attaant · 29 days
It was to a bit of shock that he agreed with her stance on how to move forward with Hopper. She hadn't had to explain the rationale behind her approach with him before to anyone, and now, Atta had both Buster and Dot to answer to. She hoped approaching with honesty could keep them both safe, and, with her husband, could afford her some of the same honesty on his end. "I don't want to hurt anyone, though," she confessed quietly, her head finding his shoulder. It was perhaps the biggest difference between herself and her husband: he could seemingly stomach taking care of that kind of business when he had to, while Atta wasn't sure if she could pull the trigger if it came to it. For Buster and Dot, she wanted to think she could, but Hopper was nothing if not unpredictable. "I don't think so," she sighed, "I've been trying so long and I don't think I've ever gotten there." Atta looked up at him, curiosity getting the best of her. "You weren't ever like that, were you? Angel said you were different now. She thinks you're going soft, you know," she teased.
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Buster's expression curved slightly at her initial comment, biting his tongue at what he wanted to say to the other man. If there was anyone he wanted alive, it was his wife. Even if they didn't have the same meaning behind their vows he knew for certain that he wanted to protect her. The biggest concern was who had brought them together in the first place, feeling at least a little thankful for that whole he also wanted to rip him apart. "I do," the man nodded firmly in understanding. "I think you should be on the other end of the gun. Things are different now, you aren't under his thumb but you have to protect your family." As much as Buster wanted to say something about how he would do anything to make sure that didn't happen again, that wasn't the point. Atta hadn't needed him, or at least not really, which was part of why he'd fallen for her. It also meant that he had to sit in the backseat until she called upon his help like tonight. "You've gotta do whatever you need to in order to keep the people you love safe. I'm in your corner too, if there's anything I can do to help." Buster pulled an arm around her now that they'd settled from wound dressing. "Can one even get on the devil's good side?" The man questioned, looking over at the blonde beside him.
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attaant · 1 month
His pointed question of the reasoning for her marriage wasn't one Atta could easily deny--he had hit the nail on the head, unfortunately, but things were far more complicated than that now. She had fallen in love, and admitting that aloud to Gaston would arm him with more information than she necessarily wanted to give. "It doesn't matter why, I'm married. So, no, I can't go on a date with you, because that would be cheating on my husband," she reminded him, though she figured Gaston had little regard for both the institutions of marriage and fidelity.
Atta took a step back, releasing herself from his grip as she folded her arms over her chest. There had been a time when she would've taken him up on his offer, when she'd been lovesick over the man who had left her. He had no right to go back on his word now, when it was convenient for him. "Please don't do this. You were the one to call this off, as I remind you every time I see you, and, the last time we were together, you practically kidnapped me. Actually--no, you did. I had to get Myles to come get me. So, please, go back to whoever you came here with, or I'll have to tell my husband that you're trying to get me to cheat on him with you."
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Gaston's booming chuckle filled the room, resonating with a carefree confidence that paid little mind to anyone else's opinion. To him, her marriage seemed unimportant. Gaston only thought it made the game easier for him, like how a tied prey was easier to capture than a free one. Such was his straightforward logic. "Sure," he replied, still amused by her attempt to dissuade him. "Wasn't marriage your escape from Hopper?" he quipped, his tone feigned a hint of empathy. "Marrying for mere business reasons must be quite the ordeal, I can imagine."
Gaston pressed on, trying to make his case and sway her perspective. He knew well the allure that a bachelor like him presented to married women, and he speculated that perhaps Atta might find their clandestine encounters enticing. He subtly suggested that she deserved a break, a taste of something more exhilarating. "You deserve some time off, some excitement," he added, his gaze smoldering with suggestion, hinting at his desire for a more intimate kind of fun… with her.
"A date?" Honestly, he had forgotten. Perhaps he was too preoccupied with a pregame of shots to remember who he had come with, and honestly, he didn't care much. Atta was a much more challenging prize, and she had him engaged in the game. "How about we go on a date instead, princess?"
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attaant · 1 month
Atta hadn't liked to disclose much about her relationship with her business partner, but that was before, when he had been down her throat with a hand firm around it. Now, with a husband and a bit more freedom, she supposed she didn't have much left to lose. "Goodness, since ... I was twenty-two when I took over operations from my mother, who's been sick for years now. My father passed a long time ago, but she wanted me to finish college before I started working full-time. It was during the transition that he came in and took advantage of everything, and I was so young that I just--I had to let it happen. I didn't know any better, and he's terrifying, so, I let him do whatever he wanted, basically, as long as my family could keep our company. It wasn't until he had the idea of marrying into his family that I really put my foot down. Not that Myles isn't a wonderful person, and I care for him like family, especially after how the past year's been, but he's not my person. That, and I couldn't let him have that much control." Atta let out a laugh at her offer, knowing that the other woman truly meant it. And as much as she wanted to take her up on it, she couldn't let anything else happen to this hotel. "So, this place has been in your family a long time, hasn't it? I mean, it's gorgeous, even after what happened to it."
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It was a relief to hear that Atta felt the same way about the boy who had been spending more and more time around her niece. As much as Elizabeth had enjoyed having him here it was telling to see what others had to say about someone, that's where you learned the truth. Myles' brother had been the real problem, all of the good genes seemingly going to the younger of the two. Atta had seen firsthand what that man was capable of and the woman couldn't deny her curiosity for what had happened. The more she knew the man, perhaps the more prepared she could be if he were to ever return his sights to the hotel. "I can only imagine," the woman replied while shaking her head. "How long has it been that he's had his nose in your business again?" Perhaps it was too forward but Elizabeth never let that stop her before. After being alive for as long as she had, there was no use in beating around the bush. A sip of her wine cleansed the palette before she responded with more than a nod. "Yes, things are getting back to normal. We were just glad no one got seriously hurt." Elizabeth set down her glass to reach out for the blonde's hand to give it a squeeze of reassurance. "Don't worry, we are all just victims of a man's ego. I just appreciate you coming here and offering your help." That was all one could hope for finding this common ground, knowing Atta had dealt with her own Colin troubles. "If things go south though I'll be sure to give you a call. That's hoping he doesn't give you too much trouble before that. If he does, you can call me for a hand then," Elizabeth said firmly but a laugh followed not long thereafter. While she meant it the woman knew it wasn't all quite that simple.
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attaant · 2 months
Pointedly ignoring his questions about his appearance, Atta took a step back before he could get any closer. Before she knew it, though, his arm was wrapped around her, holding her in his tight grasp. Over time, she'd grown less afraid of him, but she still didn't love the idea of having the weaker hand in this, especially when he was a full head taller than her, and stronger, too. She held her wine glass close to her chest, almost afraid he'd slip something into the liquid over her shoulder--she wouldn't put it past him, not after he'd gone so far as to kidnap her.
"Gaston, I'm married," she reminded him, holding her left hand up long enough for him to see the ring on her finger. "So, whatever reminiscing you have to do, I can't do much about it, not even if I wanted to. Which, I don't, for the record." Atta took the hand that laid across her shoulder, attempting to tug it down so she could be free from his grasp. "Didn't you come with a date?"
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"Oh, this?" Gaston removed his sunglasses, a hint of playfulness in his expression. "Pretty sexy, right?" he teased, sliding the sunglasses onto his halfway-unbuttoned polo shirt, exposing a portion of his chest. Atta remained as beautiful as the day he first met her. He wondered if she still tasted the same, or if the years apart had only enhanced her allure, making her even more perfect for him. Closing the distance between them, he loomed over her, his eyes filled with seductive hunger.
With little concern for her boundaries, he draped an arm around her shoulders and began to guide her elsewhere, seeking a more secluded spot where they could be alone. "Sometimes I think about us," he continued, his tone suggestive as they walked, his other hand holding a beer. "We were pretty amazing together, weren't we?"
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attaant · 2 months
Getting everything back in Atta's own name was what she'd been waiting for for months now. It was an exciting, but anxious, day, knowing that she was now once again exposed to whatever Hopper had in store for her. With Buster by her side, though, she felt a level of protection she hadn't in a long time, knowing that there was someone who would be there for her, no matter how dangerous things got with her former business partner. Atta felt whole again, like she'd finally succeeded in the goal she'd set out for herself back when she'd decided to gain control of her life, and business, back from Hopper.
As Kit re-entered, Atta's furrowed brow as she skimmed over the final pages of the packet she'd been dissecting lifted into a relieved smile, genuinely glad to see a familiar face amongst all the lawyers she'd already spoken to. "It went well," she informed him, having been stressful, but ending in where she'd needed to be, which was all that mattered. "I think we're all settled. And, now I owe you for the rest of time," Atta added lightheartedly, placing a kiss on his cheek in greeting. "I can't thank you enough, for everything."
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"Ah, you do, terrific then," Kit spoke, his words adorned with flattery, though his mind seemed elsewhere. Judging by the look in Atta's eyes, he realized his performance hadn't convinced her. Still, he hoped she could see he was managing, and perhaps she'd choose to overlook it. Hoping she'd accept this version of him, the one who could still smile and function. "Then you must be the reason why I met her, yes," he added, attempting to fill the silence with light conversation, hoping Atta wouldn't bring up his sadness over losing the muse of his future prospects. As Atta continued discussing business, Kit nodded along, pulling himself back into the moment, following his best friend's lead.
Once she finished, Kit withdrew slightly, studying Atta's face. There was a certain glow about her, perhaps from newfound freedom, though he wasn't quite sure. He draped his arm over her shoulder, drawing her close to his chest as he kissed her forehead, offering reassurance. "You got this, you got me," he affirmed, patting her shoulder gently. "I may be a mess, but you've got me." With that, he departed, returning to accompany his date once more.
---time skip
The following day, as they gathered to finalize the papers, Kit entered the room with a familiar chuckle echoing from the hallway. He was once again flirting with his father's visitors. "Hey, Atta," he greeted with a nod, this time closing the door behind him. "Sorry, got a bit sidetracked. Are you alright? Fancy some tea?" he offered, calling out to the maids for refreshments. In the grandeur of the Charming mansion, unlike his own private place, Kit slipped back into the role of a somewhat spoiled young man. "How was the discussion? I hope it wasn't too difficult for you," he asked, genuinely concerned about Atta's case.
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attaant · 2 months
To see Angel in at least somewhat better spirits was all Atta could have hoped for. Even if she and Kit hadn't wound up together in the end, she was glad that something good had come out of what had happened between them. It seemed to make work for both her husband and his employee easier, too, which had come as an unexpected bonus. Though she wanted to protest the other blonde's statement, Atta knew that she had gotten through to a side of Buster that no one else had before, simply from the reluctancy he'd had to let her see it. Still, the warmth of the wine and the cracks at him continued her laughter, feeling rather lucky that she had become the keeper between Buster and Angel. "Your secret's safe with me," she promised, "you can't mess this one up. What's going on with the open relationship deal, though? Who's he with?" It wasn't something Atta thought she could personally handle, but as long as her friend was happy, who was she to protest? "I know so, okay? And, whenever you're feeling like you're not, I'll be here to remind you. Believe me, there are so many people out there who would agree, including possibly the hottest guy on the whole island," she teased, ruffling the top of Angel's blonde hair as she leaned back into the couch.
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Angel was laughing for the first time in what felt like forever. Who would've thought that her boss married her best friend who was friends with her ex. It was a mouthful but all Angel knew for certain was that Atta had been the best thing to come from him. The only other thing she got from knowing Kit Charming was a broken heart and a sinking feeling that no one would ever compare. "He knows that you're the one wearing the pants in this marriage," she replied through her laughter. It was clear to anyone who had seen the Junkyard that Atta had a far bigger and better estate than her husband. Even Angel had started to run away to her home the same way Buster had been. "I know, right?" The blonde sat up and nodded profusely as her friend enlarged the photo of her fling. Even Angel had been surprised by him at first but hadn't complained when finding herself in his company. "As if I tell Buster anything," she said offhandedly, giving her a gentle nudge with her shoulder. "Besides, Landon is so hot even big bad Busty couldn't deny it." The action quickly returned by her friend as a roll of Angel's green eyes took her head to lay on the back of the couch. "At least someone thinks so." This wasn't the time or place to bring up the quiet thoughts she couldn't unravel no matter how hard she tried. Atta knew without her saying it anyway. Right now she needed this distraction, hoping it would get the taste of gold out of her mouth. "I think so, I'm just seeing what happens. We've actually hung out a few times," the girl said, looking up with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, but both knew what these hangouts entailed.
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attaant · 2 months
Atta was at least glad to hear that his brother hadn't come after Myles, too. She knew that he was an easy target for him to hit, though, to be honest, she'd been surprised he hadn't tried yet. Perhaps she shouldn't speak so soon, knowing that it was easy to feel at ease with Colin and be hit when she least expected it. It was part of the reason why she still had her husband around, knowing that there was a chance he would come back with a vengeance sooner or later. Despite hoping it would never come, there was a part of her that wished she could simply get it over with, and be able to move on.
She returned his grasp with a light squeeze, offering him a small, sad smile. "It's okay, I didn't think you did." If she felt out of the loop, she could only imagine how he felt, being pointedly left out of discussions with his brother. "I think she's still adjusting to the way life has changed now, she--I don't think she's Ben's biggest fan. I hadn't expected for him to stick around this long, but … I think I want him to," she admitted, her expression turning warmer as she thought of her husband. "Nothing since. I'm trying to get ahead of it, this time, so, if anything's happening, I'll tell you, I promise. Especially if it involves anything going on here. Which, you have to tell me all about how it's been."
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What had happened to the hotel hit a part of Molt he hadn't even realized was attached to the building. Perhaps it was because of the way he'd felt welcomed for the first time when he was there or maybe it was who was inside its walls. Mavis had changed everything. That was part of why he'd wanted to see the woman who was once his bride-to-be and tell her about whom he'd given his heart. It was becoming obvious to him some things needed to be said in order to move past their wedding. He hadn't seen her since then and he owed her some explanations of his own.
"I'm good, we're good," Myles assured her with one of his bright smiles. The hotel had become the home he never had with his brother, just happy that something good came out of its vandalism. "Atta, I'm - I'm so sorry, I didn't know." He was quick to reach his hand to place it on top of hers, still wanting the blonde to know he was there for her. "He had no reason to do that, that's being no better than Oogie. That's awful." If he could go back, Molt would change some things but he feared no one could stop Colin when he set his mind to something. "I'm so sorry. I'm glad she's okay. If she ever wants to hide out here it's a nice place to disappear for a while," he offered, wishing he could do more now that he knew. It might've simply been too late but Myles wanted to give what he could. "Has he tried anything since?" Silently hoping that was the last time Colin had shown them the face of his wrath.
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attaant · 2 months
Atta shot him a look, though she didn't say anything to accompany the scowl on her face at his remark. She could agree, though she wasn't going to fuel his fire toward creating more chaos with additions to his hit list. "Well, he reasserted that the thing that would bring him most happiness would be to see me dead, so, that's nice," she mumbled, pressing the top of his bandage down as she finally finished cleaning him up. Atta sighed, taking her glass of wine off the table as she was finally able to relax now that Buster was settled. "I don't know, I think I might need to change up my approach with him. Maybe I'd rather be on the shooting end than receiving the bullet." She let him interpret that as he wanted to, hoping he understood what she was implying without being explicit. The thought was one she'd been actively avoiding since the day they formed their partnership, though, now that she was here, things had changed so drastically. Atta was an adult now, with an extra layer of protection she hadn't been afforded back when she'd been the teenager Hopper had first met. "Maybe I'm going crazy. But, I need to do whatever I can to get back on his good side, to make sure he doesn't do anything to Dot again," she added, an admission of the real reason why she was even considering this.
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Buster had yet to adjust to the life that he started to build with the woman caring for him. There was a harshness to him that he knew not even her touch could soften but she hadn't gone when she could've. The parts of him that scared most attempts at love away had not even made her flinch. Atta had seen blood, she'd seen suffering, and a man with scars didn't intimidate her anymore. "I can think of a few people who deserve to get hurt," he said a little under his breath knowing that she could disagree. Buster preferred using fists when words failed which was all too often, according to him. His reign had only been commanded that way after watching his teacher who was the very same face he wanted to bash in that night. Still, she'd caught him almost smiling at the thought of her caring for a guy like him. Even he wasn't able to keep his jaw tight upon hearing what he had only imagined to be true, someone cared about him, she cared about him. That was short-lived when business came into conversation and Buster's eyes shifted back to that of intent, giving a firm nod to silently agree to her request. Where many would snap back he was curious, wanting to know what she discovered instead of micromanaging a woman he loved because she was free. "And how did it go? What did he say? Anything of interest or his usual talking to hear his own voice sort of bullshit?" Buster adjusted so that he could lean toward her as if to whisper secrets and not discuss the topic of a man who could mean death to them both.
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attaant · 2 months
As much as she wanted to argue, or feign of shock, Atta couldn't say that she hadn't seen this remark coming. She'd thought the same about the man more times than she should probably admit to him, too. But, she feared she couldn't get away with admitting that to his face without his wish coming true. "How kind of you," she remarked, no hint of either amusement or disdain in her voice. She'd simply grown used to his distaste for her over the years, nothing about his statement really surprising her now. In fact, what came as more of a shock was that he didn't just pull his gun on her and take care of it himself, now.
"I'm not killing myself," Atta stated, a hint of an incredulous laugh topping her words. She'd never even think to do that, after how long she'd struggled with him and how many people she had to live for now. "If you can think of something else that will give you satisfaction, that doesn't involve killing myself, or anyone in my family, you know where to find me."
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Atta continued to explain, delivering each detail with utmost precision, although it seemed he hardly cared about the topic at all. A faint curve appeared on his lips, more a result of his own amusement than anything Atta was saying. His attention wandered, as it often did, his cigarette resting comfortably between his lips. Finally, as Atta finished speaking, he turned to glance at the blonde girl. "Your death would bring me much satisfaction," he stated stoically, his tone serious. His eyes remained detached, as if her very existence were a passing inconvenience.
Despite their history and her persistent attempt for control, Hopper understood Atta well. Even in their separation, his influence over her persisted, his voice holding a power that even distance couldn't diminish. Exhaling a stream of smoke into the cold air, he felt a sense of detachment from her personally, yet an undeniable pull towards her business affairs. "That can be your last task for me, to give me satisfaction."
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attaant · 2 months
Though she was prepared to begin a fight over how much she cared about him, and the say she thought she deserved in what her husband was going out to do, the fight in his eyes seemed to soften. Instead, he seemed to accept the care she was showing for him, leaving Atta to let her preparatory guard down. "You don't need to start a rampage," she argued, "those only end in people getting hurt." After so many years of dealing with that from Hopper, Atta wondered when people had given up on simply talking to each other. "I'm not used to worrying about anyone but Dot and my mother," she admitted, offering him a small smile of her own. It was different now, worrying about someone who had his own free will, one similar to that of Hopper's, she couldn't ignore. All she'd had to do in the past was simply keep her mother and sister out of harm's way--not ask them not to go straight into danger. "I've never had anyone to consult with about anything I do at work, either, and, I don't know, I was hoping ... maybe you'd be able to give your thoughts on something. It's about him, Hopper," Atta said slowly, prepared for what his immediate reaction could be. "I talked to him for the first time, since the wedding, at the engagement party."
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There had never been anyone to face after a night like this and he realized how much he didn't like the feeling. This sort of thing was easier when he didn't have a wife's disapproving glare waiting for him at home. Most of the time Buster was the one sewing his own stitches and pouring some vodka on his wound before into his glass. Now he'd stumbled into a situation far stickier than any fight he'd been in before. While he wanted to be frustrated it was Atta who tended to his bloodied knuckles even when she was upset with his actions. There had never been anyone he let take care of him but no one had ever bothered, for that matter. Buster only knew how to care for himself until she came into his life as his first breath of fresh air. "I don't know how else to stop a rampage than with one of my own. I'm trying here," he said in exasperation. Buster used his free hand to run across his face, noticing then that his jaw ached from the hit he'd taken. It was when he saw that what she was doing was out of care instead of control. The man released some of the anger pent up in his chest with a sigh, finally meeting the eyes he'd fallen weak for. "I've never had anyone care about that sort of thing. It's just been me since I was a kid, I'm not used to someone worrying about me," he confessed in a softer tone. The parts Buster had kept to himself were revealing themselves to Atta without even trying. In reality, he hadn't a reason to need to stay alive until now, until her.
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attaant · 2 months
Things were bound to hit reality sooner or later, and, as far as Atta could say, they'd had a good run without a problem between them. She should've expected that there would be one of the two men they'd had violent encounters with to be the reason why they would one day have an issue, but when her husband had come home, bruised again, Atta had the sinking feeling that this would be happening more often than she would've liked. She willed herself to forget about the things Lilah had told her before she'd gone through with this, the warnings she'd provided that she'd chosen to ignore. It was clear from the embarrassment in his eyes that he hadn't wanted to come home like this, or have to explain himself, and it left Atta feeling a sense of sympathy and understanding that she struggled to fight, to stand her ground and stay confident that she hadn't married a man like the one she wanted so desperately to get away from. "No," she disagreed, nearly insulted that he would think that she would want that for anyone. Atta kept her eyes on his hands as she worked at dabbing the blood away so she could wrap them. "I don't know. There is no way to do any of this." There was a defeat in her voice that had previously only been reserved for Hopper. "But I don't want you to get yourself killed in the process."
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- timeskip -
They'd hit their first real crossroad. As much as Buster wanted to give her the world, he couldn't let go of who he was. There was an evil in him that he fought against, the only thing he'd known until he met Atta was violence to get to the top. She had seen him in his truest form the night he came to her after beating up Tristan and they had been faced with the same man now. He stood before her with a sullen expression, knuckles bloodied, and no idea where else to turn. She had been the only thing stable in his life since they met but he hadn't dared to tell her the truth of what he'd experienced before her. Now, she saw it from the blood on his hands and the emptiness in his eyes. Buster had never known any other way to get to what he wanted besides using his fists, finally having someone to frown upon his behavior. "I just wanted information and he wasn't talking," the man tried to explain while looking into the eyes of the last person he wanted to disappoint. There was never anyone to go home to after these sorts of conversations and he wasn't too fond of facing the consequences of his own actions. "What do you want me to do? Let him go? Let Tramp keep ruining everyone's lives? I have to find him and end this."
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attaant · 2 months
Atta couldn't help but grin at the words she was speaking about her former fiance, finding herself agreeing with the older woman's assessment of him. "He's the best," she agreed, nearly choking on her wine as she stifled a laugh at her next statement. "You and me both. I might've already said a few of them, and seen some consequences for it, though, so I would advise against it." She knew the hotel had already seen its fair share of his wrath, too, without even having direct involvement with him. It was another reason why she wanted to come by, to express how sorry she was for the indirect part she had to play in it. "I'm sure you know all about that, and I just wanted to say, I'm so sorry for what happened here, seriously. I know I didn't make the decision, but I know that it was in part a reaction to what I decided to do on that day, and I can't help but feel guilty for it," Atta explained. "Everyone's okay here, now, though? Myles had told me that it had taken a bit of time to get things back up and running, as much as they could be, but whatever I can do to help, I'd be happy to do. I care about him, and he cares about this place, and I know his brother won't have anything to do with it, if he has his way."
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It had been a story she wanted to hear but didn't push for until they were settled in. Myles wasn't a boy of many explanations sometimes unless it was Mavis whom she knew he'd pour his heart out to. She'd been an observer in many ways, allowing her niece to find her happiness without too much involvement from her old aunt. That didn't mean she would be idle though which started with getting to know the woman she'd heard so much about. "Isn't he just? I'm starting to feel the same way about him, as cute as a bug on a rug, that one." The woman beamed. "Colin Hopper, on the other hand, I'd love to have a few choice words with." He had nearly destroyed the place that was home to so many monsters. Elizabeth would not forget his actions, hoping the world caught up to him. "Well, congratulations nonetheless. Love knows no bounds." She would know firsthand seeing as though they were undead but still together. It had been their love that brought her back to life. "The heart wants what it wants, yes?"
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attaant · 2 months
Atta clinked her glass to the other blonde's at her statement, laughing to herself as she shot her a knowing look. "There's a reason why he always stays over here, and not the other way around," she quipped with a wink. She scooched closer to Angel, excitedly holding out her hands to see a photo of the guy whose attention she'd caught. Atta lowered her glasses, her jaw dropping in a bit of shock as she took in the sight of him. "Angel!" she exclaimed, her fingers zooming in on the photo of the man. She felt like she'd seen him before, maybe somewhere around work sometime, but she couldn't quite pinpoint from where. "Oh, my god, he's gorgeous, Angel, are you kidding me? Please don't tell my husband I said that," she blurted, practically ripping the phone out of her friend's hands to keep looking through his profile. "Look at you. Though, I'm not shocked he's in an open relationship and still wants you. I mean, he could have whoever he wanted, and he chose the hottest girl in town," she teased, nudging into Angel's shoulder. It was strange, to be so happy for someone who had stepped away from her other best friend, but, from what she understood, Kit had dug that grave himself. All Atta wanted was to see both of them happy, and, at least, one of them seemed to be, for now at least. "Are you seeing him again? Even if just for fun?" she asked, hoping she would say yes.
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Angel's face broke out into a smile, happy that there was someone who she could talk to about this sort of thing. Even though it hadn't been something she saw coming, it surprisingly worked out well that Atta met Buster. They were good for each other as far as she could tell. His wife brought out the best in him according to Angel. "He wishes he had a house this nice," the girl said through her own laugh. There were only a few people who could get away with giving her boss shit but Atta was at the top of the list. He'd lightened up enough since he met her that even Angel could get away with it now. It was this house that provided her somewhere safe to land after her falling out with Kit. Sure the Junkyard was home but she didn't think it was where she felt like she could be herself. None of them really knew about Kit nor would they even understand. He was everything she'd been told to hate and had finally given her a reason to believe it.
At least she'd stumbled on Landon that night or Angel wasn't sure how she would've been doing. He'd given her more than a distraction, he was somewhere she didn't need to worry about anything. When they were together all she needed to be was a girl, just a girl without the same baggage she'd come into her last situationship carrying. Maybe that had been the problem, Kit saw who she was too fast and Angel knew Landon never would. "Let me find a picture," the girl said holding up a finger while she scrolled through her phone. "Right? Like we're just having fun and what's the harm in that?" That's what she'd been telling herself while ignoring anything that could make things more complicated. "Got 'em," she boasted, holding her phone out for the other blonde to see. "He's even hotter in person if you'd believe it."
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attaant · 2 months
With how much he seemed to care now about the hotel, it made sense why he'd disappeared a bit after it had been blown up. Atta felt somewhat personally responsible, knowing that Oogie had been behind it after he'd threatened her and her family, and it'd happened in the middle of her wedding, but she knew at the end of the day that it had everything to do with Colin, not her. She just felt sympathy now for the people who had been affected by all of it, who had been innocent parties to the business between her, Hopper, and their enemies, one of whom included the guy who she was sitting with now.
"Are you okay, though, now? And everyone here, too?" she confirmed, knowing she might have to ask a few more times before getting the honest answer out of Myles. He was one of the most selfless people she'd ever met, not wanting anyone to worry about him. "Me, too. I don't know if you know, but, your brother, he ... took Dot, after the wedding, because he was mad at me," Atta admitted quietly. "I think she's still a little shaken up, but she's okay. I just should've known, what I did was going to have consequences, and she was the most vulnerable. I had Scamp looking after her, but I think it was after we'd all left." Atta still felt most responsible for this result of the wedding, having left her sister alone for long enough for this to happen. It would take a long time for Dot to get over, and to feel comfortable in her own apartment again.
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Things had changed and he hoped she'd found the better in it like he did. They both knew their marriage would've been a sham but it was through its failure that he found his freedom. Myles could only wish she'd been able to feel some of the same, worrying his brother hadn't released his clutches on her business. He was a man who never forgot anything except for his brother who wondered if Colin ever loved him in the first place. The answer was one he feared and tried to not think of as much now that he'd left. This conversation with Atta would be his first glimpse into what life could be like over there, having kept himself as confined as he tried to fix the mess his family had made here. He'd finally found something worth protecting.
Myles shook his head in disagreement with her words, taking his seat as she spoke. He wasn't one to interrupt even when he wanted to correct her. It was he who had disappeared without a word to anyone. "I had some things I needed to take care of but I'm glad to see you," he reassured her that he saw her as a friend after all they'd been through. No one else understood what it was like to be suffocated by Colin quite like her and had watched firsthand as he treated his brother with the same disrespect. "He's got a nickname like me! Ben fits him." Myles was smiling without noticing now, enjoying hearing what she'd been up to. He had been relieved to hear she had someone who could help keep her safe from his brother's wrath. "I'm just happy you're safe."
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attaant · 2 months
"You're having trouble with kids?" she asked, biting back a laugh at his troubles. Atta never expected to hear that someone as commanding and demanding as James would have an issue with some kids more than a decade younger than him. She couldn't help but wonder if maybe something with unruly kids had been the reason he'd lost his hand, after all, but she didn't really know much about his personal life like that. "I trust that you will. But, I need you to sign off on the price in the package, so we're on the same page. I even highlighted where," Atta informed him with a tight-lipped smile. For all that she detested having to work with Hopper, it had prepared her for situations like these, when she had to be firm, especially against a man who thought he was smarter than her. "And, then, I'll be out of your hair, I promise. I know how little you cherish our chats like these."
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Much to one's surprise, he didn't like to argue. It was almost always a waste of time and rarely ended in the desired outcome. The man exhaled heavily while setting down what else he had to work on. "Fine, because I don't have anything better to do," he said trying to hold back his tongue. There was a moment of silence before he reached out to take the paper that she'd presented to him. His eyes scanned through the numbers, humming to himself every once in a while. He'd make a note to let this company go through properly and see to it himself that it did so. "It's been pretty chaotic around here lately, had some trouble with these kids on the Isle." James hoped she understood the struggle from her own run-ins with the Lost Boys. "What do you want from me then, Ms. Dreyfus? We'll make sure you get what you ordered, you have my word," he assured her placing a hand to his heart in promise.
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attaant · 2 months
The friendship with Angel that had quickly formed over the past few months had been one of the best things to come out of the rubble of the decision she'd made for her life. Atta knew that the other blonde could say the same for herself, having suffered through such heartbreak that was at the hand of one of her best friends. She couldn't help but feel some sort of personal responsibility for Kit and what he'd done, her guilt resulting in giving the younger girl a place to stay and a shoulder to lean on whenever she needed it. Though how they'd come into each other's lives wasn't conventional, Atta was simply happy Angel seemed to see her as the kind of friend she wished she had at her age.
Atta rolled her eyes at the other blonde while she hid a grin, shaking off the emphasis on Buster's title with her head. "Hey, this is my house, not his," she reminded her with a smirk. She was intrigued by this story, not having much to report in her own love life besides her husband being considerably understanding with regard to their friendship. "You can stay as long as you need, you know that. Do you have a picture of the god-looking guy, though? I'm still allowed to appreciate good-looking people even though I'm married, right? As long as you're having fun, I don't see the harm. At least he told you, so your expectations are set," Atta pointed out, thinking about how her other friend could've been considerably better at that, and all of this heartbreak could've been avoided.
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Ever since the engagement party, Angel had been trying to forget about Kit Charming. It was proving more difficult than she anticipated seeing as though she saw him in so much of her life. Whether it was in a vintage car that came into the shop or the bottom of her whiskey glass, he was there. It had never been the intention to end up in this situation with a guy she knew she could never have but he'd done to her what he had every other female. Even Angel wasn't immune to his charm, now just feeling stupid she ever believed it was real. Instead of sitting around the apartment with her co-workers, she came over to Atta's, hoping to find some solace in her company since she was one of the few who understood the situation. Angel preferred to keep what happened between them to herself since she knew that they wouldn't understand. She was from the street and he grew up in a mansion. It wasn't a surprise it hadn't worked out, this was reality, and that only happened in fairytales.
With a warm mug of hot cocoa in her hand and her feet tucked beneath her on the couch, she smiled at her friend who had been the best thing she got out of this mess. "Thanks for letting me come over this late, I hope your husband wasn't too butthurt I stole you for the night," she teased. Angel was still adjusting to the fact her friend had married her boss but she couldn't complain about the results. Buster had been on his best behavior since meeting Atta and the Junkyard was thankful for it. "I promise I'll stop hiding out here soon. I just... you know, it's been weird lately. I did meet a guy though and he looks like a Greek God, like seriously. You have to see him." Angel's encounter with Landon was just something to numb the pain but she wouldn't be upset if it happened again. "He's in some type of open relationship though so like nothing's really going to happen. Still hot though."
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attaant · 3 months
"Next wedding?" she repeated, raising a brow at him. "You want to get rid of me so soon?" Atta gave him a teasing smile as she returned the kiss, the thought of having to do this all over again, with someone else, not one she had considered in a while. As far as she knew, this could be it: she could spend the rest of her life, perfectly happy, with a man who had been brought into her life by accident, and a mutual hatred for Colin Hopper. Atta could see it, though she hadn't committed herself to the idea entirely yet, not until she knew for certain that they were in this for the long run. Falling in love and being sure that they were going to spend forever together were two entirely different things.
For all she'd struggled to come to terms with the way her work had impacted her life, her husband understood her entirely, without the need for explanation. It was the most sacred parts of their relationship: there was no one else who would understand her decision-making when it came to her job, her life, and when those two became the same thing. "I know she'll come around, eventually, she always does. I just hope it's sooner, than later, but she ... things haven't been the same, since he took her, after the wedding. I don't blame her, obviously, I could never, but I thought I could protect her from all of that, and then, I couldn't. She can't trust you if she doesn't trust me."
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It hadn't come as a surprise who had made her cry that night, Buster only doing what he could to make sure it didn't happen again. Hopper didn't care who he squashed on his way to the top. In all honesty, neither did Buster until it was his wife, wanting to protect her before he even knew how he felt. To imagine a world without her wasn't a vision the man had or wanted to anytime soon. That meant he would continue to do whatever was necessary to make sure Atta stayed out of his wrath. Tramp only added to the drama, wishing that he'd stayed dead or minded his own business; neither of which were very probable for a man like him though. "Funny to think there's any good left in that family line," he thought out loud when she told him about what the younger brother had done. "Next wedding he won't make you cry, I promise." Buster placed a hand on her cheek, lifting her chin for him to lean down and seal his words with a kiss.
He grinned back down at her as she spoke. It wasn't often that he heard how she felt about him but it never grew old. Even a man who never thought of himself as the type to deserve something like this, he cherished the moments between them. "Understandable," he agreed with her actions. "Don't worry about me, she can take all the time she needs." Most people didn't like him so it did not strike him as surprising that her sister was one of them. That didn't mean he wouldn't try to sway her or be around long enough that she didn't have a choice but to learn to like him. "Glad to have been the disruption then," Buster smiled, his eyes flickering to meet hers. "She'll come to understand why you did what you had to." He saw the reason in her actions and only figured it was a matter of time or circumstance until her sister did too.
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