adventures-in-retail · 5 months
One of our tanning beds has a mist function.
A customer used the bed and when they came out asked me “where does the water come from?”
She wanted to make sure it wasn’t tap water because tap water is gross. Valid.
Then proceeds to compliment my tan.
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adventures-in-retail · 5 months
First Customer of the Day
M: hey, how are you this morning
C: I wish you would get better marketing signs than this. *vague gesture to window* chuckle* something about well at least it’s better than a bathing suits
M: *really confused because it’s first thing in the morning and no clue wtf she’s talking about until it processes later* *blank stare at this woman*
C: anyway, good morning
The sign in question is a woman wearing a paisley purple long sleeve shirt sitting on a counter with pancakes & a milkshake with very short short to expose her legs in a non provocative way with matching purple heels. Nothing is exposed. Caption says serve up all the looks. I mean I work at a tanning salon…our marketing is going to show skin to show off tan…
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adventures-in-retail · 5 months
Back story:
We have always shared a dumpster with the restaurant next door because we don’t produce a lot of trash. 2 years ago the restaurant changed owners and we have continued to do so. City said they are no longer providing and businesses will have to get their own. Well then it became an issue with the restaurant owner. He bothered my AM twice then came to me about saying “I pay X amount a month and had no idea y’all were even using it. I should be compensated with free services.” I let him know that he would not be getting free services, we maybe put 3 bags in a week, but would stop. Two weeks later my AM goes next door to get lunch and he is STILL bothering her about it even though we have not put any in.
Current Day:
We now have our own dumpster. My DM has come in and is checking it out. She asks me if I’m sure it is ours. I told her I’m pretty sure, I confirmed with the person this morning we got one and it’s right behind our door. She showed me a picture of the inside…it has very obvious restaurant trash in it. I go next door and ask if the owner is in. He comes out and I tell him I need to talk with him. Here’s how it goes down:
M: So i just wanted to let you know we do have our own dumpster now.
O: *interrupting me* oh it wasn’t that big a deal, no need for anyone to be upset
M: Would you let me finish? Considering you did bother my AM twice and myself, we now have our own. I noticed this morning that there is restaurant trash in it. And considering how upset you got over us putting trash in yours, I would appreciate it if you let your staff know to not put it in ours.
O: there’s no reason to be upset, yall didn’t have to go and do that. [employee name] told me yall use to do that when she worked there. Do you have a second to walk out there and take a look?
M: No I don’t. I’m getting ready for busy season and have work to do. *walks out*
5ish min later he pops in telling us is was so so they just saw the same dumpster service name and assumed.
That employee then comes over and is laughing. She said she knew as soon as he came to the back what it was about and that karma comes around and she appreciates it because of his attitude lately.
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adventures-in-retail · 5 months
Yesterday we closed at 12 due to severe weather. Opened this morning to 8 missed calls.
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adventures-in-retail · 5 months
Corp says “TV in lobby must be at an audible level”
My staff keeps turning it all the way down so there is no sound
Today I hid the remote from them so they can no longer change the volume
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adventures-in-retail · 5 months
Oh look, here’s another and we are barely into the new year…
Customer: I want to cancel
Me: Sure thing! However, I know that you haven’t been in since December but since you didn’t cancel before hand it looks like your payment for this month didn’t go through…
Customer: Good!
Me: *internal dialogue: could ya let me finish*. Well unfortunately I do need you to pay the balance before I can cancel per company policy
Customer: Well if it didn’t come out this month and I know it’s not going to come out again, I guess it doesn’t matter if I cancel or not
Me: awkward shrug
Customer: walks out
Me: notates account about interaction incase she ever comes back
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adventures-in-retail · 5 months
Let’s start off the 2024 list here we go
Customer told my associate on a day I was not there that I needed to stop being a bitch. This is a whole month after the incident happened where I informed said customer she had a balance on her account.
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Person called saying they put in an application. Then said they were wondering if the job was hard.
I can’t with people any more.
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C: wow, just noticed the new signage. Use to looking at the skinny girls, now they have hefty ones.
*not hefty but look more size inclusive. Actually have a stomach & rolls*
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C: Hey, so I’m really allergic to this product. I broke out all over & started itching really bad. Could I return it?
M: Oh my gosh that’s awful! Yea, no that’s not a problem. It’ll go back as a credit on your account though.
C: Okay.
~~A few hours later~~
~phone ringing~
M: Thank you for calling my work this is ——.
C: Yes my refund hasn’t showed back on my credit card yet.
M: Yes ma’am like I told you this morning in the store it would go back as a credit on your account.
C: hangs up phone
~~time goes by~~
E: Hey do you remember this customer?
M: Yea, what’s going on?
E: They are demanding I give them cash back for the refund you already processed even though I explained a)the refund is already credited on the account b)that policy states we can not do that.
M: You’re kidding right?
E: Nope. And they have even called again asking for the same thing and have now said they just want to cancel.
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M: So it looks like you didn’t come in till 12:35 yesterday, so unfortunately you will have to wait till then.
C: what?! But I’m only in town for a week. I was going to come here first & then go to Walmart because I didn’t want to go to Walmart first.
M: I’m sorry, but unfortunately you do have to wait 24 hours and my system won’t even let me put you in.
C: This is ridiculous! I wish someone would have told me that yesterday.They don’t do that where I’m from.
M: *smiles at customer* *thinking to myself: well you did sign the waiver stating you understood the 24 hours, you were shown the waiver, emailed the waiver & my employee did tell you*
C: *walks out* This is stupid. Absolutely ridiculous.
I can still here her ranting as she’s out the door & see her ranting all the way to her car.
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