amenablearmageddon · 10 years
this is a pretty generic descripti0n partial reboot of amenableArmageddon Aradia
amenableArmageddon has been partially rebooted in the form of a time splinter. Quads are reset but other than a few small differences, it's the same girl. The original blog will stay up, but serve as an archive. If you want more Aradia, go follow her.
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amenablearmageddon · 10 years
[S] Splinter
The last thing you remembered was a song.
==> [S] Splinter
There was a breaking before that. Like glass. Small, delicate shards fell away from something previously intangible, razor sharp edges tearing the veil along with them as they slowly disappeared.
A thousand of me.
The shards fell to pieces themselves. No more than crumbling sand that ceased to exist. That was the way of doomed timelines. They stopped. Time stopped ticking. That had been the desctruction you were looking for.
Your bloodpusher beat like the ticking of a clock. It faltered and stuttered where a timepiece wouldn’t, fluttering against your ribs. You felt it under your skin. You felt your pulse in your hands and heard the rush in your ears.
Slowly, the echoing notes faded out. They bounced over the empty terrain where absolutely nothing and no-one would ever hear them, their only audience left behind with nothing but a pulse left to listen to.
Doomed timelines ceased to be eventually. It was in their name. Doomed selves were meant to hop through time and sacrifice themselves at the very most, good for little more than a short struggle to keep the alpha timeline in place. Then they stopped.
But you looked at your hands, curls swept around you by a dirt-specked wind that whistled in your ears and made the abandoned land you’d run to seem that much emptier. Voices didn’t hiss or scream at you— it was only the wind. They didn’t.. Were you?
You weren’t dead. You felt alive. But you shouldn’t be. For some reason, that made your eyes want to well up— with what? You didn’t know. It felt like instinctive joy at being granted life, something your body and mind recognized deep down, instrinsically. It felt like being spun in a circle and dropped in a world that looked eerily familiar. You settled on blinking.
You clenched empty hands where Arch’s music box had once rested. It’d disappeared. Your path has disappeared, taken instead by an alpha who’d be beaten bloody and unconscious by a Guardian, freedom bought and love secured and life set out like it was supposed to be—
Your name was Aradia Megido. Friends called you Amen.
You were a time splinter. And you should have stopped.
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amenablearmageddon · 10 years
i'm sorely tempted to bring amen back some days? or some iteration of her. but i'm worried it's been so long that i don't remember how to write her.
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amenablearmageddon · 10 years
please consider this blog on an indefinite hiatus.
sorry for any inconvenience to anyone's characters or plots.
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amenablearmageddon · 10 years
... s0 d0 i arch
of course it does
second he kneeled to doc
third he abandoned the anarchist wways
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amenablearmageddon · 10 years
i just wanted to tell you that your theme is really beautiful tbh.
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thank y0u an0n!i happen t0 be pretty f0nd 0f it t00
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amenablearmageddon · 10 years
w0w i f0rg0t my inb0x was a thing that existed
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amenablearmageddon · 10 years
d0wn b0y
sexual preferences and activity d0nt define s0me0ne
wwere still different people
im not a slut for starters
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amenablearmageddon · 10 years
differentiating between past and future selves makes little sense 0ne is simply the pro0duct 0f the 0ther
ykneww sabi
not me
im not a wweakling like him
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amenablearmageddon · 10 years
y0ure getting a d0ubtful l00k fr0m acr0ss the internet
but alright
im fine if you think im gonna be flailed by stuff like that youre fucking mistaken you hear me
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amenablearmageddon · 10 years
im s0rry arch
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amenablearmageddon · 10 years
f0r y0ur sake and cudis d0nt pray that y0ur timeline is d00med its n0t g0ing t0 guarantee that y0u stay t0gether 0nly that y0ull b0th end up eventually impl0ding al0ngside the rest 0f the timeline
y0u always have a degree 0f helplessness in relati0nships th0ugh arch
its always just a matter 0f weighing h0w much the relati0nship means t0 y0u against y0ur 0wn values and desires and h0ping that y0u d0nt mess up someh0w
y0u try y0ur best but y0u cant c0ntr0l h0w the 0ther pers0n will react after all
if anything it makes them that much sweeter kn0wing h0w fleeting 0r lucky they can be
so im helpless to do nothing but pray that im a doomed timeline or try my best to not hurt him or go beyond the boundaries?
since when ive been so helpless like that?
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amenablearmageddon · 10 years
n0 its n0t
y0ure g0ing t0 learn all ab0ut time and h0w it changes things th0ugh f0r better 0r f0r w0rse 
just enj0y the time y0u have with him n0w and try t0 think bef0re d0ing anything rash 0r hurtful bey0nd the c0nstraints 0f y0ur rivalry because unless y0u end up in a d00med timeline thats all y0u really can d0
i dont want him to go away its not fair
since i gave my vent for you in the future i suppose youre reliable
its not fair aradia
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amenablearmageddon · 10 years
im s0rry
y0u still have time with him in y0ur present s0 enj0y that things d0nt always stay the same
y0u didnt tell me what happened s0 i cant give y0u any m0re than that
no but
he broke OUR PROMISE
howw could he
he wwas one of the only ones i cared about
hes my pitchmate hes my perfect rivval theres nobody like him
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amenablearmageddon · 10 years
i d0nt kn0w the entire st0ry 0r really much bey0nd the basics s0 y0ure n0t really g0ing t0 get a l0t 0ut 0f me i didnt ask because it wasnt my place
but y0ure n0t with him any m0re and 0ne way 0r an0ther y0u didnt end up friends either
y0ur future self w0uld pr0bably agree best t0 leave him al0ne
no really the fuck is going on hes acting like wwe nevver met
that can be fun in the first feww minutes but noww hes going too far
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amenablearmageddon · 10 years
quick chat
im g0ing t0 give y0u s0me future sp0ilers s0 y0u d0nt get y0urself int0 a mess here super special 0ne time 0ffer
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amenablearmageddon · 10 years
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Dave’s raps
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