xaviercole-blog · 9 years
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xaviercole-blog · 9 years
Moving to sit on the couch, he draped one arm over the back of it. His gaze remained on her, watching her movements, “Are you certain? Don’t I always have the intent of getting you naked?” Maybe not always, but close enough. He couldn’t resist teasing just a little bit. “You’re all riled up. Spit it out, Vanessa.” He was calm enough that he figured he’d handle whatever it was she had to say. Though he did have the other idea of offering up Caroline to her - curious to see how she’d handle the girl.
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Vanessa held the books close to her chest being careful not to drop them or any paper stuck between the pages. “Because, if you came you here with that intent you wouldn’t have wasted time arguing with me.” She says matter-of-factly, adding a gently smile as she looked up at him. Rising to her feet she moved to an antique chest at the head of her bed shoving the books into it alongside various candles, herbs, scrolls, and bones. She eyed the bag of lavender wondering if she should add some to her bathe, making her smell good and relaxing her.
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xaviercole-blog · 9 years
Once she joined him, he turned his attention to her, slowly. Raising a slight brow as she rattled on, he set his coffee down. “Don’t guess at what I want. And if I wanted to punish you, I would. Or do you feel you need one?” He’d known slaves and pets that needed it, but didn’t imagine her to be one. “Do you want to have sex? This is one time that I’m asking what you’d desire to do, kitten.” It was another way to pull her into him, craving him, though he got the sense he had her there already, considering her behavior the other day. Maybe he had neglected her a bit.
As soon as the little kitchen area was pretty well spotless and all the dishes were cleaned up, caroline ran her hand through her hair, taking a moment to get herself together. She sort of felt like she was going insane. After a moment or two, she got back on her hands and knees and crawled back out to him, kneeling down by his feet again. “We could, um.. play a game,” She said, “Or have sex. Or you could punish me. Or…” Of course, she didn’t want to be punished, but it was still something, especially if he was mad. “Or we could watch something.” Because it had been forever since she actually got to watch something, anything.
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xaviercole-blog · 9 years
Breathing in slowly, quietly, part of him wanted to kiss her. That was something he didn’t fully fathom about himself nor her. He didn’t consider fucking her, only kissing her. Of course, he wouldn’t give into it, finding the thought silly, weak, even. The hand on her waist tightened a bit, sliding up her side, fingertips pulling her shirt to brush the soft skin. It was his way, right now, of saying he was fine, he wouldn’t hurt her, though that desire to hurt someone still burned. Clearly she wanted space. He was tempted not to give it to her. “Who said I came here to talk?” he dropped his hand away as she moved down to the floor. “Maybe I wanted to bring the little painting to life"
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Though her temper had dissolved considerably she was still irritated. Whether it was his intentions or not, she wouldn’t be able to sleep with someone without worrying how he might react. She couldn’t voice her anger to him knowing it could possible rile him up again, and there were a long list of reasons why she didn’t like to see him angry.  The thought of a steaming hot shower or bath to wash away her anger had her wanting to slip away from him and into the bathroom. Her eyes glanced down at the books once again scattered across her floor before looking back up to him, a prefect excuse to end this little squabble. “If you've said what you needed to I’m gonna start cleaning up, again." She stated softly, moving away from him and dropping down to clean up the mess.
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xaviercole-blog · 9 years
“So many assumptions. You do know what they say about that,” he veiled his insult more for his own amusement than anything. Still, he gave him nothing with his features. “That’s saying your little picture was provocative. You give yourself too much credit despite the allure of the subject and all you could have done,” his words came off as though it were fact, plain, bland. “Read all you like, or make your efforts towards it, Niklaus. I’m not affected by it even if you manage to stumble upon an accuracy about me.”
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“That’s interesting coming from a man who would skip straight to nudity rather than taking a moment to savor the image of provocatively beautiful woman, driving your thoughts further to how exactly your going to sate your libido.” Klaus shrugs, “You’re not as hard to read as you might think, mate.” He responds lowly, his voice slightly taunting.
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xaviercole-blog · 9 years
Xavier wasn’t one to need someone’s time or attention, at least, he believed it to be true. Maybe, somewhere underneath, he might, but it was a part he didn’t even know existed. Seeing her get up, heading to the kitchen, he moved to sit on the couch. Waiting didn’t much bother him, though he figured she was hurrying anyways. He was curious what she would come up with to do. 
It wasn’t a good feeling, she decided. She wanted his time and attention, but he didn’t want hers, and that was what she really wanted- for someone to actually want to be around her for more than just the time it took to fuck. But that would’ve been considered love, which was something she wouldn’t be allowed to have again. Quickly, she finished off her food and hurried off to the kitchen with her dishes, standing there to clean up as quickly as she could, just so he wasn’t kept waiting. As she cleaned, she tried to think of what there was for them to do that didn’t involve going outside or having sex or cleaning. Not too much, really, but she figured they could at least play a game.
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xaviercole-blog · 9 years
Watching her expression, he let out a slight sigh. She did look genuinely confused so he released his grip. Holding up a hand to brush away the moment, he sipped his coffee, “Alright, enough, little one.” He took a moment, debating the words to speak. He was much more used to taking what he wanted and leaving. Aside the times he stuck around Vanessa, Caroline was the first to remain with him. “My point is that you wanted my time and attention, and I’m here. I don’t need to watch you clean. For today, the rest can wait. Finish your meal, clean up the kitchen, and tell me what you’d like to do today.” 
Her eyes widened when her head was tilted up, and she blinked at him, not understanding how she was doing anything wrong. Just because he was sticking around today, didn’t mean she could get out of doing her every day things, or so she assumed. “I-I’m not defying you, Master, I- I though-” She blurted, her voice already shaky. It was back to walking on eggshells, then, she assumed, or at least doing any and everything he told her to do, word for word. “I’m sorry, I’m listening to you, I promise.”
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xaviercole-blog · 9 years
Xavier didn’t like his orders being questioned, and, in his mind, she was doing exactly that by going through a laundry list of things to do that were outside of the orders he gave. Looking down at her, gripped her hair, slowly tugging it so she was looking up at him, “Did I say all of that? Are you not listening to me or just trying to defy me again?” She didn’t need to know that he already had the bottle cleaned up by a compelled slave. The rest of it wasn’t important. He could clearly tell the girl needed his attention, part of him considered that a physical punishment might be in order. Maybe she was pushing for one, though he wasn’t all too sure just yet.
Caroline smiled to herself, content with something even as easy as hair touching. Any contact was good contact right now, she’d accept anything. Though, when that contact went away and he was getting up, she nearly panicked, and he would have, if he didn’t return to her in a few short moments. “No asking about outside. Got it,” She said, reaching out for her juice to hold with both hands. “I- I need to clean up the kitchen. And I need to clean up that bottle that broke yesterday at some point, too. And I haven’t changed your sheets yet, I was supposed to do that yesterday. And vaccuum,” She mumbled the words to herself, thinking about the mental list she was currently making. There was nothing for her to do besides clean, or sleep, or read, really, especially since things were so quiet around the Manor as or late.
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xaviercole-blog · 9 years
The touch of her hand made him tense a moment, that side of him that was pushed towards violence seeking satisfaction. If he fed it, though, he was sure that would make it worse. Her continued touch to his cheek, his hair, the back of his neck slowly eased him. "You should know better than to ask me that." She was aware of how distrustful he was of everyone. She was as close as he came to trust, even then, he wasn't sure he'd ever delve in completely. Releasing her throat, his hand trailed down her chest, grazing her breast, landing on her waist. "I know you'll do as I say. You're mine, and you've a good girl for me," he murmured.
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She used her free hand to cup the side of his face, her thumb delicately skimming across his cheek bone. Her hand smoothed back his hair and her fingers entangled themselves in the hair at the nape of his neck. “Why are you so hell-bent on not having a word spoken of you? After all this time, do you still not trust me to do as you ask?”
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xaviercole-blog · 9 years
When she didn’t speak, he took that as a good sign, and continued his food. Sipping the coffee, he looked down as she returned. One hand moved to stroke her hair, glad to see she was back to herself. The last thing he needed was to have to start over and retrain her. He finished his food, slowly standing so he didn’t end up knocking her over. Putting his things in the kitchen, he refilled the cup of coffee, sitting back down. “Once you’re done, clean up the kitchen, then come tell me what you want to do today. You’d be wise not to ask about going outside.”
She told herself she couldn’t exactly help the fact that throwing a tantrum when she didn’t get what she wanted was sort of her thing, but also that it needed to end if she wanted him to actually want to bother with her. Nodding her head at his words, she nearly sighed of relief, nuzzling against his knee as she put her teddy down. Then she crawled off to the kitchen, getting up onto to get her food, and orange juice in hopes of curing her slight hangover. As soon as she had what she needed, she went right back to his feet, kneeling down as close as she could get to him, before putting her things on the floor. 
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xaviercole-blog · 9 years
His jaw clenched, and he was fighting with himself. If he could kill his father all over again in moments like these, he would do exactly that. A hand slid up to her throat, seeing the words aching to drop from her tongue. It was a subtle -- not so subtle -- warning that she shouldn’t. Silence echoed between them which he was content with, although waiting for confirmation. “I don’t want to hear you utter it nor hear about you uttering it. Leave me out of conversation, my little one.” He half growled again, his thumb grazing down her throat to somehow reign himself in again, thinking the touch of her skin would soothe him.
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Vanessa stiffened under his grip, her heart beginning to beat just a little bit faster. A snarky response was dangling on the tip of her tongue, and oh, was it tempting to just let it fly. The only thing stopping her was the small glimmer of cold anger she saw in his eye, much like the look he had when she first met him. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her, or at least she hoped he wouldn’t, but even just catching a glimpse of the anger smoldering deep within him scared her a bit. She wasn’t about to let him see it though. “Fine. You won’t hear me utter a word pertaining to you.” She responded softly, though her own temper was beginning to heat up her blood.
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xaviercole-blog · 9 years
He knew she’d managed to sleep which was good. He figured she needed it - unlike him. He was used to little sleep. Thinking it over, he tried to calculate when he last allowed her blood, brushing it aside, for now. He’d give her a little later. He could hear her move out of the cage, knowing she was crawling to him. A smirk was tempted to form, but he didn’t allow it, merely waiting until she ended up at his feet. Still, he offered nothing, waiting, listening to her. Finally, he sat back, a hand moving to her hair. “I’m growing tired of the apologies every time you decide not to follow my rules. I’ll be here with you all day. Next time you need my attention, talk to me instead of throwing a tantrum. There’s food in the kitchen. Fix yourself a plate, then come back and kneel here. This is where you’ll eat.”
Caroline eventually fell asleep until the smell of food hit her. She realized she was starving, because the only thing she had really consumed the previous day was wine- not even any blood- and her stomach was growling. Knowing Xavier, though he only made enough for one and she stuffed her head into her teddy, mentally debating on what to do. After convincing herself that the worst that could happen was that he’d just snap at her to get away from him, she slowly crawled out of her cage, teddy in hand, and moved towards the kitchen, not stopping until she was at his feet. Which was where she stayed for a moment, latching onto his leg in a hug with her teddy smushed against him. “I’m sorry, Master,” She murmured, resting her cheek against his knee as she looked up at him, not daring to move to sit in one of the seats. “Please don’t push me away, I’m sorry.”
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xaviercole-blog · 9 years
With Vanessa, he could ease his poker face a little. Maybe it was the fact she saved his life - or just something he learned from her over time. He didn’t spend much time thinking about it. “You have, over and over while purring in my ear and begging me to fuck you, to make you cum. You’re mine, little one.” Xavier wouldn’t have paid much mind - until she mentioned talking to the hybrid. Growling low, he stood and pinned her to the nearest wall, “You’ll do no such thing.” Maybe that was the bad part - letting that hint of guard down meant she saw some of his anger, the rage he fought to bottle up and shove aside, “I don’t need you to deliver messages. If I want to say something to the half breed, I will. Keep your mouth shut about me to anyone, even if you continue spreading your legs for them all.”
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Vanessa’s playful smirk slid from her face. Although she would always succumb to him, she was agitated that it sounded as if she were a slave– no matter how true the statement might have been. “I don’t recall agreeing to being yours,” She mumbled, rising to her feet and beginning to gather the multiple spell books scattered about. “I’ll tell the darling hybrid,” She cooed sarcastically, glancing over at him with an arched eyebrow before continuing, "not to leave anymore gifts at your doorstep if this is what this is all about.“
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xaviercole-blog · 9 years
Xavier waited until she’d disappeared into the bedroom. He assumed she went right to her cage so he got up, got his laptop out of the safe, and began to work. He hadn’t intended to work so long, but it was rather late when he finally stopped. Locking up the computer, he laid on the couch, managing to get two hours before he work just as a nightmare was beginning. Breathing in, he cleaned up a little, and read until after sunrise. Getting up, he made breakfast - enough for both of them, and took a seat at the table, curious to see if she’d emerge or not.
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Nothing? He wasn’t going to give her anything? No anger or fury or even disappointment? Only annoyance in a ‘get away from me’ tone? Her eyes dropped down to the floor and he knew what he was doing- he was doing this to fuck with her head, because this was her real punishment, and it was working. As much as she wanted to start telling him off again, start calling him every name in the book, she knew it wouldn’t do anything, wouldn’t get his attention, and she had no energy for it. Instead, she crawled off to his room, going right into her cage with her teddy, where she curled up to rest. It was probably where she’d stay until he called her back out again, whether that be tomorrow or the next day or the next day.
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xaviercole-blog · 9 years
“You make too many assumptions on my tastes, Niklaus.” Interesting reaction. He paused a beat, not allowing himself to smirk. “Now, you don’t know me well enough to make that statement. Sometimes waiting is part of the enjoyment, building the anticipation.” Building the fear. He did enjoy the chase with some, Hayley would be that type. He met her when she arrived, but his sights were focused on Caroline at the time. Thanks to Klaus, though, she was back on his radar, and one he could - would - take out his sadistic pleasures upon.
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“I’m sure the way I would paint her and the way you would like me to would differ to greatly for me to actually enjoy it. If she truly peaked your interest you would have already given her a go, you are not one to keep yourself from what you might want.” His face remained the same although his clasped hands tightened a bit, fortunately they were behind his back and out of sight.
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xaviercole-blog · 9 years
“The artwork is tasteless,” he leaned forward, his hand leaving her hair to drop to the couch, “not the half naked woman.” He growled back at her, less than playfully. It was more of a warning to ensure she didn’t go too far with her words - though they both knew if he did get riled up, she was likely the only one to pull him back from going too far and killing someone - or various people. “You do belong to me, Vanessa, even if you’re off fucking half the mansion.”
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“I never thought I would hear you refer to a nearly naked woman as tasteless.” Her head was jerked back, her neck muscles becoming prominent due to the unnatural angle. “Shouldn’t I be the one keeping you in line, Xavier?” She growled playfully.
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xaviercole-blog · 9 years
“Depends on the pose. As a man of art, you should know that.” He knew there was an attempt to taunt him, but he ignored it. The last thing he would offer the hybrid was satisfaction. “I’m certain she did. She has her talents.” He could have smirked, but held it back. It was like poker, and he would give the man nothing in his expression. “I would have to allow my pet to pose for you. You have an affinity for brunettes between the certain wolf and the certain witch. I’ve considered paying the wolf a little visit. Quite a pretty thing.”
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“That would leave nothing to imagine.” Klaus clasped his hands behind his back and kept a taunting smile on his lips, “She made it very clear she knew how to use her body to procure the darkest desires in a man without any direction from me.”
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“You suspect wrong. Though your pet would be the ideal model for one of my paintings, I favor a certain brunette at the moment.”
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