zrsteinliveblogs · 3 months
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Aww, adorbs. The little girl is cosplaying as Kiki.
Let's talk about it!
Man, I have some mixed feelings. Most of the movie was good! Not much of import happened, but it was well done and the art was beautiful and Kiki is probably my second favorite Ghibli protagonist, after Nausicaa of course. She is dedicated and kind, a witch who is also an aspiring businesswoman, and she has some great friends and a really nice apartment. Most of this movie is just really comforting, like a warm blanket draped on top of you.
And then in the last ten minutes it took a wild turn and had a zeppelin crash into the clock tower. It was rather jarring, ngl. I don't think that the tension was needed, the rest of the movie was doing just fine with it's more low stakes story.
Also, there is a part of me that would have loved to see more witches. We got that one witch who briefly talked with Kiki while she was traveling to the city, and her mother, but other than that there wasn't a witch in sight. Plus, we didn't get to see Kiki do anything witchy other than flying; which is very cool, don't get me wrong, but it woulda been nice to see at least one potion she made.
Overall, I'd rate Kiki's Delivery Service a 7/10. It's a solid movie that is quite relaxing...aside from all of the times that Kiki should have worn a helmet.
Until next time!
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zrsteinliveblogs · 3 months
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And there's the credits.
This is a much better designed plane than the bike was. They've got a windshield, and the propeller is in the back to maintain visibility.
A nice way to end off the movie with the two of them flying together.
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zrsteinliveblogs · 3 months
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When it rains it pours.
Man, what a day to have your baby come on. That kid is gonna learn some interesting stories when they grow up about Auntie Kiki's wild adventures as a kid.
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Oh good, Jiji is back to normal!
There's a lot of fridge horror in the fact that Kiki can just, take away a creature's sentience if she gets too mopey
But hey, all's well that ends well.
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zrsteinliveblogs · 3 months
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That broom is awful, she spent like 20 seconds trying and failing to get close. Still, it got the job done.
The day is saved...apart from the giant zeppelin that's still very much crashed.
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I bet that shitty street sweeping broom ends up a family heirloom.
"And this is the broom that a witch once used to save a boy's life on! I gave it to her, y'know. She totally didn't steal it from me."
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zrsteinliveblogs · 3 months
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I'm sorry!?
Have we been watching the same movie?! The happy slice of life movie about a witch in the big city that in the last ten minutes of runtime decided to have as a plot point "And then urban fantasy 9/11 happens"???
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zrsteinliveblogs · 3 months
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While she was able to brute force a street sweeping broom into a flying broom, the maneuverability on this thing is awful.
It makes sense. It's like she needed a car to get down to the next town but all she had available was an old wagon and an engine.
Imrpovise. Adapt. Overcome.
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Oh jeez. I thought she just needed to save Tombo, but it looks like Kiki needs to divert the zeppelin all by herself.
Time to use some major magic there, Kiki.
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zrsteinliveblogs · 3 months
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I already made the joke at the start of the movie but this is some DBZ shit right here. The floating hair, the pressure wave of wind that ripples off of her, the slow power buildup. I was half expecting sparks of lightning to start flying off of her.
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zrsteinliveblogs · 3 months
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Ope. There went the car.
Those people who were just chilling around the pool had a very rude interruption, as they should. This is the kind of situation when you absolutely should run to shelter under a roof.
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zrsteinliveblogs · 3 months
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I would simply die.
And if I survived I would never let my feet be off of the solid ground again.
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Wait was that JK Simmons???
No, surely not, this is a bit part and even back in the 90s he was semi famous, wasn't he?
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zrsteinliveblogs · 3 months
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Oof. That is very not good. Now the wind is going to be pushing it sideways and up, it's going to be nearly impossible to keep it next to the ground.
This is part of the reason why lighter than air aircraft are not used much these days.
(the other reason being that planes are faster and don't use large amounts of helium.)
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...well, I can't say that I expected this to be the impetus to get Kiki back to being a witch, but I guess needs must when your crush is carried away by hurricane force winds.
Or as Spider-Man puts it:
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zrsteinliveblogs · 3 months
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Oh. That's not good.
High winds are causing the zeppelin to have problems. People are hurt or dead.
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Why did she say that with a smile on her face and a quiet little laugh??? There's been an accident but apparently it's amusing to her??? This is so out of left field, why is Bertha evil now???????
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zrsteinliveblogs · 3 months
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Aww, stop it, I'm gonna cry. This is so nice.
And well deserved. She needed to see that the people that she's helped really do appreciate her.
Also, this granny gets a surrogate granddaughter who actually likes her now. Win win all around.
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zrsteinliveblogs · 3 months
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Oh, leaving so soon. I guess she didn't need that much cheering up.
Make sure you visit again Kiki, Miss Lesbian would get lonely otherwise.
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Gonna try to run your delivery business without a broom? That. Sounds awful, but if nothing else it'll be a big reason to get back into the groove of things and get your magic back.
Spite and frustration can be powerful forces for good if you use them right :D
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zrsteinliveblogs · 3 months
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Why are they both in sleeping bags?
Oh wait, maybe Kiki is in a blanket.
Did she give up her own bed for Kiki to use?
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Man, this lady is the nicest.
Also, not really necessary. I'm sure you two could share. Unless the weather is warm at night, but since you're next to the ocean I wouldn't think it would be.
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zrsteinliveblogs · 3 months
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Hey I'm back after a food break, what's going o-
*I am vaporized by the ART on display, turning into a cloud of RGB particles and glitter*
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Man, they're even having sleepovers and talking about their lives together. Fantastic therapy.
Why don't the rest of us get cottagecore lesbians living in cabins to deal with our depression? They should be prescribed more often.
Pick up your cottagecore lesbian at your local pharmacy.
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zrsteinliveblogs · 3 months
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Ah, it's a symbolic representation of Kiki. The unicorn is presumably her magical ability then, and the crows are the ones that were angry at her. I have no clue what the bull represents.
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Huh. I hadn't considered that this block on her powers might just be like writer's/artist's block. Maybe she does just need to give herself time to decompress and not think about being a witch.
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zrsteinliveblogs · 3 months
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And she even shares her chewing gum?
I know Kiki is way too young, but someone needs to wife this woman.
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She isn't dressed that butch, she has a tanktop and short shorts on.
Some people are just blind.
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That's an interesting painting. Not really my style, but I can appreciate it.
I wonder if there's any significance behind it.
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