avaomalley · 8 years
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Maybe it was the pain or maybe she just chose not see all the darkness in his blue eyes. There were days when she was so mad at Eamon for pushing them all away that she thought she’d never forgive him. But in moments like these, she recalled just how easy it was to forget all that. How safe she felt with him around how important he made her seem. Eamon and Finn were her best friends, the people she had walked through her whole life with. Forgiveness was inevitable no matter how terrible the act. “I want to watch A Little Princess, but you have to hook up the VHS from the basement.” Ava said smiling knowing the two of them had watched it together about a million times in the last twenty-six years. It was her favorite as a child and she recalled Finn and Eamon watching it with her on more than one occasion. Truthfully Ava didn’t care what they watched so long as she got some drugs in her system and a place to lay down. Ava’s face twisted in confusion at the next comment. “A rumor about who?” She called after him as he exited the car. Pushing the car door open proved more difficult than usual. She stopped herself about halfway and waited for Eamon to be there to help her down.
Wrong Place//Ava&Open
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That was true. No one could really be like Finn, not in temperament or will. His brother, well, Eamon truly admired him. Looked up to him in every way, even when he tried to do the complete opposite. They were only a year apart but he was his big brother. He was his voice of reason and his role model; if only he could tell him that. Ava, however, she was the baby. They lost their mother but were given her… to look after, to care for. She gave them hope when all hope seemed to have vanished, brought smiles and laughter back when theirs had ceased. You’re my best friend. Eamon gulped, smiling with pressed lips, looking away for half a second before he helped her to the car. He’d miss her, he thought as they walked, supporting her weight. He’d miss her terribly. He’d miss her smiles—though she didn’t smile as often anymore. He’d miss her so much it would keep him awake at night, that much he knew, and his parting would be made even harder to do… but he had no choice. Every day, he knew it got closer. Every day he tried to find a way out. There was none. “We’ll wrap you up so you don’t hurt yourself.” Eamon offered as he drove away, bandaging her ribs added to his mental list. “We’ll order in. Rent some movie online.” Catch up—he was about to say but smirked instead, an arm stretching behind her on the seat, fingers pulling at her hair teasingly. “So I heard some rumors…” The older brother chimed. “At Myle’s.” Before she could answer, he wiggled his brows and hopped off the truck once they got home.
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avaomalley · 8 years
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Ava was sore already from the fall as Harlow helped her to stand up. “I'm sorry. ” Ava answered still breathless from the air being knocked out of her.  “Yeah, just my head and ribs. She stood as still as possible as Harlow checked her out.
Wrong Place//Ava&Open
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avaomalley · 8 years
Ava looked over at him. “You don’t have to keep doing this you know?” Sure he was a hunter and member of their clan. But he wasn’t an O’Malley by blood he could get out. He could save himself all the nastiness and heartbreak that came along with this lifestyle. “You’ve given my family so much already.”
“I-I’ll give that a shot. So you can fall out a tree and get all the attention? No chance.” Ava answered through a strained laugh. Ava’s pace was slow but steady as she walked with him holding her up right. Her foot stumbling ever now and then but Myles didn’t let her travel far from his side. “How much further?” She asked breathless her free arm  holding her ribs as if to shield them. The fatigue becoming clearer on her face with each step. 
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Wrong Place//Ava&Open
A light chuckle rolls off his tongue at her apology. “No need to apologize. It seems you just attract messes.” It was meant affectionately, not rude. So far none of the incidents had necessarily been her fault - she just found herself in some rough situations, or in the wrong place at the wrong time. Not to mention, it appeared her latest problems revolved around Sean’s shitty situation. He certainly couldn’t blame her for that.
She leaned heavily against him as he pulled her up to her feet and he didn’t hesitate to support her. “You’re fine,” Myles reassured, pulling her arm across his shoulders so that he could bear her weight a little better. “Just take it easy. We’ll get there when we get there, yeah?” Looking for Sean didn’t quite seem worth this. “Maybe you could try a phone call next time to get in touch with Sean?” Yeah, odds were he wouldn’t answer. But it was certainly a better wager than this. “Or I’ll hunt him down for ya.”
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avaomalley · 8 years
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"No one could be like Finn." Ava laughed few times but stopped when the pain was too much for her. Her arm snaked around her sore ribs in a protective position. "I'm no good at giving you the silent treatment, you're my best friend." Ava didn't know if she was just sentimental because she had almost died or if Eamon opening up had changed things. She watched as he motioned to the other hunters that it was time to go home. Eamon pulled her up and Ava was little to no help in the process. She leaned all her weight onto her brother as she stumbled along to the truck. Eamon moved slowly and more gently then Ava knew he was capable of, as he hoisted her into the car. Ava settled in. Ava lifted her shirt a bit and you could see each rib between already forming purple bruises. "Ice, yeah..." She said sighing putting her shirt back. "And pain killers."
Wrong Place//Ava&Open
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Eamon could see recognition in his sister’s eyes and so her next words didn’t really surprise him. He took them with no apparent reaction but only a delayed nod, soft, almost absentminded. Sadness. He didn’t do sadness. He took the emotion and transformed it into something he could handle better, like anger—so easily unleashed, or drown it in alcohol—something he so greatly enjoyed. Eamon cleared his throat, finding no words to offer, though his eyes softened, almost telling. His eyes were always telling, a window to his soul, when he wasn’t guarding himself so much. Her mild rebellion did caused his lips to twitch, half a smile, half guilt, when Ava confessed her not coming home at night was meant to teach him a lesson. “Yeah? Well it fucking sucks.” He allowed himself to smile. “Don’t do as I do. I cannot stress this more than I have already. If you’re gonna act like one of us, be like Finn. Just… easy on the obsessive compulsive shit cause that’s creepy as fuck.” The man added, laughing. He watched her up, watched her curl against him, wince as she turned. Though he didn’t immediately answer her, he helped her up, softly, an arm under her and around her silhouette, pulling her weight towards him as he tilted his head at the men that had come with him. The show was over, the hunt had come to an end. “Let’s go home.” It was his way of agreeing to Ava’s terms, helping her back to his truck, the men riding in the open back. “We need to get you some ice.” He added. “We can catch up there.” 
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avaomalley · 8 years
Myles didn't push any further on the subject and Ava was thankful. She didn't have the energy to explain all that had been going on. Eamon had broken her heart the other day and Ava didn't know what to say about it.  Or if she even could talk about it given her state right now. “I’m sorry you always have to clean up after me.”
"Ah-" Ava said unable to control the noise of discomfort as Myles hoisted her up to standing. Ava leaned nearly her whole weight on his shoulder as she steadied herself.
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Wrong Place//Ava&Open
Admittedly, Myles didn’t expect Ava to be hunting werewolves - and he certainly didn’t expect her to be aiming to hurt them. Hunters were only meant to go after wolves who were a threat to the human race, a threat to themselves. Even if Ava was watching these wolves from afar and had determined that they deserved to be hunted, Myles wasn’t certain he could expect her to do it. Not after what she’d said. Not when she wanted out of the game. “Oh,” he breathed out simply in response, the pieces slowly coming together. Looking for Sean. Weren’t they all looking for Sean these days? 
“Alright,” Myles stated finally, giving her a few minutes to adjust before carefully hoisting her up to her feet and offering his support. 
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avaomalley · 8 years
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He smirked and she settled even further in. Her brother was there and nothing could get to her now. Ava listened to him and believed every word he said. Staying curled against him she sighed when he said he had no intention of hurting the wolves she’d been shadowing. Ava began to sit up a little more as the shock of falling started to wear off. She wondered silently if they’d ever be able to speak about Sean again. If he’d ever come over for Sunday dinners or Holidays, if she’d be at his wedding one day. “I know you’re sad. It’s okay, I’m sad too.” Sean’s face was as heartbroken as Eamon’s and Ava found herself wishing they could make amends. “I’m sorry I didn’t come home the other day. I didn’t know what to say, I wanted you to know how it felt...” Ava said softly, looking up at his blue eyes that had alway matched her own. Her lungs tightened with all the words and she gasped for air. Wincing a little from the bruises forming on her ribs. Ava didn’t know what her brother’s plan was but she wanted her bed. “Will you stay home with me tonight?” Ava looked up at him still out of breath, her whole body aching and her heartbreaking for her brother.
Wrong Place//Ava&Open
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Eamon’s lips twitched at her question, his features softening as his face went from that of a menacing hunter to his usual boyish air. He let a breathy chuckle escape in answer, another shake to his head. “I wasn’t mad at you.” He took the chance, an attempt to explain himself, and take the blame for his outburst the other day. He knew it wasn’t fair, or normal… or even right, to react the way he did. He couldn’t help it. He needed help. He was too proud to ask for it. “I’m not mad at you.” The feel to repeat that line had him pressing his lips together, offering his sister a small smile, honest, almost apologetic. For a second his attention traveled to the other two clan members around them, making sure they were doing as told, nodding as they got back to him. It allowed him some time to collect his own thoughts. He could tell her, how he had seen Sean. How he didn’t say much but threatened his cousin with his stare when all he really wanted to do was close the distance between them and hug him and punch him, if only to know he was real. He didn’t do either. “Not unless they try to kill me first.” Eamon decided to say instead, quickly followed with a light humored shrug, his fingers raking through the young woman’s hair, getting stuck in knots. “I’m sorry.” The works sounded more like a gulp than anything else, but he had managed to voice them. “For the other day, I’m sorry. I wasn’t mad at you. I was mad at myself—at everything, really.” That’s how it felt as of late, for except in those instances with Harlow, too caught up in whatever they were doing at the time that so often had him forgetting about everything that was happening around them, as if he took a break from reality. Eamon had grown angry with the world, but the last thing he wanted to do was to hurt his family. 
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avaomalley · 8 years
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When he crouched over her she just looked up at him silently, studying his face for the calm she was desperate for. He spoke again and his voice seemed more even this time. It made her heartbeat slow down a little bit. “You’re not mad about the other day?” Ava said suddenly aware of how distant she had been from Eamon the past few weeks. Sure he had left her but she never thought she would push him away like she had been doing. He said he wasn’t mad and she believed him. Ava still couldn’t move on her own shocked by the fall and her brother’s reaction. When he pulled her into his lap gently she subconsciously curled a little towards him. Ava could see in his eyes that Eamon knew what she had been doing out here on her own. Watching for Sean, studying the wolves she was supposed to fear. Ava wasn’t sure how she should answer that question. She was afraid to say Sean’s name. Afraid that if she admitted it was their cousin’s turn that brought this on Eamon would walk away.  “A few months...” She said trailing off. “Are you going to kill them?”
Wrong Place//Ava&Open
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Eamon was crouching, hovering over his sister, dropping his gone a few feet away as he made sure she was okay. There was no excruciating wailing scream coming from her–that was a good sign, it meant there was nothing broken. Blood stained her face, but it wasn’t a heavy flow, probably just a scratch. Worst comes to worst, she’ll have a spasm, standing up be a pain in the morning. She was okay. A few breaths and he calmed down, the men he had come here with standing not too far away, and he nodded in their direction. They knew to take a look at the perimeter, one stuck close by while the other pushed forward in the direction of the wolves they had been tracking if only to ensure they wouldn’t be caught here. “I’m not going anywhere.” Eamon shook his head a couple of times, his eyes searching for Ava’s, almost hurt. “I’m not mad, Ava. I’m not. I promise.” Everything had been a mess, a blur, since the last time they had truly talked, when she brought up their cousin’s name and he stormed away from her. He had been staying out of the house even more often than before, a different reason this time, though–as it mostly had to do with getting tangled with Harlow at her place when not on collectors duty. He wanted to say he was sorry–but Eamon had never been very good at that. Most of the time, he just wrote it down, and he had, plenty of times on his journal, but hadn’t dared to share it. With a sigh, he sat back on the ground, softly moving so that he could rest her head on his lap. He wanted to tell her that she shouldn’t have been there, that she shouldn’t be after wolves like that… but hadn’t he, too, been doing the same? Observing. Wanting to know them better? At least her ways weren’t harmful to either party. His, however, were fatal. His head fell ever so slightly, swallowing words as the lump on his throat settled back into place and he sniffed quickly. “How long?” He didn’t have to explain his question–how long had she been doing it? Watching them. Looking for Sean.
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avaomalley · 8 years
Ava wasn’t sure how to explain what she had been doing. It wasn’t looking for wolves in the normal sense of their families. She had just been watching them, looking onto how they live. “I wasn’t going to hurt them.” She explained as he held the cloth against her forehead. “I stay far back in the trees and I just watch.” She hadn’t admitted this to anyone not even her brothers. Ava wonder for a moment why it was always Myles who seemed to find her at her weakest moment.  “I know but I’m looking for Sean.” She explained, knowing he’d understand why she was by herself once she mentioned his name. 
Ava fell silent for a moment then and then considered his question. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” She said perhaps a bit too confident in her abilities. 
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Wrong Place//Ava&Open
He didn’t hesitate to let her settle against him, supporting her as he went about assessing her injuries. The gash on her forehead might need stitches to heal up properly but he wasn’t sure if the hospital should be on their list of visits for the night. He could only begin to imagine what Eamon and Finn might think if he brought her home from the hospital with a bandaged up forehead and a bill to boot. “Looking for wolves?” He repeated, brows furrowing together, though he didn’t question her any further on the topic. Ava had expressed a disliking for the hunt, he couldn’t imagine what had possessed her to take off one one apparently on her own this evening. “You shouldn’t be out here on your own.” He spoke in a matter-of-fact tone, not a scold. He couldn’t really say too much to the point since he tended to prefer hunts on his own. 
“Do ya think you can walk?” The prompt came after a lull of silence, checking to see if the bleeding had stopped before replacing the cloth against her forehead once more. “My truck isn’t far.” 
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avaomalley · 8 years
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She stopped reaching for her phone when she heard the group come up beside her. Ave knew withing a second of hesitation who was yelling if her whole body didn’t hurt so bad she would have shot up and rantoo him. Ava knew some of the clan had been tracking the wolves she watched for weeks. She had been studying them from her perch in the tree for since they lost Sean. In a strange way she self like she knew this pack that she’d been tracking. “Emo.” She answered as he called out her name. She felt frantic, out of control. Ava tried to sit up as he spoke to her but she fell back to the ground. “I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Ava stuttered tears starting to well up in her eyes. He was mad or worse disappointed. Maybe he didn’t love her anymore, maybe he’d write off completely. “Please don’t go.” Ava didn’t think she was hurt bad but seeing fear in her big brother’s eyes sent shivers down her spin and her whole body shook. “I’m sorry, please don’t be mad.”
Wrong Place//Ava&Open
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Eamon was in the middle of a hunt, another two clan members on his tail, his expression ruthless and blank as per usual when the time called for it. It still felt odd, as though he was missing a limb, unbalanced, to go out without Finn and Sean at each of his sides. One would never again be there, always by his left, and the other he made sure to have by his side out on hunts as little as possible–Finn had a good eye, he paid attention to details; Eamon didn’t want him to see how cold-blooded he had turned. But it irked him, annoyed him to great extents, because he didn’t feel like the other clan members were half as good as his brother or his cousin, nor as fast or stealthy. It took him twice as long to get a job done, if they even managed to do it. A few feet ahead, leading the way, he had been following a trail. There wouldn’t be fire if the wolves they were hunting cooperated. Opposite from when he went out on collectors business, there were cordialities to keep and pretensions to uphold. What sparked their alert, however, was the breaking of a branch, immediately aiming towards the fallen individual, firearms pointed in that direction, when the blond cursed and called out to the others, mild desperation ringing on his voice, to put the weapons down. “Ava!” He wasn’t angry at her, more like worried this all could’ve gone a whole different way had he not recognized her right away. “The fuck were you doing?” The pressure on his chest now started to hurt… scared. “What are you doing here on your own?”
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avaomalley · 8 years
She laughed with him but winced at a sharp pain in her ribs. They must be bruised. The fall had been bad, but Ava was right it could have been a lot worse. Bruised ribs and a deep cut on her forehead didn’t even make the list of worst injuries she’d ever sustained. “Y-yeah, not ready for that yet.” She said forcing a smile back onto her face, she settled back into his arm and let him support her. “I was looking for wolves.”
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Wrong Place//Ava&Open
A slight chuckle left his lips at her greeting, as if she wasn’t sprawled upon the woods floor from having just taken a terrible fall - or at least, what he assumed probably was one given the circumstance. He was still worried about her but he forced it off his face in favor of keeping her calm. Besides, he knew she was tough; but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. “Hey, hey. Take it easy,” He warned her as she pushed herself up onto her elbows. He kept the cloth pressed against her forehead as she sat upright, his other hand cupping gently around her neck and shoulders to help support her. ‘What were you doing, anyway?” 
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avaomalley · 8 years
“Hey,” She said smiling up at the greeting he gave her. It was a hard fall her whole body hurt, but it didn’t seem like anything unexpected. Ava was glad he seemed so calm now. Her head was still grounding itself. Each moment that passed knowing Myles was there made things a little more stable. Ava let go of his hand and started to proper herself up on her elbows. “No, I think it could have been worse.” Ava said through as sigh, as she ignored the dizziness that came with sitting up right.
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Wrong Place//Ava&Open
“Yeah, yeah. It’s me,” he explained as she spoke his name, kneeling down beside her to look over any injuries she may have sustained. Fortunately it seemed the laceration to her forehead was the worst of it - and that wasn’t even…so bad. He’d certainly seen worse. “Bad?” He asked, snorting at the statement and letting his head shake from side to side even as hands dug into his jacket to find a bandage or something he could use in order to slow the bleeding. He paused only a second as her hand reached out for his, closing his fingers around her’s. “Ain’t so bad. You’ll be just fine,” he responded with a playful smile before producing a clean cloth to press against the bloodied wound. “Anything else hurt?” 
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avaomalley · 8 years
Ava wasn’t sure if she had ever been so happy to hear Myles. “Myles?” She answered back when he called out her name. When his face came into full view, she smiled a bit unable to contain the relief she felt in seeing his face. Her mind was still catching up with her body as she lay there. Ava lifted her hand to where she had hit her head and winced a bit when her hand made contact with the cut. “Is it bad?” She asked looking up at him from the ground, she could see the worry on his face, without much thought she reached out and took his hand, desperate for a little more comfort. 
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Wrong Place//Ava&Open
The woods near the bar was a nice place to take a stroll and Myles often frequented it in order to clear his head. Plus, it wasn’t such a bad place for a hunt, either…at least, normally. If there was any hope to stumble upon a few wolves while he was out it was all but lost when the sharp snap echoed off the surrounding trees, followed by a rather unceremonious thud. It wasn’t until he had gotten a bit closer that he realized what had actually caused the noise - a flicker of blonde hair appearing among the broken branches and foliage. “Ava?” He spoke her name with a hitch of concern in his voice, “Are you alright?” He had to imagine for that much of a ruckus to be created she had to have done some damage, which quickly became clear from the streak of blood at her forehead.
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avaomalley · 8 years
Ava wasn’t usually kept her emotion’s closer to her chest, but the whole incident had left her nerves a bit frayed. Lifting her hand, she felt the warm blood trickling from her head and ground. “I don’t think so.” Ava was sure she wouldn’t be getting out bed the next day, but for right now it didn’t feel like anything was broken. She propped herself on up on her elbows, careful not to move too fast. 
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Wrong Place//Ava&Open
“Good,” he tilts his head, taking in her expression. Ava has an innocent face and fear is easily read on it. “You’re bleeding, by the way.” That won’t help the flitter of fear, but he means no harm. He looks up and around. Wondering if any of her brothers were out here. Probably not. They’d have come running faster than Tami. So there’s no harm in being mean. Spooking her for the simple fun of it. “Are you hurt anywhere else?” he looks down to her again, trying to piece together what she was doing up in the tree. Mostly, he’s looking to see if there’s any more damage to her.
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avaomalley · 8 years
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Ava didn’t answer she just kept blinking to focus her eyes for a moment. It took her a while to fully realized what the other was saying. “ah-” Ave didn’t know how to answer that. Truthfully she should have known better than to be that high up, but it was too late now. Instead of speaking she tried to pushes herself up without the other’s help.
Wrong Place//Ava&Open
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Charlie hissed when she heard the loud crack nearby, which would have sent the wolf she was hunting run away. “Are you fucking serious?” The woman said, venom leaking from her tone when she approached the cracked branch and found out that the blonde had been the cause of all the commotion. “I have half a mind to keep you pinned beneath that fucking tree.”
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avaomalley · 8 years
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avaomalley · 8 years
The noise snapped her back into reality more than anything else. It took her a moment to realized who he was but then his face became clearer. Tami, he was known to the O’Malley’s but Ava didn’t know much about him beyond that. Sure they’d meet but her brother seemed to have more dealings with her.
“Y-yeah.” She answered his question still taking in her surroundings. He crouched next to her and she couldn’t help but feel a bit of fear. 
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Wrong Place//Ava&Open
The groan of a tree swiftly followed by a thump has Tami running. Well, briskly walking. He’s curious what he’ll see but only distantly. How far did the person fall? He assumes a woman fell from the faint but distinctly feminine groans. Would there be serious injuries? White bone sticking out of pink flesh? Someone to help or put out their misery? Yes, it’s a dramatic thought, but he has to get his kicks somehow. It’s been a dull few weeks.
Tami sees the bag first. Then the blonde hair amongst the dirt. Then the shock of red streaked across her temple. Shit. If it isn’t that O’Malley girl, apparently throwing herself out of trees. Tami steps over the bag to crouch next to her, his large form casting a shadow over her face. He snaps a finger in front of her unfocused eyes, voice something close to soft, “Hello, darling. Can you hear me?”
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avaomalley · 8 years
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“Lils!” Ava said relieved to see the other O’Malley standing over her. Ava lifted her hand and felt the cut on her head wincing a bit at the soreness around it. “Not really.” She answered gaining her composure again. Sitting up slowly she looked over at Harlow. “I don’t think anything’s broken.”
Wrong Place//Ava&Open
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