achromacolin-blog · 11 years
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achromacolin-blog · 11 years
won't you be bothered if I tell you I'm a girl..? oh God I feel stupid as heeeeeell
"Oh, little love. Don't feel stupid. I always assume it's really obvious that I prefer sausage to taco. I should have been more clear, and I'm sorry for it. We can still make pizza if you want."
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achromacolin-blog · 11 years
Cmon, give yourself some credit - for what I've seen, you're great. amazing. so cute... and, hum, I could have a face, I do have one actually, but I'm shy you know? I really want to be with you and make you pizza but what if you find me ugly as fuck and leave me after that?
"You're a spitfire, and I'm admittedly charmed. I mean, I get it. I'm a shy lad myself...c'mon out of hiding and we'll talk about this "ugly as fuck" face which I'm sure is five by five."
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achromacolin-blog · 11 years
"I'm Colin. I live in the apartment complex over that-a-ways." He gestured behind him, thumb pointed towards the brick building nearly adjacent from the Murder House. A smile tugged at his lips as he watched the dead girl peer down at the daisy, black and white against the fair cream of her palms. He didn't know how much he could or should tell her about his little condition—the dead sometimes kept their passing secret, and he didn't want to anger her or scare her off. "What's your name?"
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achromacolin +
Violet’s first smile in a while came out from hiding  her lips curved big and she showed her teeth. “Thank you.” She said as she retrieved the beautiful daisy and gazed at the beautiful colors. The white and yellow blended very well together. She hadn’t seen beautiful flowers such as this one. The house was vacant so there was no one too plant a garden, or keep up with the flowers and mow the lawn. it was all very sad. The scenery wasn’t as beautiful as it once had been when the Harmon’s were alive. “What’s your name?” she asked him. She was longing for someone too come in and sit with her, and talk too her as if she’d known them for a while. Those people were hard too find especially if you were locked from the rest of the world. If she could go back, she would have never taken those pills. The sad realization too that is that she did, and nothing could ever change it. 
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achromacolin-blog · 11 years
do you... do you wanna meet? I mean, I can make pizza for you, you know, homemade pizza... I-I just... oh, you're so cute and...
"That's really novel of you, greyface, but I dunno how compatible we are. I mean, you got right to the point, and I was very flustered and flattered, thank you very much—but I'm more of a...uh, total coward with no charisma, I guess that's the best way to put it. There's also the issue of your lack of a face. Bit tough to make sense of this, honey."
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achromacolin-blog · 11 years
nah, I mean you... I want to give you a blowjob, and a handjob and everything you want, I think I... I like you...
"What if all I want is a glass of wine and some pizza? I mean, I'm s-sort of doubtful that anyone'd like me...I just moved here, after all."
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achromacolin-blog · 11 years
I actually want to give you a blowjob.
"Y-you what? I mean, uh, I'm flattered, obviously-you sure you don't mean Antonio in the complex above mine? Or the spooky blonde dead boy in the scary house on the corner? 'Cause I'd, y'know...either of those. I-I think you're confused."
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achromacolin-blog · 11 years
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Cue the shy, skittish act. "I live in the apartment complex over there, so if you're in the area..." With a non-committal hand gesture, Colin gestures to the brick structure adjacent to himself and the young woman. "...Prolly have seen me, yeah."
+ achromacolin
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“You seem familiar.” 
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achromacolin-blog · 11 years
ooc: so i have some replies to peck out but i don't anticipate that consuming a lot of time
//so if you wanna plot here i am, signed sealed delivered.
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achromacolin-blog · 11 years
Send my character sexual fantasies and watch them... squirm.
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achromacolin-blog · 11 years
snap snap snap snap snap
snap snap snap snap snap
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achromacolin-blog · 11 years
California was fairly new ground for Colin, and the sun was a welcome blessing from the cloudy Maine skies he'd once been stuck under. The neighborhood was still fairly new to him, and he learned new cities best with his feet. They mapped out spaces better than anything else could. He rounded one block, and then the next, and then he saw it: the infamous Murder House.
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He could feel the pain seeping through the foundation, even from a distance. Against his better judgement, he came closer, eyes lingering at the iron gates that sealed the countless dead souls inside their prison. Lingering behind its bars was a girl, and while the rest of the terrain remained grey and  dull, he saw her in full color, from the honeyed glow of her hair to the deep purple circles that hung under her eyes. It was too soon to get involved with the dead of this town, but she looked so sad...
"Uh, hey." He sprinted over, plucking a daisy from the earth that was just outside the gate, slipping it through the bar to the spooky girl. "Figured there's gotta be something to smile about on a day like this, y'know?"
achromacolin +
——— On days like these Violet liked sitting on the front porch, preferably reading her novel but not today. She wanted too sit back, relax and enjoy the beautiful California weather. The day was bright. She wasn’t used too bright positive things. Living in a house full of regret and dreadfulness only made you feel that way. Getting away from everyone was her plan. She was sick of her parents, sick of Tate following her and watching her constantly. She was sick of the Rutger twins causing trouble in the basement. She just wanted too be alone. She longed for someone new too talk too. Violet was tired of the same old people constantly bugging her and dragging her down. She needed the sweet taste of nicotine unfortunately for her she had no cigarettes  she sighed. Nothing could make  this day any more perfect than having one in between her little fingers. 
She stood up and began too walk over too the gates, her feet were bare and occasionally stuck too the mud underneath and picked up a few little rocks inbetween her toes. ouch- she said too herself. she see’s a young man. Caucasian brunette. She showed herself hoping he would see her and talk too her. It would be nice too hear someone elses voice for a change.
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achromacolin-blog · 11 years
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achromacolin-blog · 11 years
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Photography At Its Greatest. † on @weheartit.com - http://whrt.it/11El8ve
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achromacolin-blog · 11 years
Colin quickly tore his earbuds from his ears, winding them hastily around his iPod and shoving the source of embarrassment into his pocket. Oh, a few hours later and it'd be dark enough for the sky to hide the explosive flush that painted his cheeks. Note to self: sew mouth shut before leaving the house, forever and always.
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"Aw, shit." He took a step or two forward to close the gap between himself and the—wait a minute. This fellow was in color, at least partially. It wasn't perfectly bright the way a ghost would show up, but he could see warm hues, the glow of skin that wasn't the washed out grey he normally saw. He blinked once, twice, and the colors didn't dissipate. So, if it wasn't a fluke of his eyes, that would make this man in the woods...dead? Was he trapped in the woods? Bound to an oak tree? Ghosts were normally trapped in cemeteries or in houses, but Colin's ability to rationalize was entirely compromised by his embarrassment.
"I just figured I had the place to myself...you don't come here often, I don't guess?" What good questions you ask, Colin. What deductive reasoning you use, dude.
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—Oh, darn, it seemed like he’d gotten lost again. Though could he really be lost if he didn’t have a place to call home? It was a thought worth musing over; one Levi eagerly embraced as he wearily plodded down the dry path, eyes scanning the (seemingly endless) sprawl of forest, a hefty sigh leaving his pursed lips. Despite the man’s exhaustion, despite the fact his feet were dragging through the dead and dry leaves, there was a slight spring to the man’s step. There was just something about the forest air that brightened Levi’s days. Maybe it was the birds singing, or the fact that he was completely alone that did it, but…oh wait. Was that the oddly entertaining sound of off-key singing? Eyes widening just a bit, a grin flashed across Levi’s face for just a moment; it seemed he had company!
“I wouldn’t go out for any singing auditions,” Levi called as he approached the stranger, a slight laugh shaking his shoulders. “But hey, I’ve heard worse.”
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achromacolin-blog · 11 years
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achromacolin-blog · 11 years
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The wooded area behind Colin's house is a fairly safe and always deserted shortcut into town-making it a perfect venue for his off-key, headphones-in tirades. Tonight, he saunters across a bed of dead leaves to a Pixies song, poorly imitating Frank Black, oblivious to the space around him.
"There is a waiiiit so long, so long, you'll never wait so looooong—! Here comes your man, here comes your ma—"
Scratch the oblivious, there's a fellow just a pace or two down the trail, and Colin hopes to all deities that he's deaf. Oops.
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