xemboy · 17 days
How can you NOT love Chuck Tingle. I really need to buy one of his books but I have... Specific tastes. That being said this man is the king of tapping into someone out there's most specific fantasy and channeling it like a cum oracle
Highly recommend him to objectums and monsterfuckers
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Frank Borpins is thrilled that his yard will be designed by the famous landscape architect, Jimmy Gumbo. Jimmy is one of the best in the world, a sentient stick of gum who sometimes makes time for smaller residential projects.
Unfortunately, their first meeting goes sideways when it’s discovered there’s been a double booking with the gay T-rex lawyers at Jurassic Law. What’s worse, the model for their new dinosaur office has been broken!
Will some quick thinking from Frank save the day and lead to a sizzling erotic encounter between himself and the handsome sentient bubblegum? Or is this hot gay love affair designed for failure?
This erotic tale is 4,200 words of sizzling human on gay stick of gum action, including blowjobs, rough sex, and bubblegum love.
please enjoy new tingler BLOWN BY THIS HANDSOME SENTIENT BUBBLEGUM WHO IS ALSO A SUCCESSFUL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT out now on amazon and true buckaroo tier patreon
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xemboy · 17 days
I've noticed errors in my IDs. This is due to a lack of proofreading (mixing up left and right, using slightly inaccurate words for some colors) and I'll be adjusting them to be more accurate to the images.
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xemboy · 2 months
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'sex and death by murder and suicide' by bruce nauman, 1985 in twentieth-century erotic art - gilles néret (1993)
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xemboy · 2 months
Bruh I never have normal sex dreams I just woke up from a dream where an eldritch forest goddess ate me out while feeding me chocolate
She had multiple bodies that spun in a circle around her chamber and they all like. Combined when she noticed I was there. The bodies were like... Black but with green and red sheen (like on a bird) and we're like... Something between a bird and a goat...?
When they combined I couldn't even explain what it looked like. She seemed nice though, although she was torturing the soul of someone who had terribly wronged her people while I was walking up to her
Also I was inhabiting the body of a meowth
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xemboy · 2 months
hi, pls take this as a genuine question and nothing more: how are you anti profiction but pro para? respectfully it confuses me and id like to know your opinion
First, let me explain what I mean by anti-profiction. I am against creating or intentionally consuming fictional content that portrays beings that can't consent being abused, for the purposes of sexual gratification (aka fiction discussing or including it is fine, just not for the purpose of getting off). I'm mostly referring to children and non-sapient animals here. I also think that fiction portraying consensual acts is 100% ok no matter how "fucked up" it is (or would be a bad idea or impossible irl) so my anti-profic status does not mean I'm against portrayals of cnc, extreme gore, or anything else intense like that.
To answer the question. Just because it's okay to have a paraphilia (which you can't control) doesn't mean it's okay to intentionally get off on the abuse of fictional beings, and it's my opinion that this sort of content is unethical to create or consume for sexual purposes because it encourages and enables those with these paraphilias to engage with that attraction in unhealthy and unethical ways. You cannot control attraction, arousal, intrusive thoughts, or fleeting unconscious fantasy, and it does not mean you will act on it and it is morally neutral. I believe that, in a relatively very small way, getting off to fictional portrayals of the abuse IS acting on it, because it's crossing the line from uncontrollable to controllable and intentional, and para or not, I disagree with anyone engaging in abuse material to get their jollies or the creation of material for this. Abuse should never be portrayed as sexy, fun, or in any other positive light, and people with those paraphilias should never cross the line from "this arouses me, but the idea of acting on it is still repulsive because it is harmful" to "this arouses me, and it's ok to treat it as a sexy fantasy and indulge in porn of it as if it's just a harmless kink". Fiction does affect reality and nobody should ever let their arousal and attraction override their understanding that something is harmful, even if it's in private. And if you engage in this stuff knowing it's harmful and feel understandable guilt afterwards then that's just not healthy for YOU on top of all of this crap.
Tl;dr I just don't think that children or animals should be portrayed or treated as desirable sex objects under any circumstances idk what else you want from me.
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xemboy · 2 months
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xemboy · 2 months
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xemboy · 3 months
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butch tits
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xemboy · 3 months
hey i may be tumblr user girl balls but shoutout to guys with boobs btw. giving you a high five and motorboating you and so on
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xemboy · 3 months
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Gerard P Donelan
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xemboy · 3 months
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xemboy · 3 months
i mean what really kills me about the "uhmm your kink is NOT special and NOT immune to critique" shit on here is that actually critiquing and thinking about kink is important to me! and it looks like looking at your desires and scenes and interactions with partners and going "is this something that's bringing me and my partners joy and pleasure? is it sustainable? have we been checking in with one another? what impact is it having on our relationship or as individuals? is it harming us in any ways that haven't been pre-negotiated and accounted for? are our prior negotiated boundaries still in a good place for us currently?" all of which are things that can't be safely encouraged and practiced if the general approach to ~weird~ kinks is "ewwwww ew icky ew BAD you're BAD you're a BAD person you're playing the VILLAIN 😠" any time you see somebody having sex a different way than you do. and the reaction lately has been this self righteous over the top "how DARE you accuse me of being a Southern Baptist Republican monster for calling you a degenerate" because these people have nurtured a deep reactionary instinct and brought it into line with their queer identity by adhering to the idea that conservative politics can only ever be espoused by the ontologically monstrous figure of The Republican, and that their glorious vision of a mass return to sexual and social normativity by-force-if-necessary is hallowed and queer
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xemboy · 3 months
Making a CKP discord group soon
Only requirement is that you're bodily 18+ and you agree with CKP principles (everything in the CKP post). That's it
Message me or like this if you want an invite as soon as I make it
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xemboy · 3 months
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xemboy · 3 months
It is possible that somewhere off the coast of Newfoundland there is an iceberg shaped like a giant dick.
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xemboy · 3 months
Sorry I forgor to add the mature community label to my objecto/plusho post, I just noticed and fixed it qwq
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xemboy · 3 months
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR THIS BLOG omg!!! It is so refreshing to see a kink/paraphilia pride blog that doesn’t condone harmful stuff or sides with radqueers 😭🙏 You are awesome!!!
I'm so glad I'm not the only one! All the kink/paraphilia positivity content on tumblr is dominated by people who either support harmful stuff or who hate people for having consensual kinks that they think are icky weird. I'd say that the vast majority of kinksters and consensual paraphiles aren't in either category, so I felt a need to make this blog to have more safe but inclusive positivity for the community as a whole
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