asexualdindjarin ¡ 2 hours
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asexualdindjarin ¡ 13 hours
every sunday i tell my liberal father that i'm off to go get another sex change. he tells me "yass monarch slay". but in reality i go to church to study the teachings of the lord. if my liberal father knew this i would be disowned. this is joe biden's america
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asexualdindjarin ¡ 13 hours
"Claudius declined to unscramble the omelette" is perhaps my new favourite sentance ive ever read in an academic article and definitely the best possible way to describe a Roman emperor avoiding dealing with conflict
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asexualdindjarin ¡ 13 hours
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asexualdindjarin ¡ 13 hours
murderbot is peak queer rep because it’s about living as an inherently transgressive form of being, it’s about the complexity of passing, or the complexity of hiding, or the nuance of never fitting binaries and not wanting to even when fitting those binaries is seen as “better”, and it’s about making people uncomfortable just by existing, it’s about measuring forms of freedom and having to decide which you’ll save and which you’ll sacrifice. but most importantly it’s peak queer rep because murderbot is free for like five minutes and it immediately attracts the nearest supposedly-rare transgressive-illegal-superbot (ART) in a hundred light year radius to be its best friend, and what’s that if not your classic Queer On Queer Magnetism
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asexualdindjarin ¡ 13 hours
task manager kill this man
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asexualdindjarin ¡ 13 hours
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Too tired to draw but I still need everyone to be aware of this bizarre interaction I had at work this morning
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asexualdindjarin ¡ 2 days
magic=gay interpretation is all well and good but personally i think being gay in camelot is actually fine because uther's so focused on getting rid of magic he doesn't really care about anything else. like that politician from australia but with magic instead of crocodiles
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asexualdindjarin ¡ 2 days
Every time I think god I need therapy I ask myself what would i say to my therapist???
And I go over topics in my mind and what do I think a therapist would answer and then I’m just like shit that’s true
And it takes like 5 min max and it’s free so,
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asexualdindjarin ¡ 2 days
First you procrastinate on the task because it is not a big enough deal to get done urgently. Then you procrastinate on the task because it has become such a big deal that doing it is overwhelming. You would think that this implies a middle point where it is just big enough of a deal to get done easily, however the inherent perversity of the universe's causal geometry prevents this
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asexualdindjarin ¡ 2 days
i dont “have ptsd” that’s all just the wizard’s curse
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asexualdindjarin ¡ 2 days
sorry i know i've complained about this a lot but if there was One thing i wish people on here would grasp wrt roman approaches to mythology. is the centuries and centuries of italian mythic tradition & transmission that existed here. like a lot of these myths were being told & transformed & developed local version before rome even existed. these guys were trading materials & traditions with the greeks since like the bronze age. a person in rome might of have heard a lot of these stories as a kid from their grandmother who heart it from her grandmother, who heard it from hers etc etc. they were living changing myths in italy! with their own variations even! so a roman author, while they DO extensively use greek literature, is nevertheless working off something that is a deeply embedded part of their culture too. to act like these ideas were just transplanted directly from 5th century athens to 1st century rome, and especially as if greece had the oral tradition while rome was purely literary, is silly
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asexualdindjarin ¡ 2 days
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To whom did this anarchical scoffer unite himself in this phalanx of absolute minds? To the most absolute. In what manner had Enjolras subjugated him? By his ideas? No. By his character. A phenomenon which is often observable. A sceptic who adheres to a believer is as simple as the law of complementary colors. That which we lack attracts us. No one loves the light like the blind man. The dwarf adores the drum-major. The toad always has his eyes fixed on heaven. Why? In order to watch the bird in its flight. Grantaire, in whom writhed doubt, loved to watch faith soar in Enjolras. He had need of Enjolras. That chaste, healthy, firm, upright, hard, candid nature charmed him, without his being clearly aware of it, and without the idea of explaining it to himself having occurred to him.
— Victor Hugo, Les Misérables
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asexualdindjarin ¡ 2 days
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asexualdindjarin ¡ 2 days
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asexualdindjarin ¡ 2 days
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asexualdindjarin ¡ 3 days
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