Somewhere to Hide
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This series are going to be before “Restoring Greatness to Rome” so you will see a change of names i.e it will flip between boyfriend,fiance,and husband. Let me know what you think this is unedited because I’m extremely exhausted so I will edit it in the morning
Stay Frosty
“Y/N” you heard your name being shouted as you saw your best friend walking over, arm around a man
“Connie how have you been?” you asked as she pulled you into a tight hug
“I've been” she laughed, taking a sip of her beer, eyeing the man that was staring at her like she strung the stars that hung in the sky.
“Oh, Y/N meet Eric, Eric my very best friend,” she said, hands shuffling between the two of you “he’s also in the military” she whispered all but vibrating.
“ Air Force pararescue” he said extending his hand
“Army special forces” you said, taking his hand in a firm handshake.
“Where’s you man at?” Connie questioned walking to the cooler that sat by the fire handing you a beer, looking at your phone you saw a new text from Simon saying he was here
“He just pulled up” you say leaving the new couple and making your way around the side of the house to where the wooden gate laid open inviting the guests to the back, on a mission to retrieve your probably confused and lost boyfriend as you made your way to the driveway you saw his car and saw he was leaned against the driver side door looking at his phone, the lack of the skull mask he normally wore was replaced with a normal face mask, his hood pulled up to cover the top of his head, you knew why he did it but still thought it was silly.
“I’m glad you could make it” you smiled as he pushed himself off the car to make his way to your side taking in the outfit you chose to wear, it was nothing to fancy just something to beat the southern summer heat, a pair of denim shorts that covered all but the bottom half of your ass, a tank top, and a red and black flannel that was tied on your waist just in case it got chilly as the night progressed and as you made your way over to him Simon drank in every inch of your appearance from the way you had your hair in its natural beach wave state to the way your boots tapped away on the cement of the driveway. It’s like you hadn’t seen each other in years, when in fact it had been a little over three weeks since you departed from Credenhill
“Wouldn’t miss seeing you for the world” he said as he met you in the middle pulling you into a hug that caught you off guard, it wasn’t that he’s never given you a hug when in fact the day you left he was stood in your temporary living room and held you for what felt like eternity
“Simon it’s been almost three weeks since I left it’s not like I died” you stated pulling the face mask down to plant a small kiss on his lips
“I know” he simply said smiling down at you as he grabbed a handful of you ass in which made you gasp
“Don’t think these shorts leave much to the imagination and that shirt really isn’t covering much” he said as he took the beer from your hand and took a sip making a disgusted face,before pulling his mask up
“What not use to American beers yet?” You questioned playfully messing with the toe tag of his dog tags that had your name on it
“Y/N?” You heard Connie call from the gate
“We’ll LT I guess we best get going,” you said patting his chest and making your way to the backyard but not before you felt a stinging sensation on you left ass cheek
“Ow Simon” you yelled, you knew in the field he was silent and deadly but you didn’t realize it also played a factor in his civilian life as well.
“I thought you got kidnapped” Connie exclaimed being the drama queen she is and as the word left her lips you felt Simon tense
“Connie quit being a drama queen, I’m a big girl I can handle myself” you laughed nervously patting Simon's forearm trying to calm him down without drawing attention to him.
“I know I know,” Connie said, throwing her hands up in a surrender gesture,you watch as her eyes glide almost effortlessly to Simon “ is this him?” She whispered as you nodded slightly knowing she was about to do the one thing Simon absolutely hated
“Connie, before you even try it please don’t hug him he’s not big on hugging” you said in panic watching her deflate, the last person to hug him was you and that’s how you ended up pinned against the wall.
“Well Simon I’m Connie,been friends with Y/N since diapers” she smiled
He just nods saying “ you alright?” In which you almost choke on the last sip of beer,before you went to Credenhill on orders from General Shepard you called Georgia your home and you had for most of your life,so the culture shock was real once you finally settled down.
“I’m grabbing another beer, you want one?” You asked Simon as he nodded watching as you made your way to the cooler that sat by a plastic lawn chair on the open patio, paying very close attention to the way your hips swayed. He wasn’t one to admit it out loud but in the six months you both had been together he made a silent vow to protect you with his life whether it meant in the field or in his everyday life, it’s burned into his mind that day you told him you were going back to the states
“Simon listen I’m heading back home,” you said with a sigh, sitting in the passenger seat staring straight ahead knowing if you looked at him you were going to lose it, to you leaving hurt worse than your first true heartbreak and it felt like you were losing a piece of your soul not only that but felt like you were losing a family that had accepted you with open arms
“And I honestly don’t know when I’ll be back or when we’ll even see each other and I’ve never done long distance but I’m truly the happiest me and it’s because of you.” You gasped still not looking Simon in the eyes because you knew one single glance was all it was gonna take.Simon acted on impulse all but ripping the skull printed balaclava off and claiming your lips with his
“I’m with you until the end of the line, no matter the distance” he said resting his forehead on yours. You saw him for the first time in a state that was rare even to you Vulnerable and that night he ravished you like a man starved of attention.
“Simon?” You called, snapping your fingers in front of him, he didn’t even realised he had mentally checked out and all he had to do was humm response letting you know he was back
“I said we’re heading inside to get the beers coolers empty” you said pointing to the sliding glass door, he nodded in response
“He doesn’t talk much does he,” Connie whispered over your shoulder as she followed behind “thought silent and brooding wasn’t your forte” she giggled handing you a case of Pabst Blue Ribbon and a four pack of desperados as she smiled shyly as you took the beers from her hands “didn’t know what he liked” she said taking the beers from you hand walking outside
“Y/N? You heard a males voice call from the living room
“Stephen?” You turned as a deep fear sets in your chest, he was your high school sweetheart, your abusive ex. It started like any other relationship he was the perfect gentleman but as one year turned to two he started changing staying out late and once you finished basic you found out through Connie he was cheating well had been cheating since you left for basic, and once you confronted him the violence started the beatings, the threats that if you told anyone he would kill you, which is by you decided to take up sniping,making you one of the most deadliest mercenaries the army had to offer while making you one of Shepards most prized soldiers
“ How have you been?” He said inching closer to where you had stood in fear eye’s bouncing for any sign of Simon, eyes catching the warm chocolate irises at the sliding glass door making his way inside just as quietly as he would be if he was on a mission.
“Mate I think it’s best if you leave her alone “ Simons voice low and deadly
“ and just who the fuck are you” Stephen asked turning to square up at Simon but when he turned around he came face to chest with Simon. You needed to escape, eyes darting around for an opening to running you saw someone leaving the bathroom and took that as your wig and made a mad dash for the door immediately turning the lock to make sure you were safe before turning the lights on
“Breathe just breathe, he can’t hurt you he won’t hurt you Simon won’t let that happen” you muttered sliding down the door.
“Y/N?” You heard on the other side of the door not saying anything,the knock on the door made you jump out of your skin
“ I know you’re in here unlock the door” you heard Simon as you reached up to unlock the door.
“And now I need you to move” he said softly through the small crack, you couldn’t find it in yourself to get up only scooting closer to the sink bringing you knees up to your chest looking at the door to see simons denim pants.
“ I don’t want to talk about” you muttered looking up at him seeing he had taken the face mask off.
“And we don't, I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
“Mentally or physically?” You questioned
“Whichever one is hurting you the most right now” he said sitting on the ground in front of you, watching intently as you crawled into his lap like a cat in need of attention
“It’s a long story, I’m sure Connie is looking for us and if we stay in here any longer she’s going to think we’re fucking in Here” you laughed hugging his waist burying your head in the crook of his neck placing tiny kisses on his jaw which caused him to chuckle
“Whatever you want princess” he said
“Let’s get going” you said standing up brushing your hands off on the flannel offering your dominant hand to him which he shook his head stating
“With you till the end of the line”
Taglist: @youcallhimcaptainicallhimdaddy
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3AM [Simon ‘GHOST’ Riley]
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Pairing: Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x G!N reader 
Words: 7.3K i got carried away 
Warnings: SMUT! tried to keep it as gender neutral as possible! swearing, toxic simon? violent outburst? simon isnt great in a relationship but he means well. 
A/N: enjoy this i was inspired by 3AM by busted to write this so, probably check that song out its also a banger! enjoy!  I also love the above GIF of ghost so yes I will be using it many times
He didn’t think about you.
Keep reading
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Long ass soap fic?
you dont need to question my love for soap here is 100,000 word fic to prove my love for him! enjoy 
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About Me
So, some of you might already know me!
Im Chloe (feels weird saying my name here but here we go)
i used to have the blog Brawneymactavish... now you might be wondering what happened, Basically i hated everything i wrote on their and wanted to start fresh so here we are!
Im a typical Brit who loves her Tea,
I have an UNHEALTHY obsession with Captain John ‘Soap’ Mactavish and Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley.
i dont really know what to say, im super awkward so if you message me it might take me sometime to reply as i tend to over think so bare with me.
yeah basically this blog is just somewhere for me to post my writing. so enjoy
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me reading graphic smut vs me reading the first time they hold hands or admit their feelings
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He already senses something is wrong, checking his surroundings
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short spiky hair Schneider on stage, tank top or shirtless, covered in blood supremacy
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buck dich - rammstein: paris
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rammstein - dicke titten 
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So handsome <3
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Christoph Schneider in Dicke Titten MV by Rammstein
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rammstein - dicke titten 
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I don’t care what anyone else says: Oliver, Paul and Schneider carried the Dicke Titten music video
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Angst — Rammstein (Zeit, 2022)
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