wyhyunjae-blog ¡ 6 years
postin’ this here since it’s technically my ‘main,’ but I wanna apologize for the lack of replies / starters I owe ! I’ve been struggling to decide whether or not I want to move all three of my babies to one blog and I’m just ... a really indecisive person. that’s the main reason for why I haven’t been putting anything out, along with just not havin’ the motivation, but I’ll hopefully figure it out within the next day or so :’) I’ll also be answering everyone who sent me messages about plots and the like soon, I promise !!
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wyhyunjae-blog ¡ 6 years
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bang chan quit looking so perfect challenge failed
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wyhyunjae-blog ¡ 6 years
A gentle laugh rolled out along with his as she listened to his words, her hands moving to go into her pockets. Dark hues watched him locate the information she had wondered about - curious eating at her a bit.”Two thousand? that is insane.” Her mouth slightly fell out in awe as she looked around the space trying to imagine filling this into her own living space - which would prove impossible. The girl let out a soft hum in thought as she turned back to the male listening to him explain the nature of this store. “How does your dad figure out which ones he wants to sell and which he keeps?” Her voice was curious as she chewed on her inner cheek - a habit of hers. What she would do with all these records if she had them - there is no way you could listen to all of these. There were way too many for her to process.
     Her mind was pulled from her thoughts at his offer “Hm, how about we listen to this one, if it belonged to your own collection it must be good.” She paused for a moment before speaking again. “To tell the truth - I’m looking for some inspiration.  I’m an artist myself and i’m trying to come up with new sounds to experiment with. “so anything exciting and I guess fresh you could comment me would be great.” The girl shyly let out a laugh, a hand coming to rub the back of her head. She felt strange explaining her situation - normally she did not ask for help with her song writing but she was at a loss for inspiration that wasn’t a sad song, she had enough of those. “If you don’t mind I don’t want to be a bother.”
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     A musician ? His mind ran through a list of the ones he knew, but he really couldn’t put her face to a name; he felt bad about that. Though maybe that was a good thing. If she had a lot of fans, she might want a break from the constant bustle surrounding her. Hyunjae looked down at the album he was holding, a soft hum in the back of his throat. He ran his fingers along the edges of the worn cover. “ His goal is to get at least one copy of everything, even the stuff he doesn’t listen to that much. There are a lot of doubles in here ... which is interesting considering the market. “ He turned, motioning for her to follow him to the counter.
     “ It’s no bother, I promise. I think it’ll be a lot of fun ! Honestly, I’m a rapper myself. “ Hyunjae quickly shook a hand. “ That’s not my main career though, I promise; I’m not a soundcloud rapper or anything. “ He had to pause and laugh at how ridiculous that sounded, rounding the corner of the counter. “ I’m a tattoo artist when I’m not working here. “ His attention shifted to dusted the record player they kept behind the counter off. It was connected by some fancy wiring - by his father somehow - to the speakers of the store. A good way to listen to the vinyl. “ I’m Hyunjae by the way. I apologize, but I don’t recognize you ... do you have a preferred name ...? “
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wyhyunjae-blog ¡ 6 years
The Coex Mall was somewhere she’d been to often so she knew how to get there like she knew how to breath. “Oh, yeah I know where that is. Let me draw it out for you, and that’s fine you don’t have to apologize.” It didn’t take her very long to draw up a map for him, it actually wasn’t that far from where they were. “Okay so,” Sehwa stood behind him and showed him the map to explain it to him, “You just go up right to here, and then you turn here and at this point just look for a sign that says this on it and then make another turn and you’re there!” 
Sehwa handed him the map and patted him gently on the back. “Got it? If you’re still unsure, I don’t mind helping you out.”
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     Hyunjae’s ears heard the words she said but his brain did not. He looked between the paper and the stranger so kindly offering him help. Honestly, it was very simple and a quite easy-to-follow map, if you had some sort of previous knowledge of the area. Hyunjae, unfortunately, did not. The man laughed lightly. “ I’ll be honest, my brain did not understand anything you just said. I would definitely appreciate the help, but please don’t let me keep you if you’re busy. “ In conclusion, Hyunjae was a fool ... something he wasn’t afraid to admit at least.
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wyhyunjae-blog ¡ 6 years
His eyebrows rose in the instant gratification of the idea of a bunch of cheese and he could feel his stomach already playing those games on him. A soft groan rumbled in his chest as he closed his eyes softly and tried to relax and not lose his self-control. He had only just moments before spoke about not eating a thing; Starve now, Feast later. A great motto of sorts and he was excited on doing the latter.
[txt] Im strugglin bro,,,, [txt] you said cheese and my stomache literally said, FUCK YEAH !!!! [txt] Is there anyway we can go a little earlier, I dont know If I can wait a whole two hours more. [txt] I have a strong need for sustinence now.
A laugh left him at his sudden enthusiasm after being tired just moments earlier, but his stomache was very persuasive about getting food right at this moment.
[txt] Maybe i’ll go early and wait for you.
There was a pause between these thoughts.
[txt] hopefully I wont break … I’ll go take a shower and get dressed now.
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    [ text ] to xav ➤ I mean I only said later bc I know you sleep forever     [ text ] to xav ➤ I’m just killin time at a cafe anyway     [ text ] to xav ➤ let me know when ur done and I’ll head out too
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     Sending the final text, Hyunjae slid his phone back upon the table. He stared at his open notebook for a few moments, mind not really filled with thoughts ... which was kind of weird, but he was mostly just staring into space. Making a noise in the back of his throat, Hyunjae reached for his drink and finished it off. “ Alright. “ There was still some time to finish at least one sketch while Xav got ready. Might as well get to work !
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wyhyunjae-blog ¡ 6 years
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180912. sweet dead inside aesthetic or smth 👌
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wyhyunjae-blog ¡ 6 years
   [txt] Sleep is the second best thing ever invented, the first being food.    [txt] 7? Chill. I will commit and not eat so that I can eat all of the food properly until I explode.
He honestly felt like he would just sink back into the bed and disappear into some sort of abyss that had opened up within the base of his bed. He loudly inhaled before exhaling even louder as he pushed himself up from his spot, grunting in exertion of such activity as he rose from the bed and headed to the closet to get a loose hoodie and call it a day.  What was it that they were gonna eat again? He honestly couldn’t remember – He had a vague memory of them talking about something fried and something cheesy which are both beautiful, amazing words to hear; he still really did need to know where he was going though.
   [txt] Uhh,,, Where was it again? I forgot where we were going.    [txt] We started talking about too many things to eat and so I’m thinking about them all  … OTL
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     Hyunjae swiped the newest bits from his eraser free of the paper. He was spending some time at a cafe near his apartment to kill time, sketching out some tattoo designs requested by a regular customer. Several papers, various pencils, and like four erasers lay scattered upon his table ... along with two empty coffee cups. It was a good way to relax while he waited to head out for dinner. As his phone buzzed once more, he set his pencil down upon the center and reached for it. Hyunjae shook his head at the messages, but his smile never left. 
      [ text ] to xav ➤ why doesn’t that surprise me omg       [ text ] to xav ➤ it’s like mac n’ cheesy or something       [ text ] to xav ➤ all different kinds of cheese stuff 
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wyhyunjae-blog ¡ 6 years
Sehwa was on her way to get herself some lunch and wasn’t in any hurry. Right now she was enjoying her time and was going to take a relaxing walk to a nearby cafe. During this walk she was suddenly approached by a young man. He was asking her for directions. It had been some time since she moved back to Wonyang but luckily since she had lived there her whole life prior to moving away, she knew the area like the back of her hand. 
“Of course! I can help you. Where are you trying to go?” Sehwa asked as she pulled out a pen and a piece of paper. As someone who was always willing to help, she had no problem writing out the directions for this poor lost man. Thank goodness she usually carried writing tools with her. “I’ll write it down for you so you don’t forget too.”
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     Hyunjae took a moment to catch his breath. Relief flooded through him. He hated asking for help, but man was he glad he hadn’t been shrugged off. “ Thank you so much ! Um ... I’m trying to find the Coex Mall. I know that probably seems weird that I don’t know where it is but, well ... “ He scratched the back of his neck, offering a sheepish smile.
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     He’d been to said mall, Coex, once before. It’d been with a friend and they had driven, Hyunjae getting completely lost in conversation. Hyunjae had barely paid attention to the route they’d taken. Even if he did, it was so long ago that he really couldn’t remember. “ My sense of direction is awful, I apologize. “
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wyhyunjae-blog ¡ 6 years
      A gentle smile tugged on the corners of her mouth turning to the male, thinking of a way to phrase her words. Sure she came here for a distraction to look at all the different records located her, but now she craved inspiration. It was as if stepping into the record show ignited her need to write and create music - a shock to the young artist. Though she regularly attempted to write music on her time spent ocean side or at night when the pain really hit but however she hadn’t felt so much muse for music in a long while. The girl left out of soft hum. 
     “Your parents own this, its pretty cool !’ Voice was more than excited as she turned to look at records behind her fingers gently touching - she knew she was going to create something today. Maybe some assistance would be needed, after it was always much more enjoyable with someone but she felt weird straight up asking so some warm up would be needed. “ How many do you think are in here? Thousands ? hundreds of thousands ?” A gentle laugh came from her chest, she was half-way curious if she could find herself in here. She doubted that she would after all she wasn’t too big and it looked like mostly older artist in this store.
     “What are you favorites ?” Again she was curious as she just wanted to gauge his musical taste and maybe find something new to add to her texture. Often times she took textures she heard from the world and bring them into her songs and albums. She planned on finding a texture here that would help her on this new album she was currently working on. “Oh I’m Serah by the way.”
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     “ Goodness, I wish I could say it was ‘hundreds of thousands.’ “ He laughed, reaching up to a higher shelf for an answer to her question. “ Not counting the personal collection, we have close to two thousand records for sale or trade. With the personal ones, the number is closer to two thousand five hundred. “ Hyunjae’s fingers tapped against the shelf, pulling a thin square of cardboard free from above. “ My dad is kinda sentimental about the older stuff, no matter how torn the covers are or if they even play. He keeps every album. “ He was like that with most of his things actually. While the term ‘hoarder’ was a bit harsh, Hyunjae always remembered it taking especially long to pack their things when they did move around. His dad had too many things.
     Anyways ... Hyunjae held out the vinyl he was currently holding. It was an older copy of the Eagles Hotel California. The cover was dull and faded, but Hyunjae remembered the day it had been brought in. Nearly six years ago now, the owner had four copies; Hyunjae had kept one for himself. They’d sold the other two at that point but this particular copy had stuck around for some reason. This specific record had been the first to enter his own small collection and was the reason he taught himself English.
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     “ I don’t typically listen to anything these days since I don’t live around here anymore, but this was my favourite when I was younger. It was the first of my own collection. “ Hyunjae scratched the back of his neck, smile returning. “ Oh, that actually reminds me; I can play anything you’re interested in if you wanna check it out first. “
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wyhyunjae-blog ¡ 6 years
I’ve got an awful migraine today so I probably won’t get to replies or ims for hyunjae, kisung, or taehyun until tomorrow sometime :’) I’ll be vaguely around discord but I’m Exhausted and really just need to rest. thank u for understanding and I should be better by tomorrow,,
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wyhyunjae-blog ¡ 6 years
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180825. live life on your own terms.
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wyhyunjae-blog ¡ 6 years
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© 찬스온찬 [1, 2] please do not edit or crop logo
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wyhyunjae-blog ¡ 6 years
     You would think that, after living in a place for over sixteen years, you’d have a general sense of where things were. Like important landmarks or identifiers for when you did happen to get lost. You know, things that a resident would know by now. Sixteen years later. 
     Hyunjae, however, was not one of those people.
     His sense of direction had always been awful. Even listening to step by step instructions from his trusty GPS was, well, far from helpful. Taking several wrong turns and hearing ‘rerouting’ a total of fourteen times had worn his patience thin. Hyunjae just stopped himself from binning his phone, switching the navigation off, and letting out the longest sigh he’d ever released in his entire life - truly. Worst part ? He had absolutely no idea where he was even if he did have a sense of direction. This part of Yongdeok was entirely unknown to him.
     After wandering in circles for what felt like forever - he was exaggerating of course - he finally gave in to the annoying little voice in the back of his skull. Biting back his stubborn attitude, Hyunjae waved to the next person that happened to have the misfortune of stumbling across his lost self. “ Excuse me ! Would you be able to help me out with some directions ? “
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wyhyunjae-blog ¡ 6 years
     The beach was a common point of interest for Wonyang, for both regular residents and tourists. Hyunjae had long since crossed the line from tourist to resident, but that didn’t make his fascination with the beautiful stretch of beachfront any less. It was an amazing location often filled with the perfect background noise for sketching, not to mention the occasional swim later in the evening. Whenever he had some free time from work and didn’t feel like messing with his music, he found himself here. Staring into the pretty waves until the sky had darkened and the sun was blessing the other side of the world with its light. Tonight would, hopefully, follow the same general path. 
     The sound of a seagull caught his attention, and Hyunjae’s attention snapped up from his sketchbook. One of the birds was currently hounding a smaller kid for their ice cream, the poor toddler swiping at the bird with all his might. The seagull ultimately won, the kid’s ice cream toppling to the sand, and the bird flying away with the cone. Hyunjae covered his mouth to stifle his laugh, turning his attention to the person seated a few feet away. “ Did you see that ? Poor kid. “ Okay it was pretty funny; a soft wheeze escaped him.
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0 notes
wyhyunjae-blog ¡ 6 years
     Summer breeze gently caressed her skin as she made way on her bike. It was wonderful summer days such as this that made her enjoy the fact that she had a bike rather than a car to do her daily commutes. A soft smile found its way onto her lips - lately she had been smiling more. Probably due the fact she was slowly coming to terms with what had happen - or she just had distractions. Distractions eased her mind all the time, so whenever she felt herself thinking of the events that plagued her for the past year she’d go friend herself one. Her bike skirted to a stop in front of a record shop, the one Jinsoo and Daeyeon had told her about. After all they knew she was all about music. 
     The girl parked her bike leaning it again the bike rack before reaching into her yellow backpack to pull out a bike lock. A soft sigh fell from her lips as she secured her bike and stood up straight, stretching out her bike. The action causing hair to fall in various direction, prompting her to push it from her vision before walking towards the door. Excitement pulsated through her as she entered the building, eyes going wide looking at the selection of records. Time was going to be spent here - after all music was her life and she enjoyed listening and looking for new music. Unable to decide where to start first she made the logical choice to start on the leftward wall and move front to back. Good idea.  She thought herself as she walked in that direction Hands running along the shelves - though careful not to knock anything out of place. 
     A gentle smile played on her lips as she pushed her hair behind her ears to look through the massive selection, humming to herself - the song unknown to the public but to her it meant a lot. She must have caught somone’s attention as she heard a man’s voice come from beside her, causing her to jump in surprise. “Oh, sorry I didn’t see you there.” A nervous laugh slipped through her lips as she adjusted herself. “I’m just looking through this selection, isn’t this crazy?”
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     Hyunjae didn’t return home often. It was more a ‘last resort’ type of deal, especially when he couldn’t afford to eat a meal for a while. He’d volunteer to watch the store for a day or two, claiming he had no tattoo work lined up, and his parents would give him the same pay as a regular employee. They were on the older side these days anyway, and despite having two part time employees, they thought Hyunjae’s help a blessing. His mom even cooked dinner on occasion. The man would never outright ask for help, so the little system his parents had unknowingly agreed to worked in his favor. Today was, more or less, one of those.
     It’d been fairly slow in terms of customers though. Hyunjae propped his elbows up on the counter, leaning against it. Only four people had stopped by today which, well, shouldn’t really be a surprise. Record shops were kind of a niche thing these days and they were hardly the only shop around. Besides, Hyunjae’s father had begun using the shop more for his personal collection than sales anymore; he was nearing retirement so it didn’t surprise anyone. Sunshine Records offered a good system to look up whenever the rarer vinyls were inputted into a database, and his father made good use of it.
     Hyunjae sighed as yet another person wandered by. He rose from his position behind the counter and grabbed one of the restock boxes, shuffling through the shelves for a bit as he worked to put things away. The ring of the door’s bell caught his attention. He hesitated and spotted a young woman enter, heading down one of the aisles. Hyunjae set his box down and walked over, offering a soft greeting. The man raised a hand as he realized he’d startled her on accident.
     “ Oh, sorry about that ! I didn’t mean to startle you. “ He offered a smile, waving towards the counter. “ Quite the selection, eh ? This is actually my family’s shop, so I’m pretty familiar with stuff. If you’re looking for anything specific, I can help you find it, or you’re more than welcome to just browse ! “
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wyhyunjae-blog ¡ 6 years
Letting himself rest back into his bed, he was honestly contemplating on a nap– he definitely was someone who lacked in sleeping every night with the preferred and recommended amount of hours, but one thing he made up with it was his random naps here and there– sometimes even spanning over a set of 16 hours if he wasn’t careful. He can admit that Daeyeon has come over to his home once or twice every few months in a panic thinking that he was dead or something because he was unreachable for a span of hours to days.
His phone beeping caused him to grunt, reaching for his phone with a lack of vigor, lethargic in nature but he quickly found himself laughing as he opened the message and viewed the image attachment.
    [txt] Damn, Get rekt, Squidward. True musicians O N L Y .     [txt] oh yeah, thanks for reminding me! I almost fell out into a coma for a week     [txt] what time were we going again? A few hours right?
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     Fell into a coma ? A laugh escaped his lips before he could stop it. Not really a laughing matter of course but it sounded pretty funny, if he were being honest. He slept a lot sure, but his schedule paled in comparison. How someone could sleep for almost two days was beyond him. That had to be a skill in some far corner of the world, right ? Olympic napping or whatever.
    [ text ] to xav ➤ ur the only person i know who could sleep forever     [ text ] to xav ➤ yup! i’m off work around 7; see you then?
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wyhyunjae-blog ¡ 6 years
physical traits
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repost this and bold all of your character’s features!
eyes (general): large / small / narrow / sharp / squinty / round / wide-set / close-set / almond-shaped / deep-set / sunken / bulging / protruding / wide / hooded / heavy-lidded / bright / sparkling / glittering / flecked / dull / bleary / rheumy / cloudy / red-rimmed / beady / bird-like / cat-like / jewel-like / steely / hard / long lashes / sweeping eyelashes / thick eyelashes
eyes (color): chestnut / chocolate brown / cocoa brown / coffee brown / mocha / mahogany / sepia / sienna brown / mink brown / copper / amber / cognac / whiskey / brandy / honey / tawny / topaz / hazel / obsidian / onyx  / coal / raven / midnight / sky blue / sunny blue / cornflower blue / steel blue / ice blue / arctic blue / glacial blue / crystal blue / cerulean / electric blue / azure / lake blue / aquamarine / turquoise / denim blue / slate blue / slate gray / storm blue / storm gray / silver / silver gray / chrome / platinum / pewter / smoky gray / ash gray / concrete gray / dove gray / shark gray / fog gray / gunmetal gray / olive / emerald / leaf green / moss green /soft pink / seafoam / cyan / blood red / bright pink
eyebrows: arched / straight / plucked / sparse / trim / dark / faint / thin / thick / unruly / bushy / heavy / curved
skin (general): lined / wrinkled / seamed / leathery / sagging / drooping / loose / clear / smooth / silken / satiny / dry / flaky / scaly / plated / delicate / thin / translucent / luminescent / baby-soft / flawless / small pores / large pores / glowing / dewy / dull / velvety / fuzzy / rough / uneven / mottled / dimpled / doughy / firm / freckled / pimply / pockmarked / blemished / pitted / scarred / bruised / veined / scratched / sunburned / weather-beaten / raw / tattooed / metallic / pierced / scarification / natural armor
skin (color): amber / bronze / cinnamon / copper / dark brown / deep brown / dark blue / ebony / pure white / honey / golden / pale / pallid / pasty / fair / light / cream / alabaster / ivory / bisque / milk / porcelain / chalky / sallow / olive / peach / rosy / ruddy / florid / russet / tawny / fawn / lurid / red / violet
face structure: square / round / oblong / oval / elongated / narrow / heart-shaped / cat-like / wolfish / high forehead / broad forehead / prominent brow ridge / protruding brow bone / sharp cheekbones / high cheekbones / angular cheekbones / hollow cheeks / square jaw / chiseled / sculpted / craggy / soft / jowly / jutting chin / pointed chin / weak chin / receding chin / double chin / cleft chin / dimple in chin / visible adam’s apple / carved features / carved jawline / fine features
nose: snub / dainty / button / turned-up / long / broad / thin / straight / pointed / crooked / aquiline / roman / bulbous / flared / hawk / strong / linear
mouth/lips: thin / narrow / full / lush / cupid’s bow / rosebud / dry / cracked / chapped / moist / glossy / straight teeth / crooked teeth / gap between teeth / gleaming white teeth / yellowed teeth / braces / overbite / underbite / dimples / serrated teeth / curved teeth / fangs
facial hair: clean-shaven / smooth-shaven / beard / neckbeard / goatee / moustache / sideburns / mutton-chop sideburns / stubble / a few days’ growth of beard / five o’ clock shadow / metallic beard extension / chin scales / plates
hair (general): long / short / shoulder-length / loose / limp / dull / shiny / glossy / sleek / smooth / luminous / lustrous / spiky / stringy / shaggy / tangled / messy / tousled / windswept / unkempt / straggly / neatly combed / parted / slicked down / slicked back / cropped / clipped / buzzed / buzz cut / curly / bushy / frizzy / wavy / straight / lanky / dry / oily / greasy / layers / corkscrews / spirals / ringlets / braids / dreadlocks / widow’s peak / bald / shaved / comb-over / thick / luxuriant / voluminous / full / wild / untamed / bouncy / wispy / fine / thinning / floorlength / coiffured /braid / plaits
hair (color): black / blue-black / jet black / raven / ebony / inky black / midnight / sable / salt and pepper / silver / silver gray / charcoal gray / steel gray / white / snow-white / brown / brunette / chocolate brown / coffee brown / ash brown / brown sugar / nut brown / caramel / tawny brown / toffee brown / red / ginger / auburn / copper / strawberry blonde / butterscotch / honey / wheat / blonde / golden / sandy blond / flaxen / fair-haired / bleached / platinum / violet / dark green with pink highlights / rose / pastel pink / opalescent
body type: tall / average height / short / petite / tiny / compact / big / large / burly / beefy / bulky / brawny / barrel-chested / heavy / heavy-set / fat / overweight / obese / flabby / chunky / chubby / pudgy / pot-bellied / portly / thick / stout / lush / plush / full-figured / ample / rounded / voluptuous / curvy / hourglass / plump / soft / leggy / long-legged / gangling / lanky / coltish / lissome / willowy / lithe / lean / svelte / slim / slender / trim / thin / skinny / emaciated / gaunt / bony / spare / solid / stocky / wiry / rangy / sinewy / stringy / ropy / sturdy / strapping / powerful / hulking / fit / athletic / toned / muscular / chiseled / taut / ripped / herculean / broad-shouldered / sloping shoulders / bowlegged
hands: delicate / small / large / square / sturdy / strong / smooth / rough / calloused / elegant / plump / manicured / stubby fingers / long fingers / ragged nails / grimy fingernails / ink-stained / talons / long nails
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