writerrinthedarksblog · 11 months
love drunk — miguel o’hara x reader
summary — while miguel deals with a drunk and clingy you, you accidentally let it slip that you love him. requested here
grumpy x sunshine!! spidergirl!reader, no pronouns used but implied fem!reader, grumpy miguel, kind of ditzy reader, drunk reader, established relationship, first ‘I love you’ trope, miguel being lovesick, fluff. so much fluff
implied fem!reader 1.3k words
Miguel thinks he should never let you drink again in your whole life.
“Y/N,” he says through gritted teeth, irritated now. Actually, he was irritated ten minutes ago but was doing a better job at hiding it. “Come on. Get off me.”
You’re dead weight in his lap. He wouldn’t mind, he likes when you sit on him like this, only you’re in the middle of the bar and there are at least five Peter’s looking his way and smirking, and he can see Hobie Brown laughing at him behind his hand across the room.
“Whyyyyy?” You drawl, your lips slow and your tongue slower. You paw at his chest and give him a glare that’s about as menacing as a puppy. “You’re so mean.”
Miguel sighs heavily. He picks up his hands where they’d been hovering at your sides, unsure whether he should touch you or not when you’re like this, and gets a good grip on your hips.
“C’mon, get up,” he says. He lifts you off his lap with ease, fingers curling around your hips, and deposits you in the booth seat next to him.
To Miguel’s surprise, you don’t flop into his side or try to climb back onto him like he thought you would. Where seconds ago you were like a rag doll, you sit rigid straight.
“What?” He asks you, genuinely confused.
“Sorry,” you say quietly, frowning to yourself. “I didn’t mean that. You’re not mean.”
Miguel blinks at you. “Oh. No, that’s not why I made you get off, sweetheart. I know you don’t actually think I’m mean.”
Slowly, you brighten up like a wind up toy, springing back to life in slow motion with a big smile painting itself across your mouth, all teeth. “Oh, okay. Can I get back on you now?”
Miguel actually laughs. He’s very tempted to say yes, you can sit in his lap as long as you like. He doesn’t, mostly because you’re very obviously past your limit and you need a bed and some water. Neither of which he can get you here.
“You’re funny, cariño,” he tells you, chucking you under the chin with his knuckles. You beam up at him, eyes squinting so much they’re half closed. He indulges himself in a squeezing of your cheek before breaking the news, “No, you can’t get back on me—“ Your face falls, “—But I can take you to bed?”
Your smile comes back so quick it’s alarming, and you nod vehemently. “Yeah, please.”
Miguel manages to get you out of the Spider-Bar (nicknamed by one of the Peter’s, he can’t remember which but Miguel refuses to call it that. It’s just a section off the second floor of Headquarters where Spider-people migrate to drink.) without you tripping over your own feet. He’s discovering you’re a very clumsy, clingy drunk. That, and you really can’t hold your liquor. He’s only had a little less than you and he feels completely fine. Other than the burning in his chest, though he’s pretty sure that has more to do with you and your presence than the alcohol.
He gets you into an elevator and holds you up when you slouch into his side. His arm around your hip and both of your hands clinging like vines to his free arm, tight enough to ache but he can’t bring himself to ask you to loosen your grip a little. He’d be lying if he said he doesn’t enjoy your apparent desperation to stick to him like glue.
The elevator dings and the doors slide open. A gaggle of Spider-Women wait on the other side, Jess among them. The younger girls giggle amongst themselves when they see the predicament they’ve caught their haughty boss in.
“Hey, Miguel,” Jess drawls as she sidles past him, Miguel practically dragging you out of the elevator now and out of the way of the girls. “Hey, Y/N.” She grins at your inebriated state, then looks to Miguel, “Early night?”
It’s almost midnight. Miguel can’t tell if she’s teasing or not. She probably is. “Yeah.”
“Miguel’s taking me to bed,” you pipe up, a lustful tone to your sticky, slurry voice that Miguel winces at. He hadn’t meant it like that. Clearly, your drunk mind had taken it that way. He’ll be sure to set the record straight once you’re safe and alone in his room.
Jess laughs loud. “Right. Well, have fun with that.”
She’s still laughing as the elevator doors slide shut. Miguel sighs. He’s not gonna hear the end of that for at least a week. You tug on his arm and smile up at him sweetly, and he forgets all about it.
“What is it, cariño?” He hums.
“Can you carry me? My feet are sore.”
Miguel indulges you. Partly because you’d asked and he’s yet again been tasked with the challenge of saying no to you (which he fails at every time), and partly because you’re slowing him down and he really wants to get to his room before he meets anyone else. He scoops you up easily, one arm hooked beneath your thighs and the other under your back. You giggle dazedly and hook your arms around his neck tight enough that it’d hurt anyone but Miguel, burying your face in his neck, your flyaway hair tickling his skin.
By the time he gets you to his room you’re half asleep in his arms. He’d let you sleep but your suit is constricting. He deposits you on the bed in the dark and switches on the lamp. He only manages to turn on his heels before you’re grabbing his arm, warm hand wrapping around his wrist with a clumsy desperation.
“Don’t go,” you murmur, eyes half closed.
Miguel pries your hand away gently. “I’m not going anywhere. Just getting your pyjamas.”
You allow it but you make a grab for him as soon as he’s back, hands warm at his waist. He stands in front of you and undresses you out of your spidersuit, then redresses you into the pyjamas you keep in his room. You keep quiet other than the occasional hiccup and despite your amorous comment earlier you don’t try anything, even when you’re completely bare-chested and Miguel is standing over you. While he pulls your shirt over you head, your hands find his hips and grip them like somebody’s trying to take him away from you.
He gives you a glass of water which you skull back like you’re about to die of thirst. He refills the glass and when he comes back you’ve turned the light off and buried yourself under the covers. He thinks you’re asleep until he goes to put the glass on the bedside table and your hand sneaks out of the sheets, reaching for him.
“Miguel…” you murmur, fingers brushing his abdomen. You tilt your head up towards him, searching for him in the dark.
“You okay?” He asks, concerned you’re not feeling well. He hopes you’re not the kind of drunk who throws up everything they drank. Though he can’t say he’d mind looking after you even if you were.
“I’m fine,” you say softly. It’s dark and he can barely see your face but he hears your next words just fine. “Thank you for looking after me … I love you.”
Miguel is so shocked he almost drops the glass of water he’s holding. Sure, he knew you had feelings for him. He knew you care for him about as much as he does for you, which is an inordinate amount. To hear you say it is different. His fondness for you multiplies by about a million and the chasm in his chest feels, not for the first time since he met you, a little bit smaller.
He knows you probably won’t remember it in the morning, but it’s been said and his chest is aflame. He sets the cup down and then crouches next to your lovely, tired face, and cups your cheek. He presses a soft kiss to your temple, and then your lips. Your eyelashes flutter as your eyes fall shut and you smile.
Miguel waits til he’s sure you’re asleep to say it back — vulnerability’s never really been his strong suit. He tucks hair away from your face, feeling a bit drunk himself. Just not from anything he drank. “I love you too, mi amor.”
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writerrinthedarksblog · 11 months
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Oscar Isaac + Rachel Brosnahan in THE SIGN IN SYDNEY BRUSTEIN'S WINDOW on Broadway (2023)
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so... I'm 34 weeks now🤰🏻🤰🏻🤰🏻
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hand. just hand. 🥰🥰
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You're Not Cute
Pedro Pascal x Reader
Summary: i saw a fucking tiktok of pedro reciting shakespeare and i will never forgive him for not letting me lie on his lap while he strokes my hair and recites said shakespeare to me. i thought you were a feminist pedrito?! i trusted you pepe. fuck you (me).
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: gender neutral!reader, actor/actress!reader, reader has hair im sorry if ur bald T_T and whipped for pedro and reading this, established but not public relationship (shhh it'll make sense), pedro go to jail party, crack fic, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: we all know pedro pascal watches his edits, but i wonder if he's ever... read fics of himself 💀💀💀💀 hi papi! if you're reading this first of all why second of all i love you the tiktok in question that has me at gunpoint tumblr. look at this gif. this is your man??? this is OUR man? fuck off. ALSO I HAVENT PROOFREAD THIS COS I GOT CHORES BYE Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx @amis-love-bugs @top1bbgloak @sunfairyy @djarinsstuff @mooniesyubi @pedropascalgirly @mmmmandoz
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My eyes dart from my reflection on the mirror to the grinning man who popped up from behind me. I turn to him just as he begins wiggling his brows. I make a face him as he narrows his eyes and snaps his fingers while trotting over to me, "looking good, mi amor," he rolls his tongue to mimic a purr and gestures like a cat, "RRRRRRRRRRR."
I roll my eyes at him as I chuckle, turning back to my reflection, "hands off Pedro."
He gasps in offence, raising his hands, "I haven't even touched you yet!"
I lean in to more clearly see the dark blue line I was drawing by my eyes, "ok then," I shrug, "sorry for assuming."
Pedro tilts his head and waves his hands, "apology accepted--" he moves forward until he was close enough to snake his arms around me, "--in form of touching you."
I huff at his shenanigans but do not fight him off. In fact, I lean into his back hug and rest my head against him as we both look at our reflections in the mirror. I motion to my face amidst my scrutiny, "is the eyeliner too much?"
"Nope," he kisses my temple then retorts rather seriously, "it's yas slay."
I make a face.
His serious expression only lasts two seconds before he explodes into laughter. I release a huff as I bring my hand to my face while he thoroughly enjoys his own stupidity. I release one airy chuckle before giving myself a final once over, deciding I looked well put together enough. He inhales deeply to catch his breath then sighs against me, "you smell soooo good."
"It's called a shower," I moved to elbow him off, "you should try it sometime."
I grunt as I struggle against him. I hiss when I feel his mouth on me, "PEDRO!"
He pulls back, all after managing to leave a wet bite on my neck.
Pedro recoils and raises his hands in defeat. I punch him on the chest before wiping his mark.
He sighs, "it's kinda hard to shower by yourself, ya know. I need some help. Also!" he points, "you're dirty now, you got a little," he motions to his neck, "dribble on you-"
"PEDRO PLEASE," I pinch my fingers together, "my interview is in like, ten minutes," I point at him and scold, "contain yourself. Stay in your room."
I begin to storm off and he watches, moaning like a baby, "you mean our ro-"
I feel him follow after me. I snap, "STAY IN YOUR ROOM!" halting in my tracks. I push him back as I grab the door knob. He gives me a puppy dog frown. I give him one last point before closing the door behind me on my way out, "stay here."
Alas. I was in the living room, with a laptop set up in front of me as I did my online interview. I was glad that my Pedrito followed my orders and stayed in the bedroom for the entire duration. Not long now before it ends.
I smile to the interviewers as they begin to wrap up our short segment. I, along with he two hosts from a live news channel, laugh at the closing remarks. Suddenly, I find myself looking out to my side when I see an incoming Pedro just about to pass by.
He was stretching as he walked. He looked like he managed a brief power nap.
Oh fucking shit, he's going to the bathroom. And he's going to pass behind me to get there.
"Now, do you want to invite your fans to watch your film?" the male host asks.
"Uhhh," I trial off, as I turn to my side, rather un-inconspicuously. Pedro was soooooooo close now.
I panic as I turn between my camera and my impeding doom, "uhhh."
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Aint no way he was about to pass behind me and expose us like this.
If I say his name, they're going to know it's him, but if I don't they're going to ask who I'm talking to anyway, but if I ignore him, he's going to pass and reveal himself. FUCKKKKK-
And in the split second of panic, I burst out the secret fourth option, and quite possibly the worst one, "FUCK!"
Yeah. Everyone stops.
Cue, my string of panicked apologize, "shit, I'm- fuck, SORRY SORRY SORRY!"
I catch Pedro, just as he realized what he has just done, or what he was about to do, rather.
"Sorry," I cover my hands on my face, "Sorry I-"
The interviewers laugh at me as I recuperate.
I sigh, turning to my side, "it's- there's a ghost that lives in my house."
"Oh, wow, you live in a haunted house?" the female host chuckles, "how thrilling."
"Yeah," I turn back to my camera, "it's quite stressful."
The interviewers chuckle as I regain composure and wave at my camera, "anyway, the ghost in my house says go watch the film with your loved ones, with family, friends, and your house ghosts too. We all worked very hard on the film, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed working on it."
"Right!" Pedro agrees off camera, making me tense in my seat. He adds rather weakly as we make quick eye contact, "right."
The male host laughs, "wow, your ghost is really excited about this film."
"The ghost is going to get evicted soon. I'm calling an exorcist." I force a smile.
Finally, we say our goodbyes and I immediately shut my computer before any other fiasco happens.
"Sorry!" Pedro says immediately once he drops to his knees next to me, "I had booger brain. I woke up from a nap."
I look down at his messy hair and remorseful face. He grabs onto my legs and continuously apologizes to me.
I roll my eyes at him and tilt his head up at me as I grab him by his dark hair, "apology with tears."
He pouts, "I'm really, really sorry, baby. My booger brain..."
I release my grip on him and he immediately sits down next to me and pulls me into him. He continuously apologizes and I lean into his touch, beginning to feel bad for how genuinely remorseful he was. Just a little. He's kinda cute when he's pathetic like this.
"Pedro it's fine," I say, turning to him, pecking his lips repeatedly, "nothing happened. The hosts played it off too, which was really nice of them."
I crawl onto his lap and embrace him. He sighs and embraces me back. I nuzzle my face into his neck and murmur, "weren't you going to the bathroom?"
"Hmm? No, I was going to make a sandwich."
I snort, "of course you were."
I pull my head back and we look at each other. Pedro rubs my back. An idea springs into mind. I smile deviously, "I have decided that your apology will be in a form of Shakespeare."
When I shift off him to lie on the sofa and prop my head on his thigh, he looks down at me with furrowed brows. He brings his hands to his chest, "is the genuineness of my remorse not sufficient enough for you?"
"No, Don John," I sigh, "hark to me. From the top. Much Ado About Nothing."
Pedro chuckles airily before gathering my hair and pulling it back so that he could comb through it with his fingers. He sighs, and I turn to him as he scrunches his face, "I don't fucking remember."
"Do the, 'I must be sad when I...' like, feel like it, or some shit."
Pedro throws his head back and laughs. He sucks in a sharp breath, "like," he says with his exaggerated LA accent, "I have to be sad when I feel like I need to be sad."
"Exactly! Do that part," I giggle.
He continues, "I also will totally not smile at your lame jokes," he purses his lips and makes a face.
"Wait, that's what that means?"
Pedro nods at me, "yeah that's what that means."
"I thought that meant, like, I'll cry when I want to and smile when I want to."
"Well," he caresses my cheek, "you're not too far off."
I wave my hands, "ok, ok, now do the rest, and do it properly this time."
He playfully growls at me, "well, it's kinda hard to do Shakespeare when this cute lil thing is distracting me."
"Do better then."
"I'd rather do you."
"What? You started it!"
I roll my eyes make a zipper motion to my mouth.
Pedro clears his throat. He mumbles some lines to himself to jog his memory, "... sleep when I am drowsy and tend on no man’s business," he states in an exaggerated manner, "laugh when I am merry and claw no man in his humor."
I hold in a laugh as he raises his hands in dramatics.
"And then," Pedro calls, "Conrad says something but I can't remember what he says."
"Pedro!" I whine.
"What?! I can't recite something I forgot, now can I?" he replies, busying himself with brushing my hair again.
I cross my arms, "boomer."
"Yeah, but I'm your boomer," he says pinches my nose. I wrangle against his actions and sequentially sit up.
Before I could retaliate, a phone rings across the room. It takes a second for me to realize it was I that received a phone call. I go ahead and answer upon seeing it was from my manager.
"What have you done?!"
I pull my head back at her tone, "uh... hello to you too. What do you-"
"Are you aware you have a mirror behind your sofa?" she says.
I make a face. What does that-
I freeze, expression dropping as I turn to Pedro and slowly then to the mirror behind my sofa. There's a mirror behind my sofa. I have a fucking mirror behind my sofa.
My manager hums at my silence, "so, you want to make a statement with the ghost in your house before people catch on, or-"
I sigh as my manager begins to run down the possible things we could do. Pedro looks at me in concern as I wipe my face in frustration.
"Yeah, okay, okay. Let me call back in a minute. Bye."
Once I hang up, Pedro shifts on his spot and raises his brows at me.
I purse my lips, "they could see you in the mirror, Pedro."
He knits his brows, "see me in the mirror?"
I raise my brows at him.
He tries to piece it together, "see me in the... OH."
"Yeah, oh. My manager already spoke to yours, and they want to know what we want to do before people start making memes about your ugly face in my fucking mirror."
Pedro gives a guilty look. He throws his arm on the backrest and drops his head on his shoulder, "I... could change my name on Instagram to 'Ghost'."
I roll my eyes, "not fucking helping, Pedro."
"NO! But I'm serious, I-"
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"Not all men..."
Yeah your right José Pedro Balmaceda Pascal would never treat me like this
14K notes · View notes
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PEDRO PASCAL | Shoes Off, Please – Merge Mansion
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Eras tour surprise
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Pedro Pascal x female reader
Summary: After failing to get tickets to Taylor Swifts Eras tour, Pedro has a couple tricks up his sleeves for his Lover, one including a ring.
A/N: I hope this is OK! I feel like i suck as the longer pieces and im better at the shorter ones but if you guys want more ill do them!
Word count: 1,936
Thursday evening had rolled around and you and Pedro were sat on the couch, drinking your glasses of wine and talking nonsense. The gentle strum of guitar serenading you both as you had put on your Folklore vinyl. You’d had a stressful week and the both of you had Friday off and then the weekend. You got onto the conversation of taking a holiday together, something you both hadn’t had time for for in over a year. Sipping the last of his wine, Pedro pushed himself up from the couch, hand on your knee and strolled into the kitchen behind you to pour himself more wine. You took out your phone as you waited and scrolled Tiktok, internally crying as your for you page was full of videos from Taylor Swifts Eras tour. She had announced international dates and you and Pedro were currently living in London whilst he was working, but you sadly weren’t able to get any. Pedro had sat with you that day trying to make you smile bless him. Still, now you were sat bathing in jealously watching people scream the words to your favourite songs.
 Coming back from the kitchen, Pedro came up behind you, and covered your eyes with one hand. You giggled and then felt something drop into your lap. Something, lightweight. Pulling his hand off your eyes smiling, you look down to see a folded piece of paper. Confused, you gazed at Pedro as he made his way around the couch and sat down again, gesturing for you to open the paper. Peeling back the edges, you revealed 2 plane tickets to Paris. Holy shit. Shock etched onto your face, asking Pedro if it was real, he confirmed that tomorrow at 4am you two were going to be heading to the airport for a weekend away in Paris. Jumping into his lap, you placed forceful kisses on every piece of skin you could see on his face, excitement overwhelming you. The sound of his loving laugh flowed through your ears as his hands made contact with your waist pulling you close. You hugged him as tight as you could, thanking him over and over again. Grabbing his hand, you both eventually ran to the bedroom to pack, you made sure to pack a nice outfit for date night as Pedro assured you, you would go out to eat somewhere. 
Sex and a shower later, you were crawling into bed and placing your head on Pedro’s chest, both closing your eyes and dozing off for a few hours holding each other, ready for the early wake up and flight.
By 7am on the Friday, you had landed in Paris. you had checked into your hotel, which was rather fancy if you say so yourself. Pedro had really outdone himself. You both needed something like this. Something to remember.  You spent the day just walking around, being common tourists, visiting the Eiffel tower and the quaint coffee shops along the side streets. Just a chill, loving day.
Eventually you made your way back to the hotel to start getting ready for dinner. It was currently 6pm and you had a reservation booked for 8. Once you arrived, you started on your hair, curling it so it cascade down your back in delicate waves. You then did your makeup.- your usual look, but just slightly more glammed than normal. All whilst you did this, Pedro had showered, scrolled on his phone for what felt like 400 hours and then eventually decided clothes would be a good idea. Stepping into your dress, Pedro helped you zip it up and even buckled your heels for you, before slapping your ass grinning, the gentleman that he is of course. Making sure everything you needed was in your bag, you linked arms with him and made your way to dinner. 
Pedro had chosen an Italian restaurant for tonight’s date, knowing you can’t go wrong. You ordered your favourite dish and 2 glasses of wine once again. Clinking them together in cheers. Pedro reached across the table and gently swiped his thumb back and forth along the top of your hand. The both of you taking in your surroundings and just being pleased you had one another in peace for once.
Food quickly came and you both indulged in the mouth watering meals, having a taste of one another’s as well and comparing meals. A little while later, while waiting for dessert, Pedro pulled out a second piece of paper and handed it to you. Eyeing him cautiously you folded it back once again but this time revealing 2 tickets to Taylor Swift Eras tour in Paris, Saturday…tomorrow. You eyes bulged out of your head and you had to slap a hand over you mouth to contain your screams. Walking round the table you gently hugged him, holding back tears and you kissed him gently. His smile beamed at your gratefulness and your happiness. You couldn’t believe what this man had done for you. He explained how he managed to get early accesses and managed to secure the two tickets. you lifted his hand to your lips and placed gentle kisses along his knuckles in admiration. God you loved him. 
After last night, you felt like you were in a dream. Right now, you were getting ready to leave for the show. It was currently 4 and the doors opened at 4:30. Finishing your final touches, you walked out the bathroom and saw Pedro stood, knee popped out and scrolling on his phone, hand on his waist. Typical. Gazing up, his eyes filled with love and he walked towards you, hands reaching for your waist as he picked you up and spun you around giggling before sliding you down slowly, his lips meeting yours.
“Ready Princess?”
Your view was actually good! You were sat right side of the diamond stage, in the lower tier, 5th row from the front. You had to get seating because A. the views was better than standing B. its 5 hours in total if you included the support acts and C. Pedro’s back. You sat, arms linked together and your head resting against Pedro’s arm, his hand soothingly stroking your arm that was weaved within in his, the two of you watching the stage as you sang along to Gracie Abrams set. Applauding and clapping until Taylor made her way onto stage. 
When her intro music began playing, you were shaking with anticipation, Pedro standing behind you letting you lean back into him, his arms over your shoulders linking in front of you in order to calm you slightly. He wanted you to have a blast, but not be so wrecked with nerves you couldn’t breath. 
“It’s been a long time coming babe” 
Taylor appeared and the crowd went wild, you screamed and sang along, grinning like a child seeing Santa, Pedro chuckling at your reaction but his heart filling with love as he sang along as well , you had proudly conditioned him to became a Taylor fan along with you so he knew all the words to most songs, swaying you both to the beat.
A while later, you had made your way through multiple sets of the evening, the sun had set and you had screamed through Lover; danced through Fearless; nearly cried whilst she performed the Evermore section and you had just finished her Reputation Era. Taylor had gone off stage for a few minutes, and your wristbands flashed purple. Speak Now. One of your favourite albums. Taylor appeared in a huge gold, glistening ballgown and made her way down the stage, the sound of ‘Enchanted’ echoing around the arena. Pedro wrapped his arms around you as tears silently made their way down your cheek. You had grown up as a teenager with this song, hoping one day to find a love as strong as it, and now you were stood, wrapped in the arms of your man, watching your childhood hero sing the song you now related to.
You felt Pedro pull away slightly, and you felt him bend down behind you, probably reaching for his drink that was placed on the floor as you continued to watch, back turned to him. Screams erupted around you and you looked around in confusion as to what had happened, but as you looked behind your shoulder that’s when you saw it.
“This night is flawless, don’t you let it go I’m wonderstruck, dancing around all alone I’ll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you”
Pedro was propped up on his knee, a small crimson ring box in his hand, opened to reveal and stunning gold, diamond ring. Literally something out of a movie. Clasping a hand over your mouth, the silent tears fell faster and faster. You nodded profusely and reached your hand out shakily as Pedro slid the band onto your ring finger. Standing up you instantly wrapped your arms around his shoulders, hiding your face in his shoulders and crying into his neck, a string of “oh my god” falling from your lip. Pulling back, you placed a deep, heartfelt kiss onto his lips, melting into the moment. People around you cheered and clapped, some even cried as well, many recording your special moment as well.
“ Please don’t be in love with someone else Please don’t have somebody waiting on you “
You stayed wrapped in each others arms until the end of the song. Pedro wiping his own eyes as you laughed, collecting yourself, kissing him once again, both your mouths hot with happy tears. 
“I love you” He whispered into your ear.
“I love you more” You kissed him, before turning around in his arms to watch the stage again, the intro to RED playing. Sticking your hand out, Pedro rested his head on your shoulder as you both looked at the diamond shining in the light. He moved your hair to the side and placed a gentle kiss behind your ear, shivering as he did so, you reached behind his head and scratched the back of his hair, earning a pleasant hum from him. The night was a dream come true and you couldn’t believe this man was going to be your husband. He was going to be your lover until the end of time and he did it in the most memorable way possible for you. You were forever thankful for him.
You continued the night as before, but now you were just both more clingy. You danced your assess off to Style, the both of you being really dramatic and enthusiastic. Him grabbing your hips as you sang about the short skirt, and he captured your lips between his teeth secretly in a kiss as she sang about the classic red lip he liked.
When the show was over, you felt a whirlwind of emotions, feeling overwhelmed in the best way possible, drunk off adrenaline. Walking back to the hotel, you kept close to Pedro, kisses here and there, teasing touches and tears still threatening to spill. The night ended with making love in bed, the feeling of being close to one another, you two being the only people in your world and that’s all you both needed. You knew some people wouldn’t approve of the engagement, mainly jealous fans, but you didn’t care. You were living in your bubble of love and you always would be, because no matter what. You always had Pedro, forever and ever and he made it his life goal to keep your happy and loved.
@moonlightdivine @kdogreads
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You're okay | Pedro Pascal
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TW: depression
Y/N pov:
These last few days have been hard. There's just so many things going on inside my head, I can barely focus on anything.
It's currently 7 pm here in New York and I swear I just want to scream. I'm supposed to memorize my lines for my upcoming movie that starts shooting in a few weeks but I simply can't. Everything is so messed up right now. My mind is driving me insane. I've been locked up in my apartment for 2 days by now, my phone was somewhere in my place but I didn't give a fuck about checking my messages or answering the calls. I just want myself back, I don't want to feel depressed again, I'm so freaking scared. I even lost my appetite because of how nauseous I've been feeling. Everything inside of me was hurting.
I've been struggling with my mental health since I was a teenager because of some bad traumas, but I haven't had a relapse for a long time. I really thought I was getting better, but I guess I'm not. All I can think about is how insufficient I feel. Why can't I just feel good for once?
I'm laying on the floor and July by Noah Cyrus was playing in the back. My head hurts because of all the stress and anxiety. I feel so mentally drained.
My self destructive mind is destroying me slowly. I feel like everyone is sick of me, why would they even like me if I'm such a mess? What would my boyfriend think of me? He's such a lovely, sweet person and here I am, a living disaster. I'm not good enough, how is he in love with me? Am I even a good actress? What if the people on the internet are right about me? I'm so sick of myself.
I started sobbing, trying to let go of my bottled up emotions. Why is everything so hard? I don't want to feel like this anymore.
Suddenly someone started knocking at my door and I panicked. I don't want anyone to see me this weak and vulnerable.
"Y/N, please open the door" Pedro said, "Amor please let me in" he said in a worried tone.
"I- I- I can't" I said with a broken voice.
"Baby what's going on?" he said with a sad tone
Pedro's pov:
I've been trying to reach my beloved girlfriend since yesterday, it's extremely rare of her to just go missing. I thought she was busy working on those lines she told me about, but this was getting very weird, so I decided to call her best friend Florence to ask her if she knows something.
"Hey Pedroouu, what's up?" Flo said in her british accent.
"Hii Flo, I was just wondering if you know something about Y/N, she hasn't been answering my calls or texts since yesterday and I'm getting very worried" I said.
"She didn't answer me either, I just hope she's not..." Flo said in a worried voice.
"She's not what?" I interrupted her.
"I don't know if she talked to you about this, but Y/N gets this depressive episodes sometimes and she gets to isolate herself as a coping mechanism because you know... it's hard. It's really weird though, it's been a while since the last one" Flo explained.
"She never told me about this" I said.
"Well, it's probably because she doesn't want to feel like a burden. You should go to her place, let her know that you're there for her. At the beginning of our friendship it was really hard for her to open up with me. She really hates showing her most vulnerable side to anyone, especially people she really cares about. I would visit her but I'm shooting in Scotland right now" Flo said.
"Oh and let me tell you Pascal, Y/N gets extremely sensitive when she's going though some deep shit so please be patient, and take her some sweets, it will help to lift up her mood" Flo told me.
"I'm heading out to her place now, thank you so much Flo, I'll let you know how she's doing" I said.
"Please take care of my best friend, byee" Flo said ending the call.
I ran out to buy some of Y/N favourite's sweets and some pink tulips before heading to her apartment, luckily she lives close to my place here in Manhattan so I didn't have to take the subway.
When I got to her door, I heard some music and loud sobs. It broke my heart. I started knocking at her door, but she didn't answer.
"Y/N, please open the door" I said extremely worried.
"Amor please let me in" I begged.
"I- I- I can't" she said with a broken voice.
"Baby what's going on?" I said.
"Please go away" she said sobbing.
"I'm not leaving you, Y/N. Please just open the door, I'm here for you" I said putting my forehead in her door.
A few seconds later, the music stopped and she opened the door. She was wearing a big Fleetwood Mac shirt that she probably stole from me, some shorts and her favourite avocado socks, looking like a homeless man as she would say... Her eyes were puffy and her cheeks and nose were a bit red from all the crying. The view broke my heart.
"Amor" I said in a low voice.
She broke down crying again covering her face with her hands. Immediately I left the grocery's bag on the small side table, to hug her right there. She just kept sobbing on my chest.
"Shhh, everything's okay, you're okay" I said trying to comfort her.
"I- I feel so drained and it's so overwhelming" she said crying.
"I know baby, I know. But I'm here for you and I promise that everything will get better, you will feel better" I said kissing her forehead.
I carried her to the couch and I sat her in my lap. She cuddled closer to my chest feeling a bit calmed. I caressed her face with my hands trying to clean the dry tears while she played with her fingers nervously. I left a kiss in her forehead and in the peck of her nose making her giggle.
I came close to her lips to finally kiss her gently, and when I felt her smile during it, I felt the happiest man alive. She's the most perfect girl I've ever seen. Even at her worst she has me mesmerized. I wish she could see herself from my eyes.
"Why are you staring? I know I look awful" She said.
"I'm admiring how gorgeous you are, mi vida. Thank you for being vulnerable with me, I know it's hard for you to let someone see you like this" I said.
"Thank you for being here for me even at my worst, it really means a lot" she said.
"I will always be here for you, amor. So don't try to push me away because I will always stay close to you, on your good days or bad days. I will never leave your side, Y/N. I love you so much and I really wish I could take all your pain away. You have the prettiest soul, and I wish you could see how everyone around you is completely mesmerised by you, especially me. You're like a ray of sunshine in a cloudy day". I told her.
"I know your mind can play you wrong sometimes, but I promise that you're worth of all the good things and I'm so lucky of calling you mine. Everything will get better baby and I will be here by your side, always." I said putting my forehead against hers, caressing her cheek.
"I love you so so much Pedro" she told me tearing up a bit.
"I love you more, mi vida" I said leaving a kiss on her lips.
"Do you wanna see what I brought you?" I said cleaning her tears with my hands.
"What is it?" She said smiling.
I stood up to get the sweets and flowers out of the bag. I walked to the couch and I saw the way her eyes glowed when she saw what I had in my hands.
"You didn't have to, they're beautiful" she said hugging me. I wrapped my arms around her waist.
"I will never lose a chance of spoiling my favourite person, you deserve so many beautiful things, te amo más de lo que puedes imaginar" I said.
She left a small and cute kiss on my lips, before saying that she loves me too.
We spent the rest of the night watching some funny videos on tik tok and eating the sweets, eventually Y/N started feeling a bit better. We even called Flo and she showed us how her precious dog Billie was wearing her wig from the movie she was filming, making us explode in laughs.
ok so I didn't know how to finish this... I hope it's finee. pls let me know if I wrote something wrong, english is not my first language and sometimes i get confused with the grammar. anygays enjoyyy💗
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it's a lifestyle
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i luv him guys this is real
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