Listening to a Japanese Urban horror story podcast; y'all should listen to Toshiden. I'm doing so through spotify; just heard a real neat one about a ghost lady called Kashima-san who wants to steal your legs. Try it out if you like horror stuff
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This week has been fantastic
1. My parents are divorcing
2. Today is day 6 of 6 straight at work, all long shifts, each day making 5 or, like yesterday, 6 and a half grand. For a clearance store where the most expensive thing is $20 that's a lot
3. I have gotten no good sleep at all, am very sore and tired, and
4. I am broke because nobody in the house knows how to save money
It's fantastic
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astrology asks!!
pisces: do you have strange dreams?
aquarius: do you consider yourself to be rebellious and why?
capricorn: what did you want to be when you were a kid?
sagittarius: do you enjoy travelling?
scorpio: what’s your latest obsession?
libra: what’s your fashion sense like?
virgo: what is your biggest pet peeve?
leo: what was your first thought when you looked in the mirror this morning?
cancer: what was the last movie that made you cry?
gemini: do you make friends easily?
taurus: what’s your favourite comfort food?
aries: what was the last argument that you won?
sun: describe yourself in 3 words.
moon: what does your room look like?
rising: what do you like the most about the way you look?
mercury: what languages do you speak?
venus: what is your type?
mars: what is sex with you like?
jupiter: share some good news you’ve received lately!
saturn: what makes you feel safe?
uranus: do you have any tattoos or piercings?
neptune: have you ever had a paranormal experience?
pluto: worst way to die?
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so i guess activated charcoal lattes are the newest latte trend? for why? i hate to break it to y’all but unless you’ve ingested poison recently, activated charcoal has no real benefits. just stick to matcha [polyphenols/ antioxidants] and chai [antioxidants+anti-inflammatory]
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A Question
If I got back into writing fan fiction more, probably on a side blog to keep it organized, what would you guys wanna see? I'm tryna broaden my horizons and branch out a tad. If you'd like to see me bring back that bit of the blog, drop a like below; if you have suggestions, questions, concerns, or just wanna talk, leave a comment, dm, or an ask. Thanks you guys!
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A Question
If I got back into writing fan fiction more, probably on a side blog to keep it organized, what would you guys wanna see? I'm tryna broaden my horizons and branch out a tad. If you'd like to see me bring back that bit of the blog, drop a like below; if you have suggestions, questions, concerns, or just wanna talk, leave a comment, dm, or an ask. Thanks you guys!
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Hey, Hey, L I S T E N
here, on this blog, you do not need permission to slip into my asks. just do it. even if we haven’t interacted before. even if you’ve sent 10 already. send me more. i love getting asks (in character or out of character) and yeah, i’m slow as fuck, but i promise you i will get to them. have at it, fill my inbox with memes or impromptu starters or just tell me how your day is going. it really doesn’t matter. just go ahead and do it. i promise, i don’t get annoyed seeing the same people in my inbox, actually it makes me happy because yAY MORE INTERACTIONS. so just do it.
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not good for my vampire ass
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saw a post saying “dont beg men to love you” and thats absolutely true but i have an addition i dont want to add to the post and Derail. but dont beg ANYONE to love you. im serious. not just romantically. not parents, friends, family, and especially not significant others. if you find yourself having to beg for scraps of love its time to pack it up and move on. 
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This is super interesting
god i’m not even through one episode of paranormal home inspectors and it rules, this lady thought she was being haunted by the wails of the restless dead but she was just listening to raccoons fuck in her attic
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Charity fic exchange to support detained migrants and asylum seekers
This morning, I noticed that the transcedently wonderful @attackfish decided to offer to write 100 words of AtLA fic for every $1 donated to one of two organizations providing legal and humanitarian aid to detained migrants and asylum seekers at the US southern border. This seemed to me to be an amazing idea, and, with their permission, I’ve decided to expand this project.
So! AO3tagoftheday will be hosting and managing a charity fic exchange! This exchange is open to all, regardless of fandom, so please spread this post around through your individual fandoms to get the word out.
For right now, I need y'all to do the following:
If you are an author who’s willing to participate, please fill out this form. This will allow me to compile a list of writers, their fandoms, and what they’re willing to write.
If you are an artist who’s willing to participate, please fill out this form. This will allow me to compile a list of artist, their fandoms, and what they’re willing to draw
If you are interested in donating or supporting this exchange, please reblog to spread the word to others who might want to participate.
attackfish’s original post offered fic in exchange for donations to the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES) and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS). These are both great organizations, but I want to offer more donation options for this broader exchange. So, if you know of good organizations providing legal and/or humanitarian assistance, please provide a suggestion here.
Given that some people don’t have extra money to donate, and that volunteers are also needed, please especially let me know if you know of organizations working on the ground to on either side of the border which might need volunteers. There’s an option on the writer sign up form to offer fic in exchange for volunteer hours rather than dollars.
Again, writers sign up here! Artists sign up here! Suggestions for organizations to donate to go here! I’ve got 95,000 followers on this blog! Between the lot of us, I’m pretty sure we can do some damn good! Who’s with me?
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some of y'all didnt grow up as the person nobody has a crush on and it really shows
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