191131415926 · 9 hours
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191131415926 · 2 days
*shoutout to fellow eggz enjoyer*
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Sometimes good guys work for bad guys.
Depending on how they are paid. I decided to cheer myself up with memories of my gacha DJ. Well, I like the side idea that he would work for Xavier, despite his carefree appearance.
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Don’t judge strictly, some people simply cannot part with their debts.
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One day he will definitely be fired.
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As much as I love the original characters, I hope I can find the energy for more canon characters interactions in the future!
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Thank you for your attention! Enjoy your day!
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191131415926 · 17 days
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191131415926 · 18 days
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eggz shimeji
app version:
dm me for pc version if needed.
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191131415926 · 29 days
random Eve headcanon:
If everyone in the lab never gave a damn about her life, she'll realize that she would have to save herself if she wants to live. Or if there's anyone trying to help her escape, she'll consider leaving as well, and both scenerios would lead to Eve grabbing the ultimate record, killing everyone in the lab and run for freedom.
But unfortunately, what she got is Xavier, who is extremely kind to her, but young Xavier wasn't the material for rebelling against the lab or help Eve escape, even naively believing the lab would properly complete the 'Eve project', and Eve will be free once the project's completed and would become some powerful god no one can harm. His kindness and belief make her regain some false hope about the project, making her unwilling, or at least hesitant to escape, until everything is too late.
Both of them are unaware of the possibility, but maybe, just maybe, if it's not Xavier who end up in the Eve project, Eve will find a way to survive at the first place.
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191131415926 · 2 months
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191131415926 · 10 months
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I'm very sleepy. Uploads will definitely slow down, as much as I want to contribute to the (dead) fandom.. my school schedule is not very friendly.
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191131415926 · 10 months
Maybe Clover & Phantom? Both being X's minions but with completely different goals and opposite feelings about their job, there's potential for some interesting dynamics.
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Ohhh.. I personally think they suck at socializing and/or expressing themselves. But that doesn't mean they don't want to talk to each other. They're good when it's work-related, but outside of work, it's just...
Phantom thinking about how cool Clover is when it comes to balancing tasks and such. He forms long ass essays in his brain but ends up not blurting anything and just staring at her.. in a really, really eerie way that makes her worry (he has no intention. He doesn't even know he looks scary unless someone tells him.) But Clover also admires him in the same way.. just not too obvious since her visor covers her eyes and stuff.
Dunno, I thought it was kind of funny to think about them like that. But despite the interaction struggles, they're close enough to consider themselves good friends. 👍
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191131415926 · 10 months
aww eggz
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Based off "Near" by Natsushiro Takaaki ft. Hatsune Miku. I've always associated this song with Xavier and Eve. This song is about a scientist and a robot named "Near". This scientist is lonely and the robot is what keeps him company. The lyrics: ねえニア誰かを笑い飛ばさなきゃ自分を許せないようなくだらない人間のことキミはどう思う?(Hey NEAR, if I don't laugh at someone or be able to forgive myself. How do you feel about this horrible person?) is something I could hear Xavier saying.
ああ僕はまだ信じてるココロないキミに問いかけたのはキミの手が僕よりもoあたたかかったからさ (Aa, I still continue to believe to ask the you with no heart. Because your hand is warmer than mine.) He refers to Eve here because I like to think she's just like a robot. Growing up, she had no idea of human emotion nor did she ever understand it. She struggles with expressing herself. But even so, Xavier thinks her hand (and heart) will always be warmer than his. I hope you understand the point I'm making.. 😅 I suggest you listen to the song too. It's very sweet and made me cry ahaha About the art... I'm not too proud of it. After all, I was only practicing how to render. pardon. Sorry for the lengthy description.
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191131415926 · 10 months
*Inserting me spend hours babbling about the hopeless disaster and end up producing an entire research paper and several movie script of a horror-porn triology about it*
forgot how much i loved phanvier
comfort ship fr
indulge in each other's agonies and see the light in each other's darkness
"you're the missing cog to my machinery and the reason i haven't lost my mind"
"you have no idea how much i would sacrifice to see you smile again"
i genuinely like to think x was phantom's closest during the aftermath of his corruption arc and the first to help him back on his feet and gain his self esteem back
phantom taking care of x after various home laboratory mishaps and scolds him every time but secretly enjoys seeing him get so excited over his experiments
they both remind each other not to overwork but they still do it anyway #hypocrisy
in some distant universe where eve actually survived they absolutely parent her together
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191131415926 · 10 months
because of eggz and only eggz.
okay i've been in gacha fandom for a long time now(I was there before GachaVerse beta release heheheh) and I have a question
It seems to me that many people in this fandom don't really like Lunime games because of the bad plot and other cringe things in them(am I right?)
But you still make content on these games (and it's good! I really like plot ideas, headcanons and character's redesigns) So my question is...
What keeps you in this fandom? What attracts you to these games?
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191131415926 · 3 years
The fact that sacrifice is probably something beyond simple mental problem and quite unlikely to be recovered.
Not to start a shipping war or anything, but
Cyko x therapy is objectively the best ship in the gacha fandom
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191131415926 · 7 years
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Crimson Peak Decor
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191131415926 · 8 years
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Since Lovecraft doesn’t have his own strap, we made one for him ourselves.
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