ayynaya · 5 years
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ayynaya · 5 years
Handing both of the dolls back, ANAYA frowned a bit before she heard the babies beginning to cry nowhere near unison. Hearing this she realized how relieved she was then headed out to her car, going to celebrate with some tacos.
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ayynaya · 5 years
Some new PARTYNEXTDOOR - Sex on the Beach (Disclosure “Latch” sample)
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ayynaya · 5 years
I need some more songs to add to my vibe playlist, if you got any suggestions let me know. Otherwise, hey y’all, what’s up?
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ayynaya · 5 years
My babies still “Alive”.
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ayynaya · 5 years
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↳ @ayoyayo: no sleep and still that MYLF.
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ayynaya · 5 years
Hearing the sound of her phone vibrating against the couch ANAYA groaned, seeing the sunlight peak through her curtains. Grabbing her phone from it’s position tucked in the cushions of the couch she blinked a couple of times before she viewed the message on the screen. “Oh they funny...” She said with a dark chuckle as she pushed some of her hair out her face. Barely getting any sleep and now seeing that a social worker was coming by ANAYA’s head begin to pound as a migraine had just begun. Getting up from her half on half off couch position, ANAYA grabbed her robe and walked to the bathroom hoping she’d be able to at least get her morning routine done before the babies woke up. She wanted everything to be on point for the visit, but she honestly didn’t know if she had the strength to double and triple check with both of the babies acting the way they were.
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ayynaya · 5 years
Just getting home with a couple of the items her mom had picked up for her, ANAYA opened the door and set the babies down first before she finally brought in the groceries that were sitting outside her door. Running her fingers through her hair she sighed softly as she allowed the babies to sit in their car seats while she took time to read over a couple of missed text messages and check her social media. Just as she was reading over the message sent about the babies, both Kash and Kobe started to cry, instantly rolling her eyes she continued to allow the babies to cry as she finished reading the text. Glancing over as the babies got louder, ANAYA sighed pushing her phone back in her pocket before she created a quick messy bun and walked over to the car seats. “Please no throw up...I can’t do that I will fail this project.” She mumbled as she took Kash out first and rubbed his back while she tried to release Kobe from the seat to do the same. Feeling one of the dolls temperature being below normal and one being above normal as they rested in her arms, ANAYA threw her head back as she walked towards the nursery. “I really have to do this alone...”
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ayynaya · 5 years
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die? // Quasar: If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be?
Supernova: I wanna know what true happiness is.
Quasar: Easy, Luke MF James.
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ayynaya · 5 years
Wait, I want some anons too!
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ayynaya · 5 years
After finally getting off work and getting both Kash and Kobe from her parents, ANAYA parked in the Walmart parking lot. Taking both of her babies out their car seat and locking her car she held them until she got to a cart, Stepping to the side so no other cars would hit her she put down the Winnie The Pooh cart cover then sat both the babies down in the cart. “Ain’t nothing like a midnight Walmart run.” She said as she pushed the cart inside looking around for her necessities and anything that was on sale, hoping it’d help with the budget part of her project.
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ayynaya · 5 years
Walking into the Sephora to start her day, ANAYA took a sip of her iced coffee as she greeted some of the employees. Setting up at one of the empty chairs ANAYA checked her hair and makeup in the mirror next to her before she walked around the store looking at different products as well as potential clients. It seemed like a slow start to the day, but she knew it would be easier getting paid working here than trying to do makeup on her own. Stopping in the middle of the foundation section, ANAYA took out her phone and opened up Instagram, creating a boomerang then posting it to her story 
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ayynaya · 5 years
Setting up the camera on the floor, ANAYA sat down and looked over at the babies before pressing record. Before speaking she allowed the intro music of the vampire diaries to play dramatically “What’s up ! Welcome to my video diary.I’m not sure if I should put this on youtube or something, but i’m super awkward” she said as she pointed to the camera. “So recently I became a single mother of two and well, I thought I’d be losing my mind, but surprisingly i’m not.”
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Placing her hands on her head she chuckled and thought for a second on what to say next. “Sorry, i’m awkward and I wish this was easier, but ya know..” She trailed off then went back to talking about the project.”So yes, I have two babies. No, they aren’t real. I recently got assigned to this project and when I first heard about it, I was almost ready to drop out.” Shaking her head she chewed on her bottom lip.”I was like I already don’t sleep, I come late to class and now y’all want me to take care of some babies?! I don’t even fu- mess with kids like that, but as time went on. I feel like I actually really can deal with this.”
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“So I got two boys for this project. Originally, I had a wife to go along with the lovely family, but I ended up being a single mother. Which is fine, but when it comes down to paying for the rent, I coulda used that income.” Looking around the room, she smiled looking over at the two plastic babies. “I named them, Kash and Kobe, I actually don’t know why I just really like those n-” stopping mid sentence as a small baby cry was heard in the background, ANAYA giggled and looked over before pointing towards the direction of the babies.”Of course Kobe would start crying...he probably just wants some attention.” Pointing in the direction of where the babies were sitting, ANAYA shook her head. “Y’all hear my all star? He has to make sure y’all know he’s there...Actually no. He’s gonna cry and then it all goes down hill from there.” She said as she moved her arm from pointing across to pointing down, making a slight face at the idea that Kash might soon also be awake.
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“Well, let me try to finish up what I was saying before I go see what this baby needs.” She spoke, trying to regather her thoughts. It seemed as though the baby crying got louder, the more ANAYA tried to finish her train of thought. She finally gave up and got up from her place, going over to the babies; still leaving the camera running. As she got Kobe to finally calm down, Kash begun to cry. The sounds of frustration were heard off camera as ANAYA managed to finally get both of the babies to settle down. Sitting back down in her original spot on the babies were quiet, her eyes widened as she looked at the camera.”I can’t believe I recorded all of that..for the purpose of a video diary i’ll leave it in. But yeah, that’s motherhood.” She laughed.
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Eyeing the plastic dolls on the other side of the room before she continued, She raised her eyebrow then looked back at the camera. “I think I like this project because I’m used to taking care of someone else other than myself, so i’m used to it. I two rescue dogs along with a couple of small pets and they all need lots of attention and love so I guess this came naturally.”Shrugging she stopped thinking she heard one of the babies about to make a noise. Not hearing anything she took a deep breath, sounding relieved that they hadn’t started crying again.
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 “I can’t lie though, they are not angels. I like the project for the responsibility, but as far as the crying and having them go with me everywhere, I’d rather not. It becomes a thing where it’s more of like..sh- dang I forgot Kobe he’s sitting in his car seat in the living room. I try to treat them as if they’re real children to get more out of the assignment, so I don’t just throw them in my back seat I have small car seats I actually put them in. They go to my actual home with me, to the store, to my friends houses if I don’t have someone to watch them, they come everywhere with me same as my actual child would. ” She shrugged a bit. “It’s weird cause I try not to curse around them, I try to be myself too but I kinda have a potty mouth so I try to change that.This is completely weird, and I honestly don’t know why. I kinda just want to give them what my mom and dad gave me.” 
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“This is hella weird, and I know that this isn’t real, but I just want to act like it is. I never really think about my future much and I don’t know if i’m gonna have kids, but this is definitely kinda cool to take care of fake babies.” She shrugged and just as she was about to talk about other things about the project the Kash started to cry. “Well, I guess that’s my exit queue. I’m gonna try to record another diary later about my job and paying for stuff later, but who knows.” Putting her hands over her ears to try to muffle the cries she chuckled hearing the other baby cry out of sync with the first. “Yeah it’s time for me to go, don’t have twin boys” She said pointing at the camera ”Goodbye” she laughed before cutting it off.
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ayynaya · 5 years
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ayynaya · 5 years
Since my wifey not around and I needs to be paying bills + necessities come and talk to me, no Jocedi  if you wanna get married and split this 50/50. Or ya know...if you want me to actually work and beat ya milf ass face hit my line for that too.
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ayynaya · 5 years
ANAYA sighed walking into the rental office, pushing the two baby stroller in front of her. Pulling out the money in her pocket she scratched her head, kicking her leg up as her foot rested on the back of the stroller. After the person approached the front desk, ANAYA counted the money twice before handing it over, seeing them put it into the system she rubbed her head and mumbled to herself.”Thank god for that extra client, cause I don’t know how I would’ve did it...” Waiting for them to come back, she noticed the person about to take a seat. “Aht, Aht, Aht I want a receipt. I don’t want to hear anything about y’all lost my sh- stuff “ She stopped looked down at the stroller before looking up and continuing “or the system got messed up.” She spoke pointing at the printer in the back as she leaned in toward the desk. The person handing her the paper, ANAYA nodded, smiling at them then looked over the piece of paper. Nodding she grabbed the stroller and walked out the rental office, tucking the receipt in her bag.
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ayynaya · 5 years
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↳ @ayoyayo: He got jealous I was singing to the babies and not him, so when I laid down, this happened.
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