1domegaverseficfest ¡ 5 days
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Love's a State of Mind
by @enchantedlandcoffee
Coming soon(ish) to @1domegaverseficfest
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Friends to Lovers, Exes to Lovers
"What is it? Is it because I told you I love you? Because I tell everyone I love them, Louis, it's no big deal-" "It is a big deal, Harry. God, I've heard you tell Niall, Liam, Nick, even the postman that you love them. I've known you for ten years now and, since we presented, you stopped telling me that you loved me. You'd tell everyone else and I'd just get a pat on the back. So forgive me if I was a little taken aback by my drunk best friend telling me he loved me. Telling me that there's no one else like me and that he'd be lucky to have me as his omega. Only then to find out that he doesn't remember that last part. And for him to laugh it off like it didn't mean anything-" "It didn't mean anything..." "Well, it meant something to me."
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1domegaverseficfest ¡ 6 days
Another snippet from my @1domegaverseficfest fic! It's fluffy this time!
“You having fun, Haz?” Louis grinned as the alpha nuzzled into his shoulder, the alcohol in his system making him even more affectionate than usual. “S’ much fun,” Harry mumbled, attempting to curl up closer to the omega. “Missed you.” “I missed you too, button,” Louis smiled, pressing a kiss to the alpha's curls. They'd only been apart for a few hours, both of them getting swept up in conversations with their relevant friend groups, but Louis wasn't lying when he said that he'd missed the boy. Whilst he'd long since gotten his omega's feelings for the alpha in check, he could never stop the sense of longing in his chest. The tug of his heart pleading with him to go and finally ask Harry to be his. His alpha, his boyfriend. His.
Tagging (no pressure) @thechavier @kingsofeverything @lululawrence @allwaswell16 @theeliampayne @itsnotreal
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1domegaverseficfest ¡ 6 days
Small snippet of the very start of my fic for @1domegaverseficfest
"Ever since that night at Niall's, you have barely been able to look me in the eye, and I hate it, Lou. You're my best friend and you've been avoiding me for absolutely no reason-" "I have a reason!" "What is it? Is it because I told you I love you? Because I tell everyone I love them, Louis, it's no big deal-" "It is a big deal, Harry. God, I've heard you tell Niall, Liam, Nick, even the postman that you love them. I've known you for ten years now and, since we presented, you stopped telling me that you loved me. You'd tell everyone else and I'd just get a pat on the back. So forgive me if I was a little taken aback by my drunk best friend telling me he loved me. Telling me that there's no one else like me and that he'd be lucky to have me as his omega. Only then to find out that he doesn't remember that last part. And for him to laugh it off like it didn't mean anything-" "It didn't mean anything..." "Well, it meant something to me."
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1domegaverseficfest ¡ 10 days
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by Albatross1013
art by LRG 🥰
“I dunno, man. He doesn’t act like us and he doesn’t smell like any pack I’ve ever encountered.” Zayn shrugged, looking as bewildered as Louis felt. “It’s like he came from a different world.” Louis cast his friend a sharp glance, remembering what he saw in the omega’s eyes. “What do you mean?” “When I came back, you were crashed out and he was curled up as close as he could get without actually touching you. As soon as I dropped the meat for him, I figured he would dig in, but he just laid there watching me all creepy-like. I did everything I could to tell him it was okay, but he wouldn’t budge,” Zayn paused, giving Louis a look he couldn’t read. “When I finally shifted to human, he scampered away and cowered, shaking in the corner like I was going to skin him. He finally calmed down after I sat down next to you, but it didn’t matter what I said, he just stayed there, staring and drooling.”
Coming soon(ish) to the @1domegaverseficfest
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1domegaverseficfest ¡ 10 days
Fic Promo Sunday!
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Here is a snippet for my next fic, the kid fic that I’m writing for the @1domegaverseficfest based on the prompt:
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“Mr. Louis!!!” Noah shouts, waving his short arms effusively. “Mr. Louis, are you shopping!?”
Harry turns to look in the direction Noah is waving, and sure enough, Louis is there, smiling and waving back. The alpha approaches them, pushing his own trolley, and puts his phone away. He’s dressed far more informally than what they normally see him wear in school, in black joggers and a very soft-looking green hoodie. His hair is tousled, and Harry has to refrain himself from reaching and smoothing it over.
“Noah, lad, are you helping your mama?” He asks in that soft voice that always melts Harry’s insides.
“Yup!” Noah replies, smiling. “We’re having Mama’s special paghetti for dinner!” Harry can’t help but notice the fond chuckle that escapes the teacher’s mouth, and he is far too endeared by it.
“That sounds brilliant, lad.”
And then, Noah takes a look at Louis’ trolley from his advantaged position, frowns, and suddenly gets very serious.
“Mama,” he says, and Harry instinctively leans close, even if the child is speaking in quite a loud tone. “Mr. Louis has no veggies in his trolley…” He observes very worriedly, and Harry takes a look at the alpha’s groceries only to see two four-packs of Boddingtons, two frozen pizzas, a ready-made shepherd’s pie, a tub of chocolate mint ice cream, and a bag of Skittles.
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1domegaverseficfest ¡ 10 days
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Coming soon for the 1D Omegaverse Fic Fest:
Tossing Round Like Coins
“No, no it’s fine.” Louis rubs the back of his neck a little awkwardly. “I guess I’m just not used to hearing another alpha talking about taking a knot is all. You caught me off guard a bit, but I don’t mind.”
Harry’s look of embarrassment soon morphs into a smirk. “Not a lot of knot talk in the locker rooms then?”
Louis laughs. “Oh yeah there is. But it’s more like arguments over whose is bigger and that.” He schools his face into what he hopes is an over exaggerated self righteous expression. “But not me of course, because I’m proper evolved.”
Harry snorts out a laugh. “Of course you are.”
Louis can’t help but smile at Harry’s goofy grin. He’s never met anyone as open and honest as Harry is, and Louis finds himself endlessly fascinated by it.
You can subscribe here to be notified when it posts!
And go to @1domegaverseficfest to find the other fics from the fest!
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1domegaverseficfest ¡ 13 days
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Coming soon to 1D Omegaverse Fic Fest:
I'm Sticking Around
“Thank you for letting me know. I will need–”
“Hi! Hi, sorry! We’re here, Coach!”
Louis turns to the panicked voice interrupting this tense conversation and something unfurls in his tummy as his eyes go into tunnel vision. It's Harry, the librarian from the other day, still looking heaven sent but now with a frazzled energy that's entirely too endearing. He's got a backpack, a tote bag, and a cooler bag hanging from one arm, and the other one is holding hands with a little boy with a crown of golden curls, little legs hustling to keep up with his rushing mother. The pair sure are a sight, giggling and smiling at each other even as they’re running across the field, like it’s just another day and they have the world’s largest inside joke.
The pompous alpha beside him huffs, breaking Louis' concentration on what feels like his future running towards him and suddenly the reality of the situation falls on him: Louis is romantically interested in Harry. Harry’s son is on Louis' soccer team. And while Harry’s son is on Louis’ soccer team, his romantic interest cannot be acted upon.
Subscribe now to be notified when it posts!
Make sure to check @1domegaverseficfest for more snippets of works coming to the fest!
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1domegaverseficfest ¡ 18 days
OVFF Writer Check-In
Hello beautiful people,
The check-in emails have just been sent. Please reply to them as we need to see if you're on track!
If you haven't received any email, please reach out to us here!
Happy writing!
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1domegaverseficfest ¡ 18 days
I was tagged by @boosbabycakes28 (thank youuu!) to post a snippet from my wip. This is from my angsty, soulmates sickfic for @1domegaverseficfest
His stiff posture unchanged, Harry’s jaw twitched before he spoke. “I don’t know what you expect me to say. All is forgiven? Because it’s—.” Harry uncrossed his arms, his tote bag falling to the pavement. Even though this conversation was clearly not going in the direction Louis had hoped, he instinctively reached down to pick the bag off the ground.  “Nothing’s forgiven, Louis,” Harry snapped, snatching the bag from Louis’ grasp. His fingers brushed Louis’ for only a moment. “If you want to make anything better, just leave me alone.” The force that flowed through Louis’ fingers knocked him a bit sideways, causing him to stumble. At first he thought Harry had shoved him away, but in the next instant a burning pain seared up his arm. He clutched it in confusion, looking back at Harry as though for answers, but he’d already turned away from him.  Dread filled his heart. This had been the moment Louis had been waiting for all his life, his soulmate’s touch bonding them to one another forever. Louis can feel the bond, an invisible string between them tying its knot only to immediately be sliced through with Harry’s rejection of it.  “Sorry to bother you then,” Louis managed to croak out. 
I'll tag: @uhoh-but-yeah-alright @reminiscingintherain @littleroverlouis @thechavier @enchantedlandcoffee @disgruntledkittenface @imogenleewriter @lunarheslwt if you want to share! And anyone else who wants to share just say I tagged you!
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1domegaverseficfest ¡ 1 month
Last Line Challenge
Thank you @marwritesstuff for tagging me ♥️♥️
My last line is from the fic I'm writing for @1domegaverseficfest:
He jolted up in bed and hurried to the bathroom, taking a long warm shower, and washing the shame away.
I'm tagging @elleseekeepdriv @nouies ignore me if you've already participated... My mind isn't working rn and idk who to tag! 😭
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1domegaverseficfest ¡ 1 month
Last Line Challenge
Thank you @lunarheslwt for nominating me!
"And Louis can only thank him, bashfully, because getting compliments from this beautiful and kind omega is really doing a number on him."
This is from the kid fic I'm writing for the @1domegaverseficfest
I'm tagging: @silverstuff50 @elleseekeepdriv @liminalkitty369 @yoursolosong @larrydoinglaundry
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1domegaverseficfest ¡ 1 month
last line challenge
I was tagged by @reminiscingintherain and I finally have something to share lol. I haven't written a whole lot since my advent fic, but this is from my fic for the @1domegaverseficfest
He and the neighbourhood lads got a bit rowdy now and then, causing mischief and being rude to the others who weren’t like them.
24 words lol oof. I'll try and think of 24 writers to tag:
@justanothershadeofblue @voulezloux @lunarheslwt @imogenleewriter @haztobegood @enchantedlandcoffee @kingsofeverything because I used the word rowdy lol, @srldesigns6277 @thechavier @shimmeringevil @lululawrence @laynefaire @beardyboyzx @letthemusicmoveyou28 @hellolovers13 @wecantalktomorrow @thinlinez @littleobelia @nouies could share part of your current smau?? , @alwaysxlarrie @neondiamond @parmahamlarrie @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed @louisandtheaquarian I did it! 24! And also anyone who wants to share please do and say I tagged you!
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1domegaverseficfest ¡ 1 month
Sunday Snippet
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Just kidding. I've barely started. Anywayyyyy, I was tagged by @reminiscingintherain and @haztobegood thank youuu both! So this is from my soulmate fic for @1domegaverseficfest and even though I don't have much of it yet, I had a very long talk with @taggiecb about it and now I feel very very good about it. Especially after she texted me in the middle of the night still thinking about it. Good sign. haha.
Even before Louis presented as an omega, he’d dreamed of one day finding his soulmate.
Back then, he’d imagined one day presenting as the alpha he knew he was and finding an omega or beta who would love him despite his flaws because he or she was his soulmate. He knew he could be a bit of a shit as the leader of his little pack of wannabe alphas. He and the neighbourhood lads got a bit rowdy now and then, causing mischief and being rude to the others who weren’t like them.
After he’d presented as an omega, his fair weather friends in the wind, he held even more tightly to the notion of his soulmate. Somewhere out there, Louis’ soulmate waited for him and would accept him and love him even as most of society shunned him as a male omega, unable to bear or sire children. 
It was with shame that he thought back on how he and the lads had picked on their classmates. Their most frequent targets, a couple of artistic kids always drawing comics in their notebooks and keeping to themselves. And of course, their little protector, Harry. 
I'll tag: @parmahamlarrie @beelou @jacaranda-bloom @voulezloux and @neondiamond and anyone else who wants to just say I tagged you!
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1domegaverseficfest ¡ 3 months
Chosen prompts for this edition
If you're interested in the list, click here!
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1domegaverseficfest ¡ 3 months
The collab page is now live!
You can find the list of people who have offered to collaborate with authors, a small list of resources, and a few examples of simple visuals.
Happy collaborating!
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Are you someone who loves making moodboards or visuals for stories? The OVFF is looking for you!
We are looking to make a list of people who are willing to make moodboards for the fest and collaborate with authors who might have some difficulties.
Please let us know if you want to be included in the list by reaching out to us or filling this form!
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1domegaverseficfest ¡ 3 months
hey, would you mind posting about omega harry prompts that are selected? or would that be too much 😞 just asking no pressure
and you can make threads of omegaL and omegaH seperately so it would be easier to find :)
Hi anon! We will post the list of the chosen prompts when sign ups close, so it will be complete :)
We will do it in numerical order, as there are prompts that don't specify who the omega is, and prompts that don't fit any of these categories in general (nontraditional, non-larry, etc.) and creating fitting categories for each of them would require a bit of labour.
You're welcome to check the list when it will be published, and select the prompts you're interested in!
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1domegaverseficfest ¡ 3 months
Regarding the use of AI in moodboards
Hi Everyone,
We're happy that the OVFF is thriving with regards to sign ups, and we are aware of some movements regarding the use of AI in the moodboards for fics in fic fests, so we wanted to clarify.
The OVFF has a rule about needing a visual for your fic when it is posted. This visual can be anything you want, a moodboard, a piece of art, anything, and it is intended to give your fic post more visibility and more possibility to be reblogged/retweeted and spread out.
We do not have a rule regarding the use of AI pictures in the moodboards, and we aren't going to implement one. However, the fest strongly discourages the use of AI in the visual for the fic. You will not be disqualified or excluded in any way if you still decide to use it, as we did not have a rule at the moment of signing, but we encourage you not to make use of it.
To facilitate this, we will be compiling a list of people willing to help with moodboards and visuals that we will publish so authors can reach out and have someone help them with one. There is also a general ongoing list that you can find at @artistsof1d
If you are interested in collaborating for a visual, please click here!
In addition, we will compile a list of places where authors can look up images that are in the public domain.
The beauty of fandom resides in its community, please do not hesitate to reach out to people and collaborate with them, let your creativity run free!
The Mods
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