xleque-i-think · 21 days
A little HxH rant. If Leorio can make those little portals and send anything through them. Which you'd think he could since his arm sleeve did when he punched Ging, could he just hold a gun?
Seriously, he takes out a gun, holds it behind his back, and suddenly there's a bullet heading towards your head from behind.
Though, of course, like most main characters, Leorio wouldn't do this, as he has morals. Ew.
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xleque-i-think · 24 days
Season 8, Grian had the Entity. Literally, and entity. So, I am more than willing to bet, that there will be some form of creature in season 9. That is if we don't already have one in the form of the permit office.
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xleque-i-think · 11 months
DND situation I had.
Dm: you have finally beaten the first boss. You now have a choice to either talk to him before he dies, or simply leave.
We decide to talk the the boss.
Boss: Thank you warriors. You have freed me. As long as I was alive, I couldn't leave this castle. Now, I can hopefully explore the world.
Wizard to dm: can I roll?
Dm: for what?
Wizard: so I can heal the boss.
Dm: why would you want to do that?
Wizard: because we have spent the last two hours fighting him and I won't let him die so easily. He deserves to rot here.
Dm, clearly mortified: fine. Go ahead.
Wizard rolls..... 20....
Dm: okay, the boss is back to full health, and will carry on to had a very long life. And you, wizard, are a monster.
We left. I'm started to be scared of the people I play with...
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xleque-i-think · 1 year
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HAPPY PRIDE EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEEHEHEH!
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xleque-i-think · 1 year
Where am I? What is this... Platform? I'm no bot, just someone who... Doesn't know what they're doing. Please help. What do I do? Do I... Actually, I don't even have an example. Please give me one. Please help. That's the second time I've asked for help. I seem desperate.
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