A Healthy Kitchen Witch for a Happy New Year
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Yeah, it’s all arbitrary, and yet these completely made up ideas still influence what we think and feel. So, to take control of that subconscious, here’s a few crafty tips for starting the New Year. (I actually like to do all these things before I go out for the New Year’s Eve party, so that I come home to a new year and a fresh start. But it’s a bit late for that now.)
Clean the whole house. Pay special attention to the floors, the mirrors, and counter- and tabletops. Wash up any dishes you have left in the sink, or fill up the dishwasher and put it on if you have one. All this is best done before Midnight (hence why I do it before the party).
Put out fresh linen - bedsheets, tablecloths and all. Anything you can.
Take out the trash. This sounds painfully prosaic, but starting the new year with last year’s garbage is something that was always profoundly, even spiritually displeasing to me. Taking it off your mind will make you feel better.
Air the whole house. This can also be done on the morning of New Year’s Day.
Change the incense, aromatic oils, potpourri and any other things you used to scent the air. Give yourself a whole new atmosphere.
These are just a few ideas, I’m sure you get the picture. As always, the most important part is what feels right to you.
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Witchy Wishlists 2018, Year Six
Now that it’s December 1st, Witchy Wishlists is once again upon us!
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If you’re not familiar with the event, it’s really easy to participate! Simply make a wishlist and post it to the #witchy wishlists tag (and while you’re at it, tag it #witchy wishlist without the plural s on the end as well. It’s not the official tag, but people end up accidentally using it every year), while making sure to keep to the following rules:
Your wishlist can have up to 13 requests on it!
However, you can link to an external wishlist using one of your slots!
You’re not allowed to replace items on your post with new ones once you get them. 13 is a big number, and allowing the external wishlist gives you lots of freedom.
Only post your wishlist to the tag once! You can reblog it as many times as you like after that though :D (You’re allowed to make a new post every year, however!)
If you’re asking for physical items to be sent to you, please include your country in either the title or body of your post! You may also want to include a contact section or leave your ask/tumblr IMs open so that people can reach you!
Witchy Wishlists runs from December 1st 2018 to January 13th 2019! Once the event is over, wait until December 1st, 2019 to post your wishlists again!
Once you’re done, go check the tag to see what other people have wished for this year and see if there’s any wishes out there you can grant! 
Here are some important things to remember:
Witchy Wishlists is not an exchange!
You can make a wishlist and not grant anyone else’s wishes, or grant several wishes without ever posting your own wishlist (although I always suggest doing BOTH!)
There are no assigned partners in Witchy Wishlists, and you’re not obligated to get something for someone who gifts to you, or to gift anyone anything in exchange for receiving something from them. Because of this, I ask that you not post things you’re willing to give in exchange! It makes people who can’t offer things feel bad, and that’s not the spirit of this event! Which somewhat leads to the next point…
You don’t need money to participate in Witchy Wishlists!
Lots of people ask for things that you might be able to provide cheaply or even for free! People ask for friends, recommendations, information, music, recipes… I see new things every year that can be done for free, so there’s no reason to think you won’t be able to give SOMETHING, even if it’s just a moment of time!
You don’t have to be a witch to participate!
I let people decide for themselves if “witchy” applies to them or not. If you want to join us, there’s no event police that will tell you that you don’t belong. And on that note, you’re allowed to put what you like on your list, witchy or not! 
So with all of that being said…
Let’s get this party started! Make a list and go grant some wishes y’all!!
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Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer Wreath Pins
Margot Mushrooms on Etsy
See our #Etsy or #Enamel Pins tags
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dandy cycle
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Something I’ve noticed is that some people who have no knowledge of witchcraft whatsoever have their own small rituals (whether consciously or not) and I’m so in love with it.
- A young boy I know tells me he wears a necklace to help him run faster, and whenever he looks at it he gets a boost of self-assurance and luck. And I couldn’t help but smile when he told me this - it’s his self-created talisman, whether he knows it or not.
- A woman I met recently told me that writing a letter to someone and then burning it is extremely cathartic. It reminds me of spells performed to release negative emotions.
- My mother has a cup of tea around the same time daily, using her favourite mug and sitting in her favourite chair as a way to reduce stress. A calming self-care ritual.
- Even before I discovered witchcraft, I did things as a child like projecting my anger and negative emotions into a stone and throwing it into a body of water so it would leave me alone. I felt better after that, even without knowing it was basically a spell.
I see it everywhere, all kinds of people doing relatively mundane things to achieve better outcomes for themselves: strength, calmness, healing and more. They have their own, personally-developed rituals and magicks - not necessarily of huge proportion or complexity, but effective nonetheless - and I find it so beautiful.
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The Signs and Revenge
**Check moon, mars and lilith signs**
Aries: If you irk an Aries, their reaction will be instant. They’re not really the type to take time and plan out revenge on someone who hurt them, because everything they do is with impulse, not to mention they get over things very quickly. If they were to get revenge on someone, it wouldn’t be the strategic kind. They are known for their explosive temperaments and will not care about blowing up on someone in the middle of a crowded room. Whatever they wind up doing, they do it immediately and openly. For them, revenge is instant and they’re not the type to sit and ponder over things. It may not even count as revenge for them because they’re over things so quickly and can never really stay mad. You can probably expect days of them not talking to you but then they’ll pretty much forget it ever happened. They’re basically the definition of zero to one hundred and then right back down again. They’re very much like flash fire and you really don’t want to piss them off because their anger can be nasty, no matter how long it lasts.
Taurus: Unlike an Aries, a Taurus will carefully plan out their revenge and will take as much time as they need to ponder and then strike when they think the time is most right. Taureans are naturally loyal to the core and they care for their loved ones deeply; but the second you happen to hurt them in a way they can’t forgive, you better watch out. Taurus is a sign that never truly lets go of things until they get the person back. It takes a lot to get them angry but they can be just as vicious as a fire sign when fired up. They will often strike you where they know it hurts the most, too. They will take you to war whenever they feel the time is right and they’re not afraid to get quite vicious and cruel. For them, it’s all about not being able to let go of things. They can be just as unpredictable as a Gemini, they just take their time to strike until they’re happy with their plans. They will strike where it hurts the most and they’re definitely not a sign you want to piss off, especially because they make such great, loyal friends; but if you do them wrong once, you’re most likely done for. They don’t have time for peoples crap.
Gemini: Gemini’s are certainly the most unpredictable sign, especially when it comes to revenge. They are normally very forgiving, laid back and aloof people but it really just depends on the situation and person. Gemini’s are unpredictable in the sense that they’ll do whatever it is they want to do; and by that I mean they may get revenge or they may not. It’s all up to how they feel. This witty sign will always give you mixed signals and you will never know what is truly going on in their head. They will behave as if nothing has happened but don’t be fooled by their cool expression. Most times they will plan their revenge and then change their minds at the last minute. Remember that the Gemini’s mind is often their greatest weapon; they will always have more information on you than you may realize and they can often use this information against you as their revenge. They really are the most unpredictable sign and they’re always, always prepared. They may not be bothered by what you did in the moment and it may take months for them to react on it. It really just comes down to how their mind is working that particular day and what twin comes out to play; the more forgiving and laid back twin or the vicious one who always is prepared with information to use against you. 
Cancer: If there’s any sign who knows how to properly hold a grudge, it’s definitely cancer. They’re the kings/queens of getting revenge on people who do them wrong. They will simply set out to make the persons life miserable in any way they can, especially when it’s someone they deeply cared for in their life who happened to hurt them. Ruled by the moon, their mood swings can change in the blink of an eye and so will their revenge plans. Their once loving and nurturing nature can change drastically once you hurt them. As much as they can love someone beautifully, their revenge and personality can be just as equally ruthless towards someone who wronged them. They’ll simply feel no remorse for their actions and wont get over the situation until their revenge is carried out. They will do it in the most simple, yet hurtful way possible and will turn sour and spiteful. Never ever harm these peoples loved ones or them because it will definitely take a turn for the worst.
Leo: Like cancers, the proud and egotistical leo will hold grudges just for the hell of it. Because they’re a fire sign who mainly relies and acts on impulse, don’t expect to them sit and ponder on ideas to seek out revenge; they will act on their hurt right then and there on when it happens and they’ll most likely let everyone know about it. They’re incredibly loyal people who love deeply and most times, they will end up forgiving you for what you’ve done but it really depends on who you are. They are very proud beings who tend to ignore you out of revenge instead of discussing what happened. They can be very dramatic in the sense that they will do things to piss you off on purpose while still being able to ignore you. Since their ego is bruised so easily, they will never show their pain and normally they will withdraw to think of it on their own. Depending on who you are, they will most likely forgive after a while and they may not directly approach the situation but they’ll gradually make their way back into your life. The culprit may beg them for forgiveness but it’s all up to the leo to decide whether or not they want to trust the person again.
Virgo: Virgos can actually be quite ridiculously vengeful and stubborn when someone has wronged them. They can have a very huge God complex about themselves and your best bet would be to apologize in the sense where you tell them they’re always right. They can be very finicky and they may not take revenge immediately but there’s no doubt that they will avenge their wrong. They’re definitely a sign that never forgets and they will grow vengeful and cold towards a person who did them wrong. They will make you feel so pathetic about yourself because of what you’ve done and they’ll become insanely critical. Their revenge is never a dramatic show, it’s quite simple but they make sure it hits the person in the deepest spot. They can manipulate the person in such a way to get them to beg for forgiveness, as this sign loves to feel in control of others. Their tactics are more verbal than physical but their words cut deeper than wounds and will leave a person regretting it every day.
Libra: Libra’s are normally seen as just and haters of conflict but once it comes to someone wronging them, they can actually take lots of joy in creating drama. They’re not angered easily and it will take a lot for you to get on their bad side but if you hurt them in such a way where they’ve been humiliated in front of others, they’ll most likely not ignore it. Their anger is not something that is acted out like a fire sign, their anger is actually quite controlled and never really harsh. If you hurt a Libra, they usually take revenge by bitching about the situation and spreading rumors. The thing with Libra’s is that you will never truly know they are hurt. They like to make it look like they’re chill about it but they will waste no time in making the situation known to their friends/peers. They may also stick around by you, but your trust will never be 100% with them again, even if they make it seem like it. 
Scorpio: If you ever wrong a scorpio, your best bet is to honestly change countries or go into hiding. They will go years and years without forgiving, at that. They will seriously make you wish you were never born and they will go to utterly ruthless ends to make your life miserable. Scorpio is a sign that has a hard time forgiving in general and their reaction to any kind of wronging thrown at them can be quite venomous and cold. They are incredibly loyal and who knows why someone would ever choose to wrong them and they are incredibly aware of this. They will grow strongly vindictive and will make you regret it every day of your life without ever forgiving you, therefore making it endless torture. They very much enjoy watching the person beg and surrender to them, as like Virgo, they love to feel in control of people, and yet they’ll never accept it. Scorpios love to believe that they’re secret agents of karma and they very much believe in hitting back ten times harder to someone who as wronged them. Their sting is worse than their bite and their wicked emotions are very much driven by their dark side, which is a side you never want to be the victim of.
Sagittarius: These natives are usually a very happy-go-lucky sign who never takes things too personally. If you do somehow find a way to hurt these individuals, their reaction will most likely be on the spot and impulsive, but never with too much bloodshed. Since they are a fire sign, their emotions are like wild fires and hurting them in any which way can push them to release the madness within, but it never truly lasts. This sign is truly all about forgiveness and moving on and they don’t have the time of day to dwell on things. They’re all about second chances but they will tend to be very cautious of you for a while until your trust is fully gained again. These individuals can be very stubborn and set in their ways and they can become very verbal and loud in their reactions and may feel more superior than the other as if they never do any wronging’s. They have an uncanny ability to see two sides of an argument and they will debate until the other gives up. Don’t expect mercy right away with these folks, but they’re never ones to hold a grudge or put sequels to revenge. 
Capricorn: Capricorns are naturally very proud people who are not afraid to get vengeful when someone has wronged them. Forgiving easily with such things is not typically in their nature and when it comes to plotting revenge, they do so in a very methodical way with as little emotion involved as possible. They are naturally very clear-minded and focused when pondering ideas and they will go to great lengths in thinking something up. They have undying loyalty for the important people in their life and if someone has ever wronged them, you can expect them to be quite brutal. They will take complete separation from you in order to feel the pain out, and because of their pride, they will never show you their pain when it comes time for them to seek revenge. They will do it as unemotional as possible and they will completely drop you from their life. Their revenge is a one time thing and they will leave the person regretting. It is very unlikely that they will forgive you, especially if you were so close to them, but if you mattered a great deal to them, they may just change their mind at the last minute.
Aquarius: Aquarius is a fixed side, who is very set in their ways and stubborn, so don’t expect them to see your side easily or forgive. Although they are not so much in a hurry to take their revenge, they will definitely cut you off completely, even if they somehow wind up forgiving you. Aquarius is a very detached sign by nature and they will most likely tell themselves they do not care about what happened, even if they know it deeply wounded them. They’re not ones to take peoples crap easily and they will carry the hate against the person who has wronged them for as long as they wish. Aquarian’s are not the most rational out of the signs and if they decide that their intuition is telling them to run, they’ll do just that. But, if you are lucky, and the Aquarian’s intuition tells them that forgiving is better for their soul, then you may just get lucky, even if it takes time for them to fully feel the same around you. Like Gemini’s, it really just comes down to what feels better for them, personally. 
Pisces: This whimsical sign may not always seem like a threat, but once you have securely gotten on their bad side, they can have a whole other wicked side to them. They are a dual water sign, who happens to be one of the most sensitive out of all the signs, and because of that, they can become quite vengeful. They’re very easily offended and hurt but they will never show it. Even though they don’t show it easily, on the inside they could be finding ways to pretty much plot your death. Because they’re a dual sign, they can be very indecisive on what fish they let come out to play. They’re naturally a very compassionate sign who may feel like they’re as equally bad a person if they wrong the person back, and they may just end up forgiving the person without taking much revenge. But, like Aquarius, they depend heavily on intuition, and if they feel like a person is giving them bad vibes, they will waste no time in dropping you completely before there even has to be conflict. On the other hand, if the more wicked side of a pisces comes out, they will not be so forgiving. They can give into their dark side very easily and they will think of any which way to get their revenge on you. But, if they have any sort of soft spot for you, they may just change their minds at the last minute.
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similar to goblincore but more goth
shiny stuff, wearing black, birds
vulture culture (crow culture???) if youre into that kind of thing, if not thats chill
stealing ur friends food (not mandatory but encouraged)
you could steal food from people who are not your friends but do so at your own risk
you must be
an absolute bastard
smart but also a dumbass (true dumbasses also welcome)
vengeful as hell
you obviously gotta like crows to be crowcore like how are you even goth if you dont like those funky little birds
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A Prayer to the Dagda for the Hungry
An Dagda, the Good God, and Father of Many, come to your children this day. Bring your Cauldron of Plenty, which may never empty, and give feast to those who haven’t any. For those with no rolls on their plate, nor milk in their cups, nor pork in their stomachs, Please help all of those who are hungry and give them ladles from your Cauldron for each day and night, night and day. And help me be capable to help them so I may be the embodiment of your Cauldron. I am thankful for your kindness that you share; Blessings upon blessings from me to you.
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[Grant Snider]
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whenever I’m traveling i always get tripped out at the fact that this is someone’s actual hometown like they know every back road and how to get everywhere and they’ve probably had tons of memories in this city
but I’m just someone passing by
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i was thinking about my guy manannan mac lir and then ended up reading the words “tide pod memes” as “tide pool memes” and honestly it’s better. let’s make those. for him. 
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The holidays’ wreaths
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Botanical Resin Spoons
Natural Witch Remedies on Etsy
See our #Etsy or #Botanical tags
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Venus Signs
Venus in Aries: Emotional, enthusiastic and impulsive, you like to take yourself for a romantic adventurer. You fall in love with impetuosity and at first glance - and you just as quickly fall away. More demanding than you realize, you are affectionate, ardent and easily excited. Though you ultimately need a mental compatibility, what stimulates you in the first place is the physical appearance.
Venus in Taurus: Mistress of Taurus, Venus feels herself completely at home here. It makes you loving, charming, sensual to the extreme, and gives you a great artistic sense. All the pleasures of life attract you, starting with rich foods and ending with long and voluptuous sexual encounters, with the same person preferably. You appreciate constancy, and although you are capable of infidelities, these do not represent your natural mode. You need security, comfort, hugs, magnificent objects, someone who stimulates you, and an attentive partner.
Venus in Gemini: The planet of love in the sign of the inconstant mind produces witty jokes, many hours of happy conversation and strolling in bookstores, as well as an irresistible attraction towards intelligent and fast people. You are quite capable of maintaining a love story by fax. But in the absence of mitigating factors, your affections are easily influenced, and it is difficult for you to distinguish between what should be a great adventure and true love.
Venus in Cancer: A true nest builder, you get the deepest pleasures of your home and family. You are kind, sympathetic, sentimental, loyal, devoted, loved, and great cook (or at least you would like to be one). But even if you give the impression of having complete confidence in yourself, you need more than a little emotional encouragement. Your fear of being rejected may be hidden, but it is real. This may well be the reason you hang on too long, both to friends and the person you love. When you love someone, you want it to be forever.
Venus in Leo: Warm, open, loyal, in love with luxury, you have artistic sense, you are creative, you have theatrical attitudes, and you are in love with love. You feel passionate and express yourself flamboyantly. Love is an essential part of your nature, and you tend to define yourself through it. You also love the arts. But you are not about to run away with an unpublished poet, at least not if the artist in question does not have substantive financial reserves. You are happy when the money comes in well.
Venus in Virgo: When you are in love, you devote all your attention to it, analyze each interaction, reread your letters of love and listen to your answering machine to be sure that you have grasped the slightest nuance. You would do anything to be loved. But you can also criticize and control, have lots of opinions on how others should behave. Some natives with this position have noisy personalities. If you are one of them, people think that you are a wild beast of sex. In reality, most natives are modest, or even a little shy in bed.
Venus in Libra: You are affectionate, kind, warm and eager to please. True romantic, you idealize love and often have problems adapting to a real relationship. When the disappointment settles, it is hard, but you do not stay at home to mop. You are very seductive, and there is usually always someone on your track. This position also brings a high aesthetic sensitivity.
Venus in Scorpio: Thanks to the outrageous eroticism of the Scorpion, this position promises a ticket for ecstasy. And sometimes it is. The presence of mystery, intensity, and even a subtle suspicion of darkness excites you. Proud, passionate and seductive, you are predestined to deep desires, both sexual and emotional, and your love life tends to be tumultuous. In the best case, you are deeply devoted and deeply intimate. In the worst, you can be jealous and vindictive. But despite your reputation, you are also able to withdraw from social interaction and isolate yourself behind an invisible screen.
Venus in Sagittarius: Demonstrative, ardent and emotional, you consider love as an adventure, and not as a means of fixing a secure future. You enjoy your freedom, and your ideal partner is a person who helps you see the world and live even more aspects of life, not someone who restricts your activities. You have high ideals and you are attracted by highly committed people. You are also intrigued by people who come from backgrounds totally different from yours. You do not mind shocking people.
Venus in Capricorn: You are sensual in your sexual relations and constant in your affections, but cautious when it comes to reveal your emotions. You appreciate stability, ownership and righteousness, and you do not want to lose control. The disorder and the mess of emotional brawls frighten you, that’s why you do not reveal your feelings. Serious and sophisticated, you admire everything that is classic. In art as in love, you understand the need to control.
Venus in Aquarius: Open-minded, friendly and idealistic, you are attracted to anti-conformists and rebels, and you have a multitude of friends. But you are not the most passionate person on this planet, and you tend to prefer an intellectual camaredery to a romantic bond. You also need time for yourself, and you tend to take sex casually. The new techniques interest you, but not the display of passion. In the end, you are of the independent type and your heart is hard to catch.
Venus in Pisces: You are sentimental, you have the taste for art, you are devoted and ready to do anything for the beloved. You idealize your partners and sincerely seek union with them, but you have no idea what is reasonable and what is not. Other people find it easy to influence you, partly because you shrug your shoulders as a sign of impotence and accept that you are left with the crumbs. In the end, it makes you angry and explains that you are sometimes offensive emotionally, usually passively and aggressively. You truly know how to love, but you are sometimes too willing to sacrifice your own needs to satisfy those of your partners.
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In Casey County Kentucky, the White Oak Union Church is open to anyone who wants to preach. My grandmother remembers going there as a child when her father or uncles had something they wanted to preach about so there’s no telling how long this church has been standing.
My father tells about preaching there with his cousins as a kid and being warned not to go in there after dark because that’s when the devil took the pulpit.
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