aloraclaire · 6 years
Outdoor Activities
Its always good to leave the comfort of your home and explore. Its in our blood to travel and go on adventures. Many people use outdoor activities which is a very wide variety of things as their hobby. This can be anything from hiking all the way to fishing or kayaking. 
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For many outdoor activities are an escape from the real world. Lots like to challenge themselves and test the limits of the human body and others do it for the beauty of nature. But they all have one thing in common, that one thing is something I am not doing right now. They are outside embracing what our beautiful planet has to offer.
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Mentioned earlier was people testing the limits of the human body. This is often done in extreme marathons where people will literally run hundreds of miles just to say they have done. But this just proves what we are capable of. But the great thing is, it is mostly done just to say that the person has done this insane thing. Some other extremes can be rock climbing and mountain climbing. Both are exceptionally dangerous but many do it for fun and for thrills. 
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On the other end are some gentle and calm activities which are things like [non-professional] fishing, or long walks in the woods or short jogs. Even kayaking can be considered lighter as the majority aren’t kayaking through river rapids and are just sailing through calm lakes or streams. Even things like swimming at the beach or surfing can be more casual or subtle hobbies as they are very fun and are of course outdoors. But surfing can be a little more extreme as many surfers try to find and ride the largest wave possible, but even the conditions of the ocean can be rough too as things like shore-break toss you around onto the sand or rocks and riptides that can take you far out forcing you to use all your strength to get out of them. But most often these are done to pass weekends and spend quality time with the family. 
But for every activity listed there are those that of course take it to the extreme and live them or those that do it every two weeks and enjoy them while they last. And quite honestly, the ladder sounds nicer to me, but to each their own.
There are many outdoor activities that weren't even in this blog but are still just as much of a “hobby” than any other. Maybe I will discuss them again shortly in the next upcoming weeks to come. This has been HobbiesHobbiesHappiness by Alora Bearden, I hope you enjoyed :D.
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aloraclaire · 6 years
my iPad generated this in the middle of a fucking therapy session and i clicked on it and had to physically restrain myself from bursting into tears of laughter
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aloraclaire · 6 years
So true
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