yourlexicality 3 months
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Layla Anaiel
Age: Academy: 17 & War: 21
Gender: Cis Female (She/They)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Ethnicity: Faerghean & Leicesterian
Nationality: Leicester Alliance
Crest: Minor Crest of Gloucester
Height: Academy: 5'7 & War 5'9
Build: Balanced, a small bit of chub
Eyes: Green
Hair: Light Green
Other Physical Characteristics: beauty mark under right eye.
Combat Strengths: Sword, Axe, Faith
Combat Weaknesses: Bow, Heavy Armor, Flying
Hidden Talent: Reason (Black Magic)
Hobbies: Studying the occult, Smoking (Yup she's a nic fiend & a stoner), Theorizing battles.
Likes: Smokes (Cigarettes & Cannabis), The Occult, Cooking, Horses, Training, Alcohol, A Good Book, Being around people.
Dislikes: Overprotecting & Overbearing People, Water Activities, Flying Mounts.
Pre Academy (Game):
Aphros Anaiel & Niul Anaiel:
Aphros & Niul being Layla's Father & Mother respectively were both in the seat of power in House Anaiel a small minor house on Alliance side of the Alliance Kingdom border in Burgundy territory. Due to a crisis House Anaiel had be ran bankrupt & to keep themselves afloat even if just for a few more weeks Aphros & Niul decided to sell Layla to a mysterious person, that person happened to be Thales in which Layla was passed on to Cornelia as she was being dragged by the hair to a chamber she was able to look into some other rooms, Even if for a brief second she caught a glimpse of a pink haired girl tied to a table. Layla was experimented on by Cornelia for several years before her mysterious disappearance in 1177. It took almost 2 years but in late 1178 Layla had found her way to Garreg Mach Monastary, it had been 2 years... 2 long years she was tired, disheveled & sick, she had hoped that these so called "Knights of Serios" could help her get her a clean set of clothes and cure her of her sicknesses, they did not she pleaded her case to a tall green haired man but he heard none of it he dragged her off & threw her down a staircase before she blacked out.
Layla awoke in... A Classroom? Atleast she thought so she had never truly seen one, she stood herself up slowly & guided herself along the wall towards the door. As she opened it she slumped slight her left knee buckling, she slumped over few a few minutes before. "Ah, you're awake." she looked up to see a girl standing across from her with pink hai- wait... a girl with pink hair? This was that same girl she had seen all those years ago. "Where? Where am I?" she manged to sputter out. You're in Abyss, no you're not dead, just a horrible name. But keeping it brief, I'm Hapi & you need to rest some more." Layla nodded and accepted Hapi's help finally a bed had become free in the makeshift infirmary in Abyss.
Layla spent the next year and a bit getting used to her new home & meeting all the people, she built a close bond with Yuri, Constance, Balthus & especially Hapi both having shared their experiences being locked away for so long.
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yourlexicality 3 months
Every FE3H (Main Cast) Character & their gender identity & sexuality to me (Headcannons) Golden Deer: Claude - Cis Male - Pansexual Hilda - Cis Female - Pansexual Lorenz - Trans Male - Heterosexual Raphael - Cis Male - Heterosexual Ignatz - Trans Male - Bisexual Lysithea - Cis Female - AroAce Leonie - Cis Female - Bisexual
Blue Lions: Dimitri - Cis Male - Bisexual (Masc lean) Dedue - Trans Male - Biromantic Felix - Cis Male - Bisexual (Fem lean) Sylvain - Cis Male - Pansexual Mercedes - Cis Female - Bisexual Annette - Cis Female - Pansexual Ingrid - Trans Female - Lesbian
Black Eagles: Edelgard - Trans Female - Bisexual Hubert - Nonbinary - Aroace Ferdinand - Cis Male - Bisexual Linhardt - Trans Male - Bisexual (Masc lean) Caspar - Trans Male - Gay Bernadetta - Trans Female - Pansexual Dorothea - Trans Female - Bisexual Petra - Cis Female - Lesbian Jeritza - Trans Male - Heterosexual
Ashen Wolves: Yuri - Genderfluid - Pansexual Hapi - Trans Female - Pansexual Constance - Nonbinary - Pansexual (Masc lean) Balthus - Trans Male - Pansexual (Fem lean)
Church: Seteth - Cis Male - Bisexual (Fem lean) Flayn - Nonbinary - Biromantic Hanneman - Cis Male - Bi-Curious Manuela - Cis Female - Bisexual (Fem lean) Gilbert - Cis Male - Heterosexual Alois - Cis Male - Gay Catherine - Cis Female - Lesbian Shamir - Trans Female - Bisexual (Fem lean) Cyril - Cis Male - Bisexual Rhea - Nonbinary - Pansexual
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yourlexicality 3 months
Welcome to my personal nightmare... A place where I can say WHATEVER I WANT!
So heres what to expected Deranged & depraved posting about FE3H ships could be fics or just general posting & some OC character stuff maybe... that's kinda it for now.
List of ships I like. (Bold = Favorites)
Hapila (Hapi x Hilda)
Yuripi (Yuri & Hapi)
Yuridetta (Yuri & Bernadetta)
Yurivain (Yuri & Sylvain)
Ashepi (Ashe & Hapi)
Claudpi (Claude & Hapi)
HilClaulde (Hilda & Claude)
Hildetta (Hilda & Bernadetta)
Petradetta (Petra & Bernadetta)
Petreonie (Petra & Leonie)
Sylvcedes (Sylvain & Mercedes)
Mercette (Mercedes & Annette)
Clauldette (Claude & Annette)
Netteflix (Annette & Felix)
!!! General Poly stuff expected + all students are head-cannoned to be super messed up & be addicted to stuff so like oop.
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