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        “All the things you mentioned are definitely okay in my book, so it looks like we have some things in common,” Amara flirted lightly with her grin still present on her lips. “They also make a wonderful date night if you think about it.”
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“Glad to see the lady agrees. It’s always good to find some common ground with people, makes the conversation flow, wouldn’t you agree?” It might have sounded clever, but it was verbatim from something Alejandro’s therapist had mentioned one time. “Well, not in that order, but I see what you mean. Would want that date to end with good sex, that’s just how you know it was a good date!”
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“You might be getting a tad bit confused. I think the real, honest to god saying is about ducks. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck or something like that.”
“Wait, I remember now. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, then it’s probably a dinosaur. Because how do you know if it’s not.” Alejandro shrugged. “At least that’s what I took away from the whole thing.”
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“Well, you’re certainly in a cheery fucking mood today,” Ximena commented.
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“Well, I thought you liked that about me. My ‘cheery fucking mood’. Unless that was euphemism for something else?” 
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“I didn’t know that you felt that way about that certain color, but I will definitely note that,” Bee replied, mentally tucking it away for safekeeping. 
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“Oh, I’m not going to wild on your cloth samples, miss. It’s just that both Arlo and I feel that citron is much too strong of a colour. Hurts the eyes, makes this old guy bark like it’s the end of days. So anything in the yellow family can...just leave the template, thank you.”
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“So… what you’re saying is you’re probably not the best person to ask for an opinion on the rough draft of this campaign?”
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“I have never given the impression of being the least bit helpful. Especially my opinions. So no, I am certainly not the person to ask for opinions. Non-constructive criticism, maybe.”
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“Wow, cynicism and declarations. What fucked you over today?” Josie asked curiously. “Get stuck in traffic? Let me guess, you spilled your coffee on yourself on the Subway? That would fuck up my day.”
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“Bold of you to assume I wasn’t just born with my cynicism, miss. I don’t use the public transportation. If I smelled of the subway as I went about my day, that would surely put me in a worse mood than I’m usually found in. But your story...sounds personal.” 
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           “It’s a win win? It’s not like I can drink this smoothie, and this was one of my favorite shirts. It rather sounds like a full on losing game to me.”
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“Okay fine, I tried. You should...probably change out of that. The stain is very prominent, kind of unsightly, and must be uncomfortable. I could take you home, if you need.”
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           “Okay, fair enough – I’ve never seen it from that view, but you do get a point. Maybe in that case I should try not giving a shit more as well. Happy is strange for you? Really?”
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“You really should. No wrinkles, no stress. If you’re preparing for the worst, maybe things don’t turn out so bad. Not happiness, per se. But the idea of constant optimism. I’ve never been particularly optimistic myself, so I just assume everyone else is probably faking it.” 
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“The fuck is shite? Do you mean shit? Say it normally. Shite just sounds…fucking weird. Also, yeah dude. You have a weird sex life.”
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“Are you making fun of my accent?” Alejandro deadpanned, before breaking into a grin. “It’s not weird if the lady is into it too. A pro tip, if you will.”
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“No offense taken of course, It’s not my art. Though I would be careful for the artist, she gets quite heated and would be glad to talk your ear off on just why you should love her piece.” She nods and motions for him to follow as she motions to a few pieces on the wall. “we’ve got a nice collection. whether you are looking for something of a beach or a valley. We even have a few beautiful cityscapes, ranging from New York, Europe, even some Latin cities. Is there something in particular you are looking for?”
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“All the more reasons to get out of here, isn’t there?” This statement was muttered under his breath as Alejandro followed the woman out of the vicinity of the painting. Pursing his lips, eyes roamed over every canvas as he took in broad strokes and colours merging to make something. “Latin cities, you say? Hmm...” Ale’s heart started doing double time in his chest, as he tried to swallow the panic that would soon follow. “Let’s see those beaches and valleys, shall we? I think I’m looking for something serene. Something that looks like a photograph, but isn’t.” 
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imessage -> ale & callum
CALLUM: yes it does suck for me thank you for your unnecessary opinion
CALLUM: who is this again?
ALEJANDRO: this text was unnecessary but here we are
ALEJANDRO: who wants to know? the person with no pants?
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imessage -> ale & callum
CALLUM: fucking why do people always take shit that isn't theirs at the gym??
CALLUM: i'm fucking tired of this shit
ALEJANDRO: did someone still your clothes again?
ALEJANDRO: sucks for you
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“I’ve said it before, I’m not exactly teaching prodigies. But that also wasn’t what I wanted you to hear.” Consequences to her line of work, some of her students’ progress recordings were starting to get mixed in with the rest of her library. “Here, hand me my phone so I can look for the right one.”
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“Well, I wasn’t expecting to listen to Beethoven himself in these kids, but Dios mio, Eden...I don’t think I can unhear this.” Alejandro handed Eden’s phone back to her, shaking his head. “Not to brag, but I could almost play Für Elise by the time I was eighteen.” He shrugged, dropping that nugget of a fact for her to be impressed by. 
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“That was a compliment. In case you’ve never heard one before.” It was a thin line teasing Alejandro. He was a Salazar, after all, and even if Angel considered him to be something of a friend – the exact definition of that word still unknown – he was the boss’s kid and wouldn’t hesitate to do something drastic if the situation demanded it. Perhaps, that was the thrill of it all. Angel had been seeking out a proper thrill ever since returning home. It was sad to think that he’d gone from an active warzone to flirting incessantly with someone who could threaten to break his legs. “So, what’s got you stressed now and is there anything I can do to get your mind off of things?”
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Now Alejandro was just annoyed. Angel talked too much, most of the words flirtatious and not the kind Ale was used to. It didn’t exactly bother him; for the want to be flattered was but human. But sometimes he wished Angel would have a proper conversation with him instead of inserting a comment about something inappropriate while they talked. So Ale sighed, “Well, what isn’t bothering me these days? One of our buyers is...making issues. Being what they call, a whiny little bitch. Not my words. So that’s an omnipresent problem. There’s rising costs of dog food, which means I buy double the bacon for me and old Arlo. You.” He leaned back, pouting. “What can anyone do about this shitty world, am I right?”
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Elliot ran a hand down his features with a huff. This night was a disaster, that much he knew. And now nearly ending it with the fact that he didn’t know what to believe from anyone or anything anymore? He shook his head, eyes glancing down at the now empty glass before him again, already craving another. At least, he was ending the night on a much better note, in the company of a loyal friend that understood where he was coming from and a variation of moonshine. “My thoughts exactly.” He muttered. “And thanks for your sympathy.” No, it didn’t help that his sister had already been one of the ones he fought with before this supposed reveal either, but the more he downed himself in alcohol right now, the better. “I’ll have to speak with her, eventually.” Elliot gave a mere shrug at the notion, nodding a thanks to Alejandro  as his glass was re-filled again, dragging it back towards him. “Mm, yeah. At this point of this night? Think I’ll take the hangovers. — Really? Well, count me in then too. I haven’t seen Kian at all yet anyway?” 
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Maybe Alejandro could pretend to have been wronged by the Gazette. What aspect of his life would he have not liked for the public to know; there was him gaining ownership of a new dog, being pictured beside Rolando Salazar himself. Maybe he wouldn’t have liked being linked to...hmm, yeah, he couldn’t find anything to be angry about, so he just played mediator for Elliot’s messy night. “No problems. Just like family, so of course I’ve got your back, man. This situation just sucks.” Maybe those were too many words for Ale’s mouth. He filled it up with more of the alcohol, gesturing to the bartender for two more glasses. “Or just the bottle, good man.” He passed the money to the person behind the bar, nodding knowingly. “I mean, if it helps, I need to have a conversation with my sister too, so...” He pursed his lips, at the thought of the feat he had yet to master; talking down an angry Regina. Maybe he would call their mother, for pointers. Ale raised his eyebrows at the sentiment. “Alright, buddy. Drink up. And same, she told me about post-gaming, but at least I’ve got an address, and two legs. Although, this arrangement is nice too.” 
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           “I’m just going to take that as a compliment for myself and an insult for the guy who decided to pour his smoothie on me. The stain is really that bad, huh?”
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“Think of it like this; you gained a smoothie he paid for. Smells like...I think I smell strawberries. It’s a win-win, chica. But yes, it looks bad.”
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         “You really think everything’s shit? Doesn’t that give you wrinkles? I’m pretty sure it would give me wrinkles. Staying optimistic is my secret to staying young.”
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“But I thought not giving any fucks usually kept you wrinkle free? If you think everything’s sunshine and daisies, then you’ll be sorely disappointed someday. But I like the way you think, very....happy. Very strange.” 
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