#kit tanthalos x jade claymore
writerinloves-blog · 8 months
In the Gardens - Kit Tanthalos x Reader
Request? : Yes! I hope I've made justice to their request.
i was hoping you could write something with kit, like about her and the reader being in a secret relationship (bc of the times ofc) and queen sorsha finding out?
Word count: 5,015
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It all began with jealousy.
 When Jade started talking to Kit about a new friend she had made in the village, Kit couldn't admit it, but she felt a twinge of annoyance. Things took a turn for the worse when Jade started cutting short their training sessions to spend more time with this new girl. Jade was Kit's best friend, exclusively hers. Kit didn't even know this new girl, but she was convinced she must be annoying or something, although she couldn't pinpoint exactly what bothered her about her.
Kit was well aware that, as a princess, she had the power to make Jade train longer with her. However, she understood the moral implications of such an action, so she kept her feelings in check, quietly resenting this unknown girl without ever getting to know her.
Until one fateful day.
Kit found herself on the training grounds, waiting for Jade who was running late. Frustrated, Kit began practicing her moves on a wooden dummy. Lost in her training, she was jolted back to reality by a voice.
"Wow, you're really good," the voice remarked. Kit turned to see a stranger standing there, eyes filled with genuine admiration.
"Ah-ah- thank you," Kit managed to say, caught off guard. Her response elicited a warm smile from the stranger, a smile that Kit found genuinely sweet.
As Kit's mind slowly started working again, she realized she had never seen this person before. They stood there, in a silent understanding. Gathering her courage, Kit blurted out, "I'm Kit!" perhaps louder than she intended.
The stranger returned her smile, about to introduce themselves when a familiar voice interrupted them. Both Kit and the stranger turned to see Jade hurrying toward them, her face radiating excitement.
"You came!" Jade exclaimed, hugging the stranger tightly. Kit was utterly confused. "Do you guys know each other?" she asked, unable to hide her curiosity.
"Yeah, this is my new friend I was telling you about," Jade said, her smile wide, mirroring the one on the stranger's face.
Kit was most definitely not expecting that.
For two months, you attended almost every training session that Kit and Jade had. Despite Kit's initial attempts to deny it, she found herself enjoying your company, perhaps a little more than she should have. Knowing that you were observing her during training motivated her to push herself harder, and she felt a surge of pride every time you clapped for her victories over Jade.
When Jade's birthday finally arrived, the three of you had dinner in the castle, a request made by Kit. That night, at your suggestion, they all dressed semi-formally. Both Kit and Jade opted for semi-formal attire, eschewing dresses, a choice that made them burst into laughter when they saw each other
You arrived last, and upon seeing you, Kit froze in place. When you approached to greet her, after wishing Jade a happy birthday, Kit couldn't help but feel her heart racing. She was astounded by how beautiful you looked in your blue dress, adorned with ribbons in your hair. It was in that moment that Kit realized something had changed within her during this past month.
Throughout dinner, the three of you shared laughter and jokes, and every time you touched Kit's arm, she felt a jolt of electricity run through her. After the meal, you all decided to take a leisurely walk around the castle grounds to continue your conversation.
Sometime later, Ballentine approached Jade and asked for a moment, prompting Jade to bid her goodbyes and leave. This turn of events left Kit and you alone together.
"Maybe I should go too," you said in a soft tone.
"You could stay a little longer," Kit replied, her voice shy. You nodded with a sweet smile, and in that moment, as you continued your walk under the moonlit sky, Kit felt something stirring inside her, something that went beyond mere friendship.
You two fit perfectly. Eventually, you ended up in the garden, pausing to gaze at the stars. While you were awe-struck by the celestial display above, Kit's eyes were fixed solely on you. In her eyes, amidst the enchanting flowers and the moonlit night, you outshone everything else in the garden. Overwhelmed by her emotions, Kit could no longer contain her feelings.
"I think we have a problem," Kit blurted out hurriedly, causing worry to bubble inside you. "What? What is it?" you asked, concern etched on your face.
"Turns out that I don't hate you," Kit began, her words rushed. "At all... not one bit."
"I do not understand. What are you trying to say, Kit?" you replied in a hushed tone. Kit approached you, now standing directly in front of you.
"Turns out that I actually like you..." Kit confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "And I don't know what to do with all of this that I am feeling." With those words, she brushed her hand against yours, her touch tender. She then gently kissed your hand, leaving you both exhilarated and perplexed.
A whirlwind of emotions swirled inside you, rendering you momentarily speechless. Kit looked at you with anticipation, her brilliant blue eyes searching yours for a response. In that moment, you realized the depth of your feelings for the girl standing before you. Determination filled you, and you took a step closer, your hand caressing Kit's face. You wore a sweet smile, silently asking a question that hung between you.
Kit nodded in response, her own emotions mirrored in her eyes. You closed the gap between you, your lips meeting hers in a tender, electrifying kiss. The world around you seemed to fade away, and Kit responded by moving her hands to your face, pulling you closer. She couldn't believe what was transpiring, but in that moment, all she wanted was to feel you near.
After a few blissful seconds, you both pulled back, gasping for air, yet radiating joy. "I like you too, just in case you didn't get the memo," you teased, a playful tone in your voice.
Kit made an affirmative sound, a mix of contentment and amusement. "Good to know," she said before leaning in to kiss you once again, sealing the newfound connection between your hearts.
The next day, you didn't attend Kit and Jade's training session. However, Kit showed up wearing the ribbon that you had worn the previous night, wrapped around her wrist. Jade immediately noticed this, causing her to smile broadly.
"I thought you hated ribbons," Jade teased Kit.
Kit felt a wave of nervousness wash over her. "Yeah, I just thought this one was nice," she stammered, to which Jade playfully rolled her eyes.
"So, good to know that I'm officially the third wheel," Jade remarked, a smile on her face as she started preparing for the session.
This statement caught Kit off guard. "What? She told you?" Kit asked, excitement evident in her voice. Jade seized this moment of distraction to begin the session, leaving Kit caught off-guard.
"Of course she did," Jade replied, finishing her sentence. With one last dreamy smile, Kit started training too, the revelation of her newfound feelings adding an extra layer of motivation to her movements.
In the days that followed, a secret romance blossomed between you and Kit. It was a delicate dance of stolen glances and hidden touches, a love story meant to remain hidden from the world. Yet, the joy that radiated from both of you was undeniable.
Your clandestine meetings became precious moments, tucked away in the secluded corners of the castle gardens or in the quiet corridors of the palace. Every stolen kiss, every shared secret, felt like a treasure, something too beautiful and fragile to be exposed to the harsh light of day.
Despite the secrecy, your relationship was an anchor for both of you. In a world where duties and expectations weighed heavily on her shoulders, the love you shared became a sanctuary. Your laughter filled the empty spaces, and your whispered words of affection drowned out the noise of the world around you.
Kit was enraptured by the simple joy of stealing your ribbons whenever you wore one. To her, each ribbon became a tangible reminder of your presence, a way to feel connected even when you weren't near. When you questioned her about this habit, she looked into your eyes with sincerity.
"To feel you close when you aren't near," Kit confessed, her voice filled with vulnerability and affection. Those words hung in the air, encapsulating the depth of her feelings for you.
In the quiet nights when the moon bathed the castle grounds in its silvery glow, Kit often found herself marveling at the serendipity that had brought you into her life. She couldn't believe how fortunate she was to have you by her side, your laughter becoming the melody that filled her heart.
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Six months had passed since the beginning of your relationship, a secret love that had flourished behind the castle's stone walls. One day, with Jade's assistance, you managed to sneak into the castle and found your way into Kit's room. There, in the soft glow of candlelight, you sat on her lap, your lips dancing together in sweet kisses, punctuated by soft giggles.
You peppered Kit's face with kisses, causing her to laugh joyfully. As you drew near her ear, you whispered, "I am so lucky to have you." Your words sent a shiver down Kit's spine.
"You don't even know what you do to me," Kit replied, her voice filled with longing, as she gently caressed your face.
With a swift move, Kit took hold of your waist and shifted positions so that both of you were now sitting. She leaned in to capture your lips in a passionate kiss, losing herself in the sweet taste of your affection.
Amidst the stolen moments of intimacy, you paused to share some news. "I've got a job," you revealed, your words met with a kiss on your cheek from Kit.
"What?" Kit asked in confusion, her heart sinking at the thought of potentially seeing you less. "Why?" She moved back slightly, her worry apparent.
"Well, my parents thought it was time for me to get a job, but don't worry," you reassured her, gently cupping her face to plant a tender kiss on her lips. "I'll be working here, in the castle. Yes, I'll have to cook meals, but I'll see you more often," you said with a warm smile.
"Really? Why would you do that? It's very hard work. I could have gone to see you wherever you were," Kit expressed, her hand finding yours.
"I did it for us," you replied, your eyes sparkling with determination.
Kit felt like her heart might burst with emotion. In that moment, every part of her longed to tell you what she already knew. She mustered up the courage to speak but was interrupted by Jade's voice from the other side of the door.
"Time's up, lovebirds," Jade called out, breaking the spell.
You shared a laugh, then planted a soft kiss on Kit's lips. "You'll tell me later, Kit," you said as you reached for your shoes, preparing to leave.
Before you could step away, Kit gently grabbed your hand, pulling you back towards her. In the dim light of her room, she leaned in, pressing her lips to yours in a lingering kiss, a silent promise of the words she couldn't quite voice yet. The moment hung between you, filled with unspoken emotions, before you finally pulled away, your heart echoing Kit's unspoken affection.
With a tender smile, you whispered, "Goodnight, Kit," before slipping out of her room, your heart brimming with the love that had grown between you both, even in the quiet secrecy of the castle's halls.
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You began working at the castle, and if Kit were being honest, she truly loved all the extra time she got to spend with you. Every stolen glance during meals, every gentle touch, and every moment your hands brushed against each other only deepened her affection. Kit cherished the nights when she showed you the secret spots in the castle, relishing every single second spent in your company. In those stolen moments, amidst the whispers of ancient stones, Kit found a happiness that felt like a treasure, one she wanted to hold onto for a lifetime.
This particular day, Kit woke up with an unusual sense of excitement. She and you had planned a little date night in the castle gardens, and Kit was determined to make everything perfect. She had even made arrangements to ask Jade for help in gathering candles and preparing food for the evening.
As Kit got ready for the day, her excitement grew. Breakfast time was always a bittersweet moment for her, as it was when you served her breakfast. Kit hated the fact that you needed to do that, but at the same time, she cherished the opportunity to brush her hand against yours and share secret smiles, hidden from her mother's watchful eyes.
Entering the breakfast room, Kit greeted her brother and her mother, but her attention was entirely consumed by thoughts of you. She couldn't help but admire how your hair looked that day, how the ribbon you wore matched the one she had chosen for her wrist. Every detail of your appearance seemed to captivate her, and she eagerly anticipated the moments they would share after breakfast.
"Kit! Were you listening to me?" her mother's voice broke through her thoughts.
"No, sorry, Mother," Kit replied, her gaze briefly shifting away from you. You returned from the kitchen with a fresh tray of food, wearing a small, warm smile that momentarily eased Kit's unease.
"I wanted to talk to you about something important," her mother continued.
Kit grabbed a muffin, taking a bite while trying to maintain her composure. "Okay, what is it?" she asked, noticing you making your way back to the kitchen with the tray.
"You are to be engaged to marry Prince Graydon of Galladoorn..." The sound of a tray clattering against the floor cut off the queen's words.
"Oh! I am so sorry, Your Majesty," you stammered, quickly kneeling down to clean the mess. Kit wished she could stand up and assist you, but she felt rooted to her seat, her breath catching in her throat. This couldn't be happening. She couldn't marry anyone else, especially when the person she truly wanted to be with was you. She turned her head to look at you and saw a tear streaming down your cheek.
Once you had retreated to the kitchen, Kit found her voice. "What? Mother, no. Please, I beg you!" she pleaded, desperation lacing her words.
"It is your duty to your kingdom, Kit!" her mother declared. "The meeting to sign the alliance is next week, and by then, I expect a change of attitude," she finished, rising from the table and leaving only Kit and her brother. Airk hurriedly approached Kit and embraced her tightly. In that moment, Kit finally allowed herself to cry. Her whole world seemed to be crumbling into pieces, and the weight of her responsibilities bore down on her shoulders like a crushing burden. The prospect of a future without you felt unbearable, and Kit clung to her brother, seeking solace in his comforting embrace as she wept for the love she feared she might lose.
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The rest of the day proved to be a torturous ordeal for Kit. She wandered aimlessly through the castle, desperately searching for you. She even ventured into the kitchens, hoping to find a trace of your presence. Instead, a blonde girl informed her that she hadn't seen you since breakfast. Disappointed and increasingly worried, Kit's optimism began to wane. Even though she hadn't been able to plan the date the way she had envisioned, a small glimmer of hope persisted. Perhaps you would still show up.
As the hours passed, that hope gradually ebbed away, replaced by a sinking feeling in Kit's chest. The first hour of waiting felt like an eternity, but as the second hour ticked by, her optimism turned into a painful realization. Yet, Kit made the decision to stay, clinging to the possibility that you might still come.
She waited in the gardens, her heart heavy with anticipation. The night passed, and Kit remained there, alone and deserted. You never appeared. Deep down, she understood why you hadn't come, yet that understanding did little to ease the ache in her breaking heart. The night seemed endless, each passing moment a testament to the love that had been left unfulfilled, leaving Kit alone in the shadows of the garden, shattered and inconsolable.
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For three agonizing days, Kit felt as if she couldn't breathe. The absence of your presence was like a suffocating weight on her chest, a relentless reminder of the love that had slipped through her fingers. Desperation gripped her heart, and she knew she had to do something about it.
"Jade, please, I need to talk to her, please," Kit pleaded, her eyes filled with raw emotion as she looked at her friend. They stood together in the training grounds, the weight of Kit's desperation heavy in the air.
"Kit, I know you do, trust me, I've tried," Jade replied, her voice filled with honesty and concern. "But she really doesn't want to see you right now."
Tears threatened to spill from Kit's eyes, her heart breaking a little more with each passing moment. "Please, I just want to tell her that I love her. She needs to know that I love her," Kit said, her voice trembling with the intensity of her feelings. She managed to contain her tears, but the pain in her eyes was unmistakable.
Jade fell into a thoughtful silence for a minute, her eyes searching Kit's face. "Go to the gardens tonight. I'll make up some excuse to get her there," Jade finally said, her voice softening with understanding.
Gratitude surged through Kit, and without a second thought, she enveloped Jade in a tight hug, a heartfelt thank you escaping her lips. There was a glimmer of hope in Kit's eyes, a fragile optimism that maybe, just maybe, she would have a chance to mend the shattered pieces of her heart.
That night, you arrived at the gardens, hoping to see Jade. She had promised to take you horseback riding, knowing that your days were occupied with work, leaving you with no time during the day for such leisure. As you spotted a figure in the garden, you called out, "Jade!" Your voice carried happiness, but as the figure turned around, you realized it wasn't her. Disappointment flooded your expression, and you turned away, ready to retreat.
"Please, wait!" Kit ran toward you, her voice carrying a tone of desperation. She grabbed your hand, her touch pleading with you to stay. "Please," she repeated, her eyes filled with an intensity that matched your own conflicting emotions.
Reluctantly, you turned around to face her. Kit looked exhausted, dark circles under her once bright eyes indicating the toll these past few days had taken on her. Yet, even in her weary state, you found her breathtaking. She reached out, gently touching your cheek, and you melted under her tender caress.
"We've got nothing to talk about, Kit," you said, your voice small, trying to push her away.
"Of course we do," she insisted, her touch soft and persuasive, inching closer to you.
"No, we don't," you replied, even as every fiber of your being yearned to kiss her, to hold her close and never let go.
"Let's just... talk," Kit suggested, moving closer, her determination etched on her face.
"Kit, you're getting married. What we had... it can't be anymore," you said, tears now freely streaming down your face.
"Don't, don't say that, please. We... we could find a way around it," Kit pleaded, her eyes searching yours for a glimmer of hope.
"We can't, Kit. It's your duty, and I understand. I knew what I was getting myself into," you whispered, pressing your forehead against hers. "And I still jumped headfirst into this... and I would do it a million times, just to have the time that we had."
It sounded like a goodbye, and Kit hated it. She knew what she wanted to say, but how could she, when it wouldn't change a thing? So, she did the only thing she could. She kissed you, savoring the bittersweet taste of your tears mingled with her own. In that moment, she tried to memorize every detail, every feeling, knowing it might be the last time.
The kiss broke, and you held each other, clinging to one another as if afraid the other might disappear. The moment was both heartbreaking and beautiful, a collision of love and loss. Kit hated the instant you let go of the hug.
"Goodbye, Kit," you said, your voice heavy with finality, and as you started to walk away, Kit didn't want to let go of your hand. But she had to. So, she watched you go, standing there in the darkness of the garden, her heart shattered and tears streaming down her face, aching for the love she was about to lose.
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On her way back to her chambers, Kit couldn't stop crying. All she wanted was to lie in bed and cry until she had no tears left. However, her misery was interrupted by a stern voice slicing through the darkness.
"So, she's the reason you don't want to comply with your duties?" Kit turned around to see her mother, Queen Sorsha, staring at her with a mix of disappointment and concern etched on her face.
"I don't want to talk about it, Mom," Kit replied, her voice cracking from the weight of her emotions.
But her mother wasn't ready to let it go. She grabbed Kit's wrist firmly, demanding an explanation. "No, we are going to talk about it now," she insisted, her tone firm and unyielding.
"Fine!" Kit answered, her voice sharp with frustration.
"Is she really the reason? This... maid?" Sorsha asked, her tone dismissive and condescending.
"Don't! Don't call her that, and don't look down on her!" Kit retorted, her voice laced with determination and protectiveness.
"That's what she is, Kit. A maid. You, on the other hand, are a princess. You have duties," Queen Sorsha said, her words cutting through the air like ice.
"Don't talk about her like that. She took the job for me!" Kit said, her voice rising with a fierce intensity.
"What do you mean by that?" Sorsha inquired, her curiosity piqued.
"She took the job as a kitchen maid to be closer to me," Kit confessed, her voice almost a whisper, laden with vulnerability and despair.
Sorsha paused, her eyes studying her daughter, taking in the signs of her heartache. "How long has this been going on?" she asked, her tone softening, sensing the depth of Kit's feelings.
Kit turned around to face her mother, her eyes swollen from crying. "For over seven months," she began, her voice breaking. "But you don't have to worry about it anymore. As of tonight, there's nothing left for you to worry about," she added, tears streaming down her cheeks.
Sorsha stood there, silently watching her daughter break down. A mixture of emotions crossed her face, a realization dawning upon her. "Does this girl really mean so much to you?" she asked cautiously, moving closer to Kit.
"I love her, Mom," Kit said, her voice filled with raw emotion, her love pouring out like a waterfall breaking free from its dam. "I love her so much that every day, when I wake up, all I want to do is see her, hold her, look into those beautiful eyes, and take her to the gardens to hear her talk about her favorite flowers. I want to cherish every moment with her. I was so lucky," Kit finished, her voice barely a whisper, as she sank to the ground, crumbling under the weight of her heartbreak, tears flowing quietly once again.
Sorsha looked at her daughter, her heart breaking for the pain she saw in Kit's eyes. Deciding to approach her differently, Sorsha knelt down, attempting to reach for Kit's hand “Kit, why didn’t you tell me?” but before she could touch her, Kit moved abruptly.
"When, Mom?" Kit's voice cracked as she screamed, her pain and anger bursting forth. "And even if I did tell you, you probably would have banished her to another realm, taking her away from me! And yet, you managed to rip her away from me!" Kit's voice wavered, her eyes filled with a mix of anguish and fury as she stood up, her body trembling. With that, she turned away, heading toward her chambers, leaving Sorsha standing there, alone.
As Sorsha stood in the corridor, she felt a profound sense of loss and regret. She realized she had never given her daughter the opportunity to confide in her, to trust her. Her intentions had always been to protect Kit, but now, she had lost that trust, and her daughter's happiness had been shattered before her eyes. Witnessing her brave, beautiful daughter break down made Sorsha vow to herself that she would do anything in her power to prevent that pain from ever consuming Kit again.
She didn't even know what Airk might be hiding from her. It was time to rearrange things, to reevaluate her decisions and actions. Kit's happiness was paramount, and Sorsha was determined to make amends. It was time to change the course of their lives.
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Kit dreaded waking up the next day, fully aware that everything with you was over. So she dismissed all the ladies' maids, seeking a moment of solitude. However, after a while, Kit heard her chamber door creak open again. Prepared to send the intruder away, she turned around and found her mother standing there.
"Wake up, Kit. You have a busy day ahead of you," Sorsha said with determination.
"Really? Why? Is my wedding today, and you didn't tell me?" Kit retorted sarcastically, although she complied and rose from her bed.
Her mother, seemingly unfazed by Kit's tone, observed her daughter with a knowing look. This made Kit uneasy.
"I am not getting married today, am I?" Kit asked cautiously
"No, you're not. You're going to train with the knights of Galladoorn," Sorsha informed her.
"What?" Kit asked, bewildered.
"Next month, you are set to begin your training with the knights. It will mark the first time a princess joins their ranks," Sorsha finished.
"Great, now I won't even be able to see her. I just know it!" Kit exclaimed, frustration growing within her. But Sorsha remained composed.
"With this new alliance, your engagement with Prince Graydon won't be necessary," Sorsha said, shocking Kit, who turned around to stare at her mother in disbelief.
"What? What are you trying to say, Mom?" Kit's voice quivered with hope.
"What I'm trying to say, Kit, is that you should get ready to go and tell that sweet girl, the girl who has captured my daughter's heart, that everything will be okay," Sorsha began walking toward Kit, who stood frozen in place. She reached out and gently took her daughter's hands, this time not facing rejection. "Everything will be okay because your mother loves you, Kit. And your mother is also the Queen. It might take time, but you go and tell that girl that you love her, and that I'm going to fight for you two," Sorsha concluded, and she felt Kit's arms enveloping her. It was a hug she hadn't received since Kit was a little girl.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Mom!" Kit said, practically running toward the door.
Everyone in the castle was surprised to see the princess running with a broad smile on her face, even giggling. Their shock intensified when she burst into the kitchens. But when Kit entered, she couldn't find you anywhere.
"She was sent to pick some flowers, at your mother's request," the blonde girl from last time informed her. The gardens. Of course, her mother would have sent her there.
Hope bubbled up inside her as she ran, and once she reached the gardens and saw you there, picking flowers, it felt as if she was looking at you for the first time. This time, she knew that nothing would ever come between you.
"I love you!" Kit screamed, startling you, your confusion evident.
"I don't understand, Kit," you said, your confusion clear.
"I've loved you for quite some time, and I am not losing you," she said, walking toward you. "I love you," she repeated, quieter this time.
"But you're supposed to be engaged?" you said, caution in your eyes.
"I am not engaged, and I won't be, unless it's with you," Kit said, reaching for your hand. She placed a kiss on it, sealing her promise.
"That's impossible, Kit," you said, your eyes still filled with caution.
"Not anymore. My mother is going to fight for us, for this... so if you would have me, I am all yours, and every beat of my heart belongs to you," Kit declared, determination shining in her eyes. You just kissed her; you knew you had kissed her yesterday, but that kiss had felt like a goodbye, while this kiss was a promise.
"I love you too, Kit, more than anything in this world," you said, and then you joined your lips once again.
You both stayed there, kissing in the gardens for some time, only breaking it to repeat the words "I love you." A new beginning; that's what this meant. Not just for the two of you, but for the whole realm. Everything was about to change, and you two were at the heart of it. Regardless, you had each other, and that was all you needed.
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angryshortstacks · 1 year
Canon tanthamore moments people don’t talk about enough because the show is not dead yet.
In almost every shot where something happens that’s cool or new they look at each other first. Every time. Sometimes it’s a judgemental “are you seeing this shit?” A worried “are you okay?” Or “what have we gotten into.” Sometimes it’s a happy “how fucking cool is it we’re finally having adventures together” neeedless to say on your next rewatch look for it. It’s so cute
The fact that Jade let kit win not because she thought kit wasn’t capable, but because she sees herself as kits protector and she wanted to shoulder that burden for her princess
Boorman saying I ship it at any given moment
Graydon being COMPLETELY oblivious to the obvious sexual tension between kit and Jade. I’m convinced when we get a season two that they’d save Graydon and he’d see them kiss and be like wait what??
That when they thought they had to kill Graydon Jade was completely ready to do it so Kit wouldn’t have to
Jade and kit joking around in the wildwood before they get attacked. You hear Jade say “I’m not joking” just before boorman interrupts the conversation. I wanna know what they were joking about 🥺
This idiot kit Telling EVERYONE her goddamn REAL name!!
Jade being so smart and getting the riddle immediately and kit looking at her like “that’s my girl”
Jade saying “I got you. I got you” to kit after Elora saves her from drowning
Jade leading kit holding all her weight at the beginning of episode 7
Kits stubborn ass saying “I’m good” taking exactly one step then falling over
How Kit argues with Jades little anecdote in the porcupine scene because they know each other so well and she’s absolutely heard that story before.
How softly jade says yeah, when kit tells her she loves her. It’s like she doesn’t believe it 🥺
The little hum when they kiss 🥺
The fact that the thing kit wants most in the world is Jade 🥺
Jade yelling “a little help princess!” when she gets trapped behind a pillar. Just her finally Trusting kit to be her equal and to save her 🥺
God I would die for this ship. There are so many cute little moments they have together.
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libertyeveningsun · 1 year
As part of the #SaveWillow campaign, here is a masterpiece Tanthamore trailer from @sand_dune_cat on twitter. I wish I could write an introduction half as incredible as their video, but I'll let it speak for itself.
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graktung · 1 year
my impression of Jade in her head:
“as soon as we’re alone-”
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trickarrows-bishop · 1 year
how the scene actually went:
kit: jade and i are just friends. nothing else. elora: ... right kit: got it? elora: [sneezes] elora: sorry i'm just allergic to bullshit
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jlmichigan · 9 months
Willow as bots #34
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*pam voice* “They’re the same picture.”
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thatsgay-writes · 1 year
Happy Ending
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Part 1
Part 2
Request: Happy ending
"I am your king!" You hear Airk yell and you shake your head at his idiocrasy. You keep an eye on both battles happening at each side of the fountain when you notice a movement out of the corner of your eye. It's the nice looking version of the Crone, the captured Princess of Cashmere, and she was sneaking up on Elora who was too busy with the Crone. You knew that Kit was supposed to be Elora's defender but she was locked in a heated battle with Jade against her brother and no one else was in sight. So you take of running towards the other princess and tackle her to the ground. She manages to escape your hold and grabs a sword that was laying on the ground. "How are you here and there?" You ask you unsheathe your sword and take off your sling. "Magic." Is all she says before charging at you and you accept that answer because that seemed reasonable. Your swords clashed loudly as she swung hers in a downward motion with two hands. If you were at 100%, this would have been the easiest fight of your life because it seems that when the Crone split herself, she kept all the magic for her form directly fighting Elora. And the princess version of her was mediocre at best with a sword.
But each time you had to use both arms to hold the sword to block an attack, pain was shot throughout your body, black spots danced across your vision, and everything was just so sore. "I thought this would be a harder fight." Princess Crone taunts as you roll to the side to dodge another hit. "Well maybe if this was a fair fight, you wouldn't be so cocky." You say back as you let out deep breathes. Dodging was better than blocking but it was still so taxing on your body. "Then how about I make it fair." She responds as she smacks you across the head with the hilt of her sword. "Wha-" Is all you can say as the hit dazes you before letting out a strangled scream. "There, no arm, no pain." You fall back against a wall and hold what's left of your arm to your chest, blood coating your clothes. "You bitch!" You yell at her as tears stream down your face. "Don't worry, I know how to make the pain stop permanently." She says as she brings her sword over your chest and you accept your fate. But the blow never comes.
"Hi." Kit says happily as she holds Airk's face in her hands, glad she was able to save her brother. "You're okay." Willow says from behind her and Airk just nods before sending a questioning look to his sister. "Who is that?" Kit laughs as she lets a happy tear slide down her face, she turns to look at her group of friends. "That's Willow..." Kit surveys her group, Boorman having just arrived covered in goop, just meant you and Graydon weren't here. Graydon for obvious reasons but you...
Kit's face morphs from one of pure happiness to fear. "Where's y/n?" Kit feels like she can physically see Jade's heart stop. Everyone else looks around confused before they get worried as well. "Y/n!" Boorman starts to yell as he turns and starts to look for you, everyone else joins in.
"Help... Help! Please.." You say as loud as you can as you feel tears fall down your face. What energy you had, had been used to remove your shirt and tie it around your missing ligament. It wasn't doing much as it had already started dripping blood onto the sand. "I'm right here! Please!" You could feel yourself getting weaker as you attempted to yell out for your friends. Coldness and fear had washed over you as you realized you could die here and they may never find you. You just wanted to go home, as childish as it sounds, you just want to close your eyes and pretend this trip never happened. That when you opened them, you would be back in Tir Asleen. Either in the stables or on the training ground with Kit and Jade. "Kit... Jade... Please..."
It had been the faintest of sounds against the loud shouting and clashing of armor that Jade was almost sure she was making it up. Jade wanted to ignore it and continue looking for you but something in the back of her mind was nagging at her to check it out. Jade rounded the corner of the hallway you were laying in, sword drawn, when she saw your slumped figure. "No." Her sword clattered loudly on the ground as it slipped from her grasp before she was racing towards you, the sound catching the attention of the rest of the group who were quick to follow. Jade felt nauseous as she ran up to you, the missing arm and blood become more and more apparent the closed she got.
"Y/n!" She yelled as she fell to her knees in front of you, hands on your shoulders in an instant trying to get you to wake up. It isn't till everyone else is there and Kit is on the other side of you in clear distress that you come too. "Ja- Jade?" You whisper out brokenly as you try and focus on what's in front of you. It was clear to the group that you were struggling, barely there. "Yeah, I'm right here, okay? We're gonna figure something out so I just need you to hold on." You tried to not your head, unsure if you actually did. "Kit?" You asked, eyes still struggling to remain focused. Jade has to pull Kit away from her begging to Willow to help you. "I'm here too," Kit tells you as she holds your face in her hands, wiping away your tears. "Willow do something please!" Kit begs as she turns to look back at the older man but he looks just as hopeless as the rest of them. "The wounds is too... mortal. Nothing I know can reverse or stopped what has happened."
Kit breaks down at his words and moves closer to you, not caring about the blood surrounding you, to lay her head on your chest to hear your heartbeat. "Please does anyone have any ideas." Jade pleads as she watches the two people she loves in complete agony. Everything is silent for a minute before Boorman exclaims loudly, "I have an idea, someone give my your sword!" He yells as he opens up the pouch on his waist. Everyone takes a second to look at him confused but he just keeps talking. "Now this isn't a permanent fix and could possibly lead to a plethora of infections but it'll stop the bleeding at least." He say as he works and in a few seconds is holding up a fresh, albeit small, torch. He reaches his hand out to the group and Airk passes him a sword that had been laying on the ground near them.
He begins to heat up the sword, "Had to do this a few times when I was running with the Bone Reavers, even once with your sister... Hell of a story, but you need to hold y/n down because this will hurt." He takes the torch away from the sword that is now slightly red where the torch was heating it up. Kit puts an arm out across your chest and arms to hold you down, while Jade holds down your legs. Boorman removes the wrap around your stump, which causes you to cry out in pain, before placing and removing the heated sword along the base of your arm to make sure he gets every part of it cauterized. The second the blade had touched your skin you were screaming out in pain and fighting against the hold Kit and Jade had on you. "Stop! Please stop!" Before finally passing out from the pain once Boorman was done.
It was quiet as the group finally took a second to take in all that has happened in the last hour. The loss of Graydon, defeating the Crone, getting Airk back, and now almost losing you. It had been a long day. "We should, we should make camp somewhere nearby. I think we can all agree it's been a long day." Willow says as he lets his shoulders sag and rest his weight on his staff. Everyone else silently agrees and Willows starts walking towards the river that connected to the waterfall they had come from. Jade gently pulls Kit away from your body so Boorman could carry you. When they stand they use each other as support, fear still present in there eyes and posture as they trudge along behind the group. Both girls were scared. What if they had found you too late? What if Boorman didn't cauterize the wound? What if... What if they had lost you?
The group had made camp a little ways from the river and spread out a little. Willow sat with Elora as she grieved the loss of Graydon, Boorman sat near the river edge as he watched the sunset, Kit sat in-between you and Airk holding your hands while Jade sat on the other side of you and let her head rest on your shoulder. You finally woke up later into the night with a grunt of pain while everyone else except for Kit was asleep. She heard you make noise and sat up fast, almost waking Airk. "Y/n? Hey, your safe. Open your eyes for me." Kit said as she placed a hand on your cheek and watched your eyes flutter open. "Kit?" You ask, eyebrows furrowed in pain. "It hurts." Kit gives you a sad smile as she reaches over to wake up Jade. Jade wakes with a start, eyes instantly checking over you to make sure you were okay, a smile grows on her lips when she sees that you're awake. "They're still in pain and they feel a little hot. I thought a dip into the river would help." Kit explains to Jade who nods in agreement and she finally shakes herself fully awake.
The three of you attempt to silently make your way to the water but you kept groaning and moaning as the two girls helped you walk. Luckily, no one else woke up. "I'm going to need help with my pants... and where is my shirt?" You ask as the Kit and Jade help you sit on a rock next to the water. "Your shirt was covered in blood and needed to be cleaned." Jade responded as she bent down to help you undress. You nodded as you noticed how tense she and Kit were. You wanted to ask but waited until you were in the coolness of the river to do so.
"Are you guys okay?" You ask as the three of you sit together in the river, cool water flowing around you. "Are we okay?" Jade asks incredulous, "We found you on death's door and your asking if we're okay?" You could see Jade was getting mad but Kit rested a hand on her shoulder to try and calm her down. "I'm sorry." You say as you reach to grab Jade's hand only to realize you were moving the arm without one. You cringe, "I should have listened to you and stayed back." Jade just let's out a sad laugh, "We both know you never would have. Why do you think I barred the door." You let out a sigh and turned to Kit, who had been unusually quiet the entire time. "Kit, say something, please." Kit, who had been looking into the water the whole time finally, raised her head and you could see fresh tears rolling down her face. "We almost lost you. Today has just been so hard. We lost Graydon and then I got Airk back but seeing you slumped against the wall as Jade begged you to wake up... Broke me. How am I suppose to be Elora's protector when I can barely protect the people I love?"
"Don't say that. You can't rest that kind of weight on your shoulders. Everything bad that has happened today was because of the crone. Who you helped defeat, and because of that you protected not only our group but the rest of the world." Kit shook her head, "And for what? For the Wyrm to come at any time and start a war?" You place a hand on Kit's shoulder and Jade moves to wrap one of her arms around her. "Forget that all for a second okay? The Wyrm for now is something out of our control. So focus on what is and what was, focus on today and how we won. Yes, we suffered loss but in the end it was not in vain."
Kit shakes her head, "I just... I don't know if I can go through something like this again.." You use your hand to make Kit raise her head and look at you again. "I can't promise that nothing like this will happen again but what I can promise you is that no matter what, I will always be by your side." You glance to Jade, "We will always be in your corner, okay?" Kit goes to say somethings, probably to argue with what you said but you just pull her into a kiss instead. One that you had been waiting on for years. When you pull back, Kit's eyes are still wet but her face now holds a large smile. "You didn't give me time to respond earlier, but I love you guys too and I have for a long time." Jade takes your attention away from Kit by cupping your face and pulling you into a kiss of your own. "You have no idea happy that makes us." Jade says as she gives Kit a quick kiss on the lips too. "Just next time, lets not loosing an arm and almost dying be the reason to communicate our feelings." Kit lets out a laugh and pulls the three of you into a group hug, feeling like the weight of the world was just lifted from her shoulders. "No promises."
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sabrinasfadingmoon · 1 year
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I want to see me clearly (I see you clearly)
The moment when Kit cuts her hair in a rash decision and Jade helps finish the job.
When you looked at yourself what did you see? Kit always saw what her mother wanted her to be. What her birthright was. She should be grateful, she was, being a princess was luck bestowed upon her. Even if it wasn’t something she wanted, she understood that much.
But, again, when you looked at yourself, what did you see? What did Kit see? She saw the dresses. Saw how they fit her body and how they somehow screamed ‘someone else’. Kit felt so far from herself. But really, she only felt herself when wearing pants and fighting Jade on the rocks.
Or just with Jade in general. When she could breathe, let loose and tie her long locks up into a bun and ignore it. Ignore how heavy it felt on her head. Ignore how pieces would fall out and stick to her sweat coated skin with each sword clash she hit Jade with.
Jade always looked at her with this look. It was indescribable. But, if Kit tried to explain it, her stomach would flutter and her heart would do this thing she was way too embarrassed to admit. Jade saw her, maybe that was why. Because past the hair, the dresses, hell even the makeup, Jade saw who she truly was.
What Kit wanted to be.
She was only a teenager still. Not yet having to fall into what she would soon have to with age. But she was already under so much pressure. Kit felt so much and each day in and out that feeling got bigger and bigger.
And what did someone feel when they looked at themself and felt far away? When they didn’t see what they wanted to see? It made her sad for a really long time. Then, like a snowball down a hill resentment built up. Festering and throthing like an infected wound.
She couldn’t take it anymore. Something snapped. The moment Jade’s sword hit hers and her hair fell down in waves. Down her back, over her shoulders and in front of her face. Kits sword clattered to the rocks.
read more on my ao3 here!
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hazelcallahan · 1 year
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WILLOW (2022-) || 1x08 "Children of the Wyrm"
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writerinloves-blog · 8 months
Helloooo!!! Just passing by, to let all of you know that i was going through a rough writer’s block, but im fine now, and to everyone that has requested something, I’m just about to start writing them … but they’re coming , I promise ♥️♥️♥️
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angryshortstacks · 1 year
Kit and Jade headcannons because the Willow brain rot continues with a vengeance
We know Kit has a very high tolerance for alcohol (see her out drinking a dude twice her weight in episode 5) so I propose: lightweight jade. The girl sniffs a glass of red wine and gets woozy.
Jade is also a clingy drunk. Her balance goes out the window first and so she just ends up clinging to kit the whole night. She also gets very giggly and laughs at all of kits jokes. Thus Kit tries very hard to convince her to drink, unfortunately Jade says no 90% of the time.
Kit is a competitive drunk. She pulls pranks and insists on arm wrestling everyone in the tavern. It’s because of this that Jade hardly drinks. Someone needs to be there to untangle the various messes her princess causes.
Jade is the little spoon
Jade? Possessive as fuck. Any girl gets remotely flirty with kit and she will square up and find some excuse to pull kit away then aggressively make out with her in the nearest alcove
On a related note, Kit? Literally unable to be possessive because she has not a clue when someone is flirting with her or Jade. Completely oblivious. By the time she can get upset the person has been swiftly and brutally rejected by Jade.
Jade cannot sit still. She’s always fidgeting or bobbing her knees. Picking her hang nails is a particularly bad habit she has and whenever kit sees her doing it she takes her hand to stop her
Kit loves to play with jades hair. She’ll Twirl a strand around her finger and watch it bounce back.
Jade is always over prepared because kit is always under prepared. She packs an extra jacket, extra water, extra money ect.
Kit is always cold and jade is always warm
Jade very often kisses kit’s knuckles
Kits pet names for Jade: love, babe, my knight
Jades pet names for Kit: love, darling, my princess, your highness.
Kit absolutely has favourite freckles that she insist on kissing at least once a day.
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xenaisnumber1 · 4 months
When your acting is so good that one look can convey all the love and awe your character has for the girl she loves
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graktung · 1 year
hello please write more erin & her character fics i need more please give me more
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trickarrows-bishop · 1 year
kit: *does something stupid* jade: what a fucking idiot. jade: can't believe i would die for her.
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evocatiio · 1 year
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WILLOW l S01E05 - “Wildwood” 
Jade… all I care about is you. And if you wanna come here, after we find Airk, to live, I would tag along. If that’s okay. ‘Cause I don’t wanna have any adventures unless they’re with you. I should’ve told you that sooner, you know? And for that, for everything, I’m so sorry. Alright, uh, what did you wanna say?
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