ascendingmatrix · 5 years
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ascendingmatrix · 5 years
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ascendingmatrix · 6 years
Posted by stevew | Apr 13, 2018 | 2018, Ascension, Daily Blog
April 10, 2018
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com
For the past 6 months or so, I’ve had a bizarre ascension symptom that I never spoke about, until a few days ago during my In5D Facebook Live video called, “Sealed Indictments NOW UNSEALED, Important Q message, Waves of Energy – In5D FB Live w/ Gregg Prescott Ep #17”.
I talk about it at the 28:04 marker of the video:
In this video, I spoke about the “Spring 2018 Ascension Symptoms” that Rosie Neal spoke about. One that she didn’t list is having leaky ears, so I brought that up in my video.
I’m sorry if it may sound gross, but both ears have been leaking a clear liquid for about 6 months or so. At night, it’s difficult to sleep on a regular pillow because my ear lobe ends up making a squishy, suctioning sound from the liquid in my ear.
I further elaborate on this topic in my Patreon In5D Facebook Live AFTERTHOUGHTS video around the 9:55 marker of the video below:
In5D PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/in5d
You’ll find Celia’s response below
I resolved this squishy ear issue at night by using a horseshoe-shaped travel pillow by placing my ear in the center of it.
I tried using drops of colloidal silver in both ears, as well as a saline flush, but neither made a difference.
Because I live in Florida, some may think it’s “Swimmer’s Ear” but the water is too cold to go swimming right now, so I can rule that out.
After my FB Live video, author Celia Fenn contacted me via a private message and explained what is happening:
Hi Gregg…I was just listening to your Live transmission. I am just working on the reason for ears/throat symptoms etc. It has to do with major activation of the right brain to bring it into harmony/union with the left brain and to activate the “transmission” part of the throat chakra. This is to enable reconnection with the Galactic Frequencies which are only accessible via right brain light transmissions and not left brain. We are moving into nonverbal/galactic ways of communicating. It is hard on the nervous system too, hence the exhaustion and the need to sleep.
This is in perfect conjunction with what I experienced last week with an energy wave on successive days that felt like both hemispheres of my brain were merging, followed by extreme exhaustion (and a nap!).
Check out the comments on my Facebook posts below!
Gregg Prescott
last Friday
ENERGY UPDATE: I felt another wave go through today around noon (Eastern) time. It was similar to the last one with the same sensations going on in both hemispheres of the brain. Afterwards, I felt incredibly tired and I just woke up from a 2 hour nap.Gregg Prescott
about a week ago
I just felt this HUGE energy shift a couple minutes ago (around 2:15 pm eastern time). It felt as if both hemispheres of the brain were merging. Did anyone else just feel that???
Celia recently wrote an article called, “So what is that Ringing in my Ears……” where she stated:
If you look at the Inner Ear, you will see an organ called the Cochlea, which is shaped like a spiral. This organ is responsible for translating sounds received into impulses that can be sent along the neural pathways to the brain and be heard and understood. But, on the Higher Dimensions, the Cochlea also acts as a Galactic “antenna” that can receive sounds/signals from the Higher Dimensions.
There is a Cochlear spiral in each ear, and they work together to facilitate the function of hearing in the body. But, in spiritual terms, the Left Ear Cochlea works with the Left Brain to receive and ground information to do with life on Earth, while the Right Ear Cochlea receives and translates information from the Galactic level that connects to the spiritual and mystical realms.
Both are connected into the nervous system and the brain. However, the impulses that activate the Cochlea spiral on the level of Higher Consciousness are transmitted via the Pituitary Gland and then into the Cochlea via various neural pathways and light meridians. This means that when Galactic Light Codes are being transmitted very strongly through Solar and Galactic radiation waves, then the Pineal is more strongly activated and likewise, in those who are ready, the Cochlea begins to vibrate with the messages of the Language of Light!
In a balanced individual, the activation of Left and Right Cochlea spirals ensures that there is balance, both literal and emotional/mental and spiritual. In our planetary culture, we have been very “out of balance”, with the Left Brain being strongly activated and the Right Brain not. We live in a Left Brain society, where little importance is given to the activities and functions of the Right Brain, starting from School and continuing into Adult life.
So it is that as the Right Brain Cochlea begins to vibrate in harmony with the Light Code transmissions of the Galactic spiral, you begin to “hear” transmissions that you did not hear before. This may simply sound like “white noise” at this time, as your brain has no idea how to translate it into meaningful “language”.But, as and when you begin to work with your Right Brain and expand into the Magical Higher Dimensions, these transmissions will begin to take on shape and meaning.
Once again, this help to explain the feelings I’ve been having with the sensations that both hemispheres of my brain felt as if they were merging.
One of the comments on the In5D FB Live video was from Britt Johnson, who stated:
“….leaking from ears: l was told years ago that it is a holy liquid coming from the inner ear/glands it prepares you to be able to hear on higher reals/levels.”
So, the latest anomaly is extreme dizziness.
Gregg Prescott
on Monday
ENERGY UPDATE: EXTREME Dizziness when I stand up quickly, PLUS EXTREME body tingling ALL OVER my body. It’s like my mind is in two different worlds. We’ve all had dizziness from standing up too quickly, but this time, it’s MUCH different. In last week’s energy update, I mentioned how it felt like both hemispheres of my brain were merging when the wave hit on successive days. I wonder if this has something to do with those waves?
Has anyone else felt this?
Yes, we’ve all felt dizzy at some point in our lives, but I’ve never felt anything like this. It’s as if I can literally feel the hemispheres of my brain shifting. At one point, I went from sitting on the floor to sitting on my couch and got dizzy. I even moved slowly to avoid the dizziness, to no avail..
One of the comments on my post by Warlito Nobleza Vicente made perfect sense. He said:
Imagine a plasma layer overlaid on your physical vessel with energetic interfaces. Imagine the knights and their iron armor, except that the armor is made of liquid light.
You walk and it feels different because you are learning to walk again with your armor of light. You will feel dizziness as you relearn to balance your gait.
It feels as if we’re truly waling between two worlds right now!
Are you experiencing leaky ears and/or extreme dizziness? If so, then please comment below!
Sending you all infinite Love & Light,
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ascendingmatrix · 6 years
Posted by stevew | Apr 13, 2018 | 2018, Biology and Animals, Consciousness, Daily Blog
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Christina Sarich, Guest Waking Times
“Your body is woven from the light of Heaven.” ~Rumi
Have you ever wondered what makes the difference between a living and non-living process? What makes us “alive” instead of just machines or robots acting out commands? What is the life force, or what ancient philosophers called the “animus”? It is light, and this is the fundamental method by which your cells and DNA communicate.
After all, a cell contains the same components when it is alive and when it is dead. The same molecules and structures are there, but what gives the cell life? What allows an average human being to become the accumulation of 10 trillion cells communicating in a precise way every second to every molecule in our bodies?
What’s more, every few seconds more than 10 million cells die, and in order to prevent entropic decay, more cells must be created to sustain our life force. Make no mistake. This is a massive undertaking. A mere machine could never pull it off. This is also why so many drugs fail to heal the body, because they do not work at the level of light – the speed of light, more specifically.
Chemical messaging to orchestrate this incredible show would be far too slow. Russian scientist, Alexander Gurwitsch, a contemporary of Vladimir Vernadsky and Fritz Alfred Popp have all pointed to the need for cells to be able to communicate at the speed of light for our bodies to even function.
“We are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship between light and life, but we can now say emphatically, that the function of our entire metabolism is dependent on light.” ~Dr. Fritz Albert Popp
It was Alexander Gurwitsch who, while working on onion roots in his lab 1923, discovered that the roots could stimulate a neighboring plant’s roots if the two adjacent plants were in quartz glass pots. The same effect did not happen if the plants were contained in silicon. It turned out that the quartz filtered certain UV wavelengths that the silicon did not, thus allowing communication between biological entities.
Popp later experimented with UV light to further understand what Gurwitsch had discovered. Performing 37 different tests on chemicals – some that caused cancer and some that did not.
In every instance, the compounds that he found to be carcinogenic took the UV light, absorbed it and changed or scrambled the frequency. This is what happens to our DNA when we eat poor quality food, are repeatedly subjected to negative emotions, listen to DNA-harming music, television, etc. or even endure an onslaught of chemical toxicity in our air, water, and soil due to corporate polluting. These elements scramble or confuse the light signals being communicated by our cells.
What Popp also found was that these cancer-causing compounds all had one thing in common. Each of the carcinogens reacted only to light at a specific frequency — 380 nm (nanometres) in the ultra-violet range. Popp was curious as to why light could act as a scrambler of information, until he discovered that it could also repair cells.
Specifically, Popp discovered that Ultraweak Photon Emission (UPE) or Biophoton Emission (BPE) refers to the phenomenon of constant and spontaneous emission of light from all biological systems including humans due to metabolic activities, without excitation or enhancement.
This occurs in the visible and UV part of the electromagnetic spectrum at very low intensities, on the order of 10-16 – 10-18 W/cm2.
The coherent emission of bio-photons is connected to energy and information transfer processes in any biological organism, and has been linked to the function of DNA and gene regulation.
Reprogramming your DNA is about allowing coherent electromagnetic communication to happen within your own biology and the living, breathing Intelligence of the Universe. By choking your cells with pharmaceutical drugs, depression medication, or even highly processed, genetically modified food, you are inhibiting speed-of-light communication between the perfect fractal universe and your body.
The repair of DNA and therefore, your cells, is all about allowing coherent light to regulate biorhythms, homeostasis, and every single metabolic process in your body. Those 10 trillion cells know what they are doing. Your DNA already understands perfectly how to communicate correctly, all that is needed is to take that which impedes this communication out of the picture. Get the picture?
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ascendingmatrix · 6 years
Posted by stevew | Apr 13, 2018 | 2018, Ancient World, Daily Blog, Video
Feb 24, 2018
Click here to continue watching the series: http://bit.ly/2FlYnXL The great sphinx of Giza, the oldest known monument from the ancient Egyptian world, stands as a symbol of the arcane mysteries still waiting to be unearthed. Could the truth about our past, and Enki’s knowledge given to humanity, be locked in an ancient chamber situated below the great beast’s paw? We examine mounds of evidence, in the face of contradictory conclusions, to try and determine its age and decode its original purpose. Connect with us on Social: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Gaia Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/yogaongaia YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/GaiaVideo Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/yogaongaia Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JoinGaia Instagram: @wearegaia @yogaongaia
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ascendingmatrix · 6 years
Posted by stevew | Apr 13, 2018 | 2018, A.I., Conspiracy, Cabal, Daily Blog
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MARCH 30, 2018As the world continues to advance technologically, so do more initiatives that encroach on our basic human rights. It seems we’re on our way to becoming a card-less, cashless society. Remember when our credit and debit cards didn’t have a chip, and we had to sign for our purchases?  Well, they got a chip, and the next step might be a chip inside of our body, and not inside of the card.
In fact, microchip implants in humans are already on the market. For example, an American company called Applied Digital Solutions (ADS) has developed one approximately the size of a grain of rice, and has already had it approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for distribution and implementation. (source)
Not long ago, Ex DARPA director and Google Executive (now a Facebook executive), Regina Dugan, was promoting the idea of microchipping humans. You can view that clip here.
Ask yourself, what if this becomes a requirement for authentication and identification? To withdraw money or go to the grocery store, to access your health card, social security information or passport.. Would you do it?
Last year, a Wisconsin company held a ‘chip party’ to microchip their workers, as the Chicago Tribunepoints out:
“A brief sting is all employees of a Wisconsin technology company said they felt Tuesday when they received a microchip implant in their hand that will allow them to open doors, log onto computers or buy breakroom snacks by simply waving their hand.
Three Square Market, also known as 32M, said 41 of its 85 employees agreed to be voluntarily microchipped during a “chip party” at company headquarters in River Falls.”
Another example would be the Swedish technology firm, Epicener. Over 100 employees there agreed to have a microchip implanted inside their hands, which allows them to open doors and use electronic devices more efficiently.
Although it’s claimed that the data in these microchips is encrypted and does not use GPS (so we cannot be tracked and private information obtained), who really knows if that’s true. With all of the leaks from Edward Snowden, and now the revelations about Facebook and how much they’ve creeped into their users private lives via storing data, is this something we can really trust? The concerning thing is that it’s creeping towards being the norm, as the technology is slowly being used and developed by multiple countries around the world.
It actually started years ago when animals began being implanted with devices.
An associate professor of sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Noelle Chesley, stated that many of those at the edge of developing these technologies “believe we are going to be combining technology in our bodies.”
A Cybernetics scientist, Dr. Mark Gasson from the University of Reading in Britain told The Sydney Morning Herald,
“It has the potential to change the very essence of what it is to be human.. It’s not possible to interact in society today in any meaningful way, without having a mobile phone. I think human implants will go along as similar route. It will be such a disadvantage not to have the implant that it will essentially not be optional.”
Microchipping has always attracted attention as being some part of a hidden agenda plan, one that continues to take away our rights.  The backbone of the American ruling elite’s ideology has long been neoliberalism and neoconservativism, a state creeping towards the description given by George Orwell’s 1984.
Not long ago, mass surveillance on the global population was considered a mere conspiracy, but it’s not anymore.. And the reasons to justify these actions seem to be based on false premises.
George Orwell’s 1984 is a classic book depicting a populace ruled by a political regime that persecutes individualism and independent critical thinking as “thoughtcrimes” that must be enforced by the “thought police.” This party seeks power above all, and, through the propagandist Ministry of Truth, presents the people with their version of truth. Sound familiar?
Within the past few years, so much information has come out contradicting the mainstream rhetoric. Election fraud, as made evident by WikiLeaks, is one example, and false flag terrorism, with 9/11 being the perfect example, is another.
Big global corporate and political initiatives like this have long been tied to some sort of hidden agenda, and you’re not crazy for thinking that this is also one small part of the massive global surveillance state we are experiencing.
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ascendingmatrix · 6 years
Posted by stevew | Apr 13, 2018 | 2018, Conspiracy, Cabal, Daily Blog, Geopolitics
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BATTLEFORWORLD – April 13, 2018: Russian news services are reporting that the Pentagon and President Trump gave the military the go ahead in concert with Britain and France to launch an attack against Syria.  The strike aggression was against what the Pentagon briefing called selected targets that manufacture chemicals. This is rather strange, because if the Pentagon knew of facilities why not tell the OPCW and have them visit the sites to determine if they are such? But rather the Pentagon claimed that they gave the go ahead to strike facilities. Did the targeted sites released their chemicals into the air in the explosions?
Also rather strange is that the Pentagon says that the strikes in Syria were a ‘one time shot’ to send a strong message to Assad. But it could be that the US, UK and France war jets and missiles were met with Russian high technology and had to call the bombing mission off in Syria quickly. So that means the neocons aggression firepower militarizes from the US, UK and France were overwhelmed with the awesomeness of Russian special things.
The Syrian Air Defenses are reporting that they have intercepted over 20 missiles that were fired by US, UK and France.
Related articles: US Plotting War In Syria Using Fake News
Top Russian General Predicted Douma, Syria Provocation A Month In Advance
Russia To Take Tit-For-Tat Steps Should US Strike Syria, Senior MP Warns
US, UK & France launch ‘precision strikes’ in Syria
SPUTNIKNEWS – April 13, 2018: New video reportedly taken from Syria shows air-defense interceptors taking flight after US President Donald Trump announced that the US, UK and France would strike Syria.
​”God bless you, God bless you,” a man can be heard saying, shortly after the interceptor seemed to collide with a missile, making a large boom sound.
“F*ck those American bastards,” the man from the video says.
The Syrian Army reports shooting down 20 US, UK and French missiles. When asked about the missiles, the Pentagon during a briefing that it could not comment on the reports.
On Friday night, Trump said that strike operations were underway in response to an alleged attack in Douma, which Damascus and Moscow maintain was a false flag. Analysts are puzzled by the logic of Trump’s decision to stand up against “Gas Animal Assad” by raining explosives on Syria and killing Syrians.
Damascus, Homs, a research facility in Barzeh, and an IRGC base in Qasioun Mountain have reportedly been targeted during the military operations.
Strike on Syria won’t remain without consequences – Russian ambassador to US
RT – April 13, 2018: The Russian Ambassador to the US has warned of “consequences” after the US and its allies launched a coordinated military action against Syria.
Russia feels threatened by the US decision to strike Syrian targets in retaliation for the alleged chemical attack in Douma on April 7, which Moscow believes was staged.
“A pre-designed scenario is being implemented. Again, we are being threatened. We warned that such actions will not be left without consequences,” Anatoly Antonov said in a statement on Friday night. “All responsibility for them rests with Washington, London and Paris.”
The US “specifically identified” targets to “mitigate the risk of Russian forces being involved,” Dunford said. “We used the normal deconfliction channel to deconflict airspace. We did not coordinate targets.”
While Trump said that the purpose of the US actions is to “establish a strong deterrent against the production, spread, and use of chemical weapons,” Antonov reminded that “the US – the possessor of the biggest arsenal of chemical weapons – has no moral right to blame other countries.”
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ascendingmatrix · 6 years
Posted by stevew | Apr 13, 2018 | 2018, Ascension, Daily Blog
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Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
Gatekeeping has revealed strong activations of the deep, ancient sites (pyramids, octahedrons, crystal beds and aquifers) during my travels in the crystalline corridor. April 17-19 is on the Gatekeeper radar, and Solaris has sprouted a new SUNspot which may deliver the activation codes we are seeing in the Cosmic Stargates.
All of these continual amplifications – the Solar flashing activity, the ancient grid activity, the crystalline grid activity – are supporting our embodiment of Christ/Crystalline/Unity consciousness. The Sacred Marriage of Higher and Lower Self with the Godhead, Pure Source consciousness, is presenting strongly as the New/Next-Level Lightbody activates. The consistent 5D/7D/9D anchoring happening through Gaia and her Lightservers (those in service as pure conduits of the organic Ascension) can be amplified by completely embracing Unity consciousness in the Now.
Opening the crystalline pathways/bridges to the New Earth realm is top priority for Gatekeepers at the moment. This will greatly enhance the 5D experience as a palpable experience for the awakened, and supports those Wayshowing the new Lightbody level. That activity is fascinating and deeply activating; we are re-discovering our skill sets, as well as creating new ones with our future Selves.
However, the parallel and supportive activity of Unity in every word, thought, feeling and action is paramount to activating all willing hearts of the HUman Heart grid. This Divine Service is working, keep refining and adjusting to the Higher Self level as it presents. And it will present strongly this week!
Saturday and SUNday Activations
Kindwhile, a large group of the Light Tribe will be amplifying Ascension codes, timelines and activations on behalf of all this weekend in Sedona. Join in the SUNday Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Time. They will be powerful, and we will also have a group calling in the highest trajectories during the New Moon on SUNday at 7pmPT.
The Crystalline Bridge article series will resume next week. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service, Sandra
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ascendingmatrix · 6 years
Posted by M M | Feb 25, 2018 | 2018, Consciousness, Daily Blog, Metaphysics and Beliefs, Consciousness |
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Our planet has been enduring sequences of bifurcation between the timelines that create points of divergence and frequency splitting within the lower dimensions. As the frequency split in that spectrum of that particular dimension widens, it amplifies the polarities in the spectrum of the frequencies that exist in that space and this catalyzes a variety of energies and entities to move forward into either of the opposing directions. This event can also be defined as a type of entity transiting, where people and lower spirits, both incarnate and disincarnate, must be moved out of that particular space time location and shifted into another one. Certain space time locations or dimensions in the planetary body are undergoing frequency split and thus, are rolling up into higher frequency dimensions and routing frequency groups into systems of collective consciousness. This shift creates moving energetic streams that run into many smaller tributaries that feed into rivers, that then move to converge into larger bodies of water, like a lake or the ocean. Energy current moves similarly as to how water moves, depending on its viscosity and wave length. The planetary shifting impacts how energetic tributaries move in the ley lines of the earth body, and where these energies coalesce into larger energetic bodies, like pooling energies into vortices or Stargates. The horizontal network of energetic tributaries are moving vast streams of consciousness energy out of the lower dimensions into median timelines. This lower frequency area is being extracted and is where many of the black force shadow forms and fallen entities reside. This shift in the field catalyzes and forces these entities to move around into different patterns, entering new grid networks, and even attaching to human bodies that are traveling on the same timelines. This shift in the lower dimensional ley lines is impacting our physical body functioning dramatically, the human light body is upgrading and changing. This is also shifting around the location of many types of forces that are interacting in unusual ways with the planetary body, and this generates strange anomalies.
Many of us can witness this energetic movement happening in the environment and see the chaos it generates as well as how it impacts the people around us. Some people are floating comfortably in the energetic flow that is moving them upstream through following the multiple synchronicities that show up, while others are sinking and flailing about feeling lost and confused, as they are being carried downstream. We can observe both energetic realities happening simultaneously. The descending reality is where people have not dealt with their trauma fears, phobias or destructive habits and do not understand the ascending process of consciousness evolution and have not discovered the main lessons of their required learning. Some are getting worse as they wrestle with their inner demons and addictions, lashing out in pain or withdrawing into depression. The lower dimensions surface the main areas of separation trauma that impacted the collective mind of humanity on the earth. These are the memories recorded in the unconscious mind of the people and the earth body itself. If the person has not delved into some inner emotional work to gain some clarity about the contents of their unconscious mind, the main areas of unconscious trauma become amplied into triggers in the surface of their ego-personality.
Mainly, this is the processing of previous timelines of abuse, trauma, shock and devastation from the point in time of our original separation with the God Source, and the subsequent splitting of our gender principle. The male and female principle were originally unified, and through the cataclysms and wars that occurred in our hidden history, the internal genders were split apart and lost to each other. This resulted in tremendous suffering and pain in our heart and soul layers, ultimately creating consciousness distortions such as the sexual misery programming. This means a lot of people on the earth are processing sensations of shock and trauma from the time of the split (fall of humankind), and are unaware of the source causation of why they are grieving or feeling so lost. When we are confused about the source of our inner pain, we usually blame it on something that is on the surface or we blame someone else that we perceive as hurting us. After the blaming phase, people tend to bury their inner pain, self medicate and escape their feelings with an addiction of some kind.
The ascending reality is where we may observe the overview of the world of forces that are impacting us, sensing the cross spiral collisions happening in the energy field. At the same time, we can sense the unconditional love of the higher spiritual forces that are carrying us forward into a higher and more benevolent timeline. The new timeline is moving us away from the impact of these lower demons and their destructive forces of chaos, such as the Behemoth and Leviathan. The gridworkers are called to witness these fallen forces as they surface into our view from the underworld, or from the depths of the lower dimensions. Many of us are acting as transition teams, holding compassionate witnessing,  to move out these entities from the AI timeline, phantom or dead areas, and they are both human and non-human entities.  This is sad for us when we can feel the pain existing in the lower dimension of the earth, and we are forced to observe and may feel we are leaving certain people behind.  This emotional processing has required a completion cycle of the old timelines, through clearing out ancestral miasma, cord cutting, and disconnection from certain people or things that are stuck in the miasma of the lower fields or moving onto a different path.
In some cases, we have been pushed to make these hidden fallen forces more transparent to others, by witnessing the reveal of unethical behavior and/or covert agendas that may surface within organizations, communities or other types of groups. This is a period of time in which some organizations, that have been built upon unethical or inhumane standards, are being given their Come to Jesus moment. They have a choice to see their actions and choices clearly that need correction, to then apply unconditional love and forgiveness, while they step down from positions of authority and power over others. Those structures that have been built upon a house of cards, ego drives, deceptions and weak moral character, are being revealed in smaller organizations and group situations, creating a ripple effect of witnessing by others in the macrocosm field.  The upgrade in the lower dimensional ley lines impact the red wave spectrum of survival and poverty consciousness, of which the victim-victimizer mind control program is wielded by Archons who use the Controller archetype, the False King of Tyranny to manipulate dark forces within people. Many of us can see the False King of Tyranny operating in people that are power or fame hungry and that they enjoy having authority over other people. These are Controller types of people. Controller type of people are becoming extremely obvious to the spiritually initiated, we can see the dark force manipulation of the Controller archetype existing in all types of people, the Soccer mom, CEO, middle management boss, beauty queen, policeman, ambitious young college graduate, teachers, professionals, pastors,  all walks of life.
Once you can identify the Controller archetype and the energetic signature of the Fallen Angelic or demonic force behind the negative behaviors, it is very easy to feel it, see it and sense it operating in the person who is only identified with the surface of the material reality. It is important to discern the forces operating behind the person, and to not judge it with less than or assign higher value, but to see it as it is and not what you would prefer it to be. We must find the spiritual maturity and strength to call out dark forces where they reside, while unconditionally loving the people that may be involved, as we apply forgiveness to their dark ignorance, when they seem hell bent to create destruction or chaos in the environment. This profile of person is devoid of love, and ultimately should not be given positions of power or authority over others. Until we recognize fully a Controller type person from their low frequency vibration, and we refuse to allow that kind of person to continue to carry out power abuses and steal resources from others, we cannot change the imbalances of power. Controllers will always reveal their true nature through personality defects and unethical behavior at some point over time. We must pay attention to these unethical or harmful behaviors and assess them accurately, yet without casting judgment of that person. The more power or influence a person or group has over people or that they have full access to use the larger resources that belong to the earth, the more responsibility they have in the ethical treatment of others and to which they are held accountable.  Until we take money and profit out of the primary motivation used to reward people’s hidden desires for materialism, this needed shift towards valuing human beings and virtue-ethics in this society will not happen.
Through the current shifts, many of us are being called to leadership in ways we are reluctant.  Many Star people and Indigos are not fame oriented or power hungry people, and prefer to live anonymously and behind the scenes. As certain organizations are being blown apart by revelations of unethical actions, others are being pushed to rise to help guide and support others who may be devastated from these continual streams of stark realizations. It is a spiritual imperative, if you are fully committed in service and employed by your highest self and/or God, that you do not abuse your spiritual power or take your sphere of influence in the world for granted. This is the call to apply loving kindness no matter what the situation, and to treat all people, no matter what they did, no matter if you do not like them, to commit to treat all people with respect, dignity and humanity.
Unconditional love is known as love without any limitations, it can also be love without conditions. This term is associated with other terms such as true altruism, or complete love. Altruism or selflessness is the principle or practice of concern for the welfare of others. It is a traditional virtue in many cultures and a core aspect of the Law of One practices. Altruism or selflessness is the opposite of selfishness, and the earth needs the virtue of selflessness, more than ever.
Many of us came to this earth to be the example in order to bring the Unconditional Love of the Eternal Light of God to shine brightly into this world. Certain people are awakening now to lead by this example and to live in the light and to help show the way for others. For we are made in the eternal living light of the Cosmic Christ!
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ascendingmatrix · 6 years
Posted by M M | Feb 25, 2018 | 2018, Daily Blog, Government Laws, Policies, Politicians, Military, Space, Astronomy, and Galactic Brotherhood
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Before smashing into Saturn last September, Nasa’s Cassini spacecraft sent back some of the most spectacular images of the planet ever seen.
Now Nasa has revealed an image showing the spot on the planet’s surface where the probe met its end.
Stitched together from some of the very last images captured by Cassini’s cameras, the mosaic shows the location where the spacecraft would enter the planet’s atmosphere just hours later.
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Composite image created from some of Cassini’s final pictures shows where probe crashed into Saturn a few hours later (NASA)
Setting off from Earth in 1997, the craft spent two decades exploring the solar system, first entering orbit around Saturn in 2004 and later embarking on a seven-year mission to explore the planet and its 60-plus moons, some of which were previously unknown.
Cassini’s mission was extended twice during its 20-year life, but the probe was sent to its final resting place in September last year, burning up on the surface of Saturn to stop it spreading alien bacteria carried there from Earth.
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This composite image of Saturn was created from a number of pictures taken by Cassini on its final trip around the planet (NASA)
But while the majority of the probe was destroyed, Nasa revealed in December that one small piece of the craft – an aluminium cover for the Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA) – became detached and discarded early in the mission and is still floating somewhere in the solar system, possibly in a vague orbit around the Sun.
The view of Saturn released by Nasa this week looks towards the planet’s night side, lit by sunlight reflected from the rings.
Nasa building supersonic plane that will be much quieter than Concorde
Nasa shares the most distant picture ever taken
Scientists build an ‘alien’ ocean on Earth to test Nasa submarines
The series of images was taken with the craft’s wide-angle camera on 14 September, 2017 – just one day before its final dive – at a distance of approximately 394,000 miles from the planet’s surface.
According to Nasa, this is as close to Saturn as any probe has ever come.
The images were taken using red, green and blue spectral filters and combined to show the scene in near natural colour.
Data and images sent by the probe before its dramatic end continue to be a rich source of information about the solar system’s second largest planet.
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Scientists expect to be analysing the data for several years to come.
“This is the final chapter of an amazing mission, but it’s also a new beginning,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA’s science mission directorate at NASA headquarters in Washington, shortly after the completion of the mission.
“Cassini’s discovery of ocean worlds at Titan and Enceladus changed everything, shaking our views to the core about surprising places to search for potential life beyond Earth.”
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ascendingmatrix · 6 years
Posted by M M | Feb 25, 2018 | 2018, Biology and Animals, Conspiracy, Cabal, and Government, Daily Blog, Government Laws, Policies, Politicians, Military, Healing, Health and Well-Being
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NEWS CHANNEL 8 ORLANDO, Fla. (WESH) – An Orlando pediatrician posted bond and has been released from jail after being accused of committing Medicaid fraud affecting hundreds of children.
The Florida Department of Health said Dr. Ishrat Sohail provided only partial vaccines to more than 500 children, but charged them in full.
The state is now saying those children might have to be vaccinated again.
Officials said children who went to Sohail’s office on North Orange Avenue might not be protected against the diseases they believed they were being vaccinated for.
Sohail left the Seminole County Jail on Friday without saying a word about the charges against her.
A joint investigation conducted by the Florida Department of Health and the Office of the Attorney General led to her arrest Friday.
The emergency suspension of license order filed by the Florida Department of Health alleges that a confidential informant told the Medicaid fraud control unit that Sohail was using vaccines provided at no cost by the Vaccines for Children Program to vaccinate children with private insurance.
It goes on to say that because those vaccines are tracked by lot numbers, Sohail would, at times, administer only partial doses of the vaccine and the remaining dose in the vial would then be re-drawn at a later time and administered to another patient.
The partial dose vaccine vials would be kept in the office refrigerator between administrations.
The order says children were put at risk and that Sohail would record the proper dosage in the patient’s medical records and bill insurance for the full amount.
Last week, one of Sohail’s staff members called the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, reporting that Sohail planned to shred patient files related to the vaccine administration, but she never got the chance to do that.
Any parents of Sohail’s patients who are concerned about vaccinations are encouraged to call the Orange County Department of Health.
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ascendingmatrix · 6 years
Posted by M M | Feb 25, 2018 | 2018, Ascension, Consciousness, Daily Blog, Metaphysics and Beliefs, Consciousness
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What happens when we die? Who really knows? But to deem these questions completely unanswerable is absurd in light of all the evidence that’s emerged over the past view decades. Sure, contemplating what happens after death can be a little too ‘out there’ for some people, it can even contradict long-held belief systems that we’ve been holding on to for so long, with a tight grip, so much so that it can be hard to even entertain an alternate perspective that’s backed with some type of credible evidence.  It’s called cognitive dissonance.
There is nothing wrong with discovery, and throughout all stages of human history new discoveries have always been denounced and ridiculed before they eventually make their way into the mainstream. This is exactly what we are seeing with non-material science. The birth of quantum physics clearly showed a strong relationship between consciousness and what we perceive as our physical material world, this is why all of the founding fathers of quantum theory, like Max Planck,  regarded “consciousness as fundamental,” and matter as “derivative from consciousness,” and it’s why Nikola Tesla believed that humanity would not make giant leaps forward until it studies “non-physical” phenomena – subjects such as, like telepathy, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, remote viewing, near death experiences (NDE’s) and more.
Today, new discoveries like this can have huge implications, and can shake the foundations of the global collective worldview as well as change the global perception forever.
In the mainstream scientific community, there is still a harsh resistance to this type of phenomenon, despite the fact that there are hundreds of peer-reviewed studies showing, in some cases, even greater statistically significant results than that of the ‘hard sciences,’ under the same controlled laboratory conditions. It truly goes to show that science, today, is in large part not about remaining neutral, but rather pulling the curtain over results that still challenge what we think we know about the nature of reality. As a result, we have tremendous amounts of scientific dogma, rather than scientific truth.
A 1999 a statistics professor at UC Irvine published a paper showing that parapsychological experiments have produced much stronger results than those showing a daily dose of aspirin helps prevent a heart attack. There are multiple examples, most of them coming from the Department of Defence.
Below is a great quote that I’ve used multiple times, so my apologies if you’ve already seen it but it really gets my point across,
“Despite the unrivalled empirical success of quantum theory, the very suggestion that it may be literally true as a description of nature is still greeted with cynicism, incomprehension and even anger.” – T. Folger, “Quantum Shmantum”; Discover 22:37-43, 2001)
Dr Gary Schwartz (University of Arizona ), is one of hundreds of scientists who have gathered to emphasize that matter is not the only reality. You can read more about that in this article:
Distinguished Scientists Gather To Emphasize That Matter Is NOT The Only Reality
He sums up the problem quite well,
“Some materialistically inclined scientists and philosophers refuse to acknowledge these phenomena because they are not consistent with their exclusive conception of the world. Rejection of post-materialist investigation of nature or refusal to publish strong science findings supporting a post-materialist framework are antithetical to the true spirit of scientific inquiry, which is that empirical data must always be adequately dealt with. Data which do not fit favoured theories and beliefs cannot be dismissed as priori. Such dismissal is the realm of ideology, not science.” Dr. Gary Schwartz (source)
Contemplating where we come from, and where we are before and after death, has been done for thousands of years. The stories of our creation span the literature of all cultures throughout human history, from a variety of different time periods, and if we look at the stories of our creation from sources that predate religion, they all seem to be very similar, and very spiritual in nature, but what does modern-day research show us?
From a medical standpoint, death means that our heart is stopped, all brain activity and blood circulation comes to a halt and we are no longer doing any breathing. It’s important to note that, on numerous occasions, individuals have been pronounced clinically dead, only to be revived and brought back to live via CPR and other mechanisms.
An article written for Newsweek explains.
“Modern resuscitation was a game-changer for emergency care, but it also blew apart our understanding of what it means to be dead. Without many people returning from the dead to show us otherwise, it was natural to assume, from a scientific perspective, that our consciousness dies at the same time as our bodies.”
Today, it’s a different story. Large studies have shown that a significant amount of people who have been clinically dead, experience some type of ‘awareness’ during that time. For example, one patient – a 57-year-old man at the time, despite being pronounced “dead” and completely unconscious, with no detectable biological activity going on, recalled watching the entire process of his resuscitation.
What’s also weird is that scientists have discovered that once you die, “only after you die, that the cells inside our bodies start to gradually go toward their own process of death,” Dr. Sam Parnia, director of critical care and resuscitation research at New York University Langone Medical Center, told Newsweek. “I’m not saying the brain still works or any part of you still works once you’ve died. But the cells don’t instantly switch from alive to dead. Actually, the cells are much more resilient to the heart stopping – to the person dying – than we used to understand.”
His published research in this area provides a number of examples as well.
All researchers in this field have found that the experiences patients are having while dead, are unexplainable and given that so many have experienced it, brushing them off as mere hallucinations is not completely valid. These experiences, as mentioned above, have also been verified by the doctors involved with the patients themselves.
“How these patients were able to describe objective events that took place while they were dead, we’re not exactly sure……But it does seem to suggest that when our brains and bodies die, our consciousness may not, or at least not right away….I don’t mean that people have their eyes open or that their brain’s are working after they die…that petrifies people. I’m saying we have consciousness that makes up who we are – our selves, thoughts, feelings, emotions-and that entity, it seems, does not become annihilated just because we’ve crossed the threshold of death; it appears to been functioning and not dissipate. How long it lingers, we can’t say.” – Dr. Sam Parnia
You can watch a lecture of the leading scientists in this field summarize 50 years of research in this area, below
Beyond Space & Time: Quantum Theory Suggests Consciousness Moves On After Death
Quantum Theory Sheds Light on Life After Death
Is Consciousness A Product of the Brain or a Receiver of It?
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ascendingmatrix · 6 years
Posted by M M | Feb 25, 2018 | 2018, Daily Blog, Health and Well-Being, Medicine
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I just want to say how much I love mushrooms and more importantly knowing about the many mushroom health benefits! I try to eat some everyday because they have so many beneficial properties that you can’t get anywhere else. I’ve used mushrooms as medicine to help countless people over the years so want to share some of my own experiences working with mushrooms as well as what the research is saying.
Many people these days have issues with their thyroid either being Hypo (low function) or Hyper (over active) and both of these imbalances have a massive affect on overall health. One of the key roles of the thyroid gland is to regulate metabolism, so thyroid issues often lead to problems with weight control. The thyroid also looks after our body temperature and regulates the regeneration of our cells keeping us young and healthy.
One of the best foods for the thyroid gland just happens to be mushrooms. There are so many varieties to choose from too. Crimini, enoki, oyster, portobello, shiitake or white button—all mushrooms are loaded with essential nutrients because of their high content of iodine, Vitamin D and many other anti-oxidant qualities.
I have worked with many clients who were taking the drug Thyroxin and other medications for their thyroid. I was able to help them to get off their medication and get their thyroid operating in a balanced way again. My father, Don Tolman, had three of his clients actually REGROW their thyroid gland in the last 2 years after having it surgically removed by simply eating 2 cups of mushrooms per day, either lightly cooked or fresh in salads.
Our immune systems do a great job of protecting us, but some conditions are actually caused by inflammation because the immune system is OVER active. Allergies are a great example of this. Then you’re in a dilemma between wanting to boost immunity but keep the inflammation processes down. Mushrooms are the answer! This is because they accelerate the secretion of salivary immunoglobulin A (sIgA). sIgA can boost immunity without causing an inflammatory response.
A study found that just by eating one cup of cooked button mushrooms everyday for a week sIgA secretions increased by 50%. Even better the sIgA secretions stayed at those kind of levels for a week even after they stopped eating the mushrooms. Mushrooms are also known to contain phytochemicals like beta-glucan which is a super immune boosting compound.
This is all great information for the elderly or immune compromised, but remember you can’t just eat one cup of mushrooms and expect it to work forever, the results are only there if you keep eating mushrooms as a regular part of your diet.
Mushrooms also have a whole bunch of anticancer properties, from specialised lectins that prevent cancer cells from growing and dividing, to specific enzyme inhibitors that protect against breast cancer.
Plus mushrooms are super high in selenium which has been identified as a key trace mineral in the treatment of cancers. An analysis of seven studies published last year in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention showed that the higher the level of selenium (measured in blood serum) the lower the risk of bladder cancer. Just 100 grams of raw crimini have 47% of your daily needs, cooked shiitakes have 45% and raw white button have 17%.
Mushrooms are the highest plant source of vitamin D available. You can actually buy a mushroom kit and grow your own… and by putting them in the sun just before picking them you boost the amount of Vitamin D even more. Eating just three mushrooms can get you your daily requirement.
I eat mushrooms almost daily, so go get yourself a variety of mushrooms. Eat them fresh, sauté them or make a burger with a big mushroom instead of using beef. Do whatever you have to do to get some in you as part of your regular diet.
Thanks for reading,
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ascendingmatrix · 6 years
Posted by M M | Feb 25, 2018 | 2018, Biology and Animals, Daily Blo
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Something disturbing is happening off our Atlantic coast. Unprecedented numbers of great whales are washing up dead on our shores.
At the end of January, NOAA Fisheries declared an “Unusual Mortality Event.”
Twenty-nine minke whales stranded between Maine and South Carolina from January 2017 to January 2018. Of those, 19 were already dead, but 10 were stranded alive. Stranding response teams made their best efforts, but only one whale survived. NOAA declares an Unusual Mortality Event, or UME, when a stranding is unexpected, involves a significant die-off of any marine mammal population, and demands an immediate response. In other words, an UME is an emergency.
Alarmingly, this is the third emergency in the past year.
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On June 7, 2017, NOAA declared a UME for the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale. At least 17 whales were stranded in 2017, and another right whale – a juvenile female – was reported dead at sea off Virginia last month.
The North Atlantic right whale has suffered serious losses since 2010. Scientists recently estimated that, at this rate of decline, they may become functionally extinct in less than twenty years (meaning there would be no individuals capable of reproducing left in the population). The loss of a young female therefore represents a particularly devastating blow.
Elevated numbers of humpback whale have also been stranded along the Atlantic coast since January 2016. NOAA declared a UME on April 27, 2017. In a little over two years, 62 humpback whales deaths have been recorded (data through 01/30/2018), with strandings occurring in every state along the east coast.
NOAA is still examining many stranded individuals, but preliminary results show two main offenders: entanglement in fishing gear and blunt force trauma from collisions with vessels.
Entanglement in fishing gear, and primarily in the thick ropes used by the offshore lobster fishery in the northeast US and Canada, is a primary driver of the North Atlantic right whale’s recent decline and other types of whale are also at serious risk. Collisions with ships and other at-sea vessels are another well-known cause of death. Being hit by a vessel of almost any length traveling at speeds of more than 10 knots can cause severe and often fatal injuries.
The leading theory is climate change. It’s changing the distribution of animals the whales depend on for food – shifting them further north, and in some cases closer to the shore. Whales follow their prey into these new areas. They find themselves in shipping lanes or fishing areas, and at greater risk of collision and entanglement.
Whale habitat is shifting in a way that is heightening the conflict between these much-loved animals and the ways in which we use our ocean, possibly for the long-term. We therefore need lasting and timely protections from the stressors that are causing the most harm, such as more expansive regulations to reduce vessel speeds and a concerted effort to shift towards ‘ropeless’ fishing technology. NRDC is actively working with other environmental groups to advocate for these improved protections.
It is also essential to minimize other stressors facing our great whales to give them the best possible chance of survival.
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To protect our whales, we must stop seismic. We must stop drilling. And we must protect the Marine Mammal Protection Act.
As part of its atrocious giveaway to oil companies, the Trump administration has proposed permitting five large-scale seismic surveys that, if approved, would crisscross the mid-Atlantic and southeast coasts, blasting every 10-12 seconds for months at a time, with noise as intense as dynamite.
Impacts to many types of marine life would be severe. For our Atlantic whales already struggling to survive, seismic blasting would drown out the sounds they rely on to survive over vast swaths of the ocean, making it impossible to communicate with one another, to find food, to detect predators. The stress of all that noise could also have long-lasting impacts on their health, making them less likely to be able to successfully rear young.
The North Atlantic right whale, already teetering on brink of extinction, simply will not be able to withstand this assault.
And of course, seismic testing is simply the first step down a path towards oil drilling off our coasts, placing marine life and our coastal communities at serious risk.
It is also crucial for us to defend the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), the bipartisan bedrock legislation that has successfully protected our nations for over 45 years. The Act requires that industry act in a manner that minimizes harm to marine mammals. It will come as no surprise that special interests in Congress are actively lobbying to gut the Act.
Go here to help save whales from seismic blasting in the Atlantic.
Go here to help stop the Trump Administration’s offshore drilling assault.
And go here to help defend the Marine Mammal Protection Act.
And you can go here to contact your Congressional representative and make your voice heard.
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ascendingmatrix · 6 years
Posted by M M | Feb 26, 2018 | 2018, Daily Blog, Healing, Health and Well-Being, Medicine, Science and Suppresed Technology
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The sperm’s tail is perhaps one of the most iconic structures among all of the cells in the human body, so it’s odd to think there are still some things we don’t know about it.
It turns out there is a weird kind of helix right at the very tip of the tail nobody has noticed before. The researchers responsible for the discovery are yet to work out what it does, but figuring it out could help us understand why some sperm are better swimmers than others.
Researchers from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden and the University of Colorado used an imaging trick that combines electron microscopy with the ‘slice-by-slice’ action of CT scans.
Called cryogenic electron tomography, the process produces high detail snapshots of objects down to the nanometre scale that can be recombined into a 3D image.
“Since the cells are depicted frozen in ice – without the addition of chemicals which can obscure the smallest cell structures – even individual proteins inside the cell can be observed,” says molecular biologist Johanna Höög from the University of Gothenburg.
Höög and her team used the Nobel prize winning method to get a close-up look at the protein structures inside the tail, or flagellum, of the humble human spermatozoon.
Most of what we know currently about the whip-like extrusions that serve cellular motors come from studies on microscopic organisms such as protists.
Flagella such as those that drive sperm cells consist of three sections – the mid piece, which contains the mitochondrion, the principal ‘propeller’ section, and a small terminus at the tip.
The propeller consists of a complex of rod-like microtubules called dMTs interlinked with moving proteins.
The interactions between the proteins and the microtubules make the flagellum flick in a controlled fashion, wiggling the sperm through its environment.
“The movement of thousands of motorproteins has to be coordinated in the minutest of detail in order for the sperm to be able to swim,” says Höög.
In scanning its structure, the researchers turned their attention to the end of the tail containing the terminus.
Extending about a tenth of the way down the flagellum, inside the hollows of each of the microtubules, was a cellular structure nobody had described seeing previously – a helix that wound in a left-handed spiral.
(University of Gothenburg)
Because scientists can’t help themselves, they came up with the perfect acronym for this novel helix: a Tail Axoneme Intra-Lumenal Spiral.
Or … wait for it … TAILS.
What the TAILS does inside the flagellum’s microtubules is anybody’s guess. The researchers do have their suspicions, however.
“We believe that this spiral may act as a cork inside the microtubules, preventing them from growing and shrinking as they would normally do, and instead allowing the sperm’s energy to be fully focussed on swimming quickly towards the egg,” says lead author of the study Davide Zabeo from the University of Gothenburg.
The researchers also speculate in their study that the structure could also help steer the sperm in the right direction or enable them to swim rapidly.
No doubt more research will help clear up its role in sperm motility.
Knowing all we can about what makes a sperm healthy could show us why some of these DNA delivery systems just aren’t making the grade.
While there are numerous causes of infertility among men, abnormal tails – or ciliopathy as it’s known – is known to be a contributing factor in many cases.
Staring down the barrel of a potential global male fertility crisis, every little bit could help us diagnose and treat those with slow sperm.
It also makes you wonder just how many other hidden structures there are inside our bodies waiting to be discovered.
This research was published in Scientific Reports.
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ascendingmatrix · 6 years
Posted by M M | Feb 26, 2018 | 2018, Conspiracy, Cabal, and Government, Daily Blog, Food, Health and Well-Being
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Just in case the toxicity levels of fluoride were not sufficient in the water supply, Japanese researchers are now proposing that lithium could have a protective effect in drinking water.
So how did they come to this magnificent conclusion you ask? First the researchers examined levels of lithium in drinking water and suicide rates in the prefecture of Oita, which has a population of more than one million.
Then they found that the suicide rate was significantly lower in those areas with the highest levels of the element, they wrote in the British Journal of Psychiatry.
You would think there would be some discussion as to how the lithium entered the water supply in the first place. Instead the team from the universities of Oita and Hiroshima found that the low levels appeared to have a positive impact of suicide rates.
High doses of lithium are already used to treat serious mood disorders.
Levels ranged from 0.7 to 59 micrograms per litre. The researchers speculated that while these levels were low, there may be a cumulative protective effect on the brain from years of drinking this tap water.
Why don’t we put every drug in the water supply in diluted amounts that way everybody is protected from everything?
The Japanese researchers called for further research in other countries.
The discussion around adding fluoride to water to protect dental health has proved controversial – criticised by some as mass involuntary medication.
In an accompanying editorial, Professor Allan Young of Vancouver’s Institute for Mental Health said “this intriguing data should provoke further research.
“Large-scale trials involving the addition of lithium to drinking water supplies may then be feasible, although this would undoubtedly be subject to considerable debate. Following up on these findings will not be straightforward or inexpensive, but the eventual benefits for community mental health may be considerable.”
Sophie Corlett, external relations director at mental health charity Mind said the research “certainly merits more investigation.
“We already know that lithium can act as a powerful mood stabiliser for people with bipolar disorder, and treating people with lithium is also associated with lower suicide rates.
“However, lithium also has significant and an unpleasant side effects in higher doses, and can be toxic. Any suggestion that it should be added, even in tiny amounts, to drinking water should be treated with caution and researched very thoroughly.”
The perplexity of the scientific mind is perhaps so sophisticated (or so dumb) in its pursuit of goals, that it fails to see obvious logic. Any element that is artifically added to the drinking supply will always corrupt the health of the public. Water is perfect as intended by nature. Mess with it, and you mess with human health.
Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy.
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ascendingmatrix · 6 years
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