2amstalked · 9 days
Some NPD ( Narcissistic Personality Disorder ) terms:
The material ( compliments, attention, praise, + etc ) that fuel an NPD person with energy, motivation, and an overall good-mood. The amount of Narc-supply that separate NPD people need varies between person to person, and each tend to have their own favorite type of Narc-supply that boosts them even more than other types. Don’t underestimate how important this is, if ‘supply’ levels deplete or aren’t met negative episodes / meltdowns are bound to ensue.  Just as well, energy and motivation will drop drastically. In some cases, suicidal ideations may appear.
Despite the name these are not necessarily insults that anyone else would view as such. Just like Narc-Supply, Narc-Insults vary from person to person. A Narc-Insult is essentially anything that someone with NPD feels is an attack against themself, their ego, their image, or their reputation ( + etc ). This is taken very seriously and can result in a variety of reactions, but usually, contempt and a newfound dislike<–>hatred for whomever/whatever is responsible for administering the Narc-Insult.
Chosen Person ( CP ):
A CP is a specific person in an NPD person’s life that is valued and favorable above all others – the notable characteristic being that they are seen as Worthy of one’s time/effort and are prized in certain ways. Someone with NPD is often very possessive of their CP and will typically focus their attention on their CP rather than anyone else on the premise that ‘no one else is worth their time’.
Equal: Someone who, through the eyes of someone with NPD, is seen as close to or on the same level as oneself. Acknowledging that the Equal is almost/just as good or important.
Inferior: Someone who, through the eyes of someone with NPD, is seen as ‘Unworthy’. Mostly on the idea that an Inferior is not Good Enough for one’s time/effort/attention ( for whatever reason; said reason varies between separate NPD folx ).
Consultant: A person whom someone with NPD will consult with to greenlight certain things. The Consultant’s opinion is viewed as Better than anyone else’s through the NPD person’s eyes. Typically the only person ( or people ) someone with NPD will value a second opinion from.
A term used with most/all Cluster-B personality disorders. Characterized by a sudden and abrupt shift in opinion/view on a certain thing. Example: Going from liking a person very much to absolutely despising them within the span of an hour. Splitting for those with NPD often occurs after a Narc-Insult has been experienced but can happen for any
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2amstalked · 11 days
your hand, my blood
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2amstalked · 15 days
I'm really not secretly gentle. If I am gentle with someone, it is by choice. It's not something I am naturally inclined to do. I was raised violently, I grew up violently. For over half my life it was more normal for me to experience violence & aggression - than it wasn't.
I am gentle by choice. Not because I have to be, or feel naturally inclined to be. But because I want to be - for the ones I care about. And I'd kill to protect them.
The world wasn't gentle to me. But I will be for you.
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2amstalked · 15 days
mental illness experience
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2amstalked · 16 days
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"I can fix him" oh yeah? well I can worship him like the god he is and feed into each and every single one of his delusions so he keeps me as his property forever
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2amstalked · 16 days
oh, but i don't care how scared you are. i will cradle you in my arms until your fears melt away. i will kiss the wounds of your heart until they have sealed. i will pour all my love into you until you feel full. i will simply love you as you are. you can unmask yourself, undress yourself, take off your clothes and skin, and i will love you anyway.
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2amstalked · 16 days
go ahead. manipulate, gaslight, destroy me. anything you need to do so that i know i'm yours.
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2amstalked · 16 days
Being your favorite isnt enough. i need your obsession and devotion. i need you to crawl into my heart and sleep against my ribcage. become one with me forever.
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2amstalked · 16 days
An MBTI System For Soft Yanderes
Having discovered the amazing Yandere MBTI by @ddarker-dreams I was inspired to create a similar system for the categorisation of soft yanderes. While it's made with more kind yanderes in mind (since the original system would sort most of them into a small number of types, leading to less variety for soft yandere writers) it could theoretically work for any kind of yandere. Please feel free to borrow this system for your own writing!
How does it work?
A quick introduction for those unfamiliar with the original MBTI- it's a personality type system consisting of four categories with two options each. To get your personality type, you pick the most appropriate option from each to get one of 16 possible four letter codes, corresponding to a personality type.
The yandere MBTI works the same way.
I've devised the following four categories:
Covert [C] vs Overt [O]
Distant [D] vs Smothering [S]
Relaxed [R] vs Wary [W]
Prepared [P] vs Impulsive [I]
Now for a more in depth look:
Covert/Overt: How frank are they about their motivations? Generally speaking, a covert yandere is one who avoids drastic measures like abduction in favour of manipulating things behind the scenes to win darling’s heart. Some covert yanderes do resort to abduction, but they lie about their motivations to seem more reasonable or compelling, or just straight up vague you about it. An overt yandere is one who is very frank about the relationship they want from darling. If they hide it early on, e.g. during the stalking phase, they gladly recount what they were doing once darling is theirs.
Distant/Smothering: How do they interact with a darling who doesn’t yet love them? Do they let them have their space and come to terms with things on their own, or do they completely smother them in attention in a desperate bid to win them over? Distant yanderes don’t necessarily have to ignore their darling, but they choose to let them take the lead in how much they interact early on. Smothering yanderes don’t have to be explicit in their intentions (this will largely depend on their Covert/Overt alignment) but they must in one manner or another pressure their darling into spending vast amounts of time with them.
Relaxed/Wary: This category encompasses several factors that will typically correlate strongly, the main ones being the extent to which they trust their darling once they come around to the relationship, how realistic their understanding of the situation is (are their any irrational beliefs spurring them on?) and how they feel about increasing darling’s freedom once things get better. Relaxed yanderes typically trust their darling’s word, see the situation realistically and will increase freedom at the drop of the hat. Wary yanderes are cautious of what their darling says, may have irrational beliefs about darling’s safety and will have to think carefully about easing things up with darling’s liberty.
Prepared/Impulsive: Perhaps the most easy to understand category, this is a balance of how thought out the yandere’s plan is, both obtaining them in the first place and winning their love. Prepared yanderes may spend months devising their scheme, making extensive changes to their home to accommodate its new inhabitant and knowing what to do if plan A at any point fails. Impulsive yanderes are just that. They do things in the spur of the moment, figuring it out as they go along. Some impulsive yanderes do have a long period of preparation, e.g. stalking their darling to learn their routine, or fantasising about how to obtain them but ultimately maintain their ‘anything goes’ attitude and have little idea of how they will achieve their endgame.
Examples with the characters I write for
I've put all the characters I've written yandere content for in the past into this table so you can see where I've placed them. I've also added a few bonus characters from other jojo parts, to fill in the types I couldn't think of anyone for.
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For those who are interested, I've written a more in depth look at each individual type and how they usually operate here, in a separate post to stop this one going on forever.
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2amstalked · 16 days
Yandere Types
I used the MBTI format, but instead of the eight traits (like introversion vs extroversion or whatever), it has:
Mental Clarity: Lucid vs Delusional
Power Dynamic: Submissive vs Dominant
Preference: Manipulation vs Violence
Threat Level: Tame vs Lethal
As you can see, I know nothing about MBTI. I just liked the format lol
This is a little fun project I was inspired to make after reading a lot from @maleyanderecafe​‘s analysis posts. They were what inspired me to make this in the first place.
That being said, here is a Yandere Edition of the MBTI Test.
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2amstalked · 16 days
☰ Yandere Personality Types  〔Big Five〕
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☰ Overview
〔Disclaimer〕 Yandere behavior and mindsets are not healthy, nor should they be sought after: this is just meant to be a fun way to analyze characters and see/understand how they may fit into this specific genre of fictional horror. 
This personality ‘assessment’ was inspired by @ddarker-dreams​‘s ‘Yandere MBTI’ as I adore their writing and have always thought that their MBTI assessment is really cool! I also noticed how other people enjoy it so I thought I would make my own assessment, though mine is inspired by the ‘Big Five Personality Traits’. I even tried to be creative and add in the little circles that you can find on the actual Big Five assessment too (which is 100% free btw!). I don’t really think I did the Big Five assessment justice, and I think that a lot more goes into the complexities around this kinda thing, but hopefully this is somewhat interesting!
If you have your own thoughts or even wanna try this out, 100% feel free to use or talk to me about it! Check it out below the cut!
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2amstalked · 17 days
bitches w npd be like
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its me im bitches
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2amstalked · 17 days
thank you for your constructive criticism. unfortunately, i have been sent into a rage which i will not mentally recover from for three years
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2amstalked · 17 days
"narcissists use silent treatment as a punishment to regain control of the situation" is such a stupid piece of pop psychology.
have you considered that inciting conflict and pushing a narcissist to their limits and then punishing them for the reaction you knew was incredibly likely and that you elicited to prove what an "unstable abusive narcissistic asshole" they are, it isn't gonna make them wanna fucking talk to you?
when they do it, it's called greyrocking, when a narcissist does it, it's abusive. literally fuck off. prime example of cognitive dissonance. have you considered that conflict may be triggering for a person with npd because pathological narcissism is usually a result of childhood abuse. sure, many of us do it to be cunts, but sometimes we can't help it???
when somebody with a defensive trauma disorder is put in a high stakes situation, like an argument, maybe they're not doing it to punish you. trauma survivors going nonspeaking in a stressful situation is actually a biological defensive mechanism (fight, flight, fawn or freeze what have you). maybe everything isn't a personal attack against you?
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2amstalked · 17 days
Yandere “MBTI”
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Disclaimer: The yandere trope is not a portrayal of healthy or ideal relationships, but instead a horror-based genre meant to stick strictly to fiction. 
I was inspired by the MBTI type indicator to make something similar but for yandere characters! I am by no means an expert and it’s mostly just a fun little assessment on the yandere trope because I love personality test stuff. Feel free to send asks giving your own input and ideas!! 
Another preface, I think that yandere as a whole is complex and can’t be simply boiled down to a few terminologies and concepts. In doing so it loses a lot of nuance that’s unique to the trope/genre whatever you’d want to call it. So that being said I view this system to be more of a of how I generally think most yanderes operate, rather than a set of rules that must be followed. I say this because I’d hate to stifle any creativity that doesn’t strictly fall into it! A lot of these mix and match with one another as well, so it isn’t always 100% either-or. 
I’ve seen some of these concepts floating around before and I’m not claiming to be the creator of any of them!! I’m just giving my two cents on stuff I’ve seen before. 
That being said, let’s get started !! Underneath the cut for length.
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2amstalked · 17 days
      ⋆ ࣪. ☆ _ ★ ⚔︎   ˖ ࣪⭑     
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2amstalked · 17 days
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