askerysouce · 2 months
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askerysouce · 6 months
Psycho for Hire starters
"Money's nice, but there's nothing like the thrill of ending someone's existence." "Ah, another day, another chance to make someone scream. I love my job." "You paid for a show, and I'm here to deliver the bloodiest performance." "The screams of the innocent are like music to my ears. Best part of the job, really." "You wanted someone gone, right? Well, they won't be bothering you anymore." "No need to thank me. I enjoy making people suffer, especially for a paycheck." "Money talks, but blood screams louder. Let the games begin." "Your enemies won't know what hit them. I'll make sure they feel every moment." "You pay, I play. Let the carnage commence." "I'm not in it for the money. I'm in it for the sheer pleasure of destruction." "Some call it madness; I call it a vocation. Now, who's on the chopping block?" "Contracts are just an excuse. I'd do this for free, but why not get paid for it?"
[SLASHES] The sender revels in slashing the air with their weapon. [LAUGHS] The sender's maniacal laughter echoes as they approach the receiver. [TOYS] The sender toys with a razor-sharp blade, twirling it before making a menacing advance. [STALKS] The sender silently stalks the receiver. [CRUELTY] The sender inflicts pain on the receiver. [CHOKES] The sender tightens their grip around the receiver's throat. [CHARGES] The sender charges towards the receiver.
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askerysouce · 6 months
Shipper on Deck starters
"Seriously, [name] practically lights up when you enter the room. Can't you see it?" "Have you noticed the way [name] always saves a seat for you at lunch? Come on, it's not just a coincidence." "Sparks are flying!" "You two are like puzzle pieces, just waiting to fit together. It's destiny, I'm telling you!" "You've got to stop denying it. You're head over heels for [name]!" "If you don't make a move soon, [name] might think you're not interested. You can't let this chance slip away." "I saw you two at the movies. That was practically a romantic scene." "Send [name] some signals, or I might have to start a billboard campaign!" "What's with the 'just friends' act? It's time to upgrade your relationship status with [name]." "Ever thought about buying [name] flowers? Classic move, my friend, classic move!" "[name], you're both practically drowning in unresolved tension. Take the plunge and confess your feelings!" "How many more hints do you need? I've practically drawn you a map to [name]'s heart!" "Have you considered writing a love letter? Sometimes old-school romance does the trick." "[name], you're not fooling anyone with that 'just friends' nonsense. Make a move already!" "I've set up the perfect scenario for you two. Just follow my lead, and love will blossom." "Ever thought about a surprise romantic gesture? [name] would appreciate the effort." "You're practically a walking billboard for 'I'm in love with [name].' Make it official already!"
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askerysouce · 6 months
Scar Survey starters
"What's the story behind this scar? It looks like it has a tale to tell." "I can't help but notice the scars on your arms. They seem to have quite the history." "Every scar has a story, right?" "Did this one happen in a battle, or is there a different story behind it?" "Your scars are like a roadmap." "Where did you acquire this scar?" "I've always been curious about your scars." "This scar on your shoulder looks like it's been through something intense. What's the story?" "Scars tell a story of survival. Care to share some of yours with me?" "Scars aren't just wounds; they're badges of honor." "This scar on your hand seems different. What's the story behind it?" "Scars can be reminders of both pain and triumph." "Scars make us who we are." "Scars are like a visual history." "What's the history behind this scar on your back?" "I've been wondering about the stories behind your scars."
[SURVEY] The sender gently traces their fingers over the receiver's scars, curiosity evident in their touch. [SHARE] The sender rolls up their sleeves, revealing a collection of scars. [EXPLORE] The sender and the receiver spend an evening examining each other's scars. [TRACE] The sender leans in, delicately tracing the outline of a scar with their lips. [DISCUSS] The sender initiates a conversation, asking about a specific scar. [REVEAL] The sender opens up about the scars on their own body. [TOUCH] The sender's touch is gentle as they explore a particularly sensitive scar on the receiver's skin. [POINT] The sender points out a scar, prompting the receiver to explain the circumstances that led to its formation. [COMPARE] The sender and the receiver compare scars. [NARRATE] The sender narrates the story behind one of their scars. [LISTEN] The sender listens attentively as the receiver recounts the tales associated with each scar. [SHARE] The sender opens up about a particularly meaningful scar.
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askerysouce · 6 months
Secret Relationship starters
"We have to be discreet. Let's meet at our usual spot tonight." "Do you think anyone suspects us?" "I wish we could be open about us, but it's just too complicated." "Our secret's safe as long as we keep our stories straight." "I heard rumors about us at work. We need to be more careful." "It's hard pretending we're just friends in public." "Can we plan a weekend getaway without raising suspicions?" "What if someone catches us holding hands?" "We can't post pictures together; it might raise too many questions." "I think someone saw us together. We have to be on high alert." "Let's stick to casual greetings in public, nothing too affectionate." "I overheard them talking about us. We need to be more discreet." "If they ask, we'll say we're just hanging out as friends, okay?" "We can't attend the party together. It's too risky." "I hate having to hide what we have, but it's the only way." "We should have a cover story for how we met. Something simple." "Our secret is safe as long as we stay one step ahead of everyone else."
[COVER] The sender and the receiver rehearse their fake meeting story, making sure all the details align to keep their relationship under wraps. [STEALTHY] In a public setting, the sender subtly intertwines their fingers with the receiver's, careful not to draw attention to their affection. [AFFECTION] The sender and the receiver share a quick, subtle peck on the cheek, careful not to attract attention to their intimate moment. [CONTROL] The sender and the receiver strategize on how to dispel rumors about their relationship without revealing the truth. [DATE] The sender and the receiver attend a public event separately but manage to rendezvous in secret. [OVERHEARD] The sender catches wind of a conversation about them and discreetly informs the receiver to exercise caution. [BEHIND] The sender and the receiver share an affectionate moment behind closed doors, shielded from the prying eyes of the world.
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askerysouce · 6 months
Unresolved Sexual Tension starters
"Maybe… maybe there's something between us, but I can't bring myself to say it out loud." "We've been dancing around this for years. What's stopping us from just being honest?" "Attraction? No way, we're just good friends, nothing more." "There's always this tension when we're together. Is it just me feeling it?" "I wish we could just talk about what's really going on between us." "If I didn't know any better, I'd say there's something more than friendship in those glances." "Are we just going to keep pretending that we don't feel anything?" "I've never said this before, but I think I might be in love with you." "Let's not complicate things. We're better off as friends." "You look good tonight. Not that you don't always look good, but, you know…"
[Touch] The sender brushes a strand of hair from the receiver's face, their fingers lingering for a moment. [Avoid] The sender purposefully keeps a bit too much distance, creating an awkward atmosphere between them. [Stare] The sender gazes into the receiver's eyes for a prolonged moment, leaving both unsure how to react. [Hug] The sender initiates a hug, but it lasts just a little longer than a casual embrace would. [Dance] The sender invites the receiver to dance, their bodies moving in a way that hints at more than just friendship. [Compliment] The sender gives the receiver a compliment, their words carrying a deeper, unspoken meaning. [Laugh] The sender laughs at the receiver's jokes a bit too enthusiastically, almost nervously. [Drink] The sender hands the receiver a drink, their fingers brushing as the glass exchanges hands.
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askerysouce · 9 months
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askerysouce · 11 months
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assign your mutuals a vibe
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askerysouce · 11 months
“  tell  me  what  you  saw.   “
“  i  never  meant  to  come  between  you.   “ 
“   you  make  me  feel  like  i’m  not  good  enough.   “ 
“   you  make  me  feel  like  i  matter.   “
“  i  don’t  want  to  have  a  baby ,  i  never  have.  “ 
“  i’m  not  paranoid.   “
“  go  and  be  with  her/him/them  then!  see  if  i  care!  “
 “  do  you  ever  think  you  we  should  stop  doing  this?  “ 
“  is  there  something  you  want  to  tell  me  ?  “ 
“  he  was  unconscious  when  i  found  him.  “ 
“  i  saw  it  as  clearly  as  i  see  you  standing  there  now.  “ 
“  you  can’t  be  serious.  “ 
“  the  way  you  flirt  is  shameless.  “ 
“  promise  me  you’ll  take  care  of  my  mother.  “ 
“  there’s  a  surprise  for  you  in  the  garage.  “ 
“  what  a  thing  to  say.  “ 
“  thank you.  for  helping.   “
“   why  put  yourself  through  that  ?  “ 
“   they’re  not  worth  it!  “ 
“   you’re  not  worth  it!  “ 
“  my  mother  warned  me  about  people  like  you.  “ 
“  you  look  dangerous  -  i  like  it.   “
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askerysouce · 11 months
send  me  this  or  that  questions  for  my  muse  !    
make  them  funny,  make  them  personal,  make  them  embarrassing.  anything  that  you  want,  just  make  them  choose!
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askerysouce · 11 months
ask  my  muse  nsfw  questions  and  make  them  squirm.
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askerysouce · 11 months
Ask me questions about my muse.  Is there something you are curious about?  Ask away!  I’m open to give as much insight as I can! 
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askerysouce · 11 months
Peer into my muse's memories
❤️- A happy memory that makes them smile
💙- A sad memory that makes them cry
💛- A memory that makes them feel angry
💚- A memory that makes them feel guilty
💜- A memory about one of their loved ones, happy or sad
💔- A memory that leaves them feeling lonely
❣- A memory that leaves them laughing
💕- A memory about their significant other
💞- A memory about their children
💓- A memory about their friends
💗- A memory about a good deed they did
💖- A memory that made them feel special
💝- A memory that made them feel loved
💘- A memory that gets their heart pounding
💟- Wildcard!!!
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askerysouce · 11 months
some comforting dialogue prompts. feel free to make edits to better suit your muse, but please don’t edit or add on to the original post 💛
hey… do you want to talk?
shh, sh. I’ve got you.
you’re alright.
would you like me to stay?
I’m not going anywhere.
is there anything I can do?
take a deep breath.
you can talk to me.
we don’t have to talk to me, if you don’t want to. we can just sit together.
it’s alright.
you’re safe with me.
you aren’t alone anymore.
do you want a blanket?
I’ll be here when you wake up.
I’ll just be in the other room.
are you alright by yourself?
do you want to come with me?
nothing can hurt you, here.
just relax.
we’re okay.
everything is fine.
we’re alone, now.
would you like something to eat/drink?
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askerysouce · 11 months
oc asks that reveal more than you think
Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite?
Can they take care of a plant? What about a pet? What about a child?
Ask them to describe their love interest.
Do they look good in red?
Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Will they give one, and what about?
Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is?
Describe them in three words. Now let them describe themself in three words.
Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them?
Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)?
What age do they most want to be right now?
They’ve won the lottery. Spend, or save?
Do they like romance in the books they read (or in the book they’re in)?
Name one thing their parents taught them.
Would they agree with the term ‘guilty pleasure’? Do they have any?
What would they consider a waste of time– other than school or work?
If money wasn’t a limit, what would they wear?
Do they like children?
Kissing: tongue or no tongue?
Do they study before tests? Practice before job interviews?
What do they like that nobody else does?
What would it take for them to break up with someone? What would be the last straw?
Do they like being called pet names? Do they call other people pet names? What’s their go-to?
Stability or novelty?
Honesty or charity?
Safety or possibility?
Talent or effort?
Forgiveness or vengeance (or…)?
Would they date a fixer-upper?
What recurring dreams do they have?
What would they do if they knew it would be forgiven?
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askerysouce · 11 months
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let’s keep it real, there’s not really memes where criminal muses can be unapologetically who they are, so here’s some prompts that can be used as drabbles, as threads, or starters. some of these work for law enforcement muses too!
if ‘your muse’/’my muse’ confuses you, just feel free to edit this and type in the name of the muses for the role you deem appropriate.  
TW: for murder, kidnapping, torture & stalking.
[ new identity ] after a botched job, our muses try to assume a new identity in a new location.
[ bribe ] with good money, my muse convinces your muse to look the other way when it comes to illegal activities.
[ murder ] your muse witnesses my muse committing a murder.
[ who are you? ] my muse (civilian) asks your muse (criminal) about their double life.
[ cleaner ] your muse is a crime affiliated cleaner my muse calls to clear the evidence of a scene.
[ neighbors ] your muse (civilian) lives next door to my muse (criminal). one day, your muse sees something shocking through the window.
[ money’s good ] your muse convinces my muse to do a job with them.
[ wash up ] my muse is caught in the bathroom washing the blood from them by your muse. 
[ massacre ] my muse is the sole survivor of an assassination placed on their family and is taken in by your muse. 
[ sellout ] my muse (civilian) contacts your muse (law enforcement) to provide information on the gangster in their life.
[ knife ] my muse threatens your muse at knifepoint for information. 
[ kidnap ] my muse is abducted by your muse because they belong to a prestigious (crime) family.
[ steal ] your muse steals something from my muse.
[ interrogate ] my muse (law enforcement) interrogates your muse about their crime affiliation.
[ watch out! ]my muse narrowly saves your muse from being shot. 
[ loss ] our muses reconnect during a funeral.
[ hostage ] in a police standoff, my muse holds your muse hostage.
[ hideout ] after a job, our muses lay low in a new town. 
[ getaway ]in the midst of a chase, the car of our muses break down.
[ stalk ] my muse (a detective/a rival criminal) is paid to keep a close eye on your muse (a gangster/a gangster’s significant other/a gangster’s child).
[ work ] your muse works at a business where gangsters frequent. you decide to get closer to my muse, one of the gangsters who come in, to see what really happens in the back.
[ undercover ] my muse (law enforcement) enters the criminal underworld to get close to your muse.
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askerysouce · 11 months
Send me 🔐 for a tip on how to make my muse trust yours
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