, a flush showering over your cheeks and chest.
“It might be my royal charm,” you joke as you scratch underneath his furry jaw.
Hazel nodded. “Of course. Who could resist your royal charm, princess?”
You could feel your heartbeat in your ears once she said that, freezing your hand on Peanuts’ jaw. Isabel’s arm released yours as she made her way to the other horse. You didn't miss her pursed lips and how she looked down at her flat shoes.
You let out a soft laugh before shaking your head.
“Thank you, Hazel.” Your laugh was awkward and you knew it but you focused on Peanut as you knew he couldn't make your cheeks spark a fire.
“Isabel, are you alright to ride the horse?” Hazel questioned the elated girl.
“Yes. I’ll be right behind you guys.” Isabel cooed the horse she was assigned before hopping onto the saddle.
Your eyes widened for a moment as you realized that you had never ridden a horse. Your excitement clouded your lack of horse-riding skills. You cursed the fact that your parents had banned you from the stables so that you wouldn’t smell like ‘peasants’.
They were so infuriating; even when they weren’t physically here.
“Wait, Hazel, I have never been on a horse.” You reach for her arm but then pull away, afraid she will reject your touch.
Hazel had two fingers gripped onto the bridle and stared at your hand that was retracting itself. You tucked it away into your other palm and cleared your throat.
“That’s no problem. I can help you, princess. Here.” Hazel held her hand out to you, her slightly calloused palm exposing themselves to you.
Your eyes glanced down at her hand and back up at her darling ocean eyes. You carefully take her hand, hoping you weren’t acting like her touch was terrifying. A part of you felt that it was for a reason that you couldn't quite describe.
You grab onto her palm, growing comfortable with the feeling as she guides you to Peanut’s stirrups.
“Now, it's quite easy. Put one foot in this stirrup and then place your hand right here,” Hazel placed your hand on the saddle, letting go of you for a moment, “for stability.”
You did as you were told, looking at her repeatedly to make sure you were doing everything correctly. Then came throwing your body up and on top of Peanut.
“Hazel, can you
 help me?” You glance down at her insecurely, hating the idea of struggling in front of her.
“Hey, it's okay. You’re okay, princess.”
Hazel’s palm that had made its way to your lower back, steadying your shaking frame. You couldn't tell if you were shivering like a leaf because you were afraid that you were going to break a tailbone or her gentle touch.
Using as much upper body strength as you can, you throw yourself up and over the leather saddle, gasping when you make contact with Peanuts’ body. You hurriedly grasp for Hazel, your hands wrapping around her hand tightly.
“There you go. It’s alright, princess. See? You’re a natural.” Hazel was quick to reassure all of your troubled thoughts of falling off and accidentally cracking your skull open.
Isabel, too, began to tell you that you were doing great. You nod rapidly in an attempt to calm yourself down as well, slowly releasing Hazel’s hand. Your chest was rising and falling at a pace you weren’t aware that you were capable of.
“That was terrifying.” You breathe out but a smile forms on your face.
Peanut was as calm as ever as you adjusted yourself so that you could be towards his behind. There was no way you were going to be able to steer and manage leading the way for the beautiful horse. Hazel kept her hands out for a few more seconds just in case something happened suddenly.
Once she was sure that you were set, Hazel easily hoisted herself up and onto Peanut’s body. Your eyes were locked on the back of her head, wishing that you were able to see her sharp cheekbones and darling blue eyes once again.
“Are you alright, princess?” Hazel slightly pants out from the quick movements.
You nod, muttering a soft ‘yes’ as you reach your arms forward to wrap around her torso through her everyday knight clothing. You didn't even think about your actions removing your arms for a moment.
“I’m sorry. I didn't mean to.” You panic, rubbing at Peanuts soft fur as you could feel his warmth underneath. It was quite relaxing.
Hazel chuckled and shook her head. “I don’t mind, princess. I would rather you have your arms around me than you not.”
Your breath got caught in your windpipe, looking back at Isabel who was running her fingers through her horse's mane. If you listened closely, you could hear her whispering to the horse sweetly. You smile small at her before taking the chance once again and wrapping your arms around Hazel’s torso.
Was it wrong how you enjoyed feeling her toned stomach through the material of her clothing? It had to be. You shook your head at yourself as Hazel lightly kicked the side of Peanut's body to send him off to trot the three of you to the kingdom's town.
The small journey was breathtaking.
Once you all had passed the gates of the palace, it was as if you were entering a new world. Your eyes bounced from tree to tree, taking in the view of the panting-like sky and miles of fields that went past the horizon. Your smile grew with joy as you watched a few deers gradually make their way to a small stream for some water.
It was a baby and mother deer. Your heart ached at the sight of the sweet moment in nature. Yes, you knew it was quite odd to be so taken back by something as simple as this but this was the first time you’ve ever made it out of the palace on your own.
Soon, you were met with the sight of a few buildings along with a few shops. Your eyes darted from the few commoners that were walking along the stone walkways.
“Hazel!” You hear come from behind you and realize it's Isabel on her own horse right behind you two.
Hazel leaned back slightly to cause Peanut to come to a halt. Your gripped tightened around her waist at the sudden movement, a flush rushing to your cheeks. You had hoped it was just the sun’s bright rays beaming down onto you.
“Is everything alright?” Hazel asked Isabel as she and her horse maneuvered around Peanut to come face to face with the two of you.
“Yes. I just wanted to let you both know that I will be leaving the both of you to go and see my family just outside of town.” Isabel informed, her excitement written all over her bright features.
Your eyes softened at her, hoping that she’s able to see her family and have a wonderful time.
“We can meet back here at the entrance to the town by sundown. Not a moment later.” Hazel instructed Isabel, her tone becoming quite stern sending an unknown shiver down your back.The knight straightened her back before nodding her head and adding; “I hope your family is well, Isabel. The princess and I will stay here in town until then.”
Isabel’s eyes flickered to yours with slightly raised brows. You nodded as well, urging her to move forward. Without hesitation, Isabel taps her foot on the side of her horse as it galloped forward and past the bypassing townspeople.
“Look!” You point over Hazel’s shoulder at the market that was becoming more and more crowded by the moment. “Can we go to the market? I’ve never been.”
Hazel turns her head to the side, her cheek brushing past the perfectly sewed and mended fabric of your dress sleeve. Your reflexes kicked in and you pulled your arm back, the touch alone becoming too overwhelming for you. Maybe you should just keep them at her waist.
“As you wish, princess,” her tone was a bit more teasing this time causing you to smile to yourself.
After coming to a stop, Hazel hopped down from Peanut’s saddle to then hold her palm out for you to grasp onto. You carefully take her hand in yours, that previous fear of her disappearing for a moment. Peanut huffed and neighed a bit as you got down carefully.
You nearly slipped on the stirrup causing Hazel to reach forward to hold onto your waist. Your hands settle on her shoulders as you lean into her touch to help balance yourself.
“Are you alright, princess?” Hazel’s eyes followed your features all the way down to your ankles.
“Yes, I’m
 alright. Thank you, Hazel.” You nod as you carefully release your grasp from her rather firm shoulders.
Hazel nodded curtly, her hands still on your waist for a moment before releasing you as well. Her hands flexed by her sides as she ran a hand through her deep brown hair. There was a sudden tension that made your head spin with confusion. You couldn't understand this feeling that has formed between the two of you.
“So, are you ready for the market?” Hazel hummed, scanning her area.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” You state as you make your way forward into the unfamiliar town.
Just like inside the palace, Hazel lingered merely a few inches behind you. You curiously make your way to a table that was filled from edge to edge with a variety of necklaces with beautiful pendants. The vendor was a woman no older than thirty with a startled look on her face. Her dark purple and deep blue dress matched with her similarly patterned head wrap.
“Oh my, you’re the princess.” She spoke with a hand to her chest, eyes flickering to Hazel who was right behind her.
Before you could confirm, she bowed in your presence causing you to hold back your grimace.
“Whatever you like here, it's yours.” She rushed out, motioning to the many necklaces.
You were becoming overwhelmed by how anxious she was. You knew that your parents had installed this fear into the townspeople that they had to be at the royals beck and call. You couldn't understand how they gained so much pleasure from causing people to react like this.
“Thank you
.” You trail off, hoping she would say her name.
“Beatrice.” The vendor— now known as Beatrice— nodded, her fingers clasping together nervously.
“Beatrice, thank you for the kind gesture but I tend to pay for the necklace of my choice if I so choose.” You insist, eyes glancing back and forth between Beatrice and the array of jewelry.
Your eyes lock on a gold pendant with a heart carved into the circle. Being gentle, you pick up the piece of delicate jewelry with a small smile.
“How much is this?” You question before turning to Hazel.
Hazel inches closer to you so that her chest was pressed up against the back of your arm.
“Yes, princess?” She asks you.
“Do we have any sterlings?” You whisper as you were suddenly aware you had no clue if you even had the coins to pay for it.
Hazel shook her head slowly, her face filled with guilt. Beatrice was about to tell you the price when you felt a hand tug on the skirt portion of your dress. You jump slightly when you realize it's a little girl; no older than five years old.
“Well, hello,” you chuckle softly at her long blonde hair and innocence-filled brown eyes.
“Excuse me, miss? My mummy says you’re the princess. Is that true?” She questions you, obvious doubt in her question. Her small arms cross over her burgundy clothed chest.
You turn to glance at Hazel with raised brows. Hazel had a hand on her hip where her holster was as she peered down at the child as well.
“Yes, I am the princess.” You nod to confirm.
Her eyes widened with excitement as she jumped up with a gasp.
“I’ve never met a princess before. Do you have a million dresses in your wardrobe?” She asked, running a tiny hand over the material of your dress.
“Maybe not a million but quite a few, yes.” You shrug your shoulders, your cheeks hurting from how much you were smiling.
“Ella!” You hear from a distance, watching a woman who looked almost identical to the little girl emerge from the crowd of townspeople.
“Mummy, you were right! She is the princess!” Ella shouts to her mother who came to scoop her up from the ground right next to you.
Ella gripped onto her mothers shoulder, eyes locked on you still wide with admiration. The woman, much like Beatrice had been, looked rather afraid than anything as she began to apologize to you.
“I apologize, princess. She ran off when I wasn’t looking a-and—“
“There’s no need to apologize.” You shake your head and wave at Ella who waves back with a dimpled grin.
“I want to be a princess when I grow up,” Ella sighed as she leaned her head on her mothers shoulder.
The sentence caused a sudden wave of sadness to flood over you. You wished you could tell her it isn’t as elegant as everyone may make it out to be, that the only redeeming quality was an empty home. Her big doe eyes that held so much life melted your aching heart. It was clear her mother cares for her as she caresses the back of her golden hair and kisses it gently.
Something you missed in your own life.
“With your beauty and curiosity, Ella, you’re already a princess.” You brush a piece of her flyaway hair with a soft smile.
She beamed at your words, her dimple deepening into her skin.
“We’ll leave you be now, princess.” Her mother sent you a gentle smile as she turned on her heels to walk back into the crowd.
You watch her disappear between the bodies and turn back on your heels to face Beatrice and Hazel.
“I apologize but I don’t think I’ll be purchasing the necklace. Perhaps another day, Beatrice.” You shake your head simply, hoping she understood.
“Oh, well, that’s alright, princess. You have a pleasant rest of the day.” Beatrice nodded with a more bitter smile.
You frowned slightly before you felt a hand escorting you away by your lower back. You knew it was Hazel by the way she handled you.
“You were quite kind to that child.” Hazel spoke up as she released your back to now walk beside you as you continued to stroll through the busy town.
“Oh, that was nothing really,” you glance at her, missing the sight of her face.
“No, it was
 admirable, princess. Don’t do that.” Hazel shook her head as she avoided your gaze, eyes locked forward.
You furrowed your brows before asking: “Don’t do what?”
“Minimize your kindness.” Hazel stated as if it was obvious.
Was that a compliment? You wondered to yourself.
“You really think it's admirable?” You question Hazel, hoping that you didn't sound as desperate as you did in your head.
Hazel stopped in her tracks to turn to look at you in disbelief. You sucked in a deep breath as people passed by you but you felt as if the world had gone still as soon as Hazel did. The rest of the townspeople became a blur when her eyes were on yours.
“Do you really think so little of yourself, princess?” Hazel asks you, her tone matching her expression.
The question had stumped you. You shake your head and continue to walk forward, leaving her question unanswered. In a way, you felt exposed for how easily she was able to see right through you.
“I think we should stop by the bookshop.” You clear your throat as you try to divert the conversation.
Hazel sighs as she tries to reach for your wrist but you only pick up your pace, noticing that sudden movement. You spot a wooden sign with the word library carved into the deep oak wood. You knew it was quite childish of you to do but you went ahead into the bookstore. There wasn’t a doubt in your mind Hazel was following right behind you but you looked back anyways just to reassure yourself she was still there.
Hazel’s gaze locked with yours but quickly diverted to the shelves. The rest of your time in the bookstore and the town was silence between the two of you and as much as you hated to admit it; it pained you.
You could tell that Hazel was trying to be respectful and keep her distance. You didn't want distance anymore.
In the midst of you examining a few carrots you wanted to get for Peanut, you hear Hazel speak up form behind you.
“Are those for Peanut?” Her voice was careful.
You tilt your head slightly before shrugging your shoulders. “Yes. I assume he needs to eat.”
You grab at the orange vegetable, grabbing a few from the vendor. You had arranged to have the coins delivered to him the next day as you didn’t have the sterlings on you.
“Come on. I actually have something I’d like to show you if you allow me to, princess.” Hazel was getting tired of the silence and wanted to know that you weren’t angry with her.
You nod kindly at the older man vendor before turning to Hazel. Her expression was silently pleading for you to come along.
“Alright, Dame Callahan,” you motion her to walk forward, a smile curling onto your lips. “Lead the way.”
Hazel’s tense shoulders relaxed at your own smile, replacing her weary features to a more calm state. The two of you began to walk back to where Peanut was being held near the entrance arch. You beamed at the horse as you held the end of the carrot to Peanut’s snout watching as he ate the vegetable.
“What did you have to show me?” You turn to Hazel who was caressing the side of Peanuts body.
“It’s on the outskirts of the town. It’s a few miles into the forest.” She hesitantly suggested, eyes flickering between you and the dark horse.
That could be an adventure, you tell yourself. This silent tension between you two has got to pass and this could be an opportunity to fix your stubbornness.
“I wouldn’t be opposed to that,” you smiled softly at her.
Her eyes shone with relief and your heart clenched at the noticeable difference in her attitude towards you. She held her hand for you to help you backup onto Peanut to venture into the forest past the town. You got onto the saddle a lot easier than the first time, Hazel following your movements to straddle Peanut. Her hands grip onto the reins as she taps her foot against Peanut’s ribs to send him off.
You turn around with both of your arms around Hazel’s torso to watch the town shrink as the distance grows. Subconsciously, you lean your head forward to rest on her upper back and shut your eyes as you listen to her heartbeat. It was pumping fast with adrenaline, matching the way her ribs flared in and out as she breathed.
The fresh summer breeze brushed past your hair, cooling the back of your neck.
“Comfortable?” Hazel turned her head to ask you, raising her voice.
You nod, lifting your head up with a blush. A little too comfortable, you thought to yourself feeling embarrassed for doing such a thing. Hazel chuckled to herself, the feeling of her ribs expanding causing you to laugh softly as well.
You became distracted as you noticed a bridge came into view. It was a few feet across but underneath was only a portion of a lake that stretched more than fifteen acres across. You had no idea how deep it was but it was a beautiful sight. The way the suns’ rays bounced off of the water and the surrounding grass highlighting the body of water. A few weeping willow trees dangled its leaves from above the bridge, sort of hiding the bridge if you looked at it at a certain angle.
“What is this place?” You question with a smile.
Hazel tugged back on the reins and Peanut came to a halt. She hopped down from the horse with a grunt, flipping her hair out of her face before reaching out for your hand.
“It’s much better up close.” Hazel assures you, looking out to the lake.
You reached for her grasp with a soft chuckle, peering out at the lake as well with admiration. As soon as your flats hit the dirt, Hazel began to tug you forward towards the bridge. Holding her hand so comfortably like this felt like breaking the rules. Excitingly breaking the rules.
The two of you approached the old bridge, the rickety wood squeaking underneath your footsteps. Hazel released your hand to place her hand on the beam that was separating you and Hazel from the water. You peer out at the water in awe.
“This is where my father would take me as a child if we weren’t training until my muscles ached.” Hazel admitted. “He said it reminded him of my mother.”
You furrowed your brows at her words, brushing your flyways out of your face.
“Your father has been a part of our kingdom for so long. He never mentioned you or your mother. Where is she?” You questioned softly.
Hazel sucked in a deep breath, avoiding eye contact with you. “She passed when she gave birth to me. I come here to think about her and how much my father would talk about her.”
Your heart ached at the thought of Hazel coming here alone when she was missing her mother. Knowing she has felt sadness and sorrow and had to deal with the ache of never knowing her mother that her father spoke highly about.
“Hazel,” you reach for her hand, rubbing your thumb over the back of her knuckles. “I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m sure your mother would be so proud of you and how great of a knight you’ve come to be.”
Hazel glanced down at your hand on hers, pulling it away slightly which caused you to pull away completely. You’re making her uncomfortable, you scold yourself.
“Thank you, princess,” Hazel gave her a quick smile before peering out into the water.
“Of course.”
A beat of silence falls over you before you speak up once again: “I’m sorry for the way I reacted in town. It was
 immature of me to do.”
Hazel shook her head. “I could tell I had made you uncomfortable before. When I had asked you that, I meant
 I wish you could see yourself the way I see you.”
Your heart was trying to escape from your chest as you hesitantly asked: “How do you see me?”
You were leaning your back against the beam of the bridge, looking at her as you patiently waited for the answer. Before Hazel could even fathom answering, you hear a crack come from behind you. You fall backwards from the bridge as your body hits the cold water. You feel water flood into your ears and nose and suddenly, you couldn’t breathe. You knew how to swim, you were just overwhelmed and surprised by how easily that bridge broke.
How old was that bridge?
A few seconds passed and you hear another body hit the water. Two arms wrapped around your frame and you were being tugged through the water. You feel your head immerse from under and a cold breeze hits your cold face. You could hear Hazel panting and grunting as she frantically lifts you out of the water and back onto the land.
Your body felt weak as you could still feel water up your nose as you began to cough harshly, a slight burn bubbling in your throat. Hazel lifted you up and out of the water and laid you down onto the grass patch not too far from the bridge.
“Princess, are you hurt? C-Can you breathe?” Hazel patted the side of your wet cheek with her palm and pushed your soaked hair out of your face.
You groan softly as your coughing dies down.
“Talk to me, please.” Her tone was begging as her warm palms cupped the sides of your cool face.
You knew you should say something, anything but you can’t help but laugh. The laughter sort of spills out of you as you take in that you actually accidentally fell off of a bridge.
“Are you
 laughing?” Hazel seethes as she removes her hands from your skin.
“I just— I fell off a bridge.” You express as you point to the now split piece of wood. “Into a lake.”
Hazel looks at you in disbelief. Your laughter dies down as you take in her very obviously infuriated with you. You sit up slowly to come face to face with her. Hazel backs up from you and stands to her feet.
“I think it’s time to head back to town to meet up with Isabel. The sun is going to set soon.” Hazel brushes off her grass-ridden wet clothing as much as she could.
“Hazel, it’s okay,” you begin before you realize why she may be angry. The bridge. Her father’s bridge. “If this is about the bridge, I’ll have someone come and fix it—“
“I think we should head back now, princess.”
You nod slowly as you stand on your feet, getting the hint that she wasn’t in the mood to talk right now. You had messed up. Why did you have to laugh? You thought this would fix the tension, not increase it.
You didn't even want to hold onto her out of fear that she wouldn’t allow you to. That is until you felt a hand grip onto yours and wrap around her torso as soon as you had hopped on.
The entire ride back to town was uncomfortable as you were both dripping from head to toe in lake water and Hazel had not spoken to you the entire way.
No check up. No ‘comfortable?’. Nothing but silence.
Once you two had arrived in town, there Isabel was at the entrance just as you had agreed on. Her eyes locked on your wet figures, her brows furrowed in worry.
“What happened?” Isabel asked in worry as she maneuvered her horse to walk beside Peanut.
“I fell into a lake. I’m okay.” You wave her off as you tilt your body to take a glance at Hazel.
She kept her gaze straight ahead, jaw locked tightly as she kept Peanut at a slow pace. Isabel’s eyes silently asked you why Hazel was so silent now. You, again, shake your head as you would explain to her later after you arrived back at the palace.
Isabel nodded at you before keeping her horse at a steady pace. You were dreading the conversation that was going to happen when you arrived at the palace.
What were you going to do?
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Hazel maneuvered Peanut to the stables, Isabel following. Hazel swung over and off the saddle as her soggy boots hit the gravel ground that was just outside the stables. You were a bit relieved to see her still holding her hand out to help your stability. You take her cold and damp hand into yours, glancing behind you at Isabel who was taking the horse back to his stable.
“Hazel, can we talk? In the garden, please?” You mutter softly.
Hazel released your hand as her eyes locked with yours. She was still angry but her brows relaxed as she nodded.
“Let me put Peanut back in his stable. It should only take a moment.” Hazel weakly grinned as she hooked her fingers onto the reins and led the horse back into the stables.
Just as she disappeared, Isabel came from the opposite side. She sped walked up to you with a worried expression.
“Is everything okay between you two? I thought you guys were friends.” Isabel questions softly, a hand taking yours.
“I don’t know. I’m going to try and make it better.” You tell her lowly, tilting your head to make sure Hazel wasn’t coming. “I’ll tell you more about it in the morning. Goodnight, Bel.”
Isabel nodded as she squeezed your hand three times: “Goodnight.”
Isabel walks past you and to the entrance of the palace, the knights there opening the doors for her. Hazel emerged from the stables, shutting the heavy doors behind her before motioning to the direction of the garden.
“After you,” Hazel said with a tight lipped smile.
You walk briskly to the garden, eager to get some privacy as you were itching to know why she was so angry with you. Hazel was right behind you, her footsteps and wet boots making an obnoxiously loud squeaking sound.
As soon as you walked through the stone archway, you turned to Hazel suddenly. She stopped in her tracks and looked at you with wide eyes.
“Why are you upset with me?” You question, hands clenched by your sides.
Hazel blinked at you: “what?”
“Don’t do that. I can tell, okay? You were being short with me and have ignored me the entire ride back, Hazel. I want to know why.” You express desperation and begging in your tone.
Hazel remained silent. Her mouth opened but no words left her mouth.
“I understand if you’re angry with me because I broke the bridge. It was an accident but I know it meant a lot to you. I will send someone out there to mend it first thing in the morning.” You rush out, walking towards the fountain.
“I was afraid.” Hazel mutters out.
If you hadn’t been so attentively listening, you would’ve missed it. You turn around sharply to face her. She had a pained look on her face and a hand on her hip.
“Afraid?” You question.
Hazel sucked in a deep breath and let out a shaky breath. “When you fell into the water, I never felt that amount of fear in my entire life. I thought that you had hit a rock and broken a leg or worse.”
“Hazel, I was okay. I am okay.” You express gently as you inched closer so that your faces were centimeters apart.
“Well, you couldn't have been. I’m supposed to be protecting you and if something were to happen to you, I wouldn’t
” She trailed off and licked her drying lips. Your eyes were pouring into hers as the moon light lit up the side of her face beautifully, highlighting her watery eyes. “I care about you, princess. I don’t think you understand how much.”
Your eyes flicker down to her lips and back up to her eyes.
“I asked you before I fell ‘how do you see me’, what were you going to say?” You whisper out as if you spoke at any higher volume it would ruin this moment.
“Princess,” Hazel whispers back with begging in her voice, squinting her eyes as if it pained her to look at you.
“Please tell me,” you reach for the side of her face shakily, hoping she won’t push you away.
Hazel’s hand found your wrist and squeezed gently, shaking her head. You lean forward as your noses brush against each other. Hazel nudges her nose against yours with a sigh.
So close.
“I can’t,” she mutters.
“Why?” You beg, running your thumb over the apple of her cheek.
Hazel’s eyes flickered from the top of your head to the bottom of your chin before releasing your wrist. She takes your face between her palms and pulls your lips against hers. You gasp against her mouth, letting go of her face out of shock.
She was kissing you.
The feeling of her lips only yours surged electricity up your spine and into your head. You froze completely as no one had ever kissed you before. Let alone a woman. Before you could kiss her back, Hazel pulled away quickly and stepped back a few feet from you.
“Princess, I-I shouldn’t have done that. I’m so sorry. We can pretend like this never happened.” Hazel put her hands out, shaking her head in obvious distress.
“I can’t do that.” You whisper as you ghost your fingers over your flushed lips.
“Yes, we’ll just have to. It’s entirely unprofessional and something that—“
“—I want,” you finish her sentence as you inch towards her once again.
Hazel’s chest was heaving up and down as she tilted her head in confusion. You weren’t rejecting her; calling her disgusting or unnatural. You wanted this just as much as she did.
Hazel grabbed you by your arm and tugged your body into hers, locking your lips once again. She hummed against your lips as you followed her pace carefully. You wanted her to consume every part of you. This is what you had been wishing and aching for from the moment you met.
“Promise you won’t ignore me after this?” You whisper against her lips as you pull away.
Hazel huffed out a laugh with a shake of her head. Her hands were running up and down your almost completely dry dress. Your hands were tracing the bottom of her throat, wishing you could have every inch of her in your palms.
“I could never ignore my princess.”
You shyly avoid her gaze, a blush taking over your damp cheeks. Hazel gently pecked your lips once again before lifting your chin up with one hand.
“Your princess.” You state softly, adoring the title more than you ever imagined you could.
“In due time, I hope.” Hazel shrugs her shoulders, her smile growing.
“Would that make you my knight?” Your smile matches her own, tilting your chin down into her grasp.
Hazel traces your bottom lip with her thumb delicately: “if you so wish. I’ll be whatever you want me to be.”
“Will you join me in my room tonight?” You whisper breathlessly.
Hazel grinned at you, something familiar sparkling in her eyes before releasing your body from hers. You step back carefully, watching her every move like a hawk. Hazel’s eyes pointed toward the doors with raised brows, knowing you would understand.
You made your way past her towards the door with a pressed lip smile. Hazel was hot on your trail as the two of you entered the palace. You peer down both sides of the long hallways, not a single person in sight.
You grabbed her hand into yours with a devilish grin, tugging her along to follow you. She allowed herself to get dragged by you through the seemingly never ending halls of the palace. Your overjoyed laugh echoed down the halls as the adrenaline fled rushed through you.
Hazel shushed you gently but she, too, was giddy with joy. She just never thought it would be here with a princess; her princess.
Once the two of you approached your grand bedroom doors, you tugged the heavy doors open with Hazel with slight struggle. You entered your room with a soft sigh, shaking your head as you forced the doors shut. Hazel pushed you up against the hardwood with a soft thump as she kissed you once again, more eager for you. Your hands weaved into her hair with a shaky breath, arching into her hands.
“Princess, we’re going to have to head to bed soon. If I continue kissing you, I don’t think I’ll be able to resist you for much longer.” Hazel muttered against your lips.
You nod slowly, agreeing with her. You had a month to be with her like this. Four weeks time to enjoy every second of every day with her without disruption.
“There’s no rush,” you assure her, nudging her nose against yours with a sigh.
Hazel pecked your lips once before turning her head to look at your still unmade bed from the morning. It was strange to see but it felt more like a bedroom that you lived in than just a room in the palace.
Hazel grinned at you with a sigh.
“No rush.”
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tag-list: @toritea @echo-ethe @flannelgirl444xx @pascalrry @eggplantfingers @piperlivingdeliberately @palebatflowershoe @elsblunt @bellaramseylover @madhouseforsane @princessmars @ignepatron @idkwhatimdoingherelmao @paqerings @guzzlingplastic111 @akila-twt @teenagedramaqueenlisa @vster0769 @moonbyune @silentliesblog @kali-q @0jaylene0 @lovecomesfrmwithin @thewinterlunarhalo @mimiofficial18 @jamespotterloveslilies @writerinloves-blog @uraesthete @spencerreidswhore187 @lilylilacsbee @piapiaweee3 @liv012 @astrologybitch04 @strawberryyivy
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writerinloves-blog · 7 months
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writerinloves-blog · 7 months
The Bodyguard | Hazel Callahan 
summary: Hazel Callahan has a love-hate relationship with her bodyguard, Y/n.  pairings:  Fem!Bodyguard reader x Rockstar!Hazel Warnings: English isn’t my main language so excuse any errors.  a/n: watched bottoms again with my mom! She couldn’t understand a word because she isn’t that good in english. Hope you guys like it!
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Y/n stepped out of the venue escorting Hazel Callahan out with her hand resting firmly on her lower back. Both of them headed towards the tour bus so they could finally end their long night. That was Y/n’s job, keeping sensational rockstar Hazel Callahan safe away from harm's way, not being in annoying phone calls about her boss’s attitude. Y/n held onto Hazel’s bag while she pinched her phone between her shoulder and her ear, attending a conference meeting with Hazel’s team. 
She stopped in her tracks as she let out a sigh, nodding at the words coming out of the phone. Y/n quickly removed her hand from Hazel back to rub her temples clearly annoyed out of her mind.  Hazel followed her actions noticing that her footsteps had stopped. She turned around to face Y/n with an exhausted look on her face. She had been doing shows back to back, getting little to no sleep. All she wanted to do was go to bed and rest. But she was grateful that Y/n decided to take the meeting knowing that she couldn’t hear the bitching voice of her manager telling her what she did wrong the night before.  Hazel’s eyes tried searching for Y/n’s but it was useless due to the black sunglasses that rested on her nose. 
Y/n could feel the anticipation bottling up in her chest as she and the person in the other line let out an exhausted sigh. It felt like the short conference call had turned into a serious two hour meeting  revolving around Hazel's attitude. Things weren’t looking good for Hazel and even though she worked for her she still deeply cared about her. 
“Yes. I’m aware of everything that’s happening, sir. I’ve been keeping an eye on her. I promise you guys she will be on her best behavior. As of now, I will  need to hang up so she gets safely to her next destination. I’ll keep in touch. She’ll be at the meeting at eight am sharp. Good Night.” Y/n hung up the phone, slipping it into her back pocket while recomposing herself.  “Hazel, where do you want to ea
 Shit!” Y/n exclaimed a river of curse words following as she took in her surroundings, noticing that Hazel had slipped from her eyesight. 
The cold winter breeze hit her body, making her shiver. Y/n regretted only wearing her uniform, her black suit didn’t do anything for her in the cold weather. Why Hazel wanted her to wear a stereotypical body suit uniform was beyond her  but right now that should be the least of her worries. It was around one am in the morning and Hazel’s show had just finished an hour and half ago. Both of the girls were standing outside of the venue waiting for the crowd of fans to disappear so she could get her safe and sound to the tour bus not before stopping for some food. Y/n was never distracted but after receiving an urgent call from Hazel's manager she had moved her eyes away from her one second, but that was all Hazel needed to slip out of her hold.  
Y/n L/n had known Hazel  Callahan ever since she started her music career.  Both of them were around the same age but Hazel had insisted she felt more comfortable with a body guard around her age. So night after night she would stand near Hazel to guarantee her safety but quite recently things had changed. Y/n’s job had become harder adding more responsibilities to her job that were never in her contract. She had become not only Hazel’s bodyguard but her assistant. Hazel had entered her “Frat boy” era or at least that’s what the PR management had informed Y/n.  
Y/n was tired. Tired of having to drag a drunk or high Hazel out of the bar. Having to wait outside of the hotel room while she hooked up with a random stranger. But most importantly she was tired of having to deal with her management. They wanted Hazel to be perfect and all her little hiccups all lead to Y/n, because she wasn’t “mature” enough to control her. Yet there she was doing her job while attempting to save what was left of Hazel’s reputation doing her management work. She couldn’t even think of the last time she had a vacation. She didn’t mind having Hazel close, she actually enjoyed her presence but the past months she was acting like a brat and she couldn’t stand it anymore. 
Y/n moved quickly on her feet going to God’s knows where as she gripped on Hazel’s bag. Pissed off out of her mind she could see the flashing red lights from afar. Her once chill demeanor turned into a rough glare as she stomped  towards the bar near the venue.  As she pulled the door open she could see Hazel dancing in the middle up the dance floor with someone with a drink tightly gripped on her hand. She left her for about an hour. How was it possible that she was already fucked out of her mind. Y/n pushed up her sunglasses to see better with the flashing lights as she slipped through the drunken bodies. 
“Y/n,  you finally decided to join the fun! I thought you were going to stay outside doing boring things. I’m really glad you're here. Here try my drink, you’re going to love it” Hazel said quickly losing her attention on the girl next to her leaning towards Y/n to push the drink towards her lips. Y/n moved her hand away, taking the drink out of Hazel’s hand making her pout. Before Hazel could even say another word Y/n took her hand pushing past the people surrounding them. 
“Let’s go before someone recognizes you and gets the both of us in trouble.” Y/n said but before she could reach the door, the sea of people split them up. Hazel’s drunk body hit someone else spilling their drink. Hazel’s hands quickly tried to dry the owner's shirt and mutter a river of apologies but before she could do anything else the owner of the drink pulled Hazel by the shirt. Y/n attempted to pushed past the excited people trying to see what was the hold up. 
“What the fuck is your problem?” 
“Nothing! You're the one that’s fucking gripping on my shirt. Do you know how expensive this shirt is? It’s literally worth more than your own life so do me a favor and  let go of me. Do you even know how I am? Your dirty little han
” and with those words escaping Hazel’s lips, she quickly found herself on the floor with a bloody nose and a throbbing pain in her left eye.  Y/n once again pushed through the people shielding Hazel’s face from the cameras not wanting her to be in the news the next day. She quickly got her on her feet quickly reaching the door. 
“Miss Callahan, do you know what time it.. Are you insane? Going to a bar? Getting into a fight? You have your team working hard as it is but now?  No, you know what, I'll ask you a better question: are you aware of who you are?” Y/n said seriously when they finally got out of the small bar. Hazel scoffed, rolling her eyes at Y/n.
“Of course I know who I am, Y/n. I’m a fucking star and I deserve to have fucking fun. I’m not a machine and management needs to get that through their thick skulls.” Hazel muttered as she stomped angrily towards the tour bus. Y/n followed her steps closely not wanting to lose her again. 
“Let’s just go to the tour bus, you have a long day ahead of you and now you’ll have to deal with a hangover.” Y/n responded softly trying to put her hand once again on her lower back. Hazel quickly moved, pushing her hand away, her steps being quicker and stronger than before. 
“You sound just like them. I thought you were on my side, but all I see now is you bitching and moaning. What happened with the Y/n that actually enjoyed spending time with me? The one that actually liked doing her job? You act like being with me is a burden, do you think I’m dumb enough to not notice?”  Y/n followed her steps closely not wanting to lose her again. 
“With all the respect. I’ve defended you relentlessly with your managers, I’ve protected you with my life, Hazel. I put your needs before me. Have you noticed that I don’t have a social life because I’m twenty four seven with you? I’ve done everything to keep your career intact. Ask your other celebrities friends what fucking body guard stays outside of their fucking hotel room so they could have a quick fuck? Don’t compare me to the management team that doesn’t care about your well being. I’m not going to fight with you, Callahan. I’m just doing my job.” Y/n responded in her calm tone as both of them continued walking towards the bus. Hazel laughed sarcastically as she pushed her hair out of her eyes. 
“You are acting as if we aren’t friends, Y/n why are you being like this now? Is it because you're jealous that everyone can have me and you can’t? Ever since I started what the stupid pr calls my “frat boy” era you become a bitch. I’m sorry that you don’t get laid, maybe it’s because of your lack of personality. ” Hazel yelled once again, turning around to face Y/n. Hazel quickly fell when she heard the words that slipped out of her mouth instantly regretting it. Her eyes follow Y/n’s body watching as she opens the tour bus door. 
“Get in. You have a meeting at eight am and you’re not going to miss it.” Y/n replied dryly wanting for her to enter the tour bus. Hazel’s feet felt as if they were glued onto the floor not being able to move. 
“I’m sorry, Y/n. I really didn’t mean it! Please don’t quit” Hazel said quickly knowing that half of her staff had left her already and she couldn’t bear losing Y/n. 
“Callahan, whatever we have is professional. We aren’t friends so whatever you say doesn’t affect me whatsoever. I need this job. So get it” 
Hazel knew that after tonight things were going to be different and she hated herself for that. 
Thank you for reading
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writerinloves-blog · 7 months
hitting all the bases [h.c]
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summary: after coming back for good from college, you catch up with your old school friends. hazel, your old crush and good friend, informs you that she’s a professional baseball player now. old feelings return and this time, you’ll be scoring. you’re sure of it.
pairing: hazel callahan x fem!reader
contains: mature language and content, smut — oral (hazel receiving), fingering (r!receiving), light choking (r!receiving), praise, locker room sex, baseball player!hazel, fwb trope, isabel & josie being readers parents.
word count: 4.3K
a/n: im so sorry for posting this so late at night but i just had to share it. i sincerely apolgize if anything is wrong because i’m not a baseball fanatic. i hope you all enjoy. thank you <3
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You had been across states at university for the past nine months. You didn’t expect all of your friends from high school to be so excited to see you. It warmed your heart to know that they had set up and planned a ‘welcome home’ party.
Isabel, PJ, Josie, Brittany, Stella-Rebbeca, and Hazel had talked to your parents a week before your arrival day to decorate your house full of banners, balloons, snacks, and alcohol for you. You were elated with the overwhelming sound of fanfare and party poppers as you walked through the front door.
Of course, you hugged everyone in a tight and kind hug. You quickly ran to your room to change as you were in sweatpants and a plain shirt from the flight back. You didn’t want to socialize in clothes that had been clinging to your body for hours on end.
After you had gotten changed into a much more fitting outfit, you began to socialize with everyone.
Isabel and Josie were going on three years of being together, very happily which warmed your heart. Brittany gushed about how her jewelry business had been skyrocketing since your past leaving and offered to show you some pictures of her latest designs later. Stella was now hosting a self-defense class for women due to her stalker situation and PJ was working with Stella.
As you conversed with Hazel, you realized how she had only been getting more and more attractive as the years had gone by. Her hair was still that same mullet-rocker length and her sharp features only reignited that childhood crush you had on her in middle school.
When she had told you that she was in the National Baseball League, you swear you felt your panties dampen. Very briefly did you remember her interest in the sport in high school but didn’t think much of it then.
Everyone was already either tipsy or drunk, you and Hazel included. The two of you had made your way into your kitchen to grab some more of the margarita mix. The rest of the girls were blasting songs through your speakers on the TV.
“You know, I have a game this Sunday. You should come.” Hazel tilted her head as she held the solo cup in her ring-cladded fingers, taking a sip without her eyes leaving yours.
You sensed a flirty tone in her voice, cheeks heating up as you didn’t want to read too into it. You blamed it on the amount of alcohol for both your horniness and flushed cheeks.
“Of course, I’ll be there, Haze. I wouldn’t miss it.” You reach forward to place a gentle hand on her free one, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Guys, we’re doing shots!” Isabel stumbles in between you both to interrupt your conversation, the hold on both of your hands tightening. “Welcome back, babe!”
Isabel screeched at you over the sound of the blasting music to grab onto your free arm, giggling to herself. You send Hazel a soft smile before tugging her hand in yours.
“C’mon. It’s shot time.” You bite your lip as she chugs down whatever is in her cup to set it down on your kitchen counter.
Hazel followed you and Isabel, keeping her hand in yours. Anyone in your friend group would’ve seen that and brushed it aside as you and Hazel simply being the best ‘gal pals’. They had no idea how horny you were for her at that very moment.
Everyone gathered around the living room coffee table, an assortment of different colored clear shot plastic glasses. Hazel turned to you and wrapped your arms around each other, downing each other’s shots. A new intense form of eye contact that had never been exchanged between the two of you before.
Something enticing. Something you had to explore.
You didn’t see Hazel again the rest of the week. There was this yearning in your stomach at the thought of her. You would be a lying son of a bitch too if you hadn’t gotten off to her every night since then. Something in your heart and soul told you that you needed more than anything than to just fuck her.
You knew you had to fuck her brains out.
When Josie and Isabel had picked you up from your house on the way to Hazel’s game, you got wide eyes and stares from the couple.
“What?” You huffed out a laugh as you tugged open the backseat door, sticking your head into the car.
“Nothing. You look good.” Isabel grinned, eyes looking you up and down.
Maybe you wore the least amount of clothing possible to seduce Hazel before the game. You sported a cami and a pair of shorts that matched with her team's color. Yes, it was the lowest you could ever tug down a cami and yes, you weren’t wearing a bra. Your hair was styled into two French braids tied with ribbons of her team's colors at the end to keep the weight off of your neck.
“Oh, thanks, Bel.” You return the smile, reaching into your small purse that was tossed over your shoulder and applying a small amount of gloss to your lips.
There’s an unspoken tension in the air when they begin to drive off to the stadium. The soft sound of Livin’ On A Prayer hummed through the speakers of Josie’s car, you repeatedly checking your reflection.
There was a small part of you that was a bit nervous to initiate this. You had hooked up with a few girls in college but you were never going to see them again. You tried to not overthink as Josie started up a conversation between you and Isabel.
“So, you’ve never been to one of Hazel’s games?” Josie questioned, eyes flickering to the rearview mirror.
“Nope. Is she any good?” You ask them both, raising your eyebrows.
“Oh, she’s the best pitcher on the team,” Isabel adds, motioning to nothing in particular. “You should see how many girls absolutely drool over her during the game. Since she got recruited, she has become a gay awakening for so many women across the state.”
This made sense in your head, in all honesty. You are one of those women that Hazel had made a mentally permanent imprint on.
“Oh, yeah,” Josie added, nodding her head along with her girlfriend's words. “A lot of flashing too. PJ has to be physically restrained.”
You snort at her words, not doubting that whatsoever.
“Hazel hasn’t, like, been seeing anyone, right?” You slowly question as Josie makes her way to exit the highway to the stadium.
Isabel glanced at Josie before turning her head completely to look at you from the passenger's seat.
“Not that I know of. Babe?” Isabel turned to Josie who just shrugged in response.
You nod to yourself, checking your reflection one last time. Josie was finally pulling into the stadium’s parking lot entrance, paying for the entrance fee before going into a section that was reserved for certain guests: aka you and your friends as you were Hazel’s special guests.
Walking into the stadium, you were immediately met with what Josie and Isabel were talking about. You spotted many women — with a few select men — with Callahan jerseys and tops with her number plastered onto the back.
“C’mon. We get to sit near the dugout.” Josie motioned for you to follow her and Isabel.
Their hands were locked as followed behind the pair, glancing around. It had been quite the turnout for the game. You weren’t really that much of a ‘sports’ person. It’s not that you hated sports or anything like that. You were just never able to find the excitement behind it.
You were however much of a Hazel person.
“Did you want anything to eat before we go and sit?” Isabel turned her head to ask you as they were passing the array of small shops of food.
“Uh, yeah. Sure.” You nod as your eyes spot the nachos on the bright light-up menu.
So, Isabel and Josie, after you had repeatedly insisted that you could pay, bought you your nachos and a large water bottle because of the heat. You rushed after them once you three heard the crowd start to go wild. You noticed on the multitude of screens that it was the teams getting into formation.
You make sure to keep a good grip on your plastic tray as you make your way past sweat-glistened fans. Isabel had grabbed onto your free hand to make sure you were right behind her as you made your way down the stairs to the area right behind the dugout.
There sat Brittany, Stella, and PJ all in the same sort of attire. Either Hazel’s jersey or colors to match the teams with a pair of jean shorts or pants.
“Hey guys!” You shout over the blasting music, waving at everyone.
They all reply back with smiles and holding their own snacks and beverages. You lean down to each of your friends to kiss them on the cheek, muttering ‘hello’ and ‘hi’. PJ stared directly at your chest, her ‘hi’ being distracted.
“In a totally respectful and non-dehumanizing and non-sexual way, you look hot as fuck.” You hear PJ tell you as you scoot over to say ‘hi’ to Stella.
You chuckle and shake your head. “Thanks, PJ.”
“Yeah, you look so good.” Stella gasps as she reaches to touch at the ribbons in your hair. “These are so cute.”
“Thanks, Stell.” You blush at the attention before making your way to Brittany.
Her hair was up in a ponytail, sunglasses rested on her nose and an ICEE in hand. She kissed your cheek as well, patting your back with a sigh.
“Britt, you okay?” You ask, releasing Isabel’s hand.
“Yeah, I just
 hate the heat.” She groans and tilts her head up to expose her glistening neck.
You frown at her words before rummaging through your purse. You pull out a mini fan with a small spritz container that you had bought ages ago. Brittany tilts her sunglasses down to look at the device in your palms and groans even louder out of relief.
“Girl, thank you. I am actually sweating bullets and it’s not even cute glowing at this point.” Brittany kisses your cheek once more before grabbing the travel-sized fan.
“You’re welcome. Don’t overuse it or it’ll die quickly.” You pat her overheating shoulder once before making your way to sit right next to Josie.
Your eyes were darting from player to player, trying to spot Hazel. There, on the pitchers’ mound, she stood with a mitt covering one hand and a baseball in the other. She had eye black sitting underneath her deep blue glare, looking straight ahead at the batter that was at home plate.
Her jaw was moving slightly and you assumed it was chewing gum. You were focused more on her sharp jawline than the actual game. You watch her change her form to get ready to pitch, raising one leg before releasing the red-stitched ball right at the batter to maneuver right into the umpire's mitt.
The crowd cheers at that alone, the girls and you included. Hazel had an incredibly strong arm and aim from what you could tell. Everyone there was obsessed with her. You kind of felt bad for the other players on the team.
You were pretty zoned out which you know was not the best thing to do but again, you weren’t interested in the sports. You wanted how Hazel’s veins were practically popping from the back of her hands, her mean stare at whatever batter from the opposing team was up next.
It shouldn’t have made you as aroused as it did.
The score had been neck in neck before Hazel hit and ran the winning home run. The stadium erupted into cheers as you watched her run into her teammates’ arms, shouting and cheering herself. You stood up and screamed along with the rest of the girls, Josie turning to you and grasping onto your hands and squeezing them.
“Hell fucking yeah!” Josie shouted, causing you to laugh but match her enthusiasm.
After you watched as both teams went underneath the bleachers to what you assume were the locker rooms. You stood up carefully, smoothing down your top and grabbing your now empty tray of nachos.
“Where are you going?” Isabel questioned as you began to walk away.
Oh right. Other people can see you.
“I’m going to throw this away and go to the bathroom. I’ll be quick.” You reassure her, smiling kindly and nodding at everyone.
They all glanced at each other before all asking if you wanted them to come with you. On any other normal day, you would’ve happily said yes but these were different circumstances.
You were trying to fuck Hazel.
“No, no, no, guys. I-I’ll be okay. Text me if you guys need anything or you’re leaving.” You tell them and wave with a big smile.
You practically ran to the ‘bathroom’, maneuvering between the crowds of people to the security that was blocking the entryway to the backstage and locker room area. The bald man held a hand out as you approached with determination, a hand on his belt with his walkie-talkie and gun holster.
“Ma’am, this is a restricted area.” He shakes his head.
“No, I know. Hazel Callahan is a close friend of mine and she asked me to see her.”
His brows furrowed as he grabbed his walkie-talkie to tune into the feed.
“Hey, Brian. You got the list for Callahan's VIP guest list?” He asked through the mini speaker.
You sigh as you wait for the ‘okay’, looking at him impatiently. Without fail, he was given your name and unhooked the barrier to let you through. You make your way down the narrow hallways, following the signs to the locker rooms.
Your eyes found the women’s sign and gradually pushed the door open. You peeked your head into the locker room, glancing around to see if you could find Hazel between the bright blue metal.
You carefully walk into the room, shutting the door behind you. You hear a shower faucet shut off, followed by feet pattering.
“Hazel? Are you decent?” You called out into the space, your voice echoing slightly.
A second passes before you hear your name followed by; “yeah. Just follow my voice.”
You eventually find her about fifteen locker rows down and god, you could cum right there and then.
“Hey Haze,” you grin as you spot her in a wife-pleaser with a pair of boxer briefs in the locker room.
Hazel had a towel around her neck, rubbing at the back of her head to try her freshly washed hair. Your mind was running wild at the sight of her nipples peeking through the thin fabric. You were leaning against the dark blue lockers just a few feet away from her.
“Oh, hey,” she copied your grin, eyes following to the entrance of the locker room right behind you. “Is it just you?”
You hum with a nod, hands clasped behind your back as you slowly approach her.
“Yeah, I, uh, said I was going to the bathroom but I just wanted to see you,” you admit carefully.
You weren’t entirely sure if her sexual feelings matched yours. You were fighting every filthy urge to grab her and kiss her until you couldn’t breathe.
“Little ol’ me?” Hazel replied as she, too, began to walk over to you with a cheeky smile.
That fucking smile that drove you insane.
“Yeah, you.” You leaned in closer to her, now nearly face-to-face with the blue-eyed beauty.
“Ah, well,” she smacked her lips, crossing her arms over her chest. “So, did you enjoy the game?”
“Yeah, you were really good, Haze. I see why your fan base is so crazy about you.” You tease as you are now resting your back against the cold lockers.
Hazel’s brows rose at the word ‘fan base’ which causes you to let out a chuckle mixed with a scoff.
“Oh, don’t act like you don’t know how the majority of women here are dropping their panties and flashing the entire stadium for you.” You quip, mimicking her eyebrow raise.
Hazel looked down as she pursed her lips and she held back a smug smirk. If you held your breath, you could hear the pattering of feet coming from above from the hundreds of feet leaving the stadium.
“Would you be in that majority, honey?”
Hazel’s words take a minute to process in your head before a blush floods from the tips of your ears to the depths of your stomach. Your eyes widened slightly at her question, deciding on how you should answer.
You were now 100% sure that she wanted you too.
“Oh, sorry. You missed it but I did flash homeplate earlier.” You shrugged your shoulders but a teasing smile was left lingering on your lips.
“Oh, so, I guess you wouldn’t mind giving me a more private show,” Hazel quipped back, now centimeters from your face.
Your eyes flicker down to Hazel’s cupid's bow then back to her eyes that seemed to be drinking you in from head to toe. Growing impatient as ever, you hooked two fingers into her chain before tugging her into you. Your lips found hers with ease, her gasping at the pressure from the metal digging into the back of her neck.
Her hands greedily gripped onto your hips as you released her chain to rest your forearms onto her shoulders. You suck in a deep breath against her lips as her hands practically shoved your aching hips into the cold metal behind you.
“You know how long I’ve wanted you, pretty girl?” Hazel pulled away to whisper against your lips.
“You have me now, Haze.” Your hands brush against the hairs resting at the nape of her neck, a slight whimper in your words.
Hazel leans her head into the crook of your neck, kissing at the pulse point of your skin. You arch your back off the heavy lockers as you grip her slightly damp shoulders. Her lips suck and nibble at the skin before trailing back up to your slick lips.
“These are cute,” she cockily grins as she takes one hand from your hip to twirl her finger at the end of one of your pigtails.
You flush when she gives it a gentle tug, her smug grin growing. Did you let out a moan when she did that? You had assumed you did as Hazel muttered, ‘kinky’, before kissing you once again.
“Hey, hey, Haze?” You rushed out your words.
Hazel only hummed back placing a multitude of kisses across your flushed cheeks all the down to your heaving chest. Her hands reached underneath your top to grip your bare breasts.
“Haze, we really gotta hurry,” you heaved out as her lips were grazing right above your tits as she swiped her thumbs over your nipple.
“I hear you, honey.”
Her hands began to tug down your annoyingly sexy skirt, looking at you for confirmation as her fingers traced the waistband of your soft blue cotton panties. You nod eagerly, whimpering a desperate ‘please’.
Your skirt was now at your ankles which you stepped out of. You kicked it off to the side mindlessly as you watched Hazel dig her fingers into the waistband of your panties.
“Open your mouth for me, baby,” Hazel instructs, her free hand creeping up to your mouth.
You obey greedily and allow her middle ring finger to slip into your mouth. She groans softly as you suck at her digits, locking eyes with her seductively.
“Fuck me,” she mutters at the sight of you.
It was obscene how gorgeous you looked like this.
She suddenly removed her fingers from your mouth causing you to whimper at the loss. Her hand that had been in your mouth was now teasing through your already wet and puffy folds. You roll down onto her fingers, feeling desperate for her touch.
You both were still face to face but your gaze was nowhere on hers. Your chest was rising and falling rapidly as she teased your entrance with her middle finger, eyes focused on your reactions.
“There we go, honey.” She praised your hips rocking, kissing at your jaw.
“Fuck, Haze,” you moan softly, jerking your head back so hard that it thumped against the lockers.
You couldn’t believe how amazing her fingers were. You daydreamed and late-night wet dreamed about it but nothing could compare to the feeling of her fingers curling and hitting your g-spot repeatedly.
Your whines were growing higher in pitch as you were already reaching orgasm. You had felt like you were edging yourself all day so this very moment was extremely overwhelming. With her lips nipping at your neck and jaw and her praises filling your ears, you were bound to cum soon.
“You really are fucking perfect, baby. These hips, this pretty pussy, god.” Hazel’s free hand was gripping onto your lower jaw.
Something deep within you caused you to reach for her wrist and slide it more down onto your throat. She instantly caught on and very lightly squeezed the sides of your windpipe, watching your eyes roll before shutting completely.
“I didn't think you’d be into choking,” Hazel teased as she gave your throat one more squeeze.
“Me neither.” You pant with a loud moan when Hazel begins to pick up her pace.
Your walls clench down onto her rapid fingers, aching for a release. You were surprised no one had been coming to check on either of you but you were entirely grateful.
“Is my pretty girl gonna come for me?” Hazel whines back, almost mocking your desperation for her.
You shouldn’t have been as turned on as you were by that.
You grab at her shoulders and rut your hips down onto her fingers. The pressure was building, running up your spine to the tip of your head that was now turning into mush.
“Please, please, Haze. I wanna cum all over your fingers.” You ramble out, feeling like you weren’t in control of your mouth.
Hazel’s lips graze over your own, panting heavily into your mouth. Sweat was forming at the crevice between your hips and your thighs as you continued to chase after her fingers, begging to cum.
“That’s it. That’s it, baby,” Hazel coos as your whines grow in volume.
Your orgasm arrived quickly, pressing your lips onto hers to try and conceal how loud your moans were. Your head was so clouded with lust and post-orgasm haze that you had completely forgotten the point of this.
You wanted to make Hazel cum.
“Haze,” your hands fly to her wrist to pause her movements. She does as she’s told and removes her touch from you. “I wanna make you feel good.”
Hazel followed your command and raised a hand to trace your reddening lip. You take her fingers that were covered in your arousal, sucking them off eagerly. Your chest was heaving rapidly as you eagerly reached for her hips, eyes locking with the bench that was only a few inches from the two of you.
“Let’s switch, c'mon.” You pressed yourself off the lockers to grab at her hips.
You shove her gently against the cool metal, eyes raking up and down her frame hungrily. Your eyes never leave hers as you begin to lower yourself down onto your knees. Hazel’s chest was panting, muttering curses as your fingers hooked onto her briefs to tug them down her toned thighs.
“How much longer do you think we have?” You questioned softly, placing feather-like kisses onto the skin.
“I really couldn’t care less.” Hazel huffed with a chuckle.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be quick,” you reassure her before locking your eyes on her exposed cunt.
You dive in without any hesitation, lapping your tongue through her folds. Hazel responds by gasping softly and resting both of her palms on either side of your head. You shut your eyes as you take in this moment that you’ve wanted for so long.
“Jesus, baby,” Hazel gasps as your tongue slips into her entrance.
Your motions pick up and slow down to tease her, a cocky smile creeping onto your lips. You continued to eat her out like you were a starved woman, your hands caressing up and down from her outer thigh to her upper torso.
You sucked on her clit, eyes locked on her dropped jaw and panting figure. Hazel wasn’t as vocal as you were but her groans and soft ‘fucks’ were enough to keep your pace.
“Keep doing that, baby. I’m so— fuck!— close.”
You eagerly obeyed her words, humming softly as you felt her grip on your hair tighten. Her hips roll down onto your tongue, faint curses leaving her puffy pink lips. They begin to stutter as her orgasm flows over her body, her cum dripping onto your tongue and lips.
Yes, your jaw was aching and your knees were on fire from the porcelain tile digging into your skin but seeing Hazel cum was more than worth it.
It was beautifully erotic.
Her damp hair framed her sharp and flushed features as she arched her back off of the lockers as she came all over your tongue. You slow your tongue as she rides out her orgasm, carefully removing your lips from her pulsating core.
You rose to your feet shakily. Hazel helped as her hands found her naked waist to keep you steady. You giggle to yourself as you press your lips to hers, wrapping your arms around her neck.
“So, how was the private show?” You hum as you lean back slightly to allow her to respond.
“I think I could get used to getting some more private shows from you, pretty girl,” Hazel pressed a few pecks onto your cheeks before capturing your lips onto hers.
Boy, were you grateful for locker rooms.
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tag list: @intotitties @rubygtb @dropsofs4turn @beabeebrie @maroonkisses @toritea @that-one-little-soybean @cherryflavoured7777 @vster0769
777 notes · View notes
writerinloves-blog · 7 months
❃ A night to remember
pairing: Kit Tanthalos x reader
warnings: fem!reader, kit is a black cat around everyone but a golden retriever with jade and reader, no use of y/n, 18+ topics but no smut, js kissing, reader has seen Kit a few times but didn’t realise she was the princess before, her mother made her basically never leave the house and work indoors
song: “A night to remember” by beabadoobee and laufey
a/n: it was really fun to write, i hope you’ll enjoy:) if you want to request smh don’t afraid to! english is not my first language but i tried my best to find all the mistakes.
“I swear i have seen her before” Kit sighed as she swinged her sword in Jades direction.
“Yeah? So maybe you should go on a adventure, looking for a girl that you slept with in your dream” she replied sarcastically and repelled Kits attack.
“Oh spare me” she put her hands up, signalling end of the training, “i don’t even remember what she looked like” she groaned and put her sword to its scabbard.
“I don’t know, maybe you will see her again in your next dream” she laughed.
Dreams. Kit got many dreams in her life, but none of them could compete with that one she’s got a week ago. She’d never forget about that pretty girl underneath her white sheets, the soft kisses they shared and the night they spent.. she could remember every detail about that dream, the warmth, the scent of the other girl, the things she felt.. yet she still couldn’t remember her face.
After the training Kit went straight to the dining room, where her mother was already waiting for her.
“Where is Airk?” said Sorsha as Kit sat down next to her.
“I’m here mother” Airk showed up before Kit could answer, sitting down next to his sister.
“Good, now if you let me” she said as she stood up, “since you are getting married to the princess of Galladoorn” her gaze turned to Airk “there will be a party in two days, and i expect you two to show up” she announced.
Marrying a person you haven’t even seen before.. Kit gave her brother a look full of compassion. She didn’t even imagine what he must feel right now.
A weird feeling hit her when she noticed a girl talking with an older maid. Strange warmth filled her heart and a blush crept onto her face as she watched her every move.
“Kit?” Sorsha snapped her out of her trance, making Kit look at her.
“Sorry mother, i’m not hungry” she said as she stood up, when her eyes traveled back, the girl was done.
She ran to the older maid “Excuse me, do you know this girl you were talking with?” she asked politely.
What a stupid question.
“Oh, of course! She is my daughter” the old lady smiled “is there something wrong with her?” she asked worriedly.
“Oh no, no! My mother wants her to help with the food and everything at the party” she improvised, a nervous chuckle left her mouth.
The maid gave her a slightly suspicious look, because ber daughter wasn’t even working in the castle but before she could say anything, Kit was already on her way to Jades house.
“Calm down!” annoyed moan left Jades mouth as she had to listen her best friend ask her about the same thing for the 10th time.
“What do i even do” she cried.
“Make her a bouquet, give her something yours, be creative!” Jade hit Kits shoulder.
“Will you help me?” she looked at her, almost begging for help.
It’s not that Kit was totally clueless about romantic stuff, she was just kinda inexperienced and lost in the feeling. She’s got some little crushes before, but never asked anyone out. She was too scared of rejection, but this time was different.
For the rest of the day Kit and Jade were looking for the perfect bouquet to impress the girl from her dream.
The next day she was planning everything from the start of the party to the end. But i guess everything went to hell when she saw you in the crowd. The feeling of deja vu hit her when she took a longer look of your face.
Flowered blue dress with green corset made you look in her eyes like some goddess, making her even more nervous.
“She is so attractive” she mumbled into Jades shoulder, hiding her flushed face.
“Go talk to her” she answered.
Kit blew up every chance she got to talk to you, which annoyed Jade even more. She even brought her a drink to help her relax, but it didn’t seem to work. And this is how the past hour passed.
Eventually, Jade got mad and intervened. She dragged Kit to the dance floor, where you were talking with someone and pushed her at you, making it look like an accident.
“Oh i am so sorry! Are you okay?” Kit said, her voice trembling.
“Yeah.. yes i’m okay” you answered quietly.
After a longer moment of awkward silence she asked “Do you want to.. dance with me?” her hand waiting for you to grab it.
You nodded shyly and grabbed her hand, she guided you through the crowd to get more space to dance. Her hands rested on your waist as you slowly wrapped yours around her neck, making her slightly pull you closer.
You two swayed to the music “I feel like this happened before” you said quietly, smiling softly under your nose at how absurdly it sounded.
She wished she could see the smile of yours for the rest of her life.
“Well, it’s happening now” she looked into your eyes.
“Have i seen you before?” you said as you scanned her face.
“You don’t know me?” she asked in slight disbelief.
“Should i?” you replied with a nervous chuckle.
She took your hand again and led you through the hallway of the castle, you followed her without hesitation.
“Are you gonna tell me where are we going or i should start worrying that you want to kill me” you heard her quiet laugh at your words.
While the two of you were walking, a small but meaningful to you conversation started. Just about your hobbies, interests, nothing big but you two seemed like you’ve known each others for years.
After a longer while you could see a big garden with a lot of flowers and a big tree in the middle. It was dark outside so the only source of light came from the windows.
“We shouldn’t be there! The queen’s gonna be mad” you whispered, however she didn’t seem to care.
Kit sat down under the apple tree and signalled you to come closer “You look so pretty” she said as you stood in front of her.
A slight blush decorated your face. You sat down next to Kit, her hand brushing against yours “We are gonna get in trouble” you mumbled.
She sighed and looked you, you could notice her gaze on your lips “That might sound crazy but.. with you i feel like i belong somewhere” she said, looking at the cloudless sky “and i know we don’t really know each other but i would really like to get to know you better”
“Maybe it was meant to be like that” you grabbed her hand and looked at the sky as well, “you didn’t tell me your name” your face turned to hers.
“Kit, Kit Tanthalos” she said hesitantly.
The realisation hit you immediately, you were flirting with the princess! “this is so wrong, i shouldn’t be here” you stood up as fast as you could, but she was faster to grab your hand and keep you in place.
“There is nothing wrong with this! Please.. wait here for a minute, promise me” she said, begging you to stay.
You sighed loudly and sat down under the tree again, she disappeared immediately.
Kit couldn’t believe that she forgot the gift she got you. She was never running this fast, the risk of loosing you from her sight again was too high. She grabbed it quickly and ran back to the garden.
When she got back, you saw her with a big bouquet of jasmines, yellow roses and forget me nots that she was holding. Your mouth slightly opened as you watched her get closer.
“Where did you get that?” she sat next to you and gave you the flowers.
“Save those questions for later, i still have something to give you” she showed you a pretty ring “it’s amazonite” she put it on your ring finger and kissed your hand “i hope it will always remind you of me”
“It will, thank you.. but i don’t have anything to give you” you said, feeling genuinely sad “oh! wait” you said as you took off your necklace “it was my grandmas, it’s ruby stone” you kneeled behind her and put it on, she smiled at your gesture.
“Do you like your gift? It was really hard to get” she laughed under her nose.
“Why are you doing this?” you said quietly, she looked into your eyes again.
“Sometimes, people listen to their hearts and do things that they don’t really know why they are doing” she got closer to you, one of her hands traveled to your cheek.
“I guess they will figure it out” you whispered.
Her lips brushed against yours as you closed your eyes. She laid you down and kissed softly - as if she would hurt you if she kissed harder. You deepened the kiss and put your hand on her neck what gave her more confidence. The kiss got more comfortable as you two got lost in the moment. You could feel her smile between the kisses. Nothing else existed, it felt like you have experienced this before.
Maybe you did, in another universe?
taglist: @lxxk2sua @rin-idk @that-one-little-soybean @venusbequiet @vster0769 @cherryflavoured7777
333 notes · View notes
writerinloves-blog · 8 months
A mistake I don't regret | Hazel Callahan.
AU established in the modern world
I don't know what's happening to me but I can't seem to stop writing. So I wrote this 👍
English is not my first language.
Song recommendation: I Know Places by Taylor Swift
Enjoy 🧡
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"I finished." You celebrated by throwing your arms up and your head back, you could already feel the end of the semester at the tips of your fingers, you just had to hand in a few assignments, pass a test and you would be completely free for 3 months. The best moment of your life is coming, the holidays.
"I'm going now." You turned to Hazel's voice coming out of the hallway, she was dressed in brown jeans and a green flannel, the gray shoes were the same color as the backpack that hung from one shoulder. She stopped behind you, resting her hands on your shoulders and leaning down to look at the computer screen. "Now that you're done, are you sure you don't want to go?"
"I need to turn my brain off with a low-budget movie with lousy audio, but thanks."
"Good luck finding one worse than the one we saw yesterday." She told you as she messed up your hair.
From what you understood, Josie had received a new video game so she wanted to have a sleepover to try it out, she invited all the girls to spend the night together but this week had consumed you so you had to decline, you knew that Annie would bring her brownies and not being able to try them broke your heart, luckily Hazel knew you well enough that she promised to bring you some, you didn't know what would happen to you without her.
Getting up from the chair you followed Hazel to the door to say goodbye, this had become a routine that you had developed in the 4 years you lived together, every time one went out the other would leave her at the door, they had been doing it for so long that you no longer remembered who had started it.
"Tell them I said hello." You said, leaning on the nearby wall with your arms crossed watching the blue-eyed girl put on her shoes.
"Okay, I'll remind them not to call you so they don't bother you."
"Also remind PJ not to drink so much, I won't be there to clean up the vomit."
"I know." Putting on a red baseball cap in front of the mirror you had in the hallway, she sighed with false sadness. "We will miss you very much."
Listening to her laugh you were grateful for having crossed paths with her in your life, she was one of the kindest, sweetest, most attentive people you had ever met. You met about 6 years ago when you moved in the middle of your high school years, you connected almost immediately that when you managed to get into college moving in together was more than decided. Everything had been perfect until now, or at least it was until you developed a crush on her earlier this year. It had started when she excitedly told you how she had started talking to a new girl, in the past when she did it you were genuinely happy for her, after all she deserved the best and more, but at that moment you felt like you had been punched in the stomach and spit in your face, the jealousy didn't last that long since that relationship lasted about 3 months, but afterwards you still felt guilty for feeling that way with your best friend.
"Take." You handed her the keys to your car, it was a fairly old one but it kept running, which was the important thing.
"Are you sure? I can order an Uber."
"Take it, it's much safer this way."
"Thank you." She said taking the keys and putting them in her pocket.
She began to approach so you began to stretch your arms waiting to receive the usual hug, when suddenly Hazel's left hand traveled up to your cheek and her lips collided with yours. Although you had looked at her lips an embarrassing number of times you could never imagine how soft they would be, it was just a small pressure but you could still feel something exploding in your chest and your pulse was beating so fast that you could hear it in your ears. You stretched out your right arm catching her waist but as soon as it started it ended and she pulled away from you.
"Tomorrow I'll arrive early so we can have breakfast together." And with one last toss of your hair she walked out the door.
What the fuck just happened?
Hearing the commotion from outside Hazel entered the house without knocking, at this point those formalities were not necessary with the trust they already had. Humming a song, she entered the kitchen to leave some snacks and drinks that she had bought for the night. After having almost everything organized, she called Josie to help her carry everything to the room.
"Hello Haze, what's up?"
"Glasses please." She ordered as she opened a Coke. "And nothing very interesting, did they all arrive?"
"Sep, you're the last to arrive. How is Judas?" She asked, leaving the glasses on the table and eating some potatoes that were on a plate.
Mr G had once called you that after he caught you cheating on a test, they never let you forget it.
"Well, she just finished some work so she was going to rest."
"More food for us then."
"By the way, is there alcohol? She asked me to take care of—."
But before she could finish saying anything, an image came into her head. Your mouth, her mouth, together. Holy shit. Dropping the glass of drink she put both hands on her head as she cursed. No. No. No. It couldn't be, she couldn't have done what she was remembering that she had done, that she had done to you.
"Hazel what the fuck? What happened, are you okay?"
It had to be some trick of her mind, it just couldn't be real, but it was, what the fuck had she done?
"Hey, what's wrong? Are you having a heart attack?"
"What happened, why so much noise?" She could hear someone's voice in the background but she couldn't identify who.
"I think she's having a stroke."
Trying to control her breathing, she turned to see the two girls who were in the kitchen with her.
"I kissed her." She whispered, unable to say it out loud.
"I kissed her." She managed to articulate more clearly.
"What? Who?" Making eye contact with Annie she didn't need to say anything else, they had understood.
"Holy shit." Josie said with wide eyes.
"Was it with tongue?" Sylvie asked as she had just entered the kitchen.
"I kissed her." She repeated to herself without being able to believe it.
Leaving the video game more than forgotten, everyone settled into Josie's room as best they could.
"Why the fuck do you kiss her if you're going to regret it later? What a pussy." PJ judged Hazel sitting upside down in a chair.
"I didn't realize what I was doing, don't judge me."
"We don't judge you, we make fun of you." Sylvie clarified.
"But seriously, how do you kiss someone by accident? Aren't you hiding something from us?"
Although Annie's question was not intended to upset or offend, Hazel couldn't help but feel a hint of discomfort upon hearing it. Sure, you were her best friend and she loved you very much but it's not like she had those kinds of feelings towards you, right?
"I don't, I don't know what you mean."
"Looks like." PJ stung with intention.
Well, maybe she thought about you more than she should or looked at you for long periods of time when you didn't realize it, thinking how beautiful you were, but you were best friends, that's what they do, they care about each other and think they are the most beautiful people they have ever seen. What they probably didn't do was kiss each other and not feel a bit of remorse, because yes, Hazel didn't regret having kissed you, in fact, she had enjoyed it and suddenly found herself wanting to leave everything here and go home to finish what she had started.
"Oh my god, you want to fuck her so bad." PJ exclaimed when she saw the blush appear on the blue-eyed girl's face.
"Don't talk about her like that." It was the only thing she could say before remaining silent again with her head racing.
Okay, she could admit to feeling a small attraction towards you, something insignificant, or was it something more than that?
Suddenly a conversation came to her mind, one that she had with her ex-girlfriend before breaking up a few months ago, one where she complained that Hazel spent too much time talking about you and that she should choose between her or you. Swallowing hard, she remembered how she chose you in a heartbeat, without any regrets afterwards, because maybe, and only maybe, it was always you.
"I'm so screwed." She admitted with his face in her hands.
"Think positive, I had started to think that you were the problem with all your relationships ending, and that was the case, so."
"How is that positive?"
"That I was right."
She silently thanked Brittany for hitting PJ on the head.
Exhaling she turned to Isabel. "So, what do I do now?"
"Amm, I can help too, you know." Josie said hurt.
"Shut up, no, you can't, in your first kiss with Isa you almost fainted." Sylvie reminded her.
"Did you tell them?" She asked, very offended.
"Not now, baby."
"Look, Hazel, we can give you a thousand tips but the only way to clarify everything is to talk to her."
"I don't know, I don't even know if she likes me." She suddenly remembered something that made her want to dig a hole in the ground and never get out of it. "Holy fuck! I kissed her without even asking her, I'm a disgusting person."
"Oh please, if she hadn't been dying for you to do it." Annie told her, looking at her as if she were stupid.
"It's true, she was dying those months you were dating that girl at the beginning of the year." Brittany said after a silence. "It was too obvious, actually."
"No, that was for something else, she told me. Why would she lie to me?"
"Why are you so worried about the kiss you just gave her?"
Confused by Isabel's sudden question, She decided to just answer it. "Because I don't want to screw up our friendship obviously." The raised eyebrows of everyone in the room made her understand. "Ah."
"Yes, ah, so now get up and go eat her mouth, you both deserve it." In the middle of her realization, PJ had walked towards her to pull her by one arm out of the room to leave her outside the house and close the door in her face.
Without really understanding what was happening, she got into the car and began driving towards her house with the screams of her friends behind her.
"Yes, queen!"
"Go get some pussy!"
"Good luck."
"Don't be like Josie!"
"I was very brave when I kissed Isabel!"
Standing outside the apartment she couldn't have the strength to enter. Would you be sleeping or watching TV? Maybe you locked yourself in your room so you wouldn't see her, maybe you hated her. Pushing those thoughts out of her head, Hazel inserted the key into the lock and with a sigh she opened the door and entered the apartment.
Her first impression of the place is that it was exactly the same, your computer was still on the table next to an empty glass, both the hallway light and the kitchen light were on, the only thing different was the sound coming from the living room and the darkest sky. She took off her shoes, taking more time than necessary, to finally stand up and give herself a mental cheer, at the end of the day you had been the one who was kissed out of nowhere and you needed answers.
The first thing she saw was the movie you had put on, on the screen was a very 2000s looking movie that she didn't recognize, going a little further into the room she could finally see you, you were looking at the screen but it was very clear that your mind was somewhere else.
"I thought you were arriving tomorrow."
Hazel jumped a little in her place, she didn't expect you to have heard her coming.
She shifted in her position and with a hand on her neck she tried to find her voice. "I came earlier" How smart.
"Um, I have to talk to you, because of what... I did, because of what I did to you."
"What did you do to me?" This time you turned to see her. Hazel scared and worried eyes looked bright from the reflection of the TV, you could see how she couldn't sit still and her messy hair confirmed that she had passed her hands through it many times, a sign that she was anxious.
"Are you angry?"
"I'm confused." You responded.
Hazel nodded her head and moved a little closer to you but without sitting down.
"To be honest, I don't have a clear explanation for why I did what I did, I'm sorry if it inconveniences you and if you want me to leave I will do so immediately."
"You regret it." It wasn't a question, from the blue-eyed girl's reaction you were sure that she considered the kiss a mistake, but her response made you swallow your thoughts.
"Unless it made you uncomfortable, I would never regret it."
A little shaky, you slowly got up from the couch without breaking eye contact, you were tired of so many crossroads and unanswered questions.
"I liked you Hazel, I liked you so much that it hurts, and, and I didn't know what to do or say because-because losing you would be the worst thing that could happen to me, but, but then you kissed me and I went crazy and I realized that I don't like you. I love you Hazel. I can't live a life without telling you how I feel, 'cause some part of me hopes that you feel the same way."
Your hands itched to grab something to distract yourself but you refused to move, you wanted your words to reach her with nothing but pure sincerity.
"You love me? Me?" Hazel's voice came out shaky and her eyes grew brighter with tears.
Shit, had you been too direct? There was no longer an opportunity to retract it and you didn't want to, if this was the end you were going to repeat it as many times as necessary. "Yes Hazel, I love you."
In less than three seconds Hazel was all over you, the impact of the body almost threw you back but her arms around you stabilized you, her face was buried in your neck and one of her legs was between yours. Although it was a fairly tight and suffocating hug, you never felt lighter and calmer.
"I love you too, you have no idea how much I love you." She said making her breathing tickle you. So you laughed as you wrapped her in your arms too, your chin ended up on her head where you placed a kiss and heard several I love yous coming out of Hazel's mouth.
You hugged each other for what seemed like an eternity, both of you holding onto each other not wanting to let the other go. After another while Hazel raised her head and one of her hands went to your cheek, where she caressed your cheekbone with her thumb.
"I love you." She said again with a smile full of emotions. Love, calm but excitement, happiness.
"I love you." You repeated to her, feeling the same way.
A shaky sigh escaped her lips directing your attention to them, you had kissed those same lips a few hours ago.
"Can I kiss you?" You asked with as much self-control as you could muster.
She didn't even respond to you when her mouth collapsed on yours, the hallway kiss had been just a small bump, two lips together just sharing an innocent moment, but this kiss was the opposite. Her mouth moved desperately over yours, while one of her hands went to your neck where she began to play with your hair, the other remained firm on your hip, keeping you glued to her. Tasting your lower lip you opened your mouth allowing her entry to explore, your hands went under her shirt, you were grateful that it was a loose fabric as it gave you more freedom to touch everything you could. With a shudder she pushed you towards the couch where, changing position, she sat down and you fell on top of her. Her wet tongue began to run along your neck, her hands went to your hair, pulling your head back so she could explore everything about you, your hands went in the direction of her bra that you unclasped almost expertly. Her mouth returned to yours where she began to leave wetter but slower kisses, her two hands went to your lower back, pressing you closer to her, after a few seconds the kiss began to become a little calmer to end with her placing small kisses all over your face, laughing breathlessly you rested your head on her neck.
"Are we something now?" You asked stupidly, it was obvious that oxygen still wasn't reaching your brain.
"Shit I hope so because I need to kiss you like that again."
With a sigh of relief you moved away from her neck so you could look into her eyes.
"Hazel, I love you."
"And that's why I'm the luckiest girl in the world." Savoring the moment, and her lips, you decided this was the best moment of your life, screw the holidays.
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writerinloves-blog · 8 months
headcannons for jealous kit?
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── *: JEALOUS KIT :* ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╼
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𓆩 summary ° ïœĄ kit getting jealous over you <3
𓆩 contents ° ïœĄ headcanons
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── àŒșâ™ĄàŒ» ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
Despite being fiercely worried for her brother Airk, Kit was beyond excited that you were adventuring with her. Adventuring with you by her side? It was the source of many of her daydreams
But, when Elora joined the group, Kit started having a bad time, a REALLY bad time
On top of the feelings of rejection and anger that she harboured towards Elora, seeing you get close with her was creating a whole other beast
At this point, Kit had never uttered a word of her love for you. Fearing that if you didn’t feel the same, it would ruin your friendship. And you’d leave her
Which was something she felt sick at the thought of
So, she kept her mouth shut. About that, at least
She was very generous with opening her mouth towards Elora though, wanting to scare her off from the both of you, but you especially
Kit could see how sweet and pretty Elora was, how everyone went out of their way to be of service to her, so how could you not do the same? How could you not want her the same way Kit wanted you?
You were making an effort to be a friend to Elora, as you two naturally did get along well anyways, but also because you felt pretty bad for how Kit was towards her
You knew why, which was because it seemed that her father always chose Elora over Kit and abandoning her because of it, so you understood
But you weren’t aware of the other reason why, if you were, you would have eased her worries and insecurities. As you felt the exact same about Kit, and had for a while
Kit would take every chance she could to steal you away from Elora, with an excuse always at the ready - “c’mon, train with me”, “will you help me find wood for the fire”, “will you help me with this”, “help me with that”
Or sometimes she’d just say “come with me” while walking past, and you being a lovesick puppy for her, you always followed. Giving Elora an apologetic smile
Her jealousy got worse when you would shoot a disapproving look at her whenever she said something to Elora, or when you would tell her to ease off
Sometimes she’d snap at you in the process, then immediately regret it
She would take that as a sign she needs to leave and cool off
you found her sitting on the old bark of a fallen tree, resting her elbows on her knees. Staring into the tree line. She jumped slightly as your voice pulled her from her racing thoughts. She sat up as you plopped down beside her.
“I’m sorry”
“I know”
“No like really, I shouldn’t have done that to you”
“Mmm”, you agreed, resting your hand on her knee.
Kit stiffened and tried to remember how to breathe. Her skin was on fire. But it was good. Warmth threatened to creep up to her cheeks so she kept her head down, keeping her eyes on the way you absentmindedly tapped her knee.
“You hear what I said?”
Shit. “Hu-yeah. ‘course”
“You didn’t, did you?”
You chuckled under your breath as Kit gazed at you sheepishly. You couldn’t look at her directly, not when she was so close. You adjusted on the tree. Sitting closer to her.
“Well, what I was saying is that I know something is up with you and I wanna know if there’s anything I can do to help make you feel better”
Kit rested her head on your shoulder, sighing. She tentatively took your hand that rested on her knee and intertwined her fingers with yours. A small smile grew on your face. Kit cleared her throat.
“Just don’t leave me, please”, she said, quietly.
Leave her? Why would you leave her?
“Oh, Kit”, her words tugged at your heart and you pulled her into a tight hug. She melted into your frame, gripping you just as tight. “The only way I’m ever leaving you is if I die, or you tell me to, okay?”
She nodded into your neck, drinking up your words like a lifeline. She wanted to stay like that forever.
She did her best to remember your words, chanting it in her head whenever she felt those feelings of jealousy rise in her. She was able to keep her mouth shut for the most part as she watched Elora interact with you, but she was failing at keeping it from her face
Jade regarded Kit with a knowing smile at her expression of both annoyance and grumpiness. You were helping Elora with pronouncing her spells, but she kept messing it up. Making herself sound ridiculous, which made both of you keep giggling.
“You alright?”, she asked Kit.
“Yeah, why?”, she finally tore her gaze away from Elora and you to Jade beside her.
“Well, you just look a little deranged”, she chuckled.
Kit cleared her throat, feeling foolish suddenly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about”
“Uh huh”
She would always sit beside you, needing to be close to you. Which always made her feel better
Jade kept encouraging Kit to tell you and with each time she mentioned it, Kit agreed more and more that it was near time to tell you
She definitely sulks when you’re talking to Elora
Boorman constantly teases her about it, seeing right through her and always gives you a mischievous smile as you approach Kit
She eventually told you in the Wildwoods. Not that she had much choice because of the truth plums, but she still wanted to
You were scanning through the crowd looking for Kit, you wanted to dance with her
But Elora spotted you first and dragged you into a dance
It was all very clumsy and giggly, but still fun
Kit found you before Elora let go of you and she couldn’t help her heart sink
Fuck it
She made her way through the crowd, gripped you and uttered you to follow her
You were confused, wondering if something had happened to Kit so you followed her to somewhere more secluded and quiet
She ended up blurting it, and prepared for the worst
But you smiled
And then kissed her
She was frozen in shock, but melted against you as you pressed your body into hers
She couldn’t contain her giddy smile when you both paused for breath
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𓆩 tags ° ïœĄ
@k1mba @amorogre @elliesconverses @visndcaitswhore @happysparklingshadows @caspianbluu @violetsrxse @perrzs @ghosthellz @evilpotat @headempty03 @vastseamind @whoreshores @hangesgirlypop @purrculiar @askforimagineoroneshot @flowersinafield @border-bb @animetingzz @taleiak @wisezonkthingbandit
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writerinloves-blog · 8 months
Loving this ♄♄♄
this love | chapter two [h.c]
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summary: you never thought a knight could make you so tense. thanks to a shared love for literature, you finally grow the confidence to speak more than a few words to hazel. you get to meet a special friend of hazel’s while showing her the garden. the queen and king share some news.
pairing: hazel callahan x fem!reader
contains: baby gay in the making, slight angst, fluff. just pure princess and knight fluff. isabel again being the sweetest girl and friend to reader. the king and queen are a warning of their own, soft little gay touches.
word count: 3.7K
a/n: i wanted to treat you guys to chapter two early
. the relationship is brewing.
‘this love’ master list
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Your parents weren’t being vague about Hazel watching over you.
It had been two weeks since she had first arrived and you’ve seen her from when the sun first peeks from the horizon to the depths of the midnight sky. She had to be in the room when you apologized to both Prince Jeffrey and his mother before they had to begin their journey back to their kingdom. It was utterly humiliating for you as you had to tell Prince Jeffrey that your reasoning was that you weren’t ‘properly trained’ as your father insisted.
Trained. You weren’t a pet. You didn't need to be trained. You needed to be respected by those ridiculous princes.
The intimidating knight had to see you in such an embarrassing state only two days into her job.
You swore you had seen more of Hazel in the past week than you had your own reflection. Instead of just Isabel in your corner for etiquette lessons, it was Hazel and Isabel.
The two of them seemed to be getting along quite nicely. Every time you caught them talking to one another, you saw Isabel smiling and nodding to her words.
That was one thing you were unadmittedly jealous of. You haven’t gotten the gall to make more conversation. She had mostly just been lingering around every corner to make sure you were doing what you were supposed to be doing.
You can talk to her. It shouldn’t be that hard to just talk. What would you talk about though?
It was just past breakfast time, Hazel following you to the library that your parents had but completely ignored. It was one of your safe spaces to just have some moments of peace.
Your parents weren’t constantly pressuring you about which of the unbearable princes to choose from. You weren’t being compared to Moira. If you could just sit in that library — or the garden as your second choice of comfort — and read a good book, you’d be content.
Your eyes followed to Hazel’s side profile, opening your mouth to start a conversation. Hazel shifted her eyes a little too fast for your liking when she noticed your change in movement. Your mouth clamped shut just as fast as it opened and you continued walking in silence.
Small talk is not easy, you’ve come to realize.
Why was this so hard for you? Every time her vision locked with yours, it made your entire body stiffen.
As you finally approached the library’s grand doors, Hazel sped up her pace so she could open the doors for you. She stood with her back against it, waiting for you to pass by into the secluded area. It was a rather minuscule library as not many people in the palace read books.
You were pretty sure you and Isabel were the only ones that visited the abandoned area. Well, you, Isabel, and now Hazel.
“Thank you,” you murmur as you pass by her, stepping into the room.
“Of course, princess,” Hazel replies, nodding at you with respect.
There that feeling flushed over you again. It was every time she had referred to you as ‘princess’. Everyone in the palace calls you princess as much as you insist for them not to. Hazel was the first person you didn't mind calling you ‘princess’.
Your eyes dance from cover to cover, figuring out where the exact book you were looking for was located. Hazel’s heavier boots echoed behind you, an anxious shiver crawling up your spine to cling to your ears. Your fingers traced the spines of the hardcovers until you landed on the book you were searching for.
You dig your fingertips into the top of the spine, tugging the book out of its place. You place it onto your palm, running a hand over the cover.
“There is something at work in my soul, which I do not understand,” Hazel speaks up from behind you.
You jump slightly at her sudden words, turning around to face the knight.
“I’m sorry?” You ask her as you half heard what she had said.
Hazel’s eyes flickered to the book in your hand then back up to your eyes.
“Frankenstein. It’s one of my favorites.” She adds.
You didn't even know she was watching you so intently to see what book you had chosen. Well, you suppose that’s her job as your knight. You released a chuckle that was so shaky, you wanted to stuff the book into your mouth and down your throat to shut you up.
“Right, I’m sorry. I hadn't fully heard what you said.” You tried to play it off, keeping eye contact for probably the first time since she’s arrived.
“Oh, I didn’t intend to scare you, princess.” Hazel chuckled as well, taking a few steps forward.
“No, no, you didn’t, Hazel.” She raises her eyebrows at you, knowing you are lying straight through your teeth. “Okay, you did but that’s only because I didn’t realize you had even seen what I had grabbed.”
Hazel shook her head as she was now only inches from your body. Her captivating eyes shone bright from the mid-morning sun rays beaming in through the library's white-paned windows. You counted the different shades of blue that decorated her iris’.
You counted four.
“It’s the king and queen's orders to keep a close eye on you.” Hazel hummed, tilting her head as her eyes flickered to the book.
You nod, clearing your throat. “Of course.”
“What are your other favorite books?” Hazel hummed, now staring into your soul.
Your eyes flicker from the slope of her nose to the cupid's bow of her top lip.
“It’s a bit more recent but I did love Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.” You admit, surprising yourself with how good you were doing so far with talking to Hazel.
“Oh, I’ve never heard of that one.” Hazel furrowed her brows.
“Isabel had found it at a bookshop in town and brought it to me. It’s somewhere in my room still but when you have the time, I would recommend it.” You smile at the thought of Isabel thinking of you as she went out as you weren’t allowed to leave the palace.
Hazel only nodded at your words, grinning at your smile. You hoped she took notice of your subtle invite to ask her for the book one day.
“What else do you enjoy doing other than reading?” Hazel spoke up, moving a few steps back.
You wondered why she did so.
“Truthfully, I’m not allowed to do much within these walls. If I’m not in etiquette lessons and getting scolded for my apparent hunchback, I’m having to endure the utterly incompetent excuses for princes from other kingdoms that my parents hand-select.” You grin sarcastically, sighing out as you shake your head.
Hazel’s figure is walking away now, not sure as to what to say to what you had just admitted. You realize how venomous your words sounded and regret settles in your chest.
Too comfortable.
“Other than that, I enjoy visiting the garden. It’s quite beautiful there. Maurice and Hemmings, the gardeners, do a brilliant job at mending to the plants and keeping them alive.” You ramble, picking at the spine of Frankenstein.
Hazel is facing you now, just a few feet away. You suck in a deep breath, hoping she won't bring up how you just admitted you didn't want to get married.
“And where’s the garden?”
The garden was someplace that you probably could live in if it wasn’t outdoors. There were tall bushes that looked as if the tree's leaves were growing outwards from the trunk. In the center is a stone fountain with crystal-clear water. The much shorter bushes held in the midst of them beautifully bloomed petunias.
If you looked above, wisterias dangled from the tall trees on either side of the garden. You wanted to trap yourself here on most days and pretend there wasn’t anything else going on in the world.
“This is the garden.” You grin as you’re staring at the wisterias.
Hazel, too, had been admiring the way the flowers above framed the entirety of the garden. A faint smile spread onto her lips as the sunlight beamed in through the spring leaves.
“I can see why you adore this place so much.” Hazel glanced over at your elated expression and couldn’t help but absorb your radiance.
You drop your head as you lock your eyes on hers, watching her lips twitch into a smile. You’ve never seen her full smile until today; teeth and all.
It was a look you’d love to see more often. When she had to keep that knightly emotionless expression on her face, it felt more just like ‘ knight’ and ‘princess’. Right now, it felt like more than that.
Deeper than that.
“At this time in spring is when the wisterias appear the most beautiful,” Hazel states as she looks back up at the dangly flowers.
“And why is that?” You hum, wanting to hear her voice for the rest of your life.
“They’ve fully bloomed, showing their entire selves to us. That’s what’s so beautiful.” Hazel explained as she trekked around the fountain to make her way towards you.
You feel that familiar tension in your chest as she looks at you while moving closer. You were just fine. What was happening to you?
“I wasn’t aware that you were an expert on botany.” You teased as you avoided her gaze at all costs, sitting down at the fountain.
You turned to sit facing her but you were dragging one of your palms through the warm water. You wanted to look at her. You were quite liking it until she began to walk towards you.
“You have no idea how many things I expert in, princess.” Hazel quipped back.
Your cheeks flush scarlet as you continue to distract yourself. It was entirely too hot outside all of a sudden. You had to move locations as much as you’d love to stay in the garden.
“It’s about mid-day. I have go to the stables and feed my horse.” Hazel stated, adjusting her belt once again. “I can escort you to whichever room you’d like before then, princess.”
You finally looked up at her with a tight smile.
“Whichever room?” You question.
Hazel nodded, a faint smile spreading onto her lips. “You are the princess.”
“In that case, is it alright if I accompany you?” You ask her with a hopeful tone.
This didn’t seem to be something that Hazel was expecting from you. There was a moment of shock covering her features before she simply nodded curtly.
Hazel hesitantly replied; “If you wish, princess.”
You frowned. “If I’m intruding—“
If you wish. Why did that bother you so much?
“No, no, no,” Hazel’s tone had changed completely, a lot more gentle this time. “Just
 okay, it might smell a bit. The stables, I mean.”
You nod along to her words.
“I know, Hazel. I haven’t been completely kept inside.” You try to lighten up the mood, anticipating to see Hazel’s smile lines once again.
Hazel chuckles to herself, looking down at her boots. A laugh. Even better than what you were hoping for.
“Alright, princess. Follow me then.”
You do so, taking this time to take in her back profile. You’ve never seen it as due to her knightly duties, she always has to stay behind or next to you; never in front.
It sent a shiver down your spine to be breaking the stupid rules with Hazel. Isabel was right.
Maybe you could be friends.
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As you approached the brick stables, an instant deeper and pungent smell filled your senses. You pushed past it as you were entirely too excited to see the horses up close. Hazel grabbed onto the metal handle on the smaller door, tugging on it.
Once it had opened, you had seen a dark horse's head peak out. You slowly inched your way towards him, Hazel had reached into a cloth bag that was on her hip that you hadn’t noticed before.
“Aren’t you a gorgeous horse?” Your voice heightens as you approach the deep-colored horse.
Your parents never really allowed you to get into the stables as they were only meant for the staff and knights. Claimed it was only meant for those who had to be there. As you were standing in front of Hazel’s horse, you hated how you missed out on this because it was ‘too dirty’ for a princess.
Hazel was right behind you now, her hand gripping the handful of hay that she was going to feed him.
“Isn’t he?” She hummed, approaching him with a soft smile.
You nod as you watch her horse gently lower his head to allow her to smooth down the fur on his head. Hazel whispers something to him that you can’t understand.
Whatever she had whispered to him, he seemed to accept the hay instantly. She smiled with contentment, patting the side of his neck.
“What’s his name?” You question, watching him carefully gnaw at the hay straws.
Hazel glanced at you, clearing her throat. You wait patiently for her response, confused when she begins to turn away to search for something.
“Hazel?” You question once more.
“Yes, princess?” She replied, raising her brows at you from her hunched-over position.
Don’t get distracted. She’s supposed to call you that.
“What’s his name?” You raise your brows, focusing on the stallion.
“Peanut,” Hazel replies slowly, wincing slightly as she awaits your reaction.
A sudden laugh left your lips before covering it with your palm. You glanced around the open area around the stables, hearing the birds flutter away from your unexpected laughter.
You stare at Hazel with a straight and teasing smile.
“Peanut?” You tilt your head.
“It’s supposed to be ironic.” Hazel defends with a chuckle. “He’s big, tall, and strong, and well, a peanut is tiny.”
“It’s cute. It suits him very well,” you examine his muzzle and forehead.
You lean in closer, watching his eyes lock on you. He huffs and neighs rather loudly, causing you to back up just as fast as you approach him. You didn't know why or how it had happened but you were latched onto Hazel’s right bicep.
Your grip was tight out of fear that you’d angered him. Hazel’s left hand is carefully placed over your own, keeping your hand there.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Hazel mutters to Peanut, her hand that was attached to the one you had a grip on gently caressing his forehead.
“I-I didn't mean to.” You reply, shaking your head.
“He’s okay. I promise. That was my fault for not warning you. He was a war horse before he was mine. It took some time for him to warm up to me. Nearly snapped my arm off the first time I attempted to ride him.” Hazel assured you, keeping one hand on your grip and the other on Peanuts’ head.
Guilt floods into your veins as you watch Hazel calm him down. He had been through so much.
“Oh, poor thing.” You notice he has a scar right underneath his right eye.
You turn your head to look at Hazel and realize you’re still gripping onto her bicep. You release it, muttering another apology as you tried to push away how you noticed the muscle in her upper arm.
“It’s alright. Nothing to worry about, princess.” Hazel assures you with a grin, glancing down at your hand that was once on her body.
“He’s okay?” You ask, worriedly staring at the horse.
“He is. Here.” Hazel clears her throat, pointing to your hand. “May I?”
One thing your mother was right about was Hazel’s professionalism. You rather impulsively latched onto her while she was asking to touch your hand.
You don’t utter a word just lifting your hand to allow her to take it into her palms. A heat rose to your chest as she carefully moved to hold your wrist. You blamed it on the sun’s aggressive rays beaming down onto the back of your head.
“Don’t be sudden with your movements. Be gentle.” Hazel instructs as she carefully places your hand over Peanut’s forehead.
Her voice was just above a whisper, just a few inches away from your ears. You try to focus on how nice his coat of hair felt; not the sudden shivers traveling down your spine from her words.
“Wow.” Hazel spoke up, sounding rather shocked.
“What is it?” You question softly, continuing your movements with Hazel’s more careful grip still on your wrist.
“He usually would be freaking out by now,” Hazel replied, looking down at your wrist. “You really are a special one, princess.”
Special. Princess.
Her words echoed in your mind and rested in your thoughts.
“I am definitely not special. More lucky,” you dismiss her words, wondering why it made you feel both thrilled and uneasy.
“I disagree.” Hazel quips back, eyes locking with yours. “Respectfully, I disagree, princess.”
“Well we’ll just have to agree to disagree.” You grin flatly, wanting the conversation to end.
Before Hazel could mutter anything else to you, you spot Isabel walking into the direction of the stables. You both separated from one another, Peanut becoming completely disregarded.
“Isabel?” You question, smoothing down the front of one of your everyday dresses.
“The, uh, king and queen have requested your presence.” Isabel states, sucking in a deep breath.
“Right, well, I’ll be there.” You nod, giving her a kind smile.
“I’ll escort the princess. Thank you, Isabel.” Hazel nods to your friend.
Isabel’s eyes flicker from you to Hazel, an unfamiliar expression in her face. You scratch at your wrist where Hazel’s warm palm was as she walks away. Hazel gives Peanut one more reassuring pat on his neck before carefully shutting the top-half of the door.
“After you, princess.” Hazel moved to the side and bowed out of respect.
Back to knight and princess.
You begin to trek forward as you notice a few guards holding the doors open for the three of you. Isabel was walking right by your side, silently watching you. She wanted to say something. You know it.
“I see you and Hazel are becoming friends now.” Isabel hummed, glancing at the guards to nod in their direction.
“I suppose. She’s become more
 open.” You reply back.
You were hoping that the charming knight hadn’t heard your words. She was merely a few feet behind you so you tried to keep your volume low.
“That’s good. She had told me you—“
“What did she tell you?” You didn't mean to seem so eager but considering Isabel flinched, it was entirely too much.
“That you hadn’t spoken to her other than ‘yes’ and ‘thank you’. She thinks you think she’s not paying attention to you.” Isabel reveals to you before looking at you once again. “She wants to get to know you.”
“Yeah, I’ve
 realized that now.” Your mind flickers from the few shared moments no more than two hours ago. The library, Frankenstein, the garden. Special princess.
As you approach the throne room, you spot more than ten guards carrying luggage. You spot your mother and father instructing these guards out the front entrance of the palace.
“Mother? Father?” You call out to them, confusion written all over your features.
Your father turns in his place, eyes locking on your shorter figure. He glances behind you on Isabel and Hazel.
“We’re going to be traveling across the waters to a new kingdom to see if there are any other princes who you haven’t completely degraded. It’ll be three weeks time, at most a month before we return.” Your father motions to all of the heavy wood suitcases.
The words settled in and you weren’t as angry as you would have been. This is usually when you and your father would have a screaming argument about how they were wasting their time leaving.
“Oh, well, have safe travels. I hope you both come back healthy and well.” You simply reply, folding your hands respectfully.
“Ah, well, it seems like Dame Callahan has been a good influence on you this past week.” Your mother’s tone was rather shocked with how you weren’t starting a screaming match with your father.
You bite your tongue at the looks your father and mother were sending you. All it took was for a ‘safe travels’ for them to not be angry with you for a moment?
“I trust Dame Callahan will keep you in line. You know you mustn’t leave the palace gates, indoors by sundown, and you must be attending those etiquette lessons once a day except for Saturday and Sunday as Mrs. DuBois is home.” Your mother quickly explained the rules but all you heard was ‘a month without you guys breathing down my neck’.
“Yes, mother. I will be here.” You sigh to yourself, waiting for them to be on their way.
“Well then, Dame Callahan?” You hear your father address Hazel.
“Yes, your majesty. I won’t let the princess out of my sight.” She states calmly but you were more than calm.
You were over excited for their leave. You walked over to very stiffly hug and bid them goodbye. Physical touch wasn’t something you received from your parents often. Only orders and scoldings.
The carriage at the entrance of the palace was piled in the back full of your parents' luggage. You, Isabel, and Hazel stood on the very top step to wave them bye as the driver yielded for the horse to go onward.
“You seem happy.” Isabel hummed, a grin forming on her face.
“Me? No. I’m absolutely heartbroken that my parents will be leaving for the next month.” You reply in a flat tone, turning to her and smiling at the end of your sentence.
You’re about to be forced into marriage as you knew you weren’t going to have much say in this next suitor. You might as well try to make the most of the next month before then.
“And what do you plan to do for the next month, princess?” Hazel’s voice causes you to jump and flush as you had forgotten she could hear you.
You clear your throat with a smile, nodding your head.
“You wouldn’t tell my parents, would you?” You question Hazel.
Her eyes lock on yours with a small shrug. That wasn’t a no nor a yes. You’ll take it.
“I still have to look after you, princess.” Hazel replied.
“You’ll be there as well, Dame Callahan.”
You were sure of it.
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tag-list: @beabeebrie @gr4veyardsblog @suivyfx @hazelsbbg @quicksilversg1rl @vster0769 @dropsofs4turn @uraesthete @toritea @heartshazel @lovers-rck @allshadesgray @thewinterlunarhalo @sundogdyke @v4mpygoth @doeshifts @fruitysnackysmain @moonisu @crvptidgf @hazelenjoyer @mamawanda @curiousshifter101 @hwcniprtnd @sadprose-auroras @guzzlingplastic111 @holysheepsoul @bugaboodarling @lightmywayout @ourautumn86 @bellaramseygfsblog @itsvioletelllies-girl @teenagedramaqueenlisa @steveharringtonisfit @yogkurts @bumblebeeeessss @prettygirlfemme @marsmallowsxoxo @serinatly100986 @confusedgemposts @em16cor @cherryflavoured7777 @tay1230 @akila-twt @idkwhatimdoingherelmao @koremis @hazelscallahan @serinatly100986 @rubygtb @ladyofladies @lolaaa699999 @bellaramslover
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517 notes · View notes
writerinloves-blog · 8 months
I'm here to recommend a tanthalos x oc kit fic, I'm terrible at summarizing, but it's SO GOOD, trust me and go check it out
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writerinloves-blog · 8 months
Hi!!!! Can I request a Kit Tanthalos x shy!reader (friends to lovers) where Kit gets jealous? Like they’re on the quest just walking and camping all the time but Reader gets to know one of the mates and Kit seems jealous! Feel free to do whatever ofc I’m just giving my ideas!đŸ«¶
Kit Tanthalos x reader
warnings: its all happening after the series, jealous!Kit who can’t express her feelings, Boorman and Jade being the best emotional support (nah), fluff
a/n: i need more Kit requests please, and i hope you enjoy!! i actually had a few ideas for this but i hope it’s as good as the other ones:)
-ˋˏ àŒ»â€àŒș ˎˊ-
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-ˋˏ àŒ»â€àŒș ˎˊ-
You, Kit, Jade, Boorman and Elora were in the middle of the quest, when a group of trolls started chasing after you. Yall had to hide in the magic forest, where they couldn’t find you.
— We should rest, it’s getting dark and i definitely don’t want to get lost in there - said Boorman as he started making a campfire.
❃ Kit and you have been friends almost for a year now. You were always a curious person, and thats how you ended beyond the barrier. The desire to know what the world beyond looks like took over. You just wanted to look around but you just couldn’t leave like that, so you decided to go further. When you were wandering and looking at the views you heard whistling sounds, and you knew it wasn’t a good omen, so you ran to the nearest place where you could hide. You wanted to leave as soon as possible, when you tripped over some branch and fell into water. A groan escaped your mouth at the thought of going back home wet, when you heard someones laugh. That’s how you met her. Kit was distant at the beginning, but you two became really close friends since then.
Kit helped Boorman with the campfire while you lied down under a tree, talking to Elora.
— How does it feel to do.. magic? - you asked, your head on her thigh while she was playing with your hair.
— Hm.. strong? - she chuckled quietly.
You smiled softly, noticing Kit whispering with Boorman and Jade.
— I’ll be back in a minute — you said to Elora as you stood up, going in their direction. It seemed like they didn’t notice you, since you approached them from the back.
— I know.. but it’s scaring me - you heard Kits trembling voice.
— I think you should just talk to her, she’s the gentlest soul i’ve ever met, i’m sure she won’t hate you - Jade said as she put her hand on Kits shoulder.
— What’s up? - you said quietly, definitely scaring the shit out of them.
Boorman nudged Kit and gave her a suspicious look.
— Yeah, can we talk? - she sighed as she stood up.
You nodded and followed her further into the forest.
After a while, she looked at you, and even if you couldn’t see her face clearly in the dark, you knew something was off.
— Is.. everything okay? - you said, shifting from one leg to another.
— Yeah it’s just.. i don’t know how to say it - she said, her eyes seeking for help in Boorman and Jade, who only made hearts of their hands and laughed at eachother.
— We’re friends right? You know you can tell me everything - you grabbed her hands and looked at her poorly lightened face.
— You should stay away from Elora - she said after a longer while.
— ..What? I know you two don’t like eachother very much but-
— You don’t get it! - she shouted before you could finish your sentence. well, it clearly didn’t go the way she wanted to.
You looked at her in shock, she’s never been like that before.
— Enlighten me, because i’m not going to stay away from my friend because you told me to! - you said angrily.
— Please.. - she whispered, her head down.
— No Kit! Tell me now! What’s your problem? - you pressured her.
Instead of any response, you felt her cold lips aggressively crash into yours. Her hands on your arms, pulling you as close as possible. The silence was filled with your heavy breaths and quiet moans. She wanted this moment to last forever, to always keep you close and never let go. One of your hands traveled into her hair, while the other caressed her cheek as the kiss got softer.
— I love you.. and seeing you this close with Elora or anyone else just makes my blood boil. i want to change for you, to start expressing my feelings and talk about them, i want to be a better person for you. and i know we can’t be together but i just.. can’t help myself from falling for you more and more with every single day we spend together - she looked at your still shocked face - you don’t have to say anything, i completely understand and respect that if you don’t want to be my friend anymore.
— You’re right, i don’t - you said quietly after a while of collecting your mind, her sad face made your heart drop - Because i do.. love you too - you looked into her eyes.
She immediately trapped you into a tight hug and picked you up, making you wrap your legs around her waist. Even tho the thought of being in love with a girl scared her, it was the best day of her life.
— I love you so much - she whispered, a single tear running down her cheek.
You didn’t even know how many times you’re going to hear these words from her.
-ˋˏ àŒ»â€àŒș ˎˊ-
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writerinloves-blog · 8 months
Love this ♄♄♄
this love | chapter one [h.c]
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summary: your prince suitors have been driving you insane. after a scene you make at a ball, the king and queen have decided to put their foot down and have a knight look after you. knight meets princess. princess has conflicting thoughts about knight.
pairing: hazel callahan x fem!reader
contains: isabel being the sweetest girl, lonely princess who is misunderstood, knight!hazel, charming!hazel, king and queen are not the best and it won’t get better from here ://, hazel is readers gay awakening (real.), no y/n!
word count: 4.7K
a/n: everything will kind of start next chapter with hazel and reader’s beginning dynamic. this is just introducing how shitty the reader is treated and the royals beliefs.
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The royal life.
The poor desired what came with royalty. Wealth, status, comfortability, security, love, and even. Whatever that may be. You envied those who weren’t a part of this life.
The corset underneath your, while stunning, uncomfortable gown suffocated you while you danced with yet another new suitor who had traveled across the seas to Rockridge Palace. Prince Jeffery Williams had been the sixth — hopefully final— prince to attend yet another one of these balls that the king and queen insisted they throw for you and your suitor to get to know one another.
Prince Jeffrey would not stop talking about himself as you slow danced and it was driving you up the wall. He was somehow incredibly louder in volume than the live orchestra.
On top of his ability to talk about all of his successes, which you were sure were entirely made up, he had wandering eyes
 and hands. You shouldn’t have had to move his hands from below your hip back up to your waist as many times as you did.
After the third time and disgustingly cocky smirk, you had enough. Out of impulse, you raised your foot to slam it down onto his boot-covered one. Jeffrey let out a squeal that made you smile to yourself but quickly put on a feigned expression.
“Oh dear, Prince Jeffrey. I-I must have two left feet.” You place a hand over your heart, gasping as if you didn’t deliberately harm him.
Prince Jeffrey folded over to hold onto his now throbbing foot, face turning a beat red as he forced out a chuckle. Every other maiden and man that surrounded you both had stopped their dancing to stare and gape at the scene.
“I feel faint. I must go lie down.” Prince Jeffrey excused himself, smoothing down the front of his deep navy blue tailcoat. “Until we meet again, Princess.”
“Until then.” You bow with the fakest of smiles before clearing your throat.
Jeffrey scurried away to his guest room in the palace, his own personal guard following right behind. The music resumed, much louder than before as you locked eyes with your mother from across the grand room conversing with Jeffrey's mother.
You could feel her anger radiating through her heavy breathing and sudden excusing herself from the queen of Jeffrey’s kingdom. Other townspeople moved themselves out of the way as your mother swiftly made her way towards you.
There was a slight chance you may have gone a tad far with the aggression.
“Oh, sweet pea,” your mother sing-songs as she approaches you, hands folded elegantly in front of her torso, “Is it time for bed then?”
You knew there was a hint of anger laced in her sickenly sweet words. It wasn’t to fool you, though, but the surrounding guests. There was no fighting her, at least, at that very moment.
“Mother, I do feel quite drowsy. Would it be alright to head to bed?” You plaster on the same faux smile, sucking in a deep breath.
“I would highly suggest it. Now, go on then. I must tell these disappointed guests that the ball must come to an end.” Her smile unknowingly dropped as she ended her sentence.
You nod your heavy head, turning on your heels to make your way out of the grand ballroom to your bedroom. As you keep your head down to avoid the wandering eyes and whispers of: ‘Where’s the princess going?’ and ‘What happened with Prince Jeffrey?’. You hear footsteps trailing behind you, turning your head slightly to see the one person who could stand to be around in this entire palace.
“What did Prince Jeffrey do?” Isabel, your handmaiden and only friend, questions who as she sped up to walk side-by-side with you.
You sigh, retracting the groan that was threatening to escape.
“He was a conceited and handsy idiot just like Walter, Arthur, Abraham, Edmund, and Bennett. I couldn’t stand him, Isabel. They are quite literally all the same.”
Isabel visibly frowns, nodding along to your words. You tilt your head up to glance at the dulled hallways of the palace. Paintings of your family line hung up along the velvet red walls — four-time great-grandparents in order down to you and your elder sister; Moira.
“Well, this has already been the sixth suitor. The King and Queen already said that you had to decide by your twentieth.” Isabel carefully reminded you, fiddling with the string of the front of her simple yet beautifully fitting dress.
“That’s just it. I don’t have any desire to marry. Especially to men like that.” You seethed, approaching your high bedroom doors.
The divine vine and floral gold design decorate the dark wood. You wrapped your fingers around the handle to tug it open, grunting softly at how heavy the door was. Isabel quickly rushed to your aid, pulling the door backward. You thanked her quietly before marching into your room.
“Is there anything I can do?” Isabel kindly asked you, only wanting to make sure you were feeling okay.
“If you could just help me get out of this ridiculous dress.” You let out a groan which caused the green-eyed woman to chuckle.
“Of course, princess.” Her tone was teasing as she approached you from behind to begin undoing the laces that were keeping the corset tight on your aching body.
You huff out a soft laugh at the words as you insisted multiple times that you hated being addressed as Princess by the maidens, knights, guards, and kitchen staff that lived in the palace. Especially Isabel. She was more than just your handmaiden and personal attendant, she was your friend that you cared for.
Once she unraveled the last lace, you breathed correctly for the first time since your mother and the other maidens forced you into the constricting dress. She patted your tense back with a sigh.
Nodding through a soft pant, you say: “Incredibly.”
You both chuckle as you gradually sit on your large mattress.
“Anything else you may need?” Isabel questions as she stands next to you on the bed, torso meeting your temple.
Your eyes soften at her question, calming down as you take in a deep breath. You take her soft hands in yours, shaking your head.
“You’re too kind to me, Bel. I think I should just lie down now. You should rest as well before I have to endure whatever my parents will say tomorrow.” You nod, your voice is equally as gentle to her.
Isabel nodded, not having much more to add to the conversation. It was now entirely too late for either of you. The sun had been set since the ball began, the darkness taking over the once bright blue sky.
“Well, we’ll speak more in the morning.” Isabel nodded curtly, giving your hands a single squeeze.
“First thing.” You nod, releasing her hands.
Sharing one more smile, you watch as she leaves your grand room. A lonely feeling settles in your chest as you begin to undress for the night. You knew in the morning you were going to endure your mother and father’s scolding and lectures about how to not ‘embarrass their lineage’ and how ‘childish’ you were.
If you were silent enough and held your breath, you could hear the voices from the ballroom; disappointed and angry with the event ending early. Maybe you had gone too far this time with Prince Jeffrey.
No, he was not appealing by any means.
Left in your slip dress, you slowly crawl underneath the silky sheets covering your large mattress. Once your head laid down on the sheets, you fell into a familiar exhausted slumber.
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You were awoken from an empty dream by the morning horns, the sun's rays beaming in through the tall windows near your bed. You sat up quickly, pushing your frizzy hair out of your face.
Without any sort of warning, you hear your bedroom door swing open. Following in were three of your usual maidens who helped you get ready in the morning. Isabel then trailed in soon after, flashing you a quick smile as you appeared extremely tired.
“Morning, princess.” All three of the maidens speak in unison causing you to quickly put on that fake persona.
“Morning, Mildred,” you nod towards Mildred; tall and blonde. “Vivian,” her baby face and dark skin shine as she bows. “Beth.” Her fiery hair shone in the sunlight as she, too, bowed in respect towards you.
“The king and queen have called you in to share some crucial news in the throne room,” Mildred speaks up, eyes boring into yours.
Your brows furrow immediately at the different choice of words. After incidents like last night, it would be the same from either of the girls: “The king and queen are requesting your presence.”
News? What news could there possibly be?
“Well, I should get dressed then. Can’t have them waiting too long.” You nod slowly, removing your now warm bed sheets from your body.
Isabel rushed to your wardrobe as Beth scurried to your side to help you out of bed.
You were exceptionally privileged and you were aware of it. Especially in these instances where you could easily dress yourself and make up your room but the maidens did it for you. It makes you feel lazy and useless.
“This dress should be perfect. Not too tight around the waist and flattering.” Isabel approached you with said dress in the palms of her hands, grinning kindly.
You trusted her so you thanked her quietly, allowing them to take over.
Within minutes, your tossed sheets were made finely by Mildred and Vivian. Isabel and Beth helped you into the dress, making sure your undergarments were hidden by the other fabrics.
The fit was quite pleasant, you must admit. The front was a bit lower than you had thought but you had rarely been so comfortable in your wardrobe without it just being those undergarments.
Your natural hair flowed down and over your shoulders, a black ribbon tied to keep half of it out of your face. A few flyways escaped but you enjoyed how it frames your face. The girls clamored around you, hands on every part of your dress to smooth out wrinkles.
God forbid the princess appear imperfect in any way.
Once they had finished getting you ready, they left the room, leaving you and Isabel to walk down the beautifully decorated halls to make your way to where your presence was requested.
“Do you have any idea what this news could be?” You mutter softly, eyes locked on Isabel’s side profile.
“I’m not sure if it’s true but apparently in the late of the night, the king and queen discussed assigning a knight to look over you,” Isabel whispered as her eyes darted to the line of knights that were passing by the two of you.
The metal clanked as they walked in an orderly fashion. You assumed it was for training as they tended to take about two hours to train before standing in their assigned places around the castle.
“Look over me?” You asked in disbelief.
You weren’t a toddler that needed to be looked after. You already felt your blood boiling as you were approaching the grand archway of the throne room.
“That was all I heard passing by Linda and Nina in the kitchen this morning.” Isabel quickly whispered.
Linda and Nina were older women in the kitchen who, although talented in the kitchen, gossiped about you constantly. You assumed it was jealousy of either your title or your youth.
Your eyes darted from the high marble archways to the gold-lined thrones that sat both of your parents. Your attitude was already set in place as you walked up just a few feet from them. The stomping of your everyday flats echoed against the floors, revealing how irritated you already were.
“Father—“ You began with annoyance laced in your tone.
“No!” His deep voice echoed, cutting you off as he slammed down his staff.
Out of the corner of your eye, Isabel flinched at the loud sound. Your breathing was heavy as you maintained eye contact with your father. He didn't scare you as he did his overly dramatic actions.
It only increased the amount of hatred you had towards him. Your mother remained silent, glancing at your father before flickering her eyes back to you.
“I am going to talk. You are going to listen and not interrupt me. I have had it with this
 humiliating attitude you’ve decided to put on.” Your father seethed, a vein on his neck protruding. “Prince Jeffrey is a guest in our kingdom and you embarrassed him. This temper is childish. You will be twenty by mid-July and you’re behaving this way. Moira had not been so stubborn about her suitors as you have.”
You felt your nostrils flare as of course, he was blaming you for the way Prince Jeffrey had reacted last night. It was never a man's fault, no. Only you and your temper. Throwing you and your elder sister’s differences in your face as well wasn’t unheard of.
“You must formally apologize to both Jeffrey and the Queen effective immediately.” Your mother intervened, her tone rather calm in comparison to your father.
You remained silent, simply nodding to her words. There was no point in arguing as you knew they were going to shut you down. You watched as your parents exchanged a look before shifting in their thrones.
“Now, because of your rather upsetting actions the night prior, your mother and I have chosen a knight to make sure this doesn’t happen again.” Your father sucked in a deep breath before continuing his words. “Dame Callahan will be your knight.”
Your eyes narrowed as you heard ‘dame’ instead of ‘sir’. There were very few knights that were women so you were automatically expecting there to be a man. You knew of Sir Callahan as he was a noble knight that you’ve known since you were a child but not Dame Callahan.
“Sir Callahan has a daughter?” You question, folding your hands in front of you.
This was certainly news to you. You weren’t even aware that he had a wife to begin with, let alone a secret daughter.
“Indeed. Now, she’s only had her knight status for a year but hopefully, you’ll adapt to her professionalism. Learn from her.” Your mother answers, her brows raising at you accusingly. “She should be arriving any minute now.”
As if right on cue, you hear the horns from the guards outside echo faintly. You turn your neck to glance at the hallway that leads to the main entryway doors.
“Well,” your father cleared his throat, “Let’s go and properly greet them, yes?”
Your eyes locked with Isabel who was already peering down the hallway where you all were headed. You approach her with a forced grin, locking your arm with hers as you take your time walking towards the grand entrance. Her eyes soften as she knows you are feeling a range of emotions about this whole arrangement.
“How are you doing?” Isabel hums, trying to keep quiet as the king and queen are just a foot behind you two.
“Other than absolutely infuriated,” you suck in a deep breath, tilting your head at the freckled woman, “Alright.”
Isabel nods, not knowing what to do now. You knew you were being short but you didn't want to say something you didn't mean out of anger towards the kind woman. You simply pressed your head to hers gently to show you were listening.
“I’m sure Dame Callahan won’t be as difficult as your parents are.” Isabel sighs, keeping her volume quiet. “You might even like her. Make a new friend that isn’t me.”
You gape at her words, nudging her with your hip as you both chuckle to yourselves. You cherish these fleeting moments of joy, holding onto them to keep for your worser days.
“What are you insinuating?”
“Nothing.” Isabel shook her head, her laughter fading as the front door guards were now holding the heavy wood open.
You glanced at Isabel once more before releasing her arm to walk past the guards in their uniforms of the castle's flag colors, watching as they bowed as you and your parents passed by. You nod in response before stepping out on the open staircase, the sun’s beams burning into your skin.
Rounding the corner of the gates was a person on a dark brown horse — borderline black. You feel Isabel’s tense presence along with your father’s looming figure and your mother’s petite one.
You fixed your posture, taking in one deep breath as you awaited her arrival.
“Oh, sweet pea, this dress was not the most appropriate choice.” You hear your mother utter as she judgingly ranks her eyes up and down your frame.
“I can’t change now, Mother, so it’ll have to do.” You snarkily replied, eyes locked ahead of you.
You didn't have to be facing your mother to know she did not appreciate your response. Letting it go for now, you, your parents, and Isabel begin to wave at who you assumed to be Dame Callahan. The stranger knight tugs on the maritangle causing the horse to stop in its tracks right in front of the impressive stone steps.
Callahan begins to make her way up the steps, giving you a better look at her.
It had to have just been you, but you took in how perfect her skin appeared as she grew closer. You could feel Isabel’s eyes burning into the side of your head, clearly waiting for some sort of reaction to Dame Callahan.
First, she greeted both of your parents addressing them with their assigned greetings. Her voice was velvety, charming almost. You waited patiently for her to greet you, hands flexing anxiously by your sides. She didn't appear knight-like as all she was wearing were a pair of black boots, a simple commoner-appearing outfit, and a leather belt that held her sword in that same leather material.
“Princess,” she addresses you before kneeling on one knee, gingerly taking her hand in her gloved one. You tense as she leans her head forward to place her lips on the back of your hand.
Her eyes peer up at you, her dark lashes highlighting her alluring blue eyes. You hadn’t uttered a word yet, completely forgetting all the words you’ve ever known. Dame Callahan releases your hand once she notices how eerily still you’ve become.
“Princess, I’ve heard a lot of things about you,” Callahan speaks again, adjusting the belt on her waist to respectfully smile at you.
Has she already let go of your hand? You thought to yourself. You feel a sharp bone drive into your lower back which causes you to inhale, becoming aware of what was going on. You caress the hand that she had kissed before holding your hands in front of your hips.
“I hope they were all good things.” You reply, regaining your proper posture.
“Yes,” Dame Callahan replies, a small chuckle leaving her lips. “Though, they surely forgot to mention your beauty.”
You blink. Did she just compliment you? It could be an out-of-respect situation. Kissing up to you as you were certain that your parents weren’t that kind with informing Dame Callahan about being assigned to you.
“Oh, well,” you nod, feeling out of your own body. “Thank you, Dame Callahan.”
“Of course, Princess.” She, again, responds with such a poised attitude.
You were feeling extremely conflicted about Dame Callahan. A part of you wanted to get to know her; starting with her first name. Another part was admiring her side profile as she spoke to your father and mother. Why were you admiring her in the first place? You weren’t entirely sure.
“Well, Dame Callahan could settle into her new manor as we prepare the welcome lunch.” Your mother spoke up which caught your attention. “Sweet pea?”
You blink and turn to your mother to see her waiting impatiently for you to say something. Dame Callahan’s head was tilted with furrowed brows as you seemed to be zoning in and out of the conversation.
“Oh! Right! I can show you where you’ll be staying.” You send Dame Callahan a short grin, afraid to stare at her for too long.
The new knight nodded, respectfully bowing at both of your parents and Isabel before stepping to the side to allow you to go first. You begin to make your way down the steps as the manor for the knight's living space is a tower away from the main palace. The hot sun beeped down on your skin, a cool spring breeze brushing past your flowing hair.
The whole walk to the manor was eerily quiet. Neither you nor Dame Callahan were making any form of small talk. All you could hear were the horses huffing a few feet away in the stables, the clinking of metal from the other knights in uniform, and the chirping of the birds in the surrounding trees.
Your shoulders brushed for a mere second as she walked alongside you. You could see from your peripheral stealing glances at you like she wanted to say something but not uttering a word. To be fair, you were doing the same thing.
As you approach the large wooden door, you turn to her as you pause right in front of the entryway. She, too, pauses her steps with you, eyes locking on your face.
Why was her stare burning into you more than the sun? It felt so intense.
“This is the knight’s manor. I will see you around the lunch hour then.” You say.
Out of fear of flushing in her presence, you avoid pouring your eyes into her bright ones.
Dame Callahan nods, and a crinkle between her brows forms. “Is everything alright, princess?”
“Yes, of course. I think I’m just hungry.” You nod slowly, a nervous smile forming on your face.
Could she see right through you? It sure seemed like it. Callahan simply nods, knowing better than to press on such a matter, especially with a princess.
“Right, yes. I’ll just
” She trailed off, pointing to the door.
Your eyes followed her finger before a wave of embarrassment washed over you. A nervous laugh left your lips before nodding and waving your hand towards the door.
“Until lunch then.”
Dame Callahan’s lips quipped into a smile that seemed endearing. She placed a hand on the iron ring and tugged the door open. She bowed ever so slightly.
“Until then, princess.”
The door shut with a loud clunk, flinching at the sudden noise. For the rest of the morning, all you could think about was the way she said ‘princess’ towards you.
Lunch-time arrived in the middle of an etiquette lesson with Mrs. DuBois. The bells went off causing you instantly slouch in your seat. Your back was killing you from how aligned you were forcing onto yourself.
“We’ll continue this lesson tomorrow.” Mrs. DuBois sharply tapped at your back to get you to straighten your posture. “Though, I do not understand the point of this. You slouch so much, you are becoming a hunchback, princess.”
You send her a tight-lipped grin as you smooth down your dress. Isabel was waiting patiently for you in the corner of the room so she could walk you out.
“Lunch calls.” You force a laugh out.
Mrs. DuBois, unamused, nods before turning her back towards you and Isabel. You frown at her obvious attitude before motioning with your head towards the door. Isabel got the hint and gave Mrs. DuBois a quick goodbye.
Once they were out into the hallway, you began to chuckle with Isabel at how stuck-up Mrs.DuBois was.
“She said I have a hunchback, Bel. How dramatic is that?” You scoff, shaking your head.
“I swear, she’s never once felt an ounce of joy in her entire life.” Isabel added on, rounding the corner.
You two are giggling when you walk into the enormous dining hall. You could smell the delicious stew the staff had cooked for you all. You caught sight of Dame Callahan already sitting at the elongated table.
Right in front of your seat next to your mother.
“She’s sitting right across from me.” You slow down your feet, growing anxious to approach the table.
Isabel furrowed her brows, following your eyes to see Dame Callahan already conversing with your mother. Unable to comprehend what was wrong about that, she asks: “Is that bad?”
“No. Not necessarily. Just
” You trail off as you approach the table with Isabel.
You couldn’t even think of a valid excuse for how you felt about her place at the table. Why was she doing this to your mind? Maybe it was the thought that from this point forward, she was going to be quite literally around every corner, near you around the clock from dusk to dawn.
Sure, Isabel was already that but she had been around you for years. Dame Callahan was new and a stranger.
“Oh! Sweet pea, we were just discussing what exactly Dame Callahan will be doing whilst being your knight.” Your mother looked over at the intimidating knight, an overly friendly smile on her face.
You glance at your mother before taking your place right next to your father, Isabel sitting on the other side of you. All of the bowls of steaming hot beef stew thankfully distracted you as you patiently waited for your father to signal that it was okay to eat.
By that, you meant ‘the king always eats first.’ Once he took his first sip, you began to dig in shamelessly.
“So, Dame Callahan,” your father started, voice deep and booming.
“Yes, sir?” She perked up, eyes wide with patience.
“Your father never mentioned your name.” He plainly stated.
You, too, were curious about her first name, eyes darting over to her sharp features that were highlighted by the sun peeking in through the large windows. Her eyes flickered to you, strangely enough, before uttering her name.
“Hazel, your majesty.” She nodded, a smile forming on her perfectly pink lips.
Hazel. It suited her, you thought. Its simplicity was beautiful.
“It’s a lovely name.” You confess, sending her the least awkward smile you could muster.
Hazel’s eyes locked with yours. Her smile matched yours; genuine and kind.
“Thank you, princess.”
You break eye contact first, feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of her stare. You continue eating, eyes dancing from person to person as they add to the conversation. After everyone listened to how Hazel’s journey was to the kingdom, it was around the same time that everyone was finishing up their bread and stew.
“Well, I believe this is the first time you’ve not spoken during a feast,” your father speaks up, eyes locking on yours.
“I don’t have much to say, father.” You quip.
“You’re not always that way, sadly enough.” His tone was quite obviously degrading and meant to humiliate you.
You prod your tongue into the inside of your cheek, wondering why he was starting this right now. Hazel had just arrived and he was already trying to pick a fight with you.
“Oh, your majesty, it’s alright. I think I’ve talked enough for now,” Hazel quickly buts in.
You glance at her, furrowing your brows at her unexpectedly. She was looking directly at your father for just a moment before sending you a soft look.Your father hadn’t replied back to Hazel’s quick words but you feared he might. You straighten your back and clear your throat as you stand up, smoothing down your dress
“I’m feeling full now. May I leave the dining table?” You stare expectantly at your parents, hoping they would just let you this one time.
Your mother simply nods as you turn to Isabel who had already finished her meal. She took that as a hint to leave as well, nodding respectfully towards your parents and Hazel. Her familiar arms lock with yours as you walk down the hallway to venture to your room.
“She seems nice.” Isabel spoke first, looking at you for confirmation that you felt that same way.
You didn’t know what to feel.
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tag-list: @beabeebrie @gr4veyardsblog @suivyfx @hazelsbbg @quicksilversg1rl @eggplantfingers @vster0769 @dropsofs4turn @uraesthete @hotgirlsreadfanfiction @toritea @elise-kira @heartshazel @ahdbodhr @lovers-rck @allshadesgray @thewinterlunarhalo @sundogdyke @v4mpygoth @doeshifts @fruitysnackysmain @moonisu @crvptidgf @hazelenjoyer @ellieluvers @deadgirlwalkingtaylorsversion @mamawanda @curiousshifter101 @hwcniprtnd @sadprose-auroras @guzzlingplastic111 @holysheepsoul @bugaboodarling @lightmywayout @ourautumn86 @evidinspiration @bellaramseygfsblog @itsvioletelllies-girl @teenagedramaqueenlisa @darlingoutlaw @steveharringtonisfit @80wallows @that-one-little-soy-bean @yogkurts @bumblebeeeessss @prettygirlfemme @marsmallowsxoxo @serinatly100986 @confusedgemposts @paqerings @em16cor @cherryflavoured7777 @mommyneytiri @tay1230 @akila-twt @idkwhatimdoingherelmao @koremis
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writerinloves-blog · 8 months
a royal affair
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after their trumph against the crone and a long journey home, jade and kit return to a bustling kingdom and a tense relationship. little do they know the answer to their problems lies in a foreign princess.
wc : 6.096
contains : sfw and nsfw content. takes place after the season ends. dont ask me how they got back idfk. fxfxf poly relationship. kit and jade mutually start to like reader so no cheating. slight jealousy later but all resolved. reader is a fem!princess. skin color not described. reader is described as having hair. reader wears dresses and pants. arranged marriage but it ends well promise. nsfw includes kissing, oral, and penetrative sex. a strap on because i like em. switch reader, switch jade, dom kit bc i think its be cool if she was a freak idfk.
a/n : i need to be neutered. disney bring willow back or i send b0mb. kingdom name generator sucks so yes ur kingdom is one from skyrim. enjoy.
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it was over. it was finally over.
after a few months on the road fighting for their lives, discovering lost and painful secrets, and facing an ancient evil and actually surviving, the group from tir asleen were so glad to return home.
and none of the group were as thankful to return home as kit. sure when she got back she'd have to explain to the king of a neighboring country that his son, her fiancée, had died suddenly at the hands of the crone, and she'd have to deal with her best friend who was now more than that who was a member by birth of a clan she and her people previously thought were barbarians, and don't get her started on the whole thing with her dad actually still being alive.
but on that first night back as she takes a two hour long bath and flops onto her bed, she realized it was all so worth it.
when they returned it was nothing short of chaos. at that point a good portion of the people had thought the group had perished on the road, either due to the harsh climates, thieves, or probably just their own poor judgements and inexperience. but the kingdom had collectively lifted in spirits when the new heroes of tir asleen returned, victorious against a great evil and bringing back their beloved prince.
(the news about the whole giant evil wyrm thing was kept under wraps as to "not disturb this long needed sense of peace", as said by queen sorsha herself, who was surprised but not rejecting when as soon as they returned both of her twins slumped into her arms and gave her a giant warm hug.)
this so called sense of peace brought more changes than they expected. it was almost like the realm was revitalized, the daikinis expanding their reach and the nelwyns trusting willow enough when he suggested that they stop living in darkness and start rebuilding their community.
it was really nice, for most people to not be so afraid all of the time. but kit couldn’t truly revel in the shared joy of the people. not when she knew what she had learned out there.
that jade was a bone-reaver. that she had a sister and a whole community waiting back for her in the wilderness, and soon she would have to make a decision if she would stay here, with kit and the people who technically had stolen her from her family but she had nevertheless grown to love, or back with the reavers to build a connection with people who would welcome her with open arms.
every day between the two was tense. those romantic feelings were still there, obvious between the gazes in hallways and the frantic make outs in the dead of night in each others beds. but there was a weight, a sinking feeling in the both of their stomachs after each shared moment. the knowledge that one day this might end.
a few weeks into their return they don’t get much time to feel on it, as queen sorsha is alerted that two kingdoms from the north and the east have heard of the kingdoms triumphs and would like to visit to form alliances. kits a bit shocked that her mother seems so open to the idea, but figured anything would be better than her focusing on the threat of the wyrm and what will come of the shaken galladoorn king.
the preparation is a whirlwind, workers of the castle working day and night to get ready for the stay of distant royalty. whenever she’d stop by the kitchens to sneak away a snack it was as busy as she’d ever seen it, her favorite cook margaret always rushing her out before she could get a pastry.
kit had to admit she was wary about visitors. it’s not like a journey akin to the one she went on made for a perfect tale of random hospitality when it came to new people.
nevertheless, the time for the royals banquet came in the blink of an eye. she had spent a great deal of the day letting her lady’s maids get her read, taking a bath after an early morning air with jade, fixing her tousled hair and putting her in a classy yet breathable dress.
when she finally does get to the feast, she’s surprised by how much fun she actually has. a few lower ranking royals and warrior had coke from each kingdom, and spent the night telling stories from their pasts and some even reenacting them for the queen. kit swore she even saw her mother laugh at one of the stories, something about a stupid man falling head over heels for a woman who hated his guts.
kit was nothing but enthralled by the important guest of the evening. the royal family of the eastern kingdom, maelstrom, were a collection of tough looking people hardened by battles and a love for fighting. despite thinking they would be a family of scary hard asses, they had come bearing a multitude of gifts, the king constantly wearing a smile on his face as he was ecstatic to meet the legendary warrior turned queen sorsha.
and then there were the others. the royal family of winterhold, were a small family but carried a regal and powerful air about them. before eating the first course a noble guard had told her and jade some things about them, like how the family were known for being gracious but ruling with an iron fist. they had trampled many threats, people regularly mistaking their beautiful appearances for weakness.
and the princess of tir asleen had to admit she was guilty of the same thing. for the first hour she frequently catches the eye of a girl she’s never seen before from across the room. she can tell she’s an important person from the north, seen by her intricate hairstyle and the furs of her dress. every time you lock eyes you send her a little smile and she quickly turns her head away to avoid you.
she would feel guilty if a little while later when looking for jade who had wandered off she didn’t catch the both of you in the midst of conversation, jades sword in your hands as you admire the craftsmanship.
“it really is a beautiful weapon, jade. i’d love to see you use it in action, i’m sure you’re more than proficient with it.” kit listens to your conversation as she walks up behind the two of you, noticing how close you stand next to her knight.
“i don’t know how appropriate it would be for me to train in front of a visiting royal, but i’m sure i could pull some strings.“ jades head bows and tilts to yours, a sign kit recognizes as the red head being bashful. she doesn’t like how it makes her feel.
almost like you have a sixth sense you turn towards the princess, the quickness of it and your face being so close to hers throwing her off a bit.
“your highness, we finally meet. your companion here was just regaling me with the tale of your adventure and defeat of the crone. i have to admit im more than impressed.”
“it’s nice to meet you princess. i’m glad you’re warming up to us here. if you don’t mind, i’d like to talk to my close friend here. alone.”
“kit!” jade hissed, hoping you don’t take her partners words in the wrong way. but all you did was smile, bidding the two girls a good night and that you looked forward to seeing them later.
(jade wouldn’t admit that she thought jealousy was a rather cute look on the girl, especially later that night when the princess was moving like a woman starved to remove her clothing, staring at her body like she was going to tear her apart. she would let a little jealousy slide then.)
before the pair went to sleep jade decided to bring it up, not wanting the two them to go to sleep with any grudges or things left unsaid. it didn’t take much for kit to admit her feelings at the encounter she had with the foreign princess, but it did shock her when jade thought it was alright since she caught kit staring at you. a lot.
the next few days are now tense for a completely different reason. there is a mutual understanding between kit and jade that they both find you attractive, but they agree not to do anything about it in fear of freaking you out and jeopardizing the alliance. they swore to both be on their best behaviors'
but it was pretty damn hard to do so when it seemed like you were flirting with them often. the best example would be on the days that they sparred, you would frequently not be too far away as you watched the both of them with great interest. sometimes it would make one of them fumble, leading to the other to gain an advantage and win the round which always made you laugh before you left.
when it was clear that the two of them were going to keep dancing around whatever this was, you decided to take matters into your own hands. after careful observations you could tell what would attract each of the girls to you.
jade was more open to you after that first meeting. she was dedicated to the crown, although not as much as you would expect, but you could save that question for another day, and if you asked her for help with anything she would dutifully do as you requested. your favorite was asking her to show you some of her moves and attacks, praising her for her skills and what a talented warrior she was.
the warrior had a thing for praise - you realized when you complimented her for her strength after a simple self defense lesson ended up with you on the floor - could this get any better?
kit was a bit harder to crack for you. even with some careful questions and answers from jade, the brunette was still a bit standoffish when it came to you, most likely because you were flirting with her lover in front of her face and then flirted with her back after. but the clear internal battle in her was so intriguing to watch you couldn’t help but feed the flames.
since both of you were the heirs to your kingdoms and your mothers were still negotiating, the two of you spent quite a bit of time together inside the palace. granted most of it was spent in formal settings like meetings, dinners, et cetera. you could tell kit was constantly trying her hardest to be polite, but would sometimes let a sly remark slip through. you’re just glad they were directed at you under her breath; if you’re mother heard any disrespect targeted at you she’d most likely command her soldiers to attack at once.
but you were nothing if not persistent and determined. you would sometimes catch the way kit looked at jade, her pupils dilated and her lips bitten when the knight would stretch or show a sliver of the skin in her stomach. it was almost too easy to grab her attention when you started dressing in more traditional tir asleenian attire, swapping between tight pants to show off your figure or airy dresses with drooping necklines. they were drastically different from the garments from home, most of your clothes having fur and heavy fabrics.
you can still vividly picture the look on kit's face when you passed each other in the halls one morning, her eyes drawn like a magnet to the skin of your neck and the top of your cleavage in your pretty blouse. for added effect, you had worn one of those semi-corsets you'd seen the princess occasionally wearing. partly because you wanted her attention and partly because you thought they were cute.
besides trying to seduce the pair, they eventually became two people who you truly enjoyed being in your company. you were surprised at the leniency queen sorsha gave her children, the twins given free reign over the castle and the villages nearby. kit herself invited you once to join them in, lightly teasing you as for the first time she saw you nervous, scared of getting caught and having to face the wrath of your mother.
but one night it all became so, so worth it. a dark tavern, too much ale, and an off handed comment about how cute you found their not-so-secret relationship led to you three in a cramped rented room in a mix of kisses and tongues and limbs.
you had to admit you were thoroughly surprised by their dynamics in bed. when it came to training you noticed that whatever jade said to kit goes, the princess clearly having a deep affection and respect for the older girl. you would have thought that it would carry over into the bedroom and jade would be pinning kit to the bed, but when the three of you rush into the rented bedroom and kit pins jade's hands above her head you are exceptionally excited.
you sit yourself down on the bed, facing the tangled lovers while you slowly start to undress yourself. when you take off your top and your cloth bra, jade can't help but let out a moan at the feeling of one princess sucking and biting a mark into her neck and one exposing her breasts and smiling at her like a siren. she gets so overwhelmed when she feels kit's eager hand grasp her breath she has to push the girl by the shoulders, tilting her head to bring her attention to you.
now, you had had your fair share of trysts back home, easily able to find girls who had either wanted to experiment or just have one shot with the princess of winterhold. most of the time you had intercourse with girls you'd take on the more dominant role, be it because of the way some girls were inexperienced, some were just submissive at heart, and how you didnt think you enjoyed anything more than seeing pretty girls fall apart under you.
but as you and kit are almost violently fighting for dominance while she kissed you like she was almost insane, you're starting to think that duke's daughter you slept with a year ago who said "you're a control freak in court and it travels down into your sexual life." really was onto something.
you swore the brunette was about to give in, little moans escaping from her lips and her eyes rolling back into her head when you tug her hair to get access to her neck, but you suddenly get the wind knocked out of you when she's flipping you over and pressing you into the bed, your arms suddenly held above your head by jade as kit looks at you with a wild grin.
maybe you can be on the bottom, just this once.
except 'just that once' turned into a whole lot more than once. after that first night of passion and lust it seemed like the three of you couldnt keep your hands off of each other, taking any chance possible to sneak into a room or hidden broom closet to induldge in each other.
while you were able to change thins uo when you were with jade, a simple praise and brush across her neck turning the girl to putty in your arms. you had to be careful, though. once after another unneeded self defense lesson where she had beaten and pinned you in under a minute, one little "god, im so proud of you." led to her nearly humping you like a dog outside on the rocks.
but no matter what you did you still couldnt manage to dominate kit. youd be damning her to the high heavens if it didnt turn you on immensely on she could so quickly reduce you to a whimpering and begging mess.
it got to the point where you were daydreaming about her constantly. when you passed each other in the halls you shivered when her hand brushed against yours and it gave you the muscle memory of her lithe fingers curling and thrusting inside of you, when you were eating together your eyes focused on the movement of her mouth and how you could picture her mouthing at your cunt, or even how when you got the princess and jade tangled up after a spar you got so many ideas how badly you wanted your legs tangled with theirs as you felt your pleasure together.
they were actually driving you crazy. you, the heir of winterhold, fawning over a princess and her ptoector. if those girls back home could see you now they'd cackle.
the three of you werent as sneaky as you would have hoped though.
one night, kit had come to the two of you with a proposition and a package she had acquired, asking if you would like to try it out. jade had opened the package and the way her breathing stopped and eyes enlarged made you think there was actually a rabid wolf inside of the box, but instead she pulls out an object that is long and black and phallic. you’re a little embarrassed to even think of the flutter it starts in your chest.
"i think ill opt out, this once," you nervously squirm in your place. "gods, kit. where did you even get that? ive heard about these but ive never actually seen one."
"aw, are you scared?" kit pinches your shoulder and slightly winces when you do it to her wrist.
jade scoffs at the two of you before telling kit to stop teasing you, assuring you that you didnt have to do anything you didnt want to. gods, she was so sweet to you, always making sure you were comfortable with whatever was happening between the three of you. you just couldn't help yourself when kit was pounding the toy into her, her soft red curls resting on your lap as her big green eyes stared up at you. you could tell that your unmoving gaze on her face and the touch of your hands moving across her face, neck, and chest was not helping in her struggle to keep her noises at bay.
so when your fingers traveled to her breasts and squeezed her nipples, could you really blame yourself for the loud moan that came from her throat? it wasn't exactly your fault she was sensitive. although if it was up to her she would say you definitely knew what you were doing, especially when your fingers trailed down her torso and lightly grazed her clit just at the same moment kit roughly trusted her hips and hit the gooey spot deep inside of her.
looking back, it was only a matter of time until the three of you got caught.
only three days later both of your mothers asked you and kit to join them to a private tea. it wasn't odd for your mother to ask you to tea with her at home, but she hadn't called for you since you arrived in tir asleen. on the way kit had even told you her mother hated tea, and she couldn't recall a time in recent years when the two of them just sat in a room talking to each other without an argument starting.
when you entered the room you could immediately tell something was wrong. first, jade and erik were there; jade was supposed to have a rare day of rest today, and erik was...well, he wasn't often present at important conversations you had come to learn. second, your mother looked on edge. in all your years on earth, you had never seen her show any sign of weakness, the woman learning from a young age that being a ruler of an entire nation meant constantly being guarded. the sight of her being nervous put a sick feeling in your stomach.
"uh, mom? is something going on?" kit took a blunt approach before sitting down on the armchair across from her mother as you did the same. sorsha face looked tense but also a little judgy if you were reading her right.
sorsha raised her hand in a simple gesture and a timid-looking girl wearing a maid uniform came rushing from the corner of the room until she stood behind the sitting queen. you stared at her for a second until the realization hit you like a brick in the face. you never caught her name, but you knew she worked in the hallways surrounding kits room.
"this is moira, one of the new maids who works in the west wing," sorsha begins to explain as the maid in question can't meet your eyes, her eyes staring at her feet. "a few days ago she took the night shift for cleaning some of the floors and heard something quite peculiar coming from your room, kit."
"mom, i can explain-"
"no, kit, we would really like you to not explain." the queen's voiced raised as she quickly cut kit off, the girl's body going rigid beside yours. at this point you were the same, your mom's cold glare making you uncomfortable in your seat.
"although i'm slightly embarrassed at this situation, both because of the nature of it and how fast it seems to be spreading among the staff, queen morwine and i have come up with a proposed solution to this."
as soon as you heard this proposed (more like already decided) idea, for the two of you to get married in the following weeks, you think you blacked out for a few hours. and in hindsight that was horrifying. if there was anything your parents taught you it was to be composed, to be ready for anything at a moment's notice. but to be fair you'd never had to deal with an arranged marriage proposal before.
everything you could remember after it was said was a blur. you could remember kit yelling, obviously opposed to the idea of yet another arranged marriage, at the fact that she thought she had finally managed to finally convince her mother that she deserved the right to choose who she wanted to spend the rest of her life with and had proven she wasn't just a political pawn. even though you agreed with what she was saying, the malice in her voice from even just the idea of marrying you hurt.
jade was in an equal state of shock and only moved from her spot when you stumbled out of the room to the audible disapproval from your mother and rushed down the halls.
before you knew it you had run out of breath and settled on a log by a lake not far from the castle grounds. the sun was setting and there were fireflies out over the water. you could hear frogs croaking. it was nice. peaceful.
the knight gently rested a hand on your shoulder. "are you alright?"
you really didnt know how to answer the question.
"up north all of our lakes are frozen solid. the only time you see the water is when the ice is broken for ice sellers or a fool falls through on a dare that they can walk all the way across. i'd never even seen a fully melted one until we started to journey here," you breathe slowly and rub your hands up your arms, the night chill starting to take an effect. jade sits beside you and her natural warmth makes you feel a little better. "i care about you both, really, i do. but whatever this is has only just started and i...i don't know if I'm ready to give my whole life up for it."
the air goes quiet and the sun sets before she walks you back to your room, pausing outside of the door and taking your hand in hers and pressing a soft kiss to the back of your hand.
"i know this will be difficult but just...don't shut us out, please."
you could only give her a smile before you shut the door.
the next two weeks were tense.
sometimes when you were little you'd dream about your wedding, picturing a gorgeous girl waiting for you at the end of a beautiful altar and everything would be big and grand and snowy and perfect.
but now you're in a nation that's hot and filled with people you don't know but you're apparently about to rule over, and your gorgeous girl has been giving you the cold treatment ever since the news broke. you had tried cornering her in the halls, after sparring, even after dinner, but she always found a way to get around you and continue doing whatever the hell she was doing.
she wasn't talking to jade either, which slightly made you feel better because if she was you'd be feeling jealous, left a sour taste in your mouth at how she was shutting both of you out for no reason. one night jade had snuck extremely carefully into your room to bring you some snacks you'd been craving and had told you that the princess was just feeling a mix of betrayal, hurt, and worry all at the same time and wasn't the best at handling her emotions when she was upset.
if there was anything keeping you grounded at that time it was jade. she had to tread carefully so it didn't look like she was choosing sides between the two of you, but she always made sure to be there when you were slipping. one of the royal wedding planners was pressuring you to pick a flower to add to the bouquets that would be used to decorate the ceremony and the one you'd hold as you walked down the aisle, and just when you were on the brink on breaking down and just retreating to you room altogether jade stepped in for you and recommended a mix of your favorite flowers from your homeland and kits, signifying the union of your nations in a small but beautiful way.
and maybe having so much of her attention and still having to see kits stupid but cute upset face whenever she saw the two of you got to your head, because later that night you're sitting with jade by that same lake from a while ago and kissing her like your starving, pulling her closer by the back of her neck while your hips grind into hers like you'll die if you don't get closer to her. a few weeks ago you had all agreed to not leave too visible marks, but when you bite roughly on her collarbone and she pulls you closer by your hips, you don't really think she cares.
which is great for you, because when you walk with jade to drop her off at her training session and kit sees the mark on her skin her reaction is worth every bit of sadness you felt.
the night before your wedding was nice you would admit. there was a banquet with both families and a few dozen others, which gave you a crazy sense of deja vu, and you were able to somewhat enjoy yourself. your younger siblings were teasing you nonstop and some of the more vulgar court members were doing the same in a way that made you slightly uncomfortable, but nothing you hadn't heard before. it'd be made better if your bride-to-be wasn't glaring holes into the side of your head every so often, but you would take what you could get.
once the party has ended and an uncountable amount of people had wished you 'good luck's and 'congratulations'' for the following day, you trek back to your bedroom and decide to wind how with a nice warm bath and some scents a courier had brought from your home. just as you had poured the liquid into the water and sunk into the water, the gentle whoosh of the bathroom door opening and closing has your eyes widening and reaching for the closest thing you could as a weapon when your gaze lands on kit, standing at the door with her arms crossed and staring you down.
"if you don't mind, i'd like to spend my night alone and not with you leering at me while i do it."
"to be fair, its nothing i haven't seen before," she smirks and starts to walk closer to your bath, not being able to avoid you flicking water on her clothes. "this is serious, i want...i need to talk to you."
you can't help but scoff at her words. "oh, you need to talk to me? i wasn't really getting that from the past two weeks of silence and ignoring."
"i know, i get it, and im sorry-"
"that's not enough."
you close your eyes and focus on your breathing, not wanting a fight to start lest anyone hear it through the walls. you can hear the sound of kit's boots moving until they stop at the side of your tub, seeing the girl get on her knees before softly taking your hand and holding it over her heart.
"you're right, its not enough. i acted like a complete and utter dick to you and you didn't deserve it. i was so in my head about the wedding, and my mom and graydon and jade and you, that i shut both of you out when we all should have been with each other. and i swear I'm gonna spend the rest of our dumb married lives making it up to you."
you couldn't help but snort at her while she apologized, able to tell that she truly meant it. it was all just hitting you how much you missed her these past few weeks, how she was always trying to say something humourous to break your 'cold exterior'.
(she thought that joke was hilarious and neither you nor jade had the heart to tell her it was lame.)
"i forgive you, kit. and dont think for a second that im not going to hold you to that promise." you brought a hand up to sweep some hair away from her face, chuckling when she lightly tries to shake off the water your fingers left.
she looks at you so fondly before giving you a light kiss on your lips. but blame it one the faint traces of alcohol still in your system, or the low lighting of the bathroom, or just the sensitivity from opening up to each other, but the kiss quickly turns heated before you're both hurriedly rushing to remove her clothing before she's joining you in the bath, the both of you giggling as water sloshes on the ground and you nearly cackle when you see kits giant little toy below her hips.
"were you planning this? you expected me to forgive you as easily as i did?"
"no, but. a princess is always prepared."
luckily no loud noises were heard in the hallway (where jade happened to be standing outside of your bedroom door for both protection and assurance for kit), even though it took biting your lip until you thought it would bleed before kit took some pity on you before she manuevered your body to take you from behind, covering your mouth with her hand as your eyes roll to the back of your head.
once your high hits you with what feels like the power of a hundred stars, the girl carefully lifts you from the cold water and helps you dry off before leading you to lie down on your bed, where jade waits in the middle after assuring you all helpers on the night shift didn't come near your room out of respect or privacy.
you laid in between the two girls, jade in front of you and kit behind you as they snuggled into you and held hands across your waist. they whispered sweet words in the darkness of the room, promising each other that they wouldn't let this get in the way of their previous relationship, that they hoped to build a great life with you by their side, and that they couldn't wait to spend the rest of their lives with you.
you fell asleep dreaming of a white wedding in spring. you really enjoyed it.
when you woke up the two of them had already left to get ready for the wedding, as a handful of lady's maids came in to prepare you for the day. you were thankful they ignored how worn out you looked as they helped you to take another bath and do up your hair.
if there was one thing you loved most it was your dress. it was a traditional but gorgeous dress from your homeland, and you were glad your mother insisted on it being made exactly the way you had envisioned. she might have forced you into a marriage but she'd be damned if you didn't look exactly how you had always dreamed.
the preparation was over in what felt like a second, and before you knew it you were walking down the aisle. the renovated dining hall was ethereal, decorated in a combination of white and purples and blues and pinks and greens. winter meets spring.
regret was seeping into you for picking jade to be your maid of honor because seeing her stand across from kit makes you feel so nervous and sick and in love that you want to just turn around and take a breather for a few hours.
the vows arent long and once you give her a quick kiss it doesn't fully register in your mind that the two of you are actually married now. but it does feel different. like there's a new gravity to your relationship that wasn't there before that both terrifies and excites you.
the reception is lovely as well. compared to last night there are less inappropriate jokes and more genuine well-wishes for the two of you and what this marriage will do for both kingdoms.
the mention of your home would make your mouth twitch. you were starting to become truly happy here, but you would always miss winterhold.
after the food was served and some forms of entertainment were performing for the crown, your mother pulled you aside to talk. at this point, you hadn't talked to her in a few weeks, safe for required details about the wedding or basic pleasantries.
"i understand you're upset with me, and i know that i will have to earn your trust again. and i will do so no matter how long it takes. sorsha and i have been discussing establishing a safer and faster trade route between here and winterhold, maybe start establishing some new towns to people displaced by this crone madness. once its finished you can come back whenever you'd like. it will always be your home, no matter what."
you hugged her tighter than you ever had before.
after the toasts are made and the festivities of the night (which were very fun, you had to admit. you asked kit what gave some of the people such a love for fun and partying and she said it was something her dad brought out in people) are over you make your way to kits room and plop yourself down on the bed, kit and jade in tow and plopping down themselves. its quiet for a while. as they help you out of your wedding dress no words are said. nothing about how two of you are going to be queens once sorsha steps down, nothing about how jade has agreed to go visit her sister for a while to bond with her family and her people before coming back and seeing if there was any way to help them more, or how kit would most likely go on another adventure with boorman and the elora danan to help her father escape from wherever he was.
all you could focus on was the two girls who you cared about more than anything and being surrounded by them as you fell asleep, knowing that whatever new surprises that came in the future you would face.
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i love them a lot is it obvious. the bath scene was inspired by a p0rn video i saw on twitter but then i remembered they didn't have showers in that time period :( i didn't realize until the end that i barely talked about boorman elora and willow... ok bye bye
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writerinloves-blog · 8 months
Rockstar! Hazel Callahan x  Host! Reader
Summary: Hazel Callahan is a special guest on The Bottoms podcast after Y/n said in a lie detector machine that she was her crush. 
Warnings: Not proof read. Sorry for any mistakes, English isn't my main language. 
a/n: Wrote this in my costume design class, something happy after that angsty Rockstar girlfriend chapter. I've been binge watching frenemies so that's how I got this idea. Hope you guys like it! I really love reading ur comments, they really make my day <3
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Y/n always had a lot of things to say. All her life people would make fun of her because she never knew when to shut up. Maybe it was the fact that she knew a lot about several things  or the fact that she just enjoyed talking shit. But the girl could talk hours on end about things not knowing when to stop. Thankfully, Y/n had friends that liked to talk as much shit as her. Josie, PJ and Y/n could drag people like they were drinking water. So when they were offered to do a podcast the three of the girls agreed without hesitation. Getting paid to talk shit on the internet for an hour? That was an amazing deal. 
And by the looks of it, everyone around them agreed that talking shit was good since they were having a godly amount of streams daily. The girls had decided to name the podcast “Bottoms” and it took place in a small studio in downtown. The girls wanted the studio to look as cozy as possible. So instead of a serious looking podcast they decided to decorate the room with vibrant colors and random knick knacks, the three girls had a say in how the studio looked so at the end of customizing it they had an unintentional division of their areas. Different colors and decorations that made their area theirs but the only thing the girls had agreed on was having bean bags as chairs, that was the best part. 
Their podcast “Bottoms” was popping off, so the girls had come up with several ideas to not make the podcast repetitive or boring. Costumes, themes, breakdowns and most importantly, special guests. Due to the fact that people actually like them, there were a lot of celebrities that surprisingly wanted to be on the show. So in the last episode when Y/n was attached to a lie detector machine and was asked if famous rock star, Hazel Callahan, was attractive. She had rambled about her crush not thinking that Hazel was going to hear the podcast let alone be the next guest on it. 
There she was, academy award winning rockstar, Hazel Callahan, sitting across from her. Her hair was messily styled as she threw her head back laughing at something PJ had said, her pearly whites showing through. She slammed her ring covered hands as she attempted to stop her laughing fit.  For the first time in Y/n’s life she was speechless. Hazel was beautiful, Y/n knew that. But having her so close by made Y/n malfunction with her beauty. Hazel was sculpted by god and being near her made Y/n feel things she couldn’t say on air. Y/n wasn’t going to survive an hour of talking, she glanced at the timer that was behind the cameras noticing the 00:10  on the screen. Ten minutes and she hadn’t said a single word. Ten minutes of her staring at Hazel while she talked about the tour and her life.  The only thing viewers could possibly see was her staring lovingly at Hazel and if she had to see a compilation on youtube  of her staring at Hazel she was going to lose it. 
“Damn, Y/n. Cat got your tongue? See people
Y/n likes talking shit about how much game she has. But as of right now she barely said hello to Hazel. May I remind you guys that in the   last episode she said that Hazel was her dream girl and that she could take h
” PJ started pulling the microphone towards her as everyone focused her eyes on Y/n, including those damn blue eyes. Y/n could feel her body tense up but she quickly analyzed where PJ was going, so she slammed her hands on the table interrupting, PJ. 
“Miss Callahan, Do you have a girlfriend? The people want to know” Y/n managed to get out. But after hearing herself in her headphones  say those words she felt herself cringe instantly regretting asking that. Miss Callahan? Who the hell did she think she was speaking to? Y/n moved on her bean bag chair noticing how it sucked her up. Y/n closed her eyes not wanting to face even more embarrassment while she heard Josie and PJ attempting to hold in their laughs. 
“I’m single, actually. So I hope that’s good for the people.” Hazel said, pulling her mic towards her with her ring covered hand. Hazel quickly shifted on the bean bag crossing her leg on top of the other one resting her hands. 
“Oh, but there’s a rumor that rock stars get puss. You don’t have groupies all over you after shows. I’ve heard your name countless times, supposedly you're a pussy pleaser in the community. Opinions on that.” PJ added trying to stir up the pot for the episode. Y/n stared at PJ agape not believing the words that were slipping out of her mouth. Hazel let out a loud laugh, surprising the three of them. 
“The question was if I was single, not how much I got laid. But I’m glad you’ve done your research. Not a lot of people mention my supposed pussy pleaser ways in interviews, which makes this one intriguing. So thank you for putting that out there” Hazel said sarcastically while attempting to hold in her laugh. 
“Supposedly?” Y/n let out looking at Hazel slightly. She quickly gripped on her head regretting letting that slip noticing the cocky look on Y/n’s face. 
“Well, I can’t confirm the rumors myself but if you want, we can test that theory.” Hazel replied, sending a wink towards Y/n direction. PJ gasped loudly hitting the table once again. 
“You're good. Like a god, never have I seen Y/n this quiet. What is going on?”  PJ said in between laughs while looking all around the set. 
“I don’t want to be cocky but if we get past this pod, I’ll promise you she’ll be really vocal and loud. But that’s not important right now
How about you? Are you single Miss L/n? I want to know” Y/n looked up, her face completely flushed as Hazel grinned towards knowing the effect her words had on Y/n. 
“What are you  supposed to be?” Y/n said quickly trying to change the subject off her once again. Hazel looks down at her outfit trying to hide her smile while Josie instantly notices her discomfort so she takes the lead clearing her throat. 
“What Y/n is trying to ask is,  what is your costume? For all of you guys that don’t know we are in halloween. We have been doing different themes for each episode to dress up and all that.  By  the looks of it you’ve always dressed up. But if you do not dress up then I like your new style. It makes your eyes pop” So why don’t we go around the room and say what we are dressed up as. The theme this week is crush. It can be a fictional crush, celebrity crush, real crush, whatever crush you want. So I decided on dressing up as my lovely girlfriend, Isabel. My biggest crush in the whole world. Shout out to you, babe.  She did my makeup and styled me this morning. Who’s next? ” Josie said as she pulled her flower dress down as PJ applauded obnoxiously loud making Y/n cringe one again. Hazel reached towards the water in front of her arms slowly grazing Y/n’s leg making her tense up once again. 
“Y/n, why don’t you go? Who are you supposed to be, Anakin Skywalker?” PJ asked in a joking tone while turning towards her. 
“First off all, Fuck you. Second of all I was told that our costume was going to be fictional characters not crushes.” Y/n started while fixing her robes. Josie chuckled, pulling out her phone to check  the email while Pj shook her head. 
“Don’t worry, Y/n. For you it’s the same person that’s why we didn’t tell you anything. We didn’t want you to be a more blushing mess than you already are. So don’t be such a puss and tell the camera who are you dressed up as” PJ continued pointing at the camera while Y/n rolled her eyes.  
“I’m dressed up as Kit Tanthalos from Disney’s Willow” She muttered into the mic while glaring at PJ ignoring Hazel’s eyes. 
“Wait isn’t that, Hazel's character in that show she’s in,” Josie started making Y/n groan throwing her head back clearly embarrassed. 
“You know what I want to know, what the hell is PJ dressed up as. Who’s your crush” Y/n said quickly, making PJ look down at her shirt. 
“I’m dressed as a Milf, obviously. I know Hazel being here has taken your common sense but we need you to be attentive. Now, Hazel. Who’s your celebrity crush?” PJ asked, turning to Hazel. Hazel smiled widely, turning to Y/n, not unlocking their eyes. 
“Well, I decided to dress up as my favorite podcaster. I thought my outfit was pretty obvious.” Hazel said standing up, giving an awkward turn. Y/n could feel her face turn completely red noticing that her outfit mimicked one that was recently posted on her instagram story. 
“You see guys, this is how we make love in this podcast. In the next episode we will probably talk about all the puss Y/n got.” PJ almost screamed into the mic. 
Thank You Guys For Reading!
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writerinloves-blog · 8 months
to all my baby girls, who would like to be on the tag list to make sure i get everyone for this upcoming knight hazel series? <3 please reply and reblog so i can build the list 💋
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387 notes · View notes
writerinloves-blog · 8 months
Helloooo!!! Just passing by, to let all of you know that i was going through a rough writer’s block, but im fine now, and to everyone that has requested something, I’m just about to start writing them 
 but they’re coming , I promise ♄♄♄
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141 notes · View notes
writerinloves-blog · 8 months
all in a day’s work [h.c]
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summary: being spider-woman is going pretty well for hazel. that is until you notice these cuts and bruises appearing on her skin. she’s just a little clumsy, though, right?
pairing: hazel callahan x fem!reader
contains: mature language and content, shower sex (very little detail), spider!hazel, mentions of hazel’s transformation since becoming spider-woman, slight violence, cannabis mention, mentions of the avengers events, josie is hazel’s guy in the chair.
word count: 4.4K
a/n: it’s here. i’m beyond excited for you guys to read this short series. it’s going to be a four parter, uploading each part every week for the month of october. thank you and enjoy <3
one | two | three | four
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Hazel hated criminals.
The ones who stole purses from innocent old ladies who were just trying to buy groceries. The ones who harass and assault women for rejecting them. Or in this special Brooklyn norm, a guy who had hotwired a BMW who was now involved in a high speed chase with four cop cars and a special hero following him.
Normally, she would be more than pleased to arrive at the scene. On any other day, she wouldn’t have promised to meet her girlfriend — sweet and patient you — at the bodega that your uncle owned. But some dumbass just had to hotwire a car when she had to meet you in an hour.
Hazel swung in between buildings, following the sirens of the police cars and the map inside of her mask, her eyes darting from car to car to find the one that was described. A dark purple BMW speeding down Tillary Street, turning down Gold Street. Once she had spotted the vehicle, she launched herself faster in the vicinity before landing on a U-Haul truck that was a few cars behind the BMW.
This guy was swerving and weaving through cars like a maniac as Brooklyn’s finest were hot on his trail. Hazel shook her hands out as a nerve-releaser, her gloved hands stretching in and out. She then sprinted across the top of the truck before launching a web at a tall building to maneuver her way onto the back of the BMW.
The breeze felt nice, though, after swinging around for so long. Her hands were gripping onto the sides of the vehicle to keep her balance.
“Excuse me, sir!” She tapped on the back window, waving a hand to get his attention.
The man’s eyes flickered to his rear-view mirror, eyes visibly widening at the sight of Spider-Woman hanging from the back of the stolen car. His response was to step on the gas. Hazel groaned as her lower stomach thumped onto the trunk, but quickly regained her posture as she hoisted herself onto her feet.
“Incoming text from honey with the white heart emoji and bee emoji,” Karen told Hazel, her Siri-like voice echoing in her ears. “Are we still on for sandwiches, babe? Semi-colon. Parenthesis.”
Hazel smiled at the message from you as she crawled to the top of the vehicle, mentally pumping her fist at the sight of the sunroof. The man had left it wide open. So he was an idiot in many ways. Hazel slipped in quickly, her bottom landing in the backseat. She’d tell Karen to reply as soon as she finishes with this nuisance.
“C’mon, dude, high-speed chase? What? Was stealing an old lady’s purse too cliche?” Hazel quipped with a cheeky attitude.
The man didn’t say a word but instead attempted to throw a punch in the backseat, letting out grunts of annoyance. Hazel blocked every swing with a sigh, wondering why the hell he was even trying.
“You know, you’d punch way better if you weren’t driving, sir.”
As the man continued to speed between cars, Hazel stares up ahead to see an empty alleyway in an upcoming street. She needed to get him off of the street so that innocent people wouldn’t be in the way of danger.
Hazel shoots a web at the man's eyes. He grunts at the sticky feeling and temporary blindness, releasing the wheel entirely. Hazel reaches over from the backseat, hands gripping onto the wheel to turn sharply into the deserted alley. She mutters a string of curses as the side of the car scrapes against the brick building.
She’ll tell Mr. Stark about billing that to the owner later.
Cars honked and came to a sudden halt at her illegal moves but the car was now in the alley, away from the public. She releases the wheel to quickly crawl out of the open sun-roof. Mid-way out, she feels the glass begin to close on her torso.
Hazel groans out at the squeezing pressure and looks down into the car to see that the man had hit the sunroof button on the roof of the interior. One of his hands gripped onto her spandex covered calf, trying to tug her back down.
“I have a girlfriend, dude. Let go,” Hazel grunted, wriggling in his grasp.
Hazel threw her foot back into his chest and jaw before jumping up and out of the car. She landed on a metal fire escape balcony. From that distance, she shot multiple webs at the end of the alleyway, creating a makeshift trap for the car to run into. Her wrists were beginning to ache but she kept her movements flowing, releasing the web as he was reaching the end. The car hit the large web with a loud thump but had stopped, which is what Hazel was aiming for.
The thief had stepped out of the car and began to book it.
“Karen, send a text back to honey reading,” Hazel stood on the fire escape and walked on the side of the building as she aimed a web at the man. The substance wrapped around his legs causing him to trip and hit the ground. “Of course. See you soon. With two x’s and o’s.”
“I am sending the text to honey.” Karen alerted Hazel to her mask.
Hazel swung over to land right next to the criminal's head, tilting her body to the side to grin at his scraped up face. She knew he couldn’t see her shit-eating grin but it brought her some sort of badass feeling. Like an ‘I-just-did-that-shit’ feeling.
“The cops will take care of you so if you’ll excuse me,” she shot her web around his wrist to keep him down and held them behind his back. “I have to see my girl.”
The man grunted loudly to which Hazel responded with a: “Bye, Mr. Criminal!” as she launches herself out of the alley and around the corner of the building.
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You were browsing the shelf of snacks and candies in your uncle’s bodega. You had just gotten off your shift at the Build-A-Bear in the mall and you were absolutely starving. The array of chips and gummies made your stomach grumble, sighing as you were waiting patiently for Hazel to arrive.
Her Stark internship had consumed a lot of her time lately. Of course, you were incredibly happy and proud of her to be working under Tony Stark: a billionaire industrialist, inventor, and the Iron-Man.
You didn’t mean to seem clingy, but you missed her when she was gone.
“Bee, here you go.” You hear a voice coming from behind the counter.
There stood your uncle with your turkey club sandwich wrapped — no tomatoes. You let out a groan of relief as you walked up to the counter to take it from him. You reach into your tote to grab a five dollar bill.
“Bee, you’re not paying.” He began to walk around to avoid you giving him cash.
“Uncle Karter, take it now. I’ll hop over this counter and shove into the register,” your threat was playful, but you meant every word.
“You’re hungry so I’m giving you food. It’s just like having lunch at home.” Your uncle insisted as he pointed at you, resting his arms on the glass display of the different kinds of sandwiches and deli meat he had to offer.
You sigh, giving him a wary look. Yes, he was your uncle, but you felt guilty just being handed sandwiches that you could easily pay for. You have a job. Your uncle wouldn’t let you pay, though, so you reluctantly slip the dollar bill into your bag.
“Thank you,” you give him a small smile before taking a bite of the fresh sandwich.
“It’s nothing, kiddo.” The man shakes his head as his eyes flicker behind him at the front door. The bell rings and he jerks his head to whoever was walking in. “Your little girlfriend is here.”
You whip your head around mid-bite to see Hazel panting as if she had run here with a wide, charming smile. Her hands were holding something behind her back as she approached you happily with her brown broken-in leather backpack over one shoulder, her keys that were clasped onto a loop of her jeans jangling loudly.
“Hey,” she breathes out, her gaze flickering between both of your eyes. Hazel raises her hand to wave at your uncle. “Hi, sir.”
“Hazel, I told you to call me Karter. None of that ‘sir’ shit, dude. I’m 36, not 50.” Your uncle replied teasingly, causing you to chuckle. Hazel nodded, muttering a ‘right’. Her eyes locked with yours as your uncle began to attend to the other customers.
“How was it today?” You tilt your head as you take another bite of your sandwich.
Hazel shrugged her shoulders, scoffing out. “Boring science shit but it was good. New scientist named Dr. Connors that Mr. Stark introduced me to.”
You deadpan at her, nodding your head. Sure, the subject wasn’t your favorite but you always wanted to hear about Hazel’s day. You brushed off the short response as you swallow that bite of your sandwich.
“Okay, well, that’s good. What are you hiding?” You try to peer over her shoulder but she only leans to the same side as you.
“Grabbed something for you on the way here.” Hazel beams as she pulls out the present from behind her back.
It was a small bouquet of an array of flowers for this time of the year. It was fall in New York, so the array of white roses and yellow sunflowers brightened up your mood. Forest Hills blossomed during the chilly season; a beautiful orange hue washed over the neighborhood in Queens as the decaying leaves fell from the tree branches.
Your eyes softened at the simple yet sweet gesture. Hazel grinned awkwardly, hoping you loved them.
Ever since you two had started dating half a year ago, Hazel has always felt like she had to be the best girlfriend she could. You were her first girlfriend and she was absolutely crazy about you, as you were about her.
Other people haven’t been the kindest to you and she knew that. Lying and cheating were a main factor as you’ve told her.
The guilt ached in her chest everyday having to lie to you about being Spider-Woman. You were her entire world. Tony insisted it was for the best if she didn’t want anything to happen to you.
“You are too sweet, I swear. Thank you, baby,” you lean in close to kiss her lips quickly and take the bouquet in your free hand.
Hazel flushed so easily, making your smile widen. It was a good feeling to see after so many months that she still got flustered when you kissed her.
“It’s nothing. You deserve it.” Hazel replied as if it was something you should know.
You don’t respond to that, only blushing like Hazel was moments ago. You sniff the soft flowery scent for a moment before taking another bite of your sandwich.
“You wanna head to mine?” You offer with a flirty smile.
“Uh, yeah, sure.” Hazel nodded, eyes warily darting to your uncle who was occupied with his line of customers that appeared out of the blue.
“He’ll be here for hours. C’mon,” you loop your arm around hers. “Bye, Uncle Karter. See you later.”
Your uncle simply waves his hand mid-conversation with the middle aged woman in front of him. Hazel leaned into your touch for a second before letting herself get dragged out of the bodega by you.
A fresh autumn breeze brushed against her, hitting her pale skin. You leaned your head on her shoulder as you talked about all the adorable children that had come into the Build-A-Bear.
Hazel loved these small moments with you. Well, she loved every moment but little things like this clouded her brain when she wasn’t focused on keeping her identity a secret. Watching your eyes light up when you spoke about how happy these children looked when you handed them their bear made her heart grow tenfold.
When the two of you had arrived at you and your uncle's apartment, you reached into your bag to grab the house keys.
“You hungry?” You ask as your sliding the key into the slot.
Hazel shook her head, placing a hand over her stomach. “I’m okay. Thank you, though, honey.”
You place a gentle kiss at her cheek as if to tell her that you asked her questions like that to show that you cared. You frowned, though, as you noticed a bruise and cut on her top lip that you hadn’t really seen before.
Hazel noticed you paused and furrowed her brows.
“What is it?” She whipped her head around to see if there were any potential threats. She was tempted to check her watch that Tony had given her to get Karen to scan the area.
“Babe, did you hit your lip?” You raised a hand to graze over the reddening area.
Hazel’s eyes widened once she realized what you were talking about. Earlier this morning, Hazel had a guy hit the butt of his gun at her face when she had dealt with a smoke shop robbery. She actually got free weed from the guy working the register which she plans to give to PJ.
“Oh, yeah. May was opening a cabinet up top and it hit me straight in the lip. I kind of forgot about it.” Hazel easily lied through her teeth, letting you caress the outline of her lips.
“It doesn’t hurt, right?” You ask her softly, eyes flickering up to her freckled under eyes.
Hazel shook her head with a hum, her smile growing as she admired your worried features. You looked away with a flushed grin as you pushed open the front door. The faint aroma of pumpkin and cinnamon filled Hazel’s nose, warmth filling her chest.
It wasn’t the largest apartment but it was home to you. You and uncle didn’t need much more than this.
“How is May?” You asked as you hung your keys on one of the Smurfs wall mounted key hooks that you had found at a thrift store.
“She’s good. Working at the hospital right now so she’s hoping that‘ll pay well.” Hazel explains as she traces the knick knacks on the shelf’s in the living room.
You can’t help but smile at the thought of Hazel’s Aunt May. She really was one of the kindest women you’ve ever met. May had a tendency to call you her ‘future daughter in law’ in front of Hazel just to tease the girl, watching her cheeks and tips of her ears flush a deep red.
“That’s good. I don’t want her overworking herself, though.” You sigh as you set your bag down next to the arm of the couch.
“Yeah, me neither.” Hazel sighed. “So, what did you wanna do?”
You hum in thought, bringing your single braid from behind your head to over your shoulder. You began to untangle the twisted hair as you thought about what activities you and Hazel could do now that she was free.
A certain idea came to mind.
“Well, I do need to shower so,” you say nonchalantly, hoping Hazel would get the hint.
“Oh, okay. Yeah, I can wait out here. Take your time, honey.” Hazel nodded and went over to take a seat on the couch.
You stared at her grabbing the remote for the TV, turning it on and flicking through the channels. You release your hair to allow it to sit on your shoulders, waiting patiently for Hazel to realize.
“Oh, do you wanna watch Foot Loose when you get out of the shower?” Hazel’s gaze floated back to you.
Her excitement to watch the movie dropped when she noticed you tilting your head and looking at her like that. You had only given her that look when you were insinuating something sensual. Your body was swaying back and forth as your smile grew when she set down the remote.
“Sorry. I didn’t— I thought you meant by yourself.” Hazel rushed out as she turned off the TV, chuckling nervously.
“At first, yeah. But, hey, we’re conserving water if we shower together and you know I’m all about keeping the Earth green.”
Hazel couldn’t help but nod, standing up to walk up to you. “That— yeah. That’s true. Conserving water conserves energy that reduces greenhouse gas pollution.”
Her brain shouldn’t have turned you on as much as it did.
“Yeah? What else does it do?” Your fingers hook onto her belt loops, tugging her closer into your body.
Hazel allowed you to manhandle her as she would truthfully let you do anything to her. She knew how much her ability to retain and cite facts turned you on. It was obvious by how you were drinking her in like you could devour her.
“It can
 oh, protect aquatic life and extend water supply to areas that lack and ensure agricultural production to thrive.” Hazel rambled out, her flush growing as your thumbs brushed past her hip bone.
“Oh, those poor sea creatures.” You frown, smacking your lips.
“Don’t you need to shower?” Hazel asked, suddenly overwhelmed with impatience.
Your smile only grew, a giggle falling from your lips. You intertwine your hands with Hazel’s as you hurriedly walk over to your small bathroom. Hazel made sure to remove her watch and set it down on the porcelain sink, not wanting any sort of message from Tony to interrupt her time with you.
You turn to shut the door and turn the lock with a ‘click’. Hazel is caught off guard by you removing your work shirt, blushing at the sight of you in your bra. She felt like such a virgin. She’s seen you naked at this point and still was a flustered mess around you.
“Can’t take a shower with clothes, Haze.” You raised your brows as you were unbuttoning your pants.
“Maybe I can. I can do laundry that way.” Hazel quipped back with a chuckle.
Nonetheless, she began to slip off her sweater. You walk over to her, hooking your fingers underneath the thick fabric to help her. Her sports bra came into view as you tugged the sweater up and off, tossing it onto the blue and white tiled ground.
You both messily kissed, clanking teeth from how rushed your movements were. Soft laughter released from you as you removed the rest of your clothing and underwear, Hazel following by copying your actions.
Hazel hoisted you up with ease by your plush thighs, causing you to let out a yelp at the sudden movement. You lazily kissed her jaw as you held onto her neck, listening to her soft hums as she stepped into the shower. You never understood how all of a sudden, Hazel had this strength and toned body. You’d never seen her hit the gym once since you’ve been together.
Not that you were complaining. Just confused.
“Alright, let me down,” you hum against her skin, “I really do have to shower.”
“I’ll, uh, help.” Hazel offered as she released her grasp from your thighs, carefully watching you step onto the tiled ground.
You simply give her a soft kiss, whispering a ‘thank you’ onto her lips. Hazel hums back before grabbing the hydrating shampoo from the shelf. You turned on the shower, letting out a soft ‘fuck’ at the cold water. You hurriedly turn the knob to the red ‘H’ symbol, leaning back into Hazel’s body.
Once the stream of water began to heat up, Hazel squirted out the correct amount of shampoo into her palms. She massaged the product to your scalp as you tilt your head back with a sigh. Her fingers work into your scalp, sending you into a domestic bliss.
“That feels so good.” You practically moan as Hazel continues with the shampooing.
Hazel chuckles with a blush, leaning down to press a gentle kiss onto your naked shoulder. Your mind practically turns to mush but you force yourself to continue the rest of your routine.
You and Hazel bathed each other after a few heated kisses. That’s all. (You had gone down on her and she fingered you until you came twice.) She had told you how much you resembled a beautiful Renaissance painting with every curve and dip of your body. The words squeezed at your heart, feeling yourself fall more and more in love with her — if that was even possible.
Now freshly bathed and spent from the day, you and Hazel settle down, remaining in just underwear with an oversized tee. The sun had been long gone — the only light source being the city lights from outside of your bedroom window. You were cuddled up in your bed on your sides Hazel was running one hand up and down the fresh and lotion-covered skin of your arm as you twirled her wet hair around your fingers.
“I wanna stay here forever.” You yawn and rub at your bare face.
“Yeah?” Hazel hummed.
You nod with a chuckle. “Oh, yeah. If I didn’t have to work or worry about stuff like the apocalypse and aliens taking over, I would stay here forever.”
“Aliens?” Hazel’s brows arched at your words, chuckling along with you.
“Well, I mean, you saw what happened with Avengers in the city a few years ago. That was terrifying, you know?” You mutter, zoning out as the memory flooded back into your mind.
You had been just a few streets down when Loki had sent an army of aliens down onto the city. Who knows what could’ve happened if you had been just one more street closer to the destruction.
Hazel only nodded because how can you forget an event like that? Lives were lost and changed forever. Hazel, at the time, was just like you; a normal girl in the city just trying to live day by day. She wasn’t able to save people as she could now.
“Let’s just
 lay here a-and not think about that, honey. Okay?” Hazel whispered as she tried to reassure you while reassuring her own scattered mind.
“Okay. I’m sorry.” You whispered back with a self-deprecating chuckle as you felt that you had ruined the mood.
Hazel shook her head as she moved her hand from caressing your arm to cupping your bare cheek.
“No, no, no, it’s okay. I just don’t want you to worry about all that stuff that hasn’t happened.”
Hypocrite, Hazel’s mind echoed after she had continued to utter soft and kind words to you. That’s all she ever did. Worrying about the unknown or stuff she couldn't control.
You ultimately felt your worries fade for the time being. Hazel caresses the length of your back until your heavy eyes shut, allowing sleep to take over. Not too long after Hazel knew that you were sound asleep, she did the same.
Hazel was awakened by the sound of a loud alarm echoing throughout the space of the room. She had shot up quickly from the bed, looking down at her watch to see it was a call from Josie — her only friend from Stark Industries.
Hazel checked the time to see it was 7:04 in the morning; way too early to be calling her. She glanced at you tangled up in your bed sheets next to her, mouth slightly hung open as you were knocked out. She carefully got up from the mattress, trodding over to the bathroom to get some privacy.
Hazel groaned at her reflection, her hair a tousled mess and her shirt half-way off of her shoulders. She reluctantly answered the call on the watch, squinting her eyes as Josie came into view.
“Hi Hazel!” Her cheery voice threw her off guard.
“It’s seven in the morning, Josie.” Hazel grumbled, trying to fix her hair.
“That didn't sound like a ‘oh, good morning, Josie’ so I’ll pretend you said that.” Josie quipped back, adjusting herself in her cubicle. “Anyways, Mr. Stark told me to call you because he needs you here, like, immediately.”
Hazel’s eyes shot open. “Wait really?”
Josie hums as she types something on her laptop that was lighting up her screen. “He said in his email, and i quote: ‘call Underoos and get her here immediately. No’ and this is in all caps ‘questions’.”
Hazel rolled her eyes at the nickname. Within the first few days of working under Tony, the nickname came to mind and never left. As much as she wanted to stay in bed with you, she knew she had to see whatever Tony needed her there for. She scrunched up her nose and yawned, nodding and scratching the back of her head.
“I’ll be there soon. Probably 10-20 minutes.” Hazel stretches her free arm, releasing some tension in her biceps and upper back.
“Alright, cool. Oh, wait,” Josie muttered as she stopped typing on her keyboard, leaning back into her roller chair. “Ah, shit. Son of a bitch, dude.”
“What?” Hazel responded as she was about to leave the bathroom so she could hang up.
“No, nothing. I lost at Solitaire against Happy.” Josie shook her head, groaning before typing again on the laptop.
Hazel furrowed her brows before hanging up with a: ‘See you soon’. The last thing she heard was Josie angrily typing as she whispered: ‘Filthy cheater’.
Josie took Solitaire extremely personally.
Hazel slowly crept out of the bathroom as she had forgotten that your Uncle Karter was now home, if not, awake. She tiptoed back into your room, grabbing her bag from the small carpet strawberry right next to your bed. You had adjusted once again in your sleep, snuggling into the plush of your pillow.
You were a fidgety sleeper but she found it adorable. Watching over you right now almost made her stay but she couldn't risk Tony being angry with her. She quickly changed into her suit, walking over to your window to unlock it and crack it open.
Taking one more glance at your unconscious body, Hazel tugged her mask over her face before she shot a web out of the window at a building across the street. She threw her bag over her shoulder as she swung to the apartment building next door all the way to the Stark Tower.
Mid-way there, she suddenly remembered that she didn’t leave a note for you like she usually would when she left so suddenly. She brushed it off and told herself she’d send you a text as soon as she left.
Nothing to worry about.
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taglist: @imjustapearl @seethesin @matchamilkislover @beabeebrie @curiousshifter101 @uraesthete @fictionalcharacterspecialist @c4llahansgirl @maggiecc @fruitysnackysmain @crvptidgf <33
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writerinloves-blog · 8 months
Chapter 3 of my Kit Tanthalos x OFC.
I hope you guys enjoy it, we are getting into the plot of the show next chapter ♄♄
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The room was bathed in the soft, early morning light, a delicate hue of gold seeping through the cracks in the curtains. The world outside was still and serene, a stark contrast to the turbulence within Lyra's mind. The remnants of a restless night clung to her, haunting her thoughts like the fading echoes of a distant storm.
Unable to find solace in sleep, Lyra had spent the night in the grip of a recurring dream, a vision of a castle standing defiantly amidst the chaos of a thunderstorm. Its location remained unknown to her, yet the dream had left her profoundly unsettled. In the quiet predawn hours, she sat on the edge of her bed, wrapping her arms around herself as if to shield herself against the unseen forces that had troubled her subconscious.
Through the small window in her shared chamber with Bruni, Lyra sought refuge in the sky, watching as the first tendrils of sunlight began to paint the heavens with delicate hues of pink and gold. The sunrise, usually a source of comfort, felt distant today, unable to penetrate the shadows that clung to her thoughts.
After a while, determination sparked in her eyes, and a silent decision was made amidst the silent whispers of dawn. Rising, she moved with purpose, choosing to face the day despite the heaviness in her heart. She selected her attire thoughtfully, the fabric cool against her skin, and deftly braided her hair, the practiced motions a familiar anchor in the midst of uncertainty.
Her gaze shifted towards Bruni, still lost in the depths of slumber, her face peaceful in the soft morning light. A tender smile tugged at the corners of Lyra's lips. She approached Bruni's bed, leaning down to gently rouse her from her dreams. Bruni stirred, her protest evident until Lyra's voice, soft as a whispering breeze, reached her ears.
"I'm leaving, 'B'," Lyra said, her fingers threading lightly through Bruni's tousled, blonde hair. "I'll see you later during breakfast."
Bruni, her eyes heavy with sleep, nodded slightly, a gesture of understanding. With a final, affectionate touch. Lyra left the room, her heart heavy with the weight of the dream but determined to face the day ahead.
The castle was awakening, a symphony of muted noises filling the air as servants hurried about their tasks. Lyra, with her morning duties yet to claim her attention, found solace in the quiet moments before the day truly began. Since that night, that pivotal conversation with the princess, something had shifted in the atmosphere of the castle. A subtle change, imperceptible to most, but keenly felt by Lyra.
Walking through the winding corridors, she mulled over the recent exchange with Kit. They were far from friendship, that much was clear, but a bridge, tentative and fragile, seemed to have been built between them. The tension that once crackled in the air between them had mellowed into a quiet understanding, and that brought a rare smile to Lyra's lips.
Her steps, guided by a newfound purpose, led her to the castle gardens. The vibrant blooms were a riot of color, a stark contrast to the somber stone of the castle walls. Perhaps, Lyra mused, a touch of nature's beauty could bring some warmth to the princess's chambers. With careful hands, she began selecting flowers, each choice made with precision and care. Roses, delicate and fragrant, found a place among daisies and tulips, their colors blending into a harmonious arrangement.
Satisfied with her selection, she prepared to leave, her arms cradling the bouquet gently. But just as she turned, her gaze fell upon a lily. A flower she had avoided since her teenage years, the memory of a past she wished to forget associated with its elegant petals. Yet, this particular lily was different. Its pristine white seemed untouched by the stains of the past, and its fragrance hung heavy in the air, promising a sweetness that beckoned Lyra.
Caught between past aversion and present curiosity, Lyra hesitated. Then, with a determined breath, she bent down, her fingers gently cradling the lily's stem. Four lilies joined the bouquet, their presence a testament to Lyra's silent resolve to face the ghosts of her past. With the bouquet in hand, she made her way to the castle kitchens.
The kitchens were a bustling haven of activity, a sanctuary for sizzling pans and the fragrant dance of spices. Lyra's entrance was greeted with the sweet morning greetings of the maids, their smiles warm and genuine. Their camaraderie, the unspoken language of shared tasks, was a comforting melody in the young woman's ears.
With the careful grace of a practiced hand, Lyra placed the bouquet on an empty table, the vibrant colors a stark contrast to the neutral tones of the kitchen. Her fingers, accustomed to the tender touch of petals, lingered over the blossoms. Each flower held a memory, a delicate thread linking her to a time when her mother's hands, just as skilled as her own, had woven tapestries of blooms to make every new place they visited feel like home. The art of arranging flowers had always been more than a task; it was a cherished tradition, a piece of her mother that Lyra carried with her wherever she went.
Today, amid the quietude of the kitchen and the fragrant blooms before her, the weight of her responsibilities seemed to lift, if only for a moment. A soft smile graced her lips as she lost herself in the intricate dance of arranging the flowers, a skill that brought her not just joy, but a profound sense of connection to her roots.
In the midst of her task, the world outside the petals blurred. For a while, there was only the scent of the flowers, the gentle rustle of leaves, and the memories of her mother's laughter interwoven with the fragrance of blooming roses. It was a brief escape, a respite from the duties that weighed her down and the expectations that bound her.
But the tranquility shattered like glass when a hush fell over the kitchen. The ambient sounds hushed, replaced by the soft footsteps of someone entering. An intuitive prickle danced at the edges of Lyra's awareness, a subconscious recognition of a presence. The sudden silence stirred her curiosity, her blue eyes lifting from the blooms to find the source of the interruption.
"Good morning, Your Highness," a maid's voice, laced with deference, broke the quietude. The title hung in the air, reverberating with a weight that made Lyra's heart skip a beat. Slowly, her gaze traveled beyond the maid, and there, in the doorway, stood Kit.
The sight surprised her, the princess's presence in the kitchen was an unexpected turn of events. The bouquet forgotten for the moment, Lyra's attention was now entirely captured by the royal figure framed in the doorway.
The kitchen was a symphony of morning sounds, the clinking of utensils, the crackle of the stove, and the soft murmur of the maids engaged in their tasks. Lyra's greeting cut through the ambiance, her voice carrying a warmth that matched the gentle sunlight filtering through the windows.
"Kit! You're up early!" she exclaimed, her smile as radiant as the dawn. Kit responded with a slight, almost imperceptible nod. But before their conversation could progress, Annora, a kitchen maid with an air of authority, interjected.
"Lyra Calloway! Do not call the princess by her given name; I raised you better than that!" Annora's reprimand was stern but not unkind. Lyra's shoulders straightened instinctively, and she dipped into a graceful curtsy, her eyes respectfully lowered in the presence of royalty.
"Sorry," Lyra murmured, chastened by Annora's admonishment.
"Oh, no, it's fine. I asked her to call me that," Kit intervened, her voice carrying a gentle authority that quelled any lingering tension. Annora and the other maids, now assured of the princess's permission, resumed their duties, leaving the space around Kit and Lyra uncluttered.
Lyra turned her gaze to Kit, her hand absently finding solace in the petals of a lily. The princess appeared ready for the day, and a mixture of concern and hope flickered in Lyra's eyes. She knew the significance of Kit's presence here; it meant she had likely faced a troubling night. Before Lyra could voice her concern, Kit rushed to speak.
"I couldn't sleep, not after a conversation I had with my mother last night," Kit confessed, her words rushed as if she needed to expel them before they weighed her down further.
"I'm sorry to hear that," Lyra said softly, her eyes filled with understanding. The unspoken question hung between them: What had transpired between mother and daughter to cast this shadow over Kit's morning?
Distracted, Kit's attention shifted to the array of food in the kitchen. "Is there something I could eat?" she inquired, her words almost tumbling over each other in haste.
"Sure, breakfast will be served in an hour, but we already have bread if you'd like some," Lyra offered, gesturing toward a tray laden with freshly baked bread. Kit nodded her gratitude, selecting a piece and retreating to a quiet corner to enjoy her simple repast.
Lyra watched her, the lily forgotten in her hand. A thought, soft as a whisper, flitted through her mind. Perhaps Kit would appreciate the lily today. Perhaps Kit would choose the lily this time. The notion hung in the air, unspoken but pregnant with significance.
"Who picked the flowers?" Kit asked between bites, her curiosity piqued by the vibrant blooms on the table.
"Oh! You like them?" Lyra's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. The possibility that her gesture had been appreciated warmed her heart.
"It's absurd," Kit said, her words measured, her gaze resting on the flowers. "I mean, they would die in a matter of days."
Lyra's fingers loosened around the lily, and she instinctively tucked it behind her back. "Yeah... absurd," she agreed, her voice soft, almost melancholic.
Silence enveloped them for a few moments, a contemplative quietude that hung in the air like a fragile thread. Lyra cleared her throat, her eyes meeting Kit's with gentle concern.
"Is there something I can help you with?" she asked, her voice a soothing melody in the midst of the kitchen's morning bustle.
"No, I'm ready for the day. I think I'll go and spend some time with Airk until breakfast," Kit replied, her tone light but her eyes carrying a hint of lingering unease. With that, she left the kitchens
Lyra stood in the bustling kitchen, a curious blend of emotions swirling within her like ingredients in a complex recipe. After Kit's abrupt departure, a peculiar sense of quiet settled around her. The fragrant aroma of fresh bread wafted through the air, mingling with the delicate scent of flowers.
Without a word, Lyra turned, her nimble fingers deftly undoing the intricately woven bouquet she had so carefully crafted. Each blossom was dismantled with precision as if Lyra were disentangling her own thoughts, unraveling them one petal at a time.
A familiar presence approached, and Annora, the wise and nurturing figure who had guided Lyra through her time in the castle, questioned her softly. "What are you doing?" Annora's tone was gentle, her eyes reflecting the empathy she felt for the young girl before her.
"I just think that maybe the bouquet was too big for just one chamber," Lyra replied, her voice a mere whisper in the bustling kitchen. Her gaze fell upon the scattered flowers, each one holding a story of its own, a tale whispered in delicate hues and fragrant notes.
Annora's hand touched Lyra's arm, the touch a comforting reassurance amidst the storm of emotions. "Were you going to put them in the princess's chamber?" Annora inquired, her eyes filled with understanding. Lyra nodded, her eyes betraying a hint of vulnerability
"So, I was thinking of making smaller ones, just in case someone else wants one," Lyra explained, her voice carrying a note of quiet determination. The act of creating, of weaving beauty from raw materials, was Lyra's solace, a sanctuary where the troubles of the world melted away beneath the artistry of her hands.
A warm smile graced Annora's lips, a smile that held a wealth of affection for the girl who had become like a daughter to her. "Well, I would love to have one when you finish," Annora declared, her words a testament to the bond they shared. She leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss on Lyra's forehead, a silent acknowledgment of the love and respect that flowed between them.
And so, amidst the bustling kitchen and the intoxicating scent of flowers, Lyra continued her work, her hands moving with a grace born of both skill and love.
With the bouquets cradled carefully in her arms, Lyra made her way through the bustling corridors of the castle, the vibrant colors of the flowers a stark contrast to the stone walls that surrounded her. Annora's bouquet, lovingly crafted, was left behind on the kitchen table, a testament to the bond between the maid and the young flower enthusiast.
As she walked, her steps infused with purpose, Lyra's keen eyes spotted Bruni, her ever-curious friend, standing nearby. Bruni's greeting, usually joyful, quickly transformed into a puzzled expression as she took in the array of flowers in Lyra's arms.
"What are you doing?" Bruni inquired, her curiosity piqued by the sight before her.
"Just in the mood for flowers," Lyra replied, her lips curving into a small, mysterious smile. The enigmatic response only deepened Bruni's confusion, but she didn't press further, sensing that Lyra had her reasons.
Bruni's sharp eyes, however, didn't miss the distinctive lilies among the blooms. She pointed at the two lilies artfully arranged together and the solitary lily left in a corner of the kitchen. "Are those lilies?" Bruni questioned, her voice carrying a hint of surprise and concern.
Lyra met Bruni's gaze, her own eyes holding a mixture of determination and something else, something hidden beneath the surface. "Yes, even those. Goodbye," she said hurriedly, her words hanging in the air as she continued on her way, leaving Bruni standing there.
With grace in her steps and an air of purpose, Lyra moved through the corridors of the grand castle, her arms laden with colorful bouquets. The delicate fragrance of the flowers wafted around her, creating a sweet, comforting aura. Her first destination was Prince Airk's chamber. Lyra's heart swelled with a warm glow as she carefully placed a bouquet in his room, imagining the delight it would bring to Bruni. The thought of her friend's happiness filled her with a sense of accomplishment, a small act of kindness in a world often marred by complexities.
After leaving Airk's chamber, Lyra found herself standing before Kit's door. A moment of hesitation lingered in the air as she considered placing a bouquet inside. Yet, she remembered Kit's distaste for flowers, a preference that stood in stark contrast to Lyra's own love for the blossoms. A faint frown tugged at her lips, a silent acknowledgment of the divide between them. With a determined sigh, she chose to respect Kit's aversion and walked past the door.
As Lyra continued her journey through the castle, she tried to uplift her spirits, focusing on the positive aspects of the day ahead. The vibrant sunlight streaming through the stained glass windows illuminated her path, casting a mosaic of colors on the stone floor. The echoes of her footsteps resonated in the halls, accompanying her as she moved forward, both physically and emotionally, ready to face whatever challenges the day might bring.
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Amidst the sunlit corridors of the castle, while Lyra embraced the day with optimism, a shadow seemed to loom over Kit. Her night had been restless, leaving her irritable and discontent. As she navigated the morning, an impending meeting with her mother cast a cloud over her otherwise strained mood.
Yet, in the midst of her turmoil, spending time with her brother, Airk, brought a semblance of comfort. Their ongoing conversation became her sanctuary, a refuge from the impending encounter with her mother. During breakfast, her mother attempted to engage her in conversation, but Kit, resolute in her decision, chose to immerse herself in the dialogue with Airk, a deliberate act of defiance against the discord that threatened to consume her day.
Under the cerulean sky, Kit bid farewell to her brother after breakfast, her steps purposeful as she headed towards the training grounds where Jade and Lyra awaited. The mere thought of joining her friends brought a hint of solace to her troubled heart. Even though she had only recently met Lyra, there was an inexplicable tranquility in the girl's presence that Kit found oddly comforting.
As Kit approached the pair, her eyes met Lyra's, and a genuine smile graced her lips. But before she could reach them, her joy waned as she noticed Lyra's departure. "Lyra, wait!" Kit's voice held a hint of disappointment, her confusion etched on her face. "You aren't staying?" she asked, her expectation of Lyra's presence during her training evident.
"No, I have some duties I need to tend to," Lyra replied, her departure leaving Kit standing there, a sense of abandonment gnawing at her.
Left with a frown, Kit turned her attention to Jade, who mirrored her confusion. Attempting to push aside the confusion, Kit greeted Jade, but her tone lacked its usual cheerfulness. "I am engaged," she stated plainly, her words hanging heavy in the air.
"What?" Jade's disbelief was palpable, her voice a mixture of shock and concern.
"I am to marry the prince of Galladoorn, five days from now," Kit continued hurriedly, her words laced with resignation. "My mother let me know yesterday."
A heavy silence fell between them. "Kit, are you okay?" Jade inquired, her worry evident as she followed Kit's steps.
"I am not, but there is no way to get me out of this," Kit confessed, her voice laced with bitterness and despair. Seeking solace in the conversation, Kit changed the subject, her eyes falling upon a small bouquet of lilies in Jade's hands.
"Are those lilies?" Kit asked, a tinge of curiosity coloring her tone, eager for a distraction.
"Oh, yes," Jade replied, momentarily distracted by the change in topic.
"I got a lily once, on my fourteenth birthday," Kit recalled, her voice softening with the memory. "It was left outside my chamber door. I never knew who left it there."
"What did you do with the lily?" Jade inquired, her curiosity piqued.
"Nothing. I was careful not to step on it and carried on with my day. When I returned in the afternoon, it was gone. Perhaps Airk took it and gave it to some girl," Kit replied, her voice tinged with melancholy.
"You never found out who left it?" Jade asked, her curiosity evident.
"No, and I never received another one. Where did you get the bouquet?" Kit inquired, her eyes drawn to the familiar blooms.
"Lyra gave it to me just before you arrived. She said she picked them out this morning. Isn't it lovely? She left some bouquets in the chambers," Jade explained, her fingers gently tracing the delicate petals.
A pang of regret washed over Kit as she realized her earlier thoughtless comment about the bouquets. If she had known Lyra had chosen them personally, she might have appreciated their beauty more. "Yes, it is," Kit murmured, her voice soft, her regret unspoken.
Tapping Jade's knee twice, Kit stood up, her determination flickering back into her eyes. She needed to focus on something positive. "Well, shall we start training for the day?" Kit asked, her tone slightly brighter, ready to lose herself in the familiar rhythm of combat.
The grandeur of the dining hall buzzed with conversations and clinking cutlery, but Kit's eyes flickered over the faces, searching for one that was conspicuously absent. Lyra. The absence struck her, a jarring discordance in the routine of their shared evenings. Even Airk, usually oblivious to the nuances of Kit's companions, noticed Lyra's absence, voicing his query with a furrowed brow. Kit's response was casual, dismissing her own concerns, but a lingering unease knotted her stomach.
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Throughout dinner, Kit artfully maneuvered through conversations, her responses carefully calibrated to deter any further inquiries into her well-being. She managed to enjoy her meal in relative peace, stealing glances toward the door whenever it opened, hoping to see Lyra's familiar figure. But the night stretched on, and Lyra remained conspicuously absent.
Later, after dinner, Kit and Airk retreated to their chambers, their laughter echoing through the corridors as they raced up the stairs. Kit triumphed, her grin wide as she stood victorious at her chamber door, reveling in her win over her brother. As Airk retreated into his own room, Kit's eyes were drawn to a small bouquet of flowers delicately placed on a table. Lyra's bouquet. The sight brought a smile to her lips, a fleeting reassurance that perhaps all was well.
Yet, as Kit entered her own chamber, an unspoken disappointment washed over her. The room was empty, devoid of Lyra's presence. The lavender scent that had become a comforting routine was conspicuously absent, replaced by an unsettling void. Kit's eyes darted around the room, searching for the familiar bouquet, but it was nowhere to be found.
A pang of worry crept into Kit's thoughts. Had she upset Lyra somehow? Pondering the possibility, Kit changed into her nightclothes, her mind awhirl with questions. Why would Lyra be angry? Had Kit done something to offend her?
Sitting on her bed, Kit extinguished the candles one by one, shrouding the room in darkness. She waited, expecting Lyra to burst through the door any moment, a smile playing on her lips, ready to dismiss Kit's worries. But the minutes stretched into what felt like an eternity, and still, there was no sign of the redhead.
Frustration and anxiety gnawed at Kit's thoughts. She decided to close her eyes, an attempt to will away her worries and force herself into sleep. But the silence was oppressive, her ears strained for any sound, any indication that Lyra was near.
Then, the door creaked open, and Kit's heart leaped in her chest. She reached for the knife hidden under her pillow, a precautionary measure against any possible threat. But then, a soft voice cut through the darkness. "Kit?"
Kit remained still, her breath catching in her throat, not daring to respond. The footsteps approached, soft and tentative, and Kit could smell the familiar fragrance of lavender as it wafted towards her. The tension in her shoulders eased slightly.
Lyra moved around the room, her footsteps purposeful yet gentle, until the comforting scent of lavender was placed on a nearby table. Kit allowed herself a small smile, the tension in her chest releasing. She felt Lyra's presence retreat toward the door, but then, a soft sound reached her ears - two knocks, gentle yet deliberate, against the wood of her bedside table.
Lyra left, her silent reassurance echoing in Kit's ears. The darkness around her seemed a little less daunting, and after that small, meaningful gesture, Kit finally succumbed to sleep, a fragile peace settling over her.
As the days inched closer to Kit's impending wedding, a noticeable distance had crept into Lyra's interactions. While Lyra continued to assist Kit with her morning routines, their interactions had lost a touch of the warmth that once characterized them. It had become a functional relationship, void of the camaraderie that Kit had grown accustomed to. They would share brief moments of laughter and conversation, but the moments were fleeting, interrupted by a quiet withdrawal.
The walk to breakfast had transformed from a jovial affair to a brisk escort. Lyra would guide Kit toward the grand dining hall, but rather than joining her as she had before, she would simply ensure Kit was settled before slipping away.
On the training grounds, Kit noticed that Lyra had chosen to stay with Jade, her cheerful presence never lingering during Kit's sessions. The absence was palpable, and Kit couldn't help but feel a sense of abandonment, even though she knew she had no right to feel that way.
Each night, Kit would find her nightgown thoughtfully chosen and laid out for her. The lavender scent still clung to her room, its soothing aroma providing solace amidst the growing turmoil. But Lyra no longer visited during Kit's waking hours, and the conversations and laughter they once shared had become fleeting echoes, whispers of a connection slipping through their fingers.
Kit grappled with the weight of her impending wedding. She loathed the phrase "her wedding," each repetition acting as a harsh reminder of the life that was swiftly approaching. The reality of the union was a noose tightening around her neck, suffocating her every thought and action. In those moments of torment, Kit found herself yearning for Lyra, for her touch, for the lavender, for the fleeting reassurances that now felt like lifelines.
Even though she knew Lyra visited her chamber each night, leaving the lavender and tapping twice on her bedside, Kit resisted speaking to her. She feared that by breaking the silence, she might inadvertently extinguish that fragile thread connecting them. And so, her voice remained trapped by her doubts and anxieties, shackled by her longing for what she couldn't fully comprehend.
Each day inched them closer to the wedding, and as the world around Kit whirled with preparations and festivity, she felt herself drowning in a sea of obligations. The wedding loomed like an oncoming storm, and the only anchor she had was the memory of Lyra's silent reassurances.
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