wxldheartx · 16 days
as per usual, back on my shit again. re: appearing on tumblr out of nowhere to ask for a certain fandom roleplay.
this time it's the maze runner. give me a minho, newt, gally, or any oc against my thomas. advanced writing style, romance/smut, and discord or tumblr preferred.
pm or like if interested! :)
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wxldheartx · 6 months
no idea how active tumblr is anymore, tbh - but I've got a craving. my obsession with red, white, and royal blue has continued, and I really wanna write some firstprince. looking for lots of smut and romance. advanced/novella style with detailed, multi-para replies.
I'm down for movie or book verse, very canon or complete au - pretty much any setting/universe/plot so long as it involves our boys. I am looking to play as Henry and as the beautiful bottom that I headcanon him as.
happy to roleplay on tumblr, discord, email, or something else if you're keen. thanks. <3
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wxldheartx · 1 year
going through a break-up so ya girl be on here writing again.
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wxldheartx · 1 year
@invcntions​ Noah hadn’t known exactly what the night would bring when he decided to go out, only that he needed something. So he went out alone, chuffed sneakers, jeans that clung to his body, and a dash of recklessness. Sinema was already in full swing by the time he made it inside, neon lights flashing and loud music thumping throughout the club. The place was full, people everywhere, but Noah couldn’t shake the feeling of being alone. It was the first time he’d come by himself, but it was who that wasn’t with him that pushed Noah here on his own tonight. Before his mind could delve into a rabbit hole of thinking, he swallowed down a shot and pressed his way towards the dance floor. Yeah, Noah wasn’t sure what he needed: something or to get something out.
He let himself, half made himself, get lost in the music. Noah wasn’t much of a dancer, but the place was filled with college kids like himself. It was more about energy, bodies pressing together, than actual skill. He didn’t dance with anyone in particular, just moved with the music and with the crowd.
It could have been ten minutes or an hour later when Noah finally spotted him. Finn. There’d been no guarantee that the other would show up, but it would be a lie to say it wasn’t what Noah was planning for, hoping for. No, it wasn’t some grand scheme, and even he couldn’t pick apart all the reasons of the ‘why’. Why he was here, why he now began dancing with another guy, why he wanted Finn to see. All of that to encompass the why Noah had had this feeling much too close to jealousy burning inside him since two days before, since he’d seen Finn too close to that girl, too taken with whatever joke she made, too interested in someone that wasn’t him.
Noah didn’t know if Finn had seen him yet, but he would. His own force of will was determined of that. So, once again Noah made himself get lost in everything, and this time with a partner. The other guy was around his age, tall, and had one hand lingering near Noah’s waist as they moved together. Noah didn’t know his name, didn’t care, mind wholly occupied by the one he hoped was watching him now.
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wxldheartx · 2 years
I’ma be around for the next.... 6ish hours. Hit the heart if you wanna do some (still para) rapid back’n’forth smut threads. very flexible with fc’s and all that jazz. ty.
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wxldheartx · 2 years
ya girl doesn’t know how to edit out old reblogs/cut posts anymore apparently. I have xkit rewritten but not sure what to do. any help is appreciated.
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wxldheartx · 3 years
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Lucas would never have expected this to happen. Tied to and fucked by Landon, a leader of their pack. Landon, who just so happened to be his own mate’s brother. Truthfully, Luca had always harbored a crush for the other but had never dreamed to be chosen. At a harsh thrust, a long whimper slipped past his lips. His whole body was shaking from the impact, from the intensity of it all. “Lan...” he whined, wide and cloudy eyes looking up at the other. Landon’s words made his cock twitch, bouncing between them. Another deep thrust, and Luca threw his head back, his own growl escaping him. “I should’ve done this earlier.” He nodded weakly, so eager to please and satisfy. Luca couldn’t find any the words to say, mind only focused on the man fucking into him.
🎃 fall starter open to f / m / nb plot : based ( taboo welcome )
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It was killing him, this need to breed, the instinct surging through his veins as he felt the ropes wrap around his thighs, securing the other to him, his coc.k already buried inside them. He’d gone too long, the mating season almost over, too focused on the sorts of hard decisions that had to be made for the safety of the pack to think about his own release. But now that he was deep inside the other, all thoughts of the pack were gone from his mind, his only focus on the tight wet hole squeezing around him and the urge to dump as many loads of cu.m inside as he could. “Fuck,” he all but growled, hands finding their hips, fingertips digging into their skin. Landon pulled back before pushing in again, coc.k sinking deeper inside the helpless form in front of him. “I should’ve done this earlier.”
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wxldheartx · 3 years
                                              “You’re not…?” He asked, his tone not without mocking and taunting, a questioning look in his cocked eyebrow. “Because you see, that lovely woman you’ve been so clumsily courting, I bet she’s a very good girl. I bet I can take her home and she’d let me show her a good time on her knees. I’d bet she looks even lovelier being pet and praised. What she doesn’t deserve is a half baked fake of a man, selling her on things he knows he can’t provide. A firm hand? Guidance? Shouldering on responsibilities so she doesn’t have to? It’d be far too unfair of me to let you ruse her into that. Now, if you were after an enchanting dominant woman or enby, then, really, I’d admit I missed my turn, and I’d let you precious thing go and be satisfied. But that’s not something she can provide either. And I think you know that, don’t you?” 
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As the other licked his lip, Grayson reached out, trailing his thumb over the wet lip and bringing the pad to his own mouth, sucking on it with a look at him that dared him to protest. “Thing is. As pretty as that girl is, I think you’re prettier. I think you’re also in much bigger need of my services and my touch. Look at you. You poor pup. Forced to come out here and pretend so many things. To be straight. To want to top man or woman. To know what you’re doing. To take initiative. So much responsibility on your shoulders that you never asked for.”
He sipped his drink again, giving the boy a second to let it all sink. “So what is it gonna be, pet? Are you coming with me or should I offer her your spot? It’s your choice.” 
At his own words repeated back to him, Jakob’s cheeks darkened again. A flush of embarrassment, of knowing this stranger could peg him so easily. But it was more than that. Being frustrated with the other’s tone and cocky look and being made to feel small. But the reason it was truly embarrassing? Because Jakob liked it. And because he had a really difficult time hiding that. Letting out a harsh breath, Jakob listened to the other’s words. One of his hands curled into a fist at his side, not ready to make any move but more from his own growing agitation.
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“I wasn’t rusing her into anything,” he snapped back. Maybe their night together wouldn’t have been fireworks, but it would leave them both content at least. Half baked fake of a man?? “Fuck you.” The words hissed out before he could stop them. “You don’t even know me. You don’t know anything about me.” His fingers clenched tighter as he grew angrier, sidestepping away from why this conversation affected him so much in the first place.
But it seemed the other male wouldn’t be so easily put off. Jakob couldn’t find it in himself to speak as his lip was touched, same thumb soon being drawn past seductive lips. If that wasn’t enough to have him completely flustered, the next lines of him being called pretty and pup, that certainly did it. He wanted to groan, the words going straight to his brain and straight to his cock.
The blush from his cheeks spread to his ears, listening to this man pull at his insecurities and barriers, and even worse, pull at what he so desperately wanted to give in to. At the question, the again-offered invitation, Jakob opened his eyes, not realizing when he’d even closed them. “I...” He started, his tone smaller than before. Turning his head some, he glanced around the bar, briefly at his feet, and then finally at the other man. “I want...” His words were quiet, soft. “I want to go with you.”
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wxldheartx · 3 years
The sudden interception (read: intrusion) caught the brunette off-guard, and he nearly jumped at the surprise. “Excuse me?” He replied quickly, a bit of edge and annoyance to his tone but also a hint of something more, something excited and curious. Jakob had been in his own little world, spending the last half hour talking to a girl at the bar. A vanilla girl, maybe, but good enough for a quick hook-up they could both be contented with. So who was this guy coming out of nowhere? Jakob went to turn his head towards the stranger when he’d already made the move to stand in front of him. An unconscious look up and down, and it was safe to say this guy was already doing more for him than the random girl. “Dude, what are you on about?” He asked, managing to keep his tone cool, at least in his own mind. Was this guy really stepping into his space just to wig him out, so he could go nab Miss Vanilla? Honestly, he didn’t understand what was happening.
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‘Or are you going to be a good boy for me, instead?’ Shit. A rush of heat went through him, and Jakob suddenly became more aware of what this guy might actually be after. His cheeks colored at the insinuation, but he wasn’t so bold with his words (or his own admittance to his wants and needs). “What?” He nearly sputtered, that whole faux-cool leaving him quickly. “I don’t... I’m not.... I think there’s been some uh.... mistake, miscommunication, something.” Jakob licked at his bottom lip nervously, unable to admit to this guy, or himself, that that was exactly something he wanted. “I’m not...” he repeated again, sentence trailing off.
MUSE.     grayson cole whitman . 22 . tanner buchanan fc OPEN TO. males, closeted s*bmissive, bottom PREMISE. grayson meets your muse at a club, and after watching them for a while, he approaches as they try to hit on a sweet vanilla girl.
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               “What are you doing?” Grayson tsked his tongue, shaking his head, as he approached the boy from behind, holding a drink in his hand and looking slick in his black and gray outfit. The girl that had been talking with his target had got away for a moment, presumably going to the bathroom, and he decided that was his moment to intervene. “Hitting on a sweet girl like that, when you know you can’t provide what she needs…” He sighed, as he came around to face him, and cocked his eyebrow, stepping into his personal space. “It’d be almost irresponsible of me to allow it to happen. If you’re really intent on looking normative, you could at least pick a woman with spu*nk, one that could step all over you the way you really want,” a domm*e, really. He sipped his drink, thoughtful for a moment, “or perhaps you’re not ready to admit it, and maybe in that case, I should intercept that lovely girl before she gets back here, and take her home. Is that what you’d like? Or are you going to be a good boy for me, instead?”
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wxldheartx · 3 years
hey it’s me here to shout from the void. I’ve had a craving that I can’t seem to shake. looking for a magnus (or jace tbh) to my alec. advanced, para style writing. smut & kinks. plots & feelings. the whole shebang. happy to roleplay here, on a private tumblr blog, or discord. please hit me up if interested or if you have any questions. <3
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wxldheartx · 4 years
hello tags! it’s me, ya girl back at it again. my name is kam, and I’m a 26 y/o living in this weird time in the world. I’m trying to get back into the roleplaying game and would love some threads.
so! give this a like, and I will write a starter based on something from your wish list. (heads up it will very likely be smut focused.) message me with muse choices (yours and mine), otherwise I’ll pick something. here’s a list to my muses, and tbh I’m always happy to make more, so just ask!
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wxldheartx · 4 years
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Seeing pretty people around was sort of his job - but it was rare to find that in someone who wasn’t a coworker or model friend. Jakob had noticed the man immediately, mind quickly occupied with him rather than the group photoshoot he had in half an hour. And thankfully, it seemed he wasn’t alone in his wanting. Not ten minutes later and they were fucking in a closet, Jakob’s pants pushed down to his ankles as he wrapped his legs around the man thrusting inside him. “Fuck,” he breathed, voice half breathless. His eyes closed for a moment, head falling back against the wall in a whine. “No, can’t say that I had,” he managed to reply, reopening his eyes and giving a light smirk. “Worked out though, huh?” Jakob let his fingers dig rest on man’s shoulders, pulling him closer. “Jesus, you’re big. Nngh, feels good.” He bucked up then. “Bet you’re glad you found me too,” he added, nails digging in to the other’s skin. “Good tight hole for you to fuck.”
open to m/f {lowkey male preference for this}
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One of the many benefits about being his sister’s talent agent was attracting the attention of others while checking in on her at various jobs. Which meant he had a constant stream of extremely attractive people interested that caught his attention. Typically he was able to hold off on his temptation offering to take them out, invite them over or offer to come to their place. Unfortunately there were some times though where he couldn’t wait. Which is how he ended up deep inside one of the models on set in a nearby utility closet. “You’re unbelievably tight,” Adonis breathed squeezing their hips as he continued thrusting into them. “Bet you didn’t think this would happen when you showed up today huh?”
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wxldheartx · 4 years
not sure who’s all still out there - but if we have roleplayed or planned or followed each other, or whatever, please send me a message if you want to write something again!
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wxldheartx · 4 years
aaaaahhhh okay I’ve been away for a minute and tumblr did a stupid update again. can anyone direct me on how to fix it or what I need to clik on xkit? thanks.
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wxldheartx · 4 years
 — finn and noah.
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   he couldn’t help the faint smile which pulled to his lips at noah’s assurance he believed he could do it  —  an expression more genuine than one he ever tended to wear around the frat house and yet with just the two of them it almost came naturally to finn.  “  i will,  when we’re sober.  ”  he agreed softly, back still to the other as he looked over the bottles and yet a small part of him made a note to remember if noah were to ever ask again  …  not that he imagined the other male would still sound as interested when he’d stopped drinking  —  people tended not to be, which was understandable given the subject. 
   at noah’s comment it was difficult to stop the soft laugh which threatened to fall fondly past his own lips  -   maybe you   -  although he imagined the younger male wouldn’t say anything else given the circumstances. it was just the two of them and getting at least one of the guys on you side was always going to be a wise idea as a pledge — even if it meant sucking up to them slightly.    it was still strangely nice to to hear.   as if the words might somehow be true with the ease there seemed to be between them.    “   i mean it  —    ”    fingers racked back through brown curls,  pulling himself from the thought quickly at the distraction of the other male’s words.  “  they’re going to put you through some hell  —  if you need to get away from that, they won’t bother you in there.   ”  a singular benefit to being the frat brother who cared about his studies,  the other guys had learnt long ago to leave his room in peace.  extending that to noah felt natural…  a vaguely helpful thing to do for the freshman that he had made a gentle note to himself to keep an eye on.   there was nothing wrong with that.   after all, who wouldn’t find it endearing to listen to the slight rambling of the other male, or feel that similar tinge of protectiveness that seemed to accompany it. 
   “  whatever you drink now i think you’re screwed  —  they’ll have mixed enough in that cup there’s no escaping your first college hangover.   ”   words joked lightly as he finished pouring the drink, the small amount of humour attempting to distract from the contact between them that eventually had to be broken as he turned to put down the bottle. looking back up, brown eyes fell to the hand held out towards him, lingering for a moment before raising his gaze to slowly study the features of the male. and finn already knew what he was about to do  —  the pounding within his chest telling him it wasn’t a good idea and yet the alcohol had dulled that knowledge just enough that it didn’t compare with the overwhelming desire to act rather than think for once in his life.  ’   to hell with it.   ‘  the words exhaled out softly under his breath, a single step closing the small distance left between them as hands raised to catch the other’s face gently in his hold,  lips meeting noah’s in a desperate kiss.  it could ruin everything and yet for a moment he didn’t care, too caught on the taste of noah’s lips and the lingering trace of alcohol on them, the fact the two were close that he could swear the other male would be able to feel the racing deep in his chest and yet it felt right. it had done since the first moment he had seen him. 
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“Good, good,” he answered, a few little nods of his head. “Don’t forget. ‘Cause I might. Not you, I mean, could never. Just... uh.. you telling me stuff.” Noah smiled. “You helping people. Which makes sense, ‘cause you’re really nice and sweet.” Was that weird to say? The nice part probably not, but the sweet part? Eh, he wasn’t sure. But it was true, so why not say it? Of course it was also true that Finn was cute and endearing and someone that Noah wanted to be pressed into a wall by-- but ah, even drunk him knew that wasn’t the thing to say right now.
“I know you mean it,” he said softly, watching still as Finn looked over the drink options. “I mean, yes, thank you. I will definitely come by. And you come by my room sometimes, too? Or us just hanging out around the house...” Noah’s words and thoughts were a bit of a jumble right now, fueled mostly by the alcohol but also from the excitement and nervousness of being around the other male. His eyes darted to Finn’s fingers as they raked through his hair. Noah couldn’t decide what he wanted more - for it to be his own fingers running through Finn’s hair or to have Finn’s fingers running through his own. Both good, both something he wanted.
The brunette gave a little shrug at Finn’s words about his impending hangover. “Tha’s’alright,” he replied. “Whole college experience, remember? Wanna do things, enjoy it.” And right now that’s what he was doing. Having a night of laughter and drinking and spending it with the guy he’d been crushing on since nearly the first time they’d said hello. It was perfect, exactly what he wanted. Noah couldn’t really imagine that it’d get better. And for a moment he feared he’d ruined it, with Finn staring momentarily at his outstretched hand. But then the other was moving in closer, hands on his face, and then-- lips on his.
Even if he would have been completely sober, there was no way Noah would have been able to comprehend what was happening. God, he wanted it, had thought about it, but never actually imagined it. Even with their connection, he always sort of assumed every guy around him was straight, someone he wouldn’t have a chance with, all that. But Finn was kissing him. Oh, shit, he needed to kiss him back! Noah leaned into the touch, the embrace, his lips parting open to allow the kiss to deepen. One of his hands reached up, clutching at the collar of Finn’s shirt, moving them even closer. Noah’s kiss back was just as desperate as the other’s, scared and unsure but full of passion and want and need. He licked at Finn’s lips before their tongues met each other, their kiss like an intake of breath they’d both needed. Noah was glad he’d put his cup down before, his other hand now coming up to rest lightly on Finn’s waist, trying to get them even closer.
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wxldheartx · 4 years
noah was too polite to ask for much or push things. it was part of what was so deliciously endearing about him in henry’s eyes. he didn’t make demands, didn’t sulk, and never made a scene. there was very little henry would ever change about the boy. sure, a part of him was worried that their connection would differ off of the app or that noah was all talk but as bland and as vanilla as other bakeries. but what was life without a little risk?
bananacremepies: i wouldn’t be able to teach you anything unless you had a natural talent. bananacremepies: that’s not to say you couldn’t back out if you wanted to, of course. if you changed your mind you could always leave.  bananacremepies: yes, i want to meet you. of course i want to meet you. whenever you’re ready. 
it was a bit intimidating to think about, but he knew it was better to do it now instead of later. henry had never been someone to procrastinate for long - why not now?
bananacremepies:  is it really a punishment if you want it?bananacremepies:  i could spank you if you wanted. you look like you’d fit over my lap. and you’d be very cute squirming. bananacremepies:  you’re very welcome, darling. sweet boys deserve compliments. 
 oh, but noah liked to babble. his inexperience was clear in every last reply, but henry found it endearing. he was glad that noah couldn’t hear him chuckling. even though he meant no harm he was sure noah would still be flustered.
bananacremepies:  it’s okay, darling. you don’t have to explain yourself. bananacremepies:  you’re a submissive boy. there’s no harm in that. you just want to feel good, that’s all. i’m glad that you want to feel good.  bananacremepies:  how long would i make you wait? that depends on you.  bananacremepies:  good boy. very, very good boy.  bananacremepies:  but not even good boys get anything without a little work. what are you going to do to deserve to touch yourself?  bananacremepies:  you don’t need to worry about me just yet. right now we’re focusing all on you.
bttmbookbabe: you’re sweet. I definitely think you’re helping me in my... education though. bttmbookbabe: ;)
Noah breathed out slowly, rereading the other’s words. God, he wanted for them to meet so badly. But this felt much more real than having talked about it briefly and without much detail before. He was eager and scared and hopeful and nervous all wrapped into one - and this was just the thought of it.
bttmbookbabe: I really want to meet you too. bttmbookbabe: we could get coffee or something. bttmbookbabe: ummm I guess that’s kinda stereotypical and lame... bttmbookbabe: what about baked goods AND coffee? bttmbookbabe: there’s this place I like to go to downtown.
He bit his lip a moment after sending the message. Maybe that was still kinda lame. And maybe he should’ve considered that he’d definitely harbored a mostly-based-on-looks-and-short-conversations crush on the owner there. But it really was a place he liked to go to and felt comfortable at. And right now, with most of his blood rushing south, it was the only thing he’d been able to come up with.
bttmbookbabe: I don’t know? bttmbookbabe: is it? bttmbookbabe: like not me trying to be cheeky, genuinely wondering... bttmbookbabe: but yes, umm I think I’d want you to spank me sometime bttmbookbabe: nnnnghhh you saying stuff like that turns me on so much. bttmbookbabe: I’d try to stay still but I would squirm and you’d need to hold me down some and then spank me and after fuck me
Shifting on the bed, he leaned back more, trying very, very hard not to touch himself like he wanted to. Noah knew that he could do it, that he could lie or even just refuse, but that wasn’t who he was. He wanted to be good and he wanted to be honest, and more than that, doing what Sir told him, it turned him on more and just made him feel good.
bttmbookbabe: it’s so hard bttmbookbabe: I wanna feel good, want everything you can give me. bttmbookbabe: thank you, Sir. bttmbookbabe: I’m trying to be good, wanna be good. Wanna make you proud and god I want your hands on me. bttmbookbabe: I don’t know. what should I do? what do you want me to do? bttmbookbabe: I could... I could send you a picture? maybe? bttmbookbabe: and then maybe I could show you how hard I am for you, Sir. how much I want you. bttmbookbabe: and you could tell me too. because I want you to be turned on. I want you to get everything from all this that I am. bttmbookbabe: and I want.... I want you to be hard and touching yourself and thinking it’s me and knowing how good I’m gonna be for you. bttmbookbabe: I want to know that I turn you on too, Sir. that’s part of me feeling good - you feeling good too.
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wxldheartx · 4 years
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“Stiles, for once in your life, shut up,” Thomas hissed. After he shook the hand of the alpha, he began to back up, but the werewolf shook his head. “Join us,” he insisted. We want you to see what you paid for.” Thomas, looking a little uneasy now, ran a hand through his hair and looked over at his son. Slowly, he nodded. 
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That, it seemed, was all the men needed: the alpha reached out to grab Stiles’ arm, and his grip, much stronger than Thomas’, dug deep and held fast. He dragged him forward. At Stiles question, his smile grew. “Daddy didn’t tell you what was happening, huh? You’re the boy. You’re the pretty little sacrifice.” He ran a hand, deceivingly gentle, over Stiles’ cheek, and then he used his grip on the young man’s arm to toss him into the center of the room where the rest of the pack all grabbed hold of him. “Strip him,” the alpha ordered. “And get his wrists tied up. This one looks like a squirmer.” 
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“No!” He shot back at his father, eyebrows creasing in worry. “Tell me what’s going on, dad!” Stiles backed up another step, shaking his head slowly, not understanding what was going on. What his dad had paid for? What did that mean?
A short gasp left Stiles as he was pulled forward by the other man. He tried to tug out of the grip but couldn’t. “What are you doing? Let me go,” he hissed, voice rising in pitch and volume. His eyes widened at the other’s words, trying to piece together what he was talking about, what was happening. “What the hell sacrifice are you talking about?” He demanded to the man before turning to his father again. “Dad,” he said insistently. “What’s going on?”
The brunette didn’t have time to try and fight back against the man’s hold, soon thrown towards the other group. “Strip??” He questioned. Still, he didn’t understand what was happening, and the small part of him that did, well that was too terrible to be real - right? “Get your hands off me. Dad, do something!”
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