ariaparish · 5 years
why are cyberpunk tabletop things so obsessed with decency and personhood being tied to how many surgeries you haven’t had
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ariaparish · 5 years
we teach girls to shrink themselves, to fit themselves more compactly in a transistor. we expect girls to double in processing efficiency every two years. we say to sufficiently advanced girls, you are indistinguishable from magic
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ariaparish · 5 years
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[13.02.17] LECT
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ariaparish · 5 years
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MUN VS. MUSE :  ( creator )
(sorta) tagged by: @nihtwulf
tagging: does anyone even follow me here? lol anyone interested!
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ariaparish · 5 years
The Death of Stalin [2017] Sentence Starters
“Sit down! do not defy me!” “Don’t worry, nobody’s going to get killed,” “I can’t remember who’s alive and who isn’t,” “I miss the Tsar!” “Goodbye, my friend,” “It would be simpler and cheaper if they just drove straight into the river,” “Should we investigate?” “Should you shut the fuck up before you get us both killed?” “Each name you give me is one less bit of you I’ll cut off,” “Grenade, funny, tomato, pocket, funny, horse, slippers, question mark,” “Get my trousers!” “Remain at your stations,” “I think (he’s/she’s/they’re) saying get me a doctor now,” “The room is only seventy-five per cent conscious!” “Are you wearing pyjamas?” “I said you’d be tested, now you’re being tested by a shouty man wearing pyjamas,” “It’s just me here, kneeling in the piss, yeah?” “Too much social climbing, I expect,” “What the fuck are you talking about?” “Fucking Abbot and Costello over there,” “I can’t shut that gabbling idiot up,” “How can you run and plot at the same time?” “There are bears in there,” “I want another opinion!” “You’re not even a person, you’re a testicle, and you are mostly made of hair!” “Don’t you ever, ever humiliate me again,” “I call this meeting to order,” “You’re being obstructionist,” “I can assure you all that I am perfectly capable of doing two things at once,” “You told me, last night, in the bathroom,” “Would you stop with this?” “I’m smiling, but I am very fucking furious,” “You never kiss my hand anymore,” “Did Coco Chanel take a shit on your head?” “A vile crime has been perpetrated!” “You will not take me down!” “Hands up, or I’ll shoot you in the fucking face,” “I’m going to enjoy peeling the skin from your self-satisfied face,” “I want it to go on record that this was not my first course of action,” “This is a travesty!” “I judge you, I judge all of you!” “You are accused of treason,” “Everyone happy?” “I will bury you in history, you hear me?” “You smell like a rendered horse, you burning asshole,” “This is how people get killed,” “Can you ever trust a weak man?”
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ariaparish · 5 years
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ariaparish · 5 years
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ariaparish · 5 years
When will cyberpunk writers realize that cyborgs and androids don’t even remotely work as an allegory for racism
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ariaparish · 5 years
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ariaparish · 5 years
i’ll see your space australians and raise you: space eastern europeans.
like space australians, but comically deadpan
‘there was a critical systems failure and now we’re dead in space! we need to evacu–’ *chief engineer antonov thumps control panel with fist* ‘oh, we’re. we’re okay.’
someone has either pickled a vegetable or distilled alcohol in a container that was intended for neither, in zero gravity
there’s a little old lady on this crew. nobody knows why. nobody suspects she’s the head of an espionage network either
*exasperated muttering over comms line during repair eva* ‘what’s that?’ ‘i said this thing has ‘made in usa’ written on it and no fucking wonder *deliberately heavy accent* exkyooz my language’
improvised electrical device breaks safety regulations in 72 systems. ‘what? it woks.’
somebody is talking about The Revolution. ‘andrei please that was 2723 years ago’ ‘my father fought in it’
‘here’s a good one: is it possible to introduce communism in the frozen world of OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb?’ confused alien: ‘i don’t know?’ ‘in principle yes, but after the first five year plan they would have to import ice’
the trabant, but now it’s a space ship
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ariaparish · 5 years
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It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, PTSDee (S12E07)
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ariaparish · 5 years
repost, don’t reblog !
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FULL NAME.  Aria Māhealani Parish PRONUNCIATION.  ahr-ee-uh mah-hey-ah-lah-nee pair-ish                                       ( ˈɑriə maːhejəˈlɐni ˈpærɪʃ ) NICKNAME.  just "Aria" or "Parish" GENDER.  cis woman HEIGHT.  5′3″ AGE.  20-25ish (verse-dependent & flexible) ZODIAC.  Aries SPOKEN LANGUAGES.  English (SAE), English (HPE)
HAIR COLOR.  dark brown EYE COLOR.  dark brown SKIN TONE.  warm, rosy gold undertones; Pantone 51-5 C (Humanae) BODY TYPE.  angular, petite ACCENT.  code-switches between HPE, SAE, and an affected "Valley Girl" accent depending on mood VOICE.  no current voice claim DOMINANT HAND.  right POSTURE.  impeccable posture when walking, standing, or driving, from lifelong attempts to look taller and to try to be able to see past people around her; slouches badly while reclining or working, which has caused back problems in the past SCARS.  incisions at the base of her neck from implantation of her cybernetic components; light, barely-visible scars on her hands up to her wrists from cuts & burns during hardware repairs and / or cooking attempts; a few scars on shoulders, legs from outdoor falls as a child TATTOOS.  none BIRTHMARKS.  none MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).  long hair, striking bone structure
PLACE OF BIRTH.  Hālawa, Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi HOMETOWN.  Kaʻaʻawa Valley, Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi  |  Castle Ward, Swansea, Wales BIRTH WEIGHT.  7.2lbs BIRTH HEIGHT.  49cm MANNER OF BIRTH.  natural delivery FIRST WORDS.  bye-bye RELIGIOUS BACKGROUND.  secular, superstitious SIBLINGS.  Maya & Eva Parish (elder twin sisters, biological; estranged)                         Jackson Savage (elder brother, foster / adopted) PARENTS.  Lauren & Jackson Parish (biological parents, estranged)              Peter J. Savage II & Louise Savage née Abernathy (foster parents, estranged)
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.  The Parishes are strict but emotionally distant & neglectful parents, preferring to focus on their own research rather than their children or each other, believing that children should be seen and not heard, and not speak until and unless spoken to. They quickly fell into a pattern of favoring their elder daughters' obedience, accomplishments, and respectability in comparison to Aria's defiance and rejection of their laid-out plans for her life, ultimately disowning her in all but name by her teens. Her sisters never quite bridged the gap to connect with her while their parents' ambition kept them occupied. After briefly moving from her parents' estate in Hālawa to her grandmother's home in Kaʻaʻawa, Aria was sent away to the British Isles as a child-- out of sight, out of mind-- to live with the adult Parishes' family friends, the Savages, and their son Jackson, who were emotionally desperate to fill a child-shaped void of their own. Where the Savage adults were more of the same that Aria had come to expect from her own parents, down to being the "spare tire" third child, the family's traumas & the new setting left her feeling alone in a haunted house until Jax eventually, begrudgingly warmed up to her.
OCCUPATION.  Computer Systems Engineer ; Hacker & Snoop ; Petty Criminal (some gang involvement) CURRENT RESIDENCE.  varies (verse-dependent & flexible) CLOSE FRIENDS.  TBD (verse-dependent & flexible) RELATIONSHIP STATUS.  single (verse-dependent & flexible) FINANCIAL STATUS.  "poor little rich girl gone to seed" DRIVER’S LICENSE.  yes ; excellent driver (ground vehicles) CRIMINAL RECORD.  【RECORD SEALED & EXPUNGED】 VICES.  curses too much & explosively; drinks when angry; indulges in urges towards one-upsmanship & petty bickering
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.  bisexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.  bisexual PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.  submissive | dominant | switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.  submissive | dominant | switch | sex repulsed LIBIDO.  below average-- happy with or without sex, for the most part TURN ONS.  determination, pragmatism, ingenuity, stubbornness, cleverness, loyalty TURN OFFS.  disloyalty / betrayal of trust, conformity, condescension, malice, pretension, bullying, being told what to do LOVE LANGUAGE.  Quality Time / Acts of Service
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.  Aria's only had a few serious relationships in her life, mainly because of preoccupations with either family, research, or work contracts, which have largely taken precedent over what she grew up seeing could be fickle emotional bonds. She craves emotional intimacy and trust, but is overwhelmed and terrified by the prospect of emotional dependence-- as a way to protect herself from ever being in a position to feel desperate and discarded again after getting some distance from (and making emotional progress without) her parents and foster parents in her life. She can be flirtatious and forward, particularly in pursuing casual flings if the urge arises, but is cautious and private if pursued for anything beyond that herself.
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.  JOYRYDE - IM GONE [ xxx ] HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.  sewing, coffee, thrifting, dancing / clubbing MENTAL ILLNESSES.  semi-resolved trauma from family history; on-and-off diagnoses of ADHD & anxiety (generally unmedicated & frequently ignored until Aria hits a breaking point); prone to PTSD-related night terrors and hypervigilance, depending on verse-specific exposures & experiences PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.  in dystopian verses, Aria's cybernetic prostheses run the risk of becoming liabilities as they wear out or take on damage LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.  right-brained, per this quiz MBTI.  ENFP-T FEARS.  sharks, immobilization / confinement, helplessness, loss of independence SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.  RSE Scale 16/30  ||  confident in her own competence and most of her physical appearance; still has issues with self-worth / how she believes her emotional worth is perceived to be by others, but accepts it to the point of cracking jokes, assuming as a baseline that she's either not worth other people investing in & is beneath their notice (which she thinks of as a positive when spying on others), or assumes anyone showing more than a cursory interest is either foolish or has ulterior motives VULNERABILITIES.  stubborn, lonely, mistrustful, more emotionally fragile than she's willing to admit to herself, self-doubts & second-guesses herself, low physical endurance, self-destructive tendencies with overwork when stressed
TAGGED BY: @nihtwulf TAGGING: anyone who wants to do this!
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ariaparish · 5 years
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GR-SAKURA single-board computer, developed for Gadget Renesas Project.
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ariaparish · 5 years
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〘 Q’orianka Kilcher 〙
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ariaparish · 5 years
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ariaparish · 5 years
You ever meet a girl and you’re just like,,, you got way too much chaotic energy to be straight.
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ariaparish · 5 years
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𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐄.    laughter loving.  sweet smiles.  dressed in silk and satin.  flower in their hair.  sees the world as a runway.  unapologetically sexual.  the sea washing their ankles.  in love with love.  stirrer of passion.  cunning concealed by painted lips.  secret daggers.  doves.  revolution in their kiss.  delighting in the waves.  flirtatious winks.  strolling along the beach.  staring wistfully from a balcony.  this is how to be a heartbreaker.  wants to be adored.  gets turned on by danger.
𝐀𝐏𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐎.    glitz and glamour.  art galleries.  turning the volume up.  being made of gold.  neatly organized music sheets.  notebooks filled with poetry.  bathing in the sunlight.  the powerful urge to create.  collecting vinyl records.  beautiful cover of wonderwall.  playing multiple instruments.  tasting like sunshine.  healing touch.  speaking in prophecies.  smile mingled with wrath.  shunning lies.  sporting shades.  hanging out at music festivals with their friends.  sleeps naked.  arrow to the heart.  paint brushes.  probably has a tinder account.
✓ 𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐒.    armed for battle.  wants to raise a dog with their significant other.  soft spot for children.  gives piggyback rides.  scarred body.  blood on their hands and face.  willing to fight the world for the ones they love.  fights against injustice.  warm hugs.  well worn combat boots.  boxing gloves.  bandages wrapped around bruised knuckles.  fist raised in protest.  ignites revolutions.  fear is a prison.  more sensitive than what their tough shell would have you think.  exhausted.  damaged goods.  force to be reckoned with.  red roses.  curses under their breath.
𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐒.    keen sense of a hunter.  freckles like constellations on their skin.  piercing eyes.  disheveled braid.  moonlight peeking through the shadows.  the calm of the forest at night.  lying on the grass and staring at the stars.  mother doe and her fawn.  protecting their kin.  the moon shimmering on a still lake.  quiver full of arrows resting against the bark of a tree.  running with wolves.  bonding while circled around a campfire.  not being much of a people person.  arrow hitting a target.  popping egos.  patience on 3%.  touches heaven and returns howling.
𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐍𝐀.    discerning gaze.  unreadable face.  quiet museums.  owl perched on their finger.  armor that intimidates.  eye for architecture.  plays the sims for the sole purpose of building houses.  studied the blade while everyone else was busy getting laid.  big fan of logic.  loves brain teasers.  ancient buildings.  sweaters in neutrals and cool colors.  hair done up.  can kill you with their brain.  heads to the library often to research.  sharpened pencils.  abs that can cut steel.  stoic statues.  pottery classes.
𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑.    soil covered hands.  smile that can bloom flowers.  skin loved by the sun.  being the mom friend.  can lift you and your friends.  flowers kept in the pockets of overalls.  takes pride in their beautiful garden.  speaks to their plants.  leaves rustling in the wind.  stalks of wheat.  picking fruit.  greenhouses.  heart as strong as a mountain.  values simplicity.  daisies dotted across a collarbone.  curls crowned with flowers.  folded pile of sweaters in warm hues.  pulling out fresh baked bread out of the oven and the smell wafting through the air.
𝐃𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐘𝐒𝐔𝐒.    drunk shitposter.  on their sixth glass of wine before you’ve even finished your second.  seductive smirks.  untamed curls.  rich fabrics on dark skin.  sleek furred panthers.  theatre masks.  stage productions.  receiving a standing ovation.  rose caught between their teeth.  being the baby of the bunch.  wild parties that last from sundown to sunup.  creeping vines.  inspiring loyalty.  grand opera houses.  masquerade balls.  rolls of film.  shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine spilled floor.  pouring champagne into flutes.  lives for the applause.
✓ 𝐇𝐄𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐒.    the calloused hands of someone who knows labor.  sweaty brow.  flame burning in their eyes.  inventive mind.  broad shoulders.  steampunk goggles.  nuts and bolts stored away in little boxes.  ashes.  striking a match.  blueprints for future projects.  fixing up a busted up car and giving it cool upgrades.  wrestles with bitterness.  work boots have seen better years.  wrinkled plaid shirts.  iron melted in blazing fire.  huge jackets.  crafting masterpieces.  greased stained overalls.  fascination with robotics.  pain is fuel.  stack of weaponry.  even their muscles have muscles.
𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐀.    resting bitch face.  dressed to the nines.  cows grazing on a pasture.  cool rain.  loving and hating fiercely.  hand clutching a string of pearls.  large chandelier with glittering crystals.  plays the sims for the sole purpose of killing off their sims.  romance to realism.  pictures of the sky while flying on a plane.  files that under 'fuck it'.  downs glasses of wine as they relax with a scented bubble bath and netflix.  like their selfie or you’re grounded.  knows 57 convenient ways to murder a man.  dark eyes that penetrate your soul.  marble and gold.
✓ 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐄𝐒.    devil-may-care smile.  always up-to-date on the latest technology.  will steal your french fries.  does it for the vine.  shitposter.  puts googly eyes on everything.  meme hoarder.  long drives on the highway.  ma and pop diners.  spontaneous road trips.  folded maps.  fingers dancing across the keyboard of a laptop.  shooting hoops on the basketball court.  chatting up strangers as you all journey to your own destinations.  goes jogging in the morning.  mixes redbull with coffee. menace on april fool’s.  hoodies and sneakers.
𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐈𝐃𝐎𝐍.    storm with skin.  colorful coral reefs.  waves crashing against the shore.  stroking the soft fur of a cat.  their heart pounding as their horse’s gentle trot speeds into a gallop.  tousled locks.  clothes smeared with paint.  owns several sketchbooks yet always yearns to own more.  leather jackets.  fondness for diy projects.  handwriting that flows across the page.  nimble fingers playing the strings of a violin.  velvety singing voice that haunts your dreams.  mood as ever-changing as the sea.  the roar of a motorcycle.  compass with a spinning arrow.
𝐙𝐄𝐔𝐒.    thunder in their heart.  running on coffee.  flash of lightning.  unnatural charisma.  eloquence.  badass in a nice suit.  aficionado of history.  force of nature.  lenny face.  nightmare-filled nights.  proud arm around their lover’s waist.  high-rise buildings.  planes soaring through a cloudless sky.  technician on the piano.  maintains order.  strong handshake.  juggling multiple events on their busy schedule with ease.  expensive watch.
TAGGED BY.   stolen from @nihtwulf. TAGGING.   continue the stealing chain & tag me.
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