faded roses rose colored eyes beamed through the everglades upon leaving we took pieces from the instant blue sky meanwhile gods return to the middle ages sipping world wine they carry piled up days that would come to no good anyway meanwhile i count faded roses the number came to 0 after one books are plenty letters are gone but I keep writing one endlessly meanwhile people are against us and we will take them seriously we offer grass and soil and things it looked like a solid ritual meanwhile rain pours down on the railroad nearby after all it is not a good day to remember and I will not refer to it anymore Godenkind 19-03-2019 I wrote this little poem a few days ago while looking at these faded roses.
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Laptops were all around in the Middle Ages. Only, they didn't take notice.
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next poem ( the watch shop)
"I really lived alone in the world"
the chosen one enters
in a second world that had arisen
after my words I regretted now
the time had come yes but why
in the morning sleeping quietly until the evening soon would fall
we all look at our grateful watches
in the watch shop grandma took us there by the hand
this makes us laugh over ice cream
it was always windless and very close
sounding and even more happened in the inlands
god only knows why we give such names these days
Godenkind 27-05-2022
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What's going on in your mind when you look around you as you are rolled away to that dark destination? Photo: in Liège, Belgium, recently at the height of the 2nd corona wave
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not part & parcel
there is no stone in the masonry.
there is no leaf on the maypole.
your caiman does not wander through marshy meadows.
I wrote this unfinished poem in Dutch a few years ago and I stumbled upon it in my tumblr account... So this is a tentative English translation.
Photo: in Mieders, Austria, August 2020
many years ago and today October the 8th 2020
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• I'm trying to touch you * I tried to touch you you turn into snow days are forgotten I exist for you and for all
the sun was high in the sky we travel west for a long time my watch has the dial turns amber in the winter hour I am outdoors that is in nature the furthest removed more than any Godenkind 05-11-2019 I wrote this poem in Dutch yesterday, and this is is a ‘tentative’ English version. The date is the photo’s date, Belgian coast, North sea.
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rozen juni 2019 (worktitle) (Dutch) rozenknoppen gaan open vòòr je ogen open zijn de vloedlijn ligt vast dit is bij zonsopgang drie of vier voet van huis ik eet mijn brood zoals de roofvogel hij herinnert zich het het laag vliegen mijn woning lag dichtbij ik stond bij de open deur immers het was een zomerse dag ver van gekleurde toekomstige stranden waar ik niets van wist of hoorde de tijd tikte (in stilte appelgroen) : je hoefde niet deel te nemen het was niet in de prehistorie of vroeger ...(unfinished) Godenkind 05-06-2019 roses June 2019 (worktitle) (English) rosebuds are open before your eyes are open the flood line is fixed this is three or four feet from home at sunrise I eat my bread like the bird of prey it remembers low flying my home was close by I was standing at the open door after all it was a summer day far away from colored future beaches that I knew nothing about or heard of the time ticking (apple green in silence): you didn't have to to participate it was not in ancient times or before that ...(unfinished) Godenkind 05-06-2019 I wrote this little poem ( still in progress) while watching roses in full bloom early in June 2019, in the heart of Belgium. Adding an English version...for fun and for the records. #newpoems2019 #ajournalofuneventfuldays
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Veratrum nigrum (Black false Hellebore) This remarkable and slightly mysterious hardy perennial grows throughout Europe and Asia, even high up in the Alps and other mountainous regions. Its medicinal use varies from ‘useful to fight high blood pressure’ to ‘helpful when ‘mental focus is lacking’. Anyway, beware, because the plant is extremely poisonous, causing cardiac arrhythmia. Deadly dosage can be as low as 0.6grams! So, please do not consume roots, foliage, flowers or seeds out of the box. It might kill you before you even can tell the doctor what you just did. One more thing: snails & slugs, on the other hand, seem to have a good time consuming the leaves, see photo. The price tag is in the photo because I run a perennial plants nursery. Photos: foliage 2019, flowers 2018, both on our patio. Godenkind 24-05-2019
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# Landscapes
Landscapes have a footprint that is unmistakably manmade: cities, highways, wood clearings, artificial ponds, meadows, ploughed fields. Fertile lands almost invariably turn into dense dark forests if humans do not interfere for, say, 50 years. In the course of the 20th century, the balance was disturbed, human footprint might have become too large. Or so it seems.
Photo: in the heart of Belgium, a few days ago.
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The abandonded soviet bunkers close to Debrecen Airport het duurt maar even in een vliegtuig dat hoogte wint je zag de alpen in zonlicht uit de prehistorie sovjet bunkers bergen toekomst op in gras of bloemen trams rijden in jouw dagen die door mij worden geteld #newpoems2019 The abandonded soviet bunkers close to Debrecen Airport it only takes a while in an airplane that gains height you saw the alps in prehistoric sunlight Soviet bunkers store the future in grass or flowers trams drive by in your days counted by me I wrote this short poem about Debrecen Airport shortly after arriving back home in Belgium. I wrote it in Dutch first and added an English translation. Godenkind 24-04-2019 #newpoems2019
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Last week I was in Debrecen, Hungary. Upon leaving the airport I made a photo of these strange bunkers. I found out that they are relics from the Soviet era and they are still being used mainly for storing plane equipment.
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Back to the old watermills near Gramat in the Lot region (Dutch)
we staan bij de doopvont die ontdekt was door ons allen ons alleen de laatste onsterfelijke is teruggekeerd het is een woordenspel eerst had ik de tekst verloren, enkel eerste zinnen zijn mij bijgebleven: de ruine is zichtbaar in de diepte, zichtbaar in het allerhoogste. Back to the old water mills near Gramat in the Lot region (English) we stand alone at the baptismal font discovered by us all, just us the last immortal has returned it is a word game at first I had lost the text, only first sentences have stayed with me: the ruins are visible in the depth, visible in the highest. Godenkind 15-04-2019 I wrote this short poem watching photos made near the ancient watermills close to Gramat, in the French Lot region. The English version is a translation or adaptation of the original Dutch text. #ajournalofuneventfuldays #newpoems2019
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sainte-marie-geest on one sunny day I walked through the streets of sainte-marie-geest. the church was kind of invisible at that time. (not built yet) people talked french, dutch, that was such an easy thing to do. graveyards looked empty, I could trace some of these. actually, people had not died on their own burial day. life went on. it just came to my mind, like an old time religion. godenkind 09-04-2019
#ajournalofuneventfuldays A free flowing poem I wrote, remembering a hike close to the old village of Sainte-Marie-Geest, in the heart of Belgium. I believe it was a hot summer day in August 2017. Close to Sainte-Marie-Geest, in the heart of Belgium.
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Dark and ominous I added this lugubrious Nepenthes cultivar to our otherwise lively colored livingroom. The plant’s natural habitat is murky, boggy, acid pools and walls in the tropics, so it won’t survive tap water or low temperatures. You’re not supposed to feed the plant, because, in the ‘chalices’, it will catch flies and other insects to live a comfortable life. Now I wonder if it will catch moderate climate European insects too, and should I worry about...ethics?
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At last! Here I am! Back on track again! While I was slowly falling backwards for no less than 2 years I reached out and I took a backdoor and right away I thought about a couple of new entries to ‘ajournalofuneventfuldays’. I will not be here each and every day, but I suppose that’s OK anyway. The photo was made today; you wouldn’t think this is springtime, were it not for the juneberry in full bloom. The berries are delicious and they’re all gathered by birds, except for some hanging close to the ground, on soft branches. Low hanging fruit: exactly what I might need.
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ajournalofuneventfuldays on hold Hey dear readers, I will be away for awhile in the Spring season due to work overload in my nursery plus lots of landscaping & garden maintenance. Cheers! Photo: ancient watermill close to Gramat in the Lot region, in France. The year is 2014.
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